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Neck St rap Eyel et
Sel f
-Ti mer
Tri ps the shutter i n 8
seconds del ay.
Shutteb' -Speed Lever
a, fd ikkprrtt&t
Met er Coupl i ng Pi n
Coupl es t he exposure met er
t o t he l ens' aut o di aphragm.
Mi rror Lock
Sl i de downward to l ock the
mi rror up out of the opti cal
Lens Rel ease But t on
Unl ocks t he l ens f or
removi ng or changi ng l enses.
ASA Lock
Shr.rtter-Speed Index
Al i gn wi th the desi red
shut t er speed.
Camera Back
Pr ess t o open
t he camera
ASA Fi l m-Speed I ndex
Adj ust s t he met er f or t he
speed of t he f i l m used.
ASA Fi l m-Speed Scal e
Range: t 2- 1. 600 ASA.
Tri pod Socket
Battery Chamber
Houses t he si l ver-oxi de
bat t ery t hat powers t he
met er.
Rewi nd But t on
Press to rewi nd the fi l m.
Carnera Back
Hi nged t o swi ng open f rom
t he si de.
Apert ure/ Di st ance Scal e I ndex Distance Scale
Li nes up
di stance
wi th the prefocused
t o compensat e
i n focus.
Depthof-Fi el d Scal e
Col or-coded marki ngs gi ve
depth-of-fi el d at di fferent
Focusing Ring
Easy-to-grip, knurled surface
for quick, accurate focusing.
Aperture Scale
il/leter Coupling Prong
Connects to the meter
coupling pin.
Shutter-Speed Scale
Speeds f r om 1/ 1000 t o 1
second plus B.
Shutter Release Button
(With screw thread
for cable release).
Frame Gounter
I ndi cat es t he number of
frames exposed.
Fi l m-Advancs Lever
Advances the fi l m, cocks
the shutter and operates
the frame counter. Al so
swi tches the bui l t-i n
exposure meter on or off.
Film-Plane Indicator
Shows the exact position of
the film plane.
for shift
Aperture Ring
Set s t he l ens di aphragm
the desi red f/number.
meter i s set for the
maxi mum apert ure of t he
l ens bei ng used.
t o
Depth-of-Field Preview Button
Press to
previ ew how much
background or foreground
i s i n or out of f ocus.
Fl ash Termi nal
Acceots a fl ash :cepts a fl ash
nch cord.
Rewind Crank
Fold out to rewind the film.
Meter Window
Accessory Shoe
Finder Eyepiece
Permits co mfortable viewing,
composing and focusing.
Hot-Shoe &ntact
Nomenclature 2
Depth-of-Field Scale 20
Foreword Changi ng the Lens
Lens Mounti ng
Loading the Camera 22
Film-Plane Indicator Maximum-Aperture Scale 23
Film-Advance Lever 8 Self-Timer 24
Frame Counter 9
Mirror Lock 24
Film-Speed (ASA) Setting Infrared Photography 25
Exposure Control s L0
t g
Si l ver-Oxi de Batter.v 25
Setti ng the Shutter Speed Exposure Measurement: Speci al Cases
Setti ng the Aperture
Exposure Measurement
Stop-Down Exposure Measurement
Repro-Copyi ng
Turning On the Meter Slide Copying
Centering the Needle Accessori es
Getting the Right Exposure Lens Hoods
How to Hold the Camera Filters
Focusing Eyepi ece Correct i on Lenses
Shutter Release Finder Eyecup
Flash Synchronization Camera Care
Depth of rield Features/ Speci fi cati ons
Depth-of-Field Preview Button
Nikon Warranty
t ' ;
' ;
The Nikkormat FT2 offers the high quality
performance and durabi l i ty common to Ni kon
cameras, but wi th the basi c si mpl i ci ty of de-
si gn that has made the Ni kkormat camera
popul ar wi th amateur and professi onal al i ke.
Systemati cal l y-posi ti oned control s for pi cture-
taki ng ease, a conveni ent fl ash uni t mount for
simplified flash photography and the extensive
possi bi l i ti es of the Ni kon System of Photo-
graphy further enhance the capabilities of the
Ni kkorm at FT2.
To ensure you get the best resul ts from your
Ni kkormat FTz. read thi s i nstructi on book
careful l y and practi ce usi ng the control s be-
fore you load film into the camera. Follow
the suggesti ons on camera care on page 30 and
you wi l l recei ve many years of rel i abl e servi ce.
The Ni kon Warr anty whi ch comes wi th your
Ni kkormat FT2 i s your assurance of prompt,
courteous servi ce and compl ete sati sfacti on.
L0Amfiruffi T&4ffi ffieMffiK&
Press down the camera back l atch on the si de of the
camera and the hi nged back wi l l spri ng open. Pul l up
on the rewi nd knob and drop a fi l m cartri dge i nto the
film chamber with the film leader pointing towards
the take-up spool . Now, push down the rewi nd knob
t o hol d t he cart ri dge i n pl ace and i nsert t he end of
the fi l m l eader i nto any one of the three sl ots i n the
take-up spool. Rotate the talce-up spool as shown in
the i l l ustrati on so that the' fi l m passes under the spool
wi th i ts emul si on si de (dul l si de) faci ng out. Make sure
that the perforations along the edges of the film mesh
wi th the sprockets.
