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Republic of the Philippines

& 'er( & CARPIO,
TINGA, $n)
+ON.MANUEL ". ,ERNANDE-, *R.Pro.(/0$te):
in #i o11i2i$/ 2$%$2it3 $ Prei)in0 *()0e
o1 t#e Re0ion$/ Tri$/ Co(rt o1 L$ Pi$
Cit3, "r$n2# 454,Metro M$ni/$,2r$/$5
Re%on)ent.,e6r($r3 14, 4007
8 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &8



The Case

This petition for certiorari assails the Orers ate ! an "# Au$ust "%%" of &u$e Manuel '. (ernane), &r.,
Re$ionalTrialCourtof*as PiasCit+, 'ranch "!, -trial court. in Cri/inal Case No. %"0%!"1.The ! Au$ust "%%" Orer enie
petitioner Re+nalo e Castros -petitioner. Motion for Rein2esti$ation an the "# Au$ust "%%" Orer enie petitioners Motion
for Reconsieration.
The (acts

On the e2enin$ of 33 &une "%%", baran$a+ tanods in2ite petitioner to the baran$a+ hall in connection 4ith a co/plaint for
se5ual assault file b+ AAA, on behalf of her au$hter '''. Petitioner accepte the in2itation 4ithout an+ resistance.

On 3" &une "%%", the baran$a+ officials turne o2er petitioner to the *as Pias Cit+ Police Station.

On 36 &une "%%", the police inorse the co/plaint to the cit+ prosecutor of *as Pias Cit+ for in7uest proceein$s.*ater,
the state prosecutor issue a co//it/ent orer for petitioners etention.

On 3# &une "%%", State Prosecutor Napoleon A. Monso file an Infor/ation a$ainst petitioner for the cri/e of rape.
The Infor/ation reas:

The unersi$ne State Prosecutor II accuses RE8NA*DO DE CASTRO + A9E**ANA of the cri/e of
Rape -Art. "::0A, par. " in relation to Art. "::0', Re2ise Penal Coe, as a/ene b+ R;.<A;.< ;No.< #6!6 an
R;.<A;.< ;No.< 1:!=. an in relation 4ith R;.<A;.< ;No.< 1:3%, co//itte as follo4s:

That on or about the 33
a+ of &une "%%" or prior thereto, in the Cit+ of *as Pias, Philippines
an 4ithin the >urisiction of this ?onorable Court, the abo2e0na/e accuse, 4ith le4
esi$ns, i then an there 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+ co//its ;sic< act;s< of se5ual
assault 4ith one ;'''<, a se2en -1. +ears ;sic< ol /inor, b+ touchin$ an insertin$ his fin$er
into her 2a$ina a$ainst her 4ill an consent.


On 3 &ul+ "%%", petitioner file a Motion for Rein2esti$ation pra+in$ that the trial court issue an orer irectin$ the
Office of the Prosecutor of *as Pias Cit+ to conuct a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation in accorance 4ith Rule 33" of the Rules of
Court.Petitioner also asAe that the char$e file a$ainst hi/ be a/ene to acts of lasci2iousness instea of rape since fin$erin$
is not co2ere uner Article "::0A, para$raph " of Republic Act No. #6!6 -RA #6!6..In the Orer ate ! Au$ust "%%", the trial
court enie petitioners Motion for Rein2esti$ation.

On "" Au$ust "%%", petitioner file a Motion for Reconsieration. In the Orer ate "# Au$ust "%%", the trial court
enie the /otion. ?ence, this petition.

The Issues

Petitioner raises the follo4in$ issues:

ACT NO. #6!6D an

33" O( T?E RC*ES ON CRIMINA* PROCEDCRE.chanrobles2irtualla4librar+

The Courts Rulin$

@e is/iss the petition.

At the outset, 4e eclare that petitioner a2aile of the 4ron$ re/e+ in assailin$ the trial courts Orers.Petitioner file
before this Court a petition captione Petition for Certiorari an specificall+ state that the petition is base on Rule
:!.?o4e2er, petitioner also state that the issues raise are pure 7uestions of la4, 4hich properl+ fall uner Rule ,!.

Cner Rule :!, a special ci2il action for certiorari lies 4here a court has acte 4ithout or in e5cess of >urisiction or 4ith
$ra2e abuse of iscretion an there is no appeal, nor an+ plain, spee+ an ae7uate re/e+ in the orinar+ course of la4.In this
case, petitioner faile to alle$e an+ circu/stance 4hich 4oul sho4 that in issuin$ the assaile Orers, the trial court acte
4ithout or in e5cess of >urisiction or 4ith $ra2e abuse of iscretion. Moreo2er, follo4in$ the hierarch+ of courts, a special ci2il
action for certiorari assailin$ an orer of the Re$ional Trial Court shoul be file 4ith the Court of Appeals an not 4ith this
Court. Petitioner i not raise an+ special reason or co/pellin$ circu/stance that 4oul >ustif+ irect recourse to this

On the other han, if the petition is to be treate as a petition for re2ie4 uner Rule ,!, the petition 4oul fail because
onl+ >u$/ents or final orers that co/pletel+ ispose of the case can be the sub>ect of a petition for re2ie4. In this case, the
assaile Orers are onl+ interlocutor+ orers. Petitioner shoul ha2e proceee 4ith the trial of the case an if the trial court
reners an unfa2orable 2erict, petitioner shoul assail the Orers as part of an appeal that /a+ e2entuall+ be taAen fro/ the
final >u$/ent to be renere in this case.

Aitionall+, the petition 4ill not prosper because petitioner faile to co/pl+ 4ith the re7uire/ents uner Rule ,! as to
the ocu/ents, an their contents, 4hich shoul acco/pan+ the petition. Petitioner faile to sub/it a uplicate ori$inal or
certifie true cop+ of the "# Au$ust "%%" Orer en+in$ the Motion for Reconsieration. Petitioner also faile to sho4 the
ti/eliness of the filin$ of the petition because the petition i not state the ate 4hen petitioner recei2e the "# Au$ust "%%"
Orer en+in$ the Motion for Reconsieration.

?ence, on the issue alone of the propriet+ of the re/e+ sou$ht b+ petitioner, this petition /ust fail.

On the /erits, petitioner is ee/e to ha2e 4ai2e his ri$ht to a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation. Cner Section 1 of Rule 33",
if an infor/ation is file in court 4ithout a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation, the accuse /a+, 4ithin fi2e a+s fro/ the ti/e he learns
of its filin$, asA for a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation. The accuseEs failure to re7uest for a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation 4ithin the
specifie perio is ee/e a 4ai2er of his ri$ht to a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation.

In this case, the infor/ation a$ainst petitioner 4as file 4ith the trial court on 3# &une "%%".On "% &une "%%", one
Blenn Russel *. Apura, on behalf of Att+. Euaro S. 9illena -Att+. 9illena., re7ueste for copies of the pertinent ocu/ents on
petitioners case. On "! &une "%%", Att+. 9illena entere his appearance as counsel for petitioner. 8et, petitioner onl+ asAe for a
rein2esti$ation on 3 &ul+ "%%" or /ore than fi2e a+s fro/ the ti/e petitioner learne of the filin$ of the infor/ation. Therefore,
petitioner is ee/e to ha2e 4ai2e his ri$ht to asA for a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation.

Petitioner also 7uestions the char$e file a$ainst hi/ b+ the prosecutor. Petitioner insists that a fin$er oes not
constitute an ob>ect or instru/ent in the conte/plation of RA #6!6.

Petitioner is /istaAen. Cner the present la4 on rape, Article "::0A of the Re2ise Penal Coe, as a/ene b+ RA
#6!6,an as interprete in People v. Soriano, the insertion of ones fin$er into the $enital of another constitutes rape throu$h
se5ual assault. ?ence, the prosecutor i not err in char$in$ petitioner 4ith the cri/e of rape uner Article "::0A, para$raph "
of the Re2ise Penal Coe.

@?ERE(ORE, 4e DISMISS the petition. @e A((IRM the assaile Orers ate ! Au$ust "%%" an "# Au$ust "%%" of &u$e
Manuel '. (ernane), &r., Re$ional Trial Courtof *as PinasCit+, 'ranch "!,.


Cner Rule :! of the Rules of Court.
Entitle People of the Philippines 2. Re+nalo e Castro + A2ellana.
The real na/e of the 2icti/s /other is 4ithhel per Republic ActNo. 1:3%, Republic ActNo.crala4=":", an A.M. No. %,0330%=0
SC.See People v. Cabalquinto, B.R. No. 3:1:=6, 3= crala4Septe/ber "%%:.
The real na/e of the 2icti/ is 4ithhel per Republic ActNo. 1:3%, Republic ActNo. =":" an crala4A.M. No. %,0330%=0SC.See
People v. Cabalquinto, B.R. No. 3:1:=6, 3= Septe/ber "%%:.
Other4ise Ano4n asThe Anti0Rape *a4 of 3==1.
Rollo, p. !.
I. at 6.
RC*ES O( COCRT, Rule :!, Section 3.
People v. Cuaresma, B.R. No. :11#1, 3# April 3=#=, 31" SCRA ,3!.
Rivera v. Court of Appeals, ,!" Phil. 3%3, -"%%6..
Lalican v. Vergara, 6," Phil. ,#! -3==1..
RC*ES O( COCRT,Rule ,!, Section ,.
Section 1, Rule 33" of the Rules of Court pro2ies:
SEC. 1. When accused lafull! arrested ithout a arrant. 0 @hen a person is la4full+arreste 4ithout a 4arrant in2ol2in$ an
offense 4hich re7uires a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation, thecrala4co/plaint or infor/ation /a+ be file b+ a prosecutor 4ithout nee
of such in2esti$ation pro2ie crala4an in7uest has been conucte in accorance 4ith e5istin$ rules.In the absence or
una2ailabilit+crala4of an in7uest prosecutor, the co/plaint /a+ be file b+ the offene part+ or a peace officercrala4irectl+
4ith the proper court on the basis of the affia2it of the offene part+ or arrestin$ officercrala4or person.
'efore the co/plaint or infor/ation is file, the person arreste /a+ asA for acrala4preli/inar+ in2esti$ation in accorance
4ith this Rule, but he /ust si$n a 4ai2er of the pro2isions crala4of Article 3"! of the Re2ise Penal Coe, as a/ene, in the
presence of his counsel.crala4Not4ithstanin$ the 4ai2er, he /a+ appl+ for bail an the in2esti$ation /ust be ter/inate 4ithin
crala4fifteen -3!. a+s fro/ its inception.
After the filin$ of the co/plaint or infor/ation in court 4ithout a preli/inar+crala4in2esti$ation, the accuse /a+, 4ithin fi2e
-!. a+s fro/ the ti/e he learns of its filin$, asAcrala4for a preli/inar+ in2esti$ation 4ith the sa/e ri$ht to auce e2ience in
his efense ascrala4pro2ie in this Rule.-E/phasis supplie.
E., "%%!. citin$ People v.cralaVelasque",
,%! Phil. 1, -"%%3..
Recors, p. 3,.
I. at 3!.
,6: Phil. 13= -"%%"..
Article "::0A, para$raph "of the Re2ise Penal Coe pro2ies:
Article "::0A. Rape# When and $o Committed. 0 Rape is co//itte 0
5 5 5
". '+ an+ person 4ho, uner an+ of the circu/stances /entione in para$raph 3 hereof,crala4shall co//it an act of se5ual
assault b+ insertin$ his penis into another persons /outh or analcrala4orifice, or an+ instru/ent or ob>ect, into the $enital or
anal orifice of another person.
Republic of the Philippines
Republic of the Philippines





G.R. No. 195714


9E*ASCO, &R.,

Au$ust ,, "%%=
5 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005



This is an appeal fro/ the Decision ate Ma+ 3=, "%%# of the Court of Appeals -CA. in CA0B.R. CR0?.C. No. %%,#%, affir/in$
the Decision ate March 33, "%%, of the Re$ional Trial Court -RTC., 'ranch 61 in Ca$a+an e Oro Cit+. The RTC a>u$e
accuse0appellant *ilio C. Achas $uilt+ of t4o -". counts of the cri/e of rape.

In t4o -". separate infor/ations file before the RTC, ocAete as Cri/. Case Nos. "%%%0%,! an "%%303,6, Achas 4as char$e
4ith t4o counts of rape, alle$el+ co//itte as follo4s:

Cri.. C$e No. 4000&045

So/eti/e in the /onth of &une, 3==#, on a Suna+ noon, or thereabout at 5 5 5, Philippines an 4ithin the
>urisiction of this ?onorable Court, the abo2e0na/e accuse bein$ the co//on0la4 husban of the /other,
;'''<, of the 2icti/, ;AAA<, 4ith le4 esi$n, an b+ /eans of force an inti/iation poAe a Anife on sai
ei$ht -#. +ear ol /inor 2icti/, ;AAA<, i then an there 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+ ha2e carnal
Ano4le$e 4ith the sai 2icti/ a$ainst her 4ill.

CONTRAR8 TO an in 2iolation of Article "::0A in relation to Article "::0' of the Re2ise Penal Coe as
a/ene b+ RA #6!6.
Cri.. C$e No. 4001&14:

So/eti/e in the /onth of &ul+, 3===, on ;a< Suna+ /ornin$, in the /ountain of 5 5 5, Philippines an 4ithin
the >urisiction of this ?onorable Court, the abo2e0na/e accuse bein$ the co//on0la4 husban of the
/other of the ei$ht -#. +ear ol /inor02icti/, ;AAA<, 4ith le4 esi$n, an b+ /eans of force, inti/iation an
$ra2e abuse of authorit+, i then an there, 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+ ha2e carnal Ano4le$e 4ith the
sai 2icti/ ;AAA< a$ainst her 4ill.

The co//ission b+ the accuse is further a$$ra2ate b+ his Ano4le$e that he is afflicte b+ ;a< se5uall+
trans/issible isease an the isease ;4as< trans/itte to the aforesai 2icti/.

CONTRAR8 TO an in 2iolation of Article "::0A in relation to Article "::0' of the Re2ise Penal Coe, as
a/ene b+ RA #6!6.

The anteceent facts, as su//ari)e in the ecision uner re2ie4, are as follo4s:

In 3==#, AAA, then barel+ ei$ht +ears ol, 4as sta+in$ 4ith her /other, ''', an her co//on0la4 spouse, Achas, in Misa/is
Oriental. One Suna+ in &une of that +ear, AAA, 4hile 4atchin$ o2er her t4o half0brothers, CCC an DDD, in their ho/e, 4as
$rabbe b+ Achas an le to their a>oinin$ store. Once insie the store, Achas re/o2e AAAs short pants an uner4ear. ?e
then /ounte her an succeee in insertin$ his penis into her 2a$ina, causin$ her e5cruciatin$ pain.

So/eti/e in March 3===, EEE, '''s sister, sa4 a 2er+ pale AAA an asAe 4hat the /atter 4as. (or a repl+, AAA onl+
place her ar/s aroun her aunt, shi2erin$. Sensin$ that so/ethin$ 4as a/iss, EEE lost no ti/e in ha2in$ AAA e5a/ine at the
Northern Minanao Meical Center 4here AAA 4as foun to be afflicte 4ith $onorrhea.

The beastl+ act that occurre in &une 3==# 4as to be repeate in the sa/e place so/eti/e in &ul+ 3===, 4hile ''' 4as out
$atherin$ fire4oo. This ti/e aroun, Achas co2ere AAAs /outh 4ith a to4el to pre2ent her fro/ /aAin$ an+ noise. An
pointin$ a Anife at the left sie of AAAs necA before an after the se5ual abuse, Achas 4arne her that he 4oul Aill her /other
shoul she tell on hi/. crala4

Achas enie the accusations hurle a$ainst hi/ b+ one 4ho he alle$el+ lo2e liAe a au$hter, clai/in$, in the sa/e breath, to
be in another pro2ince in &une 3==# an &ul+ 3===. ?e ta$$e EEE, 4ho isliAe hi/ an 4ante her sister to lea2e hi/, as
ha2in$ /aster/ine the filin$ of the fabricate char$es.

CCC, AAAs half0brother an Achas son, testifie that it 4as not his father but t4o +oun$ bo+s 4ho se5uall+ /oleste his sister.
Accorin$ to CCC, AAA no less tol hi/ about Achas 2irtual innocence. Pushin$ his point, CCC testifie to bein$ tol b+ EEE to
Aeep 7uiet about AAA not ha2in$ been rape b+ Achas. EEEs instructions, per CCC, alle$el+ ca/e 4hen Achas 4as alrea+ in

On March 33, "%%,, the RTC renere >u$/ent finin$ Achas $uilt+ be+on reasonable oubt of rape on t4o counts
an sentencin$ hi/ to eath for each cri/e. The ispositi2e portion of the RTC Decision reas:

@?ERE(ORE, pre/ises consiere, this Court fins accuse *ilio C. Achas $uilt+ be+on reasonable oubt of t4o -". counts or
cri/es of rape co//itte a$ainst the /inor offene part+, an sai accuse is hereb+ sentence to ie for each of the t4o
counts or cri/es of rape sai penalt+ of eath to be carrie out in accorance 4ith the proceure an /etho enforce b+ the
appropriate authorities of the E5ecuti2e Depart/ent. Moreo2er, the accuse is sentence to pa+ the /inor offene part+ in each
of the t4o counts or cri/es of rape the su/ of P1!,%%%.%% b+ 4a+ of ci2il ine/nit+ 5 5 5 an the su/ of P!%,%%%.%%% b+ 4a+ of
/oral a/a$es.

5 5 5 5

The RTC forth4ith ele2ate the recors of the case to this Court for auto/atic re2ie4 in li$ht of the penalt+ i/pose. In
accorance, ho4e2er, 4ith the People v. %ateo rulin$, the Court, per Resolution of &une :, "%%:, orere the transfer of the case
recors to the CA for inter/eiate re2ie4.

On Ma+ 3=, "%%#, the CA renere a Decision affir/in$ that of the trial court. The appellate court, ho4e2er, reuce the
penalt+ of eath for each count of rape to reclusion perpetua 4ithout eli$ibilit+ for parole in li$ht of Republic Act No. -RA. =6,:
prohibitin$ the i/position of the eath penalt+. The ispositi2e portion of the CAs ecision reas:

@?ERE(ORE, pre/ises consiere, the assaile Decision of the Re$ional Trial Court -RTC., 3%
Re$ion, 'ranch 61, Ca$a+an e Oro Cit+, in Cri/inal Cases Nos. "%%%0%,! an "%%303,6, con2ictin$ appellant,
*ilio C. Achas of t4o -". counts of rape is hereb+ A((IRMED, 4ith the /oification in that appellant is onl+
/ete the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua instea of eath for each count of rape an that AAA is a4are
P1!,%%%.%% as /oral a/a$es, P1!,%%%.%% as ci2il ine/nit+ an P"!,%%%.%% as e5e/plar+ a/a$es for each
count of rape.


On &une ",, "%%#, Achas file his Notice of Appeal of the CA Decision.

In response to the Resolution of the Court for the/ to sub/it supple/ental briefs, if the+ so esire, the parties
/anifeste their 4illin$ness to ha2e the case resol2e on the basis of the recors an pleain$s alrea+ on file.

The issue before us is:


Achas efense is preicate on alibi an enial. ?e enies ha2in$ co//itte the cri/es i/pute a$ainst hi/, bein$, in the first
place, in 'uAinon on the ates the suppose rape incients occurre. ?o4 coul he, he protests, o so/ethin$ astarl+ on one
4ho he lo2e an treate liAe his o4n chilH ?is son, CCC, 4hen calle on the 4itness stan, belie AAAs inculpator+ alle$ations
a$ainst his father.

Achas brans AAAs account as to his $uilt as increulous an inconsistent 4ith hu/an e5perience an the natural course of
thin$s. ?e liAe4ise /aintains that the ph+sical e2ience ran counter to AAAs testi/onial e2ience.In particular, he asserts
that AAA 4as not alone in the house 4hen the alle$e &une 3==# rape happeneD +et, contrar+ to hu/an nature, AAA i not
cr+ out for help. ?e also belies co//ittin$ the secon rape char$e, for, in &ul+ 3===, EEE alrea+ ha custo+ of AAA.

