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March 2013

BSA Troop 484, 2013

BSA Troop 484, 2013

Welcome to BSA Troop 484

We are glad that you have decided to become a part of our Troop
and look forward to seeing your Scout and family enjoy the Boy
Scouting experience.
This Quick Start Guide has been put together for your benefit. The
primary objectives of this guide are to:
1) Assist the Scout and Parent to quickly integrate into
our troop by making it easy for you to identify the
forms, dress and communication protocols of Boy
Scouts of America and Troop 484.
2) Introduce you to the key Scout and Adult leaders.
3) Introduce the parent(s) to opportunities for assisting
Troop 484, including becoming a Trained Leader,
Merit Badge Counselor, Committee Member or
Individual Event Coordinator.
4) Facilitate the enjoyment of the BSA experience by
helping the Scout to learn basic Scout skills and how
to efficiently advance to First Class Scout within 12
5) Communicate the key equipment needs.

Thank you, for your interest in becoming a member of Troop 484.
We look forward to having an excellent scouting experience with

Troop Website:
Logon Password: EagleScout (case sensitive)
Troop Roster: Regularly updated and posted on the secure part of
the Troop Website.

This is an invaluable resource for our Troop. Log on and check out
the information and calendar, as well as the Eagle section.
Most activities are reviewed and communicated at the weekly
troop meetings and the monthly parent meetings.

Troop Meetings are on Monday nights, from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM,
except for the first Monday of every month.
Parent Committee Meetings are held the first Monday of the
month beginning at 7:30 PM with a goal of finishing by 9:00 PM or
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
1092 Alberta Way
Concord, CA 94521-3864


Troop 484 also communicates through the Yahoo Groups web-
site at

With your parents permission, please send an email to

Mr. Shaun Brown, at, requesting an invitation to
be added to the group. If you do not receive a confirming email,
either from Shaun or in the form of a troop announcement, within
48 hours, please try again or call Mr. Brown at 510-599-3747.

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When you join the troop, you will be given a packet of information
that will include our Troop Roster, the Troop Calendar and the
following forms:
$60 Dues (every 6 months) (Payable to BSA Troop 484.)
$20 One-time equipment fee
$15 BSA enrollment fee
BSA Medical Form for Scout and Parent
Registration into Boy Scouts of America
Adult Application
Youth Application
Scout Personal Data Collection Form (stays with troop)
Uniform Information and placement sheets

* These all should be returned to the Membership Chairperson as
promptly as possible, but definitely before your first outing.
BSA requires that we have two-deep adult leadership at all times. It
is critical that we have as many trained adults as possible, in our
troop. This gives our troop the most flexibility in planning and co-
ordinating events and activities.
How do you become a qualified adult leader? Its easy!!
1) Express your interest to one of the Adult Uniformed Leads
(Scoutmaster or Asst. Scoutmaster).
2) Go to my and create an account.
3) As time allows, take the other Supplemental and Basic Train-
ing courses that are available on-line.
4) Go to the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council website Locate the upcoming New Leader
Essentials course under the Training tab. Take this course,
at your first opportunity.
5) Login and take these classes on-line courses first.
Fast Start: Boy Scouting (Boy Scout tab)
Youth Protection Training (General tab)
Safe Swim Defense (General tab)
Safety Afloat (General tab)
Weather Hazards (General tab)
This is Scouting

The Mt. Diablo Silverado Council, and BSA, provides excellent
Leader Specific training for adults. You can also get training as a
BSA Lifeguard, Advanced First Aid, Backpacking and High Ad-
venture Training. All of these trainings are designed to strengthen
the Troop and enhance the experience that adults and Scouts have
with BSA.


BSA and Troop 484 place a high priority on the Scout being in
proper attire at all BSA events. As well, we want the Scout to be
safe and comfortable at all outdoor events. Therefore, it is essen-
tial that the Scout obtain the following items as soon as possible
after joining the troop:
Class A Uniform: Scout shirt, neckerchief & slide (provided by
the Troop), pants, belt and socks. The Troop 484 patch and Patrol
Patch, also provided by the Troop, should be sewn on. The Merit
Badge Sash for formal events (Court of Honors, Scout Masters
Conferences, Board of Reviews).
Many Scouts like to get the nylon pants that have removable legs.
These are great for all events and outings. Plus, they usually have
a BSA belt included. These can be purchased at the Scout Shop,
located at 800 Ellinwood Way in Pleasant Hill. Slightly used pants
may be available from the Quartermaster or Eileen Ladarre.
Class B Uniform: Short or Long-Sleeve Troop 484 t-shirt. You
can purchase these from our adult leadership.
Hiking shoes or boots: We recommend not spending a lot on
hiking boots or shoesat least until you get into serious hiking.
Slightly used boots can usually be purchased inexpensively. Or,
ask around Troop 484. Most Scouts only use their first pair of
boots 2-3 times, before they grow out of them! We have an ex-
change going within the Troop.
Socks: Wool socks with synthetic liners, like SmartWool brand.
Cotton socks (or any cotton clothing) are not generally compatible
with outdoor adventures. The main emphasis is keeping your feet
comfortable and dry. Thicker helps pad against blisters, but you
must fit the boots with them or risk cramping the foot.
During the first 12 months, the Scouts focus should be on complet-
ing the Trailhead requirements. These requirements can be worked
on concurrently and will help to achieve the Scout, Tenderfoot,
Second Class and First Class Ranks.
All of these requirements are clearly identified in the Boy Scout
Handbook. It is important that you read through requirements for
all four Trailhead ranks, so that you can plan for how you will
complete these requirements.
Some very important things to help your Scout advance:
1) Read and know your Scout Handbook.
2. Bring your Scout Handbook, a pen or pencil, a note pad, and
Calendar to every meeting and event.
3. Some Trailhead requirements have a time element, so plan for
those. (For example, Tenderfoot Requirement 10A requires at
least 30 days to accomplish.) Start working on that right away.
4. Consider every meeting and outing as an opportunity to com-
plete Trailhead requirements. Make it a goal to complete 1 or
2 trailhead items at every event.
5. Any Scout who is First Class rank or above can verify and
sign off on your completed Trailhead requirements.
6. Contact your Troop Guide or a senior Scout, prior to a meeting
or event, to schedule review and completion of the Trailhead
7. Once the requirements for a rank have been completed, you
must make an appointment, with the Scoutmaster or Asst.
Scoutmaster, for a Scoutmaster conference.
8. Once you have completed the Scoutmaster Conference, con-
tact a Board of Review (BOR) Committee person, to schedule
a BOR.
The Troop Guides for the Ninja Penguins Patrol can lead your
Scout through the Trailhead. You can also rely on Scouts who have
earned First Class rank and above, as well as the Adult Leaders, to
assist your Scout.

