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NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh

Hi, and thanks for deciding to take a chance on downloading and reading this report.
In the next pages, there will be distnctons that will be made, new and uncommon
concepts to be discussed and new ideas to be uncovered.
My name is Daniel oh, and I!m an Internet Marketer, a blogger and a niche marketer
who loves to experiment and try out new strategies that can increase my online
income. I!m not a mega marketer but I!m willing to share my strategies, mindsets and
tactcs that I have learnt, and that are working in the market today according to my
he "etMarketng#trategy Manifesto is about uncovering powerful strategies that
are not fre$uently used in Internet Marketng, however is becoming increasingly
more important to embrace especially with the changes in the Internet Marketng
landscape, with decreasing a%enton span of customers and the heightened and ever
increasing competton in the marketplace.
&y learning each of the "et Marketng #trategies presented in this report, it is my
hope that you will move from having a big picture idea of the key components of
Internet Marketng, towards building each of these strategies into your business,
towards mastering and integratng each strategy seamlessly into your Internet
Marketng business, step by step untl you have built a truly rock solid business.
If you are an experienced marketer, read through and tell me what you think stll...
hat is my goal towards creatng this report, to share the community knowledge on
this manifesto, and to accelerate the knowledge base of the Internet Marketng
community. he knowledge here are not my own as I have learnt them from many
di'erent masters from numerous specialites and skill(sets, but it is my pleasure to
present these ideas in this report to you in a simple to read and understand format.
o your "et Marketng #uccess)
Daniel oh 1
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
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NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
Net Marketng Strategy #1: Niche Selecton
Strategy (What markets to go into)
&efore you start your online ventures, it*s rather important that you select a niche
that has the potental to pay you the dividends and rewards that you are a+er.
,ithout the right selecton strategy, your great plans for Internet marketng success
may well be doomed from the start.
In this chapter we will go through the steps and criteria that I think is important that
you consider in your selecton of your niche and target market.
I have heard so much about choosing a hungry, starving crowd that the real
importance of this point is almost taken for granted.
-our market really has to have a starving crowd, that is not a fad, is evergreen and
one that has multple associated marketng doors so that you could market to them
over and over.
hey would have to be hungry and passionate about the niche, and they would be
proven spenders that don*t mind investng more and more into that niche, as they
are so hungry for more resources to help ful.ll their needs on the topic.
In every niche there are varying degrees of interest and levels of commitment, and
what I*m going to show you today is how you can exactly evaluate your niche or 3
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
market, and coming in with a soluton as to whether you should wholeheartedly
pursue this niche or to head o' to .nd more pro.table niches that will make you
successful much faster.
#o below I will list the criteria of the #tarving /rowd, and explain how it works0
"ow what I mean by conscious awareness is this0 How much tme is your crowd
spending on thoughts regarding your niche1market2 How o+en do they think about
the topic in $ueston everyday2 Does this sub3ect D4MI"56 their thoughts2 Do they
do it when they are working, during their spare tme, when they*re driving2 Does the
thought sometmes consume them that they have no choice but to dwell on it2
7et me give you an example here0 7et*s pick a niche that has a starving crowd, which
is How to 8et -our 6x &ack. If someone has 3ust broken up with their girlfriend or
boyfriend that they really love, and when they feel like ge9ng back with their ex,
how much tme do you think they would spend thinking about this issue2 7ots and
lots of tme I would say: #o this niche would meet criteria ;< of conscious
his second criteria is a very important one. In fact, it might be even more important
that /riteria ;<.
#o what do I exactly mean by =6motonal 5%achment>2 ,hat this means is how
much emotonal weight does this topic carry with it for that person. ,hether the
person ?667# strongly about the topic or not. 5re they @ositvely or "egatvely
passionate about the topic. Does it bring them A4- or 8BI6? , and does it motvate
them to take certain actons, whether good or bad2
If someone feels strongly about the sub3ect at hand, it is likely that they are
emotonally a%ached and it is more likely that it can be a great niche market to sink
your teeth into. 4
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
"ow using the previous example of =ge9ng ex back>, this would be the perfect
market to check o' this criteria, as usually relatonships and break ups have lots of
emotonal a%achment involved and the emotonal baggage could easily stay for a
#o what*s an example of a non (emotonal a%achment topic2 ,ell even if something
ful.lled the /onscious 5wareness criteriaC;<D, such as brushing your teeth( doing it E
or F tmes per day, its unlikely that you will a%ach any emotonal a%achments to it
Cunless you have had lots of dental troubles and been to the dentst far too many
tmes)D. #o 3ust use you gut feeling and common sense to 3udge whether your sub3ect
has met this criteria.
his is another factor Calthough possibly lesser of the FD that will help you determine
your starving crowd. ,hat I mean by Investment made is the amount of resources,
tme, money and energy spent on the niche, by the person. his would e$uate to the
more investment that had been made on the sub3ect, then logically the more
invested the person is to the sub3ect and hence would more likely be part of the
=starving or passionate crowd>.
#o for example take a niche such as the popular game, ,4B7D 4? ,5B/B5?. In this
game there are many levels to progress and many level ups re$uiring a lot of input
and resources from the players. "ow imagine that if you*re a player in that game,
who had spent over <GG hours ge9ng to a respectable level of con$uest but is stuck
at a certain level risking having your character diminished, what would you do2
I think you would research on the best methods, strategies and tactcs to keep
progressing in the game, and in the process becoming part of the starving crowd that
is desperate for a soluton. 5nd you might even buy a ,orld of ,arcra+ #trategy
8uide that promises everything you hoped for, in desperaton.
#o in e'ect, the amount that you have invested and stand to lose if not corrected
plays a big part in your selecton of your starving crowd. 5
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
R!S!AR&# AND %RAS( "#!IR (R')*!MS AND (AIN (D!!(
+ND!R*,IN%- #IDD!N (R')*!MS AND (AIN)
,e have discussed in detail how we could .nd our =#tarving /rowd>. However, this
would be 3ust the .rst step towards connectng to your market.
