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All One Wicca:

A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition

Book Two: A Grimoire

One of the tools of ancient sorcery and Witchcraft was the Grimoire.
ore than a !ook of "s#ells$" the Grimoire was an instruction manual$
tellin% the Witch or Sorcerer many of the "secrets" of the universe. &'ve
%athered to%ether thirteen secrets from a num!er of Grimoires and
Books of Shadows$ !oth modern and ancient$ for the use of the solitary
and coven Wiccan with no %rimoire of his(her own. The information
here is not wholly Wiccan$ and what is Wiccan is not wholly Universal
Eclectic Wiccan$ !ut anyone with an interest in old ways may find much
of what lies within useful. y su%%estion is that one use this as a starter
%rimoire$ !uildin% their own from this #oint forward. &'m a !it of an old
mule in my se#aration of the Grimoire and the Book of )i%ht$ & know
that many %ather it all into one %reat tome$ with all their little !its of
knowled%e inters#ersed with #rayers and rituals$ !ut & like to kee# them
only #artially to%ether$ if at all. The first three rin% !inder & !ou%ht
s#ared me endless rewrites in !lank !ooks$ and since then &'ve never
ke#t a tome in anythin% else. & can't %ive enou%h #raise for e*#anda!le
tomes$ so if you desire to se#arate your Sacred Book into Grimoire$
+ournal and Book of )i%ht$ consider that each side will %row at a
different rate and leave s#ace accordin%ly.
As a Teacher$ one of my stron%est #ro!lems is my handwritin%$ my
students will twist and turn their head tryin% to fi%ure out the #eculiar
!ackslant that my notes and ,ournals are inscri!ed in. As a result$ &
have since turned to a com#uter and #rinter instead of a !lank !ook
and a #en. y feelin%s are mi*ed$ on one hand$ a flo##y Grimoire ,ust
doesn't seem to "feel" very -a%an$ !ut on the other$ my students look
over my notes and understand them. &'ve decided that it is &$ not the
com#uter$ who is doin% the writin%$ and that it is more im#ortant to !e
le%i!le than traditional. uch of what & studied in writin% All One
Wicca were #ersonal ,ournals$ so & reali.e that with the chan%in% of
technolo%y my disks will !ecome o!solete. As a result$ & #rint everythin%
out in du#licate. /o#efully$ if Wicca !ecomes su##ressed$ these
#rintouts will not read like some of the "translations" of the %reat
meta#hysicists of the #ast$ with the word "&lle%i!le" in the middle of a
s#ell or worse$ the translator's !est %uess.
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section 0:Altars and Altar 1loths

Altars and Altar cloths:
"An Altar should !e made from wood$ no metal$ e*ce#tin% those Altars
with com#artments in which to hide the Blessed Book$ which may contain
metal if the metal is needed for the hidden s#ace." 2A 3am2trad

"We crafted our Altar from an old tree stum# and !y the second year it
had !een s#rinkled so often that the wood had somehow s#routed a new
tree....S su%%ested a mirrored Altar for the moonli%ht rituals.....this felt to
us like it dou!led the full moon that ni%ht."2Wolf oon 1oven

The Altar is the sacred s#ace u#on which tools are ke#t. Two main
forms of Altars e*ist$ round or #enta%onal altars which stand in the
middle of the circle or rectan%ular ones #laced a%ainst walls or the far
east of the circle. Both are fairly sim#le to make$ althou%h a #enta%onal
altar re4uires more work. 5ecorator ta!les are %ood$ chea# altars$ !ut
can't hold much wei%ht. 1hief amon% the "!onuses" of decorator ta!les
is the fact that they either fold u# or have remova!le le%s for stora%e
and trans#ort. Some decorator ta!les are all wood instead of wood and
metal$ fulfillin% the re4uirements of some trads.
To make a round altar sim#ly$ take a wooden crate and %lue a round
#iece of #lywood to it$ or attach three$ four or five e4ual len%th "le%s" to
a sin%le #iece. One modern Book of Shadows su%%ests five decorative
#osts$ cut at sli%ht an%les$ %lued with silicone to a #late %lass mirror. &f
you have a root worker who twists willow roots into stands and chairs$
that would make a sturdier stand for a mirrored altar. irrored altars
are fairly new$ althou%h The Sacred !ook of one 3am2trad has a
reference to a two2hundred year old one. As a #ractical matter$
mirrored altars dou!le your li%ht$ !ut they also scratch$ !reak$ and
wei%h a lot. They are wonderful stationary altars outside or in$ !ut lousy
if you #lan to move a lot.
A "T" altar is easy to make$ sim#ly %lue three #ieces of wood to%ether $
for stren%th$ add a fourth or fifth. They tend to ti# when !uilt too
narrowly$ so !e careful.
A 6 #iece "T" Altar for stationary use. 1an !e Glued$ 7ailed or
assem!led with a slidin% ,oint assem!ly.

Altar 1loths are circular or s4uare and han% a!out half way to the
floor. Usually an altar cloth is White$ althou%h many lunar rituals use
!lack or dee# !lue altar cloths. The 7i%ht Sky cloth$ or Universe cloth is
studded with small stars that are either "nailheads" se4uins or
needlework and is sometimes used in fancier rituals. &f you are %oin% to
use an untreated cloth$ make sure it's cotton$ !ecause cotton doesn't
tend to !urn 4uickly. To !e safe$ either #ut a #iece of %lass 8round ta!le
%lasses are availa!le at many de#artment stores at reasona!le #rices9 on
to# of the Altar or s#rit. the altar with water !efore the ritual. An altar
%lass is a wonderful thin% if you wish to use your cloth more than once$
since wa* is very difficult to remove from many materials. A Glass is
not o#tional if you intend to use velvet: ;elvet !urns fairly easily$ reacts
#oorly to salt water and is nearly destroyed !y !etter wa*es 8)ike
!eeswa*.9 The Altar %lass$ !acked !y !lack velvet$ is used for Scryin% !y
the more a%ickal trads$ and$ while not as effective as a mirror$ does
im#rove the amount of li%ht your candles %ive. &t's not a sta%%erin%
investment$ and if you can kee# it in one #iece it saves money in the lon%
run. ake sure to felt the !ottoms of very hard 8like iron9 candleholders
!efore kee#in% them on the altar$ and if your athame is to rest
unsheathed #lace a small s4uare of cloth !eneath it.
Altar cloths are rarely colored if the candles are. &'ve seen a few rituals
where the candles and cloth matched or were com#limentary colors$ !ut
most use a colored cloth with white candles or colored candles with a
white cloth. The Altar cloth color is considered the same in meanin% to a
candle color$ so use the chart for candles for cloth colors.

All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section <:Basic /er!alism

/er!alism tid!its are found in many Books of Shadows$ and many
!ooks on Wicca$ !ut the !est her!alism !ooks are often non2Wiccan in
nature. 3or more information on her!s$ look in the 3ood$ 1ook!ook$ or
Alternative edicine sections of your !ookstore or li!rary. The
followin% is a very #artial com#endium of her!s$ listin% some of their
uses$ some of the Gods to whom these her!s are considered sacred and
the =odiac si%ns they are attri!uted to.
&t should !e noted that /er!alism is 7OT a "Wiccan Thin%$"
/er!alism is a science and study that many$ many Wiccans do$ !ut it is
neither mandated !y nor truely a #art of the study of Wicca. A recent
trend in new traditions of Wicca is to e*clude students who don't know
a certain amount of her!alism. & 1A77OT e*#ress my distaste for such
!ehavior loud enou%h.

