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Your Privacy: Translating from Progressive to Plain

While relatively inconsequential celebrity gossip
and sports scores make headlines and consume
hours of radio and television broadcast time, its
amazing to see what critical news goes unnoticed.
Seemingly wrapped in a proverbial "plain brown
wrapper" like some embarrassing prescription or
marital aid sent through the mail, news of liberty
and freedom being stolen from the masses, mostly
goes unnoticed. Hidden in plain site on back pages
of rint !ain Stream !edia and and the less
Search "ngine Spidered nooks and crannies of the
internet, !ain Stream !edia dutifully, yet subtly
and half#heartedly, fulfills its $ifth "state
obligation to report the activities that our
rogressive %overnment would prefer W" &H" "'(" did not notice.
)nd this latest evil %overnment activity regarding &witter moved this writer to write this article.
!ost recently the !ain Stream !edia*s "lain +rown Wrapper" news revealed the further incursion on our
rights to privacy and free press,
%overnment -equests $or &witter )ccount .ata /p 012 Since Second Half 'f 3456
&o remove the "lain +rown Wrapper", first we must perform the rogressive to "nglish language conversion,
5. &ranslate "%overnment" to 7S),
3. &ranslate "-equests" to $orth )mendment 8iolations and destruction of your right to be secure in your
6. &ranslate ".ata" to invasion of your privacy 9 private information that they can use to blackmail, e:tort,
charge you criminally, steal your ideas and;or be used to engage in <ongressional =nsider &rading.
With that translation, you have a better idea of what your duplicitous rogressive %overnment and !ain Stream
!edia is trying to deliver to you in a plain brown wrapper.
+ut &witter is not the entire story. >ou will recall this writer advising his reader of our %overnments "$rogs in a
ot" approach to encroaching on our liberty. )s frogs in a pot will ?ump out of the pot if the temperature of the
water in the pot is raised too quickly, so does your government slowly erode your liberties lest you revolt.
Here are previous pot#water#warming, liberty#eroding acts of your government,
White House gives Homeland Security control of all communication systems
$<< Wants &o Spy 'n !ain Stream !edia 7ewsrooms
How <overt )gents =nfiltrate the =nternet to !anipulate, .eceive 9 .estroy -eputations
$+=, <'=7&"(-' 9 -ev .r !artin (uther @ing, Ar.5;6
<aught working on the rogressive "ugenics )genda againB $acebook Says =tCs Sorry.WeCve Heard &hat
>es, &here )re aid %overnment &rolls 'n Social !edia, +logs, $orums 9 Websites
<an we all agree that all of these recent, liberty eroding acts of spying and censorship have no legitimate
?ustificationD )nd, can we all agree that all of this spying and censorship is intended to prevent rank and file
)mericans from finding out about the government*s various dubious activitiesD $inally, can we agree that all of
these activities our government does not want us to find out about must be bad and;or not in the best interests of
-ank and $ile )mericans, else why go through the trouble of censoring themD
>ou will recall this writer alleges our government has attempted to blackmail and e:tort him to stop reducing
his political dissent to writing.
>ou will recall that when this %overnment tactic proved unsuccessful, this writer alleges that our government
directed %oogle to delete all of his nearly 544 blogs on some bogus premise.
)nd, in response to his near 544 blogs being deleted, this writer reminds you of his various warnings and alerts
about the rogressive )genda contained in this article,
$acebook, %oogle, !ain Stream !edia, <ensorship 9 the rogressive )genda
&his writer hopes that this last article and the string of (iberty "roding 7ews from =ndependent and !ain
Stream 7ews Sources earlier in this article, has awakened concern within you and moved you to action. =ts time
to immediately start writing, calling, fa:ing and emailing your elected officials and demanded e:planations.
)nd force them to reduce their e:planations to writing as "the spoken word tends to evaporate" when it comes
to politicians.
&o put the severity of our %overnment*s transgressions in perspective, let us talk briefly about history and the
premises used in constructing our .eclaration of =ndependence, <onstitution, +ill of -ights and -ule of (aw.
'ur government was founded on this premise that %overnment must be constructed with the nature of man in
mind. &he $ounder*s adopted the following as their understanding of the nature of man from the <ato (etters,
)ll men EpeopleF have free will and are not virtuous by nature.
With this premise, the $ounders* prescribed transparency and accountability of %overnment to tW" &H"
"'(" as the best means to limit corruption and evil deeds by government.
$irst rinciples, )ll menEpeopleFhave free will and are not virtuous by nature
'ur %overnment, through its spying and censorship, are trying to remove from W" &H" "'(" the very
tools necessary to keep the persons who occupy our government from acting upon their evil, non#virtuous
impulsive nature.
+eing so informed, this writer admonishes the reader that you must not stand by docilely compliant while your
government strips you of your 7atural -ights.
=f you do not act now, there may be no one to help you when the tyranny descending upon all of us, personally
impacts you.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
!artin 7iemGller H5IJ3#5JI0K
&his writer implores you to act now before the evil that our government has become, consolidates its power to
resist W" &H" "'(". !ay this writer suggest of defiance be to follow he, and his near L4,444 followers on
&witter M.!ashak. $rom that base we can collaborate on ideas and coordinate our activities to resist these
erosion of our freedoms and liberties.
True grassroots teaparty occupy folks! anything other than getting in face of elected officials and demanding
answers and"or action is a waste of time.
.on !ashak
&ake it from one who observed all the standard and protocol and got no where.
&hose were my thoughts.
=n <losing,
&hank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.
=f what is written here rings true to you, perhaps you should contact your local elected officials and let them
know. =f you are afraid of repercussions, snail mail it anonymously and ask them to respond in the local paper or
their own monthly;quarterly internet newsletter. "ven if this article refers to something outside you geographic
area, it still likely applies to your location. -emember all those ta:payer training ?unkets we ta:payers send the
bureaucrats onD &hey all learn the same Nlivestock managementO techniques to use on W" &H" "'(".
)nd that leaves W" &H" "'(" with this conundrum, While our P%overnment works full time with
compensation and funded with our money for the cause of P&yrannyB W" &H" "'(" are forced to work part
time without compensation for the cause of Pliberty with what is left over of our time, money and energy.
$inally, this article is written with the same intentions as &homas aine http,;;;paine. =, .on
!ashak, seek no leadership role. =, .on !ashak, seek only to help the )merican eople find their own way
using their own N<ommon SenseO http,;;;kb-uar
@eep $ighting the %ood $ightQ
=n (iberty,
.on !ashak
&he <ynical atriot
http,;;$acebook;.on.!ashak HWarning, =!H' run by rogressivesK
.on !ashak %oogle lus http,;;;5)/r" HWarning, =!H' run by rogressivesK
W" &H" "'(" &)- PW"&H""'("&)-
http,;;W"&H""'("&) H%oogle censored this blog by deletingK
"nd the $edHeral -eserve +ank SystemK P"&$ H(update R;J;3450K
7ational http,;;;/0>SoR !inneapolis http,;;;t?TA@$
+ring Home the oliticians P+H&
(awless )merica P(awless)merica M(awless)merica
&erm (imits P&erm(imit
Austice in !innesota PA=!
<ritical &hinking 7otice # &his author, .on !ashak, advises you as no politician would dare. ":ercise <ritical
&hinking Hhttp,;;;Akbfy1K in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. .o not passively
accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author, .on !ashak,... unless and until you verify it
yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to
the contrary of your perspective.

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