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RTA Model document that forms part of G21M Edition 1 / Revision 0 August 2008

Referenced b G21M/M
This Model !ocument forms part of the G21M "#$ $peci%cation and is called up under
G21M Anne&ure M' (ssues listed in the )#igh Ris* +or*, column must be addressed in
$afe +or* Method $tatements -$+M$./ 0hen the are present during the 0or*' The
control measures are provided for Guidance only' 1ote that this table of e&amples does
not include all possible ha2ards' 3ou ma 4cut5paste, control suggestions into our ris*
assessments and $+M$' These e&amples are provided as a guide onl and an other
site-specifc factors must also be considered
Refer to the Generic #a2ards 6ist for references to 6egislation/ +or*7over 1$+ 7odes
of 8ractice/ Guidelines9 Australian $tandards9 and RTA 8olicies and T(8 $heets'
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
1. (ork
Motorists9 pedestrians9
riders entering 0or*
+or*ing close to roads'
E&cessive tra:c speeds'
;ehicle collision/lose
+or*ing on foot near
moving plant'
8lant movements 0hich
obstruct tra:c 5/or
pedestrian <o0s'
+or*ing in impact
2ones/ behind safet
Truc*s entering/ e&iting
0or* site'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > update as the 0or* changes'
Road closures and detours'
?se approved T78'
?se accredited tra:c controllers'
?se accredited tra:c control providers'
#igh visibilit clothing9 da 5 night 0or*'
7orrect si2e temp signs/ as per A$1@A2'B'
?se of chicanes and/or pilot vehicles'
7lear delineation of altered travel path/s'
Ceep impact 2ones clear behind safet barriers'
+ritten 8edestrian Movement 8lan -8M8.'
!uplicate 5/or repeat 48repare to $top, signs'
?se a second tra:c controller/ 4do0nstream,'
?se ;ariable Message $igns9 additional info'
8rovide additional lighting at night'
Refer to relevant section in TCAWS for:
7onduct 5 document an Appendi& ! Ris*
7onduct 5 document regular TM8 inspections'
?se portable tra:c signals'
Ensure correct sight distances to signs'
!uplicate and/or repeat signs'
?se minimum length speed 2ones'
Manager advises local 8olice 5 see*s enforcement
+ritten ;ehicle Movement 8lan -;M8.'
8rovide 4end=of=Dueue, protection9 monitor tra:c
+or*ing on foot near plant/ -$ect E'2F. 5 RTA T(8
$heet T002 +or*ing on foot9 T020 +or*ing near
Refer to G10
speci%cation 5
RTA Tra:c
7ontrol at +or*
$ites manual
A Tra:c
8lan -TM8.
should consist
of a T78
/ ;M8

and 8M8
T78 G Tra:c 7ontrol 8lan
;M8 G ;ehicle Movement 8lan -must include deliveries/ haul roads/ access 5 par*ing for all
vehicles and plant items9 must sho0 e&clusion 2ones 0here applicable.'
8M8 G 8edestrian Movement 8lan9 0or*ers and others on foot'
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
2. Tr*c
$truc* b tra:c'
Motorist disobes
1ot seen b motorists'
1o radio
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > update as the 0or* changes'
?se onl accredited Tra:c 7ontrollers from
accredited Tra:c 7ontrol 8roviders'
7arefull choose location 0ith an escape route'
Give clear hand signals 5 nominate the motorist >
T7A+$ 4(nstructions to Tra:c 7ontrollers,'
#igh visibilit clothing in good condition'
(mprove 4channelling, of tra:c into controllers,
?se additional lighting/ red 0ands 5 hi=vis tape on
clothing at night/ or in poor light'
7ontrollers to e relieved for 1I mins ever t0o hours9
rested or on other duties'
3. +e"estri$
/ others
7losed footpaths/
bridges and crossings'
Emploees 5 others on
foot in pro&imit to plant
5 eDuipment'
Man 0or* activities
close to one another'
Temporar path0as not
eJectivel protected
from tra:c'
(nsu:cient 0idth of
;ision and/or mobilit
impaired persons'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
!evelop a 8edestrian Movement 8lan -8M8.'