A1A1&A 8Acacia Sene%al9 Also known as: Ara!ic$ 1a#e Gum$ 1hrist's
1rown$ E%y#tian Thorn$ Gum Ara!ic Tree$ Thorny Acacia.
&ndi%enous to: 7orthern Africa
Sacred to: 5iana$ &shtar$ Osiris$ >a. Burned on /indu and Buddhist
sacred fires. &n +udeo21hristian ytholo%y$ Acacia was the wood of the
Ark of The 1ovenant and The Sacred Ta!ernacle$ and Thorny Acacia
was the #lant from which 1hrist's 1rown of Thorns was made.
1ommon uses: -owdered$ dried acacia %um is added to hot water to
from a throat coatin% mucila%e that also #revents diarrhea.
=odiac corres#ondence: ars$ Scor#io.
A55E>'S TO7GUE 8Erythronium Americanum9 Also known as: 5o%2
Tooth ;iolet$ >attlesnake ;iolet$ Snakeleaf$ ?ellow Snowdro#.
&ndi%enous to: 7orth America
Sacred to: /ecate$ 5iana$ )una$ -erse#hone
1ommon uses : Skin conditions
=odiac corres#ondence: oon$ 1ancer
AGA;E 8A%ave Americana9 Also known as: American A%ave$ 1entury
&ndi%enous to: /ot$ Arid$ 7orth and South America
Sacred to: ayauel. 1onsidered the e*ican sacred "Tree of )ife and
1ommon uses: 5ecoction of sa# used for tonics and la*atives
=odiac corres#ondence: ars$ ;enus
A)5E> 8Alnus Glutinosa9 Also known as: Black Alder$ Euro#ean
Alder$ Owler
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e$ Asia$ 7orth Africa
8Alnus >u!ra9 Also known as: >ed Alder$ Ore%on Alder
&ndi%enous to: 7orthern 1alifornia$ 7orth to Alaska
8Alnus Serrulata9 Also known as: Smooth Alder$ /a.el Alder
&ndi%enous to: 7ova Scotia south to ;ir%inia$ The Great )akes$
)ouisiana and 3lorida
Sacred to: Astarte$ Bran$ A sacred tree of the 5ruids.
1ommon uses: Used dried and #owdered or infusions for astrin%ent
#ur#oses$ also a sore throat %ar%le.
A))S-&1E 8#imenta officialnalis9 Also known as: 1love #e##er
&ndi%enous to: South and 1entral America$ &slands of 1entral America
Sacred to: Uranus
1ommon uses of: As a s#ice$ a warmin% tea or for %as.
=odiac corres#ondence: Uranus
A)O75 8#runus amy%dalus9 Also known as: Greek 7uts$ aiden's
&ndi%enous to: editerranean
Sacred to: @erridwen$ +u#iter$ Thoth$ -syche$ 5emeter. yth: -hyllis$
a Thracian #rincess left at the altar was turned into an almond tree !y
the %ods$ her tears !ecame the inner "nut" of the tree.
1ommon use: /i%h #rotein food$ used in non2dairy "milks"
A)OE 8aloe vera9 Also known as: Bar!ados Aloe$ 1uracao Aloe.
&ndi%enous to: ost Tro#ical &slands
Sacred to: /ecate$ ars$ =eus
1ommon uses of: All #ur#ose %el within leaves used as a !ase for other
e*ternal remedies$ %ood for !urns$ !u% !ites$ scar #revention. A natural
a!sor!a!le and water2solu!le lu!ricant as well.
=odiac corres#ondence: ars$ ;enus
A)T/EA 8althea officinalis9 Also known as: arshmallow$ Witchwet$
&ndi%enous to: Wetlands
Sacred to: &n the Arthurian ythos$ althea %rows in the sacred #ools of
the various mystical women who a##ear within them$ it is used as a !ase
of "charms" a su!stance to hide #otions within.
1ommon uses of: 3ood #lant with alternate usa%es much like aloe vera.
=odiac corres#ondence: oon
AE>A7T/(AE>A7T/US 8ameranthus hy#ochondriacus9 Also
known as: )ady Bleedin%$ 1ockscom!$ -rince's 3eather.
&ndi%enous to: 1entral United States$ cultivated in Euro#e
Sacred to: Artemis$ A#hrodite$ 5iana$ ;enus.
1ommon uses of: Astrin%ent$ "!roken heart charms."
=odiac corres#ondence: Saturn
A7GE)&1A 8an%elica archan%elica9 Also known as: Euro#ean An%elica$
Garden An%elica$ Witch!ane$ Witchware.
&ndi%enous to: 5am# areas$ Euro#e$ Asia
8 An%elica Sylvestris9 Also known as: An%elweed$ Goutweed$ Wild
&ndi%enous to: varies
8 An%elica Atro#u#urea9 Also known as: American An%elica$ An%olan$
-ur#le 8or violet9 An%elica$ -ur#le 8or ;iolet9 An%el.
&ndi%enous to: 7orth America
Sacred to: An%els$ su##osedly a monk was %iven a reci#e that warded
off the #la%ue !y an an%el. The weed used was an%elica. &t was !elieved
no Witch could stand the si%ht of an%elica$ and thus it was #ut in her!al
!rews !y 1unnin%folk to "#rove" their faith.
1ommon uses: /i%h doses may !e harmful$ and at least two #oisonous
#lants resem!le an%elica$ so avoid usin% it unless you are very sure
a!out what you have.
=odiac corres#ondence: Sun$ )eo
A7&SE 8-im#inella Anisium9 Also known as: 3alse )icorice Seed$ &talian
&ndi%enous to: widely
Sacred to: A#ollo$ ercury$ Osiris
1ommon uses: 3lavorin%$ cram# and nausea reliever
=odiac corres#ondence: oon$ A4uarius
A--)E 8-yrus alus9 Also known as: A##le$ various varieties.
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e$ 7orth America
Sacred to: A#hrodite$ Athena$ 5iana$ 5ruids$ 5ionysus$ Eris$ /era$ .
yths: "Adam and Eve$" "The A##le of 5iscord$" "/ercules and the
Golden A##les of the /es#erides$" numerous 3aerie tales$ inc. "Snow
1ommon uses: 3ood$ mild la*ative$ healin% and love charms
A>7&1A 8Arnica ontna9 Also known as: ountain To!acco$ Silver
Witchweed$ Silverwolf$ Wolfs!ane
&ndi%enous to: 1anada$ US$ Euro#e
Sacred to: /ecate
1ommon uses: 5O 7OT USE unless you are an her!al doctor$ !ut #lant
in a decorative %arden for #rotection. Use %loves when tendin% it.
=odiac corres#ondence: =odiac$ 1a#ricorn
BA) 8elissa Officinalis9 Also known as: )emon Balm$ Sweet elissa
&ndi%enous to: ;aries
Sacred to: /ecate$ +uno$ -an
1ommon uses: 3ood$ e*ternal #oltice for irritations$ mos4uito re#ellent$
aromathera#y$ cram#s.
=odiac corres#ondence: +u#iter$ 1ancer
BA>)E? 8/ordeun ;ul%are9
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e$ 7orth Africa
Sacred to: Odin$ 5emeter and "%rain" %ods.
1ommon uses: 3ood$ anti2itch.
=odiac corres#ondence: Saturn$ )eo
BE))A5O77A 8Atro#a Belladonna9 Also known as: 5eadly
7i%htshade$ 5wale$ -oison Black 1herry.
&ndi%enous to: US$ Euro#e
Sacred to: Bellona$ /ecate$ /y#nos$ or#heus$ Somnus
1ommon uses: 5o 7ot Use...-oisonous in small 4uantities.
=odiac corres#ondence: Saturn$ 1a#ricorn
1A)E75U)A 81alendula Officinalis9 Also known as: Garden ari%old
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: -erse#hone and other "maiden" %oddesses
1ommon uses: 1ram#$ %as and nausea relief
=odiac corres#ondence: Sun$ )eo
1AO&)E or 1/AO&)E 8Anthemis 7o!ilis9 Also known as:
>oman 1hamomile$ Garden 1hamomile.
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
8atricaria 1hamomilla9 Also known as: German 1hamomile$ Wild
1hamomile$ Witchdaisy.
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: A#ollo$ Ares$ /era$ =eus
1ommon uses of: 1almin%$ uscle rela*ant$ a##etite stimulator.
=odiac corres#ondence: Sun$ )eo
1AT7&- 87e#eta 1ataria or 7e#eta 7e#eta9 also known as: Bast's Tea$
1atmint$ 1atswort$ 3ield Balm.
&ndi%enous to: All over
Sacred to: Bast$ 3reya
1ommon uses of: Similar to 1hamomile$ also %ood for u##er
res#iratory and sinus infections.
=odiac corres#ondence: ;enus
1AT&7T 87e#eta usseli9 also known as -ur#le or flowerin% 1atni#.
&ndi%enous to: 5ry areas where catni# is %rown.
Sacred to: Bast$ 3reya
1ommon uses of: This %round2clim!in% sister of 1atni#$ with its #ur#le
flowers$ can !e used like catni#$ !ut is not 4uite as %ood.
=odiac corres#ondence: ;enus
1)UBOSS 8)yco#odium 1lavatum9 Also known as: 3o*tail$ Sta%horn$
&ndi%enous to: ;aries
Sacred to:A
1ommon uses: -owdered dried clu!moss is used on wet rashes and
nose!leeds. Use commercial #re#arations as it can !e #oisonous
=odiac corres#ondence: oon
1U>>A7T 8>i!es 7i%rum9 Also known as: Black 1urrant
&ndi%enous to: arshes
1ommon use: 5iuretic
8>i!es >u!rum9 Also known as: >ed 1urrant$ Wine!erry.
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: All wine and fruit %ods.
1ommon uses: Wine flavorin%$ u#set stomach. ,uice has coolin%
=odiac corres#ondence: +u#iter
5A75E)&O7 8Tara*acum Officinale9 Also known as: Blow!all$ )ion's
Tooth$ Wild Endive
&ndi%enous to: E;E>?W/E>E
Sacred to: Eris$ /ecate$ -erse#hone
1ommon uses: -etals$ leaves and root edi!le$ a natural diuretic and
stimulant$ the %round roasted root of which makes a %ood "coffee" with
a caffeine free "kick"
=odiac corres#ondence: Sun$ )eo
E)5E> 8Sam!ucus candensis9 Also known as: American Elder$ Black
Elder$ Sweet Elder
&ndi%enous to: 7orth America WA>7&7G: -oisonous when raw::::
8Sam!ucus 7i%ra9 Also known as: Black Elder$ Ellhorn
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e WA>7&7G: E*tremely #ur%ative when raw$
nausea and vomitin% may occur.
8Sam!ucus racemosa9 Also known as: >ed Elder
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e$ 1anada. WA>7&7G: The seeds within the
!erries are #oisonous.
8Sam!ucus e!ulus9 Also known as: 5warf Elder$ Wild Elder
&ndi%enous to: US$ Euro#e WA>7&7G: The !erries are #oisonous
Sacred to: 5ionysus$ ;enus.
1ommon uses: ;aries$ use commercial #re#arations.
=odiac corres#ondence: ;enus
E)E1A-A7E 8&nula helenium9 Also known as: elfdock$ elfwort$
horseheal$ sca!wort.
&ndi%enous to: US
Sacred to: /elene
1ommon uses: 1ram#s$ itches$ !u%!ites.
=odiac corres#ondence: ercury$ Uranus
EU>O-EA7 1E7TAU>? 81entaurium um!ellatum or Erythraea
1entaurium9 Also known as: Bitter /er!$ 1entaur /er!$ 1entaury.
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: 1entaurs$ E#ona$ -an.
1ommon uses: 5ietin%$ !lemishes.
=odiac corres#ondence: Sun
EU>O-EA7 ;E>;A&7 8;er!ena Officinalis9 Also known as:
Enchanter's -lant$ +uno's Tears$ ;ervain$ White ;er!ena$ White
&ndi%enous to: editerranean
Sacred to: Bast$ 1erridwen$ 5emeter$ 5iana$ /ermes$ &sis$ +uno$
+u#iter$ ars$ ercury$ -erse#hone$ Thor$ and ;enus
1ommon uses of: &m#roves kidney and !ladder function. Said to !e an
=odiac corres#ondence: Gemini$ Taurus$ ;enus
3E77E) 83oeniculum vul%are9 Also known as: Sweet fennel
&ndi%enous to: editerranean$ Asia
Sacred to: Adonis
1ommon uses: Stomach #ro!lems$ e*#ectorant.
=odiac corres#ondance: ercury$ ;ir%o
3E7UG>EE@ 8Tri%onella foenum2%raecum9
Sacred to: A#hrodite$ A#ollo. -an$ ;enus
1ommon uses: Believed to !e an a#hrodisiac. A natural "#ick u#"
#lant$ %ood for the "icky" feelin% of the last day of a cold.
=odiac corres#ondence: ercury
3OBG)O;E 85i%italis -ur#urea9 Also known as: 5i%italis
&ndi%enous to: US$ Euro#e
Sacred to: A#hrodite$ -erse#hone$ -luto$ ;enus
1ommon uses: The heart medicine 5i%italis is made from 3o*%love. &f
anyone ever tells you her!al remedies are a load of !ull$ remind them of
%ood ol' 3o*%love. /owever$ it causes 1ontact 5ermatitis$ amon% other
thin%s$ so don't %o harvestin%. &f you have a heart condition$ take a
#rescri#tion remedy$ not a homemade one
=odiac corres#ondence: -luto$ ;enus
3>AG>A7T ;A)E>&A7 8;aleriana Officinalis9
Also known as: All2/eal$ /eliotro#e ;alerian.
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e$ East 1oast US
Sacred to: A#ollo$ 1ernunnos$ >a$ =eus.
1ommon uses: i%raine$ &nsomnia. Warnin%: e*tended use or lar%e
doses may cause sym#toms of #oisonin%. & know of a #erson who lost a
kitten to ;alerian -oisonin%$ so if you #lant it !e careful::::
=odiac corres#ondence: ercury
G&7GE> 8=in%i!er Officinale 9 Also known as: African Gin%er
&ndi%enous to: Tro#ical #arts of Asia$ cultivated elsewhere
Sacred to: Gin%er is a sacred #lant in it's own ri%ht.
1ommon uses: Gin%er eliminates motionsickness A75 ornin%
sickness. Try a #inch of %in%eroot #owder on the !ack on the ton%ue$
%in%er !eer or "/ot" %in%er ale$ or candied 8crystalli.ed9 %in%er. Gin%er
also hel#s clear sinuses and relieves mi%raine$ !ut some #eo#le find hi%h
doses make them "shaky."
=odiac corres#ondence: oon
G&7SE7G 8-ana* schin2sen%9 Also known as: 1hinese Ginsen%
&ndi%enous to: Asia
8-ana* 4uin4uefolius9 Also known as: American Ginsen%$ 3ive2)eafed
&ndi%enous to: 7orth America
Sacred to: Ginsen% is said to !e sacred of it's own ri%ht
1ommon uses: This is the "Wonder -lant" it seems to work for
everythin%$ es#ecially as a "#ick u#." &t seems to cause headaches in
some #eo#le$ however.
=odiac corres#ondence: Scor#io$ Uranus
/EAT/E> 81alluna ;ul%arius9 Also known as: )in%
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: Erin$ &sis$ -erse#hone$ ;enus
1ommon uses: Aromathera#y$ 5iuretic$ stomach trou!les
=odiac corres#ondence: ;enus
/O>E/OU75 8urru!ium ;ul%ar9 Also known as: arru!ium
&ndi%enous to: ;aries
Sacred to: /orus
1ommon uses: 1ommon 1old$ es#ecially when candied.
=odiac corres#ondence: ercury
/OUSE)EE@ 8Sem#ervivum Tectorium9 Also known as: Aaron's >od$
/ens and 1hicks$ +u#iter's Beard.
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: +u#iter$ Thor
1ommon uses: )eaves used much as Aloe is.
=odiac corres#ondence: +u#iter
+AS&7E 8+asiminum Officinale9
&ndi%enous to: Warm #arts of Eastern /emis#here
Sacred to: 5iana and other lunar(ni%ht %oddesses.
1ommon uses : Aromathera#y$ used for i%raine and an "a#hrodisiac"
=odiac corres#ondence: 1ancer$ +u#iter$ oon
)A5?'S A7T)E 8Alchemillia ;ul%arius9
Sacred to: Earth Goddesses and the ;ir%in ary$ An%els.
1ommon uses : >educin% !leedin%$ a##etite stimulator.
=odiac 1orres#ondence: ;enus
)AU>E) 8)auros 7o!ilis9 Also known as: Bay )aurel
&ndi%enous to: editerranean
Sacred to: Adonis$ A#ollo$ Artemis$ Gaea$ /elios$ ars$ =eus.
1ommon uses : S#ice$ !urnin% to induce visions.
=odiac corres#ondence: Sun$ )eo
A75>A@E 8andra%ora Officinarum9
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: A#hrodite$ 5iana$ /ecate$ 7imue$ Saturn
1ommon uses : -oisonous
=odiac corres#ondence: ercury
EA5OWSWEET 83ili#endula ulmaria9 Also known as: eadow4ueen
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: 5emeter
1ommon uses : A natural as#irin.
=odiac corres#ondence: Gemini$ ercury$ ;enus
EB&1A7 5A&A7A 8Turnera A#hrodiaca9
&ndi%enous to: Southern 7orth America
Sacred to: ;enus
1ommon uses :Stimulant
=odiac corres#ondence: -luto
&)@WEE5 8Ascle#ias Syriacce9 Also known as: Silkweed
&ndi%enous to: 7orth America
Sacred to: +uno
1ommon uses: @idney Stones
=odiac corres#ondence: +u#iter
UGWO>T 8Artemisia ;ul%aris9 Also known as: Sailor's To!acco
&ndi%enous to: Everywhere
Sacred to: Artemis$ 5iana.
1ommon uses: Anti2itch. )ar%e doses cause sickness.
=odiac corres#ondence: oon$ ;enus
7UTEG 8yrisia 3ra%rance9
&ndi%enous to: &ndonesia
Sacred to: +u#iter$ Uranus
1ommon uses : Anti2%as$ a hallucino%en which can kill in a dose as
small as two nutme%s.
=odiac corres#ondence: +u#iter
O>>&S >OOT 8&ris 3lorintina9 Also known as: 3lorentine &ris
&ndi%enous To: editerranean
Sacred to: A#hrodite$ /era$ &ris$ &sis$ Osiris
1ommon uses :5iuretic$ common cold
=odiac corres#ondence: oon
-E--E>&7T 8entha -i#erita9 Also known as: )am!mint
&ndi%enous to: US$ Euro#e
Sacred to: =eus
1ommon uses: 7ausea$ %as.
=odiac corres#ondence: ;enus
-OEG>A7ATE 8-unica Granatum9
&ndi%enous to: Asia
Sacred to: /ades$ /era$ -erse#hone$ -luto
1ommon uses: >ind: Gar%le Seeds: 5iarrhea$ aids di%estion
=odiac 1orres#ondence: ercury$ Uranus$ ;enus
>/UBA>B 8>heum -almatum9
&ndi%enous to: Asia$ !ut im#orted #lants in The 7orth Eastern US have
lon% since %one wild.
Sacred to: /ecate
1ommon uses : 3ood$ hi%h ;itamin 1$ leaves are #oisonous
=odiac corres#ondence: ars$ Scor#io
>OWA7 8Sor!us Acu#oria9 Also known as: Sor! A##le
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: oon
1ommon uses: various
=odiac corres#ondence: oon
>UE 8ruta Graveolens9 Also known as: /er! of Grace
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e$ Africa
Sacred to: ars
1ommon uses: >ue causes contact dermatitis and may cause #oisonin%.
=odiac corres#ondence: Sun$ )eo
TA>>AGO7 8Artemisa 5racunculus9 Also known as: Estra%on
&ndi%enous to: ;aried
Sacred to: Artemis.
1ommon uses : Seasonin%$ a##etite stimulation$ 5ra%on huntin%.
=odiac corres#ondence: ars$ Scor#io
WOO5>U33 8As#erula Ororato9 Also known as: aster of The Woods$
Sweet Woodruff
&ndi%enous to: All over
Sacred to: /i%h 1ourt Sidhe$ ;enus$ /orned God
1ommon uses: Use small doses only for i%raine
=odiac corres#ondence: ars$ ;enus.
WO>WOO5 8Artemisa A!sinthium9 Also known as: A!sinthe
&ndi%enous to: Euro#e
Sacred to: Artemis$ 5iana
1ommon uses: Use commercial #re#arations to avoid #oisonin%
=odiac corres#ondence: ars$ Scor#io$ -luto.
>ecommended readin%:
Ihtt#:((!arnesandno!le.!!ooklink(clickAsourceidCF60JEEK&SThe /er! Book
Ihtt#:((!arnesandno!le.!!ooklink(clickAsourceidCF60JEEK&SB7CDEEF<6GGD0H$ +ohn )ust$
Benedict )ust -u!lications$0LGJ
-a#er!ack: Bantam Books$ 0LGJ2#resent.
NKmatchCe*actKo#tionsCandHWicca 1raft$
The odern Witch's Book of /er!s$ a%ick and 5reams$
5unwich$ 1itadel -ress(1arol -u!lishin% edition$ 0LLJ
edicinal /er!s: A 1om#endium of /istory$
)ore$ K Uses
Ihtt#:((!arnesandno!le.!!ooklink(clickAsourceidCF60JEEK&SB7C0EPD0GDJDJH $ Amy Bess
iller$ 1larkson -otter$ 0LG6
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section F:1andles

The !enefit of makin% your own candles is that you know the wa* is
#ure and what ty#es of wa* you #ut into the candle. y favorite candles
for ritual are !eeswa*$ with a heavy coat of dyed ve%eta!le wa* to %ive
them color. A warm candle rolled in ru!!ed sa%e makes a wonderful
scent when !urned$ and essential oils are !etter than "scented candle
oils" for fra%rance. With !eeswa* the natural smell is so wonderful that
oils are unnecessary.
Althou%h variances in sha#e occur$ the "normal use" candle is a
standard #illar or ta#er$ in white or the cardinal colors for the com#ass
#oints$ and varyin% colors of altar candles for various holidays$
weekdays$ a%ick ty#es and #ur#oses. The followin% color chart$ which
details candle colors and their meanin%s$ is also %ood for Altar cloths
and ro!es:
Black: Samhain$ ?ule$ Astral a%icks$ "s#ace" a%icks$ 7i%ht
a%icks$ 1eremonial a%icks$ Saturday$ Earth$ Groundin%$ -rotection$
Wisdom$ 5is#ellin%$ Totality$ es#ecially #hysical totality$ the Scri!e's
Blue$ 1o!alt: Samhain$ ?ule$ Astral a%icks$ )unar a%icks$ "s#ace"
a%icks$ 7i%ht a%icks$ 1eremonial a%ick$ onday$ Thursday$
-rotection$ Wisdom$ clear Thou%ht$ )o%ic$ Emotional 1ontrol$ a %ood
"#ower" color.
Blue$ -rimary: Summer$ )u%hnasa$ Samhain$ ?ule$ &m!olc$ Astral
a%icks$ Thursday$ Water$ 1lear thou%ht$ A %ood color for "%eneric"
Blue$ Sky:8Sky Blue9 S#rin%$ Beltane$ Solar rituals$ &m!olc$ Astral
a%icks$ Water$ Air$ 1lear thou%ht$ Used !y #eo#le with avian s#irit
%uide( Totems( favorite animals$ es#. Sea%ull$ Ea%le$ /awk$ @in%fisher.
The "!ardic" color.
Brown: )u%hnasa$ Autumn$ Samhain$ 5ruidic a%icks$ Earth$
emotional 1ontrol$ 1raftsmanshi#. The Artisan's color.
1o##er: Autumn$ ?ule$ oney summonin% rituals$ Solar rituals$
5ruidic a%icks$ Sunday$ fire$ -rotection$ )eadershi#$ )ove$ -assion$
Gray: ?ule$ &m!olc$ Astral a%icks$ )unar a%icks$ 5ruidic a%icks$
3ire$ a %ood !alance color$ used !y 5ruids and Wolf and )yn* #eo#le
Green$ 5ee# 8hunter9 : )u%hnasa$ Autumn$ ?ule$ &m!olc$ 7i%ht
a%icks$ 5ruidic a%ick$ Earth$ 1almin%$ Groundin%$ Stren%th$
-rotection$ )o%ic$ Emotional 1ontrol$ The God in his element$ a "male"
Green$ )i%ht: S#rin%$ Beltane$ Summer$ &m!olc$ 5ruidic a%ick$ Earth$
-ros#erity$ oney$ Stren%th$ Wisdom$ Emotional 1ontrol$ )uck$ the
"3aerie color$" 8courtesy of Americani.ed &rish "little #eo#le."9
Gold: Summer$ Autumn$ ?ule$ oney summonin%$ Solar rituals$ 3ire$
)ust$ -assion$ -riests.
&ndi%o: Samhain$ ?ule$ Astral a%icks$ 7i%ht a%icks$ 1eremonial
a%icks$ Wednesday$ Wisdom$ )o%ic$ )ove$ -assion$ usic$ a
secondary Bardic 1olor.
)avender: S#rin%$ Beltane$ Summer$ &m!olc$ 1almin%$ )ove$ /ealin%.
Oran%e: S#rin%$ Beltane$ Summer$ )u%hnasa$ Autumn$ Samhain$ Solar
>ituals$ Sunday$ 3ire$ -assion.
-ink: S#rin%$ Beltane$ 3riday$ 1almin%$ )ove$ )uck$ /ealin%$
-each: S#rin%$ Beltane$ )u%hnasa$ 3riday$ 1almin%$ )ove.
>ed: Beltane$ Summer$ )u%hnasa$ Samhain$ ?ule$ 1eremonial a%ick$
Tuesday$ 3ire$ Stren%th$ -rotection$ )eadershi#$ )ust$ -assion$ /ealin%
es#. Blood$ -hysical Stren%th$ Questin%$ 1olor of the Seeker.
>ust: )u%hnasa$ Autumn$ Samhain$ 5ruidic a%ick$ 3ire$ Earth$
-assion$ Universal "Oneness."
Silver: ?ule$ Astral a%icks$ )unar a%icks$ "s#ace" a%icks$
onday$ Air$ -rotection$ 1lear thou%ht$ )o%ic$ -assion$ -riestesses
Tur4uoise: S#rin%$ Beltane$ Summer$ Astral a%icks$ )unar a%icks$
Water$ -rotection$ 1lear thou%ht$ )o%ic$ )uck$ /ealin% es#. Eyes.
;iolet: Samhain$ ?ule$ Astral a%icks$ 7i%ht a%icks$ 1eremonial
a%icks$ Thursday$ Saturday$ Wisdom$ 1lear thou%ht$ )eadershi#$
)o%ic$ -assion$ emotional control$ /ealin% es#. ental. The #rime
"-ower" 1olor used !y #riests.
White: -ositive workin%s of all sorts.
?ellow2Oran%e8Saffron9: S#rin%$ Beltane$ Summer$ )u%hnasa$ Autumn$
?ule$ Solar >ituals$ Astral a%icks$ 5ruidic a%ick$ 1eremonial
a%ick$ Sunday$ 3ire$ Wisdom$ )o%ic$ -assion$ Emotional 1ontrol$
)uck$ Sanity$ A traditional a%e2-riest and cele!ration 1olor.
?ellow: S#rin%$ Beltane$ Summer$ &m!olc$ Solar >ituals$ Astral
a%icks$ Sunday$ 3ire$ 1lear thou%ht$ -assion$ /ealin%$ es#. ental.
&n some 5rawin% 5own ceremonies$ circular "oon" and "Sun"
candles are used$ and one is used in the >itual %iven in Book Three. &n
some rituals s#ecial crowns of candles are used$ !ut fully half of my
o!session with safety is !ecause of a fire that started when hot wa* from
such a thin% dri##ed on a skyclad woman$ who knocked over a candle$
which set the altar on fire$ which would've done more if it wasn't for our
uni4ue altar tool$ a small fire e*tin%uisher. 7ow$ these were talented$
safety conscious individuals who'd done that ritual !efore$ so & can only
ima%ine the chaos in a less structured settin%. &f you are %oin% to use
candles$ or any heat source$ at least have a !ucket of water near!y:
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section J:1orn 5ollies