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We dont want any Scout to be excluded from an event due to inabil-
ity to purchase or acquire proper clothing and gear. If you need
something, please ask. Our council and troop have plenty of options
for providing or lending used gear.

The basic essentials that you will need for outdoor activities in-
Orienteering Compass (Basic $10-$12 Compass)
Small Pocketknife (After completing Totin' Chip)
Personal First Aid Kit
Extra Clothing (especially socks and underwear)
Lightweight Rain Gear
Water Bottle (Nalgene or Camelback, for example)
Flashlight (Small and packable)
Trail Food (High Energy Snack or Powder)
Matches and Fire Starters (After completing Firem'n Chit)
Sun Protection, including sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.
+ Insect Repellent (Small, packable container)
You will need to provide your own sleeping bag. Until you are a
First Class Scout, you will probably not need anything rated below
15 degrees. Troop 484 has tents, stoves and pot/pan sets that can be
checked-out from the Quartermaster.
REI, Big5 and Sports Authority are great places to buy outdoor
gear if you want to try it on, or get hands-on with it first. If you
know what you are looking for, you can find good bargains at,,, Craigslist,
eBay, Target and through the Troop.
Boy Scouts of America encourages a Scout-led leadership environ-
ment. Therefore, we encourage you and your Scout to communi-
cate, as much as possible, with the Scout Leaders and Scouts.
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): Matthew Hollenbeck
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL): J onathan Sullivan
Troop Guide: Ben Schoffstall, Duncan Bradley, Ben Linzey

All new Scouts are placed initially into the Ninja Penguin Patrol,
led by the Troop Guide(s). The Troop Guides primary role is to
assist the Scout in learning the ropes of our Troop and BSA, as
well as advancement through the Trailhead. (More details about that
Of course, adult leaders are always available to fill in the gaps or to
address any ideas or concerns that you may have.
Scoutmaster: Steve von Ehrenkrook
Committee Chairperson: Terry Hess
Membership Chairperson: Barbara Hanna
Advancement Chairperson: Lisa Benson
Asst. Scoutmasters: Kevin Sullivan, Tim Benson,
Steve Bradbury, J ohn Bredehoft, Bill Burmeister,
Dean Hollenbeck, Brin Owen, and Charles Schoffstall
Yahoo Group Master: Ken Frey
Troop Web Master: Shaun Brown
Treasurer: J eff Rondini
Board of Review (BOR): Phil Newton
Merit Badge Dean: Patty Bradley
Unit Commissioner: Eileen Ladarre


Troop 484 has two great Summer Camp options for 2013. Camp
Cherry Valley on Catalina Island, and Camp Chawanakee in the
Sierra Nevada.
We are encouraging the new scouts to go to Camp Chawanakee,
fromJune 23-29, since this provides the best first summer camp ex-
perience and advancement opportunity. (Camp Cherry Valley is full.)
In addition to completing the forms noted below, please communi-
cate your Scouts desire to attend as soon as possible to an adult lead-
er. That will help us get you setup, since J une comes quickly!!.
Each Summer we have made it a priority to help in-coming Scouts
get a solid and fast start towards Eagle. This starts out with a week-
long BSA Scout Camp experience, where they will have 5 class
periods to work on their Trailhead requirements, and additional
Merit Badges.
New Scouts participate in a Troop 484 hosted Trailhead class, where
we work through the requirements for the first four advancement
ranks...Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.
In addition, Scouts will have plenty of time to explore, swim, fish,
climb, shoot, canoe and participate in an incredible Team-Building
experience for the week. There is no better opportunity for a new
Scout to advance and get to know his fellow Scouts and Adult lead-
ers than to spend the week at Camp!
Here are some links to the Camp Chawanakee web site for more in-
(For a list of Merit Badges)
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