$ite=speci%c induction > update as the 0or* changes'
8rovide suitable crossings and path0as as per
T7A+$ Manual/ 8edestrians $ect E'B'
?se temporar signs to direct pedestrians'
8rovide for the impaired > mobilit/ blind etc'
?se separation distances bet0een 0or* groups'
Hence=oJ/cover e&cavations on/near path0as'
8rovide safet barriers and impact 2ones'
Reduce tra:c speed near crossings or path0as/
0here safe sight distances and clearances to tra:c
can not be maintained'
4. +%$t -
e0 work
8lant and vehicle
8edestrians -emploees
and others. struc* b
moving plant'
?nsecured plant
repair/servicing areas'
Keing under suspended
$truc* b rotating
booms and
?nsupervised reversing
(ncidents due to fatigue
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > update as the 0or* changes'
$eparate various tpes of tra:c'
?se spotters in radio communication'
Maintain safe separation distances from plant/
particularl rotating/s0inging arms/ counter0eights
!o not approach operating plant 0ithout
ac*no0ledgement and approval of operator'
!o not stand or cross beneath/ or do0nhill of
suspended loads'
8lan/ coordinate 5 supervise tas*s in close pro&imit
to one another and/or plant/ vehicles and eDuipment'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T008 for additional
summarised information'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age 2 of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
8lant continued 7rane overturn 8lan the lift9 conduct 5 document ris* assessment'
7ranes set up to manufacturer,s reDuirements'
$tabilisers full e&tended9 4pigsted, correctl'
Ensure electronic scales and alarms operate'
7ompetent person to assess safe distances from
e&cavations/ slope etc'
"bservers appointed 5 *eep pedestrians a0a'
!ogman accredited 5 used 0herever possible'
Mobile plant overturn' 8lant to be %tted 0ith roll over protection cage'
Kerms/0indro0s on emban*ments'
"nl trained and accredited operators used'
Reduce speed and angles of crossings'
?se observers in radio contact 0ith operators'
Trac*ed rather than 0heeled plant near edges'
$afe 0or* procedures developed'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age B of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
5. &$'%
?se of heav hand held
tools/ e'g' grass slasher/
hammers/ compacters9
drills etc
#andling of heav
7ontinuous poor
8oor eDuipment storage/
or poor design of
carriage rac*s'
1ot using correct
7onduct ris* assessment as reDuired b 1$+ "#$
Reg 2001 7lause 81'
Eliminate the need to lift'
8rovide mechanical devices'
Reduce the 0eight'
(mpose restrictions on certain activities'
Training of staJ'
6imits on duration of lifting/ or appling force'
Redesign obLect or tas*'
6ast choice/ reDuire for t0o person lifts'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T02A for additional
summarised information'
6. O,erhe"
Aerial po0er lines or
other services >
telephone/ cable T;'
;ertical support poles 5
7rossings/ bridges or
aDua or viaducts/
carring services'
8lan the 0or* 0ith the service provider and
document discussions and decisions'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment/ as
reDuired b 1$+ "#$ Regulation 2001/ 7lause FA'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > updated as 0or* changes'
Hor po0er lines/ determine9
#eight of service
;oltage and 1o Go Mones
#eight of plant 5 eDuipment -its envelope.