-ro!a!ly ori%inatin% from the 1eltic Wheat weavin%s or "wheatin%s$"
American "1orn others" or 1orn dollies are made from the silks and
husks of corn and used in the harvest cele!rations of various trads.
While more Euro#ean trads shudder at the thou%ht of a corn dolly
made from =ea ays$ the fact is$ as the sin%le most im#ortant %rain we
%row here$ corn is likely to !e the harvest in our harvest festivals. &'ve
!een %iven the once2over !y a few wheat country #a%ans$ so & am
em#hatically statin% that a 1orn 5olly may !e made out of any harvest
#lant that the #ractitioners consider as "their" main harvest. 8And yes$
!eautiful ru!y faced dolls have emer%ed from the cran!erry !o% that
nei%h!ors a friend's #ro#erty$ so & assume any cro# is acce#ta!le.9
A few -a%an !ooks %ive ideas for craftin% the corn mother$ a
Southwestern trad & know uses 1orn as their e*clusive medium$ !ut
their dolls are intricate works of dried !eaded corn #ro!a!ly datin%
!ack to indi%enous #eo#les of their area. With a small !ead drill$ or a
shar# #ick which can !e twisted$ dried corn can !e !eaded ,ust like most
seeds. This is ridiculously com#le* if your corn dollies are a one time
thin% that are thrown on a Samhain fire$ so we make sim#le "shaker
dollies." There are two a##roaches to makin% them$ corn husks$ dyed
and folded and ready for doll makin% are availa!le at craft stores$ and if
you want a doll to look %reat$ they're #ro!a!ly what you want. ost of
us$ es#ecially in the 5airy country of U#state 7ew ?ork$ where feed
corn dots every hi%hway$ #refer the "7atural" look. 5ry the corn husks
on a #iece of #a#er in the sun and let them !leach for a!out four days.
>i%ht !efore you use them$ wet them in a #ot of warm water with a dash
of vine%ar in it$ this makes them #lia!le. Bend and fold them into the
rou%h sha#e of a woman 8or man$ for 1orn 3athers9 and tie them with
twine or small stri#s of corn husk. A variation on this$ called "1orn
7iki's" !y our coven for their resem!lance to a mem!er$ is the lon%
haired corn %oddess$ which is usually made with %reen husks from the
first harvest.
1orn 7iki: Take the still2%reen silk from an ear of corn and crum#le the
!rown dry end into a !all. Use an inner 8thin9 husk$ fold it in half$ and
create a narrow cylinder$ with the fold alon% the to#. Stuff the dry
!rown end into the cylinder$ then use a small !and of husk to cover the
to#$ allowin% a few wis#s of silk to stick out of the front. This is a
"head!and" and kee#s the !rown from showin%. Tie the head!and to
the cylinder with another !and of husk. ?ou should now have a head.
As the hair dries$ this will crinkle$ !ut crinkle the "!an%s" while they're
still wet. Take an outer husk$ and slit halfway to the middle with the
%rain twice so that you have a thin !and that %oes to the middle$ and
two thicker outer #ieces. 3old the middle #iece down$ and set it aside.
Take yet another small inner husk and wra# it around a #encil$ this
#iece should !e one half the len%th of the #iece you ,ust cut. Tie the ends
of this #iece with wire$ strin% or a tiny #iece of husk$ removin% the
#encil !efore tyin% the second side. -ick u# the #iece you set down and
lift u# the folded down se%ment on that #iece. -lace the rolled and tied
#iece under the folded se%ment so that you have a cross2like structure$
then #lace the head #iece so that the fold is at the !ack if the neck. 3old
the two #ieces down in front$ then take another small #iece of husk and
create an "a#ron" !y foldin% it in half. Usin% a #iece of twine or husk
under the fold of the a#ron$ tie the whole thin% to%ether in the center$ so
that you have a waist. )et dry in the sun$ retyin% and addin% small
#ieces of husk if needed. Allow natural dryin% to alter the sha#e$ !ut
make several$ !ecause a few will lose sha#e com#letely when dried. &f
desired$ #aint with natural dyes$ or dry in a dark dry #lace for more

All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section E:1rystals and inerals

The followin% is a 8very9 #artial listin% of some commonly used crystals.
>elyin% too heavily on 1rystalmancy smacks a little of the "7ew A%e"
for me$ !ut it is !ecomin% more and more common in Wicca. The
followin% list details the color of these crystals and stones$ the element
that the stone is su##osed to re#resent$ the lore that the tone has
%athered and the "1orres#ondences" of the stone$ the ty#e of Gods and
forces it relates to.
Am!er 1olor: Am!er Element: Earth )ore: -rotection. &t su##osedly
"tra#s" evil forces within it. 1orres#ondences: -rotective$ 5ruidic
Amethyst 1olor: ;iolet Element: Water )ore: Su##osed to #rotect from
the "s#irits" of Wine$ a %ood #iece "sin%s" 8vi!rates9 when struck with
a tunin% fork. 1orres#ondences: Wine(Blood
Garnet 8Earth's Blood9 1olor: >ed(;iolet Element: Earth )ore: Blood
related aliments$ iron deficiency$ %ood %roundin% and women's stone.
1orres#ondences: mother(!irth
/ematite8mirror rock9 1olor: >eflective silver Elements: Air$ oon
)ore: -rotection$ it reflects ne%ative ener%y away. Sacred to the
orri%an$ called ">aven's eye." 1orres#ondences: Any oon.
alachite 1olor: Green Banded$ some are !lue. Element: Earth )ore:
The oney Stone$ also luck$ and a %ood stone for %ardenin%. -rotective.
Often misla!eled as "%reen ti%er's eye." 1orres#ondences: )uck$
Quart.$ 1lear 1olor: 1lear$ like %lass Element: Air )ore: The #rime
Scryin% crystal$ also for lo%ic and an unclouded mind. 1orres#ondance:
Quart.$ >ose 1olor: 1lear w(-ink or cloudy #ink Element: Air )ore:
An ima%ination releaser$ %ood for kids. 1orres#ondance: )ove$ dreams
Quart.$ Blue 1olor: -ale !lue or clear with !lue Elements: Air$ Water
)ore: A %ood concentration stone$ !ut e*#ensive$ su!stitute: Blue lace
a%ate$ Tur4uoise$ A4uamarine. >ain stone. 1orres#ondences: )unar$
thunder and rain.
Quart.$ smoke or Smoky To#a. 1olor: 1lear(yellow with %ray (!rown
%ray Elements: Air$ 3ire )ore: A %ood #rotective and astral stone$ &t
either works for you or it doesn't$ very "tem#eramental" stone$ %ood for
varia!le #eo#le$ %ood stone for someone workin% throu%h -5 or
similar "difference of order". 1orres#ondences: Astral$ Smoke$ Air$
3ire$ Thunder.
Quart.$ ;iolet see Amethyst
Snowflake O!sidian 1olor: Black w(white$ %ray Element: 3ire )ore:
Burn ease$ fire #revention$ toss a #iece in BBQ #it to whiten coals$ used
to avoid snow #ro!lems. 1orres#ondences: unknown
Ti%er's Eye$ Blue 1olor: ulti2!lue$ reflective. Elements: Water$ Air
)ore: Good for airline fears and !oats$ wind callin%$ also called
"Si!erian Ti%er's eye$ /awk's(3alcon's eye." 1orres#ondences: Astral
travel$ fli%ht
Ti%er's Eye$ Brown 1olor: ulti!rown$ reflective. Elements: 3ire$
Earth )ore: )ike /ematite$ it "reflects" dan%er away$ only this is said
to shatter it into multi#le reflections which direct toward the one
causin% it. 1orres#ondences: Said to !e sacred to "cat" Gods$ like Bast.
Ti%er's Eye$ >ed 1olor: ultired$ reflective Element: 3ire )ore:
-hysical #rotection$ swordsmithin%$ -hoeni*$ Bri%id and #hysical
#rowess. 1orres#ondences: 3ire(1om!at
Tur4uoise 1olor: Sky Blue Elements: Air$ Water )ore: -rotection$
ver!al #rowess$ the !ard's stone. General #rotection. A %ood stone to
"tune in" to for !e%inners. 1orres#ondences: usic(-oetry
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section 6:5ivination and The )ast of the True

5ivination is the art of discoverin% that which is hidden. This doesn't
mean that all diviners are fortune tellers$ or that$ !y divinin%$ you #lan
to discover thin%s you didn't have the ri%ht to know. We !elieve that
information is #ower$ and that$ if the Gods for!ade this information to
us$ we would not !e a!le to discover it. When we divine$ it is either
within a ritual conte*t$ or meditated on for 4uite a while. When the
ethics are in dis#ute$ most will o#t to not risk it$ !ut the Gods %ave us
ri%ht and wron%$ and one of our tools is the a!ility to discern them.
Sometimes$ divination is o!viously wron%$ es#ecially when used
unnecessarily$ let your conscious !e your %uide.
There are two main forms of divination used !y Wiccans$ e*cludin%
Tarot$ 7umerolo%y$ Astrolo%y and >une21astin%$ which re4uire less
e*traordinary a!ility and tell their secrets more throu%h randomi.ation
and syncronicity than #ure 8al!eit influenced9 con,ecture. -attern Work
8not to !e confused with #ath2workin%9 shows what results a theoretical
action will have$ and is usually used !y #sychics. At its least$ -attern
Work is the a##lication of lo%ical to the #resent$ and can !e
detailed in a series of "and"$ "or" and "if2then" statements a##lied
with the reco%nition of #atterns or syncronicity. 3or a #articularly !ase
e*am#le$ a friend 8and switch!oard o#erator9 had noticed an unusual
num!er of e*tra "W's$" "T's" and "O's"" a##earin% on her word
#rocessor. Em!oldened$ she #layed the num!er "LP6" which was !oth
#art of her #hone num!er 8and the num!ers for WTO9 and the
month(year of her second anniversary. The num!er drawn was "<<<."
Astral and dream -attern Work is the act #erformin% #attern work
while aslee# or #ro,ectin%$ to allow the %reater consciousness to fill in
where we cannot. Some #sychics see #atterns as colors and desi%ns$
which chan%e as decisions are made$ others see the actual events alter.
"Tunin% in" to the #atterns re4uires a stron% attention to detail$ and the
reali.ation that the sli%htest action can alter the -atterns com#letely.
&t's very easy to %et cau%ht u# within the #atterns and "lose" yourself$
so with -attern Work$ as in all thin%s$ moderation.
The more common form of 5ivination is scryin%$ which is the
"classical" divination$ includin% the clichR2ridden 1rystal or irror The a%ickal irror e*isted lon% !efore Snow White's
!eautiful !ut mis%uided ste#mother %a.ed into one and wasn't #leased
!y her looks$ and the 1rystal Ball was too e*#ensive an item for many of
the charlatans usually associated with it$ havin% lon% !een dele%ated to
the realm of the "#rofessional" meta#hysicist$ usually no more than the
town leech.
Tradition decrees that the 1rystal !all !e clear$ #refera!ly 4uart.$ and
lit only !y candle or moonli%ht$ !ut it seems that #eo#le res#ond
differently to different 1rystals. A friend has a s#here of !lue lace a%ate
that she divines in$ another uses the face of a crystal #rism which is
hun% in his window to %ather the #ower of the sun. Althou%h the
traditional crystal !all of the motion #icture industry is ke#t in an
ornate stand$ often metal$ the crystal !all of the scyrer rests on !lack
cloth$ usually velvet$ which is occasionally dra#ed over a stand to
#revent scratchin% and %ive an ideal "!lank" !ack%round. &'ve !een
told that usin% different color cloths influences the outcome$ and are
es#ecially #owerful for discernin% information %eared toward certain
#eo#le or thin%s associated with that color.
Scryin% mirrors are also decreed !y tradition to a few distinct forms$
!ut the #ersonali.ation of your mirror is what makes it work$ not
%ettin% all of the The!an scri#t in the #ro#er ali%nment: Althou%h
usually !lack$ often concave and rarely seen in dayli%ht$ the scryin%
mirror is #ersonal$ and it's the #erson who needs to feel comforta!le.
&f you've !een doin% Wicca or eta#hysics for a while$ you're #ro!a!ly
most comforta!le in a circle. After it's cast$ try doin% the air
visuali.ation to "free your mind." Then$ %a.e dee#ly into the mirror or
!all. Blink$ shift$ scratch$ cou%h$ and move normally$ don't stare like a
television medium: &f you do stare$ all that you'll see is s#ots$ mist$ and
all the other creatures of eyestrain$ and trust me$ eyestrain sucks. &f you
can't !lank your mind$ re#eat a nonsense word in your head. This
sounds !i.arre$ !ut &'ve !een known to meditate on the #hrase "!lah$
!lah$ !lah$" while scryin%. &t occu#ies my outer mind$ like the music &
#lay to write$ or havin% the T; on while & study$ while my inner mind
can concentrate on the activity at hand. &t has !een my e*#erience that
as you awaken your !rain$ you need more stimuli$ and & envy anyone
who can sit in the darkness and focus all of their mind onto one thin%$ &
wish & could:
-ro!a!ly not the first time$ !ut eventually as you scry 8limit yourself to
one half hour at a time at first 9 you'll !e%in to see misty forms in the
surface$ whether these are no more than cloud2like sha#es waitin% for
inter#retation or #ictures that slowly form chan%es from #erson to
#erson$ !ut you will see somethin% with #ersistence. &f you can't %et a
mirror or !all$ try a cu#$ !owl or #late of water. Black #lates and !owls
are often availa!le at housewares sho#s for under two dollars$ and make
%reat containers for scryin% water.
y favorite scryin% mirror was a #iece of window #ane in a frame$ the
!ack of which was s#ray #ainted co##er. &nitially$ this mirror was
meant to %o onto the altar under a lar%e co##er censer$ to kee# ash from
hittin% the altar cloth and to reflect its little li%ht toward the co##er
ceilin% of the tem#le 8rescued from an old theater !efore it was
demolished.9 & was cleanin% the mirror one last time$ fillin% the frame
with a salt2water solution$ and rinsin% it in rain water 8it was rainin%$
which made this 4uite easy.9 &'ve always !een very in2tune with storms$
and as & was into this mirror a!sent mindedly 8the !est way to
%a.e$9 & cau%ht a flash of reddish li%htnin% in it$ that lasted at least two
seconds. The only #ro!lem was that$ while it was rainin%$ it wasn't
stormin%. & contem#lated the sky for a few minutes after this$ tryin% to
fi%ure out where the li%htnin% flash had come from. & set down the
mirror$ and went to sit down on the #orch when a very red flash of
li%htnin% crashed overhead$ leavin% me with s#ots in my eyes and a
mi%raine that lasted a few hours. There is no dou!t in my mind that &
was warned not to look u# at this li%htnin% flash !y this little mirror$
which was nicknamed "The )ittle irror that 1ould." 3or a!out three
months & used this mirror to try to find out everythin% & could$ to no
avail. Sure enou%h thou%h$ this mirror %lowed every time there was a
storm comin%$ and when a fellow student in a storm #rone area noticed
the %low while visitin%$ & %ave it to him.

