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Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel

Complete Walkthrough/ General FAQ

By: Snow_White_88 (J. Bagdasian)
Copyright Information:
This Walkthrough is copyrighted to J. Bagdasian. It is ONLY available via Use ANYWHERE else for ANY reason is prohibited.
Version History:
0.25- March 21, 2011
Game complete through Phase One and part of Phase Two
0.35- March 22, 2011
Added Items and Reyvateil section
0.50- March 30, 2011
Phase Two complete, Finnel and Saki Paths
Trophy Section added
0.60- April 16, 2011
Finnel Normal Path and Finnel True Path completed
Bad Ending completed
Ending Section added
Table of Contents:
Introduction [Intro]
Phase 1- [P-001]
Blue Canyon Hamlet [P-01A]
Boss Battle: Mute [B-01A]
Blue Heaven Trail [P-01B]
Eternus Shaft [P-01C]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 1 [F-01]
Stairway to Fallen Heaven [P-01D]
Boss Battle: Mute [B-01B]
Eternus Shaft [P-01E]
Blue Heaven Trail [P-01F]
Eternus Shaft [P-01G]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 2 [F-02A]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 3 [F-03A]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 4 [F-04A]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 5 Part 1 [F-05A1]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 1 [S-01]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 2 [S-02]
Stairway to Fallen Heaven [P-01H]
Fallen Heaven Peak [P-01I]
Boss Battle: Ultimate Border Human [B-01C]
Stairway to Fallen Heaven [P-01J]
Eternus Shaft [P-01K]
Blue Heaven Trail [P-01L]
Blue Canyon Hamlet [P-01M]
Old Eternus Gallery [P-01N]
Blue Heaven Trail [P-01P]
Eternus Shaft [P-01Q]
Old Eternus Gallery [P-01R]
Eternus Shaft
Blue Canyon Hamlet [P-01S]
Blue Heaven Trail [P-01T]
Ciela Gate Reservoir [P-01U]
Ciela Gate [P-01V]
Moebius Factory [P-01W]
Boss Battle: Mute [B-01D]
Ciela Gate [P-01X]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 3 [S-03]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 5 Part 2 [F-05A2]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 2 [F-02B]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 3 [F-03B]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 4 [F-04B]
Moebius Factory [P-01Y]
Ciela Gate [P-01Z]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 4 [S-04]
Blue Canyon Hamlet [P-01AA]
Ciela Gate [P-01BB]
Phase 2- [P-002]
Archia City [P-02A]
Boss Battle: Mute [B-02A]
Archia Think Tank [P-02B]
Archia City [P-02C]
Garvelt Bridge [P-02D]
Phase 2 Finnel- [P02Finnel]
Garvelt Bridge [P02F-A]
Kniehar Signal Station [P02F-B]
Boss Battle: Robots [B02F-A]
Garvelt Bridge [P02F-C]
Kniehar Signal Station
Lymph Vessel [P02F-D]
Archia City [P02F-E]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 5 [S-05]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 5 [F-05B]
Lymph Vessel [P02F-G]
Slave District [P02F-H]
Boss Battle: Mute [B02F-B]
Phase 3 Finnel- [P03Finnel]
Clustania District [P03F-A]
Clustania City [P03F-B]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 6 [S-06]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 6 [F-06]
Clustania District [P03F-C]
Clustania City [P03F-D]
Clustania District [P03F-E]
Tower Block A [P03F-G]
Boss Battle: MYU [B03F-A]
Clustania District [P03F-H]
Slave District [P03F-I]
Archia City [P03F-J]
Archia Think Tank [P03F-K]
Moocheriel [P03F-L]
Phase 3- Finnel [P03F-Normal]
Archia City [P03FNormal-A]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 7 [F-07]
Tower Block A [P03Normal-B]
Boss Battle: Harvestasha [B03F-Normal]
Phase 3- Finnel [P03F-True]
Moocheriel [P03FTrue-A]
Boss Battle: Ar Ru [B03F-True]
Phase 4- Finnel [P04Finnel]
Clustania City [P04F-A]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 7 [F-07]
Clustania District [P04F-B]
Archia City
Talk Topic Search [P04F-C]
Archia Think Tank [P04F-D]
Tower of Origin [P04F-E]
Boss Battle: Ayatane [B04F-A]
Moocheriel [P04F-G]
Boss Battle: Ar Ru [B04F-B]
Old Eternus Gallery [P04F-H]
Eternus Shaft
Tyria Cosmosphere Level 1 [T-01]
Tyria Cosmosphere Level 2 [T-02]
Moocheriel [P04F-I]
Boss Battle: Ar Ru [B04F-C]
Eternus Shaft
Old Eternus Gallery
Eternus Shaft
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 8 [F-08]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 9 Part 1 [F-09A]
Finnel Cosmosphere Level 9 Part 2 [F-09B]
Archia City
Archia Think Tank [P04F-J]
Boss Battle: Reyvaroid [B04F-D]
Tower of Origin [P04F-K]
XP Shell [P04F-L]
Boss Battle: Richa [B04F-E]
Archia City [P04F-M]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 8 [S-08]
District A [P04F-N]
Boss Battle: Harvestasha [B04F-G]
Clustania District
Archia City
Clustania District
Akane Part 1 [A-01]
Akane Part 2 [A-02]
Akane Part 3 [A-03]
Garvelt Bridge [P04F-O]
Boss Battle: MYU Mk.2 [B04F-H]
Archia City [P04F-P]
XP Shell [P04F-Q]
Boss Battle: Zzx_Ru [B04F-I]
Boss Battle: Ciela [B04F-True]
Phase 2 Saki- [P02Saki]
Garvelt Bridge [P02S-A]
Kniehar Signal Station [P02S-B]
Boss Battle: Robots [B02S-A]
Garvelt Bridge [P02S-C]
Kniehar Signal Station
Lymph Vessel [P02S-D]
Archia City [P02S-E]
Saki Cosmosphere Level 5 [S-05]
Lymph Vessel [P02S-F]
Slave District [P02S-G]
Boss Battle: Mute [B02S-B]
Phase 3 Other- [P03Bad]
Boss Battle: MYU [B03B-A]
Clustania District [P03B-A]
Slave District [P03B-C]
Archia City [P03B-D1]
Archia Think Tank [P03B-E1]
Moocheriel [P03B-F]
Boss Battle: Ar Ru [B03Bad]
Items [Item]
Shop [Shop]
Usable Items [Use]
Equipment [Equip]
Key Items [Key]
Ingredients [Igrd]
Item Synthesis [Synth]
Supermoves [Super]
Party Talk Topics [Party]
Reyvateils [Reyv]
Saki's Talk Topics [S-Talk]
Finnel's Talk Topics [F-Talk]
Saki's Diving [S-Dive]
Finnel's Diving [F-Dive]
Trophies [Troph]
Endings [End]
Introduction [Intro]
So this is my first (published) Walkthrough. Basically I took everything that
I've ever used GameFAQs to look up and started typing it up as I played through
the game. Obviously I'm not very far through, but I hope to remedy that soon
(hurray spring break! ^_^) I've also created a series of in-depth guides that I
will also be posting which is why this is not a FAQ as well as a walkthrough. I
see no reason to bog this down unnecessarily.
UPDATE (3-22-11): So apparently GameFAQS does not approve of my other faqs, so
I've decided to say 'screw it' and add them here because I really think that
useful information.
I'll be updating every time I finish a Phase. I know there are multiple endings
for this game which is why I'll be playing through both girls stories at the
time. If there is anything I have forgotten or not found, feel free to email me
at Put 'AT3' in the subject line so I'll know what it's
about. Now without further ado, Ar Tonelico Qoga!
***Note: When I give directions I don't mean the character's left or right or
whatever. I'm referring to the actual edges of the TV as you are facing it.***
Phase 1: Gamma sublimed [P-001]
~Blue Canyon Hamlet~ [P-01A]
You begin with a cut scene. After the cut scene you gain control of Aoto for a
very brief period. Run to the bottom left corner of the screen to exit the
house. Another cut scene begins, after which you go into your first battle.
=== Mute === [B-01A]
HP: 190
The key here is to run around a lot. Run towards the woman to trigger her
attack, but stay out of her range. Her normal attack is 2 punches in a row
deals about 20 damage to you. She also has a super kick, but I don't know how
much damage it does. As soon as she's done punching at thin air (because you
dodged, right?) run in close and hit her. Each of your attacks does about 10
damage. Two attacks in a row seems best. Just keep hitting her then running
and eventually she'll go down.