"rganise to have po0er disconnected'
Relocate po0erlines'
Maintain 1o Go Mones'
Mar* out 4e&clusion, 2ones/ outside of 1o Go Mones/
e'g' 8 m from lines N1B2*;'
?se trained and accredited operators and observers
0hen 0or*ing in close pro&imit'
7onsider using an accredited spotter even 0hen
outside of the 1o Go Mone'
Erect eJective sstem of 0arning signs and 0rite the
height to the service on the signs'
7hec* the height of an eDuipment used'
?se movement limited or smaller plant and
E&clude all non essential personnel 5 eDuip'
!evelop an emergenc plan 5 train staJ'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heets T00B/ T00E 5 T011/ for
additional/ summarised information'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age A of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
7. 2$"er
7ontact 0ith electric or
cables/ gas and 0ater
Electrical or gas
$ervice disruption'
6ocation of services to be established electronicall
or b 4potholing,'
!ocument information received from 4!ial Kefore 3ou
!ig, -telephone 1100.'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment/ as
reDuired b 1$+ "#$ Regulation 2001/ 7lause FA'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > updated as 0or* changes'
$ervices to be isolated 0hen 0or*ing in close
Establish safe clearance distances'
?se trained and accredited operators and observers
0hen 0or*ing in close pro&imit'
?se a spotter/ 0ho must stand a0a from the point
of e&cavation > avoid being overcome b %re/
e&plosion or gas'
Erect eJective sstem of 0arning signs'
E&clude all non essential personnel 5 eDuip'
!evelop an emergenc plan 5 train staJ'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T011 for additional
summarised information'
8. E%ectric%
+or* near substations/
generators or turbines'
6iaise 0ith installation o0ner/operator'
7onduct a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction'
8lan the 0or* and map the operating areas of plant9
vehicles and personnel'
7onsider using an accredited spotter'
Erect eJective sstem of 0arning signs'
E&clude all non essential personnel 5 eDuip'
!evelop an emergenc plan 5 train staJ'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T00E for additional
summarised information'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age I of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
9. E%ectric%
too%s /
Hault electric leads and
1o earth lea*age or
residual current devices
-R7!. %tted'
Electrical leads on
Aerial leads not
(ncorrect tpe of lead
and insulation used'
?nauthorised use of
inverters in construction
EDuip not earthed
Electrical leads in damp
6eads secured to metal
components/ e'g' scaJ
(mproper earthing of
?niDuel identif and register all tools and leads on
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
!etermine an inspection regime for electrical tools/
appliances etc'
#ave all tools and leads tagged and inspected'
$ecurel loc* up -Duarantine./ or remove from site/
an defective tools or ones not inspected'
Residual current devices in all circuits'
Electrical leads *ept elevated 5 clear of 0or* areas'
?se onl Duali%ed electricians 0ho follo0 Australian
$tandard +iring Rules'
?se onl accredited persons = )testing/taggingO
All leads *ept elevated/ shielded 5 dr'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T00E for additional
summarised information'
Ascertain if an eDuipment reDuires to be earthed
-earth sta*e. 5 ho0 it should be done'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age F of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
10. (ork t
heights -
work o$
1o handrails > fall
1o static line in place or
+or*ing outside of
(ncomplete scaJold'
$caJold not erected as
$caJold not properl
supported/ braced or
Hloor penetrations not
6adders not secured'
?nsafe access/egress'
+or*ing unrestrained on
E&cessive sag in static
7rush sndrome'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
Hollo0 "#$ Reg,s #ierarch of control/ 7lause IF'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction'
All 0or* platforms have secure handrails 5 midrails >
fall containment'
"ther0ise use static lines/ harness and short
lanards > fall prevention'
?se of fall arrest sstem > fall arrest -reDuires a
recover sstem to be in place.'
All penetrations securel covered or barricaded'
All ladders secured to prevent movement'
6adders to e&tend at least 1m above landings'
?se ladder bas 5 gates on scaJold ladders'
$caJold being erected/dismantled9 tag as incomplete
5 fence oJ to prevent access'
$caJolder/erectors to use a 4handover, statement
7onduct 5 document pre=use 5 regular inspections
of all 0or* at heights eDuipment'
#ave fall prevention 4%ttings, built into prefabricated
Refer to RTA "#$ 8olic 2'11/ Working at heights and
T(8 $heet T00I 5 T022 for additional summarised
11. (ork o,er
or $er
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction'
8rovide fall prevention sstems'
8rovide recover sstems'
(f 0or*ing oJ=shore/mid stream consider need to
have a second recover vessel'
+ear personal <oatation devices -8H!s.'
