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(Compiled by Rev. Stephen L. Testa)
And ye sha !n"# the t$%th& and the t$%th sha
'a!e y"% ($ee)* Jesus in John 8:32
N"t+,e- These dates ae in many !ases appo"imate. #any o$ these
heesies had been !uent in the Chu!h yeas be$oe% but only &hen they
&ee o$$i!ially adopted by a Chu!h !oun!il and po!laimed by the pope
as do'ma o$ $aith% did they be!ome bindin' on Catholi!s.
(nd do!tine to be tue must !on$om to the )od o$ *od. T" the a#
and t" the test+'"ny. +( they s/ea! n"t a,,"$d+n0 t" th+s #"$d& +t +s
be,a%se the$e +s n" +0ht +n the')* (+saiah 8:2,)
(t the Re$omation in the Centuy these heesies &ee epudiated as
havin' no pat in the Reli'ion o$ Jesus as tau'ht in the /e& Testament.
He$esy Date

01 (LL T23 24#(/ TR(5+T+0/S tau'ht and pa!ti!ed by the Roman Catholi!
Chu!h% &hi!h ae !ontay to the 6ible% the most an!ient ae the/$aye$s ("$
the dead and the s+0n "( the C$"ss. 6oth be'an 3,, yeas a$te Chist.
1a2 Candes intodu!ed in !hu!h 32,
3ene$at+"n "( an0es and dead sa+nts 378
The Mass% as a daily !elebation% adopted 39:
The #"$sh+/ "( Ma$y% the mothe o$ Jesus% and the use o$ the tem% ;#othe
o$ *od;% as applied to he% oi'inated in the Coun!il o$ 3phesus
<iests be'an to dess di$$eently $om the laity 8,,
3"teme 4n!tion 82.
The do!tine o$ P%$0at"$y #as (+$st estab+shed by *e'oy the *eat 893
The Lat+n an0%a0e% as the lan'ua'e o$ paye and &oship in !hu!hes% &as
also imposed by <ope *e'oy +. .,, yeas a$te Chist
The )od o$ *od $obids payin' and tea!hin' in an un=no&n ton'ue. (-st
Cointhians -::9).
The 6ible tea!hes that &e pay to *od alone. +n the pimitive !hu!h neve
&ee /$aye$s d+$e,ted t" Ma$y% o to dead saints. This pa!ti!e be'an in the
Roman Chu!h.
(#atthe& --:28> Lu=e -::.> (!ts -,:28?2.> -::-:?-8)
The Pa/a,y is o$ pa'an oi'in. The title o$ /"/e o univesal bishop% &as $ist
'iven to the bishop o$ Rome by the &i!=ed empeo <ho!as.
This he did to spite 6ishop Ciia!us o$ Constantinople% &ho had @ustly
e"!ommuni!ated him $o his havin' !aused the assassination o$ his
pede!esso empeo #auitius. *e'oy -% then bishop o$ Rome% e$used the
title% but his su!!esso% 6oni$a!e +++% $ist assumed title ;pope.;
Jesus did not appoint <ete to the headship o$ the apostles and $obade any
su!h notion. (Lu=e 22:2:?2.> 3phesians -:22?23> Colossians -:-8> -st
Cointhians 3:--).
/ote: /o is thee any mention in S!iptue% no in histoy% that <ete eve
&as in Rome% mu!h less that he &as pope thee $o 28 yeas> Clement% 3d
bishop o$ Rome% ema=s that ;thee is no eal -st !entuy eviden!e that
<ete eve &as in Rome.;
The !+ss+n0 "( the P"/e4s (eet
+t had been a pa'an !ustom to =iss the $eet o$ empeos. The )od o$ *od
$obids su!h pa!ti!es. (Read (!ts -,:28?2.> Revelation -9:-,> 22:9).
The Te'/"$a /"#e$ "( the P"/es
)hen <epin% the usupe o$ the thone o$ 1an!e% des!ended into +taly% !alled
by <ope Stephen ++% to &a a'ainst the +talian Lombads% he de$eated them
and 'ave the !ity o$ Rome and suoundin' teitoy to the pope. Jesus
e"pessly $obade su!h a thin'% and 2e himsel$ e$used &oldly =in'ship.
(Read #atthe& ::8?9> 2,:28?2.> John -8:38).