Another cutscene follows, after which you regain control again. You'll be in
village. You'll see two buildings right off. Head into the one on the left.
This is the Inn. Rest and save then head back out. Head right. You'll pass
stalls. Head up some stone stairs into the next area and a cut scene.
You meet Tatsumi who'll help you out in the upcoming battle against two
Clustanian Soldiers. They also each have about 190 HP. You can either follow
the strategy you used against Mute, or just run around and let Tatsumi beat them
up. After another cut scene Saki will join the battle. This battle is against
two Clustanian Soldiers and a Mech. The Soldiers have the same HP as before.
The Mech has about 150 HP. Protect Saki as best you can, but if she dies in
battle Aoto and Tatsumi can take care of the others. After the battle there's
another cut scene. You get introduced to Save Circles here. Go to the Circle
and select 'Rest' to have another cut scene. When all that is done, go back to
the Save Circle and rest again to have a conversation with Saki and open up the
Talk Topics option. If you rest again there are two conversations you can have
with Saki, then save. You're now able to explore Blue Heaven Trail
~Blue Heaven Trail~ [P-01B]
The bar on the lower right is your monster encounter bar. As you run it changes
color and the probability to encounter monsters increases. Every time you fight
a battle the bar decreases. When the bar is empty there will be no more random
encounters in that area. If you are so inclined you can run in circles until
bar is drained and heal after every battle. It takes 4 or 5 battles to drain
If this is not your style of play, then just continue on.
From the Save Circle the path right leads to the World Map but the only thing
can do there is return to the Trail. So head left. The path is pretty
straightforward. 'O' button is jump. After going up one ladder and down
another, you'll come to a slightly more open space. There'll be two ladders,
going up and one going down. There'll be a short cut scene when you head to the
one going up. Take the one going down and run to a dead end to find a treasure
chest containing a Rescue Injection. Now go back and take the ladder headed up,
then a second ladder. Jump up a ledge and you'll have a choice of ladder or
bridge. Take neither of these, and instead run off the right side of the ledge
to fall to a chest containing Kiai Belt. Now jump down and use the two ladders
again. This time take the bridge to find another chest. This one has a Crab
Claw Sword, a better weapon for Aoto. Go back and head up the ladder. Now
you're faced with a bridge and some stairs. Take the bridge to a ladder to some
blocks you have to jump up. The chest contains Bronze Material.
Head back and take the stairs. There should be another conversation waiting for
you when you rest. Head up the ladder to a cut scene. The long cut scene is
followed by a battle with a Guardian. The important thing about this battle is
that the monster cannot be harmed by physical attacks but you have to attack it
to build up the Purge ability. Be sure to pay attention to the tutorial.
After the battle head forward and find another cut scene. Head forward, passed
the Save Circle, and up the ladder. Head forward to trigger a cut scene. Head
back to the Save Circle and rest to be able to engage in several talk topics.
Saki has two conversations waiting and so does Finnel.
Head down screen from the Save Circle and go down the stairs. Head right for
some Bronze Material. Head down screen and drop down onto a lower ledge for
another chest containing a Weakness Detector. You can equip this to Aoto,
Tatsumi or whichever Reyvateil you have in your party. Drop down another ledge
to find Tsurugi 07, a better weapon for Tatsumi. Dropping off that ledge put
in an area with a ladder going down and stairs going up. The stairs lead to the
same ledge where the Bronze Material was, so take the ladder and find a chest
with a Big Ribbon. Equip this on whichever Reyvateil you have in your party.
Head all the way left to find stairs going down. The next ledge has two sets of
stairs. Go right then jump down several ledges on the left edge to find a chest
with Bronze Material. Head down screen to come to another chest, this one with
Bitter Capsule. Head up two sets of stairs then take the set to the left that
you have not been down before. Follow the path left to reach the World Map
~World Map~
Hit down on the D-pad , then 'X' to select Eternus Shaft.
~Eternus Shaft~ [P-01C]
Finnel leaves your party. Head to Waterforest Square. There is a talk topic on
the ground right in front of the shop. The Inn is in the lower right corner of
the Square, or you can access it from the Town Menu. Exit to the town menu and
select the Reverse Lamp Bazaar. A cut scene will occur. There are two shops
here, but one's super pricey and the other doesn't have anything you need right
away. Return to Dr. Gojo's Clinic to get a talk topic. Head back to
Square to see another cut scene. Head into the shop on the lower level, the big
square of yellow to trigger the next scene. You're returned to the Inn. Talk
the front desk and select 'Item Synthesis' then follow the directions in the
tutorial. The doctor gives you enough material for three, but you only need to
make one. Once you're done the next series of events is automatically
Tatsumi and Saki leave your party. Head back to the bistro in the Square.
Tatsumi will rejoin your party. Head to the Inn for more story.
When you regain control, Finnel has rejoined your party. Re-enter the bistro
find a talk topic. Buy Yokkora Set from the bistro to unlock another talk topic
as well. Rest, if you want to go take care of that, then head to the Dive Shop,
which is the leftmost door on the upper level of the Square. I recommend that
you save before Diving so you can just reload if you make a mistake instead of
spending more Leaf and DP. Dive into Finnel for 100 Leaf and follow the
===Finnel Level 1=== [F-01]
Total DP:530
'Walk over the thumbtacks'
'I'll free you, if you follow my orders'
Hyuma: Ternita
After you're back in the real world you'll have your first Party Topic Event.
Rest at the Inn for a talk topic with Finnel, then choose Song Synthesis.
Choose whichever element you want to equip the Hyuma to, then save. Hear out to
the Town Menu, then to the World Map
~World Map~
Select the Stairway to Fallen Heaven.
~Stairway to Fallen Heaven~ [P-01D]
You'll jump right into a boss battle at the start of this area.
===Mute=== [B-01B]
HP: 900 (Mute)
HP: 190 (Light RT)
Kill the Light RT first, then focus on Mute. Her attacks are much the
so follow the same strategy here. Purge, if you've mastered it. Keep an eye on
the burst meter, and don't forget to release the song if either character is
death. If you really need to, hit 'Triangle' to open the in-battle menu, from
which you can use items. You should have a decent stock of 'He-Eel alpha' from
all the random battles.
Head left and you'll eventually reach a Save Circle. Rest to unlock the ability
to Dive into Saki, then Rest twice more to talk to both Saki and Finnel. Head
right from the Save Circle to find a chest with Rare Metal. Head left passed
Save Circle and return to Eternus Shaft.
~Eternus Shaft~ [P-01E]
Go to Reverse Lamp Bazaar and speak with the weapons shop. Once you exit his
menu you'll get another Party Talk Topic. Head to the Inn and speak with the
man on the right. You'll get another Party Talk Topic. This generates a talk
topic with Finnel. Now head back to Blue Heaven Trail.
~Blue Heaven Trail~ [P-01F]
Head to the Training Monk's House to get one more Party Talk Topic. Now head
back to Eternus Shaft.
~Eternus Shaft~ [P-01G]
Finish up Finnel's Level 1 Cosmosphere if you didn't have the DP to do so
If you've gotten all the talk topics so far then you should also be able to
access Level 2. First rule of Diving: Always rest and save after completing a
level. Who knows, you may be able to go deeper.
===Finnel Level 2=== [F-02A]
Total DP: 280
Choices: none
Hyuma: Unita
===Finnel Level 3=== [F-03A]
Total DP: 150
Choices: none
Hyuma: none
===Finnel Level 4=== [F-04A]
Total DP: 100
Choices: none
Hyuma: none
===Finnel Level 5 Part 1=== [F-05A1]
Total DP: 300
Choices: none
Hyuma: none
Time to dive into Saki. Saki is super expensive compared to Finnel, but
out in the Stairway to Fallen Heaven will let you rack up Leaf, DP, and levels.
===Saki Level 1=== [S-01]
Total DP: 600
Choices: none
Hyuma: Modeco, Buckle
===Saki Level 2=== [S-02]
Total DP: 1400
Choices: Doesn't matter
Hyuma: Animesia, Archelesser
Once you're done with as much training and Diving as you wish to do, head back
out to Stairway to Fallen Heaven.
~Stairway to Fallen Heaven~ [P-01H]
Head passed the Save Circle and up the ramp to where you fought Mute before.
Head up the ladder in the background for a chest with an item recipe ?Fan?.
