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The entitlement theory

1) Principle of justice in acquisition

2) Principle of justice in transfer
3) Principle of justice in rectification of injustice

A distribution is just if everyone is entitled to the holding they possess under the
distribution. It arises from another just distribution by legitimate means.

Truth-preserving transformation and justice-preserving transformation

The parallel fails
Justice-preserving means -> just situation (not suffice to show its justice)
Because Justice in holding is historical.

Historical principles and end-result principle
Structural principle(end-result principle)
Current time-slice theory
1. structurally identical distributions are equally just
A. Utilitarianism B. welfare economics C .egalitarian

Challenged by Historical principle:
1. only relevant in assessing the justice of a situation to consider not only the
distribution if embodies, but also how that distribution come about.(what someone
did is related what he deserved)

2. the socialist view :
X distribution = desire , justice
workers are entitled to the product

Principle of distribution patterned
a distribution is to vary along with some natural dimension, weighted sum of natural
dimensions, or lexicographic ordering of natural dimension.
1. moral merit is a patterned historical principle
2. `Distribute according to I.Q. is a patterned principle

Principle of entitlement:
1. the resulting set of holding is unpatterned
2. By Hayek ,
A. value in accordance with the perceived value of a persons action and
services to others
B. transfer of holding must be rational and not inarbitary action

3. From each as they choose, to each as they are chosen

Liberty upsets pattern
Wilt Chamberlain example

3 unrealistic preposition of objection :
1) all want maintain the pattern
2) each can gather enough information about his own action and the ongoing
activities of others to discover which of his actions will upset the pattern
3) the diverse and far-flung person can coordinate their actions to dovetail into the

Sens argument
A has right to decide (X/Y)
B has right to decide (Z/W)
A preference : W>X>Y>Z
B preference : Y>Z>W>X
Unanimity condition of social ordering : W>X , Y>Z

No transitive social ordering satisfying all situation

Problem :
1.An individuals right to choose among alternatives as the right to determine the
relative ordering of these alternatives within a social ordering

2.rights do not determine the position of an alternative or the relative position of
two alternative in a social ordering, they operate upon a social ordering to constrain
the choice it can yield

the pattern requires continuous interference with individuals action and choices.

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