The story of this mirror's suicide is es#ecially fascinatin%. This same
student was on the #hone with me when The )ittle irror that 1ould
lea#t off the wall and shattered into a!out fifty #ieces. While we were
talkin%$ tryin% to fi%ure out what ha##ened$ he looked out his window
and said that it looked very ominous. Another minute later his
emer%ency weather radio went off$ there was a tornado in his area. As
he went into the !asement$ as local sirens s4uealed and he stayed on the
line with me$ courtesy of cellular miracles$ !ut was !lacked out after a
while. An hour later he called !ack. The twister had #assed not two
hundred yards from his house$ followin% the road. ost of his windows
on one side were !roken$ and he had a cut from a ,ar of #ickles !urstin%
in the !asement$ !ut the house$ cats$ chickens and do%s were fine. We
were !oth #ositive the mirror had warned him of this$ so we went to
make another one$ %oin% to%ether to a friends house$ a!out 0D miles
away from his$ three days later. When we asked for another #ane of
%lass 8he'd %iven me the first one out of a !o* he had9 he said he had
none$ !ecause three days earlier the entire contents of the !o* were
destroyed when a near!y tornado knocked over his tool shed. With a
little calculation$ we fi%ured the #anes had !een destroyed at the same
time his mirror had fallen.

The ways that #ower effects o!,ects are not yet fully understood to us$
!ut neither were ma%netism or %ravity at one time. As humanity %rows
and learns$ a lot of what we have "known all alon%" will !ecome
common knowled%e outside of our community. Scryin% is ,ust that$ an
unta##ed$ unknown #ower which we do without understandin%. )ife is
not a cartoon$ ,ust !ecause you don't know a!out %ravity doesn't mean
that you're ca#a!le of i%norin% it. We don't need a "reason" why thin%s
fall$ !ecause they do$ whether we want them to or not$ and scryin% is the
same way$ it works$ !ut we ,ust don't know why.
eta#hysics and the U3O controversy share the du!ious distinction of
!ein% the only thin%s that science e*#ects com#lete #roof of !efore and
without e*#erimentation. &t ,ust %oes a%ainst scientific theory to e*#ect
#roof to materiali.e without work. 57A was a theory$ %erms were a
theory$ the atom was a theory$ and without e*#erimentation$ these
theories would've remained "untrue" to the #u!lic. WE are the only
scientists that eta#hysics has$ !ecause the a%e of uni4ue scientific
discovery has #assed. Science doesn't want to discover new thin%s$ ,ust
new as#ects of old thin%s. We need to kee# documentation of what we
do$ so that we can discover all the "new" thin%s out there$ and #rove
& su%%est a se#arate ,ournal for e*#erimentation with eta#hysics$ and
this includes all a%ickal workin%s outside of ritual$ not ,ust scryin%.
Use a se#arate #a%e for each e*#eriment$ descri!e in detail the tools$
ste#s taken$ feelin%s$ and results. 7ote the date$ time$ #hase of the moon$
everythin% you can. ?OU are the last of the True Scientists.

All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section G: 3ive common ways of raisin% -ower

& know that many rituals call for #ower to !e raised without sayin% how.
This isn't an oversi%ht on anyone's #art. >aisin% #ower is so #ersonal
that the idea of "tellin%" a #erson or a %rou# of #eo#le how to do it
seems #re#osterous. &'ve noticed a trend toward five ty#es of #ower
raisin% in #articular$ es#ecially in lar%er circles. These are !y no means
the only or the "ri%ht" ways to raise #ower. The 3ive &'ve chosen are
e*#anda!le$ and can !e used to%ether in any num!er of com!inations.
/ave fun:
0: 5rummin%: 5rummin% is fairly self e*#lanatory. ost #eo#le use a
"heart" !eat which they increase in s#eed and com#le*ity as they raise
the #ower. &'ve felt my own heart increase with the drum$ it can !e very
#owerful. & feel it necessary to say that not every!ody drums well$ and
that it's not 8as at least one drummer & know says$9 somethin% you are
!orn with. &t takes #ractice for many of us to !ecome that rhythmic$ and
the idea that E;E>?O7E needs to !e !an%in% on somethin% for
drummin% to work is insane. &'ve seen many circles use only one
drummer to raise #ower$ and for many of us$ ,ust !ein% there is enou%h.
&ncreasin% s#eed and com#le*ity are a common #art of #ower raisin%$
as more #ower is raised$ and the air !e%ins to tin%le with antici#ation$
one would have to work harder to not s#eed u#$ and they'd diminish
their usefulness$ so rela* and let it %o. When the #ower has reached it
#eak$ the drummers sto#$ often voicin% a monosylla!le which #ushes the
#ower. ">a$ a$ /a$ /o$ and Ay" all have s#ecial meanin%s in different
Trads$ !ut research or s#ontaneity are e4ually as acce#ta!le.
<: 5ancin% )ike drummin%$ dancin% is somethin% not everyone can do.
-ower raisin% dances$ however$ tend to !e very sim#listic$ like holdin%
hands and twirlin% around the circle. &t's easy to raise #ower this way$ if
occasionally di..yin%. 1om!ined with drummin% or chantin%$ dancin%
can !e a sim#le way to %et everyone involved and is a fairly 4uick
method of #ower raisin%. As with drummin%$ the !est way to let the
#ower out that you raise from dancin% is to sto# suddenly$ often !y
endin% an accom#anyin% !eat$ and shoutin% out a monosylla!le$
#refera!ly while colla#sin%.
F:1hantin% There are three schools of chantin% in Wicca$ one says that
chants must !e ancient words and #hrases$ almost inevita!ly in another
lan%ua%e. These are often hard to say and even harder to remem!er.
The second school allows translated chants$ !ut they usually are overly
com#le* small #rayers$ which are often hard to memori.e. The final
school$ the method of chantin% that & have found most #owerful$ is the
sim#lest. ?ou may've noticed & A)WA?S #refer the sim#lest$ and
!efore & descri!e fully this school of chantin%$ &'d like to e*#lain why$ in
>itual$ & follow the >ule of @&SS 8@ee# &t Sim#le$ Stu#id.9
>eli%ion must always !e a matter of intense Self. 7o one has the ri%ht to
enforce or inflict their reli%ion u#on someone. &n a %rou# settin%$
com#le*ity easily causes a rift to develo# !etween #eo#le. By usin%
thin%s that only a few #eo#le can do$ you limit the %rou# to those who
#artici#ate$ and those who can't. &n every %rou# &'ve !een in there is at
least one #erson whose a!ilities aren't even close to everyone else's.
Wicca needs to avoid !ecomin% elitist$ and many covens already seem to
have an idea of what mem!ers S/OU)5 !e like. By kee#in% the reci#e
for ritual sim#le$ any %rou# may form a firm !asis in #ractice !efore
attem#tin% more difficult maneuvers. @ee# it sim#le$ stu#id:
The #referred method of chantin% & try to teach all %rou#s is #ersonal
chantin%$ in which everyone in a %rou# chants what is on their mind$ !e
it. "East$ East$ ?ea East$" or "Almi%hty =eus$ Sky 3ather Su#reme." or
even my son's s#ontaneous chant at three years old "1ircle$ 1ircle$
-ower 1ircle." The amount of #ower felt with this method is
astoundin%$ and a #erson who wants to use an old chant$ translated or
not$ is welcome. The increase in #ower at the end is done !y increasin%
volume$ with everyone endin% with the same word or #hrase$ often the
"So" of "That it !e so$" an easier to end variation on "So mote it Be."
J:usic Weavin% This is not a sim#le method. Often$ this accom#anies
drummin%$ and is #revalent in %rou#s with many musicians and sin%ers.
A sim#le melody is #layed or sun%$ a second instrument comes in after
the first$ with a similar melody #layed a!ove in counter#oint$ a third in
a lower harmony to the first$ a fourth in harmony with the second$ and
so forth. The #ower raised and s#ells worked this way are intense$ !ut
re4uire #ractice and a %ood many skills. /ar#er Wicca$ a musical trad$
uses this e*clusively.
E:Tone >aisin% While not as com#le* as music weavin%$ tone raisin% is
!est done with at least one #erson with #erfect #itch and a stron% voice.
Be%innin% usually at A or 1$ the %rou# uses a sin%le sylla!le to match
the leaders tone or harmoni.e. The leader raises the tone or chord and
allows the %rou# to increase in #itch and volume$ with those inca#a!le
of hi%her notes dro##in% down an octave 8sin%in% the same note lower9
when the volume is ma*imi.ed$ everyone shouts out the sylla!le and
"lets" the #ower %o.
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section P:Gods and Goddesses

A few years a%o$ a friend and & !e%an com#ilation of a data!ase of
deities$ knowin% that such a thin% would !e a life's work. &t %rows to this
day$ with many of the entries consistin% of only a name and a culture.
The followin% list is com#rised of some of the more com#lete entries. &t
is$ !y far$ a #artial list$ with many of the Gods left out either !y lack of
knowled%e$ lack of s#ace or lack of a clear head. &'ve not included some
Gods who are very rare to Wicca$ like Eris and )oki 8& have enou%h
Eris and )oki in my life$ anyway9 !ut some "evil" %ods$ like An%ra
amyu$ who are never used in Wicca$ are included as com#arisons or
!ecause they make u# a central #art of a #antheon.
&'ve stayed away from recent Gods$ like those from the %enres of fantasy
and science fiction$ so if you find a "character" within$ it was the author
of the Sci2fi$ and not &$ who #inched a name. Also$ &'ve avoided "new"
definitions of Gods$ the ones that have #o##ed u# in many !ooks
written !y #eo#le with no knowled%e !eyond a few colle%e courses in
ytholo%y. Good works on ytholo%y are detecta!le in two ways$ use
of materials relatin% to the culture from which the myth came$ and use
of the #hrase$ "!ut we can't !e sure of this." Anyone who tells you that
they "know" the truth a!out the worshi# these %ods had !etter shush$
or show you their time machine.
The mytholo%y of these deities is yours to discover$ &'ve only included a
!rief descri#tion$ com#lete with the sacred color$ if any$ of the God$ and
the Totemic s#irit from which many of them evolved. Totemism is
neither new nor e*clusively 7ative American$ in #re2Grecian days$ for
instance$ the ea%le was a sacred !ird$ as Greece %rew$ Ea%le !ecame
known as =eus$ as the #eo#le #ro%ressed further$ =eus took on human
4ualities$ the result$ in later Grecian reli%ion$ was =eus$ a God$ whose
"favorite" !ird was an ea%le and whose sym!ol was the ea%le. Similar
events led to the creation(discovery of most %ods in modern and early
reli%ion. &t is !ecause of the Wiccan reawakenin% to animal s#irituality
that &'ve included these s#irits$ in the ho#e that those seekin% may find
the name of their face of God8dess9 within.
& feel & must add that when & refer within this mini25eiolo%y to
"modern" %ods$ & am s#eakin% of modern in the anthro#olo%ical sense$
%enerally #ost2roman em#ire "modern" not in the #ast few years. Also$
in the case of culture$ Gaullic is of Gaul 8ancient 3rance and much of
the Al#s9$ Gaelic is of ancient &reland !ut not 1eltic$ 1eltic is of Ancient
Scotland$ &reland$ some #arts of Wales and some #arts of Euro#e$
Welsh is Welsh !ut not 1eltic$ Greek is #re2>oman Em#ire Greece$
>oman is of the >oman em#ire. )ikewise$ Etrusican and &talian are not
>oman$ even thou%h much of >oman mytholo%y was shared !y them$
and -ersian and Summerian$ which are su!2%rou#s of Ba!ylonian$ are
those thin%s that my reserach showed to !e e*clusive to -ersia and
Summeria. 7orse is 7orthern Germanic$ #rimarily 5anish and
Scandinavian$ !ut German is of Germany$ s#ecifically. & am a #riestess$
not an Anthro#olo%ist$ so while my research has !een e*tensive$ & am
sure & have faults herein.