You don't have the ingredients to create this just yet, so let's continue
forward. Head down the ladder and across the bridge. Halfway across the bridge
is a cut scene. Watch it and keep going.
Head down the ladder, then forward. There'll be two ladders, one up and one
down. Head up first, then up again, to a chest with a B-Good beta. Down is
next, three ladders total to a chest with the recipe ?Dice?. Back up the three
ladders, then farther to the right, down a set of stairs. Following the linear
path, you'll come to a chest with the recipe ?Shiny Heavy Armor?. Head up the
ladder and you'll find another chest with ?Whistle Missile?.
Two ladders later you're at the next area and a cut scene. Use the Save Circle.
Head up the first flight of stairs then down the ladder to a chest with a Snake
Eyes Plate, an accessory that boosts attack. Bracktrack then up the second
flight of stairs you go. Another ladder and another chest, this one with the
recipe ?Semi-Pro V-Board?. By now your encounter meter should be depleted, so
run back to the Save Circle and craft the Hard Board for Tatsumi. Up the third
and fourth flights of stairs, down a ladder to a chest with a Rare Metal. The
fifth flight of stairs leads to the recipe ?Fancy Scarf?, then it's on to Fallen
Heaven Peak
~Fallen Heaven Peak~ [P-01I]
After the obligatory cut scene a battle ensues.
===Ultimate Border Human=== [B-01C]
HP: 800
There are two zombies in this battle, and they both have guns, so it's sort of
ineffective to run away from them. Just treat this battle as a normal random
battle and you should be fine. Neither of the two has any sort of super attack
that you need to be worried about.
Proceed forward, up the stairs, straight into....another cut scene. Resting at
Save Circle triggers the next whole series of events, so instead go down the
nearby ladder and pick up a talk topic for Saki. During the following cut
you get the ability to forge supermoves, but alas if you made the Hard Board
you no longer have a V-Board to synthesize with. Go back to the Stairway to
Fallen Heaven
~Stairway to Fallen Heaven~ [P-01J]
After you get down all five staircases, you trigger a cutscene. Raise your hand
if you were utterly unsurprised by that revelation. Keep backtracking until you
get to the World Map and Eternus Shaft.
~Eternus Shaft~ [P-01K]
Go to Waterforest Square and buy a Flame Pod, Ice Shard, Electric Pipe, and an
Air Cutter, then to Reverse Lamp Bazaar and buy a V-Board and a Kiai Belt. If
don't have enough for the belt just grind a bit in Staircase to Fallen Heaven.
Now it's to the Inn to make all those recipes we got a little bit ago.
Once you're done head to the clinic. Then head to the Inn, Bistro, and Dive
shop. Eventually you'll have a cut scene where you find Finnel and she rejoins
your party. After that you immediately get booted into a Party Talk Topic.
afterwards to have a few conversations with Finnel, then head to the World Map
and Blue Heaven Trail
~Blue Heaven Trail~ [P-01L]
You walk straight into a cut scene, and once that is finished the only thing
to do in this area is follow the path back to the first point of game play.
you reach the teepee with the Save Circle, continue right to the World Map and
Blue Canyon Hamlet.
~Blue Canyon Hamlet~ [P-01M]
Finnel and Tatsumi leave your party straight off. Head to Paper Scissors and
pick up a talk topic. A scene will occur when you leave, then you'll be in the
Hamlet Outskirts. Head to the weapons dealer and buy Heavy Armor, then go to
Inn and rest. Head to Aoto's house next. Gojo and Sarapatra also leave your
party. Exit the house and head down screen for another scene.
~Old Eternus Gallery~ [P-01N]
When you finally regain control, grab the obvious chest with a Replica Horn,
use the Save Circle. Head up the visible ladder, and at the top is a chest with
a Hot Video. Head up the path to a ladder and a chest with a Duel Bobble. Head
down the second ladder to a chest with a Protection Suit, a decent new armor for
Tatsumi. Backtrack two ladders and jump up the blocks nearby. The chest at the
top contains Human Anatomy. Up the ladder at the dead end. Go right to reach
chest with an Emergency Patch.
Head back to the ladder and take the fork you did not before. Drop down and
continue to follow the path down another ladder. Head down screen to a chest
with a B-Good beta. Follow the path to a T-juncture and go right to a chest
an Optic Shield. Backtrack just a little to a cleverly hidden ladder. You have
three options on which way to go. Down leads to a Rare Metal and left leads to
another B-Good beta. Up leads to a cut scene. Keep going and you'll run into a
cut scene. Tatsumi rejoins the party. Head to the inn and rest. You can now
make supermoves for Aoto and Tatsumi. Head out to the World Map and Blue Heaven
~Blue Heaven Trail~ [P-01P]
Head to the Training Monk's House for a talk topic with Finnel. Head back to
Eternus Shaft
~Eternus Shaft~ [P-01Q]
Go to the clinic for a short scene, then head to the Bistro. Hit up the Inn to
save, then head back to Old Eternus Gallery.
~Old Eternus Gallery~ [P-01R]
Go down screen and take the only right. You'll run into a scene and a battle.
Head through the door and use the Save Circle for a talk topic with Finnel. Go
down screen to find Gojo and enter another battle. Afterwards, re-enter the
and go back towards where you found Gojo, but keep going down. You'll come to a
T-junction. Head right through the door to find a chest with a Proliferation
Diode. Exit the room and head up the ladder at the other end of the T-junction.
Head straight to find a chest with a Quick Loader. Continue around the corner
and up the mountain of dirt to find a ladder going down. There's a chest with
the recipe ?Medical Bag?.
Follow the path and head down either set of stairs. Go down screen for a chest
with ?Worker Armor?. Backtrack to the mountain of dirt and drop off the edge,
down another ledge to a ladder. Go down this ladder and you'll be in the room
where you found the Proliferation Diode. Head out and up to the Save Circle.
Leave Old Eternus Gallery for Eternus Shaft
~Eternus Shaft~
With Gojo back in your party, you can synthesize a lot more, so do so, then save
and head for the World Map and Blue Canyon Hamlet
~Blue Canyon Hamlet~ [P-01S]
A cut scene will occur when you first arrive. After that go to Aoto's house to
pick up a talk topic. By this point you should be able to synthesize all the
recipes you have found so far. Now go back to the World Map and Eternus Shaft
~Eternus Shaft~
Select Ciela Pathway from the Town Menu.
~Blue Heaven Trail~ [P-01T]
Apparently Ciela Pathway is part of Blue Heaven Trail. Go forward until you run
into a cut scene. Take the ladder down. You'll have the option of a left or
right ladder. Go left to a chest with ?Electric Ball? Head back up the ladder
and take the right one to a chest with an ?Industrial Tool?. This makes a
weapon for Aoto so synthesize it as soon as you can. Head down the next ladder
to a Save Circle. The doorway on the right will trigger a cut scene, after
proceed to Ciela Gate Trail.
~Ciela Gate Reservoir~ [P-01U]
Follow the linear path to a cut scene, but don't turn the valve just yet. Head
down the right ladder and up another to a chest with V-Style Summer Issue. Now
go back to the valve and turn it. Head down the ladder and follow the path
you come to a T-junction. Go up screen, and descend the ladder. Don't bother
with the valve. Continue to follow the path until you reach a chest with Beast
Anatomy. Follow the path, and when you reach the Save Circle, head down the
ladder to the right. Continue forward to a chest with Guardian Suit, then go up
the ladder for another chest with ?Tablet?. Backtrack and turn the valve on the
far right of the Save Circle. Now use the ladder to the left of the Save Circle
and follow the path. Use the ladder to the right just by the exit to run to a
chest with Rad Video, then turn the corner for another chest with ?Hip Clothes?.
Now take the ladder to the exit. Now you're in Ciela Gate.
~Ciela Gate~ [P-01V]
Go to Clockwork Street. Run left, and just passed the Inn there is a talk topic
on the ground. Hit up the shops if you want. The Linear J Plate sold at
House is better for Tatsumi. Buy a Thick Flavor Udon from the Medicine Emperor
to get another talk with Finnel. Head to the Moebius Factory after exploring to
your heart's content. Be sure to save first.
~Moebius Factory~ [P-01W]
You enter to a cut scene. Afterwards, go down screen, away from the stairs.