4+en tmes, by knowing your starving crowds general niche does not mean that you
know the details and the inside scoop of their Beal @ain and ?rustratons, "eeds and
7et me give you an example, if we were in the "iche, and we know that there
are some desperately hungry buyers there for golf, would we know what exactly that
they are hungry for2 ,ould it be for a certain model of golf clubs2 ,ill it be more
knowledge to pu%, or to drive2 ,ill it be to fortfy their mental game2 ,ould it be to
learn how to more accurately read the conditons of the game2
"ow if we weren*t in the trenches of so to speak, but we would like to market
in that niche, and to bond with the starving crowd in the golf niche, to speak their
lingo and to know what they*re really a+er, H6" we have to really take a step
deeper in our research.
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
his is my favorite method of research when I*m startng a new niche pro3ect, and
normally I will stll hang in the crowd, 3ust to get the pulse of their conversatons and
to know my target market be%er.
#o go to 8oogle and type =-our "iche H ?orums>. ?or example, 8olf H ?orums.
hen you will .nd on the search results many di'erent forums for your niche. "ow if
there isn*t a forum for your niche then it could a warning sign for you, because when
people are interested in the topics, they usually have many conversatons about it
and this usually takes place in forums.
5nyway, when you*re in the forums, 3ust have a look at the general way that these
popular forums are setup. "otce their general categories and topics. #ee what
generates lots of views and a%enton. Aot it down. !
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
"ext, delve into threads and have a read of these threads.
"ow what I would like you to keep a keen eye on is this0
<. ,hat @5I" do they want to get BID of2
E. ,hat ?rustratons are they experiencing that need solving2
F. ,hat end results do they want to achieve in their interest2
I. ,hat @roblems do they face that are very @ainful for them2
J. ,hat are the current solutons to those problems and why they aren*t delivering2
K. ,hat 6LB5 M57N6 can you give to that /rowd2
I suggest that you partcipate in those ?orums to get further insight. o go a step
further, you might want to solve their problems by providing a viable soluton and to
build their trust, or maybe even recommending a resource for them that could help
them. "
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
It*s important to notce the emotons and sensatons that your market would want to
feel. I can*t stress this enough as this would generate enough emotonal power to
motvate your prospects into acton, whether it is to purchase your product or sign
up as your subscriber.
#o if you can demonstrate that your o'erings could potentally end the very pain that
is torturing them, or remove the anxiety and fear that they so desperately want to
overcome, then you*re on your way to a great marketng future, no ma%er your niche
or market.

SWI(! FI*!
#o a+er doing those research and ruly ge9ng a bird*s eyeview of your marketplace,
make sure you note them down in a speci.c .le so that you could refer to it over and
over. 5nd make sure to add more valuable insights as you discover more distnctons
that could help you further along to grow your business.
5nother good way that you could tap into your prospects mind is this0 5sk them to
leave their ?66D&5/O and comments on your website, detailing how the website can
be improved, how valuable the content and your solutons are, what further topics
that they are interested in and any other improvement feedbacks will be welcome.
o accelerate this and to also build a community as a by(product, o'er them an
Incentve to leave a useful comment or feedback. I normally use /omment Belish
@lugin in my ,ord@ress blogs to deliver a ?B66&I6 3ust to say thanks to my readers
who had le+ valuable comments on my website.
"ow to take this further, what you could also do is sending out 6M5I7# asking your
subscribers for feedback, plus incentvising them to do so.
hen I would read the feedback received and act upon it to improve on my
communicaton to my readers and customers. #
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
R!&'MM!ND!D R!S!AR&# "''*
"ow for those who are keen on ge9ng more mileage on their niche and market
research, the tool that I recommend is Market #amurai.
,hy Market #amurai2 It!s simple, because its the most comprehensive tool that you
can .nd in the market to uncover hidden or untapped pro.table niches via keywords
,ith this tool, you would be able to uncover uncompettve keywords that have few
competng pages and that have weak compettors 3ust by clicking a few bu%ons.
here is a free trial that they are o'ering now on their site, and with that you will
also be able to access the many comprehensive tutorial videos that they have
prepared for your bene.t. 8ive it a try, I think its a valuable tool to add to your
arsenal. Che link that I have on here has my aPliate link, so I could potentally
generate commissions from your subscripton.D
&elow is a screenshot, depictng the competton for the keyword golf grip tps0 1$
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
his is another screenshot, discovering pro.table and high searched keywords with
li%le competton for the broad keyword =golf tps>0
5s you can see, Market #amurai can be a very valuable tool that you can count on for
your market, niche or keyword research exercises and furthermore it could act as a
spying tool on your competton. -ou can get your copy by signing up H6B6. 6ven if
you don!t purchase the full version of Market #amurai, but stck to the free so+ware,
it is stll a very powerful tool. 11
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
Net Marketng Strategy #.: *ea/ %eneraton
Strategy ("o0 "ra1c so2rces an/ '0tn S32ee4e
(ages)5For2m- S!'- Face6ook etc
In this secton, we are going to explore several ways that you can obtain great traPc
from various sources, and know what to best do with the traPc, for long term wealth
and to give you an ongoing stream of fresh and targeted leads.
MAN, DIFF!R!N" ",(!S 'F S"RA"!%, F'R *!AD %!N!RA"I'N
4n the internet, there are so many ways of driving traPc to your websites, however
it must be said that each of these traPc methods do indeed take tme to master in
order to get full scalability and lowered cost per lead for your business.
In my experience, focusing on one or two traPc generaton methods at a tme, whilst
learning the ropes untl the tpping point where you get traPc almost e'ortlessly is
the best way to get started on your lead and traPc generaton.
#o in this chapter, we are going to focus on the traPc sources that I had used with
varying degrees of success, however it can be said that each of these can be great
lead generaton traPc tactcs, if you spend enough tme and resources to master
?irst up, let*s discuss forum marketng. his is a very cool lead generatng tactc that
you can employ. If done properly, this can yield a very signi.cant and very targeted
pool of leads for your business. 4nes that you could help and sell to again and again,
as long as they have an ongoing need for your products and solutons.
Beasons why they are laser targeted2 ,ell its simple, because people who are
desperate for solutons and have a very keen interest on partcular sub3ect ma%ers
hang out at the associated forums, to ask $uestons, to seek solutons and to .nd like
minded people that share their interest or concerns.