7AE: Aditi 1U)TU>E: ;edic SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ed A7&A): 7one
7OTES: other of Gods$ Ever2mother.
7AE: Adon 1U)TU>E: -hoenician SEB: 1O)O>: Any
A7&A): Any
7OTES: Any God$ ale God$ su!stitute for ")ord."
7AE: Adonis 1U)TU>E: Greek$ -hoenician SEB: 1O)O>: 7one
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: Beauty$ )ust$ ale vanity$ Brotherhood$ Stren%th$
/omose*uality$ es#. ale.
7AE: Ae%ir 1U)TU>E: 7orse SEB: 1O)O>: White A7&A):
All sea
7OTES: God of the Sea$ Wind$ Storms and sailors
7AE: A%ni 1U)TU>E: /indu SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: God of 3ire$ later a Sun God. /e who is the a%ent of sacrifice.
7AE: Ahura a.da 1U)TU>E: -ersian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: God of Goodness$ valor$ truth$ etc.
7AE: Allatu 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian(1artha%ian SEB: 3 1O)O>:
7one A7&A): 7one
7OTES: A Goddess of the dead and the underworld.
7AE: Ammon 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): >am
7OTES: Amon$ Amun$ Sun God.
7AE: Amon(Amon2>a 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>:Gold
7OTES:Sun God of later E%y#t$ #aired with >a until they !ecame a
sin%le %od$ "The )ord of The Terrestrial Thrones." Amon2>a was
reincarnated as the #resent )ord or )ords who were in #osition to lay
claim to "%od on earth" status.
7AE: An%ra amyu 1U)TU>E: -ersian SEB: 1O)O>: Black
7OTES: The God of Evil$ treachery$ etc.
7AE: Anu 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: Blue
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: God of /eaven$ Sky )ord$ /us!and of @i.
7AE: Anu 1U)TU>E: Gaelic(1eltic SEB: 3 1O)O>: Green
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: Sometimes called "sister" of 5anu$ the name Anu is also said
to !e the "Old name" for Erin$ the %oddess of the land of &reland.
7AE: Am#hitrite 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Blue
A7&A): Ocean ammals
7OTES: Goddess of the sea$ and dau%hter of 7ereus and 5oris$
Am#itrite was either wife or rival or !oth to -oseidon and was the one$
of the two$ more likely to %rant mercy to sailors. Am#hitrite mytholo%y
is s#arse and much of it dates to modern times.
7AE: Anu!is 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>: Black
A7&A): +ackal
7OTES: The Guard of the 5ead$ #rotector of sacred thin%s. Anu!is was
really #o#ular with the Greek royalty of E%y#t$ and may've ori%inated
more from Greek ideolo%y than E%y#tian.
7AE: A#hrodite 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Seafoam
A7&A): 5ove or 5ol#hin.
7OTES: Goddess of love$ also a lesser %oddess of the sea and war.
7AE: A#ollo 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A):)ion$ /orse
7OTES: God of -ro#hecy$ The Arts and enli%htenment$ as well Often
mistaken for /elios who was the God of the sun.
7AE: A#su 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: Blue
A7&A): Water
7OTES: )ord of 1haos$ >iver God$ consort of Tiamat.
7AE: Aradia 1U)TU>E: &talian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Silver A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of )unar a%ick$ dau%hter of 5iana$ atron of
Witches$ Aradia also a##ears as dau%hter 8!y his(her own creation9 of
5ianus. Said to !e the "%oddess" of the 1har%e of the Goddess !ut this
may !e a rumor caused !y confusion over the 1har%e's 8and Wicca's9
7AE: Ares 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: >ed$ Black
A7&A): >am
7OTES: God of War and the !rutality of tactics$ who takes his
sacrifices from !lood s#illed in war and %ets !eaten !y Athena.
7AE: Arianrhod 1U)TU>E: Welsh SEB: 3 1O)O>: Silver
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: Goddess of the Stars. Also 81eltic9 Sidhe woman who watches
over standin% stones. The Goddess of initiation$ she a##ears in many
1ornish 3am2Trads with a very different face than that she recieves in
modern Wicca.
7AE: Artemis 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: White A7&A):
All ES-. deer$ elk
7OTES: Goddess of the hunt whose !ow is the crescent moon.
7AE: Artio 1U)TU>E: Gaullic SEB: 3 1O)O>: Brown A7&A):
7OTES: Ancient Gaullic Goddess of Bears$ little is known a!out Artio
e*ce#t that she was the Guardian of the 1ity of Berne.
7AE: Askle#ios 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: Green
A7&A): Snake
7OTES: God of medicine$ son of A#ollo.
7AE: Astarte 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ed A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of )ove$ es#. 3ertility$ arria%e$ considered a
Goddess of ature )ove.
7AE: Astoreth 1U)TU>E: -hoenician SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ed$ Black
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: &shtar.
7AE: Athena 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gray$ White
A7&A): Owl$ Goat
7OTES: Goddess of #rotection$ stren%th$ !alanced ind(!ody(s#irit.
atron of Athens.
7AE: Aton 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: Another Sun God$ also Atun$ Atom$ Atum
7AE: Bast8Bastet9 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black$
Green A7&A): 1at
7OTES: -rotection$ felinity$ seein% in the dark$ swiftness of action and
other "cat" traits.
7AE: Bel 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: Brown
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: Earth.
7AE: Bellona 1U)TU>E: &talian(late >ome SEB: 3 1O)O>: ;iolet
A7&A): /awk
7OTES: Goddess of war$ es#. tactical maneuvers. /er followers were
es#ecially violent.
7AE: Brahma 1U)TU>E: /indu SEB: 1O)O>: 7one A7&A):
7OTES: 1reator$ all2father.
7AE: Bri%id 1U)TU>E: 1eltic SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ed(Black
A7&A): /awk
7OTES: The Two faced Goddess$ scarred on one side$ !eautiful on the
other$ Bri%id is Goddess of 3ire and the 3or%e$ and Goddess of -oetry
and !eauty.
7AE: 1eres 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gold -)A7T: Any
7OTES: The Goddess 5emeter$ althou%h she is sometimes confused
with her own dau%hter$ @ore.
7AE: 1ernunnos 1U)TU>E: 1eltic$8Gallic and Welsh9 SEB:
1O)O>: 7one A7&A): 5eer
7OTES: /orned God of the /unt and Winter also @ernunnous$ @erne$
1erne$ /erne.
7AE: 1erridwen 1U)TU>E: Welsh SEB: 3 1O)O>: ;aries
A7&A): All
7OTES: Goddess of the harvest$ es#. the final harvest. The fourth face
of the moon.
7AE: 1oleus 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: Sun God$ a synthesis of Orma.d and =eus.
7AE: 1y!ele 1U)TU>E: -hry%ian SEB: 3 1O)O>: 7one
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: other Goddess$ )ater >omani.ed$ see >hea.
7AE: 5anu 809 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Blue A7&A):
7OTES: other of -erseus$ 5anu or 5anae wasn't a %oddess$ !ut one
of many women =eus fell in )ove with. -osideidon offered 5anu safe
#assa%e across the sea to a far off land$ &n one le%end$ it is !elieved that
when she died =eus %ranted her eternal life on Olym#us. Another says
that she was s#irited far away to a land where the rest of her children
were Gods.
7AE: 5anu 8<9 1U)TU>E: 1eltic$ Gaelic SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ed
A7&A): Whale
7OTES: 5anu was the mother of the Sidhe$ the 1eltic Gods$ she was
said to come from a far off land. &n some so2called 1eltic ytholo%y$
5anu was the Wife of +u#iter$ !ut & think that was ,ust a com!ination of
coincidence and >oman conversion techni4ues.
7AE: 5anu 8F9 1U)TU>E: ;edic SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: other to the 5anavas$ the "!ad %uys" of the ;edas. The
7AE: 5emeter 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gold -)A7T:
7OTES: The Grain mother$ mother of -erse#hone.
7AE: 5iana 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: Blue(Silver
A7&A): 5eer
7OTES: )unar Goddess$ Artimis. sometimes Selene
7AE: 5iancecht 1U)TU>E: 1eltic$ mostly Gaelic SEB: 1O)O>:
White A7&A): Snake and 3ish.
7OTES: God of edicine.
7AE: 5ionysos 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: >ed -)A7T:
Gra#e$ A##le
7OTES: God of the 1ultivated ;ine.
7AE: 5umu.i 1U)TU>E: Summerian SEB: 1O)O>: 7one
-)A7T: 5ate -alm
7OTES: )ord of the arshes$ fertile land and the 5ate -alm. /us!and
of &nanna$ Thamu..
7AE: Ea 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: Blue(!lack
A7&A): Shark
7OTES: God of waters$ the A!yss.
7AE:El 1U)TU>E: -hoenician and(or 1anaanite 8A:9 SEB:
1O)O>: White A7&A): Bull
7OTES: 3ather of All Gods$ -ower of -owers$ Adon$ Adoni$ 1reator.
7AE: Enki 1U)TU>E: Summerian SEB: 1O)O>: Blue(Black
A7&A): 3ish
7AE: E#ona 1U)TU>E: Gallic SEB: 3 1O)O>: Brown(White
A7&A): /orse
7OTES: Goddess and #rotector of horses$ E#ona was ado#ted !y !oth
the >omans and the 1elts. She was said to choose a General !y
a##earin% as a white horse and leadin% him into !attle. One wonders if
7a#oleon knew this. 1ontrary to #o#ular !elief$ E#ona was a %oddess of
the 3rench 1elts 8the Gauls9 not the &rish 1elts 8the Gaels9.
7AE: Ereshki%al 1U)TU>E: Summerian SEB: 3 1O)O>: 7one
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: Allatu
7AE: Eros 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 7on 1O)O>: >ed A7&A):
7OTES: 1u#id or Amor$ See /erma#hrodite
7AE: Eshmun 1U)TU>E: -hoenician SEB: 1O)O>: Green
A7&A): Snake
7OTES: An early Askle#ius
7AE: 3lora 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: -ink -)A7T: All
7OTES: Goddess of flowers$ Beltane$ sometimes -erse#hone
7AE: 3ortuna 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: 7one A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of )uck$ Tyche.
7AE: 3rey,a 1U)TU>E: 7orse SEB: 3 1O)O>: White A7&A):
7OTES: )unar. Goddess of 3emale -ower$ celestial 4ueen$ warrior
women. General of the ;alkerie.
7AE: Gad 1U)TU>E: Syrian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: 3ortuna
7AE: Gaia(Gaea 1U)TU>E: Greek(7orse SEB: 3 1O)O>: Green
A7&A): All
7OTES: The Entity Terra$ #rotector of all non2human thin%s$ Earth
7AE: Ge! 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: Brown
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: Earth.
7AE: Geshtinanna 1U)TU>E: Summerian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Wine
-)A7T: Gra#e
7OTES: uch like 5ionysus$ #aired$ they make a wonderful duo to
#ray to when your vineyard is floodin%.
7AE: Gil!il 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: Oran%e
A7&A) )i.ard
7OTES: 3ire.
7AE: /ades 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: Black(?ellow
A7&A): /orse$ 5o%
7OTES: )ord of the underworld$ also a %od of honor and the cessation
of #ain.
7AE: /ecate 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of 1aves$ a%ick and the wanin% and new moon.
7AE: /era 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ed A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of arria%e$ retri!ution$ fair#lay$ fiery and
7AE: /erma#hrodite 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: Both 1O)O>: 7one
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: Eros$ !efore he was "toned down." The e*act union of the
Gods /ermes and A#hrodite$ a %od of #assion.
7AE: /estia 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Brown A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of the /earth$ /ome$ Watcher over children and
7AE: /orus 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): /awk
7OTES: Sun God$ ado#ted !y Greeks$ also %od of Time$ 5ivination and
7AE: /y#nos 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Blue -)A7T:
7OTES: See Somnus.
7AE: &nanna 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Green
-)A7T: 5ate -alm
7OTES: Great other$ All mother$ Goddess of )ove$ the oon$ 5ate
other$ &shtar.
7AE: &ndra 1U)TU>E: /indu SEB: 1O)O>: Blue A7&A):
7OTES: Guardian of /eaven.
7AE: &sis 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: All other$ Triformis.
7AE: &star(&shtar 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black
A7&A): )ion
7OTES: Goddess of War$ )ove and more.
7AE: +ovis 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: +u#iter.
7AE: +uno 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ed A7&A):
7OTES: /era.
7AE: +u#iter 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: )iterally "=eus -ater" 3ather =eus$ 3ather of Gods.
7AE: @ali 1U)TU>E: /indu SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: Black @ali$ 7emisis. -rotector of Women and Goddess of
1reation via destruction.
7AE: @erridwen 1U)TU>E: 1eltic(Welsh SEB: 3 1O)O>: ;aries
A7&A): All
7OTES: See 1erridwen
7AE: @i 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 3 1O)O>: 7one A7&A):
7OTES: Wife of Anu$ Earth$ Gaea.
7AE: )u%8h9 1U)TU>E: 1eltic es#. Gaelic SEB: 1O)O>: White
A7&A): )yn*
7OTES: God of +ustice.
7AE: aat 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of ven%eance and reward$ the fourth face.
7AE: arduk 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: White
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: @in% of the Gods.
7AE: ars 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Black$ >ed
A7&A):Bull$ Wolf
7OTES: Ares
7AE: ercurius 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: >ed
A7&A): /art$ 3alcon
7OTES: ercury$ )ord of children$ news$ also commerce$ ins#iration.
7AE: inerva 1U)TU>E: Etruscan SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gray
A7&A): Owl
7OTES: Athena
7AE: itha(itra(ithras 1U)TU>E:
/indu(-ersian(>oman(E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>:Gold A7&A):
7OTES: -rotector$ Warrior$ @ey of knowled%e. Sun God$ esta!lisher of
)aws. The celestial ne%otiator.
7AE: or#heus 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: ;iolet
-)A7T: -o##y
7OTES: )ord of 5reams$ also lord of #eace and inner si%ht.
7AE: orri%an$ The 1U)TU>E: 1eltic SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black
A7&A): >aven(1row
7OTES: The Battle >aven$ Goddess of War$ !oth for ,ustice and for
7AE: orri%u 1U)TU>E: Gaelic SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: See orri%an$ The.
7AE: 7emisis 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: The 3ourth 3ace of the Goddess$ 5is#enser of +ustice. &n
"aiden(other(1rone" !eliefs$ 7emisis is the 7ew oon$ while
/ecate is the wanin% moon. &t's interestin% to note that most tri#le
%oddesses include 7emisis 8the new moon9 !ut never mention her$ as if
that could kee# her from noticin% the little !its of Bad @arma we
7AE: 7e#thys 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black
A7&A): 1at
7OTES: Goddess of 1hild!irth$ #rotector of idwifes
7AE: 7e#tune 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Blue
A7&A): 5ol#hin
7OTES: See -oseidon
7AE: 7uadu 1U)TU>E: 1eltic SEB: 1O)O>: Silver A7&A):
7OTES: The 5ivine 3ather. /e of the Silver arm.
7AE: 7uit 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: See 7ut
7AE: 7ut 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of the 7i%ht$ Stars$ All mother.
7AE: Odin 1U)TU>E: 7orse SEB: 1O)O>: White A7&A):
7OTES: The lord of male chan%es...1hild...lover...hus!and...father...
7AE: Orma.d 1U)TU>E: -ersian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: See Ahura a.da
7AE: Osiris 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>: Silver
A7&A): /awk
7OTES: The former kin%$ Star kin%$ he who was$ lord of the Afterworld
7AE: -an(-an e%as 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: Black
A7&A): Satyr
7OTES: God of se*uality and freedom$ also late childhood.
7AE: -erse#hone 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: >ose -)A7T:
7OTES: Goddess of S#rin% and Winter$ Goddess of 3lowers
7AE: -luto 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Black A7&A):
7OTES: See /ades
7AE: -oseidon 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: Blue A7&A):
7OTES: )ord of the Seas.
7AE: -ra,a#ati 1U)TU>E: ;edic SEB: 1O)O>: 7one
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: All father$ successor to ;aruna
7AE: -syche 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: ;iolet A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of intellect$ innocence$ #erfect love. )ust tem#ered
into love$ later Goddess of ES- and mental #owers
7AE: >a 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: Sun God$ he who incarnates as the )ord of )ords
7AE: >hea 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: Brown A7&A):
7OTES:>e#laced Gaea$ later ado#ted the characteristics of 1y!ele
7AE: Selene 1U)TU>E: Ancient Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Blue
A7&A): none
7OTES: Ancient Goddess of otherhood and the full moon
7AE: Shamash 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
7OTES: Sun God
7AE: Silvanus 1U)TU>E: Gaullic SEB: 1O)O>: White
7OTES: The 3ather Wolf$ hunter su#reme and all2around %ood %uy.
3ather God.
7AE: Siva(Shiva 1U)TU>E: /indu SEB: 8or 7O79 1O)O>: >ed
7OTES: The 5estroyer$ one who destroys to create
7AE: Somus 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: >ed
7OTES: God of Slee# and healin%
7AE: Sucellus 1U)TU>E: Gaulic SEB: 1O)O>: Gray A7&A):
7OTES: The )one Wolf$ The >ava%er
7AE: Tanit 1U)TU>E: 1artha%inian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Silver
A7&A): /art
7OTES: Artemis
7AE: Thamu.(Tamu. 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 1O)O>:
Green -)A7T: 5ate -alm
7OTES: /us!and of &shtar$ A ale -erse#hone
7AE: Thanatos 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): 7one
7OTES: God of the actual death #rocess.
7AE: Themis 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of ,ustice$ ins#irer of )aws. -a%an -atron Goddess of
the USA
7AE: Thor 1U)TU>E: 7orse SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: God of Storms$ +ustice$ mines and war$ #rotector of the
common man from the fury of his !rethren
7AE: Thoth 1U)TU>E: E%y#tian SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
7OTES: God of s#irit$ num!ers$ the scholar.
7AE: Tiamat 1U)TU>E: Ba!alonian SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): 5ra%on
7OTES: 5ra%on of 1haos$ !rin%er of Salt Water.
7AE: Triformis 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB:3$3$3 1O)O>: Gold
-)A7T: Trillium
7OTES: The Tri#le Goddess. Also used to descri!e 8incorrectly9
7AE: Ty#hon 1U)TU>E: Greek SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: Set
7AE: Tyr 1U)TU>E: 7orse SEB: 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: The Warrior %od$ God of total ,ustice and fair #lay.
7AE: ;aruna 1U)TU>E: /indu(;edic SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): >am
7OTES: /i%h God of the ;edas
7AE: ;enus 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: A#hrodite
7AE: ;esta 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 3 1O)O>: Gold A7&A):
7OTES: Goddess of 3ire$ kee#er of the sacred flame.
7AE: ;ishnu 1U)TU>E: /indu(;edic SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
A7&A): 3ish
7OTES: All 3ather$ lord of oceans.
7AE: ;ulcanus 1U)TU>E: >oman SEB: 1O)O>: Gold
7OTES: 3ire$ volcanoes$ later smithin% and steel.
7AE: Wodan 1U)TU>E: German SEB: 1O)O>: Gray
A7&A): Wolf
7OTES: ;aried$ !ut mostly a com!ination of Odin and Sylvanus
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section L:/oliday and )unar >eci#es

/O)&5A? >E1&-ES
The 3ollowin% are some of the !est reci#es for the holidays. any of the
3oods are traditional$ some are not. &t is 4uite Eclectic. There are few
dairy #roducts !ecause my life#artner and & !oth cannot "do" milk
#roducts !eyond small 4uantities. Where almond "milk" is called for$
an e4ual amount of re%ular milk may !e used$ soy milks may !e too
thin$ so e*#eriment with a lesser amount.


