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The growth in energy trading is also causing additional network

loading, which is leading to bottlenecks at cross-border network

interconnection points. Meanwhile, as wind power with its
fl uctuating input is fed into the grid, power grids must be
designed to handle two different situations. They must be able
to accommodate both strong wind phases as well as low wind
phases when conventional power plants have to compensate
for the reduced renewable feed-in. Highly populated areas are
experiencing increases in short-circuit currents. Although
substantial investments in network upgrading in the past have
solved problems with the short-circuit current carrying
capacities, given the costs, power utilities should consider
using short-circuit limiters in the future.
Both HVDC transmission and series compensation can play an
important role in developing the supraregional transport network
in Europe. The two options are capable of controlling load
fl ow fl uctuations that arise from the growth in decentralized
power generation. They can also stabilize supply networks which
are generally becoming more complex. Finally, supply reliability
should not be sacrifi ced for the sake of fl exibility and dynamism.
Synchronous, interconnected three-phase networks demonstrate
the obvious advantages of HVDC transmission technology. The
technology acts as a fi rewall between three-phase networks. In
the event of a fault, HVDC transmission technology suppresses
interference and decouples the two connected networks. The
new, self-commutated HVDC technology, HVDC PLUS, also
works very well for connecting offshore wind parks; it provides
an economical and space-saving solution.
Increasing energy demands require the comprehensive
expansion of the network. Load management systems are also
needed to maintain a dynamic equilibrium between controllable
power generation, the increasing feed-in of wind energy (with its
fl uctuating grid input), and power consumption. In the absence
of available, cost-effective energy storage technology, electrical
energy could be used in peak load periods. For example, it could
be used in the transport sector (for hybrid vehicles), for heating
buildings and to replace increasingly scarce fossil energy sources.
Today it is already possible to use electrical energy via heat pumps
for heating buildings and thus help reduce CO2 emissions.
New equipment, based on power electronics solutions from
the HVDC and FACTS modules, enable load fl ows in both
trans mission grids as well as medium-voltage networks to be
regulated. This makes cross-border energy trading possible with
highly effi cient and easily regulated interconnecting stations
and ensures dynamic system perturbation without jeopardizing
the security of the power supply.
Today, innovative power system management can help combine
several decentralized power providers into a larger unit
a so-called virtual power plant (VPP). Intelligent grid automation
systems can bring together different generating plants such
as block heating power plants or wind power plants to form
a virtual balancing circuit that can be planned and controlled
more effectively than its individual components. The energy
management systems already in use in the distribution networks
could also be expanded to incorporate a large number of small
power generating sources. However, the reliability of the power
supply and the maintenance of relevant quality criteria would
not meet the high demands of the grid operators. Therefore,
specialized automated systems will be used in smaller mediumvoltage
systems and in local grid stations to measure the quality
of the electricity and make necessary adjustments to voltages.
As power supply systems become larger and more complex,
they become increasingly vulnerable to faults such as blackouts.
Given those vulnerabilities, a power system control center must
be able to react quickly and effectively to minimize the impact of
a fault. Modern power management systems record the precise
state of the supply network, and, before problems occur, analyze
it and suggest the best operational solutions in critical
situations. Some response tactics can even be automated.
The eventual replacement of standard, periodic network
maintenance with condition-based maintenance will help cut
operating costs. It will also play a role in keeping energy prices
competitive. Thanks to the increasingly automatic analysis
of both the importance and the condition of the network
(including the consequences of a possible failure), we can carry
out maintenance activities with minimum costs and maximum
availability. All of these measures are part of the SmartGrid
concept that is designed to meet todays energy supply
challenges with effi cient, fl exible and secure solutions (fi g. 1-2).
In the future, all possibilities will be exploited in energy supply
systems to fulfi ll the demands for primary energy effi ciency and
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions under the most
economical conditions. Large centralized power plants will also
continue to play a dominating role in ensuring reliable energy
supplies. Wind parks and large photovoltaic installations will
also make growing power contributions that are fed into the
main power grids.
The operators of distributed grids have to prepare for the
growing demand that will burden even well-developed grids to
the limits of their capacity. Especially problematic are the peak
loads in certain parts of the day that have to be compensated in
order to avoid investments that are too expensive simply to meet
peak demands for a few hours a day. The answer is to utilize all
measures that allow a shifting of demand to help ensure more
economical grid operation such as by monitoring the real-time
demand rate. Grid operators will manage the loads of private
customers as well. In these efforts, it will be especially important
to provide bi-directional communication between the grid
operator and the electronic household meters feeding from the
grid. This will make smart metering possible and will allow grid
operators to gain valuable data about the momentary condition
and load of their power grids, monitor the maintenance of
voltage levels, and exert infl uence on the central power plants
or grid loads.

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