Cl ose the camera by pressi ng on the back unti l i t
snaps i nto pl ace. Fol d out the rewi nd crank and turn
i t gentl y i n the di recti on of the arrow unti l you can
feel a slight tension. This will take up any slack in the
film cartridge. Be careful not to exert too much pres-
sure on the rewi nd crank.
Loadi ng exposes the fi rst few i nches of the fi l m. To
di spose of thi s exposed fi l m, wi nd the fi l m advance
lever and make two blank exposures. Watch the rewind
knob to see i f i t rotates i n the di recti on opposi te the
arrow while the film is being advanced. This will
i ndi cate that the fi l m has been l oaded correctl y and
is being advanced.
The frame counter on top of the camera should now
rest at
"0". Advance the fi l m one more frame and
you are ready to take the first picture.
Caution: Do not load the c&nera in bright sunlight. If no
other shade is available, shade the camera from the sun with
vour body while loading.
To unl oad, press the rewi nd button on the camera
baseplate, unfold the rewind crank and turn it with a
constant, gentl e pressure i n the di recti on of the arrow.
Avoid uneven or excessively fast rewinding. When no
more tensi on can be fel t and the crank turns l oosel y,
the fi l m has l eft the sprockets and the camera may be
opened. Pull the rewind knob up slightly and the film
cartridge will drop out.
The rewi nd button wi l l pop out agai n as soon as the
film advance lever is stroked.
Fi l m-Pl ane I ndi cat or
The (+) mark on top of the camera body shows the
exact posi ti on of the fi l m pl ane. Thi s i s i mportant to
know when measuri ng the fi l m-to-subj ect di stancq,
especi al l y i n cl ose-ups and macrophot ography'
Fi l m-Advance
film-advance lever simultaneously
advances the
fi l m, cocks the shutter and oPerates the frame counter'
It al so serves as an on-off swi tch for the exPosure
the film-advance lever with the right thumb in
a si ngl e stroke. A bui l t-i n
l ocki ng devi ce
shuttler from beins released unless it is fully cocked
and the film has bJen
a full frame.
The film-advance lever springs back to its original posi-
tion, with ample clearance
for the thumb, after each
stroke. However, the meter wi l l remai n i n the
position until the lever is pressed flush against the
camera body.
Cauti on: Be careful not to push the rewi nd button (on the
camera' s basepl ate) duri ng fi l m advance operati on' Shoul d
thi s occur, temporary stoppage of fi 1m transport and doubl e
exposure of the negati ve may resul t.
\ \
\ \
\ :
- - - l
Frame Counter
The f rame count er l ocat ed on t op of t he camera works
automati cal l y to show how many frames have been
exposed. The numbers 20 and 36 are col ored red t o
correspond t o t he number of f rames i n a st andard
35mm cartri dge. The frame counrer stops j ust past
the 36-frame mark and resets i tsel f automati cal l v to
"S", t wo f rames bef ore
"0"*when t he camer" b"i k i ,
opened for rel oadi ng. ?
Fi l m-Speed (ASA)
Setti ng
Some f i l ms are more sensi t i ve t o l i ght t han ot hers. A
f i l m' s sensi t i vi t y i s commonl y known as i t s
"speed, "
expressed i n ASA numbers.
I n order t o work wi t h f i l ms of di f f erent speeds, t he
Ni kkormat FT2' s l i ght -met er ci rcui t musr be adj ust ed
f or t he ASA number of t he f i l m used. Thi s i s done by
means of . a sl ot t ed i ndex poi nt er l ocat ed on t he
bot t om of t he shut t er-speed ri ng. The ASA f i l m-speed
scal e has numbered set t i ngs f or speeds f rom ASA 12-
1600 wi t h dot s bet ween each pai r of numbers f or
i nt er medi at e set t i ngs such as ASA 64, 80, et c.
Pul l up t he ASA l ock on t op of t he shut t er-speed
l ever and, whi l e hol di ng t he l ock up, sl i de t he sl ot t ed
ASA i ndex poi nt er unt i l i t l i nes up wi rh t he ASA
number of t he f i l m i n use. Af t er rel easi ng t he ASA
l ock, check t hat t he ASA i ndex poi nt er i s securel y
l ocked i nt o posi t i on.
HxpffiSuffiffi C0NTffiSL$
The amount of exposure the fi l m recei ves i s determi n-
ed by a combi nat i on of shut t er speed and apert ure.
The l arger t he l ens apert ure, t he more exposure. Li ke-
wi se, t he sl ower t he shut t er speed t he great er t he
exposure. Apert ure i s expressed i n f / numbers wi t h
l arger numbers representi ng smal l er apertures and vi ce
versa. For exampl e, f/8 gi ves twi ce as much exPosure
as f l 1J. Shut t er speed i s expressed i n seconds or
fracti ons of a second. Th numbers on the Ni kkormat
shutter-speed scal e are reci procal s of the actual speeds
( 250 r epr esent s L1250 second, et c. ) .