Settin$ his focus on another an$le, Achas /aintains that if AAAs alle$ations of rape 4ere true, then h+/enal lacerations an
e5ternal ph+sical in>uries 4oul ha2e been obser2e b+ the e5a/inin$ ph+sician an so inicate, but 4as not, in the /eical

The People, throu$h the Office of the Solicitor Beneral -OSB., 4oul ha2e the Court iscreit the proffere efenses of enial
an alibi, escribin$ the/ as the fa2orite sanctuar+ of felons. An for reasons etaile in its 'rief, the OSB, citin$ >urispruence,
ur$es that Achas assault on AAAs creibilit+ be re>ecte.

The Court resol2es to affir/ the CA ecision.

(or con2iction in the cri/e of rape, the follo4in$ ele/ents /ust be pro2e:

3. that the accuse ha carnal Ano4le$e of a 4o/anD

". that sai act 4as acco/plishe uner an+ of the follo4in$ circu/stances0

a.throu$h force, threat or inti/iationD
b.4hen the offene part+ is epri2e of reason or is other4ise unconsciousD
c.b+ /eans of frauulent /achination or $ra2e abuse of authorit+D or
.4hen the offene part+ is uner t4el2e -3". +ears of a$e or is e/ente, e2en thou$h none of the
circu/stances /entione abo2e be present.

'+ the istincti2e nature of rape cases, con2iction usuall+ rests solel+ on the basis of the testi/on+ of the 2icti/,
pro2ie that such testi/on+ is creible, natural, con2incin$, an consistent 4ith hu/an nature an the nor/al course of thin$s.
Crala4 Accorin$l+, the Court has consistentl+ ahere to the follo4in$ $uiin$ principles in the re2ie4 of si/ilar cases, to 4it:
-3. an accusation for rape can be /ae 4ith facilit+D 4hile the accusation is ifficult to pro2e, it is e2en /ore ifficult for the
accuse, thou$h innocent, to ispro2eD -". consierin$ that, in the nature of thin$s, onl+ t4o persons are usuall+ in2ol2e in the
cri/e of rape, the testi/on+ of the co/plainant /ust be scrutini)e 4ith e5tre/e cautionD an -6. the e2ience for the
prosecution /ust stan or fall on its o4n /erits, an cannot be allo4e to ra4 stren$th fro/ the 4eaAness of the e2ience for
the efense.
Co/ple/entin$ the fore$oin$ principles is the rule that the creibilit+ of the 2icti/ is al4a+s the sin$le /ost i/portant
issue in prosecution for rapeD that in passin$ upon the creibilit+ of 4itnesses, the hi$hest e$ree of respect /ust be affore to
the finin$s of the trial court.

AAA ha pointe to Achas as the person 4ho force hi/self on her on at least t4o occasions an 4ho cause her pain
4hen he entere her. As eter/ine b+ the trial court, AAAs testi/on+ on the fact of /olestation 4as positi2e an creible. The
trial court 4rote:

'ase on the e/eanor of the pri2ate co/plainant 4hen she testifie, an after an assess/ent of the
testi/onies of the prosecution 4itnesses, this Court belie2es an conclues that the prosecution 4itnesses an
their testi/onies are creible. These 4itnesses testifie positi2el+, irectl+, an in a cani /anner. There is
neither cause nor reason for this Court to 4ithhol creence on the testi/onies of the prosecution 4itnesses.
An citin$ this Courts rulin$ on an analo$ous case in2ol2in$ a $irl0chil, the trial court ae:

5 5 5 ;I<t is unbelie2able for a ten0+ear ol 2ir$in to publicl+ isclose that she ha been se5uall+ abuse,
then uner$o the trouble an hu/iliation of a public trial if her /oti2e 4ere other than to protect her honor an
brin$ to >ustice the person 4ho unleashe his lust on her.

&ust liAe the CA, the Court loathes to isturb the trial courts assess/ent of AAAs creibilit+, ha2in$ ha the opportunit+
to obser2e her e/eanor in the 4itness bo5. @hen the offene part+ is of tener a$e an i//ature, courts are incline to $i2e
creit to her account of 4hat transpire, consierin$ not onl+ her relati2e 2ulnerabilit+ but also the sha/e to 4hich she 4oul be
e5pose if the /atter to 4hich she testifie is not true.

AAA /a+ perhaps ha2e not crie for help 4hile bein$ taAen forcibl+ b+ Achas to the store a>oinin$ their house or urin$
the actual penile insertion itself. This i/pute o/ission, ho4e2er, oes not necessaril+ i/inish the plausibilit+ of AAAs stor+,
let alone estro+ her creibilit+. AAA 4as a +oun$ countr+ $irl of ei$ht urin$ the perio /aterial. It 4as eas+ to inti/iate her
then into silence. She 4as 4ith her stepfather 4ho en>o+e /oral authorit+ o2er her an the onl+ people aroun 4ere her t4o
+oun$er an oubtless uniscernin$ half0brothers 4ho/ she 4as looAin$ after. Coul the t4o tolers be e5pecte to
unerstan 4hat their father 4as about to o or 4as oin$ then to AAA an co/e to their half0sisters succorH

Ph+sical resistance nee not be establishe 4hen inti/iation is brou$ht to bear on the 2icti/ an the latter sub/its
herself out of fear. As has been hel, the failure to shout or offer tenuous resistance oes not /aAe 2oluntar+ the 2icti/s
sub/ission to the cri/inal acts of the accuse. Inti/iation is aresse to the /in of the 2icti/ an is, therefore, sub>ecti2e.
AAAs creibilit+ shoul, thus, not be unercut >ust because she i not cr+ out, if this reall+ be the case, for help. Rape is
sub>ecti2e an not e2er+one respons in the sa/e 4a+ to an attacA b+ a se5ual fien. There is no stereot+pical for/ of reaction
for a 4o/an 4hen facin$ a trau/atic e5perience, such as a se5ual assault. @hen a $irl, especiall+ a /inor, sa+s that she has been
rape, she sa+s in effect all that is necessar+ to sho4 that rape 4as co//itte.

Achas has /ae /uch of the absence of /eical traces of h+/enal laceration on AAA. Bi2en the un4a2erin$ testi/on+ of AAA as
to her oreal in the hans of Achas, ho4e2er, the Court cannot accor /erit to the ar$u/ent that the lacA of ph+sical
/anifestation of rape 4eaAens the case a$ainst Achas. The /eical report on AAA is onl+ corroborati2e of the finin$ of rape.
The absence of e5ternal si$ns or ph+sical in>uries on the co/plainants bo+ oes not necessaril+ ne$ate the co//ission of rape.
This is because h+/enal laceration is not an ele/ent of the cri/e of rape, albeit a heale or fresh laceration is a co/pellin$ proof
of efloration. @hat is /ore, the fore/ost consieration in the prosecution for rape is the 2icti/s testi/on+ an not the finin$s
of the /eico0le$al officer. In fact, a /eical e5a/ination of the 2icti/ is not inispensable in a prosecution for rapeD the 2icti/s
testi/on+ alone, if creible, is sufficient to con2ict.

Achas clai/ of bein$ in 'uAinon, a pro2ince a>oinin$ Misa/is Oriental, urin$ the co//ission of the se5ual assaults
stans uncorroborate an cannot be $i2en /uch consieration to support his alibi.?e 4as not able to sho4 the ph+sical
i/possibilit+ of his bein$ 4ith AAA at the ti/e the incients occurre. (or alibi to prosper, the accuse /ust sho4 bein$
so/e4here else urin$ the actual co//ission of the cri/e an that it 4as ph+sicall+ i/possible for hi/ to ha2e been at the
cri/e scene. Alibi /ust fail 4here, o4in$ to the short istance as 4ell as the facilit+ of access bet4een the t4o places in2ol2e,
there is least chance for the accuse to be present at the cri/e scene. 'ut >ust to put thin$s in the proper perspecti2e, 4hat Achas
testifie to, as note b+ the trial court, 4as that he 4ent to Don Carlos, 'uAinon in Ma+ 3=== an left that /unicipalit+ in
October 3===, a plausible alibi for the &ul+ 3=== rape incient onl+.

Denial, >ust liAe alibi, if not substantiate b+ clear an con2incin$ e2ience, is inherentl+ 4eaA, bein$ self0ser2in$
ne$ati2e e2ience uneser2in$ of 4ei$ht in la4. To be sure, either $ratuitous efense cannot be accore $reater e2ientiar+
4ei$ht than the positi2e eclaration of creible 4itnesses. Put a bit ifferentl+, the efense of enial or alibi beco/es e2en
4eaAer in the face of an un7ualifie an positi2e ientification of Achas as co/plainants rapist.

CCCsuncorroborate testi/on+ in theefense of Achas alsoeser2es scant consieration, it bein$ but natural for a son to testif+
for his father. CCCs 2ersion of e2ents, /oreo2er, re7uires a consierable stretch of the i/a$ination to be belie2e. ?is stor+ has
his aunt, EEE, cooAin$ up an elaborate fra/e0up of Achas onl+ because she i not liAe hi/. CCCs aunt alle$el+ coache hi/ to
sa+ it 4as their t4o nei$hbors 4ho co//itte the cri/e a$ainst his half0sister. CCCs account ta5es creulit+, for it is hi$hl+
unusual for AAA to accuse her o4n stepfather of rape, 4hile lettin$ the real culprits $o unpunishe. chanrobles2irtuala4librar+

At an+ e2ent, her ha2in$ been se5uall+ assaulte b+ so/eone else oes not foreclose the possibilit+ of Achas ha2in$ rape
her also. As it 4ere, CCC 4as not present 4hen Achasto satisf+ his lust, at least the secon ti/e arounra$$e AAA into the
a>oinin$ store. In other 4ors, CCC i not, as he coul not, testif+ on the ph+sical i/possibilit+ of the cri/e ha2in$ bein$
co//itte b+ his father. @e $o bacA to the oft0cite >urispruential $e/ that a +oun$ $irl 4ill not ha2e the coura$e an stren$th
to concoct a tale of efloration a$ainst a stepfather an relate in public all its horrif+in$ 4ere she not in fact se5uall+ 2iolate. The
Court cannot brin$ its /in to a rest that a $irl of tener a$eliAe AAA, 4ho has not been sho4n to ha2e ill /oti2e to falsel+ testif+
a$ainst her stepfather4oul allo4 herself to $o throu$h the hu/iliation of a public trial if not to pursue >ustice for 4hat has
happene. crala4As to the testi/on+ of CCC, 4e ha2e pre2iousl+ hel that 4hen the enial of the accuse is tene to be
establishe onl+ b+ hi/self, his relati2es, or friens, his enial of culpabilit+ shoul be accore the strictest scrutin+D their
testi/onies are necessaril+ suspect an cannot pre2ail o2er the testi/onies of the /ore creible 4itnesses for the prosecution.
crala4 So it /ust be here. chanrobles2irtuala4librar+

On pecuniar+ liabilit+, 4e affir/ the a/ount of a/a$es a4are b+ the appellate court. Ci2il ine/nit+ for statutor+ rape is
currentl+ pe$$e at PhP 1!,%%%, 4hile /oral a/a$es, 4hich are a4are 4ithout nee of proof of /ental sufferin$ or an$uish
other than the fact of statutor+ rape, 4as properl+ a4are in the a/ount of PhP 1!,%%%. crala4 The a4ar of e5e/plar+
a/a$es in the a/ount of PhP "!,%%% is increase to PhP 6%,%%% pursuant to pre2ailin$ >urispruence. crala4

@hile RA =6,: prohibite the i/position of the eath penalt+ an the penalt+ is reuce to reclusion perpetua, the accuse is,
ho4e2er, no lon$er eli$ible for parole. chanrobles2irtuala4librar+

;+ERE,ORE, the CA Decision ate Ma+ 3=, "%%# in CA0B.R. CR0?.C. No. %%,#% finin$ accuse0appellant *ilio C. Achas
$uilt+ of t4o -". counts of rape is hereb+ A,,IRMED 4ith the MODI,ICATION that he is orere to pa+ P#P :0,000 as
e5e/plar+ a/a$es an that he is ineli$ible for parole. chanrobles2irtuala4librar+


Chief &ustice
Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. 19<14=


8NARES0SANTIABO, Chairperson,
9E*ASCO, &R., an


Au$ust ,, "%%=
5 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005



This is an appeal fro/ the Decision of the Court of Appeals -CA. ate Ma+ 6%, "%%# in CA0B.R. CR0?.C. No. %31:%, 4hich
affir/e the Au$ust 3", "%%" Decision in Cri/inal Case No. ==06"= of the Re$ional Trial Court -RTC.,'ranch "!= in Paraa7ue

Accuse0appellant &esus Para$as Cru) 4as con2icte of one -3. count of rape or 2iolation of para$raph 3-a., Article "::0A of the
Re2ise Penal Coe, as a/ene. ?e 4as sentence to suffer the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua.

T#e ,$2t

The Infor/ation ate (ebruar+ "6, 3=== a$ainst Cru) alle$e the follo4in$:
That on or about the :
a+ of &une 3==# in the Cit+ of Paraa7ue, Philippines an 4ithin the >urisiction of this
?onorable Court, the abo2e0na/e accuse, b+ /eans of force an inti/iation, i then an there 4illfull+,
unla4full+ an feloniousl+ ha2e carnal Ano4le$e 4ith one ;AAA<, a /inor, = +ears ol, a$ainst her 4ill.


Cpon arrai$n/ent on &ul+ #, 3===, Cru) pleae not $uilt+.

The prosecution offere the testi/on+ of the follo4in$ 4itnesses: PO6 Maria 'autistaD Dr. @inston TanD the 2icti/s /other,
'''D an E/iliano Mariano, the baranga! tanod of San Dionisio, Paraa7ue Cit+. Apart fro/ Cru), the efense presente as
4itnesses his 4ife, Melina Cru)D Antonio Bon)alesD 'en>a/in BualD &esus Cru)D Dr. Darius MarianoD an Dr. @inston Tan.

Verion o1 t#e Proe2(tion

On &une :, 3==#, AAA, then a nine0+ear ol, 4as at her house 4atchin$ tele2ision 4ith her cousin &a+. It 4as past three in the
afternoon 4hen &a+ left to $o to her $ran/others house. Cpon her eparture, Cru) abruptl+ entere the house an turne off
the tele2ision. ?e close the 4ino4s an tol AAA to re/o2e her shorts. She i as instructe. Cru) later Aisse AAA an
touche her 2a$ina. She felt pain as he inserte his penis into her 2a$ina. She i not o an+thin$, ho4e2er, as she 4as fearful of
Cru). To inti/iate her further, Cru) threatene to Aill her shoul she report 4hat ha >ust happene. ?e then left in a hurr+ an
close the oor of the house.

AAA trie her best to Aeep the rape a secret as she 4as terrifie that Cru) 4oul co/e bacA an Aill her. Ne2ertheless, she tol
her /other ''' 4hat happene to her a fe4 /onths later. ''' subse7uentl+ tol Cru)s 4ife of 4hat she ha >ust isco2ere.
Thereafter, ''' tooA her au$hter to the baranga! hall an then to the police station to report the /atter to the authorities.

A /eical e5a/ination 4as conucte on AAA b+ Dr. @inston Tan. ?is report sho4e that AAA ha t4o -". h+/enal
lacerations. One 4as a eep0heale laceration at the 6 oclocA position an another one a shallo4 heale laceration at the ! oclocA

Verion o1 t#e De1ene

Maintainin$ his innocence, Cru) clai/e that at the ti/e of the rape he 4as 4ith Antonio Bon)ales in Multinational 9illa$e,
Paraa7ue Cit+. Bon)ales later testifie that the+ /et fro/ 33 oclocA in the /ornin$ to about !:6% in the afternoon. Cru)
conucte a sur2e+ of Bon)ales lan to prepare it for a prospecti2e bu+er. A couple of /onths later or on Septe/ber "#, 3==#, his
4ife tol hi/ of AAAs alle$ation of rape. Police/en subse7uentl+ arreste hi/ an brou$ht hi/ to the police station 4here he
4as infor/e that he 4as bein$ char$e of rape. To further establish his efense, Cru) /aintaine that it 4as i/possible for hi/
to co//it rape as he ha been se5uall+ i/potent since 3==!. ?e pointe to a lan ispute he ha 4ith the 2icti/s fa/il+ as a
possible reason for the fabricate char$e.

Cru)s 4ife Melina corroborate his stor+ b+ sa+in$ that the+ selo/ ha se5ual intercourse after 3==! as he ha beco/e
i/potent. Dr. Darius Mariano, /ean4hile, ia$nose Cru) in "%%3 as sufferin$ fro/ erectile +sfunction. c

T#e R(/in0 o1 t#e Tri$/ Co(rt

The RTC foun Cru) $uilt+ for the cri/e char$e. It foun Cru)s efense too shallo4 in li$ht of his positi2e ientification as the
perpetrator of the rape. The ispositi2e portion of the RTC Decision reas:

@?ERE(ORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, finin$ accuse &esus Para$as Cru) BCI*T8 be+on reasonable
oubt for the cri/e of Rape as efine an penali)e uner par. 3-c. Art. "::0A RA #6!6 in relation to Sec. !-b.
RA 1:3%D this Court hereb+ sentences hi/ to reclusion perpetua an to suffer the accessor+ penalties pro2ie
b+ la4, particularl+ Art. ,3 of the Re2ise Penal Coe. (or the ci2il liabilit+, he is further cone/ne to pa+ the
a/ount of P3%%,%%%.%% as actual an /oral a/a$es.
5 5 5 5

On &une "!, "%%#, Cru) file his Notice of Appeal of the RTC Decision.

T#e R(/in0 o1 t#e CA

Cru), in ar$uin$ that the trial court erre in con2ictin$ hi/, alle$e that AAAs h+/enal lacerations coul ha2e been cause b+
/eans other than se5ual intercourse. ?e further/ore sub/itte that his erectile +sfunction raise oubts as to his
culpabilit+ .Aitionall+, he clai/e that the corroboration of his alibi b+ t4o other 4itnesses shoul not ha2e been isre$are.

The CA foun Cru)s assertions 4ithout /erit. It rule that his i/potenc+ 4as not pro2e 4ith certaint+. The appellate court
pointe out that the /eical finin$ of erectile +sfunction 4as base on an e5a/ination /ore than three +ears after the rape
occurreD thus, no cate$orical conclusion coul be /ae that Cru) 4as i/potent 4hen the rape 4as co//itte.

(ollo4in$ >urispruence on the sub>ect /atter, the appellate court hel that it 4as har to belie2e AAAs /other 4oul file rape
char$es a$ainst Cru) because of a lan ispute, seein$ as it 4oul cause AAA e/barrass/ent an sub>ect her to a lifelon$ sti$/a.
As to Cru)s alibi, the CA opine that he 4as not able to pro2e the ph+sical i/possibilit+ of his ha2in$ co//itte the cri/e.

The fallo of the CA Decision reas:

@?ERE(ORE, the Decision appeale fro/ is hereb+ A((IRMED 4ith the MODI(ICATIONS that accuse0
appellant &ESCS PARABAS CRCF is orere to pa+ pri2ate co/plainant P!%,%%%.%% as ci2il ine/nit+ an
P!%,%%%.%% as /oral a/a$es, an e5e/plar+ a/a$es in the a/ount of P"!,%%%.%%. The a4are a/ount of
P3%%,%%%.%% is DE*ETED. The Decision stans in all other respects.


On March 33, "%%=, this Court re7uire the parties to sub/it supple/ental briefs if the+ so esire. The parties /anifeste their
4illin$ness to sub/it the case on the basis of the recors alrea+ sub/itte.

T#e I(e


Cru) reiterates his pre2ious assertions, i.e., that -3. the 2icti/s h+/enal lacerations coul ha2e been cause b+ a non0se5ual actD
-". Cru)s erectile +sfunction /ae it i/possible for hi/ to co//it rapeD an -6. his alibi that he 4as else4here at the ti/e of
the rape eser2es /ore 4ei$ht as it 4as corroborate b+ t4o other 4itnesses.

Non&Se8($/ C$(e o1 +3.en$/ L$2er$tion

Courts use the follo4in$ principles in eciin$ rape cases: -3. an accusation of rape can be /ae 4ith facilit+D it is ifficult to
pro2e but /ore ifficult for the person accuse, thou$h innocent, to ispro2eD -". ue to the nature of the cri/e of rape in 4hich
onl+ t4o persons are usuall+ in2ol2e, the testi/on+ of the co/plainant /ust be scrutini)e 4ith e5tre/e cautionD an -6. the
e2ience for the prosecution /ust stan or fall on its o4n /erits an cannot be allo4e to ra4 stren$th fro/ the 4eaAness of
the e2ience for the efense. Due to the nature of this cri/e, con2iction for rape /a+ be solel+ base on the co/plainants
testi/on+ pro2ie it is creible, natural, con2incin$, an consistent 4ith hu/an nature an the nor/al course of thin$s.