8H!s uniDuel identi%ed/ registered 5 inspected'
!etermine 0hether all personnel can s0im'
+or* in pairs'
?se 4engineer=certi%ed, coJer dams or retention
8rovide safe access and egress sstems'
7onduct 5 document 0ritten ris* assessments 0hen
using electrical tools etc over/near 0ater'
8ractice rescue/recover procedures'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age @ of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
12. (ork
cr$es /
7ollapse 0hile being
erected/ maintained/
altered or serviced'
Halls from height'
Toppling over'
6oads dropped'
Amputation or crush
7ontact 0ith utilities'
Mechanical/ hdraulic or
structural failure'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
!evelop a lift or driving plan after a 0ritten ris*
$ite=speci%c induction > updated as 0or* changes'
Ensure $+M$ covers establishment/ maintenance/
and disassembl'
8ersons climbing an to0er or derric* have fall
prevention and a recover sstem is in place'
!etermine load bearing capacities of soils/pads
Ascertain ho0 to ensure load bearing limit is not
All cranes and rigs properl deploed/ as per
manufacturer,s reDuirements'
7orrect use of pig=sted materials'
$tabilisers full deploed'
"nl Duali%ed persons sling loads'
All lifting eDuipment is uniDuel identi%ed/ tagged/
registered9 is regularl inspected and tested'
Test results are documented on the register'
All moving parts are correctl guarded'
All guards are in place and serviceable'
A loc*=out/tag=out procedure is in place 5 follo0ed
for an maintenance/servicing'
+hen in pro&imit to utilities/ see above information
for overhead 5 underground utilities'
13. E6c,tio
$ee 1$+
7ode of
8ractice -7o8./
7ollapse of earth 0alls'
7rushing9 suJocation'
8lant/vehicle rollover'
;ehicle collisions'
8ersons falling from
7ontact 0ith utilities'
E&plosion/ %re or gas
Hall into e&cavation
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > updated as 0or* changes'
$horing to be provided as per 7o8 e&cavation'
$horing to be inspected regularl'
Trenches 1m deep 5 open more than a 0ee* are
?nshored trenches are benched or battered'
8lant prohibited from edges > see 7o8'
$poil stored at safe distance from edges'
$afe access 5 egress provided'
Puic* access to egress method/ available in case of
+or* in pairs'
1o person in an e&cavation/ 0hile it is being
e&cavated or other plant is operating in trench'
8rovide barricades around e&cavation
8rovide e&haust ventilation and test atmosphere'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T00A for additional
summarised information'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age 8 of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
14. Bit'#e$
!amage to s*in'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > update as the 0or* changes'
As a minimum/ all bituminous 0or* is to be
conducted in compliance 0ith 7o8 for $afe #andling
of Kitumen 8roducts -Aust (nstitute of 8etroleum >
A(8 7820./ and A?$TR"A!$ Kitumen $ealing $afet
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T012 for additional
summarised information'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet and RTA "#$ 8olic 2'I
Bituminous Works/ for additional summarised
!ocument and test an emergenc response plan'
15. Co$f$e"
#eat e&posure'
Avoid entr to con%ned spaces 0here possible'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > update as the 0or* changes'
7onduct atmosphere testing prior to each entr'
7ontinuous air monitoring 0hile space occupied'
$tandb person appointed and available 0hile ever
the space is occupied'
$taJ trained in all aspects of con%ned spaces 0or*
and %rst aid -min $enior Hirst Aid level.'
Training must include/ but not be limited toQ
instructions on the ha2ards of con%ned spaces
ris* assessment procedures
control measures/ emergenc procedures and the
selection/ use/ %tting and maintenance of safet
Training must be provided to those 0ho manage or
supervise those 0or*ing in or near con%ned spaces/
and those 0ho are on stand=b or in rescue and %rst
aid procedures
Recover sstem in place 5 read for immediate
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T01A for additional
summarised information'
$ee RTA "#$ 8olic 2'F Conned Spaces!
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age E of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
16. E6pos're
to Noise
6ong=term e&posure to
e&cessive noise levels'
8lant and eDuipment not
eJectivel silenced'
?n*no0n noise levels'
(nsu:cient *no0ledge
to select the 4right,
hearing protection'
1ot 0earing eJective
hearing protection'
E&ceeding the !ail
1oise !ose -!1!. 8I dK
8oor verbal
#aving to shout at someone a metre a0a indicates
nois plant' #ave the noise level of such nois plant
Reduce noise output or separate people from nois
plant/ or nois plant from people'
Hit better noise suppression to nois plant and
7onsider noise mapping'
!etermine e&posure time to reach !1!'
!etermine level of attenuation -noise reduction. to
reach !1! level'
$elect hearing protection that gives the reDuired
level of hearing attenuation'
Regulate emploee e&posure to noise'
Train persons in 1oise 5 #earing 7onservation'
All personnel to 0ear appropriate 88E -hearing
protectors > ear muJs or plugs.'
