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Malayan Law Journal Reports/2010/Volume 3/Alaggandiran a/l Vellu v Publi Proseutor ! "2010# 3 MLJ $%& !
12 'tober 200(
10 pages
"2010# 3 MLJ $%&
Alaggandiran a/l Vellu v Public Prosecutor
!UR"YA#"$ %& !E'ARA A&# A()A# )AAROP JJCA
CR")"&AL APPEAL &O *+,-+. OF /,,.
0/ October /,,1
Criminal Law -- Murder -- Appeal -- Whether trial judge erred at close of prosecution case by wrongly
evaluating evidence -- Whether at conclusion of trial prosecution had proved their case beyond reasonable
Evidence -- Witness -- Interested witness -- Whether trial judge not cautious in accepting evidence of
interested witness and an accomplice wholly without independent corroboration
'n 3 May 1((( w)ile two brot)ers* Vi+neswaran and Viveganat)an were on t)eir way to t)e supermar+et
on a motoryle ridden by t)e ,ormer wit) t)e latter as t)e pillion* t)ey rossed pat)s wit) one Alaggandiran
a/l Vellu -.t)e aused./ and anot)er* w)o were also riding on a motoryle0 1)e aused stopped t)e two
brot)ers and invited t)em to go to a s)op to )ave drin+s and tal+0 1)e brot)ers agreed and at t)e aused.s
suggestion e2)anged motoryles to t)eir destination0 1)e aused rode Vi+neswaran.s motoryle wit)
t)e latter as )is pillion* w)ile Viveganat)an beame t)e pillion rider on t)e ot)er motoryle* w)i) was
ridden by t)e aused.s ompanion0 1)e aused did not proeed to t)e s)ops ,or drin+s as intimated earlier
but instead led t)em to an area be)ind a ,atory w)ere two ot)ers were waiting and stopped t)ere0 3e,ore
Viveganat)an ould get down ,rom t)e motoryle* )e witnessed t)e aused ta+ing out a +ni,e ,rom )is
s)oulder bag to stab )is brot)er Vi+neswaran -.t)e deeased./0 1)e deeased ,ell onto t)e road and lay
prone w)ile t)e aused stabbed )im several times again0 4uring t)is time t)e deeased.s brot)er was )eld
ba+ by t)e aused.s aomplie -.t)e aomplie./* and restrained ,rom going to t)e deeased.s aid0 1)en
t)e aused.s aomplie stru+ t)e deeased.s brot)er wit) a piee o, wood and all ,our ,led ,rom t)e sene
o, t)e rime0 1)e deeased.s brot)er wit) t)e aid o, )is ,riend managed to send t)e deeased to t)e )ospital
but at t)e )ospital t)e deeased suumbed to )is in5uries0 Aording to t)e pat)ologist* t)e ause o, deat)
o, t)e deeased was .stab in5uries to t)e )eart and liver.0 1)e aused was )arged wit) t)e o,,ene o,
murder* ,ound guilty* onvited and sentened to deat) by t)e 6ig) 7ourt0 1)is was t)e aused.s appeal
against t)at onvition on t)e grounds* inter alia* t)at t)e trial 5udge )ad erred at t)e lose o, t)e proseution
ase by wrongly evaluating t)e evidene be,ore )im8 t)at t)e trial 5udge was not autious in aepting t)e
evidene o, t)e
3 ML !"# at !"$
deeased.s brot)er* an interested 2itness$ and an aomplie w)olly wit)out independent orroboration8
t)at t)e trial 5udge )ad erred in treating t)e disrepanies between t)e testimonies o, t)e interested party and
t)e aomplie as minor0
(eld* dismissing t)e appeal9
1) 1)e trial 5udge )ad applied all t)e orret priniples and tests in evaluating t)e evidene ,or t)e
proseution and t)e de,ene at all stages o, t)e trial0 1)e trial 5udge )ad neit)er erred in )is
