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The Austral i an Wagering Counci l Ltd (ABN 84 160 199 566)

A Level 12, 95 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 P +61 2 8079 5204 E
www.austr al i anwageri ngcounci l . com

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The Austialian Wageiing Council has waineu moie Austialians face losing theii money anu iisks to the secuiity
of theii peisonal anu financial infoimation, unless goveinments commit to a ciackuown on the opeiations of
illegal offshoie wageiing seivice pioviueis.

The waining comes on the back of an investigation by Racing victoiia into vanuatu baseu opeiatoi, Betjack,
ievealeu touay in Faiifax meuia.

Chief Executive of the Austialian Wageiing Council, Ni Chiis Bowny, stateu: "Sauly, the uetails of Betjack's
opeiations come as no suipiise to the Austialian Wageiing Council. We have been waining goveinments of the
neeu to ciack uown on these illegal betting pioviueis foi some time.

Nost people uon't iealise that it is illegal foi opeiatois who aie not licenseu anu iegulateu within Austialia to
offei theii seivices to Austialians. Yet, eveiy uay, Austialians iisk not only theii money but also, the secuiity of
theii peisonal anu financial infoimation betting with these offshoie cowboys. It is especially woiiying that,
whilst licenseu in vanuatu, Betjack may be staffing anu opeiating a sales office locally".

Illegal offshoie opeiatois (anu local SP bookmakeis) pay no piouuct fees oi taxes in Austialia anu have no
commitment to policies of iesponsible gambling oi haim minimization foi clients. They uo not have infoimation
shaiing agieements with iacing anu spoiting authoiities to assist in the uetection of unusual oi suspicious
betting activity.
The piolifeiation of illegal offshoie opeiatois again highlights the neeu foi goveinment iefoim of the Inteiactive
uambling Act 2uu1 (Cth), which no longei ieflects the cuiient state of technology oi auvances in global haim
minimization measuies.

Ni Bowny commenteu: "Foi example, the AWC unueistanus moie than 2Suu offshoie illegal opeiatois in Asia
alone offei online in play betting to Austialian punteis, piohibiteu to be offeieu within Austialia unuei the Act.
Piohibition uoes not woik in a global online enviionment anu foi as long as such piohibition continues,
Austialians will be uiiven to wagei with illegal offshoie pioviueis".
It is estimateu in excess of $1Billion is bet offshoie by Austialians annually anu a 2u14 iepoit on inteiactive
gambling, funueu by uambling Reseaich Austialia, founu that at least one-thiiu of inteiactive gambleis weie not
conceineu about gambling with offshoie pioviueis.
"If you enjoy a bet on iacing anu spoit make suie you uo it with an Austialian licenseu, highly iegulateu
wageiing seivice pioviuei", Ni Bowny concluueu.
12 Septembei 2u14
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Foi fuithei infoimation contact: AWC Neuia & Communications Nanagei, Naiy Colliei u4uS Su6 u7S

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