Establish a health surveillance program'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T018 for additional
summarised information'
17. H!r"o's
s $"
8HS / D79
8oisoning/ %re/
e&plosion/ burns/
inhalation of
fumes/vapours9 s*in
irritation9 environmental
(ncorrect handling/
storage/ transport or
6ac* of information'
6ac* of control over #$
brought onto site'
1ot 0earing appropriate
8oor personal hgiene'
(ncorrect disposal of
containers/ materials
and 88E'
"btain Australian format M$!$ from
7onduct ris* assessments for all #$5!G'
!evelop and maintain a #$ Register that complies
0ith 1$+ "#$ Reg'
7onduct ris* assessment for each #$/ covering
intended use and location of 0or*'
+rite against each entr on #$ Register/ if a ris*
assessment has been done'
!etermine correct tpe/s of 88E as per ris*
assessment reDuirements'
All staJ trained in M$!$ reDuirements'
All personnel provided 0ith appropriate 88E'
#a2ardous substances stored and labelled correctl'
Mechanical ventilation'
aid items as per M$!$
8ersonal hgiene reDuisites
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T01I for additional
summarised information'
$ee RTA "#$ 8olic 2'1B/ "a#ardous su$stances!
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age 10 of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
18. As5estos
Accidental disturbance
or contact'
?nsafe containment or
collection and disposal'
?nauthorised entr to
0or* area'
8rosecution for
unlicensed removal'
1on disturbance and containment if possible'
Ascertain need for +or*7over Removal 6icence'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
$ite=speci%c induction'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
Asbestos materials identi%ed and labelled/ or 0or*
areas and e&clusion 2ones mar*ed out'
Ensure an +or*7over license is displaed'
Train staJ in safe removal techniDues'
Maintain a high standard of personal hgiene'
(ssue and ensure correct 88E is used'
7onsider establishing a decontamination station'
!ispose of material and used 88E through licensed
0aste centres'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T01@ for additional
summarised information'
19. Str'ct'r%
/ ph.sic%
$+6 e&ceeded during
lifting operations
$prains and strains'
Wire under tension
letting go!
Being struck $y %see
Collapse or overload of
structural mem$ers!
'alls from height!
7ompliance 0ith $+6 and radius charts on cranes'
All lifting gear registered and inspected regularl and
prior to use'
Regular and pre=use inspection of structural
All personnel trained in manual handling techniDues'
Refer to +or*7over guidance materials on pre 5 post
tensioned components'
20. B%sti$g
?nauthorised entr of
?nlicensed operators'
(nsecure or improper
Hire threatens storage'
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction'
#ave vehicles and storage and transport containers
$eparate/segregated storage for e&plosives and
6icensed operators and drivers'
+or*7over approvals in place 5 are current'
$ecure area from unauthorised entr'
8ublicise blast to 4neighbours,'
1o radio or mobile phones in area/ once charges set'
Emergenc response plans tested'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age 11 of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
21. De#o%itio
$truc* b
Halls from heights
Tensioned components
8remature collapse'
8rosecution = unlicensed
7onduct and document a written risk assessment'
!ocument a site=speci%c safe sstem of 0or*'
$ite=speci%c induction > update as the 0or* changes'
Ensure po0er is phsicall disconnected'
!etermine is structure contains asbestos'
"btain demolition and asbestos removal permits
from +or*7over 0here reDuired'
$afe sstem of 0or* for plant'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T01F for additional
summarised information'
22. S%ips3 trips
$" F%%s
Access routes
obstructed b materials'
6eads and hoses across
access routes'
$lipper surfaces'
Ramps not cleated'
$afet foot0ear not
8oor visibilit'
Rumping oJ/out of
Hault inappropriate
ladders9 incorrectl
All access routes *ept clear of materials and debris'
All leads *ept clear of ground or covered'
All surfaces used for access *ept dr and in good
8ersonnel 0ear appropriate safet foot0ear'
8rovide adeDuate lighting'
7limbing 5 dismounting > reDuire () points of
6adders used for access9 not as 0or* platforms'