'earin$ the afore/entione principles in /in, 4e fin the prosecutions e2ience sufficient for a con2iction. The clai/ that
AAAs h+/enal lacerations coul ha2e been cause b+ so/ethin$ other than se5ual con$ress is istinctl+ speculati2e an oes not
thro4 an+ oubt as to the fact of rape. @hat is /ore, proof of h+/enal laceration is not e2en an ele/ent of rape so lon$ as there
is enou$h proof of entr+ of the /ale or$an into the labia of the pudendum of the fe/ale or$an.

@e ha2e $leane fro/ the recors a creible an strai$htfor4ar account of the rape fro/ the 2icti/ herself. She 4as
unflinchin$ both urin$ her irect an cross0e5a/inations an 4as cate$orical in ientif+in$ Cru) as the rapist. @e, thus, concur
4ith both the trial an appellate courts in holin$ that AAAs testi/on+ is enou$h to hol Cru) liable. Most i/portant in a
prosecution for statutor+ rape is to pro2e the follo4in$ ele/ents: -3. that the accuse ha carnal Ano4le$e of a 4o/anD an -".
that the 4o/an 4as belo4 3" +ears of a$e. Se5ual con$ress 4ith a $irl uner 3" +ears ol is al4a+s rape. crala4These ele/ents
4ere sufficientl+ establishe urin$ trial an 4ere not rebutte b+ the efense 4ith an+ soli e2ience to the contrar+.As the trial
court 4as in a better position to obser2e the canor an e/eanor of the 4itnesses, 4e respect its finin$s of fact especiall+ as
these 4ere sustaine b+ the CA.

I.%oten2e $ $ De1ene

As a efense, i/potence is both a ph+sical an /eical 7uestion that shoul be satisfactoril+ establishe 4ith the ai of an e5pert
an co/petent testi/on+. I/potenc+ as a efense in rape cases /ust liAe4ise be pro2e 4ith certaint+ to o2erco/e the
presu/ption in fa2or of potenc+. @hile Cru) 4as inee ia$nose as sufferin$ fro/ erectile +sfunction, this oes not preclue
the possibilit+ of his ha2in$ se5ual intercourse 4ith AAA. As the CA obser2e accuratel+, AAA 4as rape in 3==# 4hile the
/eical e5a/ination of Cru) 4as conucte in "%%3. A $oo three +ears ha alrea+ lapse since AAA ha been se5uall+ abuse.
The ia$nosis on Cru) in "%%3 is, therefore, useless to ispro2e his se5ual potenc+ at the ti/e of the rape incient. It /erel+
corroborates his assertion that he is currentl+ se5uall+ i/potent, an not that he has been so since 3==!. Cru) 4as not able to
auce har e2ience to e/onstrate his i/potenc+ prior to or on &une :, 3==# 4hen the cri/e of rape 4as co//itte.
Moreo2er, assu/in$ arguendo that he 4as inee i/potent since 3==!, it oes not iscount the possibilit+ that his erection 4as
cure b+ ru$s liAe Viagra or Ciales. There 4as si/pl+ no proof of his alle$e i/potenc+ on &une :, 3==# 4hen the beastl+ act of
rape 4as co//itte a$ainst AAA.

(urther/ore, 4e fin the testi/on+ of Cru)s 4ife Melina /ore har/ful than helpful to the theor+ of the efense. It can be
recalle that she testifie as to ha2in$ infre7uent se5ual intercourse 4ith her husban after 3==! because he ha beco/e
i/potent. This contraicts Cru)s clai/ that it 4as i/possible for hi/ to ha2e rape AAA because of his /eical conition.
Apparentl+ his alle$e i/potence, 4hich starte in 3==!, i not co/pletel+ stop hi/ fro/ en$a$in$ in se5ual intercourse o2er
the +ears.
Erectile +sfunction or ED can be a total inabilit+ to achie2e erection, an inconsistent abilit+ to o so, or a tenenc+ to sustain
onl+ brief erections. These 2ariations /aAe efinin$ ED an esti/atin$ its incience ifficult. The testi/on+ of the octor 4ho
e5a/ine Cru) in "%%3 i not specif+ 4hat Ain of ED Cru) 4as sufferin$ fro/. Cru)s i/potenc+ cannot, therefore, be
consiere as co/pletel+ eli/inatin$ the possibilit+ of se5ual intercourse.

De1ene o1 A/i6i

Cru)s final ar$u/ent liAe4ise fails to con2ince this Court. ?e relies on as alibi his presence in Multinational 9illa$e in Paraa7ue
Cit+ conuctin$ a lan sur2e+ at the ti/e of the rape incient. To sustain such an alibi, the efense /ust establish the ph+sical
i/possibilit+ for the accuse to be present at the scene of the cri/e at the ti/e of its co//ission. True it is that his stor+ 4as
corroborate b+ aitional 4itnesses. These testi/onies, ho4e2er, i not sho4 the ph+sical i/possibilit+ of Cru) to be present
at AAAs ho/e 4hen she 4as rape. E2en if Cru) conucte the lan sur2e+ on the sa/e a+, he coul ha2e 2er+ easil+ co//itte
the rape as he 4as in the sa/e cit+ as AAA.
Pen$/t3 I.%oe)

The a4ar of ci2il ine/nit+ of PhP !%,%%% in si/ple rape cases 4ithout nee of pleain$ or proof is correct. In aition, /oral
a/a$es of PhP !%,%%% 4ere also correctl+ a4are. crala4These are auto/aticall+ $rante in rape cases 4ithout nee of proof
other than the co//ission of the cri/e. crala4 E5e/plar+ a/a$es 4ere appropriatel+ a4are b+ 4a+ of public e5a/ple an
to protect the +oun$ fro/ se5ual preators. @e, ho4e2er, increase the a4ar to PhP 6%,%%% in accorance 4ith pre2ailin$

;+ERE,ORE, the appeal is DENIED. The CA Decision in CA0B.R. CR0?.C. No. %31:% finin$ accuse0appellant &esus
Para$as Cru) $uilt+ of statutor+ rape is A,,IRMED 4ith the MODI,ICATION that the a4ar of e5e/plar+ a/a$es is
increase to PhP 6%,%%%.
I Aitional /e/ber as per Au$ust 6, "%%= raffle.
The real na/e an the personal circu/stances of the 2icti/ an her i//eiate relati2es are 4ithhel per R.A. No. 1:3% -Special
Protection of Children Against Child Abuse& '(ploitation and )iscrimination Act. an R.A. No. =":" -Anti*Violence Against
Women and +heir Children Act..See People v. Cabalquinto, B.R. No. 3:1:=6, Septe/ber 3=, "%%:, !%" SCRA ,3=, ,"!0,":.
Rollo, p. 6.
I. at ,0!.
I. at !.
I. at :.
CA rollo& p. 3%6. Penne b+ &u$e Fosi/o 9. Escano.
Rollo, p. 3#. Penne b+ Associate &ustice E$aro (. Sunia/.
People v. Lagarde,B.R. No. 3#"!,=, &anuar+ "%, "%%=D citin$ People v. ,a"areno, B.R. No. 3:11!:, April =, "%%#, !!3 SCRA 3:,
People v. Jumaid, B.R. No. 3#,1!:, &une !, "%%=D citin$ People v. -orromeo, B.R. No. 3!%!%3, &une 6, "%%,, ,6% SCRA !66.
People v. %arcos,B.R. No. 3#!6#%, &une 3#, "%%=.
See People v. %ahina!,B.R. No. 31=3=%, &anuar+ "%, "%%=.
People v. Alcartado,B.R. Nos. 36"61=0#", &une "=, "%%%, 66, SCRA 1%3, 13!.
People v. )e Villa, B.R. No. 3",:6=, (ebruar+ 3, "%%3, 6!3 SCRA "!, 6%.
'rectile )!sfunction Jhttp:KKAine+.niA.nih.$o2KAuiseasesKpubsKi/potenceKL.
People v. %alate,B.R. No. 3#!1",, &une !, "%%=.
People v. Corpu",B.R. No. 31!#6:, &anuar+ 6%, "%%=.
See %ahina!, supra note 36.
People v. Aba!,B.R. No. 3111!", (ebruar+ ",, "%%=.
See People v. Anguac,B.R. No. 31:1,,, &une !, "%%=, People v. La!co& Sr.,B.R. No. 3#"3=3, Ma+ #, "%%=.
Republic of the Philippines
& ' e r ( & CORONA,
2r$/$5 9E*ASCO, &R.,
2r$/$5 NAC?CRA,II


&ul+ "#, "%%#

8 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 8


There are people 4ho are si/pl+ incapable of feelin$ pit+ or co/passion for others.
Ma. Teresa 'asario /ust ha2e felt a a$$er eep in her heart 4hen she lost her t4o0+ear ol son, Christopher, t4o 4eeAs before
Christ/as on Dece/ber 36, 3===. An a$ain upon bein$ reunite 4ith hi/ so/e 3: /onths later 4hen he coul neither
reco$ni)e her nor re/e/ber 4ho he 4as.

&ustice e/ans that those responsible for this cruel an a$oni)in$ separation of /other an chil be punishe to the full e5tent
of the la4.
At about 6:%% p./. on Dece/ber 36, 3===, Teresa 4ent 4ith Christopher an her eler sister Fenaia to a McDonals outlet in
the MP To4er in &uan *una St., 'inono, Manila. Teresa an Christopher looAe for a 2acant table 4hile Fenaia proceee to
orer their foo. Shortl+ after Teresa tooA her seat, Christopher follo4e Fenaia to the counter. 'arel+ ha Christopher $one
fro/ his /others si$ht 4hen she reali)e that he ha isappeare. She an her sister franticall+ looAe for hi/ insie an
outsie the pre/ises of the fastfoo outlet, to no a2ail. As their continue search for the chil 4as futile, the+ reporte hi/
/issin$ to the nearest police etach/ent.

The follo4in$ a+, Teresa 4ent to se2eral T9 an raio stations to infor/ the public of the loss of Christopher an to appeal for
help an infor/ation. Despite the publicit+, ho4e2er, Teresa recei2e no 4or about Christophers 4hereabouts. @orse,
pranAsters 4ere $leefull+ ha2in$ a fiel a+ a$$ra2atin$ her /iser+.
On (ebruar+ "!, "%%3, Teresa recei2e a call fro/ a 4o/an 4ho soune liAe a /usli/. The caller clai/e to ha2e custo+ of
Christopher an asAe for P6%,%%% in e5chan$e for the bo+.

On March "1, "%%3, the sa/e /usli/0sounin$ 4o/an calle an instructe Teresa to $et a recent photo of her son fro/ the
&alal Restaurant at the Musli/ Center in Guiapo, Manila. True enou$h, 4hen Teresa 4ent there, so/eone $a2e her a recent
picture of Christopher. She then contacte the /+sterious 4o/an throu$h the cellphone nu/ber the latter ha pre2iousl+ $i2en
her. @hen the 4o/an instructe her to i//eiatel+ boar a ship for Minanao, Teresa reasone that she ha not raise the
ranso/ /one+ +et. The+ then a$ree to conuct the pa+ off in the /ornin$ of April 1, "%%3 at Pitan$s Carineria in Mapata$an,
*anao el Norte.
crala4Teresa sou$ht the help of the Presiential Anti0Or$ani)e Cri/e TasA (orce -PAOCT(.. A tea/ 4as for/e an Police
Officer -PO.6
&uliet Palafo5 4as esi$nate to act as Teresas niece.

To$ether 4ith the PAOCT( tea/, Teresa left for Minanao on April ,, "%%3. On April 1, "%%3, the+ arri2e in Ili$an Cit+ an
proceee to the esi$nate /eetin$ place.
At aroun #:6% a./., 4hile Teresa an PO6 Palafo5 4ere 4aitin$ at Pitan$s Carineria, t4o 4o/en ca/e. The+ 4ere Ra$a
Sarapia Ma/antaA an *iAa Sarapia TauraA. Ma/antaA approache Teresa an PO6 Palafo5 an asAe 4ho the+ 4ere
4aitin$ for. Teresa replie that the+ 4ere 4aitin$ for a certain Roc/a 'ato, the na/e 4ritten at the bacA of the picture she
recei2e in &alal Restaurant in Manila. She sho4e the photo to Ma/antaA 4ho state that she Ane4 'ato. Ma/antaA then tol
Teresa that she 4oul asA a cousin of 'ato if the latter 4as alrea+ in Mapata$an. Ma/antaA turne to TauraA, supposel+ the
cousin of 'ato. TauraA ca/e near Teresa an PO6 Palafo5 an infor/e the/ that she ha Christopher. TauraA asAe Teresa
an PO6 Palafo5 to co/e 4ith her but the+ refuse. TauraA reluctantl+ a$ree to lea2e Ma/antaA 4ith the/ 4hile she fetche

Se2eral hours later, in the afternoon of the sa/e a+, TauraA returne an tol Teresa that Christopher 4as in a nearb+ ice plant.
She asAe Teresa to $o 4ith her but the latter insiste on their a$ree/ent that the bo+ be hane o2er at the carineria. TauraA
relente, left an ca/e bacA after se2eral /inutes 4ith Christopher.
Cpon seein$ her son, Teresa crie an e/brace hi/. ?o4e2er, the chil 4as un/o2e. ?e no lon$er reco$ni)e nor unerstoo
her for he coul onl+ speaA in the /usli/ ialect. @hen asAe 4ho he 4as, the bo+ $a2e a /usli/ na/e 4ith TauraA as surna/e.
Ma/antaA an TauraA interrupte Teresa an e/ane the ranso/ /one+. She ans4ere that her niece ha it an pointe to
PO6 Palafo5. Thereafter, Ma/antaA an PO6 Palafo5 boare a >eepne+ 4hich 4as parAe outsie, uner TauraAs 4atchful e+es.
Insie the >eepne+, PO6 Palafo5 hane the ranso/ /one+ to Ma/antaA. At this >uncture, PO6 Palafo5 $a2e the pre0a$ree
si$nal an the PAOCT( tea/ then close in an arreste Ma/antaA an TauraA.
Christopher relearne Ta$alo$ after a /onth an $rauall+ be$an to for$et the incient. On the other han, Teresa al/ost lost
her sanit+. At the ti/e Christopher 4as Ainappe, she 4as pre$nant 4ith her thir chil. The chil, born 2er+ sicAl+, e2entuall+
The sisters Ma/antaA an TauraA 4ere char$e 4ith Ainappin$ for ranso/ uner the follo4in$ Infor/ation:

That on Dece/ber 36, 3=== in 'inono, Manila an 4ithin the >urisiction of this ?onorable Court, the abo2e0
na/e accuse conspirin$, confeeratin$ an /utuall+ helpin$ one another an $roupin$ the/sel2es to$ether,
i then an there, 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+ taAe, carr+ a4a+ an epri2e Christopher 'asario, a
t4o0+ear ol /inor of his libert+ a$ainst his 4ill for the purpose of e5tortin$ ranso/ as in fact a e/an for
ranso/ 4as /ae as a conition for his release a/ountin$ to T?IRT8 T?OCSAND PESOS -P6%,%%%.%%. to
the a/a$e an pre>uice of Christopher 'asario in sai a/ount an such other a/ount as /a+be a4are to
hi/ uner the pro2isions of the Ci2il Coe.


Ma/antaA an TauraA pleae not $uilt+ 4hen arrai$ne. After pre0trial, trial ensue an the parties presente their respecti2e

In efense, Ma/antaA an TauraA enie the char$es a$ainst the/. TauraA testifie that at the ti/e an ate of the alle$e
Ainappin$, she 4as pelin$ 4ares in Di2isoria /arAet, Manila. @hen she sa4 Christopher 4anerin$ about ai/lessl+, she
talAe to hi/ but he i not see/ to unerstan her. She tooA the bo+ uner her care an 4aite for so/eone to co/e for hi/.
No one i. As it 4as alrea+ 1:%% p./., she brou$ht the bo+ ho/e 4ith her to the Musli/ Center in Guiapo.

The ne5t a+, she an her husban tooA the bo+ to the nearest police outpost but no one 4as there so the+ >ust brou$ht the bo+ to
their stall. The+ opte to Aeep the bo+ until his parents coul clai/ hi/.

On (ebruar+ 31, "%%3, TauraA brou$ht the chil to Ma$anin$, Sultan Mu/aner, *anao el Sur. So/eti/e later, Teresa
contacte her an asAe for Christophers picture for confir/ation. It 4as at this point that TauraA arran$e a /eetin$ at Pitan$s
Carineria in Mapata$an, *anao el Norte on April 1, "%%3. She i not brin$ the bo+ at first as a precautionar+ /easure. Onl+
after confir/in$ that Teresa 4as the bo+s /other i she relin7uish custo+ to her. ?o4e2er, she 4as shocAe 4hen /e/bers of
the PAOCT( suenl+ arreste her. She proteste because she 4as innocent. There 4ere no char$es a$ainst her nor 4as there a
4arrant for her arrest.
Ma/antaA corroborate her sister TauraAs testi/on+. She clai/e that she 4as at Nunun$an, *anao el Norte on Dece/ber 36,
3===. At that ti/e, she i not Ano4 the e5act 4hereabouts of TauraA 4ho 4as in Manila an 4ho/ she ha not seen for so/e
ti/e. The+ /et a$ain on April 1, "%%3 at Pitan$s Carineria but onl+ b+ chance. She happene to be there 4hen TauraA ca/e.
@hen Teresa arri2e later, TauraA talAe to her an then left, returnin$ after a fe4 hours 4ith Christopher 4ho/ Ma/antaA sa4
for the first ti/e. TauraA tol her that she ha foun the bo+ an 4as returnin$ hi/ to his /other. Ma/antaA sta+e in the
carineria all the 4hile, 4aitin$ for her rie ho/e at ,:%% p./. She 4as stunne 4hen PAOCT( /e/bers suenl+ arreste her
an her sister as she ha not co//itte an+ cri/e an there 4as no 4arrant for her arrest.
After e2aluatin$ the respecti2e e2ience of the parties, the trial court renere a ecision
on No2e/ber 6%, "%%, finin$
TauraA an Ma/antaA $uilt+ as char$e:

@?ERE(ORE, >u$/ent is hereb+ renere finin$ both accuse *IMAD SARAPIDA TACRAM an accuse
RABA SARAPIDA ;MAMANTAM< BCI*T8 be+on reasonable oubt of the cri/e of Minappin$ for Ranso/ as
a/ene b+ RA No. 1:!= an both are hereb+ sentence to suffer the penalt+ of R'CL.S/0, P'RP'+.A. 'oth
accuse are hereb+ >ointl+ an se2erall+ orere to pa+ the Christopher 'asario represente b+ the /other,
;Ma.< Teresa 'asario the a/ount of P?P!%,%%%.%% as co/pensator+ a/a$es an P?P!%,%%%.%% as /oral
a/a$es. @ith costs a$ainst the accuse.

'oth accuse are $i2en creit for the pre2enti2e i/prison/ent uner$one b+ the/ urin$ the penenc+ of this

TauraA an Ma/antaA appeale to the Court of Appeals. In a ecision
ate March 63, "%%:, the appellate court rule that the
trial court erre in not consierin$ the e/an for P6%,%%% as a e/an for ranso/. Such circu/stance re7uire the i/position
of the eath penalt+. Thus, the appellate court affir/e the con2iction of TauraA an Ma/antaA 4ith /oification a/enin$ the
penalt+ fro/ reclusion perpetua to eath.
Pursuant to Section 36, Rule 3", as a/ene b+ A/inistrati2e Matter No. %%0!0%60
SC, the appellate court certifie the case to this Court an accorin$l+ orere the ele2ation of the recors.

@e affir/ the Court of Appeals, 4ith a /oification of penalt+.

Minappin$ is efine an punishe uner Article ":1 of the Re2ise Penal Coe, as a/ene b+ Republic Act -RA. 1:!=:
ART. ":1. Minappin$ an serious ille$al etention. An+ pri2ate ini2iual 4ho shall Ainap or etain another,
or in an+ other /anner epri2e hi/ of his libert+, shall suffer the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua to eath.

3. If the Ainappin$ or etention shall ha2e laste /ore than three a+s.

". If it shall ha2e been co//itte si/ulatin$ public authorit+.

6. If an+ serious ph+sical in>uries shall ha2e been inflicte upon the person Ainappe or etaineD
or if threats to Aill hi/ shall ha2e been /ae.