There'll be a chest to the left with Anatomy of the Heart. Head right, up a
ladder, then go left to a chest with ?High-Tech Medkit?. Go to the right and
enter the doorway. Up the stairs and right, to go outside to a chest with
?Dragon Mouth?. Then backtrack and go down one flight of stairs and up another
for a chest with ?Pro V-Board?. Follow the path outside and go up the ladder.
Left leads to a chest with ?Hyper Work Tool?. Go back passed the ladder you
came up. Head down the first ladder you come to, and the one after that.
There's a chest right next to the door with ?Magic Stick?. Go through the door
for another chest with ?Rotary Fan?.
Back up the two ladders, and continue to your right. Down the ladder at the
and in the door. Interact with the elevator to descend. Use the Save Circle,
then proceed to the next area. After a series of cut scenes and a battle you
regain control. Don't do as Katene says and turn right, instead turn around and
go to the end of the hallway that door is locked, but the one on the side is
Go in and there's a chest with a Criticoil on the right.
It's partially hidden, so look for the exclamation mark. Go back out to the
hallway. The next room has a R1 Solvent. Room number three has a Speed Needle.
Now follow Katene's directions and make a right, then another right. The first
room has a chest with an Iron Material. Continue down the hallway. Don't go in
the door with the ominous looking symbol. The next door you can enter has a
chest with ?Frozen Can?. Now it's time for the ominous door. From here on out
it's a series of cut scenes and battles. When you regain control, walk forward
for a short scene, then pick up the talk topic. Use the Save Circle however you
want the go up the stairs and to the right. Use the elevator. Head left and
jump up the boxes. Go up the left stairs for a chest with ?Industrial Armor?.
Now go up the right stairs to another elevator. Follow the path.
You'll come to a chest with an Insane Video. The next platform has three
elevators. Take the one on the far right. Run along the platform and up the
ladder to a chest with ?Fishy Oil?. Now take the far left elevator. You'll
on a platform with a Save Circle. Go down screen for a chest with V-Style: Fall
Issue. Use the Save Circle then go right and use the elevator.
===Mute=== [B-01D]
HP: 6200
Much the same as the others, but now Mute has a much higher HP. Fortunately you
should also have gotten stronger, so just treat this battle like the others with
her. The one thing you need to beware of is her super attack. It can do quite
bit of damage, so after she smacks you with it you should probably heal.
After a cut scene you're back in Ciela Gate.
~Ciela Gate~ [P-01X]
You regain control in the Inn. There's a talk topic on the ground. Leave the
Inn for Clockwork Street and you'll see another talk topic on the ground to your
right. Head left and talk to the Great Fang Soldier by Migrating Birds and
you'll get a Party Talk Topic.
===Saki Level 3=== [S-03]
Total DP: 3790
'I want to stop this sexy show'
Hyuma: Gaylord, Sheda, Garter
You can now use Sarapatra in battle. Go to the menu, Equipment, Saki, select
'Body' to change.
===Finnel Level 5 Part 2=== [F-05A2]
Total DP: 200
Choices: none
Hyuma: none
===Finnel Level 2=== [F-02B]
Total DP: 2575
'Let Finnel fight'
'Let Ho-ryo-ryo fight'
'Watch and guard Finnel'
Hyuma: Ho-ryo-ryo, Meryl
You can now use Yurisica in battle. Equip her the same way you did Sarapatra.
===Finnel Level 3=== [F-03B]
Total DP: 5120
Doesn't matter
'Stand your ground'
Hyuma: Destiny, Lorelei
Note: Go to Happening Square as soon as it gets starred. You'll get an artwork
and a trophy.
===Finnel Level 4=== [F-04B]
Total DP: 11580
'Yes' (Purgatory)
'No' (Village)
Hyuma: Slymer, Hagure, Thunderles, Castellia, Manasphere
Head back to the Moebius Factory.
~Moebius Factory~ [P-01Y]
Follow the directions to the room where Saki was being held, aka the ominous
of doomy doom. Inside the room is a chest with a Justine Ruin. The battles
are a good place to get two new talk topics. Change Saki and Finnel into
Sarapatra and Yurisica, then Purge them both twice in one battle. If you get
this talk topic for Saki you'll be able to access her Level 4. Head back to
Ciela Gate
~Ciela Gate~ [P-01Z]
===Saki Level 4=== [S-04]
Total DP: 18160
Doesn't matter
'Choose Saki'
Hyuma: Theateria
Note: Choose Saki for the second time to get an artwork and a trophy. The
Bridge is available for 3000 additional DP, but it is completely un-necessary to
go there. Also there is another trophy to receive at the theater through the
course of the story, nothing extra required.
Head to Blue Canyon Hamlet.
~Blue Canyon Hamlet~ [P-01AA]
In Aoto's house is a Party Talk Topic. That's all there is to do here. Head
back to Ciela Gate.
~Ciela Gate~ [P-01BB]
Select Moroacca Port from the Town Menu and watch the pretty scene.
Congratulations, you've beaten Phase One. You get a trophy for your reward.
Phase 2: The Arco-Clustanian Accord [P-002]
~Archia City~ [P-02A]
After the cut scene Gojo, Tatsumi, and Finnel all leave the party. You're left
to run around the city with just Saki. There's not a whole bunch to do around
town. You can hit up the shops if you want. Buy the Thin Flavor Udon from
Interfilon to trigger a conversation with Saki. You can get Silver Material from
Love & Trust Wood Shop. You need at least two. After that go to the Ogai
Memorial Preschool for a scene and a battle.
===Mute=== [B-02A]
HP: 6000
Get rid of the small fry first, then focus on trying to purge Saki four times.
The Flipside ability is new, but fun although a bit hard to master the first
time. Do your best, and you should do enough sheer damage that Mute dies once
you unleash this new skill.
After the battle is more plot and Saki leaves your party. That guy seems pretty
sketchy. Just sayin'. Moving on, your new task is to find Tatsumi. How
convenient that a new location opens up. Start there first. After a cut scene
Tatsumi rejoins your party. Return to the Inn to encounter Gojo and Finnel. A
cut scene passes. Talk to the soldier in the Inn for a Party Talk Topic. Go
Sasha to find a talk topic. Talk to Sasha to get another Party Talk Topic. Run
up the ramp and right around the door to the Dive shop is another talk topic.
Rest and talk, and now that Finnel's back in your party you can use that Silver
Material to synthesize new weapons for Aoto and Gojo.
Go to the Town Menu and select the Archia Think Tank. A scene occurs. See,
sketch. Now go to Filon Cross Bridge Town and run left to the entrance of the
Archia Think Tank. Talk to the far soldier at the gate to obtain Party Talk
Topic #2. Now head into the sewers.
~Archia Think Tank~ [P-02B]
Follow the path until you come to a T-junction. Head left. At the next
go upwards for a chest with Gold Material. Return to the junction and head
At the next junction go up to a ladder with the number three next to it. Go
through the door, the go up screen. Go through the next door, not the big one
that's locked. There'll be a chest with ?Humidifier?. Head back down to the
sewers. Head right and return to the very first juncture you got to from the
entrance. Go up screen until you reach another junction. The right path leads
nowhere so head up screen again until you reach a new area. Run down the long
straight path to another new area. You'll be at a T-junction.
Head up the ladder and go left. You can't go through the big door so go through
the small door right next to it for a chest with Platinum Material.
Leave the room and run to the opposite end of the hallway and go through the
small door there for a chest with ?Prism Accessory?.
Go back to the Think Tank Basement. Take the right path for a chest with ?Drink
In A Bucket?. Head left to another junction with a ladder. Go up the ladder.
The small door at the left end is locked so go through the second leftmost small
door. There'll be four chests with MSPU, Headgear, Burning Launcher, and Gold
Material. The entrance in this room to the Basement leads you in a complete
circle to where we just came from, so ignore it. Run right, through the big
Go through the first small door for a chest with a Heart Apron.
Bypass the big door. Continue right through the small door at the end to a room
with three chests. You'll get a Spark Stick, ?Something Button?, and ?Magic
Frill?. Head back through the big door at the left end of the hallway.
Now enter the first small door you come to for a cut scene with Saki. She then
rejoins your party. Backtrack through the sewers to the Ogai Memorial
and a cut scene.