5 few helpful hints to add here to increase the chances of your success with forum
marketng0 12
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
<. Have a signature ready that really encourages clicks to redirect your leads to
your website, s$ueeQe page or product review site
E. Make your signature emotonally appealing in order to get the clicks
F. &e very helpful in your interactons with forum members
I. ?ind out what problems forum members are facing, what emotons they are
seeking for and the types of solutons they are looking for and give it to them.
J. #tart meaningful threads, that will generate a%enton or is the hot topic at the
moment, and set out to give your best solutons on the thread.
K. &uild trust and reputaton in the forum, so that you are the go to person for
speci.c needs or topics.
)+M MAR!"IN% (AR"I&*! MAR!"IN%)
his is also a very traditonal, but nonetheless very e'ectve if executed properly. @lus
the other bene.ts of artcle marketng are backlinking to original site for added
search engine link 3uice.
However, sites like 6Qine artcles, 8o artcles and many related artcle directories are
ge9ng saturated fast, so to get ranked for partcular keywords in recent tmes has
been a li%le more challenging.
ips for ge9ng started on 5rtcle Marketng0
<. ,rite uni$ue artcle that is relevant and meaningful, which makes the readers
want to click through to your site to learn more or to receive your freebie.
E. Have a%enton grabbing headlines that stand out from the rest of the artcle,
with main keywords and the main bene.ts stated in the headline 13
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
3. ?or your topic, .nd out on 6Qine the most viewed artcles to get an idea of
how to create an artcle that would generate such interests.
4. ?ormat of your artcle would be like this. #tart o' with a Oiller Headline such
as =7ose &elly ?at0 J /linically @roven ,ays without needing to exercise>. hen
you would move on to give no Ru' content on the J proven ways to lose belly
fat, then move on to the end by saying = "ext, to learn more about ways your
could lose belly fat $uickly without exercise, click here to receive your ?ree
Beport on the &est ,ays to 7ose &elly ?at in EI hours>. his will draw many
clicks and signups to your website, provided that the content you gave was
J. 7ink anchor text Cexample0 lose belly fatD back to your website for instant
&y doing bum marketng in this way, your artcles will get notced and you would be
able to get a lot more subscribers and buyers for your aPliate products. 5lthough
you could link your resource box directly to the sales page, I would recommend that
you send it to a s$ueeQe page as you would be able to market to them contnuously.
S!' ('N (A%! AND 'FF (A%!)5 An intro/2cton
In this secton I*m going to brieRy cover the important aspects of #64 C#earch 6ngine
4ptmiQatonD. here are obviously many things to cover here but I will stck to the
point and give the big picture.
#64 is divided in E main parts which is 4" @586 #64 and 4?? @586 #64.
4n page #64 is said to contribute to about FG S importance in #earch engine
rankings and 4' @age about TGS. ,ith perfect #64, the chances of your site ranking
highly for associated terms, phrases and keywords increases dramatcally.
#ome tps to get your 4n @age #64 right0
<. Oeywords on Headline, and at the start of body copy.
E. 7#I Oeywords Cassociated with main keywords but a variatonD is sprinkled
throughout the text
F. he content in the artcle is relevant to the topic or niche in $ueston
4. Nse #64@ressor on your &log to make optmiQing on page #64 faster, easier
and more accurate.
J. Oeywords in page ttle
K. Oeywords in NB7 or preferably the website domain.
T. Oeyword tags populated with keywords
4' page #64 however is what you do outside of your website. It includes all the links
that are driven back to the site in reference for partcular keywords or themes. 14
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
#ome tps for 4' @age #640
<. 8et many $uality links with high @B to website
2. 8et on #ite Directories especially DM4U and -ahoo Directory.
F. 8et many variety of links back to your site
*IN )+I*DIN%
"ow link building is another huge chapter that I could not possibly cover in full in this
subsecton but I will a%empt to explain why it*s important. ,ith link building the
ob3ectve is to pass on link 3uice and authority to the sites that you are backlinking to.
#o with enough backlink building, your site will look more like an authority site, and
it raises its pro.le on the search engines, resultng in higher search engine rankings
and be%er ranking ability for many di'erent long tail keywords.
I normally recommend that you either outsource your backlink building to
professionals as they could do a much $uicker 3ob of it, however you must check the
e'ectveness of the backlink building campaign to make your tme and resources
invested worthwhile.
I@# for a successful backlink &uilding campaign0
<. 7ink to High @B C@age BankD sites that will give more link 3uice back to your
sites. "ormally these are referred to as @ro.le links as you create pro.les on
these high @B sites before adding your anchor texts and links back to your
webpage. &e%er yet, Nse .edu and .gov backlinks to get even more trust from
E. Do it naturally. Don*t direct many links back to your webpages in a short
period of tme. Do it naturally 3ust in case google penaliQes you for doing it
too $uickly as it makes it unbelievable. 6specially when your site is brand
spanking new.
3. /heck your rankings every week to determine the e'ectveness of campaign
and see how you can tweak it. -ou can use Market #amurai as a tool to check
the backlinks on your sites and also the backlinks that your compettors have,
to help you decide on how aggressive you need to be with your campaign. 15
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
4. Nse 5rtcle syndicaton services to build more backlinks. #ervices such as
5rtcle Marketng 5utomaton C5M5D and Nni$ue 5rtcle ,iQard CN5,D can be
used to syndicate your content and artcles to hundreds of sites over tme and
each of these will deliver <(F backlinks to your site to boost your search
engine rankings. Make sure that you use tools such as Magic 5rtcle Bewriter
or Bapid Bewriter to spin your artcles before submi9ng, to $uickly create
uni$ue content that makes it easier to rank on 8oogle and other search
his next lead generatng techni$ue works well in the Internet Marketng "iche, but
less used in other niches. Maybe you could try it in other markets and tell me about
your successes...
5nyway to do this, you would need to get a few other marketers Cpreferably with
similar list siQesD and book them in to do some email swaps with you.
#o in e'ect, when someone promotes you in an email with a link to your free gi+ or
7ead Magnet, you do likewise for them. In that way you could reach out to other
groups of people that may have not heard of you, and add them to your list in order
to build new relatonships and grow your list.
&eware not to overdo it though, as you would want to put your subscribers bene.t
ahead of yours. 4nly do swaps when you are sure that the other marketer*s work will
bene.t your subscribers directly and will bring more value to the table, causing them
to thank you for the referral.
