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Artificial Intelligence (CSAL3243)

Quizzes: 10% (5 quizzes)
Assignments: 15% (4 assignments)
Mid Term: 25%
Project: 10%
Final: 40%

Tentative weekly plan of lectures
Week # Lecture # Topics Covered

Introduction (2)

1 1 Introduction to AI: Goals, Formal Definitions for Artificial
Intelligence History and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence,
Applications, Different AI Approaches, State of the
Chapter 1, 2

2 Environment Types (Fully observable vs. partially
observable, Single Agent vs. Multi-Agent, Deterministic vs.
stochastic, Static vs. Dynamic, ...)
Agent Types: (Simple Reflex agents, Model-based Reflex
agents, Goal-based agents, Utility-based agents, Learning

Search (12) Chapter 3, 4,
2 3 Search Overview and Strategies:
Search space, State space, Search Trees
Examples (Missionaries and Cannibals, Wolf Duck
and Farmer, 8-Puzzle problem, Tic Tac Toa, 8-Queens

4 Problem formulation, State Space, Initial and Goal State,
Successor Functions, Objective Functions, Goal Test, Goal

3 5 Implementation details

6 Uninformed Search Strategies:
Breadth First Search
Depth First Search

Depth Limited Search(DONE)
4 7 Implementation details

8 Informed Search Strategies:
Heuristics, Heuristics Function and Properties
Greedy Best First Search,
Branch and Bound and improvements

5 9 A* Search, , Monotonicity and Admissibility of

10 Implementation details

6 11 Local Search:
Hill Climbing Search
Genetic Algorithms Introduction:
Basic Genetic Algorithm(DONE)

12 Implementation details

7 13 Game Theoretic Search:
Deterministic Games
Min-Max and Alpha-Beta Pruning

14 Implementation details

Mid Term Week

Knowledge Representation (8) Chapter 7, 8
8 15 Introduction, Wumpus World Example

16 Propositional Logic: Model Checking, Inference

9 17 Satisfiability, Validity, Reasoning, Types of reasoning

18 Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Resolution

10 19 First Order Logic and CNF

20 Same as above

11 21 Expert Systems:
What is an Expert?
What is an expert system?
History and Evolution
Comparison of a human expert and an expert system

Roles of an expert system

22 How are expert systems used?
Expert system structure
Characteristics of expert systems
Programming vs. knowledge engineering
People involved in an expert system project
Design of expert systems

Learning (4) Chapter 18
12 23 Learning Introduction: Regression vs. Classifications

24 Unsupervised Learning: k-means

13 25 Implementation details

Probabilistic reasoning (4) Chapter 14

26 Probability, General Bayes Network, Bayes Rule

14 27 Absolute and Conditional dependence & independence
D-Separation (Reachablity)

28 Probabilistic Inference:
Inference by enumeration
Inference by variable elimination

15 29 Approximate Inference (Sampling)
Likelihood weighting

30 Nave Bayes with example

16 31 Revision

32 Revision


Final Term

Some Theory Assignments:
1. Related to Search
2. Related to Predicate Logic and First order Logic
3. Related to Probabilistic Inference and Bayes Net
Some Programming Assignments/Projects:
Implementations of BFS, DFS, A* algorithms for a map navigation application
Tic Tac Toe game using Min Max Algorithm
Simple Model Checker
Clustering on real-time taxi cab data
Simple Spam filter
a general purpose programming language like C++, Java. I will use Java.

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