1"$sh+/ "( the ,$"ss& +'a0es and $e+,s &as authoiAed
This &as by ode o$ 5o&a'e 3mpess +ene o$ Constantinople% &ho $ist
!aused to plu!= the eyes o$ he o&n son% Constantine B+% and then !alled a
!hu!h !oun!il at the eCuest o$ 2adian +% pope o$ Rome at that time.
Su!h pa!ti!e is !alled simply +50L(TRD in the 6ible% and is seveely
!ondemned. (Read 3"odus 2,::> 3:-7> 5euteonomy 27:-8> <salm --8).
H"y 1ate$% mi"ed &ith a pin!h o$ salt and blessed by the piest% &as
The 5ene$at+"n "( St) 6"se/h be'an 89,
The ba/t+s' "( bes &as instituted by <ope John E+B 9.8
Can"n+7at+"n "( dead sa+nts% $ist by <ope John EB
3vey believe and $ollo&e o$ Chist is !alled saint in the 6ible. (Read
Romans -:7> -st Colossians -:2).
Fast+n0 "n F$+days and duin' Lent &ee imposed
+mposed by popes said to be inteested in the !omme!e o$ $ish. (6ull% o
pemit to eat meat)% some authoities say% be'an in the yea 7,,. This is
a'ainst the plain tea!hin' o$ the 6ible. (Read #atthe& -8:-,> -st Cointhians
-,:28> -st Timothy ::-?3).
The Mass &as developed 'adually as a sa!i$i!e> attendan!e made obli'atoy
in the --th !entuy.
The 6ible tea!hes that the sa!i$i!e o$ Chist &as o$$eed on!e and $o all%
and is not to be epeated% but only !ommemoated in the LodFs Suppe.
(Read 2ebe&s 7:27> 9:2.?28> -,:-,?-:).

The ,e+ba,y o$ the piesthood &as de!eed by <ope 2ildeband% 6oni$a!e B++
Jesus imposed no su!h ule% no did any o$ the apostles. 0n the !ontay% St.
<ete &as a maied man% and St. <aul says that bishops &ee to have &i$e
and !hilden. (Read -st Timothy 3:2%8% and -2> #atthe& 8:-:?-8).
The R"sa$y% o paye beads &as intodu!ed by <ete the 2emit% in the yea
-,9,. Copied $om 2indus and #ohammedans
The !ountin' o$ payes is a pa'an pa!ti!e and is e"pessly !ondemned by
Chist. (#atthe& .:8?-3).
The In8%+s+t+"n o$ heeti!s &as instituted by the Coun!il o$ Beona in the yea
--8:. Jesus neve tau'ht the use o$ $o!e to spead 2is eli'ion
The sale o$ Ind%0en,es% !ommonly e'aded as a pu!hase o$ $o'iveness and
a pemit to indul'e in sin.
Chistianity% as tau'ht in the 6ible% !ondemns su!h a ta$$i! and it &as the
potest a'ainst this ta$$i! that bou'ht on the <otestant Re$omation in the !entuy.
The do'ma o$ T$ans%bstant+at+"n &as de!eed by <ope +nno!ent +++% in the
6y this do!tine the piest petends to pe$om a daily mia!le by !han'in' a
&a$e into the body o$ Chist% and then he petends to eat 2im alive in the
pesen!e o$ his people duin' #ass. The 6ible !ondemns su!h absudities> $o
the LodFs Suppe is simply a memoial o$ the sa!i$i!e o$ Chist. The spiitual
pesen!e o$ Chist is implied in the LodFs Suppe. (Read Lu=e 22:-9?2,> John
.:38> -st Cointhians --:2.).
C"n(ess+"n "( s+n t" the /$+est at least on!e a yea &as instituted by <ope
+nno!ent +++.% in the Latean Coun!il
The 6ible !ommands us to !on$ess ou sins die!t to *od. (Read <salm 8-:-?
-,> Lu=e 7::8> -8:2-> -st John -:8?9).
The ad"$at+"n "( the #a(e$ (2ost)% &as de!eed by <ope 2onoius
So the Roman Chu!h &oships a *od made by human hands. This is plain
idolaty and absolutely !ontay to the spiit o$ the *ospel. (Read John ::2:).
The 9+be ("$b+dden to laymen and pla!ed in the +nde" o$ $obidden boo=s by
the Coun!il o$ Balen!ia
Jesus !ommanded that the S!iptues should be ead by all. (John 8:39> -st
Timothy 3:-8?-7).