Camera aperture and shqtter-speed control s ate caI-
cul ated so that an i ncrease of one f/number com-
pensat es f or a one-st ep decrease i n shut t er speed. For
exampl e, Ll 25O at f l 8 i s equi val ent t o I 11, 25 at f l t ! .
The tabl e bel ow shows how aperture and shutter-
speed are i nterrel ated. Al l the combi nati ons gi ve the
same exPosure.
Aperture f 11. 4 f l 2 i l 2. 8
fl 4 i l 5. 6
Shutter speed
1/ 500 1t 250 11125 1/ 60 1130
Setting the Shutter, Speed
Shutter speeds are control l ed by a ri ng around the base
of the bayonet mount rather than i he usual di al on
top of the camera body. To set the shutter speed,
the lever and turn the ring until the desired
speed appears next to the i ndi cator dot on the front
of the camera body. For added conveni ence when
measuri ng exposure, the shutter speed i n use as wel l as
the next hi ghest and l owest speeds appear i n the
bottom of the vi ewfi nder, so the shutter speed can be
adj usted whi l e observi ng,the exposure meter needl e.
Cl i ck-stopped setti ngs forrshutter speeds from 1/1000
to 1 second pl us
"B" are engraved on the shutter-
speed ri ng. At the
"B" (bul b) setti ng, the shutter
remai ns open as l ong as the shutter rel ease button,i s
Note: l ntermedi ate
shutter-speed setti ngs are not recom-
mended excepr i n t he I l 25O ro 1/ 1000 second range.
Setting the Aperture
The Ni kkormat FT2 featur-gs a center-wei ghted thru-
t he-l ens exposure met eri ng syst em cross-coupl ed t o
t he shut t er speed and apert ure cont rol s. The met er
reads the l i ght over the enti re focusi ng screen but
favors a central area. Thi s means that correct ex-
posures are possi bl e even i n si tuati ons where an
averaged readi ng woul d resul t i n wrong exPosure-
wi th strong backl i ghti ng, fgr exampl e.
Full-Aperture Exposure Measurement
The FTz meter takes advantage of automati c di a-
phragm feature of Ni kkor Auto Lenses to measure
l i ght at the maxi mum apefture of the l ens. Thi s i nsures
a tri ght vi ewfi nder i mage for vi ewi ng and focusi ng and
mi ni mi zes the i nfl uence of l i ght enteri ng through
t he f i nder eyepi ece.
I n order f or t he FT2 met er t o measure exPosure at
ful l aperture wi th l enses of di fferent maxi mum aPer-
t ure, i t must be coupl ed wi t h t he maxi mum aPert ure
of t he l ens i n use. Thi s i s done each t i me t he l ens i s
at t ached or changed by t urni ng t he aPert ure ri ng of
the l ens through i ts enti re range (see "Changi ng the'
Lens, " p. 22, ) .
Turni ng On the Meter
To swi tch on the Ni kkormat FT2' s CdS exposure
meteri ng ci rcui t, pul l out the fi l m advance l ever j ust
enough to uncover the red dot on top of the camera
body. When the meter i s not i n use,
the l ever
fl ush agai nst the camera body, si nce the battery i s
bei ng drai ned conti nuousl y as l ong as the l ever i s i n
t he
i ' on" posi t i on.
A number of di fferent shutter speed-aperture
combi na-
t i ons wi l l usual l y resul t i n t he same exposure. The
"best " one depends on t he resul t s desi red. use f ast
shut t er speeds t o "f reeze" mot i on or sl ow ones t o
create del i berate bl ur. Smal l apertures
gi ve grearer
depth of fi el d, l arge ones l et tl re subj ecl sta;d out
agai nst an out - of - f ocus
backgr ound
( see, , Dept h of
Fi el d, "
p. 19. ) .
Cent eri ng t he Needl e
To det ermi ne correct exposure, adj ust t he apert ure
and/ or shut t er speed unt i l t he met er ne edl e i n t he
vi ewf i nder i s cent ered (t he
and + marks l et you
know whet her you are under- or overexposi ng). A
second met er needl e i s conveni ent l y \ ocat ed on t op of
the camera for use wi th the camera hel d at wai st-
l evel or mount ed on a t ri pod. For f i ne adj ust ment s of
l ess t han one f / number, use t he apert ure ri ng as i t per-
mi ts rel i abl e i ntermedi ate setti ngs.
under ext remel y l ow l i ght condi t i ons t he met er nee-
dl e may cent er at t he
set t i ng on t he shut t er
speed di al . I f so, correct exposure t i me i s z seconds.