)*'% &'MM!N"IN%
his techni$ue is 847D. he power of blog commentng, similar to ?orum Marketng
can bring you a lot of exposure in your market. However it has to be done properly in
order to be e'ectve.
-ou have to remember that when you are commentng on blogs, you are trying to get
the a%enton of the blog owner and also other blog commenter and readers.
-ou should strive to create great rapport with the author of the blog as this may lead
to be%er things ahead, such as AM opportunity, cross promotons or guest blogging. 1
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
#ome tps on &log commentng0
<. Don*t put up a crappy comment. 7eave valuable insights, preferably with a
twist or a new but valuable dimension of the sub3ect ma%er.
E. 7ink back to your site, with a memorable pro.le with a picture of you.
F. @ut more comments on higher traPc blogs to get the best return of your
I. Do blog commentng regularly at your favorite high traPc blogs to get
perpetual traPc and to get notced, especially at the start.
I have done banner ad campaigns with mixed results. It really depends on a few key
factors and testng the ads so that they can generate many clicks and convert highly
from the clicks.
here are several ways that you can use to set up your banner ad campaign, most
commonly would be either straight to the sales page, to a review page or to a
s$ueeQe page. How you decide upon where to direct your traPc really depends on 1!
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
the product, as some may re$uire more preselling, or re$uiring more trust, more
informaton or some are impulse buys.
?rom my experience, sending my /@5 leads to a review page .rst does the best.
hings such as ,eight loss supplements, Health Belated @roducts do well this way,
and also certain electronic and electrical items.
he scenario is di'erent again when I*m trying to recommend an info product from
/lickbank. In this case, its best to direct the banner ad traPc to a s$ueeQe page,
entcing them with a free report in exchange for their name and number.
In the subse$uent days, my autoresponer will then automatcally mail my leads with
great educatonal content with links as recommendatons, entcing them to click on
the links to go straight to the sales page. his works pre%y well, plus I get to market
di'erent associated but relevant o'ers to these customers.
S'&IA* M!DIA S"RA"!%,
"owadays social media is the thing. #o I thought I would brieRy cover the basics of it,
to augment various other lead generaton strategies that I have shown you above.
he e'ectveness of #ocial media is debatable. #omehow it works for certain o'ers
but not others. he other downside is that while there are abundant traPc sources
on these social media channels, most of the traPc are not in buying mood in
comparison to search engine or forum traPc. 1"
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
FA&!)''0 <GG*s of Millions of subscribers. Its ability to for advertsers to target
demographics, interests, and other info is amaQing which is one strong reason to use
?acebook for targeted traPc. -ou could also set up fan pages, groups and let it go
viral. Make sure that its something $uirky, funny and relevant to a%ract a%enton.
,'+"+)!: 5gain, hundreds of millions of views every single day. I*m not too sure
about the e'ectveness of it as a selling tool, but de.nitely could gain you some
popularity, exposure and branding. May work well with certain /@5 o'ers such as
health related, muscle building type products etc, but less well with /lickbank info
products, in my experience.
"WI""!R 0 It*s like a very short form of email marketng, marketng on the go. ,hilst
you can use this tool to gain lots of followers, tweetng them on regular basis, it has
not work too well for me in the past. 8reat tool for updatng my followers and again
to build branding and exposure. 1#
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
S!ND "#!S! "RAFFI& "' S7+!!8! (A%!S
Image: !9am0le tem0late o: a s32ee4e 0age that con;erts
My main strategy of funneling my leads from all these traPc sources are primarily
into the s$ueeQe page, as it lets me collect their name and emails, so that I can
market to my leads and prospects over and over, with the ob3ectve of providing
them with the most value as possible.
his will build goodwill in my business in the eyes of the subscribers, and they will be
more open to any suggestons and recommendatons that I will present to them in
the future, which includes purchasing my products or buying through my aPliate
link. -ou can do likewiseV give it a go to see if it works the same for you. 2$
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
Net Marketng Strategy #<: (reeminence Strategy
(A2thority- 62il/ing 6ran/ = "r2st)
&ased on many evidences in the marketplace, there are many ways to sell products
and be pro.table in the process. However, not all ways will be as e'ectve and give
great returns in terms of your investment of tme, energy and resources.
In the internet marketng scene, you see many people who are in the background
working like craQy to build links to their site manually, writng artcle a+er artcle for
syndicaton and building s$uidoo lenses a+er s$uidoo lenses, paying per click for
every visitor they get.
"ow, I*m not saying that this is a wrong thing to do, I do them myself too sometmes
Cvia outsourcingD but consider this, THE !ASTEST AND SUREST WA" TOWARDS
he advantages you gain from becoming the expert, the authority, having
preeminence in your marketplace are numerous.
<. he rust ?actor0 @eople &elieve in you and your work
E. #e9ng the rend0 -ou could inRuence the directon of your market
F. 8ain exposure to great opportunites
I. /ould charge higher prices for your products and services
J. -ou could reach many more people and help them
K. &igger list and be%er open rates
#o in the rest of the chapter below, we will discover how you could start gaining
preeminence in our market. 21
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
+S! A )*'% AS ,'+R A+"#'RI", #'M!)AS!
4ne way you can start gaining preeminence is by having a home base. his home
base would be vital to your marketng e'orts as you would channel all your
marketng e'orts there, and it*s where you can start delivering value to your
he home base I*m referring to is your blog. 5 blog is versatle, easy and friendly to
navigate, has the ability to add onto it many di'erent features like s$ueeQe pages,
download pages, membership functons, content delivery systems and more.
,hat I normally do when I*m entering a new niche market is to create a standout
blog that delivers great content, informaton and helpful resources while expectng
nothing in return.
Here are great tps to creatng a &log as your Home &ase0
<. @ost on your blog regularly, using a mix of di'erent media types such as
video, text, audio, interviews and much more to deliver great value to your
E. ,rite up on popular topics that your subscribers and blog visitors are
interested in. 5lso add evergreen content that last for a long tme while
becoming your pillar content. 22
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
F. ?or blog posts, a variety of short, medium and long posts should be created to
cater for di'erent reader styles. 5dd images, screenshots, examples and case
studies to make it even more interestng.