,. If the person Ainappe or etaine shall be a /inor, e5cept 4hen the accuse is an+ of the
parents, fe/ale or a public officer.

The penalt+ shall be eath 4here the Ainappin$ or etention 4as co//itte for the purpose of e5tortin$
ranso/ fro/ the 2icti/ or an+ other person, e2en if none of the circu/stances abo2e0/entione 4ere present
in the co//ission of the offense.

@hen the 2icti/ is Aille or ies as a conse7uence of the etention or is rape, or is sub>ecte to torture or
ehu/ani)in$ acts, the /a5i/u/ penalt+ shall be i/pose.

The cri/e has the follo4in$ ele/ents:
-3. the offener is a pri2ate ini2iualD not either of the parents of the 2icti/
or a public officer 4ho has a ut+
uner the la4 to etain a personD
-". he Ainaps or etains another, or in an+ /anner epri2es the latter of his libert+D
-6. the act of etention or Ainappin$ /ust be ille$al an
-,. in the co//ission of the offense, an+ of the follo4in$ circu/stances is present: -a. the Ainappin$ or
etention lasts for /ore than three a+sD -b. it is co//itte b+ si/ulatin$ public authorit+D -c. an+
serious ph+sical in>uries are inflicte upon the person Ainappe or etaine or threats to Aill hi/ are
/ae or -. the person Ainappe or etaine is a /inor, fe/ale or a public official.

If the 2icti/ is a /inor, the uration of his etention is i//aterial. *iAe4ise, if the 2icti/ is Ainappe an ille$all+ etaine for
the purpose of e5tortin$ ranso/, the uration of his etention beco/es inconse7uential. The cri/e is 7ualifie an beco/es
punishable b+ eath e2en if none of the circu/stances /entione in para$raphs 3 to , of Article ":1 of the Re2ise Penal Coe is

The essence of the cri/e of Ainappin$ is the actual epri2ation of the 2icti/s libert+ couple 4ith the intent of the accuse to
effect it.
It inclues not onl+ the i/prison/ent of a person but also the epri2ation of his libert+ in 4hate2er for/ an for
4hate2er len$th of ti/e.
An libert+ is not li/ite to /ere ph+sical restraint but e/braces ones ri$ht to en>o+ his Bo0$i2en
faculties sub>ect onl+ to such restraints necessar+ for the co//on 4elfare.

The t4o0+ear0ol Christopher suenl+ isappeare in 'inono, Manila an 4as reco2ere onl+ after al/ost 3: /onths fro/
TauraA an Ma/antaA -both of the/ pri2ate ini2iuals. in Mapata$an, *anao el Norte. Durin$ the entire ti/e the bo+ 4as
Aept a4a+ fro/ his /other, he 4as certainl+ epri2e or restraine of his libert+. ?e ha no /eans, opportunit+ or capacit+ to
lea2e appellants custo+ an return to his fa/il+ on his o4n. ?e ha no choice but to sta+ 4ith total stran$ers, $o 4ith the/ to a
far a4a+ place an learn a culture an ialect alien to hi/. At such a 2er+ tener a$e, he 4as epri2e of the libert+ to en>o+ the
co/pan+ an care of his fa/il+, speciall+ his /other.

TauraA unla4full+ Aept the chil uner her control an custo+ an e2en brou$ht hi/ to *anao el Norte. She e/ane
P6%,%%% in e5chan$e for his return to his /other. On the other han, Ma/antaAs actions -e.g., her presence in the carinderia
an her acceptance of the ranso/. sho4e 4ithout oubt that she 4as aiin$ her sister an 4as actin$ in concert 4ith her. These
4ere the ientical factual finin$s of both the trial an appellate courts. There is no reason to isturb the/ as the+ are
sufficientl+ supporte b+ e2ience.

TauraAs stor+ that she /erel+ $a2e Christopher refu$e 4as increible. It 4as liAe the apocr+phal tale of a /an accuse of theft of
lar$e cattleD his e5cuse 4as that he sa4 a piece of rope an brou$ht it ho/e not Ano4in$ that there 4as a co4 tie to the other
en. She ne2er e2en trie to brin$ the bo+ to the proper authorities or surrener hi/ to the Depart/ent of Social @elfare an
De2elop/ents social 4orAers in her baranga! or in the cit+ hall at an+ ti/e urin$ the 3: /onths he 4as 4ith her. An ho4
coul Teresa ha2e initiate her phone con2ersations 4ith TauraA 4hen the+ 4ere total stran$ers to each otherH

Si/ilarl+, Ma/antaAs account that she 4as at Pitan$s Carineria onl+ b+ coincience an that it 4as onl+ there that she first sa4
Christopher in2ites nothin$ but isbelief. The une7ui2ocal testi/onies of the prosecution 4itnesses on her role in arran$in$ for
the pa+/ent of ranso/ an the release of the Ainap 2icti/ -e.g., confir/in$ the ientit+ of Teresa an e/anin$ an recei2in$
the ranso/ /one+. sho4e other4ise. The e2ience clearl+ establishe that Ma/antaA 4as a principal in the Ainappin$ of

E2ience to be belie2e /ust not onl+ procee fro/ the /outh of a creible 4itness but /ust be creible in itself.
The trial an
appellate courts correctl+ rule that the state/ents of TauraA an Ma/antaA i not eser2e creence. Moreo2er, factual
finin$s of the trial court, incluin$ its assess/ent of the creibilit+ of the 4itnesses an the probati2e 4ei$ht thereof, are
accore $reat, if not conclusi2e, 2alue 4hen affir/e b+ the Court of Appeals.

The Court of Appeals consiere the e/an for P6%,%%% as a 7ualif+in$ circu/stance 4hich necessitate the i/position of the
eath penalt+. On the other han, the trial court ee/e the a/ount as too /easl+, co/pare to 4hat /ust ha2e been actuall+
spent for the care an subsistence of Christopher for al/ost t4o +ears. It therefore treate the a/ount not as ranso/ but as a
rei/burse/ent of e5penses incurre for taAin$ care of the chil. -Minappers in Minanao toa+ call it rei/burse/ent for

Ranso/ /eans /one+, price or consieration pai or e/ane for the ree/ption of a capture person that 4ill release hi/
fro/ capti2it+.
No specific for/ of ranso/ is re7uire to consu//ate the felon+ of Ainappin$ for ranso/ as lon$ as the
ranso/ is intene as a bar$ainin$ chip in e5chan$e for the 2icti/s freeo/.
The a/ount of an purpose for the ranso/ is

In this case, the pa+/ent of P6%,%%% 4as e/ane as a conition for the release of Christopher to his /other. Thus, the Court
of Appeals correctl+ consiere it as a e/an for ranso/.

One final point of la4. @hile the penalt+ for Ainappin$ for the purpose of e5tortin$ ranso/ fro/ the 2icti/ or an+ other person
uner Article ":1 of the Re2ise Penal Coe
is eath, RA =6,:
has banne the eath penalt+ an reuce all eath
sentences to reclusion perpetua 4ithout eli$ibilit+ for parole. Pursuant to this la4, 4e reuce the penalt+ i/pose on appellants
fro/ eath to reclusion perpetua& 4ithout eli$ibilit+ for parole.

In line 4ith pre2ailin$ >urispruence, the a4ar of P!%,%%% ci2il ine/nit+
4as proper. Pursuant to People v. 1aralde,
a4ar of P!%,%%%
/oral a/a$es is increase to P"%%,%%% consierin$ the /inorit+ of Christopher. Moreo2er, since the
cri/e 4as attene b+ a e/an for ranso/, an b+ 4a+ of e5a/ple or correction, Christopher is entitle to P3%%,%%%
e5e/plar+ a/a$es.
;+ERE,ORE, the appeal is hereb+ DENIED. The March 63, "%%: ecision of the Court of Appeals in CA0B.R. CR0?.C. No.
%%1"= is A,,IRMED 4ith MODI,ICATION. Appellants Ra$a Sarapia Ma/antaA an *iAa Sarapia TauraA are hereb+
foun $uilt+ be+on reasonable oubt of the cri/e of Ainappin$ for ranso/ for 4hich the+ are sentence to suffer the penalt+ of
reclusion perpetua 4ithout eli$ibilit+ for parole. The+ are further orere to pa+, >ointl+ an se2erall+, P!%,%%% ci2il ine/nit+,
P"%%,%%% /oral a/a$es an P3%%,%%% e5e/plar+ a/a$es to their +oun$ 2icti/ Christopher 'asario.

Costs a$ainst appellants.

In so/e parts of the recors, PO".
Penne b+ Actin$ Presiin$ &u$e A/or A. Re+es of the Re$ional Trial Court of Manila, 'ranch ,6. Court of Appeals
Recors, pp. "606=.
Penne b+ Associate &ustice Roberto A. 'arrios -ecease. an concurre in b+ Mario *. Buaria III an Santia$o
&a2ier Ranaa -retire. of the (ifth Di2ision of the Court of Appeals. Rollo, pp. "0"%.
@hen the 2icti/ is a /inor an the accuse is an+ of the parents, the cri/e is efine an penali)e uner the secon
para$raph of Article "13 of the Re2ise Penal Coe.
A public officer -such as police/an. 4ho has a ut+ uner the la4 to etain a person but etains a person 4ithout le$al
$roun is liable for arbitrar+ etention efine an penali)e uner Article 3", of the Re2ise Penal Coe. Thus,
a public officer 4ho has no le$al ut+ to etain a person /a+ be prosecute for ille$al etention an Ainappin$.
People v. Jatulan, B.R. No. 313:!6, ", April "%%1, !"" SCRA 31,.
See Rubi v. Provincial -oard of %indoro, 6= Phil. ::% -3=3=..
People v. Alba, 6": Phil. !3= -3==:..
People v. 1aralde, B.R. No. 316%!!, 36 April "%%1, !"3 SCRA 6"1.
People v. Jatulan, supra.
As a/ene b+ RA 1:!=.
An Act Prohibitin$ the I/position of Death Penalt+ in the Philippines.
See People v. Solangon, B.R. No. 31":=6, "3 No2e/ber "%%1D People v. 2ambot, 6=1 Phil. "6, -"%%%..
Supra note 3".
See People v. Solangon, supraD People v. -aldogo, ,,, Phil. 6!, :: -"%%6.D People v. 1arcia, ,", Phil. 3!#, 3=,
Republic of the Philippines

T?E PEOP*E O( T?E P?I*IPPINES, B.R. No. 3#3%,6


0 2ersus 0 GCISCM'INB, J.,
9E*ASCO, &R., an
RE8ES, RO*ANDO DEGCI**O, Pro/ul$ate:
(ERRAER, October #, "%%#




Millano Muit + Muno) -Muit., Ser$io Pancho + Ca$u/oc, &r. -Pancho, &r.., Rolano De7uillo + Ta/pos -De7uillo., Ro/eo
Pancho -Ro/eo., Euaro Eie ?er/ano alias 'obb+ Re+es alias Eie Re+es -?er/ano., an &oseph (erraer -(erraer. 4ere
char$e 4ith Ainappin$ for ranso/ 4ith ho/icie
an carnappin$
in t4o separate infor/ations. Onl+ Muit, Pancho &r.,
De7uillo, Ro/eo, an (erraer 4ere arreste an stoo trial. ?o4e2er, (erraer 4as ischar$e fro/ the cri/inal cases b+ the
Re$ional Trial Court -RTC. an 4as utili)e as a state 4itness.
All appellants pleae not $uilt+ urin$ their arrai$n/ents.

crala4The facts as culle fro/ the recors are as follo4s:
In the afternoon of 33 No2e/ber 3==1, Orestes &ulaton, -&ulaton., a relati2e of (erraer, arri2e at the latters house in Ma+la4a+,
Nasu$bu, 'atan$as 4ith Ser$io Pancho, Sr. -Pancho, Sr.., Pancho, &r., De7uillo an four other /en on boar a $ra+ Mitsubishi
car 4ith plate nu/ber PS90#3#. &ulaton introuce the/ to (erraer an tol the latter that Pancho, Sr. is also their relati2e.
Pancho, Sr. tol (erraer that the+ 4ante to use his house as a safehouse for their 2isitor. (erraer 4as hesitant at first as he
thou$ht it 4as risA+ for hi/ an his fa/il+. ?er/ano tol (erraer not to 4orr+ because the+ are not AillersD their line of 4orA is
Ainap for ranso/. (erraer 4as assure that the /one+ the+ 4ill $et 4oul be share e7uall+ a/on$ the/. (erraer an Pancho,
Sr. 4oul $uar their 2icti/. *ater, fi2e other /en ca/e an the+ 4ere introuce to (erraer as Muit, Morales, alias Ton+, alias
Da2i an alias Puri. The+ ha inner an chatte until /ini$ht. That e2enin$, Morales hane to (erraer for safeAeepin$ a
fole carton 4rappe 4ith /asAin$ tape containe in a bi$ paper ba$, an a $reen bacApacA. ?er/ano tol (erraer that the
pacAa$e containe $uns. (erraer brou$ht the pacAa$e insie his roo/D he inspecte the contents before placin$ the/ uner the
be, an sa4 that the carton containe a shot$un an the $reen bacApacA, an In$ra/ folin$. Morales an Con also sho4e
hi/ their .,! caliber $uns tucAe at their 4aists.

At one oclocA in the afternoon of ", No2e/ber 3==1, (erraer sa4 Pancho, &r., an ?er/ano 4ith a co/panion, seate uner
the tree in front of his house. Pancho, &r. introuce their co/panion as Ro/eo. The+ infor/e (erraer that the follo4in$ a+,
the+ 4oul procee 4ith their plan. Ro/eo 4oul be the infor/ant since he is an insier an a truste $eneral fore/an of the
2icti/. The ne5t a+, at nine oclocA in the /ornin$, Pancho, Sr. arri2e at (erraers house alone an asAe (erraer if he 4as
alrea+ infor/e of the plan. (erraer replie in the affir/ati2e. Pancho, Sr. tol hi/ to 4ait for the $roups return. ?o4e2er, the
$roup returne 4ithout the intene 2icti/ because the latter i not sho4 up at the construction site.
On " Dece/ber 3==1,
the $roup recei2e a call fro/ Ro/eo infor/in$ the/ that the 2icti/ 4as alrea+ at the construction site. ?er/ano, Morales,
Con, Manuel, 'oAboA, an Muit co//ute to the construction site at 'aran$a+ Darasa, Tanauan, 'atan$as. Pancho, &r. 4as
on boar the Mitsubishi car as bacA0up.
At aroun t4o oclocA in the afternoon of the sa/e ate, " Dece/ber 3==1, Ro$er Seraspe -Seraspe., the personal ri2er of the
2icti/, ro2e a blue Pa3ero 4ith plate nu/ber CD*01,: carr+in$ En$r. Ruth Rolan an the 2icti/ to 2isit the (le5opac pro>ect
site at 'aran$a+ Darasa, Tanauan, 'atan$as. At the site, En$r. Rolan an the 2icti/ ali$hte fro/ the Pa3ero an, alon$ 4ith
En$r. E ela Cru), toure the construction site. Seraspe talAe 4ith Ar/an Cha2e) -Cha2e)., the 4arehouse/an of I*O
Construction, 4hile 4aitin$ for his boss.

After the site inspection, the three en$ineers 4alAe to4ars the irection of the Pa3ero. Seraspe 4as surprise to see that the
three en$ineers 4ho stoo to$ether suenl+ la+ prostrate on the $roun. Seraspe an Cha2e) sa4 an unientifie /an
stanin$ near the three en$ineers. Three /ore ar/e /en surroune the Pa3ero. T4o of the/ approache Seraspe an
Cha2e). One of the ar/e /en, Muit, poAe a $un at Seraspe an orere hi/ an Cha2e) to la+ prostrate on the $roun.
assailants ra$$e the 2icti/ to4ars the Pa3ero. The+ force the 2icti/ to orer Seraspe to $i2e the/ the Ae+s to the Pa3ero.
@hen the 2icti/ 4as alrea+ on boar the Pa3ero, Seraspe hear one of the/ sa+, Sarge& nandito na ang ating pa4a!.

The+ then starte the Pa3ero an ro2e a4a+, passin$ throu$h the Pa$0asa Roa $ate. T4o /ore persons 4ho 4ere 4aitin$ at
the Pa$0asa roa boare the Pa3ero.

At ":6% that sa/e afternoon, *ipa Cit+ Deput+ Chief of Police, Supt. Arcaio Mission -Supt. Mission. recei2e a raio /essa$e
fro/ the Tanauan Police Station that a Ainappin$ 4as on$oin$ an the Ainappers on boar a Pa3ero 4ith plate nu/ber CD*0
1,: 4ere heain$ to4ars *ipa Cit+. Supt. Mission i//eiatel+ orere the police poste near the *ipa Cit+ bus stop to put up
a barricae. In the /eanti/e, t4o tea/s 4ere or$ani)e to intercept the Pa3ero. The+ proceee to the barricae.

Ri$ht after Supt. Mission an the tea/s arri2e at the barricae, the Pa3ero 4as spotte. @hen police/en fla$$e o4n the
Pa3ero, the ri2er stoppe the 2ehicle. @hile t4o police/en approache the Pa3ero, the ri2er an front passen$er opene their
car oors an starte firin$ at the police/en. At this point, all the police/en present at the scene fire bacA. The cross0fire
laste for aroun four /inutes. All the occupants of the Pa3ero, e5cept the ri2er an the front passen$er 4ho /ana$e to
escape, ie. SPO3 Rolano Caria$a apprehene one of the escapees 4ho turne out to be Muit, the ri2er of the Pa3ero, at
'aran$a+ San Carlos, 'atan$as, about "%% /eters fro/ the place of the shootout.

On the other han, after the assailants carrie their plan into action, Pancho, &r. proceee to their a$ree /eetin$ place but
i not fin ?er/anos $roup there. Pancho, &r. 4aite alon$ the hi$h4a+ in front of the construction site. ?e thou$ht that he
ha been left behin 4hen he i not see the $roup, so he left. @hen Pancho, &r. returne to (erraers house, he tol (erraer
4hat happene to their operation. @orrie that so/ethin$ ba /i$ht ha2e happene to the $roup, Pancho, &r. 4ent bacA an
looAe for the rest of his $roup. Pancho, &r. ca/e bacA alone.

At aroun !:6% in the /ornin$ of 6 Dece/ber 3==1, (erraer sa4 Pancho, Sr. an Pancho, &r. 4atchin$ the T9 pro$ra/ Alas
Sing4o ! %ed!a. ?e >oine the/ an sa4 on the ne4s the Pa3ero rile 4ith bullets. Pancho, Sr. an Pancho, &r. left (erraers
house at aroun =:%% in the /ornin$ an the+ also left behin the Mitsubishi car the+ use. That ni$ht, (erraer sa4 on the ne4s
pro$ra/ +V Patrol a foota$e sho4in$ the caa2ers of Con, Morales, Manuel, 'oAboA an the 2icti/, an the Pa3ero rile
4ith bullets. (erraer also sa4 Muit in hancuffs.

The prosecution presente I$nacio On$, Sr., the father of the 2icti/ En$r. I$nacio On$, &r.D SeraspeD Cha2e)D Dr. Anthon+
*la/as, the PNP Meico0*e$al Officer 4ho conucte the autops+D Supt. Mission, (erraer, as the state 4itnessD an Att+. Nar)al
-Att+. Mallare., the la4+er 4ho assiste appellants Pancho, &r. an De7uillo in e5ecutin$ their respecti2e s4orn
state/ents as 4itnesses. Their accounts 4ere corroborate b+ the prosecutions ocu/entar+ e2ience such as the e5tra >uicial
confessions of Pancho, &r. an De7uillo, 4hich 4ere e5ecute 4ith the assistance of Att+. Mallare. Muit e5ecute t4o e5tra
>uicial confessions: the first state/ent 4as ate , Dece/ber 3==1, in 4hich he 4as assiste b+ Att+. Ernesto 9er$ara, an the
secon state/ent 4as ate 1 Dece/ber 3==1 in 4hich he 4as assiste b+ Att+. Solo/on De &esus an 4itnesse b+ his uncle,
'onifacio Muit -'onifacio., an his brother, Do/inaor Muit -Do/inaor.. On the other han, the efense presente appellants
De7uillo, Pancho, &r., an Muit.