~Archia City~ [P-02C]
Go to Nya Nya Ya and pick up the Talk Topic on the floor. Head to Filon Bridge
Cross Town. You'll see a man talking with a woman. Talk to the man for Party
Talk Topic #16. Head to the Inn, rest for conversations with Saki, the do some
synthesis. You should be able to synthesize all but two of the recipies, though
you might need to run around the World Map to get some of the ingredients.
to the Item section for help if you need it. If you need money the battles in
the Archia Think Tank give you a lot so you can farm there if you need to. When
you're buying ingredients be sure to have an additional Pile Driver and two Rock
Grinders. You'll need them for recipes in the next area. If you've done all
synthesis so far you'll get the trophy 'The Mixer.' Head to the World Map and
select the new area, Garvelt Bridge.
~Garvelt Bridge~ [P-02D]
There's a chest right in front of you when you enter the area. It contains a
Supermove Notebook. Go up two ladders. You'll be faced with a choice of stairs
or another ladder. Go up the stairs and use the elevator to your left.
It'll lead you to chest with a Soul Charger. . Now go back up the elevator and
follow the path to the right. Go up the ladder and jump on the box to get to a
platform with a R2 Solvent. Use the elevator to reach a chest with ?Drill
Blade?. Use the Save Circle. You should now be able to make ?Fishy Oil?. If
you can't just run around and fight random battles until you get some Raw Meat.
The Raw Meat will also trigger a talk topic with Finnel. If you make the ?Drill
Blade? it'll trigger a talk topic with Saki.
***BE SURE TO SAVE! This is where the game gets way complicated in terms of the
endings. I'll do my best to make it not too confusing, and I'll be adding a
section detailing all the save files that I make to obtain all the endings,
though you can just play through New Game+ and make different choices to obtain
all the endings.***
Run up the five gazillion stairs into a cut scene. You'll be given a choice.
Choose whoever you want, then search for the appropriate section, [P02Finnel] or
Phase 2: The Arco-Clustanian Accord [P02Finnel]
***Choosing Finnel in this section gains you a Heart Point. It's complicated,
but the Heart Point system dictates what ending you'll get. Right now you're on
track for the following Endings:
Bad, Finnel Normal, Finnel True, 3rd Reyvateil Normal, 3rd Reyvateil True, 4th
~Garvelt Bridge~ [P02F-A]
Meet another of Saki's personae. After the cut scene backtrack a little to get a
Party Talk Topic. Run back down the stairs to the Save Circle. Create a new
save file if you want to also run through Saki's Path instead of waiting for New
Game+. Run back up the stairs, through the camp and up another set of stairs.
Jump on top of the box and up to the platform for a chest with a Burning
Launcher. Jump down and run up the next set of five bazillion stairs. At the
will be a cut scene, then jump up the box for a chest with ? Purifier?. Rest
for a talk topic with Finnel. You should be able to synthesize ?Purifier?. Go
up the stairs next to the Save Circle and run right to find a talk topic on the
ground. Now head left up the long flight of stairs. Follow the linear path to
new area. Head down the stairs to your left and follow the relatively long path
to a chest with ?Leaf Box?. Run back to the start of this area and head up
screen up the far set of stairs. You'll eventually come to an area with a
going down and an elevator. The ladder leads to a broken elevator, so take the
first elevator that leads to Kniehar Signal Station.
~Kniehar Signal Station~ [P02F-B]
Use the Save Circle at the entrance then follow the path to the left to enter a
new area. Jump up the boxes and up the ladder to a chest with ?For Fiesta?.
Return to the entrance of the station with the Save Circle. You should be able
to synthesize ?For Fiesta?. Now run around to the right and into the next area.
You'll run into a cut scene and a simple battle. Once you regain control run
down the stairs and up the flight to the left. Go up three ladders. You'll see
a console on the right and a ladder straight ahead. Go up the ladder and to the
right for a chest with Platinum Material. Now activate the console. Go down
ladders and to the right. The chest that was previously behind a force field is
now available. It contains V-Style: Winter Issue. Head down another ladder and
a flight of stairs, the go up the flight of stairs on the right
This area is symmetrical to the area on the left, so go up four ladders and left
for a chest with ?Rich Sack?. Go down a ladder and use the console. Down two
more ladders to a chest that was previously behind a force field. The chest
contains Big Book of Soma. Go down the last ladder and stairs, and up the
flight to where the force field was previously. You'll trigger a cut scene.
those that played the first game, this'll be worth a giggle, seeing Jack and
Krusche again. Run all the way right and down the stairs for a fight and a
===Robots=== [B02F-A]
HP: 5500 (K-01)
8800 (K-11G)
Get rid of the K-01 first. Purge a lot. If you've done all of Finnel's
Cosmosphere so far you can activate her Flipsphere if you Purge four times.
does a LOT of damage. If you can't do this yet, just charge up the song a lot
and release. 20,000% should be good.
Once you regain control go back up the elevator to where Luphan was to get a
topic. Now go back down the elevator, down two flights of stairs and into the
previous area. Use the Save Circle. You can synthesize everything but
?Humidifier? which you need Saki for. Filament apparently can't synthesize.
Leave the Signal Station to go back to Garvelt Bridge.
~Garvelt Bridge~ [P02F-C]
Go straight, then down the long series of stairs. When you see stairs on the
left, ignore them and keep going straight. The next area will trigger a cut
scene. Go down the nearby stairs, passed the Save Circle and down the five
bazillion stairs. Go left and once you reach the top of the next flight of
stairs there'll be another cut scene. Since you chose Finnel you'll get an
artwork and a trophy, Good Mood With Finnel 1. When you regain control, head
back to the Kniehar Signal Station.
~Kniehar Signal Station~
Head left into a new area. Take the elevator on the right, then go up the
on the right. There'll be a scene once you reach the top of the stairs.
Finnel leaves your party. You are now in Lymph Vessel.
~Lymph Vessel~ [P02F-D]
The right-hand path leads to the World Map, so head up then left a chest with
Battle Tape. Go right, then stand on the little axillary platform to the right.
This is actually an elevator and will take you to the next level.
Interact with the blue thing twice and use the black thing as a path to an area
with two chests, ?Revival Flute? and Mandragora. Interact with the blue switch
twice more and follow the new path. Drop down the hole.
In the new area, interact with the blue switch to turn on an elevator. Now go
right and use the blue switch on the next disk. Head across to a chest with
?Blind Mask?. Go back and interact with the blue switch again to turn the path
to allow you to go to the next area. Follow the left path at the junction, then
go down at the next one.
Take the elevator up and follow the path. When you come to a junction continue
left. Go around the corner to the right and head inside. Follow the path left
and you'll find a talk topic at the bend. Continue on. There's that platform
you activated earlier. Head outside to a Save Circle.
Drop down off the top ledge and head to the left edge of the platform for a
with a Rainbow Coat. Head back to where you dropped down the first time and drop
down again, then go straight and drop down one more level. Head right to find a
chest with Platinum Material. Go all the way left, and up the single box.
Continue left, passed the elevator. Jump up the single box and go right for a
chest with ?Popular Hat?.
Backtrack to the elevators you bypassed before and take those. The obvious
on the right contains a ?Make Believe Set?. The elevators on the right takes you
back down to where you were before. Time for a lot of backtracking.
Or, if you don't feel like finding all the items in this area you can go up and
enter to doorway to the inside to trigger the next event.
Go back to the Save Circle, through the doorway and through the inside, back
outside. Go left then down. At the junction head right. You'll be back inside
where the first elevator came up. Interact with the blue switch once, go left
jump down the hole again. Use the blue switch twice and head outside.
Previously you went left and down to a set of elevators. Now you want to go
and left. The camera will rotate so now you're going up. Jump up the box. Go
up and jump up the single box. Jump up two more little platforms to a chest
a Spark Stick. Backtrack and jump down the single box, then head left to jump
the small pyramid of boxes. Jump up another single box, then head left. When
come to a junction go up instead of left. Follow the path and jump up two more
sets of single boxes. You'll see two single boxes. Jump up the one on the left
for a chest with ?Spray?. Jump up the right hand box and head inside for a cut
scene. When you regain control you're back in Archia.
~Archia City~ [P02F-E]
Head to the Inn and rest to trigger a scene. Everyone leaves your party. Leave
the Inn and head to Nya Nya Ya. Tatsumi will rejoin the party. Go to Filon
Cross Bridge Town. A long cut scene will net you an artwork and a trophy, Hot
Springs Encounter. Gojo and Saki will rejoin your party. Rest for some
conversations with Saki to unlock her next Cosmosphere level, and don't forget
synthesize all the new recipes you found. You still can't make ?Humidifier? or
?Popular Hat?.