I f t he needl e moves errat i c al l y or cannot be cent ered
even after al l possi bl e aperture-shutter speed com-
bi nat i ons have been t ri ed, t hen t he l i ght i s t oo bri ght
or di m for the meter' s range. Effecti ve range (coupl -
i ng range) vari es accordi ng to the l ens and fi l m speed
used. For exampl e, wi t h t he 50mm f l t . + l ens
f i l m speed of RsR 100, i t ext ends f r om
i l t . q at Ll 4
t o f
l 11. at 1/ 1000 second.
Getti ng the Ri ght Exposure
The central
of the focusi ng screen shoul d al ways
be ai med at the mai n subj ect when centeri ng the
needl e. Otherwi se uni mportant bri ght or dark areas
may gi ve an exposure readi ng whi ch i s too hi gh or
too l ow, resul ti ng i n under- or overexposure.
If an off-center composi ti on i s desi red, fi rst measure
the l i ght stri ki ng the mai n subj ect and set the aperture
and shutter speed to cehter the needl e. Then move
the camera unti l the desi red composi ti on appears i n
the vi ewfi nder.
For subj ects of uni forni i tonal bri ghtness, a readi ng
may be taken from any paft of the subj ect. However,
i f the subj ect i s contrasty (si del i ghted portrai ts, for
exampl e), measure the l i ght fal l i ng on the most i mpor-
tant part of the subj ect i n whi ch detai l i s desi red i n
the fi nal pi cture.
For landscapes including large areas of sky, tilt the
camera downward duri ng measurement or fi l l the
center of the fi nder wi th the mai n subj ect to
underexposure of the mai n subj ect caused by the
bright skylight.
Phot os:
L. Measuri ng the bri ght area i n the center of the screen wi l l
cause underexposure of the mai n subj ect.
2. For correct exposure, fi rst measure the l i ght stri ki ng the
mai n subj ect, then compose and shoot.
Exposure measurement area
Pi ct ur e ar ea
HOW TO HffiLffi Tffiffi ffiATffiffiffiA
Steady camera hol di ng i s i mportant for best resul ts,
si nce even the sl i ghtest camera movement at the
moment of exposure can resul t i n an appreci abl e l oss
of sharpness, especi al l y at sl ow shutter speeds. The
photographs show the best way to hol d the camera for
rock-steady pi cture-taki ng.
Wrap the fi ngers of the ri ght hand around the camera
body so that the i ndex fi nger rests comfortabl y on the
shutter rel ease button and the thumb fi ts between
the body and fi l m advance l ever. Thi s way you can
stroke the fi l m-advance
wi thout removi ng your eye
from the vi ewfi nder. Cradl e the camera i n the l eft
hand for addi ti onal
support, wi th the l eft thumb and
i ndex fi nger
graspi ng the focusi ng ri ng. The camera
may be swi tched from hori zontal to verti cal format
i n t hi s posi t i on.
Focusi ng i s al ways done at f ul l apert ure wi t h Aut o
Ni kkor l enses. Thi s gi ves t he bri ght est possi bl e i mage
on t he f ocusi ng screen f or easy vi ewi ng and comPos-
i rg. I t al so mi ni mi zes dept h of f i el d so t he i mage
snaps i n and out of f ocus di st i nct l y.
The Ni kkormat FT2 f ocusi ng screen consi st s of a
matte Fresnel fi el d wi th a cen tral 3mm| spl i t-i mage
rangef i nder spot surrounded by a doughnut -shaped
1mm-wi de mi cropri sm f or rapi d, accurat e f ocusi ng.
Look t hrough t he vi ewf i nder and t urn t he f ocusi ng
ri ng unt i l t he t wo hal ves of t he cent ral rangef i nder
i mage coi nci de t o f orm d si ngl e, sharp i mage, or unt i l
t he i mage i n t he mi cropri sm appears sharp and cri sp.
Thi s f ocusi ng screen i s sui t abl e f or subj ect s wi t h bot h
st rai ght l i nes and i l l -def i ned cont ours. However, when
used wi t h l enses havi n g a maxi mum apert ure smal l er
t han f
+. 5, or i n cl ose- up phot ogr aphy, t he r angef i nder
spot i s l i kel y t o darken. I n t hi s case, f ocus on t he
surroundi ng mat t e f i el d.
The l ens can al so be pref ocused usi ng t he di st ance
scal e engraved i n bot h f eet and met ers on t he l ens
barrel . Li ne up t he bl ack i ndi cat or l i ne on t op of t he
mi l l ed ri ng opposi te the camera-to-subj ect di stance
as measured or est i mat ed. Thi s t echni que i s usef ul f or
candi d shot s of el usi ve subj ect s when t i me does not
permi t t hrough-t he-l ens f ocusi ng.
Mi cropri sm/ spl i t-i mage scree n
1 6
Out of f ocus
Shutter Rel ease
For sharp pi ctures, correct shutter rel easi ng i s j ust as
i mportant as steady camera hol di ng. A qui ck, j abbi ng
movement of the fi nger on the shutter rel ease button
wi l l resul t
.i n
camera movement and bl urred pi ctures.