,inding o, ,ats nor oasioned any serious misarriage o, 5ustie or misdiretion to warrant t)e
a:uittal o, t)e aused0 Alt)oug) t)e trial 5udge may )ave made an undesirable omment at
t)e lose o, t)e proseution.s ase* a are,ul reading o, t)e paragrap) in w)i) t)e statement
Page 3
appeared and all t)e preeding paragrap)s o, )is 5udgment s)owed t)at )e was ,ully aware
t)at t)e standard o, proo, on t)e proseution at t)e lose o, its ase was to ma+e out a prima
,aie ase and t)at at t)e onlusion o, t)e trial t)e ourt s)ould onsider all t)e evidene
addued and deide w)et)er t)e proseution )ad proved its ase beyond reasonable doubt
-see paras 12!13/0
1) 1)e deeased.s brot)er was an eyewitness w)o saw t)e aused stab )is brot)er several
times and was t)ere,ore a ruial proseution witness0 Alt)oug) )e was an interested party in
t)at )e would most ertainly wis) to )ave t)e aused punis)ed ,or t)e deat) o, t)e deeased*
)is brot)er* t)e trial 5udge )ad e2erised a su,,iient degree o, aution in aepting t)e
evidene given by t)e deeased.s bot)er0 ;urt)er t)e evidene given by t)e deeased.s brot)er
on t)e issue o, t)e deeased being stabbed wit) a +ni,e was also supported by t)e
pat)ologist.s ,indings -see para 1</0
1) 1)e trial 5udge )ad made a positive ,inding t)at t)e person w)o prevented t)e deeased.s
brot)er ,rom giving assistane to t)e deeased w)ile )e was being stabbed by t)e aused and
w)o later assaulted t)e deeased.s brot)er wit) a piee o, wood* was an aomplie0 6owever*
t)e aomplie.s evidene was su,,iiently orroborated by t)e evidene given by t)e
deeased.s brot)er and t)e pat)ologist.s ,indings0 As su) t)ere was no reason to inter,ere wit)
t)e trial 5udge.s ,inding t)at t)e aomplie was a redible witness -see paras 1$!1&/0
1) 1)e trial 5udge )ad onsidered t)e de,ene o, t)e aused very are,ully and made a ,inding at
t)e onlusion o, t)e trial t)at it was a bare denial0 1)ere was no reason to disturb t)ose
,indings -see para 1(/0
Pada 3 Mei 1((( semasa dua adi+ beradi+* Vi+neswaran dan Viveganat)an dalam per5alanan +e sebua)
pasar raya dengan motosi+al yang dibawa ole)
3 ML !"# at !"%
Vi+neswaran dan Viveganat)an sebagai pemboneng* mere+a berselisi) dengan Alaggandiran a/l Vellu
-.tertudu)./ dan seorang lagi* yang 5uga menunggang motosi+al0 1ertudu) mena)an +edua!dua adi+ beradi+
itu dan menga5a+ mere+a +e sebua) +edai untu+ minum dan berbual0 Adi+ beradi+ tersebut setu5u dan atas
adangan tertudu) bertu+ar!tu+ar motosi+al mere+a untu+ +e destinasi0 1ertudu) menunggang motosi+al
Vi+neswaran dan dia men5adi pembonengnya* dan Viveganat)an memboneng motosi+al yang satu lagi*
yang ditunggang ole) teman tertudu)0 1ertudu) tida+ menu5u +e +edai untu+ minum seperti yang dia5a+ tadi
tetapi membawa mere+a +e +awasan di bela+ang sebua) +ilang di mana dua yang lain sedang menunggu
dan mere+a ber)enti di situ0 =ebelum Viveganat)an turun dari motosi+al* dia nampa+ tertudu) mengeluar+an
sebila) pisau daripada beg sandangnya untu+ meni+am Vi+neswaran mati./0 =i mati 5atu) tertiarap di
5alan raya dan tertudu) meni+amnya lagi beberapa +ali0 =emasa ini berla+u* abang si mati dita)an ole)