Early S#rin% reci#es include those thin%s with youn% her!s$ s#routs and
seeds$ like /er! Bread$ Granola uffins$ S#rin% >ice and )emon2
-o##y Seed 1u#cakes
Green /er! Bread:
7o animal #roducts
7o refined su%ar
1ontains yeast
0 0(< cu# white flour
0(< cu# oatmeal
0 cu# whole wheat flour
0 0(F cu# hot !ut not !oilin% water
0 ta!les#oon each youn% shoots of: dill$ tarra%on$ #arsley$ chives$
sa%e8can !e made with %rown$ dry her!s$ !ut allow them to rehydrate in
an e4ual amount of hot water.9
0(< teas#oon each %round$ dried:
>osemary$ Savory
5ash salt or 0 #inch dried$ #owdered kel#
0 #acket of yeast
< ta!les#oons ve%eta!le shortenin% or F ta!les#oons almond !utter.

i* to%ether the flours and oatmeal$ let sit. 1om!ine in a small #an the
shortenin%$ her!s$ salt and water$ heat to hot !ut not !oilin%$ add yeast
and stir ra#idly$ removin% from heat. mi* into dry in%redients and !eat
with a !read kneader$ %loved hand or thick wooden s#oon. 1over
li%htly$ then let rise FD minutes to an in a warm area or an oven that was
heated to <DDS3 and turned off twenty minutes !efore.

-at down dou%h and i* a%ain$ %rease a loaf #an or a round cake #an.
-lace dou%h into #an and let rise FD minutes.

/eat oven to FGES3$ !rush to# of loaf with a small amount of oil$ then
s#rinkle with oats$ and a few !its of dried her!s. Bake until loaf is
%olden and sounds hollow when softly thum#ed with a wooden s#oon.
Granola uffins:
1ontains animal #roducts
1ontains a ready2made in%redient
7o refined su%ars
0 0(< cu#s flour8 a mi* of white and whole wheat with a dash of oat!ran
is the !est9
0 cu# %ranola 8we used a low fat %ranola with free.e dried ras#!erries.9
0(F cu# wheat %erm 8o#tional$ we used a commercially #re#ared honey
roasted version9
J ta!les#oons !akin% #owder
0(< cu# ve%eta!le oil
0(< cu# almond "milk" or lowfat milk
0 lar%e e%% or two ounces e%% su!stitute
0 cu# dried or fresh fruit 8with a little !it of su%ar if it is "sour"9
0(F cu# oran%e or clover honey$ or similar "li%ht" honey
1om!ine dry in%redients in a !owl or !a%$ com!ine wet(moist
in%redients in a !owl. Slowly add dry to wet$ addin% more milk if the
!atter is too sticky. &t should !e thick$ sticky !atter. S#oon into 0<
muffin cu#s and !ake in an oven that has !een #reheated to JDDS 3 for
a!out fifteen minutes. These !urn very easily$ so remove them from #an
at once:
S#rin% >ice:
7o animal #roducts
F cu#s hot cooked rice$ es#. a mi*ture of rices
0 cu# each cooked carrots$ corn$ yellow s4uash and red #e##ers diced
dash salt
< ta!les#oons ve%eta!le ,uice.
1om!ine all in%redients$ mi* and serve$ %reat made with leftovers.
)emon2#o##y seed cu#cakes:
Uses commercial #re#arations and animal #roducts.
-re#ared lemon cake mi*
-re#ared lemon frostin%
<(F cu# #o##y seeds$ soaked in hot water and allowed to sit overni%ht
more #o##y seeds
3ollow the mi*es' directions $ addin% the strained <(F cu#s #o##y seeds
with the other in%redients$ and !ake as #er the instructions for
cu#cakes. 3rost cooled cu#cakes and s#rinkle li%htly with dried

Summer solstice cele!rations are often held outside and includes feasts
of the first fruits. 3ruit salads are #retty self2e*#lanatory$ !ut this reci#e
com!ines mini2tarts$ starfruit and straw!erries$ and #ulls it off with
only ten minutes in the oven.
Summer Solstice Tarts:
Uses commercially #re#ared #re#arations.
0< mini tart shells for !akin%
0 can straw!erry #ie fillin%
0 starfruit sliced into 0< thin star #ieces.
3ill shells with fillin%$ !ake in a FDDS3 oven for ei%ht to ten minutes.
1hill$ to# with starfruit
. Guacamole
7o animal #roducts
7o su%ars
8 a little non2traditional$ !ut Wiccans and tortilla chi#s are inse#ara!le$
so we use a !ri%ht avocado di# in our Summer solstice feast.9
F avocados$ #eeled and mashed$ use two very ri#e mashed and one semi2
ri#e$ diced for !est te*ture.
< diced tomatoes or E diced >oma tomatoes
0 lar%e sweet onion$ diced
0 ta!les#oon finely diced %arlic
0(< red !ell #e##er$ diced.
=est of one lime
cayenne and ,ala#eno #e##er to taste.
i* all in%redients$ chill.

&n our #art of the country$ the Autumnal E4uino* is the a##le harvest$
so our reci#es are #acked full of A##les:
/ome !rewed A##le Sauce:
7o animal #roducts
>efined su%ars
P a##les$ #eeled$ #ared and diced.
0 cu# water
0(F cu# >EA) ma#le syru#$ and if you use "#ancake syru#" this will
taste ,ust awful$ so don't !lame me.
0 ta!les#oon %round cinnamon
0(< teas#oon %round nutme%
0 teas#oon %round cloves
1om!ine all in%redients in sauce#an and heat slowly$ mi*in% until sauce
te*ture. Serve warm$ #refera!ly over a %ood 3rench vanilla fro.en
yo%urt. 8>BST free$ of course:9
ulled 1ider: 7o animal #roducts
1om!ine in a cheese cloth 1innamon sticks$ lemon #eel$ anise$ #ieces of
vanilla !ean$ cloves and alls#ice so that the mi*ture e4uals a!out 0(J
cu# #er %allon of cider. 8%o easy on the cloves.9 tie off the cheese cloth
and toss into a #ot full of cider$ heat to ,ust !oilin%$ then let sit several
minutes. Serve warm

We narrowed this down to two reci#es$ !ut ?ule reci#es are numerous. &
must thank )ady artia of Bell 1oven for the first reci#e and enou%h
fro.en cran!erries to make a!out fifty loaves:.
Bell 1oven 1ran!erry )oaves
Uses refined su%ar
Animal #roducts
0 0(< cu#s cran!erries
0 cu# su%ar
0(J cu# ve%eta!le oil
0(J cu# almond "milk"
0 0(< ts#. vanilla
J e%% whites 8add a #inch of food colorin% for "yellow" !read9
0 0(< cu#s whole wheat(white flour mi*ture
0 ts#. !akin% soda
0(< ts#. !akin% #owder
0 ts#. cinnamon
dash %round clove
F(J cu# cho##ed walnuts
1om!ine in%redients$ #our into %reased and floured loaf #an. Bake one
hour in a FEDS3 oven. Serve warm with !utter.
8This is the cookie ty#e of Gin%er!read$ not the soft kind.9
7o animal #roducts
>efined su%ars
0(F cu# !rown su%ar
< t!s. honey
0(J cu# shortenin%
F(J cu# dark molasses
0(J cu# water
0 teas#oon vanilla
< cu#s whole wheat flour
0 0(< cu#s white flour
0 teas#oon !akin% soda
< teas#oons %in%er
dash salt
0 teas#oon each: Alls#ice$ 1loves$ 1innamon$ %round.
i* su%ar$ shortenin%$ honey$ molasses$ vanilla and water. add other
in%redients$ usin% hands to mi* them 8this is really sticky stuff9 scra#e
off hands$ cover$ refri%erate for at least one hour$ !etter if left
overni%ht. in an oven heated to FEDT roll dou%h 0(J inch thick and cut
into sha#es$ #lace on %reased cookie sheet for 0D20P minutes 8de#ends on
whether you want them /A>5 or kind of soft.9 5ecorate.


3lower cake: 1ommercial -re#arations
>efined Su%ars
Animal -roducts
Take a re%ular white dou!le layer cake$ frost with white frostin%. Use a
#aint!rush to s#read e%% white or thinned honey on edi!le flowers and
leaves$ and small !erries$ di# in su#erfine %ranulated su%ar. Use the
leaves$ flowers and !erries to create a #entacle on to# of the cake$ #ut a
votive candle in the center.
1onfetti cookies: 7o animal #roducts
>efined su%ars
0 0(< cu#s #owdered su%ar
0 cu# ve%eta!le shortenin%.
0 teas#oon vanilla
0 teas#oon lemon or almond e*tract.
0 ta!les#oon honey
< F(J cu# white flour
0 teas#oon !akin% soda
0 teas#oon cream of tartar
ulticolored su%ars$ s#rinkles(,immies$ and cut u#(crushed candies
i* all in%redients e*ce#t to##in%$ refri%erate overni%ht.
/eat oven to FGES3 #re#are as %in%er!read$ a!ove$ !ut decorate
BE3O>E addin% to the oven and don't cook more than P minutes. 5on't
allow these cookies to turn !rown.
Beltane -unch: 7o animal #roducts
>eady2made in%redients
7o refined su%ars e*ce#t in soda
< ta!les#oons honey dissolved in 0(< cu# hot water$ cooled
0(< cu# lemon ,uice
0 4uart oran%e ,uice
0 liter s#arklin% water.
0 liter lemon2lime soda
1om!ine$ serve cold with fro.en straw!erries in the mi*ture.
Beltane is !est cele!rated with fresh fruits and ve%eta!les$ for which no
reci#es are needed.

Golden Grain !read 7o animal #roducts
7o refined su%ar
1ontains yeast
0 0(< cu#s white flour
0 ta!les#oon honey
dash salt
0(J teas#oon !akin% soda
0 #acka%e yeast
0 0(< cu# very warm water
0 cu# wheat flour
F(J cu# wheat %erm$ 8#refera!ly a honey roasted variety9
0(< cu# &rish oatmeal 8or re%ular old fashioned oatmeal.9
0 ta!les#oon corn meal
5issolve honey into hot water. Add yeast$ mi* ra#idly. Add flour$ salt$
!akin% soda. !eat with a solid !eater or wooden s#oon until com#letely
com!ined. 1om!ine all other in%redients until you have a thick !atter.
&f too sticky$ add more flour. Beat well$ then divide into two loaves.
-lace in %reased loaf #ans$ s#rinkle to# with a little cornmeal$ wheat
%erm and oatmeal. )et rise for one half hour. Bake in a JDDT oven for <E
minutes or until %olden. >emove from #an while hot.
1orn !read
Animal #roducts
7o refined su%ar
This is a ?ankee ,ourney !read$ su##osedly !ased on a reci#e from a
friend's Bostonian ancestress$ wife of an im#orter. The cayenne is my
addition$ to "fi*" the lesser 4uality #a#rika we receive u# north$ which
is more color than flavor.
< cu#s cornmeal
< ta!les#oons #a#rika
0 teas#oon #arsley
0 ta!les#oon finely minced onion
0(< cu# finely shredded carrot
0(J teas#oon shredded cheese
0 cu# cut corn
0(J cu# flour
5ash cayenne
0(J cu# mar%arine or !utter
< cu#s #lain yo%urt$ sour milk or !uttermilk
< teas#oons !akin% #owder
0 teas#oon honey
dash salt
0(< teas#oon !akin% soda
< e%%s
Grease an oven2safe skillet 8or an PBPB< s4uare9 mi* all in%redients
very well$ #our into skillet$ !ake <E minutes or until well !rowned 8a
little lon%er in a s4uare #an.9 at JEDT

Samhain #unch:
7o animal #roducts
7o refined su%ar
8this is a variation on San%ria that Tamryn !rin%s us every Samhain.9
0 4uart each dandelion or %ra#efruit wine and dry red wine 8or < 4uarts
dry red.9
0 0<o.. concentrated oran%e ,uice$ thawed.
0 0(< cu# lemon ,uice.
1ho##ed citrus fruit$ straw!erries and cherries
1om!ine all in%redients$ let sit 0(< hour.$ serve with ice 8dry ice for a
"s#ooky" #unch.9 Try a mi*ture of cran!erry and %ra#efruit ,uice for a
non2alcoholic variation. This #unch is the e*act color of autumn leaves$
and the ancestors like it. As Tamryn says 8when it comes out ri%ht9 Even
your dead %reat %randmother will like this #unch:
+ack o'lantern !read
Animal #roducts
>efined su%ar
?ou know that strin%y #um#kin stuffA The inner %unk you remove
when you are makin% a ,ack o lanternA The Stuff your mother always
said was uselessA Well$ #rove her wron%:
To #re#are #um#kin "hair":
>emove seeds$ com!ine in a lar%e sauce #an all the #um#kin %oo$ e*tra
#ieces of #um#kin meat$ an e4ual amount of water$ and three
ta!les#oons ma#le syru# 8add nutme%$ if desired9
/eat to a !oil$ then simmer for one hour or until no water remains.
5rain into a cheese cloth or small holed colander$ !ut don't s4uee.e.
easure out three cu#s of the stuff. 3ree.e the rest . To this$ com!ine:
0 0(< cu# su%ar
0(< cu# ve%eta!le oil
0 ta!les#oon vanilla
J e%%s
< cu#s flour
0 cu# wheat flour
< teas#oons !akin% soda
0 teas#oon cinnamon
0(< teas#oon cloves
0(< teas#oon Alls#ice
0(< teas#oon 7utme%
0(< teas#oon !akin% #owder
5ash salt
1om!ine all in%redients$ add flours last. -our into < %reased loaf #ans.
Bake one hour in a FEDT3 oven$ #lace #ans into refri%erator for five
minutes$ then remove loaves from #ans and let cool.
-um#kin seed
7o animal #roducts
7o refined su%ar
&n a lar%e rectan%ular !akin% dish dissolve 0 ta!les#oon salt into 0 cu#
water. Add enou%h #um#kin seeds to ,ust cover !ottom of #an. Allow to
sit in a <EDT3 oven for 0 hour$ or until all water is %one$ turn oven u# to
JDDT roast E minutes$ shake$ roast a few minutes more. >u! roasted seed
with #a#er towels to catch e*tra salt..