Hol d the camera steady as shown previ ousl y, rel ax and
squeeze the shutter rel ease wi th a gentl e, even pressure.
For l ong ti me exposures wi th the camera mounted on
a tri pod, use a cabl e rel ease.
The shutter rel ease button
i s threaded to accept the Ni kon F and Ni kkormat
cabl e rel eases.
For hand-hel d exposures at speeds
sl ower than L
I SO second, greater sharpness ."tt be
obtai ned i f the shutrer rel ease i s tri pped by means of
the sel f-ti mer.
Set the sel f-ti mer mechani sm i n moti on
"Sel f -t i mer, " p. 24. ), hol d t he camera st eady and
wai t for the ti mer to tri p the shutter.
Caution: When mounting the camera on a tripod, do not
over-screw the tripod thread into the camera tripod socket as
it may damage the camera baseplate.
I n f oc us
1 7
The Ni kkormat FT2 features- an accessory shoe wi th
bui l t-i n hot-shoe contact and automati c
MX swi tch-
over vi a shutter speed sel ecti on to faci l i tate the use of
vari ous l i ght sources. Consul t the tabl e bel ow to fi nd
out whi ch shutter speeds are acceptabl e for di fferent
Not e: Ni kon speedl i ght uni t s SB-2, SB-3 and SB-4 are not
avai l abl e i n Nort h Ameri ca.
Caut i on: Fl ash uni t s wi t hout a hot shoe may f i r e acci dent al l y
when bei ng sl i pped i nt o pl ace or when a f l ashbul b i s i nser t ed'
Al t hough not r ecommended, acci dent al f i r i ng may be pr event -
ed by cover i ng t he hot - shoe cont act on t he camer a body wi t h
el ect r i cal t ape.
types of flashbulbs.
the accessory shoe on top ci f the pentapri sm
housi ng'
Due to the bui l t-i n hot-hoe contact, the need for a
synch cord i s el i mi nated
for uni ts wi th a hot shoe'
Fo. r.rni t, wi thout a hot shoe, use a synch cord and
connect the threaded synch termi nal on the camera
body to the synch socket on the fl ash uni t' To prevent
acci i ental ei ectri cal shock, the safety swi tch i n the
accessory shoe turns on onl y when the fl ash uni t i s
i n pl ace.
Ni kon speedl i ght uni ts SB-3 and SB-4 can be di rectl y
attachei to tte Ni kkormat
FTz. For mounti ng thq
Ni kon speedl i ght uni t SB-2 or fl ash uni t BC-7, use of
the fl ash uni i coupl er AS-2 i s necessary.
For detai l s,
refer to the i nstructi on manual provi ded wi th each uni t.
1 8
Depth of field refers to a zone extending in front of
and behind the plane of sharpest focus. Within this
zone blur (or unsharpness of the image) will be
negligible and everything can be accepted as in sharp
focus. Depth of field extends a greater distance behind
the subject in focus than in front. Depth of field
depends on three factors: focal l ength of the l ens,
lens-to-subject distance a-+d taking aperture. The
smaller the aperture and the shorter the focal length
of the lens, the gre ater the depth of field (for example,
wideangle lenses have more depth of field than tele-
photos). Also, the closer
subject, the smaller the
depth of field.
These three factors can be adjusted
independently or in combination to give the photo-
grapher creative control over the final picture.
Depth-of-Field Preview Button
The depth-of-field preview button located on top of
the Nikkormat lets you check depth of field before
shooting and make desired adjustments. Press the
button and the l ens stops down to the presel ected
aperture to allow you to see how much background
or foregound is in or out of focus.
Depth-of-Fi el d Scal e
Depth of fi el d can be read from the col or-coded scal e
on the mi l l ed ri ng. The pai rs of col ored l i nes
.ol r.rporrd to f/numbers of the same col or. To fi nd
the depth of fi el d at a parti cul ar aperture fi rst focus
the l ens on the subj ect (or set the l ens-to-subj ect di s-
tance on the di stance scal e). Then check the numbers
on the di stance scal e opposi te the col ored l i nes whi ch
match the taki ng aPerture of the corresPondi ng col or
to fi nd the depth of fi el d at that aPerture.
For exanl pl e, -f 116 on t he apert ure ri ng of -t he 50mrn
f/L.4 l ens-i s bl ue. Wi th tl rc,l ens prefocused
at 15 feet
(4. 5m), t he numbers on t he di st ance scal e opposi t e
i tt. Ut". l i nes show that depth of fi el d extends
8 feet (2.4m) to i nfi ni tY ("' ;.
By stoppi ng down the
l ens on1y, the depth of
fi el d can be i ncreased, as
illustrated by the
following three
L. Lens at f/4. Smal l
depth of field
with only main
subject in focus.
\ 2 0
2. Lens further stopped
down to f
depth of field.
3. Lens at smal l est
aperture. Great
depth of fi el d wi th
subj ect, background
and foreground in
To remove the lens from the camera,
the lens
rel ease button on the front of the camera body and
twist the lens to the right as far as it will go. The
lens will come loose and can be lifted out easily.