ra+an suba)at tertudu) -.ra+an suba)at./* dan di)alang daripada membantu si mati0 >emudiannya ra+an
suba)at tertudu) memu+ul abang si mati dengan sebatang +ayu dan +eempat!empat mere+a lari dari tempat
+e5adian0 Abang si mati dengan bantuan sa)abatnya membawa si mati +e )ospital tetapi semasa di )ospital*
dia mati a+ibat daripada +eederaannya0 Menurut a)li patologi* sebab +ematian si mati adala) .stab in5uries
to t)e )eart and liver.0 1ertudu) ditudu) dengan +esala)an membunu)* didapati bersala)* disabit dan
di)u+um dengan )u+uman mati ole) Ma)+ama) 1inggi0 ?ni merupa+an rayuan tertudu) ter)adap sabitan
tersebut atas alasan!alasan* antara lain* ba)awa )a+im biara tela) +)ila, pada penutup +es penda+waan*
+erana silap menilai +eterangan di )adapannya* ba)awa )a+im biara tida+ ber)ati!)ati dalam menerima
+eterangan abang si mati* yang merupa+an sa+si yang ber+epentingan* dan seorang ra+an suba)at seara
+eseluru)annya tanpa +eterangan so+ongan bebas8 ba)awa )a+im biara tela) +)ila, apabila menganggap
perangga)an antara +eterangan pi)a+ yang ber+epentingan dan ra+an suba)at sebagai tida+ penting0
#i3utus4an* menola+ rayuan9
2) 6a+im biara tela) menggunapa+ai semua prinsip dan u5ian yang tepat dalam menilai
+eterangan pi)a+ penda+waan dan pembelaan pada +esemua pering+at perbiaraan0 6a+im
biara tida+ silap dalam penemuan ,a+tanya atau menga+ibat+an sala) la+sana +eadilan atau
sala) ara) yang membole)+an tertudu) dibebas+an0 @alaupun )a+im biara mung+in tela)
Page %
membuat +omen yang tida+ diingini pada penutup +es penda+waan* pembaaan teliti +e atas
perenggan di mana penyataan tersebut dibuat dan +esemua perenggan selepasnya dalam
peng)a+imannya menun5u++an ba)awa beliau sedia ma+lum ba)awa standard pembu+tian
pi)a+ penda+waan pada penutup +esnya adala) untu+ membu+ti+an +es prima ,aie dan
ba)awa pada +esimpulan perbiaraan tersebut ma)+ama) )arus mempertimbang+an semua
3 ML !"# at !&'
+eterangan yang di+emu+a+an dan memutus+an sama ada pi)a+ penda+waan tela)
membu+ti+an +esnya melampaui +eraguan yang munasaba) -li)at perenggan 12!13/0
2) Abang si mati merupa+an sa+si yang meli)at tertudu) meni+am adi+nya beberapa +ali dan ole)
itu merupa+an sa+si penting penda+waan0 @alaupun dia merupa+an pi)a+ yang
ber+epentingan yang mana dia tentunya ingin tertudu) di)u+um atas +ematian si mati* adi+nya*
)a+im biara tela) mengamal+an ta)ap waspada yang sepatutnya dalam menerima
+eterangan yang diberi+an ole) abang si mati0 =elan5utnya* +eterangan yang diberi+an ole)
abang si mati atas isu si mati diti+am dengan pisau 5uga diso+ong ole) penemuan a)li patologi
-li)at perenggan 1</0
2) 6a+im biara tela) membuat penemuan positi, ba)awa orang yang meng)alang abang si mati
daripada membantunya semasa si mati diti+am ole) tertudu) dan yang +emudiannya memu+ul
abang si mati dengan sebatang +ayu* merupa+an ra+an suba)at0 1etapi* +eterangan ra+an
suba)at diso+ong seu+upnya dengan +eterangan yang diberi+an ole) abang si mati dan 5uga
penemuan a)li patologi0 'le) itu* tiada alasan untu+ menampuri +eputusan )a+im biara