I. 7ink up with di'erent blogs collaboratvely to host certain events,
compettons and 3oint venture partnerships to increase reach and inRuence.
J. 4'er ?ree content and other resources without any obligatons and set out to
help your blog visitors as much as you can.
6. 4'er as many ways as possible for your blog visitors to sign up to your
newsle%er. 6xample would be using pop(up lightboxes, optn forms on various
parts of the blog, ad footers and incentves for signing up. 4ne cool resource
that I have used recently is @opNp Dominaton. It works really well and has
increased the optns on some of my sites by more than double.
%I$IN% M'R! $A*+! "#AN ,'+ R!&!I$!
5 secret to being successful in business and in life generally is by practcing this rule
of giving more value than you receive, all the tme.
It does not literally mean giving W<GG away and then receiving WEG in return.
I will give you an example0 #ay if you are an accountant with specialiQed skills in
analyQing account. hen a businessman turns up to you asking for advise on how to
manage their accounts as they had no idea how to do it. hen you gave them a 23
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
specialiQed and valuable advice that would go on to save them over W<GG,GGG in their
business. hey you charged him WFGGGG for your advice.
7et me ask you, who received more value from that transacton2 #ince the
businessman actually saved a total of WTGGGG as opposed to you the accountant
gaining value of WFGGGG, then the businessman would have had more value from the
transacton. I bet he would be happy to come back for more advice in the future, as
you are a valuable asset to him and what*s more, he will be a B5MI"8 ?5" and a give
you lots of Beferrals.
#o the point that I*m driving home here is that you MN# strive to create these types
of value IM&575"/6 favoring your customers, and to your marketplace every single
day. ,ith that you will achieve preeminence very $uickly.
)! DIFF!R!N" FR'M '"#!RS > N'" A M! "'' MAR!"!R
he next method to achieve preeminence is to represent an ID65, represent your
own set of believes and principles. -ou would want to represent something that is
signifcant, yet di'erent from the conventonal wisdom in the marketplace.
If you did things di'erently, have di'erent ID65# and philosophies and also be
e'ectve at the same tme, you would have "4 4"6 to compete against you, because
you are uni$ue, and there is no substtute for you and your business in the
marketplace. #eth 8odin describes this as being a =purple cow> in your marketplace.
-ou obviously have to be con.dent and willing to .ght for your ideas, but it is very
much a be%er place to be in the &lue 4cean rather than the saturated Bed 4cean. 24
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
&'N%R+!N&, IN MAR!"IN%
he next part in your 3igsaw to preeminence is congruency.
,hat is congruency2 /ongruency happens when the message that you radiate to
your marketplace is consistent, bares a single &I8 ID65 and is predictable according
to your business personality.
Incongruency happens when you represent conRictng ideas, not being consistent in
your marketng messages and have a conRictng principle that*s driving your
?or example, a tobacco company cannot claim that they are advocatng health and
fully supportng a healthier future generaton by merely donatng a sum to a cancer
charity. his does not make sense and does not convince the customers as the
messages that they are radiatng out are in conRict.
#o think about your marketng message, make sure that it all one big vision,
one big idea and does not conRict with the principles of your business. his way you
will gain more trust and raving fans for your business.
&'NS&I!N&! MAR!"IN%5 MAR!"IN% FR'M "#! #!AR"
his may not resonate well with some marketers, as it may not be a criteria that is
important to them. However, in my ventures, conscience marketng is a key element.
,hy2 &ecause you can only truly be successful if you help enough of others be
5nd if I do not operate with conscience, instead get stuck in the money minded
frame of mind, whereby I recommend products that do not work but pays high
commissions, I*m 3eopardiQing my reputaton, goodwill and trust that took so long to
build. @lus I wouldn*t feel good anyway if I received rewards from literally deceiving
my customers of their money.
&ut more importantly, if you truly tap into the power of conscience marketng, it will
not only elevate you from your compettors, but will also unleash an untapped force
so that you will be much more convincing, much more energiQed in your marketng
e'orts and much more e'ectve in the way that you communicate value to your
customers as you really are doing it from the heart.
&asically, to operate in the conscience(marketng Qone, only sell and recommend
product that you truly believe will bene.t your customers and will bring them to the
soluton that they are desperate for, will move them closer to the goals that they
want to achieve. 25
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
Net Marketng Strategy #?: Dee0 &onnecton
Strategy (*ist )2il/ing- !mail Marketng)
In the new decade of Internet Marketng, new trends have de.nitely emerged. here
is too much stu' out there vying for our a%enton, everyday. 5s more and more
companies try to take a piece of our mindshare, the harder it is for the consumers to
remember taglines of brands and the multple marketng messages that are being
ferociously deployed at all of the consumers.
#o obviously there is a need for change in our marketng. here needs to be a change
in the way that we get the a%enton of our leads and customers, get command of the
mindshare that is so scarce and ultmately make them our brand champions.
he change I*m talking about here is the re$uirement for a D66@ /4""6/I4"
#B568- to be actvated within our marketng system.
In other words, we need to have a deep connecton with our leads, subscribers and
customers in order to get their interest and a%enton, and to help us become their
trusted advisors. o make them come to us only, without even thinking of other
In the next few subchapters below, we will discover some great tools and strategy
that we could use to help build a deeper connecton with our customers.
&'N"!N" )AS!D !MAI* MAR!"IN%
-our customers are "4 crying out for more data, statstcs or informaton.
hey are looking for 8B65 /4"6" that has the potental to be the de.ning
solutons to their deep(seated pain, frustraton, worry and problems. hey are
looking for 8B65 /4"6" that could help them achieve their deep desires, dreams
and goals.
#o consider this, when you*re producing so called =content>, does it resonate deep
within them2 Does the content have the capacity to change their lives upon using the
"ow for all Internet marketers who are 3ust about selling and not even providing an
ounce of true value content, a word of warning as your market will .nd out. 5nd the
moment they .nd out, you will lose a lot of goodwill in a very short tme. 2
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
5nyway, valuable content in the form of email marketng is the most e'ectve, if
done properly.
Here are some tps for great content(based email marketng that encourages deep
<. arget your content to the right target market. Don*t give great valuable
content on how to lose fat a+er pregnancy to a female who is KG years of age,
who is also trying to lose fat.