===Saki Level Five=== [S-05]
DP: 5860
No, I don't think so
Hyuma: Mimic Mike, Walkie
Head out to the Town Menu and you'll see a new option, the V-Board Racetrack.
Go there. There'll be a long cut scene. You'll get an artwork and a trophy,
Uninstalling with Soma. You regain control in Nya Nya Ya, after Sasha gives you
the Sora 101. Tatsumi has been replaced by Cocona, but stays at the same level.
Finnel rejoins your party. Rest for conversations to open her next Cosmosphere
===Finnel Level Five=== [F-05B]
DP: 6980
Choices: none
Hyuma: Emerge, Home Aloner, Executie
Note: You get a trophy and an artwork in the course of story
Talk to the soldier in the Inn to get a Party Talk Topic. Head back to Lymph
~Lymph Vessel~ [P02F-G]
There'll be a cut scene. You're headed to where you triggered the Tyria cut
scene. It's recommended to equip Soma's body here, just so you can trigger a
talk topic with her. Use the elevator then use the blue switch once and go left
and drop down the hole. Go right and use the second blue switch twice to go
outside. Head left, then left again at the next junction. Jump up the single
block, then up the pyramid to the left. Up the next single block then take the
upper fork. Follow the path then jump up two more single blocks. Follow the
path right and jump up the single block to head inside. You'll find a chest
a Soul Charger. Now use the nearby elevator. There'll be another chest with
Backtrack until you come to the pyramid of boxes. Now jump down another level
and head right and down. At the junction go down and take the elevator. Follow
the path left and continue going left at the next junction. Turn the corner to
the right and head inside. Follow the path back outside to a Save Circle. Jump
down three levels and run left to follow the path. Jump up the box and continue
left. Use the elevator to go left then head up the path then go inside.
Follow the path left and use the elevator. Head right and use the blue switch
raise a platform. Now use the upper elevator, and the elevator after that.
Follow the path right and up another elevator. There'll be a Save Circle along
the path left. If you've fought a lot of random battles using Soma, there'll be
a talk topic with her and Finnel's Level Six Cosmosphere will be unlocked.
Alas, there is no Dive shop here. Anyway, SAVE and follow the path to an
elevator to the Slave District.
***You'll be presented with choice #2 after a cut scene. You can choose either
and you'll still be on track for the following endings:
Bad, Finnel Normal, Finnel True, 3rd Reyvateil Normal, 3rd Reyvateil True, 4th
~Slave District~ [P02F-H]
You'll regain control with no one in your party but Aoto. The door is locked,
interact with the capsule in the room. The first time it gives you
Interact with it again for a cut scene. Once you regain control enter the upper
left door for a chest with a Gold Material. Exit then enter the open door on
right for a chest with another Gold Material. Use the grate to enter the
Follow the path then go left at the first juncture and up at the second. Go up
the ladder to emerge in a room with a chest that contains ?Mode Clothes?. Exit
through the door and head down to trigger a scene. Head back up the stairs and
to the open door right across from them for a chest with Stress Doll. Down the
stairs you go. Go down screen and enter the bottom-most door for a chest with
Anti-Grav Gloves. The door above that, directly across from the stairs has a
Shockback Band in it. The room above that has a Soul Charger. Bypass the
and go into the topmost room for an Inverse Chip.
Down the stairs, then go down screen. When you come to a junction go left.
You'll come to another hallway full of doors. Enter the manhole across the way
for a chest with ?Sowing Machine?. Heading up, the open doors on the right have
the following from bottom to top: a shop, and two Platinum Materials. The only
open door on the bottom right leads to Saki and an artwork and trophy, Reunion
with Pupils. Now enter the grate in this room.
Go up to a ladder with a chest containing ?Roller Skates? and a talk topic. Re-
enter the underground and go down, right, down to another ladder. The open
from bottom to top contain the following: Heart Apron, nothing, and Gojo.
Backtrack to where Mute was and enter the room right across from the manhole for
a chest with Soul Charger. Now head underground. Go up and left for a V-Style:
Extra Issue. Right leads to a Spark Stick. Now go take the path up.
There'll be two ladders, one left and one up. Take the upper one to a chest
?Freaky V-Board?. Now take the left ladder. You'll see a Save Circle up
The open door by that has a shop. It sells Nyo? Guts which you need for a
so be sure to get some. The door on the bottom left leads to Cocona and Finnel.
After the scene go down the stairs on the left, then up.
===Boss Battle: Mute=== [B02F-B]
HP: 1000 (Light RT)
15000 (Mute)
Strategy: The Light RT's are ridiculously easy. Be very careful of Mute's
Magical Stick attack and be sure to use healing items whenever you need them.
super kick attack will also paralyze you, so run around and attack her from the
back whenever you can.
Another cut scene and then the phase ends, netting you another trophy.
Phase 3: The Rinkernator [P03Finnel]
~Clustania District~ [P03F-A]
Follow the path. At the first junction you'll see a Save Circle. Head
right,then right again at the next junction. Go through a little tunnel and the
path will turn downwards. Keep following it around to the right through another
tunnel and down to the Promenade
~Clustania City~ [P03F-B]
Go down. Head into the shop across from the Reyveteil in white. There's a talk
topic on the left. This is the Inn so you can rest and save if you want. The
Dive shop is up above this, with a sign that says Dive above it. You can
complete both Finnel and Saki's level six.
===Saki Level Six=== [S-06]
Total DP: 6850
Choices: none
Hyuma: Maidria
Note: You get the trophy for completing 60% of her cosmosphere after the second
area here.
===Finnel Level Six=== [F-06]
Total DP: 5710
Choices: none
Hyuma: HWXv2 Beta
Note: You get the trophy for completing 60% of her cosmosphere after the first
area here.
Now head up, passed the dive shop and a cluster of three Reyveteils to find a
Party Talk Topic on the ground. The shop to the right is a weapons shop.
find a talk topic on the ground in it. The shop also sell a much better weapon
for Gojo and a slightly better weapon for Cocona if you want to blow money on
that. Exit the shop and head up to select the Town Menu. Select Paseo Street.
There's a shop entrance to the general store to the right of you. At the
junction head left and down by the railing at the end you'll find a talk topic.
The upper path leads you back to the Promenade right by the Inn. Before you
continue the story be sure to have a Drappy Soda and a Power Powder in your
inventory. You should travel to the world map and buy them if you don't have
them. They will be needed for upcoming synthesis. Now return to the Clustania
~Clustania District~ [P02F-C]
Head left and follow the path until you reach a junction. Head up, around the
corner to the left and through a small tunnel. There'll be another junction.
Go up to a door with the number 3 next to it.
Going through the door will trigger a cut scene. Run right to the next
then up through a door to a room with a chest. The chest contains Raw Meat.
at the junction, head left, then left again passed the elevator.
Go up to another door. This one contains ?Sparkling Water?. Directly down from
this door is an elevator. You have to enter it from the down screen side.
It takes you up one level. Now follow the path down then right. You'll come to
a junction with two diagonal branches. Go down for a chest with ?Fishy Powder?.
Now go back to the elevator and go down passed the elevator to a junction.
Head right and take the elevator in the middle. Head up, behind the elevator,
then right to a door with ?Precious Metal Suit?. Backtrack to the elevator and
go right to a door. This room has two chests, one with Synchro Evo Sap, and one
with Yuteria Material. Go back to the elevator and go down.
There'll be a short cut scene telling you to go right at the next junction, so
clearly you should go left instead. Take the elevator up go up to a platform
horns on it. There'll be three directions you can go. But two lead to nowhere.
So go left. This leads you to another three way split. Go up to a room with a
chest containing Headgear. Back to the junction. This time go down to an
elevator. Take that up, then follow the path to the right for a chest with
Now go back to the platform with the horn and down to the elevator. Use it then
head all the way to the right and up an elevator. Head right through the door
for a chest with Gold Material. Head left and follow the path, going up at the
junction to a door with two chests inside. They contain Platinum Material and
Backtrack to the elevator and go up to another elevator. You'll see the door
just came from on the wall right behind it. Use the elevator and head down to a
three-way split. Right leads to a door and a chest containing Burning Launcher.
Down leads to nothing. Left leads to another fork. Here go up to an elevator
and use it. Head down and down again to a chest with Soul Charger. Backtrack
just a little and head left to a three-way split. Up leads to an Ice Pop Can.
Left leads to nothing. Down goes to a chest with Mandragora.