Lens Mounti ng
In order for the Ni kkormat FT2 exposure meter to
measure light at full aperture with lenses of different
maximum aperture, the meter must be adjusted for
the maximum aperture of the lens in use. This is
done each time a lens is mounted as follows:
First push the camera's coupling pin to the right as far
as it will go. Set the lens aperture diaphragm at f15.6
and i nsert the l ens i nto the bayonet mount, maki ng
sure that the coupling pin fits into the slotted prong
on the lens aperture ring. Twist the lens counter-
clockwise until it locks in place with a sharp click.
Now turn the aperture ring all the way to the mini-
mum aperture setti ng (l argest f/number), then al l the
way in the opposite direction. This steP automatically
adj usts the meter to the maxi mum aperture of the l ens.
Maxi mu m-Apertu re Scal e
The above adj ustment can be confi rmed by l ooki ng at
the maxi mum-aperture scal e on ri ng wi th the coupl i ng
pi n. The scal e has a range f rom f 11. . 2 t o f / 5. 6. f or
exampl e, i f t he 28mm f / 2. 8 l ens i s mount ed on t he
camera, t he red i ndex mark shoul d f al l opposi t e 2. 8.
The bui l t-i n sel f-ti mer can be used to tri p the shutter
i n approxi matel y ei ght seconds del ay. To cock the
sel f-ti mer. turn the l ever downward as far as i t wi l l
go. When t he shut t er rel ease but t on i s pressed, t he
ti mer starts. The sel f-ti mer i s i ndependent of the shut-
ter mechani sm and can be set before or after the shut-
t er i s wound. Do not use at
set t i ng.
The refl ex mi rror can be l ocked i n the
posi ti on
out of the opti cal path for use wi th the Fi sheye-
Ni kkor 6mm fl S.6 and the OP Fi sheye-Ni kkor
L0mm f | 5. 6, whose rear el ement s prot rude i nt o t he
camera body and i nterfere wi th the movement of
the mi rror. Si mpl y sl i de the mi rror l ock downward
and the mi rror wi l l remai n l ocked up. To return the
mi rro: to i ts ori gi nal focusi ng and vi ewi ng posi ti on,
sl i de the l ever up agai n.
: Ts\
In i nfrared photography, the pl ane of sharpest focus
i s sl i ghtl y more di stant than the one produced by
vi si bl e l i ght and seen by the naked eye through the
vi ewfi nder. To compensate for the shi ft i n focus,
Ni kkor l enses have a red dot or l i ne on the l ens barrel
near the col or-coded depth-of-fi el d i ndex scal e on
t9p of the l ens. After focusi ng the i mage sharpl y
through the vi ewfi nder, turn the focusi ng i i ng to i h.
l eft unti l the red dot l i n?s up wi th the prefocused
di st ance.
For exampl e, i n the pi cture bel ow the 50mm f11,.4
l ens has been focused a,t
,i nfi ni ty
The focusi ng
ri ng_ i s turned sl i ghtl y to the l eft so that the i nfi ni ty
mark appears i n l i ne wi th the red dot. When l enses
The Ni kkormat FT2' s met er ci rcui t i s powered by a
si ngl e 1.5-vol t si l ver-oxi de battery l ocated i n i h"
battery chamber on the camera basepl ate. When the
bat t ery i s exhaust ed, t he met er wi l l cease t o f unct i on
al l at once. To repl ace t he bat t ery, unscrew t he cap
over t he bat t ery chamber wi t h a coi n or si mi l ar obj eci .
When_i nst al l i ng
a new bat t ery make sure t hat t he pl us
(+) si de f aces out .
Note: If the meter i s exposed to bri ght l i ght at bel ow-freezi ng
temperatures over a l ong peri od of ti me, i t may mal functi on
or cease to operate unti l the temperature ri ses agai n. There-
fore, be careful not to l eave the meter on for more than
three mi nutes at a ti me i n col d weather.
Caution: Never throw discarded batteries into a fire.
Exposure Measurement
With the following lenses and accessories, full-aperture
exposure measurement i s not possi bl e, ei ther because
the l ens has no auto-di aphragm
or because the di a-
phragm wi l l not coupl e wi th the meter. Therefore,
i h. rtop-down method must be used. Thi s means
measuring exPosure with the lens aperture diaphragm
stopped down to the taki ngaperture.
Push the camera' s coupl i rtg pi n as far to the ri ght as i t
wi l l go and mount a l ens or a l ens-and-i ntermedi ate
urri t 1o the camera i n the same way as the Ni kkor
Auto l enses. Swi tch on th6 meter i n the usual way.
Bellows Focusing Attachments,
Extension Rings and
Focusi ng Uni t: To determi ne
exPosure' sel ect the
desi red ,hrrrr", speed and stop down the l ens manual l y
unti l the needl e centers.
Preset Lenses: Use the same
as above for
l enses havi ng preset di aphragms, such as the PC-Ni kkor
f | 2. 8.