De7uillo, for his part, clai/e that for the perio of No2e/ber to Dece/ber 3==1 he 4as 4orAin$ as a /ason at 9illanue2a
Construction in '( ?o/es. ?is 4orA starts at #:%% in the /ornin$ an ens at !:%% in the afternoon. ?e state that on #
Dece/ber 3==1, he 4as arreste b+ the CIDB at his house in PuroA Sto. Do/in$o, 'aran$a+ ?ol+ Spirit, Gue)on Cit+. At the
CIDB Detention Center, he 4as 7uestione about the $uns use in the Ainappin$ of the 2icti/. ?e 4as alle$el+ torture 4hen
he enie an+ Ano4le$e about the Ainappin$ an 4as force to si$n a state/ent 4ithout bein$ allo4e to rea it. Att+.
Mallare onl+ ca/e in after he ha alrea+ si$ne the state/ent. ?e enie an+ participation in the cri/es char$e a$ainst hi/.

Pancho, &r. clai/e that he 4as arreste on 1 Dece/ber 3==1 in Calba+o$, Sa/ar. ?e 4as first brou$ht to the Calba+o$ Cit+
Police Station, an then transferre to Ca/p Cra/e. ?e alle$e that the police torture hi/ an force hi/ to si$n the 4ritten
confession of his participation in the cri/es. ?e enie ha2in$ participate in the co//ission of the offenses char$e a$ainst

On the other han, Muit clai/e that on " Dece/ber 3==1 he 4as in *ipa Cit+, near the place of the shootout. ?e ha >ust
attene a $atherin$ of the Ri)alistas an 4as 4aitin$ for his uncle 'onifacio 4hen the police arreste hi/. ?e enie ha2in$
an+ Ano4le$e of the cri/e. ?e enie Ano4in$ the people 4hose na/e appeare in his t4o e5tra >uicial confessions. ?e
clai/e that the na/es 4ere supplie b+ the police an that he 4as not assiste b+ counsel urin$ the custoial in2esti$ation.
In a ecision
ate "" No2e/ber "%%", the RTC, 'ranch #6 of Tanauan Cit+, 'atan$as foun Muit, Pancho, &r., De7uillo, an
Ro/eo $uilt+.
Onl+ the cases in2ol2in$ the char$es of carnappin$ an Ainappin$ for ranso/ 4hich resulte in the eath of
the 2icti/ 4ere auto/aticall+ appeale to this Court.

The RTC hel that /ere enials an alibis of appellants cannot pre2ail o2er the positi2e eclarations of the prosecutions
4itnesses. It foun the prosecutions 4itnesses /ore creible than appellants, 4hose self0ser2in$ state/ents 4ere ob2iousl+
intene to e5culpate the/sel2es fro/ cri/inal liabilit+. The RTC i not $i2e creence to the clai/s of appellants that their
e5tra >uicial confessions 4ere procure throu$h torture as these 4ere belie b+ the testi/on+ of Att+. Mallare an appellants
/eical certificates 4hich 4ere issue urin$ their incarceration an after the e5ecution of their state/ents. An the RTC note
that e2en 4ithout appellants e5tra >uicial confessions, there 4as still sufficient e2ience on recor to hol the/ $uilt+.

In a resolution ate 31 &anuar+ "%%:, the Court referre the case to the Court of Appeals for inter/eiate re2ie4.

The Court of Appeals in a ecision
ate 63 Au$ust "%%1 affir/e the ecision of the RTC.
The appellate court hel that the
RTC 4as correct in con2ictin$ appellants for Ainappin$ an carnappin$. The prosecution 4as able to pro2e throu$h (erraer
that appellants conspire 4ith one another in the plannin$ an e5ecution of their plan to Ainap the 2icti/. Moreo2er,
appellants e5ecute e5tra >uicial confessions, ul+ assiste b+ their counsels, etailin$ their participation in the Ainappin$. As
for Muit, other than his e5tra >uicial confession, he 4as also positi2el+ ientifie urin$ the Ainappin$ b+ e+e4itnesses
Seraspe an Cha2e). Appellants file their notices of appeal 4ith the Court of Appeals.

'efore this Court, appellants opte not to file supple/ental briefs, an instea aopte the assi$n/ent of errors in their
respecti2e ori$inal briefs.
TaAen to$ether, appellants clai/ that: -i. the RTC erre in finin$ the/ $uilt+ be+on reasonable
oubt of the char$es a$ainst the/D -ii. the RTC erre in its finin$ that the+ acte in conspirac+ in the co//ission of the cri/es
char$e a$ainst the/D an -iii. the RTC erre in $i2in$ creence to the e5tra0>uicial confessions of Pancho, &r. an De7uillo,
an to the s4orn state/ent an testi/on+ of (erraer in con2ictin$ the/.

The appeals are bereft of /erit.
The ele/ents of the cri/e of Ainappin$ an serious ille$al etention
are the follo4in$: -a. the accuse is a pri2ate
ini2iualD -b. the accuse Ainaps or etains another, or in an+ /anner epri2es the latter of his libert+D -c. the act of
etention or Ainappin$ is ille$alD an -. in the co//ission of the offense, an+ of the four circu/stances /entione in Article
":1 is present. The essence of the cri/e of Ainappin$ is the actual epri2ation of the 2icti/s libert+, couple 4ith inubitable
proof of intent of the accuse to effect the sa/e.
The totalit+ of the prosecutions e2ience in this case establishe the
co//ission of Ainappin$ for ranso/ 4ith ho/icie.

On the other han, Republic Act No. :!6=, or the Anti0Carnappin$ Act, as a/ene, efines carnappin$ as the taAin$, 4ith
intent to $ain, of a /otor 2ehicle belon$in$ to another 4ithout the latters consent, or b+ /eans of 2iolence a$ainst or
inti/iation of persons, or b+ usin$ force upon thin$s.
The cri/e 4as co//itte in this case 4hen the 2icti/s Pa>ero 4as
forcibl+ taAen a4a+ fro/ hi/ conte/poraneousl+ 4ith his Ainappin$ at the construction site.

The Ainappin$ for ranso/ 4ith ho/icie an the carnappin$ 4ere establishe b+ the irect testi/on+ of (erraer, Seraspe an
Cha2e). (erraer testifie on ho4 the $roup approache an con2ince hi/ to let the/ use his house to Aeep the 2icti/ the+
planne to Ainap. The+ planne the cri/e in (erraers house an 4aite for the call fro/ Ro/eo to infor/ the/ 4hen the
2icti/ 4oul be at the construction site. The $roup recei2e a call fro/ Ro/eo on " Dece/ber 3==1 infor/in$ the/ that the
2icti/ 4as alrea+ at the construction site, an so the+ 4ent there to carr+ out their plan. At the construction site, as testifie to
b+ Seraspe an Cha2e), Muit an the other /e/bers of the $roup pointe their $uns at the 2icti/ an his co/panion an
orere the/ to lie prostrate on the $roun. After $ettin$ the Ae+s to the Pa3ero fro/ Seraspe, the+ force the 2icti/ to boar
the 2ehicle 4ith Muit ri2in$ it. The+ i//eiatel+ reporte the Ainappin$ of the 2icti/ to the police an the Ainappers 4ere
intercepte b+ the $roup le b+ Supt. Mission. Supt. Mission testifie that the Ainappers refuse to surrener an en$a$e the
police in a shoot out in 4hich the 2icti/ 4as a/on$ the casualties. Muit 4as one of the t4o persons 4ho sur2i2e the shoot out,
but 4as apprehene b+ the police. Pancho, &r. returne to the house of (erraer alone 4hen the $roup i not arri2e at their
/eetin$ place. (erraer, Pancho, &r., an Pancho, Sr. learne fro/ the ne4s that the $roup en$a$e the police in a shoot out an
/ost of the/ 4ere Aille, an that Muit 4as arreste b+ the police.

After in2esti$ation, the police 4ere able to apprehen appellants Pancho, &r., Ro/eo, an De7uillo 4ho all tooA part in the
botche cri/inal conspirac+ to Ainap the 2icti/. Durin$ the in2esti$ation, Pancho, &r., De7uillo, an Muit, 4ith the assistance
of their counsels an fa/il+ /e/bers, e5ecute e5tra >uical confessions i2ul$in$ their respecti2e roles in the plannin$ an
e5ecution of the cri/es.

E2en thou$h Pancho, &r., De7uillo an Ro/eo i not participate in the actual abuction of the 2icti/, the+ shoul still be hel
liable, as the courts belo4 i, because of the e5istence of conspirac+. Conspirac+ is a unit+ of purpose an intention in the
co//ission of a cri/e.
@here conspirac+ is establishe, the precise /oalit+ or e5tent of participation of each ini2iual
conspirator beco/es seconar+ since the act of one is the act of all.
The e$ree of actual participation in the co//ission of
the cri/e is i//aterial.

The conspirac+ to Ainap the 2icti/ 4as pro2en throu$h circu/stantial e2ience. The $roup thorou$hl+ planne the Ainappin$
in (erraers house an patientl+ 4aite for the a+ 4hen the 2icti/ 4oul be at the construction site. Then on " Dece/ber 3==1,
the $roup recei2e a call fro/ Ro/eo so the+ proceee to the construction site an carrie out their plan.

All the appellants tooA acti2e part in the cri/inal conspirac+ an perfor/e ifferent roles to consu//ate their co//on plan.
The roles 4hich Muit an his other co/panions pla+e in the actual abuction 4ere escribe earlier. As for De7uillo, he 4as
the one 4ho procure the $uns use b+ the $roup. Pancho, &r. ser2e as the ri2er of the bacA0up 2ehicle, an Ro/eo 4as the
$roups infor/ant.

Section ,, Rule 366 of the Re2ise Rules of E2ience states that circu/stantial e2ience is sufficient if: -a. there is /ore than
one circu/stanceD -b. the facts fro/ 4hich the inferences are eri2e are pro2enD an -c. the co/bination of all the
circu/stances is such as to prouce a con2iction be+on reasonable oubt.

The e5tra >uicial confessions of Pancho, &r., De7uillo, an Muit stren$thene the case a$ainst the/. There is nothin$ on recor
to support appellants clai/ that the+ 4ere coerce an torture into e5ecutin$ their e5tra >uicial confessions. One of the
inicia of 2oluntariness in the e5ecution of appellants e5tra >uicial state/ents is that each contains /an+ etails an facts
4hich the in2esti$atin$ officers coul not ha2e Ano4n an coul not ha2e supplie, 4ithout the Ano4le$e an infor/ation
$i2en b+ appellants. Moreo2er, the appellants 4ere assiste b+ their la4+ers 4hen the+ e5ecute their state/ents. Att+. Mallare
testifie that Pancho, &r. an De7uillo e5ecute their state/ents 2oluntaril+ an affi5e their si$natures after he talAe 4ith
the/ alone an infor/e the/ of their constitutional ri$hts.
Muit, on the other han, 4as assiste b+ counsels in each
instance 4hen he e5ecute his t4o e5tra >uicial confessionsD his secon state/ent 4as e2en 4itnesse b+ his uncle, 'onifacio,
an his brother, Do/inaor. Muit cannot >ust con2enientl+ isclai/ an+ Ano4le$e of the contents of his e5tra >uicial
confession. Ne2ertheless, in Muits case, he 4as also positi2el+ ientifie b+ Seraspe an Cha2e) as the one 4ho pointe a $un at
the/ urin$ the Ainappin$ an orere the/ to la+ prostrate on the $roun.

Appellants clai/s of torture are not supporte b+ /eical certificates fro/ the ph+sical e5a/inations one on the/.
clai/s of torture 4ere /ere afterthou$hts as the+ 4ere raise for the first ti/e urin$ trialD appellants i not e2en infor/ their
fa/il+ /e/bers 4ho 2isite the/ 4hile the+ 4ere i/prisone about the alle$e tortures.
De7uillo, for his part, also ha the
opportunit+ to co/plain of the alle$e torture one to hi/ to the Depart/ent of &ustice 4hen he 4as brou$ht there.
of torture are easil+ concocte, an cannot be $i2en creence unless substantiate b+ co/petent an inepenent corroboratin$

The e5tra >uicial confessions of Pancho, &r., De7uillo, an Muit also stren$thene the prosecutions case a$ainst Ro/eo. The rule
that an e5tra >uicial confession is e2ience onl+ a$ainst the person /aAin$ it reco$ni)es 2arious e5ceptions. One such e5ception
is 4here se2eral e5tra >uicial state/ents ha been /ae b+ se2eral persons char$e 4ith an offense an there coul ha2e been no
collusion 4ith reference to sai se2eral confessions, the fact that the state/ents are in all /aterial respects ientical is
confir/ator+ of the confession of the co0efenants an is a/issible a$ainst other persons i/plicate therein. The+ are also
a/issible as circu/stantial e2ience a$ainst the person i/plicate therein to sho4 the probabilit+ of the latters actual
participation in the co//ission of the cri/e an /a+ liAe4ise ser2e as corroborati2e e2ience if it is clear fro/ other facts an
circu/stances that other persons ha participate in the perpetration of the cri/e char$e an pro2e. These are Ano4n as
interlocAin$ confessions.
Nonetheless, the RTC, in con2ictin$ Ro/eo, relie not onl+ on the aforesai e5tra >uicial state/ents
but also on (erraers testi/on+ that Ro/eo 4as introuce to hi/ in his house as the infor/ant 4hen the+ 4ere plannin$ the
As for the penalt+, the RTC i not err in i/posin$ the penalt+ of eath since the Ainappin$ 4as co//itte for the purpose of
e5tortin$ ranso/ fro/ the 2icti/ or an+ other person. Neither actual e/an for nor pa+/ent of ranso/ is necessar+ for the
consu//ation of the felon+. It is sufficient that the epri2ation of libert+ 4as for the purpose of e5tortin$ ranso/ e2en if none of
the four circu/stances /entione in Article ":1 4ere present in its perpetration.
The eath of the 2icti/ as a result of the
Ainappin$ onl+ ser2es as a $eneric a$$ra2atin$ circu/stance for the rule is that 4hen /ore than one 7ualif+in$ circu/stances
are pro2en, the others /ust be consiere as $eneric a$$ra2atin$ circu/stances.

The i/position of eath penalt+ is also proper in the carnappin$ of the 2icti/s Pa3ero because it 4as co//itte b+ a ban, 4hich
ser2es as a $eneric a$$ra2atin$ circu/stance, 4ithout an+ /iti$atin$ circu/stance.
There is ban 4hene2er /ore than three
ar/e /alefactors shall ha2e acte to$ether in the co//ission of the offense.
As planne, Muit an three other ar/e /en
Ainappe the 2icti/ an ro2e a4a+ 4ith the latters Pa3ero 4hile t4o /ore persons 4aitin$ near the Pa$0asa roa boare the

?o4e2er, pursuant to Republic Act No. =6,: 4hich prohibits the i/position of the eath penalt+, the penalties i/pose are
co//ute to reclusion perpetua 4ith all its accessor+ penalties an 4ithout eli$ibilit+ for parole uner Act No. ,3%6.
As to a/a$es, the RTC erre in a4arin$ co/pensation for loss of earnin$ capacit+. Pursuant to >urispruence, the Court
preclues an a4ar for loss of earnin$ capacit+ 4ithout ae7uate proof as it partaAes of the nature of actual a/a$es.
bare testi/on+ of the father of the ecease that, at the ti/e of his eath, the 2icti/ 4as earnin$
P!,%%%.%% per /onth as an en$ineer is not sufficient proof.
'ut pursuant to the Courts rulin$ in People v. Abra"aldo;,"<
4herein 4e ee/e it proper to a4ar te/perate a/a$es in the a/ount of P"!,%%%.%% in cases 4here e2ience confir/s the
heirs entitle/ent to actual a/a$es but the a/ount of actual a/a$es cannot be eter/ine because of the absence of
supportin$ an ul+ presente receipts, the Court a4ars P"!,%%%.%% te/perate a/a$es to the heirs of the 2icti/ in the
present case.

The ci2il ine/nit+ shoul be increase to P1!,%%%.%%.
The a4ar of ci2il ine/nit+ /a+ be $rante 4ithout an+ nee of
proof other than the eath of the 2icti/.
In line 4ith >urispruence, the /oral a/a$es shoul also be increase to P

Moreo2er, e5e/plar+ a/a$es in the a/ount of P3%%,%%%.%% for the cri/e of Ainappin$ for ranso/ 4ith ho/icie
P"!,%%%.%% for the cri/e of carnappin$ shoul be a4are. The la4 allo4s e5e/plar+ a/a$es in cri/inal cases as part of the
ci2il liabilit+ of the /alefactors 4hen the cri/e is attene b+ one or /ore a$$ra2atin$ circu/stances.

@?ERE(ORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA0B.R. CR0?C No. %"%,, 4hich co//ute the eath penalties i/pose
in Cri/inal Case Nos. P0!"3 an P0:%1 to reclusion perpetua 4ithout eli$ibilit+ for parole is A,,IRMED 5it# t#e
MODI,ICATIONS that the co/pensation for loss of earnin$ capacit+ be elete 4hile the ci2il ine/nit+ be increase to
P1!,%%%.%% an the /oral a/a$es to P!%%,%%%.%%, an that appellants shall also pa+ the heirs of I$nacio Earl On$, &r.
te/perate a/a$es of P"!,%%%.%% an e5e/plar+ a/a$es of P3%%,%%%.%% for the cri/e of Ainappin$ for ranso/ 4ith
ho/icie an P"!,%%%.%% for the cri/e of carnappin$. Costs a$ainst appellants.


Associate Justice


Recors, pp. ,60,,. Cri/. Case No. P0!"3 -for Minappin$ for Ranso/ 4ith ?o/icie..

The unersi$ne State Prosecutor accuses SERBIO PANC?O + CABCMOC, &R., MI**ANO MCIT +
?ERMANO N 'O''8 RE8ESKEDDIE RE8ES an ROMEO PANC?O DOE -all at0lar$e., an &O?N
DOE, RIC?ARD DOE an PETER DOE -all0at0lar$e an 4hose true na/es an ientifies are unAno4n.
of the cri/e of MIDNAPPINB (OR RANSOM @IT? ?OMICIDE, efine an penali)e uner Article
":1 of the Re2ise Penal Coe, as a/ene b+ Republic Act No. 1:!=, co//itte as follo4s:

That on or about Dece/ber ", 3==1, in the Municipalit+ of Tanauan, Pro2ince of 'atan$as, an 4ithin the
>urisiction of this ?onorable Court, abo2e0na/e accuse, bein$ then pri2ate ini2iuals,
conspirin$, confeeratin$ an /utuall+ helpin$ one another, actin$ in co//on accor 4ith
Sa//+ Panso+ N 'uAboA, NMorales, NManuel Alfon an N(elipe Macalla -all ecease., an
&ohn Doe, Richar Doe an Peter Doe -4hose true na/es an ientities are unAno4n. 4hile
ar/e 4ith hi$h po4ere firear/s, i then an there, 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+,
Ainap, etain an abuct b+ force, threat an inti/iation an epri2e IBNACIO ONB, &R., of
his libert+ for the purpose of ;e5tortin$< ranso/ fro/ his fa/il+ in e5chan$e for the latters
libert+ an as a conse7uenc;e< or on the occasion of the sai Ainappin$ an etention, the sai
IBNACIO ONB, &R. 4as Aille, to the a/a$e an pre>uice of his heirs.

crala4crala4 CONTRAR8 TO *A@.

CA rollo, pp. :01. Cri/. Case No. P0:%1 -for Carnappin$..

The unersi$ne Special Counsel accuses Millano Muit + Muno) alias E/i, Euaro Eie ?er/ano
alias 'obb+ Re+es alias Eie R+es, Ser$io Pancho + Ca$u/oc, &r., Rolano De7uillo + Ta/pos, Ro/eo
Pancho an &oseph (erraer of the cri/e of Carnappin$, efine an penali)e uner Republic Act No.
:!6=, other4ise Ano4n as the Anti0Carnappin$ Act of 3=1";,< as a/ene b+ Republic Act No. 1:!=,
co//itte as follo4s:

crala4That on the "
a+ of Dece/ber 3==1, at about ":%% oclocA in the afternoon, at 'aran$a+ Darasa,
Municipalit+ of Tanauan, Pro2ince of 'atan$as, Philippines an 4ithin the >urisiction of this
?onorable Court, the abo2e0na/e accuse, to$ether 4ith one &ohn Doe, one Peter Doe, one Richar
Doe an one alias RocA+ Re+es 4hose ientities an 4hereabouts are still unAno4n, ar/e 4ith
firear/s, conspirin$ an confeeratin$ to$ether, actin$ in co//on accor an /utuall+ helpin$ one
another, 4ith intent to $ain an 4ithout the Ano4le$e an consent of the o4ner thereof, i then an
there ;4illfull+<, unla4full+ an feloniousl+ taAe, steal an carr+ a4a+ one -3. Mitsubishi Pa>ero 4ith
Plate No. CD*01,: 4ith an uneter/ine a/ount, o4ne b+ I$nacio On$, &r., to the a/a$e an
pre>uice of aforesai o4ner anKor his heirs.

crala4;CONTRAR8 TO *A@<.

