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Vivian Ojimadu
Mr. Gunsher
AP Enviornmental Science
September 10, 2014
Article 3 Summary: Food Ark
The more people there are the fewer resources there are to meet basic needs. If basic
needs cannot be met, development stalls and economies begin to unravel. Worldwide, enough
food is produced to feed everyone, yet this food and the technology to produce it do not always
reach those in need. Agricultural production will have to increase as much as the governments
are trying to decrease global greenhouse gas emissions. Not only is our food supply decreasing
but so is our vierity in foods. Certain grains and vegetables are becoming completely extintict.
Those of which were thriving decades ago. This is a problem because not only do the agricultural
products add to our food supply but some of them aid in fighting disesse.
The continued production of an adequate food supply is directly dependent on ample
fertile land, fresh water, energy, plus the maintenance of biodiversity. As the human population
grows, the requirements for these resources also grow. Even if these resources are never
depleted, on a per capita basis they will decline significantly because they must be divided
among more people. To gain a hold on our food supplies we must first gain a hold on our
population growth. No matter what ideas are developed to cope with the rapid population growth
food will continuously have to be increased if the population is not contained. This cannot be
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allowed to happen because the earth has what is known as a tipping point and some scientist
believe in this day and age we are slowly but surely reaching it.
Things that Surprised Me
1. I thought it very cool to know of the Seed Savers Exchange 2010 Yearbook and its
history. I feel as though having such a place where a vierity of seeds are stored is vital in
our preserving of our food species.
2. Heriloom vegtables is a brand popular both in and outside the United States.
3. Food varieties extinction is happening all over the world. I did not know that we had as
many variations in certain amounts of foods that we have and the rate at which they are
being depleted is very shocking.
4. I had no prior knowledge of the green revolution and its impact on global wheat
5. Current efforts to increase food production in the developing world may only accelerate
the pace at which livestock breeds and crop species disappear in the years to come. There
are both negatives and positives to the work attempting to be done on our food crisis.
In Relation to Class
1. In class we spoke on natural resources those both renewable and nonrenewable. Some of
our food sources are renewable some are not. Regardless if not closely monitored each
could become nonexistent.
2. In class we spoke on our exponentialy growing population
3. In class we spoke on the fact that with a greater population comes a greater demand for

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