Auto knses Without Coupling
Prong: Some lenses
l i ke the Zoom-Ni kkor Auto 200-600mm
f/9' 5 have
an auto di aphragm but no coupl i ng
depth-of-fi el d
p*.ti .*' button to stoP down the l ens
unti l the needl e i s centered.
Lenses: The Reflex-Nikkor 500mm
f l l t and 2000mm
f / 11- l enses have no
aperture di aphragm. Adj ust the shutter speed unti l the
needl e i s centered.
Note: Since focusing may be difficult or impossible at small
apertures due to imaie darkening
on the screen' first open the
tJrr, ,o firll aperture to focus. Then determine the correct ex-
posure by the stoPdown
For originals such as photographs which have tonal
gradati on, exposure i s determi ned i n the usual way.
In the case of originals having strong contrast and no
gradation, such as documents or line drawings, meas-
ur_e brightness of the white portion of the original
(if the original is predominantly black, a sheet of white
pap-er may be substituted) after decreasing film speed
by four marks. Or i ncreade exposure about L-tl S rtopr.
Slide Copying
For originals with contihuous tone gradations, deter-
mine exposure in the usual way by the stop-down
method. To copy slides with letters or figures on
transparent background, decrease film speed four
marks or i ncrease exposure about L-tl S stops.
:i n
the case of transparent figures or letters on a dark
background, either increase film speed five marks or
decrease exposure about I-Zl S stops.
Important: The above are only approximate guidelines. Exac{
exposure determi nati on i s extremel y di ffi cul i , especi al l y wi tl l r
color reversal films. Therefore, it is advisable to make severd.
di fferent exposures for each subj ect to be sure ofgetti ng one
that i s correct.
Lens Hoods
The use of a l ens hood i s recommended at al l ti mes to
prevent extraneous l i ght from stri ki ng the l ens surface
and causi ng fl are or ghost, and as an added measure of
protecti on agai nst damage to the l ens. Ni kon l ens
hoods come i n f our t yPes' dependi ng on t he l ens:
Screw-In, Snap-On, Sl i p-On
and Bui l t-In. They are
cal cul ated preci sel y for each focal Jength Ni kkor l ens
to provi de maxi mu* pti rt".ti on agai nst stray l i ght.
To attach or remove the snap-on hood, fi rst depress
the spri ng l atch-whi ch i g"marked wi th an arrow-and
sl i de i t i n the di recti on of the arrow. The hood wi l l
al so fi t di rectl y over a screw-i n fi l ter, so both can be
used on a l ens at the same ti me. When not i n use, the
snap-on hood can be reversed f or st orage on t he l ens,
the l ens and i ts hood can be stored together i n
the eveready case.
Fi l t ers
Ni kon fi l ters are made of opti cal gl ass, ground and
pol i shed so that both surfaces are opti cal l y fl at and
paral l el .
Ni kkor l enses and Ni kon fi l ters are made for each
other. For best resul ts, use Ni kon fi l ters on Ni kkor
l enses. The fi l ters are avai l abl e i n both screw-i n and
seri es mount s, dependi ng on t he l ens.
Except for the R60, no Ni kon fi l ter requi res exposure
compensati on when used wi th the Ni kkormat FT2.
When usi ng the R60 fi l ter under tungsten l i ght, i n-
crease the exposure by one f-stop more than
i ndi cat ed by t he exposure met er.
Not e: I f you wi sh t o l eave a f i l t er on t he l ens t o pr ot ect i t
agai nst acci dental dam zge
the use of the L37 or L37C fi l ter
i s r 0commended.
I f t he l ens i s poi nt ed t oward t he sun or t oward a very bri ght
l i ght at ni ght, i t i s best to remove any fi l ter, si nce l i ght re-
flected from the filter surface may form ghost images on
the film.
Eyepiece Correction Lenses
The ni ne eyepi ece correcti on l enses are desi gned to
permi t nearsi ghted or farsi ghted users to vi ew and
focus wi thout thei r gl asses. Avai l abl e i n
-2, -3, -4,
- 5,
0, *0. 5, +1
and +3
di opt er s, each r epr esent i ng
t he combi ned di opt ry of t he l ens and t he f i nder.
Si mpl y unscrew t he f i nder eyepi ece and t hen screw
on t he ri ght correct i on l ens.
Fi nder Eyecup
The soft rubber fi nder eyecup fi ts di recrl y onto rhe
fi nder eyepi ece to prevent extraneous l i ght from
entering the viewfinder.
! i
Good camera care i s pri mari l y common
sense care'
Treat your Nikkormat
as you would-
any valuable
oreci si on
i nstrument and i t wi l l l ast a l i feti me'
Al though the Ni kkormat i s ruggedl y-
wi thstai d
rough handl i ng, i t may be damaged by
shock, heat, water or mi suse. The fol l owi ng are some
basi c ti ps for keepi ng your camera i n top condi ti on'
Gamera BodY
Brush the i nsi de of the camera peri o iodically using a
Keep the camera i n an eveready case or comPartment
c"re *hen not i n use to
i t from dust'
Avoi d stori ng the camera i n excessi vel y
hot, col d or
damp pl aces.
el -"yt attach a body cap when the camera body i s
st ored separat el Y.