&m!olc is the mea%er feast$ the time when stores are at their lowest.
any of these in%redients are often "lyin% around."
Oatmeal cookies Animal #roducts
>efined Su%ar
0 cu# !rown su%ar
0(< cu# shortenin%
0(< teas#oon !akin% soda
0 teas#oon cinnamon
0(< teas#oon vanilla
0(J teas#oon !akin% #owder
dash salt
0 e%%
0 0(< cu#s oatmeal
0 cu# flour
0 cu# raisins or chocolate chi#s. 8or chocolate covered raisins9
1om!ine all in%redients and dro# teas#oonfuls onto li%htly %reased
cookie sheet. Bake at FGET for 0D minutes or until firmish and %olden.
Allow to sit at least one half hour on a wa*2#a#er covered counterto#.
art's ?ankee ;ariation:
Su!stitute 0(< cu# white su%ar and 0(< cu# !rown su%ar for the !rown
su%ar$ add 0(J teas#oon %in%er and 0(< cu# each dried$ sweetened
cran!erries and !lue!erries instead of raisins.
Snow cakes
Animal #roducts
>efined Su%ar
1ommercial in%redients.
0 White 1ake mi*$ #re#ared
0 white frostin%
0 #acka%e shredded coconut
0 small #acka%e slivered almonds
-re#are white cu#cakes as directed !y mi*$ addin% 0(< cu# coconut to
the mi*. 3rost$ di# frosted to#s in !owl of shredded coconut to#
cu#cakes with small !its of almonds. A variation on this uses White
"chocolate" with almonds$ finely %rated$ instead of coconut.
1ircle of li%ht cake:
Uses 1ommercial in%redients.
-re#are any rin% cake as directed on #acka%e$ #lace thirteen candles
alon% the cake 8ta#ers$ not !irthday candles9 li%ht !efore servin%.
)unar reci#es:

Any reci#e can !e a lunar reci#e$ ,ust make it round. The followin% are
two citrusy favorites for oon 1eremonies.
)o%an's )unar )emon 1ookies:
Animal #roducts
>efined su%ar
F cu#s #owdered su%ar
< cu#s unsalted !utter
0 teas#oon vanilla
0 0(< teas#oon lemon e*tract
< e%%s
J cu#s flour
< teas#oons cream of tartar
i* and !ake as directed in confetti cookies$ a!ove$ usin% moon cookie
cutters. Once cool$ %la.e with the followin%:
<(F cu# !utter
J cu#s #owdered su%ar
0(< teas#oon vanilla
0 ta!les#oon lemon e*tract.
.est of one lemon
lemon ,uice
/eat !utter in a sauce #an until melted$ slowly add su%ar$ vanilla$ lemon
e*tract and the .est of one lemon. Add lemon ,uice in ta!les#oons until a
thick sou#y consistency. 5ri..le on to# of cookies.
-entacle variation: 1ut cookies into circles Add less lemon ,uice$
creatin% a sou#y "frostin%" frost cookies$ then draw #entacles with
another color 8& like !lue9 of commercial decoratin% frostin%.
)unar )emon(limeade:
7o animal #roducts
>efined su%ar
< 4uarts cold water
F(J cu# su%ar
< cu#s lemon or lime ,uice 8or a com!ination of !oth9
5issolve su%ar in ,uice$ com!ine with water$ stir well.
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section 0D:Tarot

Tarot is a method of intros#ection !ased on the inter#retation of several
cards #laced in any num!er of #ositions and orders. While Tarot is used
!y many #racticin% Wiccans$ it is not inherently Wiccan. &t has also
!een used !y #sycholo%ists and teachers of many and varied reli%ions. &t
is used !y enou%h ma%ickal #eo#le to warrant a discussion of it here.

Tarot is used several different ways !ased on several different decks$
!ut the s#read &'ve %iven here is how & was tau%ht to read tarot. &
haven't detailed the lesser Arcana !ecause inter#retations of the lesser
Arcana are vastly different from deck to deck and #erson to #erson. The
lesser Arcana are the most su!,ective #art of a very su!,ective
intros#ection tool. & wouldn't #resume for a moment to !e a!le to %ive
an inclusive list of sym!ols for two reasons$ first$ this isn't su##osed to
!e a !ook a!out how to read Tarot ,ust like @at$ and second$ !ecause
the way & define the lesser Arcana is #art of my #ersonal !elief system$
somethin% my teachers told me to %o fi%ure out for myself.
The acor%an S#read uses thirteen cards$ in the followin% order:

0. This card is the Self or the Si%nificator. This re#resents the total
#erson$ the com!ination of environment$ attitude and everythin% that
com!ines to form a !ein%.
<. This re#resents the Will$ which is the force or ener%y of a #erson$ that
which fuels the desires and needs a #erson has.
F$J: 3our is covered !y three without turnin% it over until after three is
descri!ed. Three re#resents that which seems ideal to you at this time.
3our is the /idden &deal$ that which your Will hides from you.
E$6 Si* is covered as four$ a!ove. 3ive is your 3orce$ your Stren%th$ the
skills you have which you may #erceive. Si* is the /idden Stren%th.
G. This is your #resent environment$ the forces at work ri%ht now in
your Universe.
P. This is the a##roachin% environment$ the forces !e%innin% to show
L. This is one of two forces develo#in% in the future$ usually a force
which underlies the other$ the force causin% the ne*t to come into #lay.
0D. This is the other of these forces$ and #otentially a #ro!lem caused !y
the first.
00. This is a ha.ard$ from the #ast$ #resent or immediate future that will
#revent you from achievin% your %oal.
0<. This is the outcome of your attem#t if the current situations remain
0F. This is the outcome if you make a situational chan%e.
O#tional: -ro%ression s#read: after readin%$ take 0< and 0F and
reshuffle. )ay 0< to the left and draw five cards$ layin% them$ sli%htly
overla##in%$ left to ri%ht. End with card 0F. The cards !etween
re#resent the ste#s from 0< to 0F.
A)) 1A>5S A>E -)A1E5 U->&G/T T/E>E &S 7O ">E;E>SE5"
&f #ossi!le$ leave a !lank card in the deck. This means "no data
availa!le at this time"

T/E SE)3 A75 T/E W&)):
2Trum#s 8cards D2<09 in the self 809 #osition: This re#resents an intense
emotional attachment to the %oal in 4uestion$ or intense feelin%s.
2When the Self and Will #ositions !oth have Trum#s$ it re#resents
stron% internal forces. 2When only the Self !ears a Trum# it indicates a
mind(Will ruled !y the -hysical needs of the !ody.
2When only the Will !ears a trum# it re#resents a !ody ruled !y wants
and non2#hysical needs.
2Wands in one$ 1u#s in the other or Swords in one$ -entacles in the
other: The Will and the Self are diametrically o##osed and the ener%y
e*#ended 8and ha.ards e*#ressed at this time9 should !e channeled
towards harmony.
2a%ician or /i%h -riestess in one$ Ace in the other: An element runs
the risk of distur!in% your harmony.
2a%ician and /i%h -riestess To%ether: a,or mystical events comin%
into #lay$ or rulin% one's life.
2A!ove$ 3ool in card 0F or twelve: This is the s#read of Ascensions$
%reater and lesser.
2@in% or Queen in Will$ lesser of same suit in Self: The Self is ruled !y
the Will$ this is #refera!le to the o##osite$ which indicates a dama%ed
2@in% or Queen in Will$ different suit$ not trum# in Self: ?ou are not
servin% yourself.
2Two @in%s or two Queens: ?ou are servin% two outside interests$
instead of aidin% yourself.
2@in% and Queen$ different suits: a!ove$ !ut with the #otential for
eanin% of Trum# 1ards:
D: The 3ool: An andro%ynous fi%ure is so !esotted with the universe he
does not notice he is a!out to ste# off of a cliff. At his feet$ a do% tries to
%et his attention. The 3ool re#resents !lissful i%norance and
"stum!lin%" into drastic chan%e. &t is im#ulse$ the id. When it a##ears
as a stren%th or ideal$ it re#resents the a!ility to hand over the Self to
3aith$ Will or another %reater #ower$ sort of like those cartoon
characters. The fool$ havin% never studied )aw is unaffected !y the )aw
of %ravity. As a ha.ard or difficulty$ the fool re#resents an over2
de#endence on faith and the tendency to focus too intensely on one
thin%$ for%ettin% a!out the im#ortance of )ife.
0. The a%ician: Within a %arden of red and white flowers: 8-urity and
Sacrifice9 the a%e is master of his environment and his Will. /is
im#lements of mastery are laid !efore him. This card re#resents )o%ical
stren%th$ a con4uest over the mathematic and #redicta!le$ althou%h the
a%e finds #redicta!ility in what others call "1haos" &t is the force
within the mirror$ fully ca#a!le of !ein% released$ !ut at what #riceA &t
is force$ the E%o. As a stren%th or ideal$ the a%e is a card of control of
the Self$ an a!ility to end #hysical #ain in oneself or others$ di#lomacy
and the a!ility to com#romise !etween work and faith or differin%
faiths. The a%e is unlimited in the tools he uses. As a ha.ard or
difficulty the a%e re#resents a force difficult to overcome without
!ecomin% a reflection of what he is. /e re#resents an ali%nment of
numerous forces a%ainst you.
<. The /i%h -riestess: A woman sits on a throne$ her ro!es the water of
the universe. Behind her we see a %arden of feminine flowers in the color
of sacredness 8saffron9 and sacrifice 8red9 She is surrounded !y the
sym!ols of many of man's reli%ions$ a #riestess who outranks all of the
cler%y of man. This card re#resents ysteries ke#t that way on #ur#ose$
wisdom$ science and the reli%ions of humankind. As an ideal or
stren%th$ she is control of the Will$ of the su#ere%o$ the a!ility to end
emotional(s#iritual #ain and moral dilemma. She re#resents the a!ility
to tie all reli%ion and ethic into Universal Truths. As a ha.ard or
difficulty$ the /i%h -riestess re#resents an ideal your enemy or ne%ative
environment will u#hold you to$ she re#resents a universal disa##roval
of an action or event you are res#onsi!le for.
F.The Em#ress: 3eminine and maternal$ the em#ress$ ri#e with child$
8althou%h not always #ortrayed that way9 sits comforta!ly in a field of ri#e
wheat$ the river of life !ehind her. /er la# !eckons one like a child$ she
will love re%ardless of what you have done. This is the card of maternity$
of matriarchy and female #ower. As an ideal or stren%th$ she is the
a!ility to co#e with #ain$ as in child!irth$ !ut she also is the %iver of
comfort and warmth. A celestial "ommy$" she re#resents fruition !ut
also the fear of inevita!le. As a ha.ard$ she is over#rotectiveness$ fear$
unwanted truth.
J. The Em#eror: Seated on a throne of cold stone$ the em#eror rules over
rou%h lands where stren%th is the key to victory. The em#eror re#resents
a sacred father fi%ure$ the %iver of #unishments and rewards. /e is the
man who sets you on 4uests$ and rewards you for their com#letion$ !ut
he also #unishes you for failure. As an ideal or stren%th$ he is hi%h
values and the a!ility to u#hold them$ !ut also ,ud%ment. As a ha.ard
or difficulty$ the em#eror is action !efore study and shar#$ 4uick
E. The /iero#hant: Em#eror and arch#riest$ the /iero#hant is truly the
master of !oth domains$ !ut his servants$ #urity and sacrifice$ are also
%uardians$ waitin% for the moment he sli#s so he can !e overthrown. The
/iero#hant is the card of 1lerical duties$ of service to duty !eyond self.
As an ideal or stren%th he is ascendancy to a seat of #ower$ !ut also
re#resents marria%e$ memorial and other "clerical duties." &t may also
indicate a rulin% that needs to !e made. As a ha.ard or difficulty he is
societal ,ud%ment$ kindness with hidden motives and loathin% of
6. The )overs: A man and a woman stand in #aradise$ receivin% the
!lessin% of an an%el. This card re#resents new !e%innin%s and #urity of
values. As an ideal or stren%th The )overs re#resent harmony$ an end
to sufferin% and a control$ throu%h #artnershi#8s9 of one's domain As a
ha.ard or difficulty$ the )overs re#resent tem#tation and fall from
G.The 1hariot: A man$ #ossi!ly A#ollo$ is lifted from the 1ity of The Gods
on a 1hariot #ulled !y two s#hin*es$ one !lack$ one white$ the river of life
flows !eneath him$ !ut he is untouched !y it. The 1hariot is a card of
male youth$ of vi%or$ stamina and se*ual #rowess$ !ut also of slavery
8note the S#hin*es9 and war. As an ideal or stren%th$ The 1hariot
re#resents vi%or and luck$ #hysical #rowess and an e*treme force of
Will. A Will that can !e a!used. As a ha.ard or difficulty$ The 1hariot
re#resents a nearly un!eata!le adversary$ which may !e one's one self.
P:Stren%th:A female fi%ure of #ower and #urity tames a lion. Stren%th is a
card of #ower over adversity$ of coura%e and hidden stren%th. &t is often
the stren%th of 3aith and the soul. As an ideal or stren%th$ Stren%th
re#resents coura%e and immediacy$ the a!ility to act at once. &t
re#resents #ower and the effective channelin% of an%er. As a ha.ard or
5ifficulty$ Stren%th re#resents the a!ility of the foe$ !ut also a!use of
ener%y$ fear$ weakness or strife.
L: The /ermit: >ather than %rowin% fruitful as the Em#eror$ The /ermit
re#resents the a%e %rown old and !itter in his #ower. This card$
althou%h male$ is the 1ard of /ecate$ the crone of Triformis. &t
re#resents wasted youth$ !itterness$ cruelty and a %eneral withdrawal
from society. As a stren%th or ideal this card re#resents caution$
intros#ection and the a!ility to withdraw from one's surroundin%s$ !ut
warns of the result of too much internali.ation. As a ha.ard or
difficulty$ The /ermit re#resents a lack of inter#ersonal skills$ sterility$
treason on the #art of a close friend or ally 8es#ecially em!e..lement.9
This card is also )e$ so watch your #urse strin%s. The /ermit is
the card of !ureaucracy$ so !eware #a#erwork.
0D: The Wheel of 3ortune: A mystical seal$ surrounded !y animals of
theolo%y and ytholo%y. The Wheel of 3ortune re#resents the turnin% of
the year$ the inevita!le and the force of karma. As a stren%th or ideal$
this re#resents %ood luck$ the a!ility to come 'round ri%ht after any
trial$ and success$ des#ite #ro!lems$ of an endeavor. As a ha.ard or
difficulty it re#resents a swin% of the #endulum descri!ed in /ermetic
-hiloso#hy a swin% that is im#ossi!le or near im#ossi!le to duck. &t is
truly a card of forces ali%nin% a%ainst you.
00: +ustice: A andro%ynous fi%ure in red ro!es 8sacrifice9 carries the tools
of Themis. This is the card of ,ustice and law$ of !ias and rules and of
hierarchy. As a stren%th or ideal$ +ustice re#resents duty$ honor and
law. &t is the card of #olitics and the courtroom$ of success in le%al
endeavors and thin%s that are ri%ht and fair. As a ha.ard or difficulty$
+ustice re#resents a #endin% lawsuit$ a!use of the law or the inevita!le
result of !reakin% it.
0<: The /an%ed an: Sus#ended from a tree !y his ri%ht ankle$ a man
%lows with sacred ener%y. This is the card of self2sacrifice$ self2inflicted
trial and the study of any demandin% art. As a stren%th or ideal$ this
card re#resents the a!ility to rely on one's intuition and #ower$ #ower
%ained !y self2 sacrifice and stru%%le. As a ha.ard or difficulty this
re#resents an u#comin% test or stru%%le and(or a difference of o#inion
from the #u!lic.
0F: 5eath: A skeleton fi%ure rides an al!ino horse into com!at$ !earin%
the five #etaled rose$ in the distance a ferry carries #eo#le to the afterlife.
/e has slain the kin%$ and now a #riest$ stren%th and a child !e% for
mercy. &n the distance$ the sun rises 8or sets9 !ehind stone %ates. This is
the card of chan%e$ of re!irth !ut also of stru%%le. &t is card of the
hidden rulin% force overtakin% the fi%urehead$ of 1hurch over state$
-a%anism over 1hristianity and science over faith. This card reminds us
that death is the end result of all endeavors. As a stren%th or ideal this is
drastic chan%e$ an alterin% from a #olitical to a s#iritual lifestyle or ,ust
death. As a ha.ard or difficulty this may actually si%nify death or
sickness$ !ut also inertia and sta%nation if chan%e is #revented.
0J: Tem#erance: An an%el #ours water from the river of life from cu# to
cu#$ never s#illin% a dro#. This is the card of moderation$ of
mana%ement and mediation. Of solution des#ite itself. As a stren%th or
ideal this is a call for consideration and moderation$ a #lea for
tem#erance and the knowled%e that it is #ossi!le. As a ha.ard or
difficulty$ this reflects the ina!ility to feel #assion$ a lack of Will and
!lind faith or total lack of faith.
0E:The 5evil: The cou#le from The )overs is chained to the throne of a
demonic fi%ure !ased on the +udeo21hristian devil. &t !ears !etween its
horns the reversed #entacle$ the sym!ol of ale divinity. The lovers are
horned now$ and while chained$ they could easily sli# the chains$ if they
wished to. This card is the reverse of the )overs$ what some see the
)overs as. &t re#resents i%norance$ assum#tion$ Witch2huntin% and the
#ersecution of #eo#le !ased on reli%ion. As a stren%th or ideal$ The
5evil re#resents effort a%ainst incredi!le odds$ !elief in the Self des#ite
the #o#ular vote. As a ha.ard or difficulty it is #ersecution$ #ain$
infliction of reli%ion that doesn't !elon% to you$ and ne%ative #u!lic
06:The Tower: The 3orces of The Gods destroy the Works of man in a
3iery dis#lay of -ower. This is the one truly misera!le card in the deck$
there is no other with so little %ood to say. This is the card of @arma$ the
kind that !o#s you u#side the head when you're not lookin% and ruins
your life. As a stren%th or ideal: &dealAA Stren%thAAA This is the Tower::
>uin$ isery. There is no ideal here !eyond a chance to survive. As a
ha.ard or difficulty: )ook Out: >ou%h road ahead. The Tower is
calamity$ im#risonment and death. 1an you say ").A. when The Bi%
One hitsA"
0G: The 8fallen9 Star: Unclothed in her s#arklin% %arments$ the Star #ours
water on the %round and into the river of life. This is the card of runnin%
yourself ra%%ed$ of loss and #ain !ut also a chance to return to one's
stardom. she is not clothed in the /eavens$ !ut the Earth hasn't claimed
her yet$ As a stren%th or ideal: The Star re#resents a chance to re%ain
an old "stardom$" to return to an activity you were %ood at !ut have
%iven u#. As a ha.ard or difficulty: The Star re#resents a fall from
%race$ usur#ment. &t may mean someone is !etter than you.
0P:The oon: A female face in a moon rains li%ht down u#on creatures
of the ni%ht. This is a card of 1han%e and "Two23acedness." This is not
the Shiny2/a##y oon$ this is /ecate and 5iana as warrior and !itter
crone. As a stren%th or ideal: This 1ard re#resents a lot of #ower$ !ut
!ears the warnin% that some thin%s$ such as love$ are more im#ortant
than #ower. As a ha.ard or difficulty: This card re#resents Enemies
hidden from view$ Accident$ 3ate and ental an%uish and disorder.
0L: The Sun: A child on a white horse !efore a wall to##ed with
sunflowers clutches a red !anner. A!ove it all$ the sun looks
noncommittal. This is a card of warmth 8%et itA$9 the Sun dis#layed is the
sun that lures you into na##in% on a warm day$ that makes you feel that
everythin% is all ri%ht in the Universe. The sunflower re#resents the
solar wheel. As a stren%th or ideal: This card re#resents contentment
and health$ %rowth and %ood fortune. As a ha.ard or difficulty: We are
reminded that suntannin% causes skin cancer$ that flyin% to hi%h makes
our win%s melt. &n these #ositions$ we are warned merely to not "overdo
it" All thin%s in oderation.
<D:+ud%ement: &t's the end of the world and cor#ses are clim!in% out of
caskets in the >iver of )ife to %reet a trum#eter. This card re#resents
chan%e$ an end to 81hristian9 Tyranny$ re!irth. As a stren%th or ideal:
This card re#resents an end to worldly reincarnation and a new
"Oneness" with The -owers. &t is a card of finality$ an end to "death"
sta%nation$ etc. As a ha.ard or difficulty: This card re#resents
,ud%ements that don't %o one's way$ a #artin% with the ways of %ood and
the inevita!le outcome of this.
<0:The World: A female fi%ure surrounded !y a circle. &n other decks$
this is the earth surrounded !y the snake that is !irthin%(eatin% itself. This
is a card of worldliness$ of adventure and$ of course infinity. As a
stren%th or ideal: This card re#resents an a!ility to reach dee#er within
oneself to %ras# events outside one's self. An inner worldliness$ so to
s#eak. As a /a.ard or 5ifficulty: This card does$ however$ re#resent a
way of seein% thin%s in lar%e terms$ not !ein% a!le to see the trees for the
forest for e*am#le. A #erson who is too in touch with the macrocosm
may have a hard time with the microcosm.
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section 00:&ncense