Recors, p. 6%#.

TSN, "6 No2e/ber 3===, pp. 3:0""D : &ul+ "%%%, pp. 60:.

TSN, : &ul+ "%%%, pp. #033.

TSN, 63 March 3==#, pp. ,0!D 36 April 3==#, pp. ,0!.

TSN, 63 March 3==#, pp. :01, =03%D 36 April 3==#, pp. :01, =03%.

TSN, 63 March 3==#, pp. 10#.

TSN, 36 April 3==#, pp. #03%.

TSN, "3 &ul+ 3==#, pp. 601.

I. at #033, "%, "60",.

See TSN, 33 (ebruar+ 3===.

TSN, : March "%%3, pp. :03,.

TSN, "1 March "%%3, pp. "0=.

TSN, 36 No2e/ber "%%3, pp. 6033.

CA rollo, pp. "%%0"3=.

I. at "3#0"3=. Penne b+ &u$e 9oltaire Rosales. The ispositi2e portion of the ecision reas as follo4s:

crala4@?ERE(ORE, this Court fins accuse MI**ANO MCIT 8 MCNOF, SERBIO PANC?O 8
reasonable oubt of MIDNAPPINB (OR RANSOM;,< resultin$ in the eath of I$nacio Earl On$, &r.,
punishe uner Article ":1 of the Re2ise Penal Coe;,< as a/ene b+ Republic Act ;No.< 1:!=, an
sentences all the accuse to suffer the penalt+ of DEAT?.

The accuse are further irecte to pa+ heirs of the 2icti/ I$nacio Earl On$;,< &r. an ine/nit+ of (I(T8
T?OCSAND -P!%,%%%.%%. PESOS, actual a/a$es in the a/ount of T@O MI**ION T@O ?CNDRED
T?OCSAND -P","%%,%%%.%%. PESOS, an /oral a/a$es in the a/ount of T@O ?CNDRED
T?OCSAND -P"%%,%%%.%%. PESOS, 4ith subsiiar+ i/prison/ent in case of insol2enc+.

crala4In Cri/inal Case No. P0:%1, this Court fins the accuse MI**ANO MCIT 8 MCNOF, SERBIO
be+on reasonable oubt of CARNAPPINB punishe uner Republic Act ;No.< :!6=, an sentences all
the accuse to suffer the penalt+ of DEAT?.

crala4In Cri/inal Cases Nos. P0!6, an P0!6!, this Court fins the accuse MI**ANO MCIT 8
MCNOF $uilt+ be+on reasonable oubt of RO''ER8 4ith 2iolence a$ainst or inti/iation of persons,
punishe uner Article "=, of the Re2ise Penal Coe, an sentences accuse to an ineter/inate
penalt+ of t4o +ears an si5 /onths of prision correccional, as /ini/u/, up to ei$ht +ears an si5
/onths of prision ma!or, as /a5i/u/. MI**ANO MCIT is also irecte to pa+ actual a/a$es of
P3#,#1!.%% to the offene parties.

crala4The custoians of the accuse MI*;*<ANO MCIT 8 MCNOF, SERBIO PANC?O 8 CABCMOC;,<
&R., RO*ANDO DEGCI**O 8 TARIPOS AND ROMEO PANC?O are irecte to i//eiatel+ transfer
etention of the accuse to the National Penitentiar+ in the Cit+ of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila.

crala4*et the recors of Cri/inal Cases Nos. P0!"3 an P0:%1 be ele2ate to the Supre/e Court for
auto/atic re2ie4 on appeal.


I. at "=#0"==.

Rollo, pp. "063. Penne b+ Associate &ustice &ose Catral Meno)a, an concurre in b+ Associate &ustices Anres
Re+es, &r., an Ra/on 'ato, &r.

I. at 63. The ispositi2e portion of the ecision reas as follo4s:

@?ERE(ORE, the No2e/ber "", "%%" Decision of the Re$ional Trial Court, 'ranch #6, Tanauan,
'atan$as, in Cri/inal Case Nos. P0!"3 an P0:%1, is hereb+ A,,IRMED e5cept 4ith respect to the
penalt+ of Death 4hich is hereb+ reuce to Reclusion Perpetua in both cases.

I. at ,30,".

CA rollo, pp. ="0=6D 313031"D ",,D 6%:.

Art. ":1. Minappin$ an serious ille$al detention.OAn+ pri2ate ini2iual 4ho shall Ainap or etain
another, or in an+ other /anner epri2e hi/ of his libert+, shall suffer the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua
to eath.

3. If Ainappin$ of etention shall ha2e laste /ore than three a+s.
". If it shall ha2e been co//itte si/ulatin$ public authorit+.
6. If an+ serious ph+sical in>uries shall ha2e been inflicte upon the person Ainappe or etaineD or if
threats to Aill hi/ shall ha2e been /ae.
,. If the person Ainappe or etaine shall be a /inor, e5cept 4hen the accuse is an+ of the parents,
fe/ale or a public officer.

The penalt+ shall be )e$t# 4here the ?i)n$%%in0 or )etention 5$ 2o..itte) 1or t#e %(r%oe
o1 e8tortin0 r$no. fro/ the 2icti/ or an+ other person, e2en if none of the circu/stances
abo2e/entione 4ere present in the co//ission of the offense.

@hen t#e 'i2ti. i ?i//e) or )ie $ $ 2one@(en2e o1 t#e )etention or is rape, or is sub>ecte
to torture or ehu/ani)in$ acts, t#e .$8i.(. %en$/t3 shall be i/pose. -As a/ene b+ Sec. #,
Republic Act No. 1:!=.. -E/phasis supplie..

People v. -orromeo, 6"6 SCRA !,1 -"%%%..

Republic Act No. :!6=, Anti0Carnappin$ Act of 3=1":

Sec. ".crala4)efinition of terms.The ter/s Pcarnappin$,P P/otor 2ehicle,P Pefacin$ or ta/perin$ 4ith,P
Prepaintin$,P Pbo+0builin$,P Pre/oelin$,P Pefacin$ or ta/perin$,P an Po2erhaulin$,P as use in this
Act, shall be unerstoo, respecti2el+, to /ean 0

PCarnappin$P is the taAin$, 4ith intent to $ain, of a /otor 2ehicle belon$in$ to another 4ithout the
latterQs consent, or b+ /eans of 2iolence a$ainst or inti/iation of persons, or b+ usin$ force upon

5 5 5 5

Sec. 3,. Penalt! for Carnapping.An+ person 4ho is foun $uilt+ of carnappin$, as this ter/ is efine in
Section T4o of this Act, shall, irrespecti2e of the 2alue of /otor 2ehicle taAen, be punishe b+
i/prison/ent for not less than fourteen +ears an ei$ht /onths an not /ore than se2enteen +ears an
four /onths, 4hen the carnappin$ is co//itte 4ithout 2iolence or inti/iation of persons, or force
upon thin$s, an b+ i/prison/ent for not less than se2enteen +ears an four /onths an not /ore than
thirt+ +ears, 4hen the carnappin$ is co//itte b+ /eans of 2iolence a$ainst or inti/iation of an+
person, or force upon thin$sD an t#e %en$/t3 o1 reclusion perpetua to )e$t# #$// 6e i.%oe)
5#en t#e o5ner, )ri'er or o22(%$nt o1 t#e 2$rn$%%e) .otor 'e#i2/e i ?i//e) or r$%e) in
t#e 2o(re o1 t#e 2o..iion o1 t#e 2$rn$%%in0 or on t#e o22$ion t#ereo1. -As a/ene b+
Sec. "%, Republic Act No. 1:!=.

People v. Lising& 6,= Phil. !6%, !1= -3==#..

People v. Alilio, 633 Phil. 6=!, ,%! -3==!..

TSN, 33 (ebruar+ 3===, pp. #036, 310"%.

TSN, 63 March 3==#, pp. =03%D 36 April 3==#, pp. =03%.

TSN, 36 March "%%3, pp. 3103#D "1 March "%%3, p. #D 3# &une "%%3, p. 33.

TSN, 36 March "%%3, pp. 3:03#D 3# &une "%%3, pp. =03%.

TSN, : March "%%3, p. 3%.

See People v. Sinoc, 6,3 Phil. 6!! -3==1.D People v. Sabi!on, ,61 Phil. !=, -"%%"..

See People v. 'ncipido, *01%%=3, "= Dece/ber 3=#:, 3,: SCRA ,1#, ,=", citin$ People v. )omondon, ,6 SCRA ,#:,
,=%0,=3 -3=1"..

People v. Salimbago& 616 Phil. !:, 1! -3===..

People v. Re!nes, ,"6 Phil. 6:6, 6#, -"%%3. citin$ People v. )anico, "%# SCRA ,1" -3=="..


RE9ISED PENA* CODE, Art. 3,. See People v. Lee, B.R. No. ::#,#, "% Dece/ber 3==3, "%3 SCRA =%%, =33D People v.
-u4a, B.R. Nos. :#633036, 6% &anuar+ 3==", "%! SCRA !:1, !##D People v. de la Cru", B.R. No. 3%"%:6, "% &anuar+
3==6, "31 SCRA "#6, "=:.

SEC. ". In lieu of the eath penalt+, the follo4in$ shall be i/pose:

-a. the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua, 4hen the la4 2iolate /aAes use of the no/enclature of the
penalties of the Re2ise Penal CoeD or

-b. the penalt+ of life i/prison/ent, 4hen the la4 2iolate oes not /aAe use of the no/enclature
of the penalties of the Re2ise Penal Coe.

Pursuant to the sa/e la4, appellant shall not be eli$ible for parole uner Act No. ,3%6, other4ise
Ano4n as the Ineter/inate Sentence *a4.

See People v. Panabang, ,", Phil. !=: -"%%".D People v. Cuenca, ,"! Phil. 1"" -"%%"..

TSN, ! March 3==#, p. "%.

,,! Phil. 3%=, 3": -"%%6.. See also People v. Villanueva, ,!: Phil. 3,, "= -"%%6..

People v. +ubongbanua, B.R. No. 313"13, 63 Au$ust "%%:, !%% SCRA 1"1, 1,"01,6D People v. -angcado, 6== Phil.
1:#, 1=" -"%%%.D People v. SP05 Lobitania, ,61 Phil. "36 -"%%".. See also People v. Amion, ,%! Phil. =31, =6, -"%%3.D
People v. Court of Appeals& ,%! Phil. ",1, ":= -"%%3.D citin$ People v. Pedroso, B.R. No. 3"!3"%, &ul+ 3=, "%%%D People
v. 1o*od, 6#1 Phil. :"# -"%%%.D People v. Rosalino 6lores, 6#! Phil. 3!= -"%%%.D People v. %indanao, 6=% Phil. !3%
-"%%%.D People v. 7ui3on, 6#" Phil. 66= -"%%%.D People v. -uluran, 6#" Phil. 6:, -"%%%..

People v. Concepcion& ,%= Phil. 316, 3#= -"%%3., citin$ People v. )e Vera, 63" SCRA :,% -3===..

People v. )eang& et al., 6=6 Phil. 63, -"%%%..

I. at 66:.

See CI9I* CODE, Art. ""6%. See also People v. P08 Ro(as, ,!1 Phil. !::, !1= -"%%6., citin$ People v. Catubig, B.R.
No. 361#,", "6 Au$ust "%%3. See also People v. -ergante, 6!% Phil. "1!, "="0"=6 -3==#.D People v. Re!es, 6!% Phil. :#6,
:== -3==#..
Republic of the Philippines
& 'er( &
*UAN CA""A", *R.,
G.R. No. 17:47=
PCNO, C.J.& Chairperson&
&ul+ 3", "%%1


crala4'efore the Court on auto/atic re2ie4 is the ecision ate (ebruar+ "", "%%: of the Court of Appeals -CA. in CA*1.R. CR*
$.C. ,o. 99:;< 4hich affir/e, 4ith /oification, an earlier ecision of the Re$ional Trial Court -RTC. of 'an$ue, Abra,
'ranch ", in Cri/inal Case No. :#1, finin$ appellant &uan Cabbab, &r., $uilt+ be+on reasonable oubt of the cri/e of Robber+
4ith ?o/icie an Atte/pte Murer an sentencin$ hi/ to suffer the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua.

crala4Pursuant to our pronounce/ent in People v. %ateo4hich /oifie the pro2isions of the Rules of Court insofar as the+
pro2ie for irect appeals fro/ the RTC to this Court in cases 4here the penalt+ i/pose b+ the trial court is eath, reclusion
perpetua or life i/prison/ent, this case 4as earlier referre to the CA, 4hereat it 4as ocAete as CA*1.R. CR*$.C. ,o. 95:=<&
for appropriate action an isposition.

The Case

crala4In the court of ori$in, appellant &uan Cabbab, &r., alon$ 4ith his cousin0in0la4 Se$unino Calpito, 4as char$e 4ith the
cri/es of Double Murer an Atte/pte Murer 4ith Robber+ in an Infor/ation alle$in$, as follo4s:

crala4That on or about April "", 3=##, in Sitio Ma+a4Aa4, 'aran$a+ Mi//alasa$, Municipalit+ of San Isiro,
Pro2ince of Abra, Philippines an 4ithin the >urisiction of this ?onorable Court, the abo2e0na/e accuse 4ith
the intent to Aill, treacher+ an e2ient pre/eitation, 4hile ar/e 4ith a firear/ -not0reco2er., conspirin$,
confeeratin$ an /utuall+ helpin$ one another, i then an there, 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+
assault, attacA an shot fro/ a/bush @INNER AB'C*OS an EDDIE GCINDASAN, conse7uentl+ inflictin$
thereb+ /ultiple $unshot 4ouns on the ifferent parts of their boies, Aillin$ @inner A$bulos on the spot an
causin$ the eath of Eie Guinasan shortl+ thereafter, then an there 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+,
4ith intent to Aill, shot @illia/ 'el/es, sai accuse ha2in$ co//ence the e5ecution of Murer b+ o2ert acts
but 4ere unable to perfor/ all the acts of e5ecution, 4hich 4oul ha2e prouce the cri/e of Murer as a
conse7uence thereof, ue to alertness of 2icti/ @illia/ 'el/es to roll an poor /arAs/anship of the accuse
thus pre2ente his eath, then an there 4illfull+ an unla4full+ an feloniousl+, 4ith the intent of $ain, taAe,
steal an carr+ a4a+ the /one+ of @inner A$bulos in the a/ount of T4el2e Thousan Pesos -P3",%%%.%%.,
Philippine currenc+..

crala4A** CONTRAR8 TO *A@ 4ith the a$$ra2atin$ circu/stance of: -3. uninhabite place.

crala4On arrai$n/ent, appellant &uan Cabbab, &r. an accuse Se$unino Calpito separatel+ entere their pleas of Not Built+ to
the cri/es char$e. Thereafter, trial on the /erits ensue, in the course of 4hich the prosecution presente the oral testi/onies
of MKS$t. Boofreo Tubae)a, a police in2esti$ator at Ca/p 9illa/or, 'an$ue, AbraD PO @illia/ 'el/es, a /e/ber of the
Inte$rate National Police at the 9illa2iciosa Police StationD 9ial A$bulos, father of the 2icti/ @inner A$bulosD Dra. *eona
Barcia0'eroa, /eico0le$al officer 4ho conucte an autops+ on the bo+ of @inner A$bulosD an Dr. Boofreco Basa, a
ph+sician at the AbraPro2incial?ospital.
crala4(or its part, the efense presente the appellant hi/selfD accuse Se$unino CalpitoD an Beor$e e *ara, a (orensic
Che/ist of the National 'ureau of In2esti$ation -N'I..

The E2ience

crala4The Peoples 2ersion of the incient is succinctl+ su//ari)e b+ the Office of the Solicitor Beneral -OSB. in its Appellees
'rief, to 4it:

crala4In the /ornin$ of "" April 3=##, father an son 9ial A$bulos an @inner A$bulos, to$ether 4ith Eie
Guinasan, (elipe Aba an Police Officer -PO. @illia/ 'el/es, 4ent to 'aran$a+ Mi//alasa$, San Isiro,
Abra to atten a fiesta celebration. Cpon arri2al in the area, the+ foun out that the fiesta celebration 4as
alrea+ o2er, thus, the+ ecie to $o ho/e in 9illa2iciosa, Abra. Since it 4as alrea+ lunchti/e, the $roup tooA
their lunch at Sitio Turo, locate in the sa/e area of 'aran$a+ Mi//alasa$. After taAin$ their lunch an on
their 4a+ ho/e, the+ 4ere /et b+ accuse0appellant &uan Cabbab, &r. an Se$unino Calpito 4ho in2itethe/
to pla+ pepito, a local 2ersion of the $a/e of russian poAer.

crala4crala4Onl+ @inner A$bulos an Eie Guinasan pla+e pepito 4ith the $roup of accuse0appellant. @inner
A$bulos pla+e the ealerKbanAer in the $a/e 4hile accuse0appellant an Se$unino Calpito acte as pla+ers
therein.Aroun 6:%% oclocA p./., PO @illia/ 'el/es tol @inner A$bulos an Eie Guinasan that the+
shoul be $oin$ ho/e after three -6. /ore eals.About 6:6% p./., @inner A$buloss $roup 4rappe0up the $a/e
an 4ere set for ho/e to$ether 4ith his $roup.@inner A$bulos 4on the $a/e.

crala4crala4@hile 4alAin$ on their 4a+ ho/e fro/ Sitio Turo, PO @illia/ 'el/es, 4ho 4as behin @inner A$bulos
an Eie Guinasan picAin$0up $ua2a fruits fro/ a tree, sa4 accuse0appellant, accuse Se$unino Calpito
an a co/panion runnin$ up a hill. Suenl+, he hear $unshots an sa4 @inner A$bulos an Eie
Guinasan, 4ho 4ere then 4alAin$ ahea of the $roup, hit b+ the $unfire.

crala4crala4'+ instant, PO @illia/ 'el/es o2e into a canal to sa2e hi/self fro/ the continuous $unfire of accuse0
appellant. PO @illia/ 'el/es ran to4ars 9ial A$bulos an (elipe Aba, 4ho 4ere 4alAin$ behin the $roup,
an infor/e the t4o that @inner A$bulos an Eie Guinasan 4ere a/bushe b+ accuse0appellant an
Se$unino Calpito.The three -6. proceee to the cri/e scene 4here the+ sa4 the ea bo+ of @inner A$bulos
to$ether 4ith Eie Guinasan 4ho/ the+ /istooA for ea. The three sou$ht help fro/ the police authorities
of Pilar, Abra an returne to the scene of the cri/e 4here the+ foun Eie Guinasan 4ho 4as still ali2e an
4ho narrate that it 4as &uan Cabbab, &r. an Se$unino Calpito 4ho a/buse the/ an tooA the /one+,
esti/ate at P3",%%%.%%, of @inner A$bulos4hich he 4on in the car $a/e.Eie Guinasan 4as brou$ht to the
Abra Pro2incial ?ospital but ie the follo4in$ a+.

crala4crala4Post/orte/ e5a/ination of @inner A$bulos sho4e that the cause ofhis eath 4as cario respirator+
arrest seconar+ to he/orrha$e ue to /ultiple $unshot 4ouns. On the other han, Eie Guinasans cause of
eath 4as cario respirator+ arrest seconar+ to h+po2ole/ic shocA ue to /ultiple $unshot 4ouns.

crala4(or the efense, appellant hi/self tooA the 4itness stan clai/in$ that in the /ornin$ of April "", 3=##, he 4ent to Palao,
'aeA, 'an$ue, Abra to 2isit his friens Ro/eo, De/etrio an Restituto, all surna/e 'orreta. ?e sta+e there al/ost the
entire a+ an left onl+ at aroun !:%% p./. ?e arri2e ho/e in Mi//alasa$, San Isiro, Abra at aroun !:6% p./. ?e eclare
that his co0accuse Calpito 4as not 4ith hi/ that a+. ?e liAe4ise a2erre that he i not Ano4 prosecution 4itnesses PO
@illia/ 'el/es an 9ial A$bulos nor i he Ano4 of an+ /oti2e for the/ to testif+ a$ainst hi/.

crala4Appellants co0accuse Calpito enie ha2in$ co//itte the cri/es char$e. ?e testifie that at aroun #:6% a./. of April
"", 3=##, he 4ent fishin$ at Mi//alasa$, San Isiro, Abra until ,:%% a./. of the follo4in$ a+.

crala4Beor$e e *ara, (orensic Che/ist of the N'I, testifie that he conucte an e5a/ination on the paraffin cast taAen fro/
appellant to eter/ine the presence of $unpo4er resiue or nitrates on appellants hans. The results of the sai e5a/ination
sho4e that appellant 4as ne$ati2e of nitrates. ?e opine that certain factors /a+ affect the result of the test such as
perspiration, 4in 2elocit+, hu/iit+ or the t+pe of $un use. ?e also theori)e that a paraffin test 4oul +iel a ne$ati2e result if
fertili)ers or cos/etics are applie to the hans before the cast is taAen.