Do not 1"".r" film in the camera for a long period of
t i me.
l eave the shutter or sel f-ti mer cocked
i f the
camera i s to be stored overni ght or l onger'
Keep the camer a awaY from water.
Rvol d excessi ve moi sture. When usi ng the camera near
water, guard agai nst spl ashes,
especi al l y sal t-water
1.t".r., oil any part of the camera. Lubrication
be l eft to an authori zed servi ceman.
Pri or to taki ng a hol i day tri p or bei ng assi gned an^i m-
port ant phot o-. j "b, t est your camera by maki ng a f ew
i ri "l . *posures.
Remember, i t t akes at l east t wo or
t hree *. "k, f or processi ng t he t est f i l m and maki ng
any needed . epai rs or adj ust ment '
Fol l ow t hi s i mpor-
tant precauti on and you wi l l have pi ctures to
t '
soft brush. Do not exert
on the shutter cur-
tai n as thi s maY damage
i t.
Keep the mi rrot fti e from fi ngerpri nts
and dust'
f".p the lens surface
free from fingerprints and dd'st
as far as possi bl e.
Use l ens ti ssue to remove dust, never use cl oth or
ordinary tissue.
If smuiges or fingerprints
clean them
lens tissrie moisten;d
iparingly with alcohol'
even an aPProved
lens cleaner can
damage if it seeps into the lens mount.
. .
" ,
. . . t
35mm si ngl e- l ens r ef l ex camer a
Pi ct ur e f or mat : 24mm x 36mm ( 35mm f or mat )
Lens mount : Ni kon F bayonet mount
Lens : Ni k k or 5Omm f
l 2, 5Omm
l L4 or 55mm f l l . 2 as
st andar d. Mor e t han 45 Ni kkor i nt er changeabl e l enses ar e
avai l abl e.
Shutter: Metal focal -pl ane shutter wi th verti cal (downward)
movement ; speeds f r om 1 t o 1/ 1000 sec. , pl us B.
Synchr oni zat i on: Aut omat i c MX swi t chover wi t h shut t er speed
set t i ng. Hot - shoe cont act wi t h saf et y swi t ch and t hr eaded
Frame counter: Addi ti ve type wi th automati c reset to
two frames before
Rewi ndi ng: Crank type.
Depth-of-fi el d previ ew: Previ ew button provi ded.
Wei ght: 780g (wi thout l ens)
Di mensi ons: 148mm x 96mm x 54mm
synch t er mi nal .
Range of synch:
1/ 1000
11250 s ec . , 1/ 30
1 s ec .
and B
1 sec. and B
X - i 1 1 2 5 - l s e c . a n d B
Vi ewf i nder : Fi xed eye- l evel pent apr i sm; f ocusi ng
scr een consi st s
of mat t e Fr esnel f i el d wi t h cent r af mi cr opr i sm/ r pl i t - i - "ge
r angef i nder ( K- t ype) .
Ref l ex mi r r or : I nst ant r et ur n mi r r or ; i ndependent mi r r or
, ,
l ock- up cont r ol .
Exposur e met er : Thr ough- t he- l ens
CdS met er , cent er - wei ght ed
f ul l aper t ur e. Power ed
by a si ngl e 1. 5V si r ver - oxi de bat t ei v.
Needl e vi si bl e i n f i nder and at op t he body; pl us and mi . , us
mar ki ngs pr ovi ded. Coupl es wi t h bot h di aphr agm and shut r er
speed di al . Met er i ng r ange: EV3
EVI T ( e. g. , f
l I . 4, I l 4 sec.
f 117, 11r c 00
s ec . at ASA 100 wi t h 50mm f t l . + l ens j ; ASA {
r ange 72
1600; maxi mum aper t ur e r ange f
17. 2
15. 6;
, - r '
aper t ur e coupl i ng r ange f
11. 2
132. f
Fi l m- advance l ever : Si ngl e- st r oke wi ndi ng l ever wi t h 20o
stand-off angl e and 1350 wi ndi ng angl e. Lever al so serves as
meter on-off swi tch.
The Nikon Worldwide
Service Warranry Registration
whi ch i denti fi es your camera by i ts ,"ri "l ,i rr-be. i s vour
that the Ni kkormat camera you buy i s a new
one. when you return thi s carc to a Ni kon di stri butor
receive your Nikon Worldwide
Service Warranty
Certi fi cate, whi ch enti tl es you to a one_year warranty
anywhere throughout
the worl d, subj ect to i h" condi ti ons
l i sted i n the certi fi cate.
Onl y an aut hor i zed Ni kon deal er can pr ovi de you wi t h a
Ni kon Warranty Regi strati on
Card. We cannot guarantee
any camera or lens sold to you by an unauthoriied.
without a Warranty Registration
Card, since it may be
second-hand equi pment.

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