E. Make your headline standout0 -ou could use several di'erent types of
headlines such as shocking ones, something that your customers can relate
to, /urrent happenings, big bene.ts, big negatve headlines and many more.
F. 8ather your list of headline swipe .le0 Do this, register with all the top
marketers to be on their list, on a speci.c gmail account. 7eave it for maybe E
weeks and you will already have doQens and doQens of great headline to use.
I. @resent valuable content .rst and foremost to encourage your visitors to be
eager to open your emails. In the email, state what email topic is up next to
create excitement and antcipaton.
J. Mariety in your communicaton. #end a bonus gi+ one day, send a sales o'er
with tremendous bonus the next, and then send a video packed with content,
then send them to your blog to read an insighXul post. he list is endlessV 3ust
use your imaginaton to spruce up your content variety.
%I$! FR!! R!('R"S AND R!S'+R&!S
5nyway, the word ?B66 can be a huge motvator. 5nd when you give free advice,
content and resources that are worth a lot to your customers, they will be very
grateful. #o tap in that Qone and use the law of reciprocity to your advantage as the
people who has go%en value from you, usually would be compelled to give back.
5 word of warning here. -ou are encouraged to o'er free reports and resources to
your list, but don*t overdo it as you may risk them only wantng your free gi+ and not
buy anything that you o'er as they are so used to it.
6xamples of @owerful ?ree 8i+s and Beports Cvalued over WIT eachD0
1. @rice #tretching Beport
2. Momentum Marketng #ystem
3. 8reat 7ist &uilding 7ie 2!
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
IM('R"AN&! 'F %R!A" #!AD*IN!S
,e had talked about the how to generate great headlines, but I want to clarify some
points to make it clearer as to the importance of great headlines.
Headlines are important because they are the ones that generate a%enton and they
greatly inRuence open rates. Imagine that your customers inbox receives over <GG
emails per day. hey wouldn*t be able to open and read them all. /hances are, they
will only open the select few that gets their a%enton and ignore the rest. #o with a
great headline that is optmiQed to generate the open, your chances of marketng
success would be much higher.
'N! "' 'N! &'N$!RSA"I'NS
he other way that you could be more relevant and memorable to your market is to
have one on one conversatons with them on email. How2 I*m not saying that you
should have a tailored message for everyone, but that you should write in a way that
there are only both you and the one customer conversing in the email.
hink of ways that you can convey your message to one person in the audience,
while actually having the impact on many at the same tme.
5 useful way to be more relevant and speci.c to your customers is by segmentng
your list into many categories, depending on the level of commitment that your
customer has with you or how deep they are in your sales funnel. 2"
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
?or example, if someone has already bought your list building course that cost WEYT,
separate them from the crowd that has 3ust downloaded your free report. In that
way, there will be less confusion in your marketng and your list will be more
D'N@" )! AFRAID "' INS!R" AFFI*IA"! *IN ()+" )! S+)"*!)
I*m going to share with you how I add an aPliate link without looking like I*m selling
anything. his has helped my conversions a lot as it seems subtler.
5nyway near the top of the email you could say for example0
=If you are looking for the complete guide that includes the most advanced tps and
strategies on ge9ng your ex back then check this out0>
his way you are actually doing your readers a favor, in case they are looking for the
best materials, they can cut to the chase and proceed straight to buying it.
In reality, there are varying degrees of buying urgency within your list, as some are
ready to get the best, most complete solutons while the rest are more content to
work on the free content that they are receiving.
he occasional hardsell is also very important for increased conversion. In fact, it also
improves the depth of your relatonship with your customer. If done well with the
right intentons, your customers will be delighted to have the hardsell being
presented right before them.
However, only have a hardsell email if you really believe in the product, as your
customers might get annoyed and perceive you and your marketng as pu9ng pro.ts
.rst before their bene.t. 5nd once the percepton has changed for the worse, it takes
a long tme to recover it back if ever.
#ome tricks to presentng the hardsell0
<. 5dd on some urgency Climited tme opportunityD
E. 5dd some scarcity Conly FG units availableD
F. 6ntce them with bonuses with the special o'er 2#
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
I. @resent deep reaching bene.ts that appeal to their deep(seated motvatons
J. 8ive them a "o(&rainer deal C#tack so much value onto the o'erD
K. @rovide some social proof and testmonials to strengthen case
T. Have multple call to actons
[. 5ppeal to the emotons of the reader
R!&'MM!ND!D R!S'+R&! F'R !MAI* MAR!"IN%
he resource that I use personally to great e'ect, that automates my email marketng
e'orts to the extent of 3ust minimal work is 5,6&6B. his tool is actually an
autoresponder service provider, which is highly advanced and o'ers many features
for marketers to take advantage of.
-ou can get started here, and 5,6&6B is o'ering a free trial for one month for you to
test drive its functons and experience its bene.ts .rsthand. I cannot recommend
this service highly enough, and I would endorse them even if they do not have an
aPliate program.
5nyway, its simple and easy to use, has the ability to track open rates and other vital
O@Is for your email marketng campaigns and has great customer support should you
encounter any troubles. 3$
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
Net Marketng Strategy #A: &on;ersion Strategy
(on Be6site5 an/ o0tmi4aton- Scarcity an/
Selling "actcs)
In this secton we are going to cover the mechanics of conversion. #peci.cally what
elements makes the o'er convert like clockwork, and how we can use them in our
marketng to increase conversions and also making our customers delighted.
/onversion is a key aspect of marketng as a great conversion optmiQaton system
could bring you up to <G tmes more pro.t than the average industry conversion rate
of <S.
o be able to test, understand and to know the mechanics of conversion is vital as
you would be able to be so much more e'ectve and making so much more
commission with the same amount of traPc)
In the next subchapters below, we will systematcally dissect components in your
marketng message that has the potental to increase your conversions dramatcally. 31
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
"#! &'NS+*"A"I$! R!&'MM!NDA"I'N S"RA"!%,
I covered this topic in my blog post recently, but let me 3ust get to it here.
Instead of sending out promotonal email a+er promotonal email with li%le content
but my aPliate link, I decided to approach my business in a di'erent way. 5 way that
.rst and foremost is based on giving away M57N6, then cultvatng a BN# based
relatonship as an advisor to my readers, subscribers and customers.