ba)awa ra+an suba)at tersebut adala) sa+si yang bole) diperayai -li)at perenggan 1$!1&/0
2) 6a+im biara tela) mempertimbang+an pembelaan tertudu) dengan teliti dan tela)
memutus+an pada +esimpulan perbiaraan tersebut ba)awa ianya pena,ian semata!mata0
1iada sebab untu+ menampuri +eputusan tersebut -li)at perenggan 1(/0
;or a ase on appeal* see % Mallal(s )igest -%t) Ad* 200< Reissue/ para 11<%0
;or ases on interested 2itness$ see & Mallal(s )igest -%t) Ad* 2010 Reissue/ paras 2B<B!2B$<0
Legislation re5erred to
7riminal Proedure 7ode ss 1B0-1/* 1B2A-1/
Penal 7ode s 302
A33eal 5ro69 Co %<!$ o, 2000 -6ig) 7ourt* =)a) Alam/
*ajpal +ingh ,*ajpal- .ira / Associates0 for the appellant1
2wan Li +a ,)eputy 3ublic 3rosecutor- Attorney 4eneral(s Chambers0 for the respondent1
%& !egara JCA
708 ?n May 1((( Vi+neswaran a/l Cagapan was a 1$ year old teenager0 6e
3 ML !"# at !&5
apparently )ad a girl,riend named Vi+neswari0 =)e is a ousin o, 7)ella) and 3as+aran w)o are brot)ers0
3as+aran is t)e elder brot)er o, 7)ella)0
7/8 Viveganat)an a/l Cagapan is t)e elder brot)er o, Vi+neswaran0 1)ey live toget)er in t)e same )ouse in
=g 3ulo)0 'n 3 May 1((( at about (pm t)e two brot)ers went to t)e A=3 =upermar+et w)i) is about 2!3+m
away ,rom t)eir )ouse to buy two pa+ets o, Maggi mee0 1)ey went to t)e supermar+et on a motoryle
ridden by Vi+neswaran wit) Viveganat)an as t)e pillion0 'n t)eir way ba+ )ome ,rom t)e supermar+et t)ey
rossed t)e pat) o, 7)ella) and Agilan w)o were on a motoryle -ridden by Agilan/0 7)ella) and Agilan are
+nown to Viveganat)an and Vi+neswaran0
Page <
798 7)ella) and Agilan stopped t)em and invited t)em to go to a s)op to )ave drin+s and tal+ toget)er0 At t)e
suggestion o, 7)ella) t)ey e2)anged motoryles ,or t)eir destination0 7)ella) rode t)e motoryle
Vi+neswaran was riding and Vi+neswaran beame t)e pillion instead0 Viveganat)an* on t)e ot)er )and*
beame t)e pillion rider on t)e motoryle ridden by Agilan0
7:8 7)ella) rode a)ead as t)e lead rider wit) )is pillion0 Agilan and )is pillion ,ollowed be)ind )im0 7)ella)
did not proeed to t)e s)op ,or drin+s as intimated earlier0 ?nstead* 7)ella) led t)em to an area be)ind a
,atory0 1)ere* awaiting t)eir arrival at t)e sene were 3as+aran and Mimi0
7-8 1o Viveganat)an.s )orror* even be,ore )e ould get down ,rom Agilan.s motoryle* )e saw 7)ella) ta+e
out a +ni,e ,rom a bag over 7)ella).s s)oulder and stab )is brot)er in t)e stoma)0 @)en Viveganat)an got
o,, Agilan.s motoryle )e was )eld by Mimi and restrained ,rom going to )is brot)er.s aid0 6e was told not to
inter,ere in a problem essentially between 7)ella) and Vi+neswaran0
7.8 Vi+neswaran ,ell on to t)e road and lay prone0 7)ella) ,urt)er stabbed )im several times again0 1)en
Agilan and 3as+aran stru+ Vi+neswaran wit) a piee o, wood0 1)erea,ter* t)e t)ree assailants and t)eir
aomplie* Mimi* ,led ,rom t)e sene* leaving Viveganat)an be)ind wit) )is brot)er0 Vi+neswaran was in
pain0 6is body and lot)es were smeared in blood0 6e was still alive and breat)ing0
7;8 Viveganat)an went to t)e )ouse o, )is ,riend 7)andra Mogan* about 2+m away* to see+ )elp ,or )is