Major backtrack time. Go right and up to an elevator. Then go down, turn right
and up to another elevator. Go down, passed an elevator and a door on the
That elevator goes down, which you don't want right now. Down one more platform
in another elevator that goes up. Take that one.
Follow the path up to a fork. Head left then up at the next fork. The door
leads to two chests, one with a Shockback Band and the other with a Stress Doll.
Out the door and go left, then up to an elevator. From the elevator go down to
three-way split. Go left for a chest with Battle Tape. Now go right to a
platform with a horn and go down for a chest with a Rainbow Coat. Go up for a
door and a Save Circle. If you've synthesized everything so far you'll get the
trophy 'The Alchemist'. Now go through the door the Harvestasha Module.
A cut scene will occur and then you'll be right back where you started by the
Save Circle. Time to leave the area. Go down, left, then up to an elevator.
Use the elevator to trigger a cut scene. Run back towards the Harvestasha
for another scene. When you regain control you'll be back in Clustania City.
~Clustania City~ [P03F-D]
You'll be on the first floor of Akane's house. Go up the stairs, passed the
weird pod thing into her bedroom. There's a talk topic on the bookshelf. Exit
the house for a scene. Right now nothing is available, not even the Inn. Talk
to the Reyvateil on the ground just below the dive shop for a Party Talk Topic.
Head to any city you want and use their Inn to rest and save. You should also
get the ability to dive in Saki again. You can't complete this level, but you
can gain another Hyuma if you want to just do part of the level. Return to
Clustania District.
~Clustania District~ [P03F-E]
Take the middle elevator up and follow the path downwards. Go left and use that
elevator to go up. Follow the path to a platform with a horn on it. Go up,
passed the horn to a door that tells you it take you to Nurturing Center B.
There'll be a short cut scene. Follow the path and interact with the podium with
the glowing orange disk. The right path will lead to cut scene. Go left to a
Save Circle. Follow the path up the stairs to District A
~Tower Block A~ [P03F-G]
Follow the only path to the right and take the elevator up. The Rinkernator is
to the right. Go right and you'll be outside. Take the first elevator you come
to. Straight ahead are a series of platforms that act like steps. Use those
go back inside. Follow the path, use the elevator and go back outside. There's
really only one path to follow. Eventually you'll reach a Save Circle. SAVE
HERE!!! Use the teleporter to the right to trigger a cut scene.
***You'll be given choice number three here. If you choose Finnel, continue to
read this section. If you choose Saki search for [P03Other]. Choosing Finnel
will put you on track for the following Endings:
Bad, Finnel Normal, Finnel True***
You can use the teleporter to retreat to the Save Circle. Talk to Akane then run
forward and talk to Katene. This will trigger a scene and then a boss battle.
===Boss Battle: MYU=== [B03F-A]
The best thing to do here is to Purge three times and wait for 30,000%.
a supermove, then wait again. Switch leaders and use someone else's supermove.
Use this again for the third person's. If it's not dead yet then just Purge
again and use Flipside. This should kill it. You need to do this within 7
minutes otherwise you'll get the Bad ending.
Once you beat this boss there'll be another scene after which you should use the
teleporter and save. If you want to re-do the MYU battle then create a new save
file. Now head left back towards Clustania. Before you get very far you'll
trigger a scene with Richa. Once you regain control go to the far right to
the elevator that'll take you down. Now go left and head back inside. Take the
elevator down and head left again to Clustania District.
~Clustania District~ [P03F-H]
When you enter this area you'll trigger a scene. Go right, to Finnel's pod to
find a talk topic. Use the glowing panel in the middle to descend a level, then
head out to the left. Go straight down until you reach an elevator. Use it,
then head right and use another elevator. Head down to reach and use another
elevator. Now go left at the fork and continue left until you see an elevator
above you. Use it then go down, to the right, and up to reach the Harvestasha
Module. I recommend draining the encounter bar before you trigger the next
because afterwards Finnel and Cocona leave your party. You might as well get
experience while everyone is in the party to profit from it.
Follow the path back towards the entrance and you'll trigger a cut scene. Go up
and take the elevator for another scene. Head right then down to an elevator.
Use it then go down to wind up back in the underground path. Head right, down
and left. Your goal is to use the elevator to return to the Slave District.
~Slave District~ [P03F-I]
You'll be greeted with a cut scene. When you regain control head right, into
sewer. Go down to another ladder. Now go left, down some stairs, up, down more
stairs to the left, and down again. Head left at the next junction for a scene.
Cocona rejoins your party, but Finnel doesn't. Head up and left. There is an
area that was previously behind a forcefield that you can now access. And
Because you have 3 Finnel heart points there's no choice in which direction you
head. Gojo and Saki leave the party, but Finnel finally rejoins you. You
control in Archia.
~Archia City~ [P03F-J]
Head to the Inn. There's a talk topic on the right. Now select Archia Think
Tank from the Town Menu.
~Archia Think Tank~ [P03F-K]
Head up and through the big door on the right. Now go through the first small
door for Inverse Chip and Soul Charger. The second small door contains Stress
Doll. Now back track and go through the big door on the left. Go through the
second small door and into the basement. Head right then up to another area.
Follow the single path down to another area. Head left at the fork and take the
ladder to Floor A. Go left and when you try to go through the small door a cut
scene will occur. Finnel will leave your party.
Go back to the basement and follow the path back to the ladder for Floor C.
right, through the big door, and down to exit the Think Tank. There'll be a cut
scene and you'll get an Artwork and a Trophy, Good Mood with Finnel 2. When you
regain control, select Parie Central Station from the Town Menu.
~Moocheriel~ [P03F-L]
After a long cut scene Gojo will rejoin your party, although a glitch will say
that Cocona has joined. Head left. The highly obvious chest contains Spunky
Monkey V. Continue left. There'll be a chest with ?BBQ?. Follow the path down
to a chest with Yuteria Material.
Return to the beginning and head up to a chest with ?Big Bottled Drink?. Follow
the path to the right. Go up at the fork for a chest with Platinum Material.
back to the fork and go down. There'll be a chest behind some trees with
?Dreakmy Crayon?. Continue to the right and go up. At the next fork go up
slightly for a chest with Synchro Evo Sap. Now go down for a chest with Angel
Recoverael. Now go back to the left, then take the downward fork. There'll be
chest with ?Wonder Tool?. Continue to follow the path. When you reach a fork go
down. There'll be a chest with ?Cutting Edge Kit? on the right. Continue to
follow the path to the left. The chest on the left has Spunky Monkey V. The
chest up has ?Premium Board?. Continue left to see a scene.
Run left to the Save Circle. SAVE HERE. Run up for another scene.
***You'll be given a choice. To get Finnel's Normal Ending choose 'Just watch.'
For the True Ending choose 'Stop her from singing.'***
Phase 03: The Rinkernator [P03F-Normal]
~Archia City~ [P03FNormal-A]
You regain control in Archia City. You can synthesize all the recipes you go in
Moocheriel. If you make ?Premium Board? you'll get another talk topic with
Finnel and you'll be able to access her Level Seven.
===Finnel Level Seven=== [F-07]
Total DP: 10,650
Choices: 'Defeat the Supervisor'
Hyuma: Enter Key, Alt Key, Shift Key, Return Key
Note: You get an Artwork and a Trophy, Soma VS Soma in this level
Now select Archia Think Tank from the Town Menu. The cut scene will
take you Tower Block A.
~Tower Block A~ [P03FNormal-B]
Go up and follow the path up the pyramid of boxes. Continue up the single box
follow the only path. Take the first teleporter you come to for two chests
containing Angel Recoverael and ?Fashionista?. Use the teleporter again and
continue right. Take the teleporter at the very end of the path.
This area looks a little confusing, but I'll do my best to describe it in a non-
confusing way. Head up then right for a little alcove with ?Eye Wear?. Now go
up for a chest with Synchro Evo Sap. Go back down a little and head left when
can. There'll be chest with ?Glass Jar? pretty obviously. Continue left to come
to another teleporter.
You'll be back outside. Head up and take the Lift Boarding Stand. Follow the
linear path to the left. Eventually you'll come to another Lift Boarding Stand
and a Save Circle. Use the Lift Boarding Stand, then go up the ladder straight
into a cut scene
===Boss Battle: Harvestasha=== [B03F-Normal]
15,000 (S-01)
320,000 (Harvestasha)
Take care of the two robots first, as always. Harvestasha has an attack
that will stop the song from charging, and you won't be able to deploy the song
either, but you can flipside, and you can use supermoves when this happens. If
you see a blue line approaching on the beat bar, or you see Harvestasha
surrounded by a glowing circle, attack her immediately. You may be able to stop
her from deploying the attack if you do enough damage. The battle starts with
two S-01's, but another can appear, so keep an eye out.
