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AP World History Mr.

Period (Era) 1: Technological and Environmental
Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E.
Overvie : After early humans emerged from Africa and began to people the globe the Neolithic
Revolution changed the way humans lived. Eventually civilizations developed in the world with the
advent of this systematic agriculture. Greek, Roman, hinese, and !ndian civilizations surfaced
following the early development of civilizations near many fertile river areas including the "igris and
Euphrates, Nile, !ndus and #ellow. As each settlement emerged common characteristics$
agriculture, social classes, trade, occupation specialization, religion, art, record keeping, literature,
government structure, settled cities, and military systems$ became associated with a civilization.
Cha!ter 1: "rom #$man Prehistor% to the Earl% Civili&ations
'earning Targets
%tudents will be able to &%'(A") de*ne +civilization+
%'(A" identify the institutions and traditions that are critical for a society to become a
successful civilization
%'(A" compare the drawbacks of non,civilized societies with civilized societies
%'(A" can e-plain what enabled civilizations to develop their institutions and traditions
Chapter 1 Reading Study Guide #1 Pg. 2-18
1. What were some of the advantages of the discovery and use of fire by early humans?
2. According to recent research, when did humans likely enter the Western Hemisphere?
. !ame three of the characteristics that differentiate humans from all other species.
!i"eline Pg. 1#$
". When did humanlike species originate in #astern Africa? $$$$$$$$$$
%. When did human species spread across the #astern Hemisphere and develop fire use?$$$$$$$$$$$
&. When did farming develop? $$$$$$$$$$ Where? $$$$$$$$$$
'. What innovations took place in the (iddle #ast between ")))*))) +,#? $$$$$$$$$$
-. When was the rise of .umer $$$$$$$$$$ #gypt$$$$$$$$$$ Harappan $$$$$$$$$$ .hang $$$$$$$$$$?
/. What was human life and technology like during the 0aleolithic Age?
1). What proto*human species developed during the 0aleolithic Age?
11. Who are the Homo sapiens sapiens?
12. How did early humans deal with their fear of death?
1. According to .tearns, what was 0aleolithic (an1s 2greatest achievement3?
1". What was the (esolithic Age?
1%. What new technologies and developments came about during the (esolithic Age?
1&. 4escribe the population growth 5use numbers please6 due to the advent 7 acceptance of agriculture.
%oo& at Map 1.1 page 12- "a&e note o' its general topi( and (ontent.
1'. 8n what ways is the !eolithic revolution truly revolutionary?
1-. How did the use of metals impact human e9istence?
1/. 4escribe the process of :slash and burn1 agriculture.
2). Why did the first civili;ations worthy of the name develop near rivers? 5We will discuss this at length in class6
21. +riefly describe the settlement of ,atal Huyuk. 5We will discuss this at length in class6
22. What is civili;ation? 5We will discuss this at length in class6
2. How did cuneiform and other forms of writing impact human e9istence?
(e% Conce!t 1.1. Big )eogra!h% and the Peo!ling of the Earth
(e% Conce!t 1.*. The +eolithic ,evol$tion and Earl% -gric$lt$ral .ocieties
(e% Conce!t 1./. The 0evelo!ment and 1nteractions of Earl% -gric$lt$ral, Pastoral and
2r3an .ocieties
AP World History Mr. Casto
2". Why did people living in civili;ations look down upon so*called :barbarians1?
2%. 8n what ways are these nomadic and barbarian cultures more 2civili;ed3 than civili;ations?
Chapter 1 Reading Study Guide #2 P. 1)-**
1. What are the 2noteworthy achievements3 of civili;ations that we moderns take for granted?
2. Where did the first civili;ation develop?
. What was the 1
form of writing and who developed it?
Study+"a&e notes on "aps 1.*, 1.-, and 1.. Pg.1)-21$
". What were the massive religious structures called?
%. How did .umerian religious view influence later religious beliefs and philosophies?
&. +riefly describe how were .umerian city*states organi;ed?
'. Who con<uered the .umerians?
-. 4escribe the power wielded by the 0haraohs?
/. What was the purpose of the pyramids?
1). Where was the kingdom of =ush located?
11. Why do we know so little about the 8ndus >iver ,ivili;ation?
12. Along what river did civili;ation first develop in #ast Asia?
Read+Ans/er 0s 'or 1o(u"ent2 Aryan Poetry in Praise o' a War Horse. Pg.2*$
1. 8n what ways does this document convey the Aryans? delight in warfare?
1". What does the document tell us about the Aryans? attitude toward the herd animals?
1%. How does the document convey the Aryan?s ideal of manliness, heroism, and loyalty?
1&. +riefly describe the .hang civili;ation as nomads?
1'. What kind of social structure did the .hang civili;ation have?
1-. What was ,hinese writing like?
Read+Ans/er 0s 'or !hin&ing Histori(ally2 !he 3dea o' Ci4ili5ation in World Histori(al Perspe(ti4e. Pg. 26-27$
1/. 0ick a society and determine criteria for the society to be considered civili;ed.
2). 4id your criteria reflect your own society?s norms or more universal criteria?
21. What contributions did the 0hoenicians make to civili;ation?
22. What contribution did the @ydians make to civili;ation?
2. What contributions did the AewsBHebrews make to civili;ation?
2". Why were the (esopotamian civili;ations more focused on con<uest, trade and e9pansion?
2%. Why did #gypt remain more insular?
'ist 4$st O+E e5am!le from the cha!ter for the "olloing -P 6orld #istor%.
"heme ./ !nteraction between humans and the environment/ &0opulation patterns and impacts of
disease, 1igrations, 0atterns of settlement, "echnology)
"heme 2/ 3evelopment and interactions of cultures/ &Religions, (elief systems, philosophies,
ideologies, %cience and technology, Arts and architecture)
"heme 4/ %tate building, e-pansion and con5ict/ &0olitical structures and forms of governance,
Empires, National and nationalism, Revolts and revolutions, Regional, trans,regional, and global
structures and organizations)
"heme 6/ reation, e-pansion and interaction of economic systems/ &Agricultural and pastoral
production, "rade and commerce, 7abor systems, !ndustrialization, apitalism and socialism)
"heme 8/ 3evelopment and transformation of social structures/ &Gender roles and relations, 9amily
and kinship, Racial and ethnic constructions, %ocial and economic classes)
(e% 7$estions: Answer the following questions with your best academic efort
(a solid paragraph or more)
.. 'hat characteristics are critical for a society to become a civilization:
2. 'hat advances made the transition from sedentary to agricultural societies to civilizations
4. 'hat advantages does an agriculturally based society have over hunter;gatherer
based society: 'hat are the ma<or drawbacks of civilization:
AP World History Mr. Casto
6. Evaluate the signi*cance of =ewish monotheism in the religious history of early

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