brot)er0 6e returned to t)e sene wit) 7)andra Morgan in a ar to send )is brot)er to t)e =g 3ulo) 6ospital0
About )al, an )our a,ter t)eir arrival at t)e )ospital* Vi+neswaran suumbed to )is in5uries0
3 ML !"# at !&6
7<8 1)e ,orensi pat)ologist* 4r Deorge Paul -=P(/* arried out a post!mortem on t)e body o, Vi+neswaran
on % May 1((( at about 11am0 Aording to t)e pat)ologist t)e ause o, deat) o, t)e deeased was .stab
in5uries to )eart and liver.0
718 Allaggandiran a/l Vellu* t)e appellant -aused/ )erein* w)o is also +nown as 7)ella)* was )arged wit)
t)e o,,ene o, murder ,or ausing t)e deat) o, t)e deeased* Vi+neswaran0 6e was ,ound guilty and
onvited ,or t)e o,,ene o, murder punis)able under s 302 o, t)e Penal 7ode by t)e learned 5udge 6ig)
7ourt* =)a) Alam0 6e was sentened to deat)0
70,8 1)e appeal be,ore us )inges only on ,our main points0 Learned de,ene ounsel urges upon us to a:uit
and dis)arge t)e aused beause9
1a) 1)e learned trial 5udge )as erred at t)e lose o, t)e proseution by wrongly evaluating t)e evidene
be,ore )im8
1b) 1)e learned trial 5udge was not autious w)en aepting t)e evidene o, =P3 -interested 2itness
and =P& -aomplie/ w)olly wit)out independent orroboration8
1c) 1)e learned trial 5udge deided t)at t)e disrepanies between =P3 and =P& is minor and an be
1d) 1)e learned 5udge ,ailed to onsider t)at t)e proseution )ad ,ailed to prove t)at .Mimi. is atually
7008 @e )ave onsidered very are,ully t)e submissions o, learned de,ene ounsel0 @e )ave perused
t)roug) t)e notes o, evidene and reord o, appeal to asertain w)et)er t)e proseution )ad in ,at
establis)ed a prima ,aie ase against t)e aused at t)e lose o, t)e proseution.s ase and* t)erea,ter* at
t)e onlusion o, t)e trial* )ad proved t)eir ase beyond reasonable doubt0
70/8 @e are satis,ied t)at t)e trial 5udge )as applied all t)e orret priniples and tests in evaluating t)e
evidene ,or t)e proseution and t)e de,ene at all stages o, t)e trial0 @e are also o, t)e view t)at )e )as not
erred in )is ,inding o, ,ats0 @e are unanimous t)at t)e trial 5udge )as not oasioned any serious
misarriage o, 5ustie or misdiretion to warrant t)e a:uittal o, t)e aused0 Cevert)eless* we are o, t)e
view t)at it was undesireable o, t)e 5udge to )ave stated* -per)aps intended only as a matter o, observation
wit)out )aving e2pressly so stated/ .1ertudu) pada ta)ap ini* tida+ ada menimbul+an sebarang +eraguan
yang munasaba) ter)adap +es penda+waan.* in one o, t)e passages o, )is grounds o, 5udgment0 1)e
passage re,erred to reads as ,ollows9
Page $
3 ML !"# at !&3
=etela) menimbang+an +eterangan sa+si!sa+si penda+waan dan )u5a) +edua!dua pi)a+* saya berpuas)ati ba)awa
penda+waan tela) ber5aya membu+ti+an +es prima ,aie ter)adap tertudu) dan dengan itu tela) memanggil beliau
membela dirinya0 1ertudu) pada ta)ap ini* tida+ ada menimbul+an sebarang +eraguan yang munasaba) ter)adap +es
7098 =u) a statement* ta+en out o, onte2t and interpreted ,or its purported impliations wit)out regard to
t)e evidene be,ore t)e ourt* ould lead to t)e pereption t)at t)e trial 5udge was re:uiring t)e aused to
