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KYOCERA Starts Operation of 70MW Solar Power Plant, the Largest in Japan
Clean, safe electricity generated will proide e!"ialent power for ro"ghly 22,000 aerage ho"seholds
#oember $, 2013
%yocera Corporation &'resident: (oro )amag"chi* today anno"nced the la"nch of a +0 megawatt &,-* solar
power plant in %agoshima 'refect"re, so"thern .apan. /he %agoshima #anats"0ima ,ega 1olar 'ower 'lant went
online on #oember 1 and is being operated by a special p"rpose company established by %yocera and si2 other
companies to sell the electricity to a local "tility "nder .apan3s feed4in4tariff &56/* program. 7n ina"g"ration
ceremony was held on #oember 8, with the attendance of company representaties and local goernments to
commemorate the la"nch of the co"ntry3s largest "tility4scale solar power plant
Inauguration ceremony of the Kagoshima Nanatsujima Mega Solar Power Plant
:2pectations and interest in solar energy hae heightened to a new leel in .apan with the need to resole power
s"pply iss"es res"lting from the (reat :ast .apan :arth!"ake of ,arch 2011. /o f"rther promote the "se of
renewable energy, the .apanese goernment la"nched a restr"ct"red 56/ program in ."ly 2012, which stip"lates that
local "tilities are re!"ired to p"rchase 100; of the power generated from solar installations of more than 10
kilowatts &k-* for a period of 20 years.
:2ploring a new b"siness model for "tility4scale solar power generation, %agoshima ,ega 1olar 'ower
Corporation was established by %yocera and si2 other companies in ."ly 2012. <nder a financing plan deised by
,i="ho Corporate >ank, the new company was tasked to deelop and operate the +0,- solar power plant on land
owned by 6?6 Corporation 44 with the power generated to be p"rchased by %y"sh" :lectric 'ower Co., 6nc. based
on the 56/ program. 7s the largest shareholder of the new company, the %yocera (ro"p was responsible for the
s"pply of solar mod"les as well as part of the constr"ction, and will also "ndertake maintenance of the system with
%y"denko Corporation.
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The 70MW Kagoshima Nanatsujima Mega Solar Power Plant
7dditionally, a to"r facility has been b"ilt ad0acent to the +0,- plant 44 which is open to the p"blic 44 feat"ring a
circ"lar iewing room where isitors can obsere the 2@0,000 solar panels from an eleated antage point and
en0oy the iew of the ocean bay and grand 1ak"ra0ima olcano in the backgro"nd. Aisplay =ones for isitors s"ch
as st"dents and to"rists proide information abo"t enironmental iss"es and the science behind photooltaic energy
generation. >y dedicating this facility, all parties inoled hope to foster a deeper "nderstanding of renewable
energy and f"rther facilitate a low4carbon society.
Public tour facility at the 70MW Kagoshima Nanatsujima Mega Solar Power Plant
Solar Power Plant Oeriew
#ame %agoshima #anats"0ima ,ega 1olar 'ower 'lant
Bocation 2 #anats"0ima, %agoshima City, %agoshima 'refect"re, .apan
7rea 1,2+0,000m
&ro"ghly the same area as 2+ baseball stadi"ms*
7nn"al o"tp"t 7ppro2. +C,C00,-h &pro0ected*
:lectricity generated will proide the e!"ialent power for ro"ghly 22,000 aerage ho"seholds
, and
will help to offset ro"ghly 2$,000 tons of CD2 per year
1tart of constr"ction: 1eptember 2012
Completion: Dctober 2013
/otal 6nestment 7ppro2. 2+ billion yen &appro2. 2+$.$ million <.1. dollars
!om"any Oeriew
Company name %agoshima ,ega 1olar 'ower Corporation
Eepresentatie 'resident and Eepresentatie Airector: #ob"o %itam"ra &also seres
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director as 1enior :2ec"tie Dfficer of %yocera Corporation*
:stablished ."ly 10, 2012
Capital 7ppro2. 8.3 billion yen &appro2. 88 million <.1. dollars*
%yocera CorporationF %AA6 CorporationF 6?6 CorporationF
%y"denko CorporationF %agoshima >ank, Btd.F >ank of %yoto,
Btd.F /akenaka Corporation
>"siness o"tline /o sell power prod"ced from +0,- solar power plant to local
"tility company &%y"sh" :lectric 'ower Co., 6nc.*. 'ower to be
p"rchased for a period of 20 years starting from commencement of
power s"pply.
#ole of Partici"ating !om"anies
Company Dperation %yocera Corporation
Constr"ction %yocera 1olar CorporationF %y"denko CorporationF /akenaka
%yocera 1olar CorporationF %y"denko Corporation
Band leasing 6?6 Corporation
'ro0ect finance ,i="ho Corporate >ank
91 Bargest operating solar power plant in .apan. Eesearch by %yocera &as of #oember 1, 2013*.
92 >ased on an aerage "se of 3,G00k-h per ho"sehold. 1o"rce: 5ederation of :lectric 'ower Companies of .apan
93 >ased on calc"lations deried from standards created by .':7.
98 5or the reader3s conenienceF based on an e2change rate of .')@C H <1A1 &as of #oember 1, 2013*.

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