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Corrosion Management

Products and programs that protect your

drilling, production and pipeline assets

The visible, above-surface rust on oilfield rigs is just one of the challenges the energy industry faces.
The increasing number of remote onshore and offshore locations, coupled with secondary and tertiary
recovery techniques, amplify the potential for costly corrosion.
Features and Benefits
Help to prevent all forms of corro -
sion attack on casing, tubing and
surface equipment, main taining
overall integrity
Composed of specifically
formulated organic compounds
Form a protective film on the
metal surface
May be added directly to pro -
duction fluids, without special
mixing equipment or agitation
Chemically stable and formulated
to temperatures of 350 F (177 C)
Easy to handle on location even
at 45 F (50 C)
Meet stringent QHSE and
environmental requirements
Testing Services
Duplicate field conditions in the
lab to ensure product performance
Evaluate products electro chem -
ically and with coupons to
evaluate surface effects and
inhibitor effectiveness
In the field, a sidestream
apparatus can assess inhibitor
performance under high-shear
and high-temperature conditions
Perform a wide range of
ecotoxicological tests
M-I SWACO Production Chemicals
helps you control corrosion with
solutions that fit your needs
anywhere in the world
In oil and gas production, carbon steel
is widely used as the material of con-
struction for downhole tubing, vessels
and piping. Although it is inexpensive
compared to stainless steel, carbon
steel is susceptible to corrosion attack
from CO
and/or H
S present in pro-
duced water. A number of variables
affect the rate at which corrosion
occurs, including CO
and H
S content,
temperature, pH, water cut, salinity,
pressure, and liquid and gas velocity.
To combat corrosion, inhibitors are
traditionally used to reduce the corro-
sion rate. They are applied either by
injecting continuously into the pro-
duced fluids or via batch treatment at
regular intervals. The inhibitors used
are generally organic in nature and
work by forming a protective film on
the metal surface that inhibits the
water from contacting the surface.
Our wide product range
gives you flexibility in
fighting costly corrosion
M-I SWACO Production Chemicals
specialists can supply and apply
an extensive range of inhibitors for
treating corrosion in all areas of oil
and gas production, including down-
hole tubing, topsides production
facilities, and oil and gas pipelines.
Among these are:
Inhibitors approved for subsea
use in deepwater fields
Inhibitors for both sweet and
sour conditions
Inhibitors for both continuous injec-
tion and long-term batch treatments
Multifunctional products, such
as a combined scale/corrosion
inhibitor, for operations with
limited chemical-injection or
limited storage facilities
Chemical treatments specifically
designed to prevent corrosion
in water- and produced-water-
injection systems
Hydrostatic test chemicals for pre-
venting corrosion and microbiologi-
cal activity when pressure testing
or mothballing pipelines or vessels
Corrosion inhibitors that meet
stringent environmental regulations
Corrosion inhibitor selection
The first step in selecting corrosion
inhibitors for use in oil and gas pro-
duction applications is to evaluate
their performance in the laboratory.
M-I SWACO Production Chemicals
uses an array of tests that duplicate
field conditions for accurate appli ca-
tion and more effective results.
Depending upon the application and
the recommended inhibitor, we can
use some or all of the following tests:
Kettle Test. The kettle, or bubble,
test is a relatively quick, straight for-
ward procedure that is typically per-
formed at ambient pressure and
temperatures up to 200 F (95 C).
The test fluids (brine or brine/hydro -
carbon) are normally saturated with
or a CO
S mix.
Using Linear Polarization Resistance
(LPR), the test electrochemically meas-
ures corrosion rate over a 24-hr period.
For brines with a very low salinity
(less than 1,000 ppm), AC impedance
provides a more accurate corrosion
rate. Inhibitor efficiency can be cal cu-
lated based on the corrosion rates
before and after inhibitor injection.
Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE)
Test. The RCE test evaluates inhibitor
performance under moderate flow
conditions. The test utilizes the same
principles as the kettle method
Corrosion Rate vs Time for
Addition of 20 ppm Corrosion Inhibitor
250 Corrosion rate (mpy)
0 2 4 6 8 12 14 16 18 20 10
Time (hrs)
except that the specimen electrode
is mounted on a shaft that is rotated
at up to 10,000 RPMduring the test.
This creates shear stresses of up to
100 Pa on the electrode. As in the
kettle test, the corrosion rate is
electrochemically measured via
LPR or AC impedance.
Rotating Cage Autoclave Test. The
rotating cage autoclave test, also
known as the high-shear autoclave
test, assesses inhibitor performance
under very high shear conditions.
Testing utilizes an autoclave that
contains the fluids to be evaluated.
Weight-loss coupons are placed
inside a cage that can rotate at up
to 1,500 RPM in the heated fluids.
The high rotation speed creates very
high shear stresses on the leading
edge of the coupon (up to 1,000 Pa).
The test can be conducted either
sweet or sour, under high tempera-
tures (up to 400 F [200 C]) and high
pressures (up to 1,450 psi [100 bar]).
High-Temperature, High-Pressure
(HTHP) Autoclave Test. Special
autoclaves can be used to assess
corrosion-inhibitor performance at
high temperatures and pressures.
This is a static test that uses coupon
weight loss to determine corrosion
rate. Coupons are placed in an auto-
clave containing the test liquids and
the vessel is heated and pressurized
to the required level. The test can be
performed up to 400 F (200 C) and
700 psi (50 bar), and also under
sweet or sour conditions.
Field evaluation of
corrosion inhibitors
Once inhibitors have been selected in
the laboratory, a corrosion sidestream
apparatus assesses inhibitor perform-
ance in the field. The sidestream unit
attaches to the production system
(typically downstream from the sepa-
rators), and the separated water passes
through the apparatus. The corrosion
rate of the produced water is meas-
ured using LPR, although for oily
waters, Cormon CEION probes are
more suitable. The sidestream can be
used to optimize the dose rate of the
incumbent inhibitor, or it can be used
to evaluate the performance of several
inhibitors under field conditions.
In addition to corrosion sidestream
testing, inhibitor performance can be
evaluated through iron counts. By
measuring the iron concentra tion
in the system before and during
corrosion-inhibitor injection, we
can determine corrosion-inhibitor
efficiency and make adjustments
if necessary.
Research and development
M-I SWACO Production Chemicals is
a clear leader in the development of
new inhibitor chemistries. Utilizing
global technology centers based in
Europe, the Middle East, the Asia-
Pacific region and North America,
our experienced personnel provide
solutions that offer improved efficiency,
lower costs and lower environmental
impact. These centers are supported
by a research laboratory in Stavanger,
Norway, that houses state-of-the-
art corrosion-testing equipment.
Additional support is provided by
an environmental research facility
in Bergen that ensures all products
comply with each countrys environ-
mental requirements. The laboratory
is GLP-approved and performs a
wide range of ecotoxi cological tests
including biodegra dation (OECD 306),
bioaccumulation (OECD117, 107)
and toxicity.
In order to supplement the research
that is performed internally, M-I SWACO
is very active in spon soring research
with external insti tutions such as
the Institute for Energy Technology
(Norway) and Ohio University. Spon -
soring these research projects enhances
our knowledge base and helps us
develop more effective corrosion
inhibitors for our customers.
Need more information?
To learn more about how our
corrosion-management programs and
products can help you protect your
investment, contact your local M-I
SWACO Production Chemicals repre-
sentative for case histories as well
as an assessment of what we
can do for you.
2006 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
PBR.0314.0603.R2 (E) 2.5M Litho in U.S.A.
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no
guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use
of this data. All product warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms
of Sale. Nothing in this document is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
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