The S,a/%a$ &as invented by Simon Sto!=% and 3n'lish mon=
+t is a pie!e o$ bo&n !loth% &ith the pi!tue o$ the Bi'in and supposed to
!ontain supenatual vitue to pote!t $om all dan'es those &ho &ea it on
na=ed s=in. This is $etishism.
The Roman Chu!h ("$bade the ,%/ to the laity% by institutin' the !ommunion
o$ one =ind in the Coun!il o$ Constan!e
The 6ible !ommands us to !elebate the LodFs Suppe &ith unleavened bead
and the $uit o$ the vine. (Read #atthe& 2.:27> -st Cointhians --:2.?29).
The d",t$+ne "( P%$0at"$y &as po!laimed as a do'ma o$ $aith by Coun!il o$
Thee is not one &od in the 6ible that &ould tea!h the pu'atoy o$ piests.
The blood o$ Jesus Chist !leanseth us $om all sins. (Read -st John -:7?9> 2:-?
2> John 8:2:> Romans 8:-).
The do!tine o$ : Sa,$a'ents a$$imed
The 6ible says that Chist instituted only t&o odinan!es% 6aptism and the
LodFs Suppe. (Read #atthe& 28:-9?2,> 2.:2.?28).
The A5e Ma$+a% pat o$ the last
+t &as !ompleted 8, yeas a$te&ad and $inally appoved by <ope Si"tus B% at
the end o$ the !entuy.
The Coun!il o$ Tent% held in the yea -8:8% de!laed that T$ad+t+"n is o$
eCual authoity &ith the 6ible
6y tadition is meant human tea!hin's. The <haisees believed the same &ay%
and Jesus bittely !ondemned them% $o by tea!hin' human tadition% they
nulli$ied the !ommandments o$ *od. (Read #a= 7:7?-3> Colossians 2:8>
Revelation 22:-8).
The a/",$y/ha b""!s &ee added to the 6ible also by the Coun!il o$ Tent
These boo=s &ee not e!o'niAed as !anoni!al by the Je&ish Chu!h. (See
Revelation 22:8?9).
The C$eed "( P"/e P+%s I3 &as imposed as the o$$i!ial !eed -8., yeas a$te
Chist and the apostles
Tue Chistians etain the 2oly S!iptues as thei !eed. 2en!e thei !eed is
-8,, yeas olde than the !eed o$ Roman Catholi!s. (Read *alatians -:8).
The I''a,%ate C"n,e/t+"n o$ the Bi'in #ay &as po!laimed by <ope <ius
The 6ible states that all men% &ith the sole e"!eption o$ Chist% ae sinnes.
#ay hesel$ had need o$ a Savio. (Read Romans 3:23> 8:-2> <salm 8-:8> Lu=e
+n the yea -87, a$te Chist% <ope <ius +E po!laimed the do'ma o$ Pa/a
This is a blasphemy and the si'n o$ the apostasy and o$ the anti!hist
pedi!ted by St. <aul. (Read 2nd Thessalonians 2:2?-2> Revelation -7:-?9>
#any 6ible students see the numbe o$ the beast (Rev. -3:-8)% ... in the
Roman lettes o$ the <opeFs title: ;B+C(R+BS 1+L++ 53+.; ?? B?8% +?-> C?-,,% +?->
B?S% +?-> L?8,% +?-> +?-> 5?8,,% +?l Total% ....
<ope <lus E% in the yea -9,7% !ondemned to'ethe &ith ;#odenism;% all the
dis!oveies o$ moden s!ien!e &hi!h ae not appoved by the Chu!h
<ius +E had done the same thin' in the Syllabus o$ -8.:.
+n the yea -93, <ius E+% ,"nde'ned the P%b+, S,h""s -93,
+n the yea -93- the same pope <ius E+% ea$$imed the do!tine that #ay
is ;the M"the$ "( <"d;
This do!tine &as $ist invented by the Coun!il o$ 3phesus in the yea :3-.
This is a heesy !ontay by #ayFs o&n &ods. (Read Lu=e -::.?:9> John 2: l?
+n the yea -98, the last do'ma &as po!laimed by <ope <ius E++%
the Ass%'/t+"n "( the 3+$0+n Ma$y

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