All ladders are commercial grade9 uniDuel
identi%ed9 registered and inspected regularl'
+al*0as/ platforms stairs and other forms of access
compl 0ith A$ 1FI@'
23. Co$tct
with Het
#ot materials'
Hire in the 0or*place'
E&posure to sun'
8rovide appropriate protective clothing and training'
Ceep 0or*place clear of 0aste materials'
?se a hot 0or* permit sstem'
Remove <ammable materials or store correctl'
6eather 88E for 0elders > no polester vests'
8rovide adeDuate %re response eDuipment'
$taJ trained in %re prevention and response'
Eliminate ignition sources from <ammable
8rovide protective clothing and sun screen'
Reduce e&posure time'
24. Co$tct
with High
Kurst air or hdraulic
#igh pressure inLection
#oses becoming
?sing compressed air
for cleaning'
(mproper handling/
transport or storage of
gas clinders'
!efective pressure
8unctured lines'
Air hoses in good condition and regularl inspected'
All hose couplings %tted 0ith pins or chains'
Train staJ in dangers of stored energ'
7linders stored upright and secured'
All pressure gauges and line safet eDuipment
inspected regularl for defects'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T02I for additional
summarised information'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age 12 of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
25. Co$tct
E&posure to arc 0elding'
E&posure during
radiograph operations'
E&posure to lasers'
E&posure to sun'
+elding operations shielded and sign posted'
All personnel 0ear appropriate 88E'
7orrect procedures developed and follo0ed'
Regular eDuipment chec*'
Hollo0 documented safe 0or* procedure for laser'
8rovide protective clothing and sunscreen'
8rovide shade and staJ rotation sstems'
Refer to RTA T(8 $heet T01E for additional
summarised information'
26. Str'ck
8rotruding obLects in
access routes'
1ot 0earing appropriate
$lips/ trips and falls'
8ersonnel running at
8rotruding obLects are removed or mar*ed'
8rovide appropriate 88E -hard hat/ safet boots.'
8rovide appropriate 88E 5 training'
Running not permitted'
27. Str'ck B.
"bLects falling from
0or* platforms'
!ebris from grinding
+ind blo0n particles'
6oads improperl slung
from cranes'
Materials and
eDuipment left
All 0or* platforms %tted 0ith toe=boards'
Hence oJ areas belo0 to prevent access'
Materials stac*ed securel'
#ard hat polic in place'
8rovide ee protection/ 0here reDuired'
#ard hat areas signposted'
$ecure loose obLects'
$hield grinding operations'
6oads not slung over personnel'
Taglines are used to prevent loads s0inging'
6oads slung correctl'
8rovide roll over protective structure -R"8$.'
28. C'ght
"perating plant'
Moving plant'
Moving loads'
6oads tipping or
Materials being
7aught in nip points'
Guarding of rotating plant and hand tools'
$afe 0or* procedures to be follo0ed'
8rovide roll over protective structure -R"8$.'
8re=start dail inspections conducted'
8ersonnel *ept clear 0hen operating plant'
Hit reverse alarms to plant and chec* operation'
All personnel *ept clear during crane operations'
6oad slings properl secured'
1ip points identi%ed and signposted'
6oc*=out/ tag=out procedure in place'
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age 1B of 1A
#a2ard (denti%cation and Ris* 7ontrol Table -controls are guidance onl.
High risk
H!r" So#e Co$tro% &es're S'ggestio$s
29. Ergo$o#ic
8oor 0or* posture'
?se of e&cessive force'
Repetitive movements'
+or* station to conform 0ith ergonomic standards'
$eating to conform 0ith ergonomic standards
6aout of operator position and controls assessed'
Training of staJ'
8rovide adeDuate tas* lighting'
8rovide mechanical aids'
Modif 0or*place design'
Modif tas* reDuirements'
Rob rotation'
8rovide for change of posture 0or*ing positions'
30. Bio%ogic%
1eedlestic* inLur'
8otential e&posure to
P Hever
Ross River
(nvenomation9 tic*s/
spiders/ sna*es etc'
8rovide appropriate collection tools and 0aste
disposal containers'
!evelop safe 0or* procedures and train staJ'
(mplement an immunisation program'
8rovide staJ 0ithQ
(nformation and training'
8ersonal hgiene facilities'
(nsect repellents'
aid reDuirements/ e'g' tic* t0ee2ers
+hen conducting ris* assessments/ consider the
season and tpe threat > mosDuitoes/ sna*es/ tic*s
Hor G21M Ed 1 / Rev0 August 2008 8age 1A of 1A

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