establis) a doubt on t)e proseution.s ase even be,ore t)e de,ene was alled0 1)e ,urt)er pereption
would be t)at su) ,ailure would lead to t)e aused.s inevitable onvition0 ?, t)is was in ,at rooted in t)e
mind o, t)e trial 5udge* t)en )e would be guilty o, a misdiretion on t)e burden o, proo, at t)e lose o, t)e
proseution.s ase0 6owever* upon a are,ul reading o, t)e paragrap) in w)i) t)e statement appears and all
t)e preeding paragrap)s o, )is 5udgment* as well as t)e paragrap)s t)at ,ollow* we are satis,ied t)at he was
fully aware that the standard of proof on the prosecution at the close of its case is to ma7e out a prima facie
case -s 1B0-1/ o, t)e 7riminal Proedure 7ode -.7P7.// and that at the conclusion of the trial the court shall
consider all the evidence adduced and decide whether the prosecution has proved its case beyond
reasonable doubt -s 1B2A-1/ o, t)e 7P7/0 ?t is elementary t)at in riminal law -s)ort o, any e2pliit statutory
e2eptions to t)e ontrary/ t)e aused is not re:uired to prove )is innoene at any stage o, a trial0 1)e
burden rests s:uarely on t)e s)oulders o, t)e proseution t)roug)out t)e trial to prove t)e )arge beyond
reasonable doubt* more so* at t)e lose o, t)e ase ,or t)e de,ene -t)at is* at t)e onlusion o, t)e trial/0
70:8 1)ere is no doubt t)at Viveganat)an -=P3/ and Cagent)aran -=P&/ are ruial proseution witnesses on
w)ose testimony t)e )arge against t)e aused rests )eavily0 ?, t)eir testimony is re5eted* t)en t)e
aused must be a:uitted0 6owever* we )ave no reason to inter,ere wit) t)e trial 5udge aepting t)eir
evidene as redible0
70-8 =P3 is t)e brot)er o, t)e deeased0 6is evidene is entitled to redene until ogent reasons ,or
disbelie, an be advaned0 6e was at t)e sene0 6e was an e=e 2itness> 6e saw t)e aused stab )is
brot)er0 1)ere is no doubt )e is an interested 2itness in t)at )e would most ertainly wis) to )ave t)e
perpetrator/s punis)ed ,or t)e deat) o, )is brot)er0 All t)at t)e law demands is t)at =P3.s evidene s)ould be
srutinised wit) su,,iient aution to sa,eguard against any temptation to ,alsely impliate t)e aused0 @e
are satis,ied t)at t)e trial 5udge )as e2erised su,,iient degree o, aution in aepting =P3.s evidene0 =P3.s
evidene on t)e issue o, t)e deeased being stabbed wit) a +ni,e is also supported by t)e pat)ologist* =P(.s
,indings0 ?n aepting =P3.s evidene* t)e trial 5udge stated9
3 ML !"# at !&"
=etela) mendengar dan meli)at =P3 memberi +eterangan* saya mendapati ia seorang sa+si yang bole) diperayai0 ?a
tida+ memperli)at+an +epada saya sebagai seorang sa+si yang berat sebela)0 >eterangannya ba)awa si mati tela)
diti+am dengan sebila) pisau di perutnya beberapa +ali adala) diso+ong dan +onsisten dengan 5enis!5enis +eederaan
yang di5elas+an ole) =P(0 =P( 5uga ada memberi+an pandangannya ba)awa +eederaan yang dialami ole) si mati
adala) disebab+an ole) sen5ata ta5am0
70.8 1)ere is no doubt t)at =P& is an aomplie0 1)e trial 5udge did in ,at ma+e a positive ,inding t)at =P&
was an aomplie0 =P& did go to t)e sene wit) Agilan0 6e prevented =P3 ,rom giving any assistane to t)e