The Trial Courts Decision

crala4In a ecision ate Au$ust ":, 3==1, the trial court ac7uitte Se$unino Calpito but foun appellant &uan Cabbab, &r.
$uilt+ of t4o cri/es, i.e. -3. robber+ 4ith ouble ho/icie an -". atte/pte /urer. Dispositi2el+, the ecision reas:

crala4@?ERE(ORE, the court fins accuse &uan Cabbab, &r. $uilt+ be+on reasonable oubt of ouble
/urer 4ith robber+ or better put, robber+ 4ith ouble ho/icie an atte/pte /urer as efine in Art. ",#
of the Re2ise Penal Coe in relation to Art. "=, of the sa/e Coe or robber+ 4ith ouble ho/icie efine an
penali)e uner Art. ",# in relation to Art. : of the Sa/e Coe 4ith a$$ra2atin$ circu/stance of uninhabite
place 4ith no /iti$atin$ circu/stances an sentences hi/ 4ith the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua for each of the
Aillin$ of @inner A$bulos an for robbin$ the sai 2icti/ after Aillin$ hi/ an for the Aillin$ of Eie
Guinasan. The court liAe4ise fins the accuse &uan Cabbab, &r. $uilt+ be+on reasonable oubt of the
atte/pte /urer efine an penali)e in Art. ,# in relation to Art. : of the Re2ise Penal Coe. These
offenses attene b+ the a$$ra2atin$ circu/stance of uninhabite place 4ith no /iti$atin$ circu/stances an
sentence hi/ to suffer an ineter/inate penalt+ of (OCR -,. MONT?S an ONE -3. DA8 of arresto ma!or as
/ini/u/ to (OCR -,. 8EARS an T@O -". MONT?S of prision correccional as /a5i/u/.
crala4?e is hereb+ orere to pa+ the heirs of the 2icti/s P!%,%%%.%% for each of the/ plus P"%,%%%.%% also for
each of the/ as actual e5penses an finall+, the a/ount of P3%%,%%%.%% also for each of the/ as /oral an
e5e/plar+ a/a$es an to pa+ the costs of this suit.

crala4Accuse Se$unino Calpito is ac7uitte for insufficienc+ of e2ience.


crala4The recors of the case 4ere then trans/itte to this Court on auto/atic re2ie4. As state at the onset hereof, the Court,
in its Resolution of &anuar+ 31, "%%: an pursuant to its rulin$ in People v. %ateo&referre the case an its recors to the CA for
appropriate action an isposition, 4hereat it 4as ocAete as CA*1.R. CR*$.C. ,o. 99:;<.

In a ecision ate (ebruar+ "", "%%:, the CA /oifie the trial courts ecision an foun appellant $uilt+ of the special
co/ple5 cri/e of Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie an i/pose upon hi/ the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua. The CA also affir/e
appellants con2iction, as 4ell as the penalt+ i/pose, for the separate cri/e of atte/pte /urer.
crala4(ro/ the CA, the case 4as then ele2ate to this Court for auto/atic re2ie4. In its Resolution of Septe/ber "%, "%%:, the
Court resol2e to re7uire the parties to sub/it their respecti2e supple/ental briefs.

crala4In a %anifestation ate No2e/ber 3:, "%%:, the OSB, in behalf of appellee People, infor/e the Court that it is no
lon$er filin$ a supple/ental brief an 4as /erel+ aoptin$ its appellees brief before the CA as its supple/ental brief.

crala4Appellant, on the other han, file on Dece/ber 3#, "%%: his supple/ental brief on the lone assi$ne error, that:


crala4Insistin$ that the prosecution faile to pro2e his $uilt be+on reasonable oubt, appellant pleas for ac7uittal. ?e a2ers
that the 4itnesses for the prosecution faile to positi2el+ ientif+ hi/ as the perpetrator of the cri/e as the+ i not actuall+ see
hi/ shoot the 2icti/s. Appellant also relies on the results of the paraffin test sho4in$ that he 4as ne$ati2e of $unpo4er

crala4The appeal /ust fail.

crala4Appellants contention that the 4itnesses for the prosecution faile to ientif+ hi/ as the perpetrator of the cri/e is belie
b+ the testi/on+ of PO @illia/ 'el/es, 4ho 4as 4ith the 2icti/s 4hen the incient happene. @e 7uote fro/ the transcripts of
the steno$raphic notes:

@illia/ 'el/es on Re0irect E5a/ination


G.crala4Mr. @itness, 4hen +ou $a2e +our state/ent on April 6%, 3=##, e5actl+ ei$ht -#. a+s after the incient
4hen the incient 4herein +ou 4ere in2esti$ate upon still 2er+ 2er+ fresh in +our /in -sic.. No4, in
+our state/ent 4hich +ou $a2e to the in2esti$ator, Pat. Tubae)a, +ou state that +ou sa4 the persons
shot at @inner A$bulos an Eie Guinasan an after the t4o -". ha fell o4n then +ou also liAe4ise
sa4 the/ shot at +ou at the ti/e +ou 4ere rollin$ to the $roun.Do +ou affir/ an confir/ this
state/ent of +ours 4hich +ou subscribe before (iscal Ricarte 9aleraH


crala48our ?onor, it is /isleain$, 4e ob>ect, in so far as the shootin$ of Eie Guinasan an @inner A$bulos
4as not seen.?e onl+ sa4 the persons 4ho 4ere firin$ at hi/ na/el+: &uan Cabbab an Se$unino


crala4In his testi/on+ before the court he testifie before the court that he sa4 &uan Cabbab an Se$unino
Calpito shot at Eie Guinasan an @inner A$bulos.Refor/ the 7uestion.


G.crala4?o4e2er, +ou sa4 these t4o -". accuse, &uan Cabbab an Se$unino Calpito shoot at +ouH
A.crala48es, sir.

G.crala4@ill +ou tell the court if ho4 far 4ere these t4o -". accuse 4hen the+ 4ere firin$ at +ouH
A.crala4Ei$ht -#. /eters, sir.

G.crala4An therefore 4hat ti/e is it 4hen the+ 4ere firin$ at +ouH
A.crala4If I/ not /istaAen it 4as ,:%% oclocA in the afternoon.


@illia/ 'el/es on cross0e5a/ination


G.crala4In other 4ors, it 4as +ou bein$ shot out b+ Se$unino Calpito an &uan Cabbab but +ou i not see
the/ shoot at @inner A$bulos an Eie GuinasanH
A.crala4I sa4 &uan Cabbab an Se$unino fire at @inner A$bulos an Eie Guinasan -the 4itness usin$ the
4or banat. an 4hen the+ alrea+ fell o4n, the+ continue firin$ atte/pt an in /+ case I rolle an
the+ also fire at /e.

crala4The abo2e testi/on+ ae7uatel+ sho4e that 'el/es 4as able to looA at an see appellant at the ti/e he perpetrate the
cri/e. To our /in, 'el/es coul not ha2e /ae a /istaAe 4ith respect to appellants ientit+, 4hat 4ith the fact that >ust a fe4
hours before the incient, it 4as e2en appellant hi/self 4ho in2ite 'el/es an his $roup to pla+ poAer. (or sure, 'el/es ha a
face0to0face encounter 4ith appellant before the assault an thus 4oul be able to un/istaAabl+ reco$ni)e hi/ especiall+
because at the ti/e of the attacA, 'el/es 4as >ust ei$ht -#. /eters a4a+ fro/ appellant an conitions of 2isibilit+ 4ere 2er+
$oo at the ti/e of the incient as it 4as onl+ aroun ,:%% in the afternoon. &urispruence reco$ni)es that it is the /ost natural
reaction of 2icti/s of 2iolence to stri2e to see the appearance of the perpetrators of the cri/e an to obser2e the /anner in 4hich
the cri/e 4as co//itte.

crala4'el/es testi/on+ 4as corroborate b+ that of 9ial A$bulos 4ho 4as also 4ith the $roup 4hen the robber+ an shootin$
tooA place. A$ain, 4e 7uote fro/ the transcripts of steno$raphic notes:

9ial A$bulos on irect e5a/ination


G.crala4@hat i +ou o ne5t 4hen (elipe Aba infor/e +ou a$ain that +our son 4as alrea+ Aille an Eie
Guinasan 4as in>ureH
A.crala4E2en if he tol /e about that I >ust 4ent ahea.

G.crala4@hat happene ne5t 4hen he tol +ou thatH
A.crala4@hen I 4ent ahea I sa4 &uan Cabbab tooA the 4allet fro/ /+ son.


G.crala4At that ti/e, @inner A$bulos 4as alrea+ prostrate on the $rounH
A.crala48es, sir, /+ son 4as l+in$ on the $roun facin$ o4n.

crala4Clearl+, then, 9ial A$bulos positi2el+ ientifie appellant as the person 4ho robbe his son, @inner, of his 4innin$s. &ust
liAe 'el/es, A$bulos coul also not ha2e been /istaAen as to appellants ientit+ consierin$ that it 4as appellant 4ho personall+
approache A$bulos $roup an in2ite the/ to pla+ poAer >ust a fe4 hours prior to the co//ission of the cri/e. (urther,
A$bulos testifie that he 4as fa/iliar 4ith appellant as he 4oul often see hi/ in a cocApit in San Isiro, Abra.

crala4To be sure, the trial court 4hich ha the uni7ue opportunit+ to obser2e at first han the e/eanor of 4itnesses 'el/es
an A$bulos an asses 4hether the+ are tellin$ the truth or not, $a2e full faith an creence to their testi/onies. (inin$ no facts
an circu/stances of 4ei$ht an substance that 4oul other4ise 4arrant a ifferent conclusion, the Court accors the hi$hest
respect to the trial courts e2aluation of the creibilit+ of these 4itnesses.

crala4Appellant liAe4ise capitali)es on the results of the paraffin test sho4in$ that both his hans +iele no trace of $unpo4er
resiue. Cnfortunatel+ for appellant, the results of the paraffin test 4oul not e5culpate hi/. The ne$ati2e finin$s of sai test o
not conclusi2el+ sho4 that a person i not ischar$e a firear/ at the ti/e the cri/e 4as co//itte. This Court has obser2e
that it is 7uite possible for a person to ischar$e a firear/ an +et e5hibit no trace of nitrates: 4hen, e.g., the assailant fire the
4eapon 4hile 4earin$ $lo2es or 4here the assailant thorou$hl+ 4ashes his hans thereafter. As Beor$e e *ara of the N'I state
in his testi/on+ before the trial court, if a person applies cos/etics on his hans before the cast is taAen, $unpo4er resiue
4oul not be foun in that persons hans. ?e also testifie that certain factors coul contribute to the ne$ati2e result of a
paraffin test such as perspiration, hu/iit+ or the t+pe of firear/ use. In fine, a finin$ that the paraffin test on the person of
the appellant +iele ne$ati2e results is not conclusi2e e2ience to sho4 that he inee ha not fire a $un.

crala4Too, appellant has not sho4n an+ e2ience of i/proper /oti2e on the part of prosecution 4itnesses 'el/es an A$bulos
that 4oul ha2e ri2en the/ to falsel+ testif+ a$ainst hi/. In fact, appellant hi/self eclare that he i not Ano4 of an+ reason
4h+ 'el/es an A$bulos 4oul i/plicate hi/ in the cri/e. @here there is nothin$ to sho4 that the 4itnesses for the
prosecution 4ere actuate b+ i/proper /oti2e, their positi2e an cate$orical eclarations on the 4itness stan uner the
sole/nit+ of an oath eser2e full faith an creence.

crala4Inter>ecte as a efense is alibi, appellant clai/in$ that he 4ent to Palao, 'aeA, 'an$ue, Abra to 2isit his friens in the
/ornin$ of April "", 3=## an returne ho/e onl+ at aroun !:6% p./. (or alibi to prosper, ho4e2er, the hornbooA rule re7uires
a sho4in$ that the accuse 4as at another place at the ti/e of the perpetration of the offense an that it 4as ph+sicall+
i/possible for hi/ to be at the scene of the cri/e at the ti/e of its co//ission. @here there is e2en the least chance for the
accuse to be present at the cri/e scene, the efense of alibi 4ill not hol 4ater.

crala4?ere, the e2ience sho4s that Palao, 'aeA, 'an$ue, Abra 4here appellant alle$el+ 2isite his friens 4as onl+ 6%
/inutes ri2e fro/ 'aran$a+ Mi//alasa$, San Isiro, Abra 4here the cri/e 4as co//itte. In short, appellant faile to
establish b+ clear an con2incin$ e2ience the ph+sical i/possibilit+ of his presence at the scene of the cri/e on the ate an
ti/e of its co//ission.crala4

crala4The 4eaAness of appellants alibi is hea2il+ unerscore b+ the fact that appellant 4as positi2el+ ientifie b+ 4itnesses
'el/es an A$bulos 4ho 4ere 4ith the 2icti/s at the ti/e of the incient. (or sure, appellants positi2e ientification as the
perpetrator of the cri/e reners his efense of alibi un4orth+ of creit.chanrobles2irtualla4librar+

crala4The cri/e co//itte b+ appellant 4as correctl+ characteri)e b+ the appellate court as Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie uner
Article "=,, para$raph 3 of the Re2ise Penal Coe -RPC. 4hich reas:

crala4crala4Art. "=,.Robber! ith violence against or intimidation of persons Penalties. An+ person $uilt+ of
robber+ 4ith the use of 2iolence a$ainst an+ person shall suffer:
crala4crala43.crala4The penalt+ of reclusion perpetua to eath, 4hen b+ reason or on occasion of the robber+,
the cri/e of ho/icie shall ha2e been co//itte, or 4hen the robber+ shall ha2e been acco/panie b+ rape or
intentional /utilation or arson.crala4

crala4To 4arrant con2iction for the cri/e of Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie, the prosecution is burene to pro2e the confluence of the
follo4in$ ele/ents:

-3. the taAin$ of personal propert+ is co//itte 4ith 2iolence or inti/iation a$ainst personsD

-". the propert+ taAen belon$s to anotherD

-6. the taAin$ is characteri)e b+ intent to $ain or animo lucrandiD an

-,. b+ reason of the robber+ or on the occasion thereof, ho/icie is co//itte.

crala4In Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie, so lon$ as the intention of the felon is to rob, the Aillin$ /a+ occur before, urin$ or after the
robber+. It is i//aterial that eath 4oul super2ene b+ /ere accient, or that the 2icti/ of ho/icie is other than the 2icti/
of robber+, or that t4o or /ore persons are Aille. Once a ho/icie is co//itte b+ reason or on the occasion of the robber+,
the felon+ co//itte is the special co/ple5 cri/e of Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie.chanrobles2irtualla4librar+

crala4?ere, the prosecution auce proof be+on reasonable oubt that appellant, ha2in$ lost to @inner A$bulos in the $a/e
of poAer, intene to i2est A$bulos of his 4innin$s a/ountin$ to P"%,%%%.%%. In pursuit of his plan to rob A$bulos of his
4innin$s, appellant shot an Aille hi/ as 4ell as his co/panion, Eie Guinasan.crala4

crala4The prescribe penalt+ for Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie uner Article "=, of the RPC, as a/ene b+ R.A. No. 1:!= -Death
Penalt+ *a4., is reclusion perpetua to eath. In the application of a penalt+ co/pose of t4o ini2isible penalties, liAe that for
Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie, Article :6 of the RPC pro2ies that 4hen in the co//ission of the ee there is present onl+ one
a$$ra2atin$ circu/stance, the $reater penalt+ shall be applie. In this case, the a$$ra2atin$ circu/stance of treacher+ attene
the co//ission of the cri/e, as appellants attacA on the 2icti/s 4ho 4ere then unsuspectin$l+ 4alAin$ on their 4a+ ho/e 4as
suen an one 4ithout an+ pro2ocation, thus $i2in$ the/ no real chance to efen the/sel2es.

crala4?o4e2er, consierin$ that the cri/e 4as co//itte in 3=## or prior to the effecti2it+ of R.A. No. 1:!=, the trial court an
the CA correctl+ i/pose upon appellant the lesser penalt+ of reclusion perpetua.
crala4The Court feels, ho4e2er, that the t4o courts belo4 erre in con2ictin$ appellant of the separate cri/e of atte/pte
/urer for the shootin$ of PO @illia/ 'el/es. Atte/pte ho/icie or atte/pte /urer co//itte urin$ or on the occasion
of the robber+, as in this case, is absorbe in the cri/e of Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie 4hich is a special co/ple5 cri/e that re/ains
funa/entall+ the sa/e re$arless of the nu/ber of ho/icies or in>uries co//itte in connection 4ith the

crala4@e no4 co/e to the a4ar of a/a$es.

crala4Confor/abl+ 4ith e5istin$ >urispruence, the heirs of @inner A$bulos an Eie Guinasan are each entitle to ci2il
ine/nit+ in the a/ount of P!%,%%%.%%, to /oral a/a$es in the a/ount of P!%,%%%.%%, an to e5e/plar+ a/a$es in the su/
of P"!,%%%.%%.chanrobles2irtualla4librar+

crala4@ith respect to actual a/a$es, @inners father, 9ial A$bulos, testifie that he spent a total of P!%,%%%.%% as burial
e5penses but he faile to present receipts therefor. In People v. Abra"aldo& 4e lai o4n the octrine that 4here the a/ount of
actual a/a$es for funeral e5penses cannot be eter/ine because of the absence of receipts to pro2e the/, te/perate a/a$es
/a+ be a4are in the a/ount of P"!,%%%.%%. Thus, in lieu of actual a/a$es, te/perate a/a$es in the a/ount of P"!,%%%.%%
/ust be a4are to the heirs of @inner because althou$h the e5act a/ount 4as not pro2e 4ith certaint+, it 4as reasonable to
e5pect that the+ incurre e5penses for the coffin an burial of the 2icti/. @e, ho4e2er, cannot $rant the sa/e to the heirs of
Eie Guinasan for their failure to testif+ on the /atter. (inall+, appellant is obli$e to return to the heirs of @inner A$bulos
the a/ount of P"%,%%%.%% he ha taAen fro/ @inner.crala4
;+ERE,ORE, the ecision ate (ebruar+ "", "%%: of the CA in CA*1.R. CR*$.C. ,o. 99:;< is hereb+ A,,IRMED 4ith the
follo4in$ MODI,ICATIONS:
3. Appellant &uan Cabbab, &r. is foun GUILTY be+on reasonable oubt of Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie an sentence
to suffer the penalt+ of reclusion perpetua.
". Appellant is hereb+ orere to return to the heirs of @inner A$bulos the a/ount of P"%,%%%.%% representin$ the
a/ount stolen fro/ hi/. ?e is liAe4ise orere to ine/nif+ the heirs of @inner A$bulos the follo4in$: -a.
P!%,%%%.%% as ci2il ine/nit+D -b. P!%,%%%.%% as /oral a/a$es, -c. P"!,%%%.%% as e5e/plar+ a/a$esD an -c.
P"!,%%%.%% as te/perate a/a$es.
6. Appellant is further orere to pa+ the heirs of Eie Guinasan P!%,%%%.%% as ci2il ine/nit+, another
P!%,%%%.%% as /oral a/a$es, an P"!,%%%.%% as e5e/plar+ a/a$es.
,. (or reasons herein state, appellant is AC!UITTED of the separate cri/e of atte/pte /urer a$ainst the
person of PO @illia/ 'el/es.

Costs de oficio.