In my emails, in various niches that I*m operatng in, I decided that in my
communicatons and marketng materials that I would provide solutons for my leads
and customers .rst.
hen a+er I gained their trust as an expert, and advisor, and someone who will work
for their bene.t and be on their side, then I would recommend products to them
that I personally think are of High Malue and that provides solutons to their problems
and frustratons.
I will illustrate it simply like this. Doctors charge a fee for consultaton with their
clients. hen they recommend products or services for their clients to consume for
their clients &6"6?I. hey work on the best interest of their clients regardless of the 32
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
pro.ts they will be ge9ng. 5nd they work ethically for the utmost Health and #afety
of their clients1patents.
#ee where I*m coming from2 his mindset #HI? is exactly what most marketers need
in an age where people are growing more and more wary about scams.
&y 6mploying the Model of /onsultatve Becommendaton, you would be able to
en3oy a much more pro.table and bene.cial relatonship with your customers and
leads, and will be able to move them along your #ales ?unnel much easier, as they
trust and consult with you more and more.
WRI"! S"+FF "#A"@S M!ANIN%F+*
Does what you write really resonate deep within your prospects heart and mind,
does it penetrate into the depths of their fears, pain and grief2 Does it give the boost
of motvaton they need, or does it reenergiQe them to further success2
Does it engage them every step of the way, to entce them line(by(line, to want to
devour the content that you have delivered to them2
If the stu' that you write is stu' that don*t ma%er to your crowd, how else would
you expect them to read your whole copy, let alone take acton in the form of clicking
to the sales page or adding their name into the s$ueeQe page2
%I$! '(!N AND #'N!S" R!$I!WS
4ne thing I hate about marketng is the decepton that is rampant out there despite
the tghtening of the ?/ rules. Its one thing to really en3oy the bene.ts of the
product and report the great result you experience, but it*s a whole other issue
making up a persona that claims to have achieved L amount of success a+er using
the products, together with all the false testmonials and fake comments on the
,hat I*m reiteratng is that it*s downright unethical to present those kinds of
marketng for unsuspectng customers. 5nd as I said previously, the Internet
populaton is ge9ng savvier, and it won*t be long before they could easily detect
scams and deceptve marketng. 33
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
If you really could not sample the product, at least give real reviews and testmonials,
plus research on the product independently to come up with a conclusion that*s not
Here are some tps to write Honest Beviews that converts0
<. Besearch about the product, look for both good and bad
E. ry it for yourself if that*s possible
F. /over the bene.ts and the downsides of the product as its much more
I. #ay who the product is for, and who shouldn*t buy the product
J. 8ive great informaton on the facts and bene.ts of the product
K. Discuss about the source, is the manufacturer reliable2
&+S"'M!RS )!S" IN"!R!S"S FIRS"
Bemember, in all of your marketng, always strive to put your customers interests
ahead of your own. Oeep brainstorming on how to make your customers more
successful, and then only will you be successful.
4n the side note, when you employ this mentality in your business, your customers
can feel it and for that they will trust you, your business and your o'ers much more
than the other marketers who operate di'erently. 34
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
&'N$!RSI'N "A&"I&S: hese were roughly covered in the previous chapter
on Hardsell actcs, and it works as a charm for conversion, so I will go into a li%le bit
more detail here behind the psychology of these tactcs.
'FF!R )'N+S!S5 &onuses tps the Malue to @rice @ropositon 4 -4NB ?5M4B.
@sychologically, it makes your prospects feel that they are receiving so much in return
for the amount that they had spent with you.
&onuses that are uni$ue to you and that .lls the gaping hole in the product that you
are recommending are the bonuses that you ought to o'er.
5lso, make sure the perceived value of your bonuses outperforms others* bonuses in
your market to gain a compettve edge.
S&AR&I",5 ,hen the product that you*re recommending is scarce, there is a fear
of missing out. @sychologically, your prospects would feel that they would have to
take acton $uickly before the o'er sells out or before the valuable bonuses runs out. 35
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
+R%!N&, AND D!AD*IN!S5 Nrgency and deadlines operate in tandem with
scarcity, and generates a fear of missing out, the pain or not having a product that
can change their lives because they were too slow to grab it.
@sychologically, your prospects will feel rushed o' their feet to purchase your
unbelievable o'er that is going to be taken down very soon.
S'&IA* (R''F5 he general populaton needs social proof. @eople are skeptcal
by nature. hey prefer other people to validate what they are about to purchase.
@sychologically, your prospects will feel that the o'er is a much less risky one when
there is proof of its success and results with other people and with the author
he more testmonials that you present, the be%er conversions you can achieve. 3
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
%+ARAN"!!5 his can be a very important tpping point as this e'ectvely
reverses the risk from your customer to you. /ustomers love no risk o'ers as they are
able to try it for themselves, 3ust to evaluate whether it works or not. @lus with a
guarantee, psychologically your prospects will feel that since you are &47D enough to
guarantee your product, then it should be good. 3!
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
Net Marketng Strategy #C: A1liate Marketng
Strategy (Bays to 0roDt :rom other 0eo0leEs
5Pliate marketng is a great way to break into the Internet marketng game. In fact, it
re$uires much less work than being a product marketer. #urely, the potental gains
are de.nitely smaller than those of the product owner model, however there are no
customer support, sales copy and aPliate management to worry about.
o do well as an aPliate marketer, you would need to do a few things right and that
could stand you to eventually become a super aPliate.
Here are some of the essental skills that an aPliate marketer should master0
<. he ability to drive traPc to your site.
E. he skill to build a trust based relatonship with your list
F. #kills to convert leads into buyers
I. #kill to improve the aPliate marketng processes
&elow we will dig deeper into some of the other factors that you might need to pay
a%enton and work on, in order to be a be%er aPliate marketer.
+S! !FF!&"I$! !MAI* MAR!"IN% (!ND'RS!M!N")
here are a myriad of ways by which you could market to your crowd, using twi%er,
?acebook, -outube, review pages and other ways but the one that produces the best
result is the use of e'ectve email marketng.
Nsing email marketng, you could e'ectvely presell your way to aPliate marketng
wealth. Much has been said about email marketng already, so if you refer to the
previous chapter, you could use the same techni$ues to turbocharge your aPliate
marketng results.