deeased w)en )e was being stabbed by t)e aused0 =P& also assaulted t)e deeased wit) a piee o,
wood0 6e )ad been arrested by t)e polie as a suspet and t)en released0
70;8 ?t is a rule o, prudene t)at it is unsa,e to at on t)e evidene o, an aomplie unless it is orroborated
in material aspets so as to impliate t)e aused0 @e are satis,ied t)at )is evidene is su,,iiently
orroborated by =P3.s evidene and redene must be given0 =P3 and =P& were at t)e sene and bot) )ad
t)e opportunity to witness t)e aused stabbing t)e deeased0 ;urt)ermore* t)e pat)ologist.s ,indings
support =P&.s evidene t)at t)e deeased was stabbed wit) a +ni,e0 @e )ave no reason to inter,ere wit) t)e
trial 5udge.s ,inding t)at =P& was a redible witness0 6e stated in )is 5udgment as ,ollows9
@alaupun =P& seorang ra+an 5enaya)* saya mendapati ia seorang yang bole) diperayai dan +eterangannya adala)
diso+ong ole) =P3* iaitu seorang sa+si bebas0 >eterangan =P& ba)awa si mati tela) diti+am dengan sebila) pisau
5uga adala) +onsisten dengan +eederaan yang dialami ole) si mati seperti yang tela) diterang+an ole) =P( didalam
+eterangan lisannya dan 5uga di dalam laporan beda) siasatnya0
1ida+ dina,i+an ba)awa terdapat perangga)an +eterangan di antara =P3 dan =P&* termasu+ bagaimana dan dengan
Page &
siapa tertudu) pergi +e tempat +e5adian dan 5ara+ +edudu+an masing!masing dengan tempat si mati diti+am ole)
tertudu)0 3agaimanapun saya mendapati perangga)an tersebut adala) perangga)an yang +eil dan tida+ material0
?ni tida+ langsung men5e5as+an +redibiliti mere+a atau menimbul7an 7eraguan mengenai siapa yang meni7am siapa
dan jenis senjata yang diguna7an0
-Amp)asis added0/
70<8 1)e de,ene o, t)e aused* in a nuts)ell was t)at )e did not stab t)e deeased and* on t)e ontrary it
was t)e deeased w)o )ad stabbed )im0 6e denied t)at )e )ad broug)t along wit) )im any +ni,e w)en )e
met t)e deeased and )is brot)er at t)e ,ootball ,ield0 6e admitted t)at on t)e day o, t)e inident )e )ad told
)is brot)er* 3as+aran* and )is ousin* Agilan* t)at
3 ML !"# at !&&
)e was going to sear) ,or t)e deeased and )ave a tal+ wit) t)e deeased* as t)e deeased )ad allegedly
been disturbing )is ousin Vi+neswari0
7018 @e are satis,ied t)at t)e trial 5udge )ad onsidered t)e de,ene o, t)e aused very are,ully and at t)e
onlusion o, t)e trial made a ,inding t)at t)e aused.s de,ene was a bare denial0 6e ,ound t)at t)e
proseution )ad proved its ase beyond a reasonable doubt and e2pressed it in )is 5udgment as ,ollows9
=etela) menimbang+an +eterangan penda+waan dan +eterangan pembelaan* saya berpuas)ati ba)awa penda+waan
tela) membu+ti+an +esnya melepasi +eterangan yang menasaba) dan tertudu) tida+ dapat menimbul+an +eraguan
yang menasaba) ter)adap +es penda+waan0 >eterangan tertudu) sendiri adala) penu) dengan perangga)an dan
+eterangannya ba)awa ia tida+ meni+am si mati adala) merupa+an pena,ian semata!mata0
7/,8 @e are unanimous t)at t)is appeal is wit)out merits0 @e are satis,ied t)e onvition is sa,e0 Appeal is
dismissed0 7onvition and sentene o, t)e 6ig) 7ourt is a,,irmed0
Appeal dismissed1
Reported by >o)ila Cesan

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