I crala4On lea2e.
crala4Penne b+ Associate &ustice Monina Are2alo0Fenarosa, 4ith Associate &ustice Anres '. Re+es, &r. an Associate &ustice
Ros/ari D. Caranan$, concurrin$D rollo, pp. 60",.
crala4B.R. Nos. 3,1:1#0#1, &ul+ ,, "%%,, ,66 SCRA :,%.
crala4In our Resolution of Au$ust 6%, "%%,.
crala4CA Rollo, p. 3".
crala4CA Rollo, pp. 36,03!,.
crala4CA Rollo, pp. "106,.
crala4CA Rollo, p. 363.
crala4Supra note 6.
crala4Rollo, p. "=.
crala4TSN, April 3!, 3==6, pp. 3103=.
crala4TSN, April 3!, 3==6, pp. 3,03!.

0 2ersus 0

G.R. No. 179405

9E*ASCO, &R.
&ul+ "1, "%%=

(or re2ie4 is the Decision of the Court of Appeals -CA. ate Dece/ber "#, "%%: in CA0B.R. CR0?.C. No. %3,=# affir/in$ 4ith
/oification the Decision of the Re$ional Trial Court -RTC., 'ranch 1", Malabon, Metro Manila, ate Au$ust #, 3==1.
As establishe b+ the prosecution, the facts are as follo4s:
On October 63, 3==:, at aroun 33:%% in the e2enin$, Noel Tabernilla -Tabernilla. 4as ri2in$ his passen$er >eep to Na2otas,
Metro Manila. Alon$ Roa 3% in Na2otas, four of the passen$ers announce a hol0up. One of the robbers poAe a balisong on
Tabernillas nape, 4hile the other three i2este the passen$ers of their 2aluables. Then, the hol0uppers ali$hte fro/ the >eep
in a place calle Putin$ 'ato.
(ro/ there, Tabernilla an si5 or se2en of his passen$ers 4ent to the nearest police etach/ent to report the incient. Three
police/en acco/panie the/ to the scene of the cri/e. @hile there, the police/en chance upon the robbers riin$ a peicab.
Socrates Ma$alin$an -Ma$alin$an., one of the passen$ers02icti/s, reco$ni)e the perpetrators, since one of the/ 4as still
4earin$ the belt ba$ that 4as taAen fro/ hi/.
The police/en 4ere able to arrest three suspects, incluin$ &anito e *una -e *una., but *eo Gue/e$$en -Gue/e$$en. 4as
able to escape. The three suspects 4ere left uner the care of a police officer, E/elito Suin$ -Suin$., 4hile the other police
officers pursue Gue/e$$en. TaAin$ a2anta$e of the situation, the three suspects $an$e up on Suin$D e *una hel his han,
4hile the other suspect Ano4n as @en$0@en$ shot hi/ on the hea. The suspects thereafter escape. crala4
Cpon the return of the t4o police/en 4ho unsuccessfull+ pursue Gue/e$$en, Suin$ 4as brou$ht to the hospital 4here he
e2entuall+ ie. Dr. Rosal+n Cosion -Dr. Cosion. of the Philippine National Police -PNP. Cri/e *aborator+ conucte an
autops+ on the caa2er of Suin$. She conclue that the cause of the eath of Suin$ 4as he/orrha$e as a result of a $unshot
4oun in the hea. The results of her e5a/ination 4ere reflecte in Meico0*e$al Report No. M03:3,0=:. crala4
Appellants Gue/e$$en an e *una 4ere e2entuall+ arreste throu$h follo40up operations unertaAen b+ the Na2otas Police.
On No2e/ber !, 3==:, appellants 4ere char$e in an Infor/ation for Robber! ith $omicide, the pertinent portion of 4hich
reas: crala4
That on or about the 63
a+ of October 3==:, in Na2otas, Metro Manila, an 4ithin the >urisiction of this
?onorable Court, the abo2e0na/e accuse, conspirin$ to$ether an /utuall+ helpin$ one another, 4ith intent
to $ain an b+ /eans of force, 2iolence an inti/iation e/plo+e upon the person of one SOCRATES
MABA*INBAN 8 RORAS, i then an there 4illfull+, unla4full+ an feloniousl+ taAe, rob an carr+ a4a+ the
follo4in$ articles to 4it: crala4
One -3. $ol necAlace 4orth 00000000000 P3,#%%.%% crala4
One -3. /ens 4rist 4atch 00000000000 ",%%%.%% crala4
Cash /one+ a/ountin$ to 00000000000 !%%.%%S crala4
Total 000000000000 P,,6%%.%% crala4
belon$in$ to sai co/plainant, to the a/a$e an pre>uice of the latter in the total a/ount of P,,6%%.%%D that
on the occasion of the sai Robber+ one of the arreste suspect;s< r;e<4 a han$un an shot one PO" SCINB,
thereb+ inflictin$ upon the sai PO" Suin$, serious ph+sical in>uries, 4hich irectl+ cause his eath. crala4
Cpon arrai$n/ent, appellants pleae Not Built+. As the appellants /anifeste that the+ 4ere not a2ailin$ of the pre0trial
conference, trial on the /erits ensue.
Durin$ the trial, Tabernilla an Ma$alin$an testifie for the prosecution. Dr. Cosions testi/on+ as an e5pert 4itness 4as
ispense 4ith in 2ie4 of the appellants a/ission of her 7ualification an co/petenceD the fact that she conucte the autops+
on the caa2er of the 2icti/D that she prepare the sAetches of a hu/an bo+D that a slu$ 4as reco2ere fro/ the hea of the
2icti/D an that the bo+ of the 2icti/ 4as ientifie prior to the autops+.
Appellants, on the other han, interpose the efense of alibi. The+ /aintaine that the+ 4ere else4here 4hen the robber+ an
shootin$ incient tooA place. The+ clai/e that the+ 4ere in their respecti2e houses: Gue/e$$en 4as helpin$ his $ran/other
cut pieces of cloth use in /aAin$ ru$s, 4hile e *una 4as sleepin$ 4ith his 4ife.
On Au$ust #, 3==1, the RTC renere a Decision con2ictin$ the appellants of Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie, the ispositi2e portion of
4hich reas:
@?ERE(ORE, pre/ises consiere, >u$/ent is hereb+ renere finin$ accuse *eo Gue/e$$en + *ara4an
an &anito e *una + Ra+o BCI*T8 be+on reasonable oubt of the cri/e of robber+ 4ith ho/icie efine an
penali)e uner Art. "=,, par. 3, of the Re2ise Penal Coe, as a/ene b+ RA 1:!=, for 4hich the+ are both
hereb+ sentence to the prison ter/ of REC*CSION PERPETCA.
Accuse Gue/e$$en an accuse e *una are also orere to pa+ -3. the heirs of the 2icti/ the a/ount of
P!%,%%%.%% as ine/nification for the loss of the 2icti/s life, an -". P,,%%%.%% to Socrates Ma$alin$an b+ 4a+
of ine/nification of the total 2alue of the 2aluables taAen fro/ hi/ urin$ the hol0up.
Costs a$ainst the t4o -". accuse.
The case 4as ele2ate to this Court for auto/atic re2ie4, but on (ebruar+ =, "%%!, pursuant to the ecision of this Court in
People v. %ateo& 4e transferre the case to the CA.
On Dece/ber "#, "%%:, the CA /oifie the RTC Decision b+ con2ictin$ Gue/e$$en of Robber+, an e *una of the separate
cri/es of Robber+ an ?o/icie. The ispositi2e portion of the CA ecision reas:
;+ERE,ORE, in 2ie4 of the fore$oin$, the Decision of the Re$ional Trial Court of Malabon, Metro Manila,
'ranch 1", in Cri/inal Case No. 31"#10MN ate # Au$ust 3==1 is hereb+ MODI(IED as follo4s
3. As to accuse0appellant *eo Gue/e$$en: he is foun $uilt+ of the cri/e of Robber+ an is hereb+ sentence to
suffer i/prison/ent ran$in$ fro/ four -,. +ears of prision correc>c?ional as /ini/u/ to ei$ht -#. +ears of
prision ma!or as /a5i/u/ 4ith the accessories of sai penalt+D an
". As to accuse0appellant &anito e *una: he is foun $uilt+ of the cri/e of Robber+ an is sentence to suffer
i/prison/ent ran$in$ fro/ four -,. +ears of prision correc>c?ional as /ini/u/ to ei$ht -#. +ears of prision
ma!or as /a5i/u/ 4ith the accessories of sai penalt+. ?e is liAe4ise foun $uilt+ of the cri/e of ?o/icie
an is sentence;< to suffer i/prison/ent of ei$ht -#. +ears an one -3. a+ of prision ma!or as /ini/u/ to
se2enteen -31. +ears an four -,. /onths of reclusion temporal as /a5i/u/ 4ith the accessories of sai
6. 'oth accuse0appellants area -sic. also orere to ine/nif+ Socrates Ma$alin$an the a/ount of (our
Thousan Pesos -P,,%%%.%%. for the 2aluables taAen fro/ hi/ urin$ the robber+.
The CA conclue that appellants coul not be con2icte of the special co/ple5 cri/e of Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie. It note that
Suin$ 4as not Aille b+ reason or on the occasion of the robber+. ?ence, t4o separate cri/es of robber+ an ho/icie 4ere
co//itte. As the appellants 4ere in conspirac+ to co//it robber+, both 4ere con2icte of such offense. ?o4e2er, as to the
eath of Suin$, consierin$ that at the ti/e of the Aillin$, Gue/e$$en 4as bein$ chase b+ the police officers an there 4as no
e2ience sho4in$ that there 4as conspirac+, onl+ e *una 4as con2icte of ho/icie.
?ence, this appeal, base on the follo4in$ ar$u/ents:
In assailin$ their con2iction, appellants ar$ue that: 3. the testi/onies of the prosecution 4itnesses are increible, because it 4as
unnatural for the robbers not to lea2e the cri/e scene i//eiatel+ after the incientD ". the prosecution faile to present a
police/an to pro2e that appellants 4ere arreste on boar a peicab, an that the loot fro/ the robber+ 4as confiscate fro/
the/D an 6. no e5pert testi/on+ 4as presente to pro2e the fact of eath of the 2icti/
@e fin no /erit in the appeal
Appellants fault the CA for rel+in$ on the i/probable testi/onies of the prosecution 4itnesses, 4ho testifie that the+ sa4 the
for/er at the cri/e scene riin$ a peicab. Appellants a that it 4as i/probable for the/ not to lea2e the cri/e scene
i//eiatel+ after the robber+. It is 4ell0settle that ifferent people react ifferentl+ to a $i2en situation, an there is no
stanar for/ of hu/an beha2ioral response 4hen one is confronte 4ith a stran$e e2ent. Moreo2er, 4hen it co/es to
creibilit+, the trial courts assess/ent eser2es $reat 4ei$ht an is e2en conclusi2e an binin$, if not tainte 4ith arbitrariness
or o2ersi$ht of so/e fact or circu/stance of 4ei$ht an influence. The reason is ob2ious. ?a2in$ the full opportunit+ to obser2e
irectl+ the 4itnesses eport/ent an /anner of testif+in$, the trial court is in a better position than the appellate court to
e2aluate testi/onial e2ience properl+.
Appellants con2iction is not ne$ate b+ the failure of the prosecution to present an+ police officer to testif+ that appellants 4ere
arreste on boar a peicab, an that the loot fro/ the robber+ 4as confiscate fro/ the/D an an e5pert 4itness to testif+ on
the cause of eath of the 2icti/. Ma$alin$an an Tabernillas testi/onies as to the circu/stances surrounin$ the robber+ an the
Aillin$ 4ere sufficient. It /ust be recalle that the+ 4ere e+e4itnesses to the co//ission of the cri/es. These 4itnesses
ae7uatel+ narrate the e2ents that transpire fro/ the ti/e the appellants eclare a hol0up up to the ti/e the+ ali$hte fro/
the passen$er >eep. The+ also 4itnesse ho4 e *una an the other /alefactors stran$le an e2entuall+ shot Suin$.
As to the non0presentation of Dr. Cosion as an e5pert 4itness, recors sho4 that appellants, throu$h their counsel de oficio,
a/itte in open court her 7ualifications an co/petence, the conuct of autops+ an the results thereof as appearin$ in Dr.
Cosions report, incluin$ the cause of eath. ?ence, the presentation of an e5pert 4itness 4as no lon$er necessar+.
No4, on the nature of the cri/e or cri/es co//itte. The Infor/ation sho4s that appellants 4ere char$e 4ith Robber+ 4ith
?o/icie uner Article "=, of the Re2ise Penal Coe, 4hich pro2ies in part:
Art. "=,. Robber! ith violence against or intimidation of persons Penalties. An+ person $uilt+ of robber+ 4ith
the use of 2iolence a$ainst or inti/iation of an+ person shall suffer:
3. The penalt+ of reclusion perpetua to eath, 4hen b+ reason or on the occasion of the robber+, the cri/e of
ho/icie shall ha2e been co//itte or 4hen the robber+ shall ha2e been acco/panie b+ rape or intentional
/utilation or arson.
(or the accuse to be con2icte of the sai cri/e, the prosecution is burene to pro2e the confluence of the follo4in$ ele/ents:
3. The taAin$ of personal propert+ is co//itte 4ith 2iolence or inti/iation a$ainst personsD
". The propert+ taAen belon$s to anotherD
6. The taAin$ is animo lucrandiD an
,. '+ reason of the robber+ or on the occasion thereof, ho/icie is co//itte.
@e reiterate, at this point, the rele2ant factual circu/stances. Appellants, to$ether 4ith the other suspects, boare Tabernillas
passen$er >eep. Suenl+, the+ announce a hol0up. One of the/ poAe a balisong at the necA of Tabernilla, 4hile the others
i2este the passen$ers of their 2aluables. Ob2iousl+, in boarin$ the passen$er >eep, announcin$ a hol0up, an e2entuall+
taAin$ the personal belon$in$s of the passen$ers, appellants ha the intent to $ain. Thus, the first three ele/ents of the cri/e
4ere ae7uatel+ pro2en.
The onl+ 7uestion is 4hether the fourth ele/ent 4as present, i.e., that b+ reason or on the occasion of the robber+, ho/icie 4as
?o/icie is sai to ha2e been co//itte b+ reason or on the occasion of robber+ if it is co//itte a. to facilitate the robber+ or
the escape of the culpritD b. to preser2e the possession b+ the culprit of the lootD c. to pre2ent isco2er+ of the co//ission of the
robber+D or . to eli/inate 4itnesses to the co//ission of the cri/e.
Bi2en the circu/stances surrounin$ the instant case, 4e a$ree 4ith the CA that appellants cannot be con2icte of Robber+ 4ith
?o/icie. Inee, the Aillin$ /a+ occur before, urin$, or after the robber+. An it is i//aterial that eath 4oul super2ene b+
/ere accient, or that the 2icti/ of ho/icie is other than the 2icti/ of robber+, or that t4o or /ore persons are Aille.
?o4e2er, essential for con2iction of robber+ 4ith ho/icie is proof of a irect relation, an inti/ate connection bet4een the
robber+ an the Aillin$, 4hether the latter be prior or subse7uent to the for/er or 4hether both cri/es are co//itte at the
sa/e ti/e
(ro/ the testi/onies of the prosecution 4itnesses, 4e cannot see the connection bet4een the robber+ an the ho/icie. It /ust
be recalle that after taAin$ the passen$ers personal belon$in$s, appellants -an t4o other suspects. ali$hte fro/ the >eepne+.
At that /o/ent, robber+ 4as consu//ate. So/e of the passen$ers, ho4e2er, ecie to report the incient to the proper
authoritiesD hence, the+ 4ent to the nearest police station. There, the+ narrate 4hat happene. The police e2entuall+ ecie to
$o bacA to the place 4here the robber+ tooA place. Initiall+, the+ sa4 no oneD then finall+, Ma$alin$an sa4 the suspects on boar a
peicab. De *una an t4o other suspects 4ere cau$ht an left uner the care of Suin$. It 4as then that Suin$ 4as Aille. Clearl+,
the Aillin$ 4as istinct fro/ the robber+.
There /a+ be a connection bet4een the t4o cri/es, but surel+, there 4as no irect connection.
Thou$h appellants 4ere char$e 4ith Robber+ 4ith ?o/icie, 4e fin Gue/e$$en $uilt+ of robber+, an e *una of t4o
separate cri/es of robber+ an ho/icie. It is a5io/atic that the nature an character of the cri/e char$e are eter/ine not
b+ the esi$nation of the specific cri/e, but b+ the facts alle$e in the infor/ation. Controllin$ in an infor/ation shoul not be
the title of the co/plaint or the esi$nation of the offense char$e or the particular la4 or part thereof alle$el+ 2iolate, these
bein$, b+ an lar$e, /ere conclusions of la4 /ae b+ the prosecutor, but the escription of the cri/e char$e an the particular
facts therein recite. There shoul also be no proble/ in con2ictin$ an accuse of t4o or /ore cri/es erroneousl+ char$e in one
infor/ation or co/plaint, but later pro2en to be inepenent cri/es, as if the+ 4ere /ae the sub>ect of separate co/plaints or
As 4ore, the Infor/ation sufficientl+ alle$e all the ele/ents of both felonies. Neeless to state, appellants faile, before their
arrai$n/ent, to /o2e for the 7uashal of the Infor/ation, 4hich appeare to char$e /ore than one offense. The+ ha2e thereb+
4ai2e an+ ob>ection thereto, an /a+ thus be foun $uilt+ of as /an+ offenses as those char$e in the Infor/ation an pro2en
urin$ the trial.
As to the proper penalt+, 4e sustain the appellate court. The penalt+ for si/ple robber+ is prision correccional in its /a5i/u/
perio to prision ma!or in its /eiu/ perio, ran$in$ fro/ , +ears, " /onths an 3 a+ to 3% +ears. Appl+in$ the Ineter/inate
Sentence *a4, the /a5i/u/ ter/ thereof shall be : +ears, 3 /onth an 33 a+s to # +ears an "% a+sD 4hile the /ini/u/ ter/
shall be 4ithin the ran$e of the penalt+ ne5t lo4er in e$ree or , /onths an 3 a+ to , +ears an " /onths. The CA thus
correctl+ i/pose the ineter/inate penalt+ of , +ears of prision correccional as /ini/u/ to # +ears of prision ma!or as
On the other han, the penalt+ for ho/icie is reclusion temporal or 3" +ears an 3 a+ to "% +ears. The /a5i/u/ ter/ of the
ineter/inate penalt+ shall be 3, +ears, # /onths an 3 a+ to 31 +ears an , /onthsD 4hile the /ini/u/ ter/ shall be 4ithin
the ran$e of prision ma!or or : +ears an 3 a+ to 3" +ears. Therefore, the CA 4as correct in i/posin$ the ineter/inate penalt+
of # +ears an 3 a+ of prision ma!or as /ini/u/ to 31 +ears an , /onths of reclusion temporal as /a5i/u/.
The Court notes that the CA faile to a4ar ci2il ine/nit+ e( delicto to the heirs of Suin$. Ci2il ine/nit+ is auto/aticall+
i/pose upon the accuse 4ithout nee of proof other than the fact of the co//ission of /urer or ho/icie. Thus, e *una
shall be liable to pa+ P!%,%%%.%% as ci2il ine/nit+ for the eath of Suin$
Recors sho4 that appellants 4ere co//itte to prison on No2e/ber 3,, 3==:. As to Gue/e$$en, consierin$ that he has been
incarcerate for /ore than t4el2e -3". +ears no4, 4hich is /ore than the /a5i/u/ penalt+ for the cri/e of robber+ he
co//itte 4hich is onl+ ei$ht -#. +ears, he shoul be release fro/ confine/ent.
;+ERE,ORE, pre/ises consiere, the appeal is DISMISSED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals ate Dece/ber "#,
"%%: in CA0B.R. CR0?.C. No. %3,=#, is A,,IRMED 4ith MODI,ICATION. &anito e *una is further orere to pa+ the heirs
of police officer E/elito Suin$ P!%,%%%.%% as ci2il ine/nit+.
Coni)erin0 t#$t !(e.e00en #$ 6een in2$r2er$te) 1or .ore t#$n t#e .$8i.(. %en$/t3 1or t#e 2ri.e o1
ro66er3 #e 2o..itte), t#e Dire2tor o1 t#e "(re$( o1 Corre2tion i #ere63 ORDERED to i..e)i$te/3
RELEASE LEO !UEMEGGEN 1ro. 2on1ine.ent, (n/e 1(rt#er )etention i A(ti1ie) 63 o.e ot#er /$51(/
2$(e, $n) in1or. t#i Co(rt o1 t#e $2tion t$?en 5it#in 1i'e B5C )$3 1ro. re2ei%t #ereo1.

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