4ne tp though, when you are promotng aPliate products, give your full
endorsement to the products that you are o'ering to your list. #eeing that concrete
endorsement, the trust that your list has with you will automatcally transfer to the
aPliate products that you are recommending. 3"
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
(R'M'"! %R!A" (R'D+&"S "' !N#AN&! ,'+R R!(+"A"I'N
It*s de.nitely worth mentoning again and again that you should really promote the
products that you know about, and that you know works for your customers. he
reason is simple and the advantages are many.
he most important result from doing this is that your customers will trust you more
and more when you*re recommending a product, and your reputaton will be
enhanced in the process.
,hen you recommend products that are useful, relevant and valuable, then your
customers will know that you are promotng the product so that they will fully
bene.t and from that your reward would be your aPliate commissions, so everybody
5lso, when you take the tme to organiQe a great deal with the product owners for
the bene.t of your customers, they will also be more likely to take the o'er and not
go somewhere else as you provided them with the best o'ers.
(R!S!**IN% "A&"I&S (R!$I!WS)
5s discussed in the previous chapters on ways to presell and generate reviews that
convert, preselling tactcs can de.nitely increase your conversions when promotng
an aPliate o'er.
'FF!R #I%# $A*+! +NI7+! )'N+S!S "#A" A+%M!N"S
Much has been said about o'ering great bonuses as part of the bribe to get more
aPliate sales. Befer to the previous secton for more details.
%R!A" A+"'R!S('ND!R S!7+!N&!
hough &roadcasts from your email promotng the latest product launches can be
very lucratve, your autoresponder se$uence is very important as the backbone of
your marketng e'orts.
Its pre%y simple to get that going, but make sure that you add at least F months
worth of follow up emails in order to have constant communicaton with your list, 3#
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
and giving consistent value and informaton that will keep them engaged to your
message and marketng.
S!**IN% +SIN% W!)INARS WI"# (R'D+&" &R!A"'R
In recent tmes selling through webinars has become more commonplace. In fact, it*s
a rather e'ectve way of selling and promotng aPliate products.
8e9ng your customers and list to a%end a seminar pre$ them, to
demonstrate that they are interested to learn more of the sub3ect that*s been
discussed and possibly the related product on o'er.
@lus webinars are such content and informaton based form of marketng that your
customers will stll receive value and great actonable informaton that even if they
didn*t buy in the webinars, they will be happy to have a%ended, and this increases
your business goodwill.
,ays to utliQe webinars e'ectvely0
<. ,rite a long informatonal email whilst selling the bene.ts of your free
E. /ould entce subscribers that by a%ending the webinar and staying tll the
end, they would be eligible to receive a great priQe.
F. 5rrange special scarcity based bonuses that could encourage more acton
takers during the webinar, to purchase through your link. 4$
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
I. Deliver [GS content and EGS selling in your webinar.
J. #end a reminder a day before the webinar and E hours before the start.
K. Make sure that the product creator is presentng at your webinar, fully
I hope that you really have gained some value through your reading of this report,
and that by now you would have formulated some concrete strategies on how you
could improve on your marketng e'orts, to bring in the best results for your
business, incrementally Cstep(by(stepD.
5ll solid businesses will take tme to grow, and I believe that we need strong
foundatons in order to build a tall building, and with the right tools, resources and
mindset, I believe that your success would be inevitable.
?ace your fears and 3ust do it anyway, should be one of the mindsets that you must
adopt in order to move forward towards your goal, day a+er day. 5nd if you
concentrate on building your business one solid brick at a tme, then your success
will be lastng, and that you will be able to build an enviable and high value business,
which is able to bring much value to many others.
#o thanks for your tme and a%enton, and feel free to leave your comments on my
blog, I would love to hear your thoughts and
feedback on this material, and to know if it has been of value to you.
Its been a pleasure writng this, and watch this space as there!s more to come...
o your Marketng #uccess)
Daniel oh 41
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
)'N+S S!&"I'N:
Marketers that I Res0ect an/ W#, ( in al0ha6etcal or/er)
4ver the years I have bought a lot of courses and learnt a lot from other marketers.
&y learning di'erent e'ectve ideas, thought processes and strategies, I was able to
integrate chosen pieces of ideas, strategies and tactcs into my marketng ventures
and to be able to pro.t from them. he list below are some of my favorite marketers,
this list is and the details that follow are by no means exhaustve but I .gured that I
would like to pass some credit to these marketers.
ADAM S#'R"5 I have learnt a lot from the trainings from "iche @ro.t /lassroom
by 5dam #hort. It really is a complete system full of powerfully integrated strategy
that aPliate marketng and product creaton to speed up your
implementaton of this model, and to do it successfully. Highly recommend that you
try out "iche pro.t classroom!s W< trial to learn more within the membership on how
to succeed in your niche marketng ventures.
*!! M&IN",R!5 5 powerhouse marketer that has inspired many towards
achieving .nancial freedom only. 5n ethical marketer in my books and delivers
awesome value for the price that he charges for his products. Highly recommended
that you grab his free reports, bonuses and trainings to have a much deeper
understanding of internet marketng and how to make money online fast.
MAR *IN%5 Mark has been doing internet marketng for over <G years now and
has a lot of successes to be shared to any internet marketer who wants to be
successful online. I!ve learnt a lot about niche marketng and aPliate marketng from
Mark, and will be antcipatng more in the future.
MA"" &AR"!R > I!ve been on Ma%!s list for awhile now, and I!m partcularly
impressed by his free <E part video series which delivers power packed content,
that!s a great primer for internet marketers. 5lso delivers valuable content regularly,
and is de.nitely worth following.
I also highly recommend Ma%!s Bapid Bewriter so+ware which is a powerful artcle
rewritng so+ware for content syndicaton purposes and has de.nitely helped with
my back linking campaigns. 42
NetMarketingStrategy Manifesto By Daniel Toh
,AR' S"ARA > -aro!s blog is a great resource for bloggers, internet marketers
and has been for many years. I love the $uality of the content that he produces on a
regular basis, and it makes for a good read and its actually $uite powerful when
applied. He has several programs that he conducts, namely &log Mastermind and
Membership #ite Mastermind that I think is worth checking out.
www.entrepreneurs( 43
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