& make no claims to !e an e*#ert on incense$ oils$ and the like. 7early all
of the information here a##ears as & would use it from my own
Grimoires. &'ve tried to !e concise$ !ut the creation of and the various
#ur#oses of incense re4uires in de#th readin%. >arely do & feel
com#elled to tell a student "no$ %o read a!out this somewhere else$" !ut$
well$ %o. The followin% ta!le lists some !asic fra%rances and their uses.
The forms used are u# to you. 3or information$ & heartily su%%est
1om#lete Book of &ncense$ Oils K Brews
Ihtt#:((!arnesandno!le.!!ooklink(clickAsourceidCF60JEEK&SB7CDPGEJ<0<PPH $ Scott
1unnin%ham$ 0LPL. )lewellyn -u!lications$
USA and any !ooks$ Wiccan(-a%an or not$ on aromathera#y.
Acacia: Attunement$ otherhood.
Alls#ice: 1leansin%$ The Element of 3ire$ /ealth$ Warmth$ An end to
fear$ -ower.
Am!er 8Warm9: Attunement$ The 1onsecration of Tools$ The Element
of Earth$ E*orcism$ /ealin%. 8my favorite: )a!danum >esin from
1istus ladaniferous9
Am!er$ 3ra%rant 8or "Sweet"9: Authority$ Gods$ editation$
A##le 8!lossom9: 3ertility$ -revention of /omesickness$ S#rin%.
A##le 8fruit9: The 1ycle of )ife$ /a##iness$ arria%e.
Bay!erry: Birth$ 1leansin%$ &nitiation$ ?ule.
Bay 8laurel9: Achievement$ 1onsecration$ 5ivination$ E*orcism$ The
God A#ollo$ -riest8esse9s$ ale 5eity.
Ber%amot: Attunement$ /oliness.
Blue!erry: Goddesses$ /arvests$ -rotection of cro#s$ Survival in !ad
1atmint(1atni#: Bast$ 1reativity$ Gymnastic(acro!atic a!ility$ &nner
/armony$ )uck$ -ower$ ;isions.
1edar: Attunement$ 1eremonial States$ 1leansin%$ 1onsecration of
Tools$ /ealin%$ -urification$ -urity.
1hamomile: 1enterin%$ )uck$ -eace.
1innamon: 1enterin%$ 5ivination$ Element of 3ire$ /ealin%$ Oneness$
1love: Element of Earth$ /ealin%$ An end to -ain$ O#enness$ Warmth$
1y#ress: Banishin%$ 1onsecration of tools$ Oaths$ Out of Body
5amiana: A#hrodisiac$ )ove.
3rankincense: Ancestral memory$ 5ivination$ /oliness$ &nitiation$
3loral$ Any: Element of Air$ 3ertility$ Goddesses 8es#. 3loralia9$ 7ew
Gardenia: A#hrodisiac$ Beauty$ )ove$ arria%e$ -erfect Trust.
Gin%er: Anointin%$ Element of 3ire$ Ener%y$ /ealin%$ /oliness$
Ginsen%: A#hrodisiac$ 1reativity$ Element of Earth$ Thou%ht$ Warmth.
/oneysuckle: 1reativity$ Element of Air$ )ove$ -eace$ Tran4uillity.
+asmine: Anointin%$ The Element of Water$ 3ertility$ Goddesses$
&ns#iration$ The 7i%ht$ The oon$ -oetry.
)avender: Attunement$ 1leansin%$ /ealin%$ /ealth$ )uck$ )ust.
)emon: A##etite$ 1leansin%$ The Element of 3ire$ /ealth.
)ily of The ;alley: The Goddess 7emisis$ The 3ey$ -urity$ ;ir%inity$
)otus: The Element of Water$ Ener%y$ /oliness$ &nner /armony$ &nner
-eace$ ;isions$ Wisdom.
ace$ see 7utme%.
ari%old: 3ertility$ /ealth$ Sun$ Warmth.
elissa 8)emon Balm9: /ealin%$ Element of Water$ 3ertility$ Goddesses$
-urity of thou%ht.
usk: The Gods$ )ust$ ale fertility$ Stren%th$ The Warrior.
yrrh: 1leansin%$ The Element of Earth$ /oliness.
7utme%: )uck$ Soothin%$ Stren%th$ Winter.
Oran%e$ Blossom: Goddesses$ >e!irth$ S#rin%.
Oran%e$ 3ruit: 1leansin%$ /eartiness$ Summer.
-atchouli: /oliness$ &nner -eace$ The Gods$ Stren%th.
-each: 3ruition$ )ove$ Soothin%$ Summer.
-e##ermint: Anointin%$ 1leansin%$ The Gods$ Stren%th.
-ine: 1leansin%$ 1onsecration of Tools$ 5efense$ /arvest$ /eartiness$
-ine$ White: Attunement$ 1eremonial States$ Element of Air$ Element
of Earth$ E*orcism$ The Gods.
>as#!erry: 3ertility$ /ealth$ Soothin%$ Sustenance.
>ose$ >ed: Anointin%$ Element of Water$ 3ertility$ /arvest$ /ealth$
)ove$ a%ick$ >omance.
>ose$ ?ellow: Anointin%$ Element of Water$ The Goddesses$ To Turn
,ealousy$ )ust.
Sa%e: Ancestral emory$ Attunement$ 1eremonial States$ 1leansin%$
1onsecration of tools$ E*orcism$ /ealin%$ The &nner Elder$ -urity$
a%ick$ editation$ Wisdom.
Saffron: Ancestral emory$ 5reams$ Sacrifices$ Warmth.
Sandalwood: Attunement$ Autumn$ 1eremonial States$ 1leansin%$
1ontrol$ Element of Air$ E*orcism$ The Gods$ Shieldin%$ -rotection.
S#earmint: Anointin%$ 1leansin%$ The Goddesses$ editation.
Straw!erry: The Goddesses$ /arvest$ Summer$ Sustenance$ ?outh.
;anilla: Attunement$ Element of Earth$ 3ertility$ The Goddesses$
;iolet: Anointin%$ Growth$ 7o!ility$ -urity.
Wisteria: Grace$ The &nner 1hild8feminine9$ aidenhood$ -urity

All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section 0<:Sym!ols and Si%ils


The Sym!ols used in Wicca are diverse$ and eclectic. +udeo21hristian$
E%y#tian$ Greek$ 1hinese$ the art of Sym!olism is ever2eclectic in
Wicca. &'ve #icked several commonly used sym!ols$ and & %ive a !rief
descri#tion of their usa%e. -ersonal sym!ols$ such as a s#ecific a%e's
name rune$ are si%ils$ whereas sym!ols of a God or other non2human
are Sym!ols or 8incorrectly9 >unes.
1eltic 1ross 8occasionally the Bottom s#ike is e*tended to reflect a
crucifi*:9 >e#resents: The Wheel of The ?ear$ 3our Elements$ 1elestial
3amily$ 3our elements as a sin%le fifth element. Also re#resents the solar
wheel$ medicine wheel$ and numerous other non21eltic thin%s$ very
1ircle. >e#resents cycles$ the moon$ unity.
1rescent oon. >e#resents 8Wa*in%9 the Goddess 5iana$ maidenhood.
8Wanin%9 /ecate$ 1ronehood. A !lue crescent moon was the
under%round mark of Wiccan 3riendly !usinesses in some cities several
years a%o. These days$ & know of two !usinesses with a crescent moon on
their doors$ !oth for other reasons.
Eye of /orus( Eye of Time(Third Eye(S#irit Eye 8E%y#tian and Greek9
>e#resents the Eye of the E%y#tian God /orus$ 8who is also Greek
/orae$9 God of Time and 5ivination. >e#resents the Third Eye and the
. /orned oon. >e#resents the hunter God and maleness$ also the
Goddess 5iana.
&nfinity sym!ol( oe!ius Stri# >e#resents: cycles$ infinity$ Totality.
a%ic$ Birth$ re!irth.
Onhk >e#resents: Se*$ Birth and re!irth$ divine -ower$ es#ecially
divine female #ower.
-enta%ram. A -enta%ram is the two2dimensional five #ointed star$ as
o##osed to a -entacle$ which is a three2dimensional re#resentation of a
-enta%ram. Two #oints u#$ the #entacle re#resents The horned %od$ !ut
also has !een used to re#resent "Satan" a +udeo21hristian God of Evil.
Because of this ne%ative use$ many Wiccans only use the feminine$ one
#oint u# #entacle. Sym!ols seem to carry ener%y from user to user$ and
the ne%ative ener%y on the "u#side down" #entacle is almost as stron%
as that of the Swastika$ another once2#ositive sym!ol taken and
#erverted to near im#ossi!le #ositive use. ost Wiccans only use the
feminine #entacle.
Trident >e#resents: 7e#tune$ Am#hitrite$ Ae%ir$ other ocean Gods and
Goddesses$ also The Tri#le 5ivinity$ es#ecially the ale Tri#le
Tri#le oon: >e#resents: The female tri#le divinity$ es#. /ecate$
Selene$ 5iana.


Si%ils are created !y com!inin% the letters of your name into a sin%le
desi%n. uch leeway is allowed with si%ils$ where the individual letters
may !e !ent$ reversed or otherwise altered to achieve a distinct #attern.
This is most commonly done with runes !y Wiccans$ !ut is really much
the same as a custom mono%ram. 8meanin% Sin%le sym!ol$ "not

1reatin% a Si%il is a %reat way to mark your tools and other #ersonal
items. The #ower it has relies on the #ower you %ive it. E*#eriment with
>unes and other writin%s until you find a Si%il that fits. /ave fun:

All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition
Book Two: A Grimoire:Section 0F:a%ickal(1raft 7ames

>e!orn into a new life$ many of us choose a new name$ shuckin% the
layers of emotion attached to our "old" name. 3or many$ the craft name
is a dou!le identity$ a name to %o !y and sneak around in a!solute
anomity. 3or others$ the ado#tion of a craft name$ and #erha#s the
ado#tion into a clan$ involves the le%al chan%e of name. Both have their
u#s and downs. &'ve always su%%ested at least five years of "trial" !efore
makin% your name #ermanent. This is tree time$ the amount of time it
takes for the %round to fully acce#t a newly #lanted tree$ think of your
name like a tree. 5oes it #ros#er$ rootA &s it so difficult to #ronounce
that you need to chan%e itA 5oes it need shortenin% !ecause
mis#ronunciation is drivin% you nutsA

y own craft name$ @aatryn is a variation of !oth 1atherine and
@aaterinya$ an old form of @aterina. ?ears later$ instead of
e*#lanation$ & usually tell #eo#le ",ust call me @at$" !ecause @aatryn
8@ah2trin9 is automatically mis#ronounced. Silvercat$ reflective of the
invisi!le lyn* that follows me 8no$ really$ ask my friends$ it steals car
keys and anythin% else &'ve ,ust #icked u#9$ was an older craft name$
and "@at" has !een a com#romise. & tend to %o to e*treme len%ths to
not use my secular name. /oldin% !y the tree time rule is difficult$ !ut
until my name is u#$ & refuse to le%ally chan%e my name.

1han%in% a name is #articularly difficult on children. 5o you chan%e a
child's nameA y own son is constantly called !y his middle name$ and
& remem!er !ein% the only one in my family with my father's last name
and hatin% it. 8& was a little matriarchal as a kid.9 3or years$ & was %oin%
to chan%e my name to my mother's or my %reat2%rand#arents$ !ut &
always felt that & wasn't "really" a 1am#!ell$ and the last thin% we need
in Wicca is another or%an. acor%an is a com#romise$ a Scottish2
Welsh21ornish hy!rid that sounds tradtional. At our handfastin%$ my
lover and our son$ will #ro!a!ly chan%e their last names$ !ut for now$ it
is tree time.

;ariations on names are ethnic and es#ecially effective when #ayin%
homa%e to a %od8dess.9 A #erson may chose A# 5iana$ ac5iana$
c5iana$ O'5iana$ 5ianella$ 5ianan$ 5e 5iana$ 5e )a 5iana$ 5ianal$ or
Anaid instead of 5iana$ or alter the s#ellin% 5yana$ or the
#ronounciation$ 5eeana. -ersonali.ation is es#ecially effective in
reducin% re#etitiveness. 7o lon%er can we ,ust !e -hoeni* or 5iana$ a
#rofusion of new -a%ans with the same names has created a need for
secondary names and titles$ much as #o#ulation %rowth created that
need hundreds of years a%o. A return to #rofession names is common. A
lawyer friend of mine %oes !y "arilia Barrister$" a car#enter & know
has le%ally chan%ed his last name to Woodwri%ht. -rofessional last
names$ as well as matrilineal names and altered God(Goddess names are
common to the -a%an community$ !ut wei%h all factors !efore you like itA &s it too commonA does it feel ri%htA ay!e
usin% a numerolo%ical or runic a##roach could hel#...e*#lore: 1reate:

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