Phase 3: The Rinkernator [P03F-True]
~Moocheriel~ [P03FTrue-A]
There'll be a cut scene then Gojo and Saki will rejoin your party. You can run
back to the Save Circle and save again if you want to create a new file. Then
run up to Ar Ru to talk to her. Selecting 'I'll stop it!' will initiate a
===Boss Battle: Ar Ru=== [B03F-True]
26,000 (Furia Model I)
85,000 (Ar Ru)
Take out the minion first. This battle isn't actually that hard. You can
defeat Ar Ru with one supermove.
Phase 4: To Ar Ciel [P04Finnel]
~Clustania City~ [P04F-A]
Go to the Inn to rest and save and synthesize all the new recipes you found. You
can now dive into Finnel's Level Seven.
===Finnel Level Seven=== [F-07]
Total DP: 10,650
Choices: 'Defeat the Supervisor'
Hyuma: Enter Key, Alt Key, Shift Key, Return Key
Note: You get an Artwork and a Trophy, Soma VS Soma in this level
Select Akane's Home from the Town Menu. After a cut scene you'll regain
Pick up the talk topic in the bedroom when you regain control. Once you have all
the conversations with the girls you can do more in Saki's Level Seven, and you
can enter Finnel's Level Eight, but not finish it.
===Saki Level Seven=== [S-07]
Total DP: 8,830
Choices: none
Hyuma: Ulurua
Select Clustania District from the Town Menu.
~Clustania District~ [P04F-B]
You're headed for the Harvestasha Module. I hope you remember how to get there
by now. Enter the Harvestasha Module for a scene. Tyria joins your party. You
regain control in Custania City, but there's really nothing to do there except
save, so head straight for Archia City.
~Archia City~
Rest at the Inn to have a scene between Cocona and Mute. Rest again to unlock
Tyria's talk topics. Tyria has five bazillion talk topics to find, so let's go
adventuring. Head to the Archia Think Tank like suggested.
~Talk Topic Search~ [P04F-C]
Start at the Ogai Memorial Pre-School. There'll be two scenes, then you regain
control. There's a talk topic on the back fence, and one on the right as well.
Talk to all three kids to get a Party Talk Topic. Go to Gojo's Old Clinic to
find another Party Talk Topic. Go to Filon Cross Bridge Town and talk to the
weapon's dealer for yet another Party Talk Topic
Head to Blue Canyon Hamlet. There's a Party Talk Topic in Aoto's house.
a talk topic on the ground just outside Aoto's house. You'll find a Party talk
topic on the ground in front of the weapons dealer and a talk topic on the left
side of the outside of the Inn. There's also a talk topic at the Bus Terminal.
Run through Blue Heaven Trail. As you go along the path you'll find a Party
Topic. Go across the second bridge you come to, right by the stairs. Go up the
ladder and all the way left to find a talk topic. Now go up the stairs and in
the Training Monk's House there'll be another talk topic. There's nothing else
in this area so head to Eternus Shaft.
Head to Waterforest Square first. There's a talk topic outside the Bistro, and
Party Talk Topic and talk topic inside the Bistro.
Next go to the Stairway to Fallen Heaven. Run up the little ramp and go up the
first ladder you come to. There'll be a talk topic there. That's the only one
in this area so you can just run back out to the World Map.
Now go to Ciela Gate. Start on Clockwork Street. There's a talk topic on the
ground in front of the leftmost shop. Head to Moebius Factory and make your way
to the DFP device for another talk topic. But be careful here, the new enemies
are pretty strong.
Next stop is the Slave District. Head left into the underground, then down to a
ladder to a new area. Enter the top left door and enter the underground again.
Follow the path and when you emerge run all the way down for a talk topic. Go
back through the underground and down the stairs to the left, then up and take
the stairs to the left again. Go down, then left at the junction. Enter the
bottom right room (Chamber 11) and go into the underground. Go up, right, then
down to find a ladder. In the area that ladder takes you to go to the topmost
room (Chamber 15). There's a talk topic there. Now return to Chamber 11, then
enter the bottom left room and talk to the man there for a Party Talk Topic
(Chamber 5). Now make your way to Clustania City.
Enter the Dive Shop for a talk topic. Exit to the Promenade and head down to
Paseo Street. There's a talk topic in the General Store here, as well as one by
the entrance to Akane's house. Enter Akane's house and head upstairs. There's
talk topic by her Dive machine, and a Party Talk Topic in her bedroom.
~Archia Think Tank~ [P04F-D]
Head up and you'll find a Party Talk Topic in the shadow of a set of boxes.
really obvious. Go up to enter the building proper. Follow the directions Gojo
gives. You've already raided this area anyway. The entrance to the basement
is behind the second small door.
Once you've descended the ladder, head all the way down to find a talk topic,
then head right at the fork, and go up at the second fork after that to enter a
new area. Go down across the bridge. In the new area go right to find a Party
Talk Topic next to an already opened treasure chest. Now go up the ladder to
Floor A. Go left through the big door then through another big door.
forward will trigger a cut scene.
~Tower of Origin~ [P04F-E]
There's really only one path to follow, so keep ascending in elevators until you
reach a cut scene. You're booted into a battle, but it's no different than any
of the other random battles you've had to face recently. Use the next elevator
and continue to follow the path. But bypass the next elevator and continue
for a chest with ?Famous Protector?. Now use that elevator.
On this next level you'll be given a choice. Take the right-hand elevator and
follow the path left for a chest with ?Radio?. Descend and take the left
elevator. There's a Save Circle right at the top of it.
===Boss Battle: Ayatane=== [B04F-A]
HP: 180,000
Ayatane's not actually that difficult. He can't do a lot of damage, but he
does have one attack that paralyzes you. But that's more of an annoyance than a
difficulty. Purge three times and use one or two supermoves and you'll kill him
~Archia City~
The only thing to do here is to go see Sasha. There'll be a scene with Cocona
and Sasha which will trigger a talk topic with Tyria. After that just head to
~Moocheriel~ [P04F-G]
Follow the path back to where you first fought Ar Ru
===Boss Battle: Ar Ru=== [B04F-B]
Die. Seriously. You aren't supposed to win this battle.
~Eternus Shaft~
You regain control here. Be sure to go to the Inn and rest because since you
died all the characters have only 1 HP. Exit the Inn and go right into Old
Eternus Gallery.
~Old Eternus Gallery~ [P04F-H]
Head down and to the right, through the double doors. Go down and enter the
first door for a talk topic. Keep heading down and take the ladder at the very
end. Continue to follow the path. When you reach a fork continue upwards, to
another ladder. Head left, then up, and jump up a ledge to a set of doors that
tell you they lead to VR21. There'll be a cut scene. When you regain control
pick up the talk topic right behind you. There's also a Party Talk Topic on the
opposite side of the machine. Once you have both of those talk to Katene. You
really can't do but watch the unfolding events. Once that's done, head back to
the Inn.
~Eternus Shaft~
Rest to have conversation with Tyria that results in you being able to Dive into
===Tyria Level One=== [T-01]
Total DP: 6,100
Choices: Any, Any, Moving person in an animal costume, Any
Hyuma: Pocco, Pudding, Nam, Tuna, Moff Moff, Auspica
===Tyria Level Two=== [T-02]
Total DP: 5,830
Choices: Of course! We're friends, Any, Stop somewhere, Why don't we go out
somewhere, Can you swim, Let's go somewhere, Talk a little bit longer
Hyuma: Medi, Poemy, Sooweets, Mimi, Spring Breeze, Summer Gale, Excellent
Note: You get an Artwork and a Trophy, Rendezvous in this level. You also get
the trophy Tyria's Fellow upon completion of this level.
Now that Tyria has remembered her song, head to Moocheriel.
~Moocheriel~ [P04F-I]
After a long cut scene filled with treacherous treachery you regain control.
straight ahead to pick up the talk topic that's super obvious then make your way
back to where you fought Ar Ru the other two times.
===Ar Ru=== [B04F-C]
85,000 (Ar Ru)
21,000 (Furia Carrier)
Run towards Ar Ru and engage her. Leave the other two vanguards to fight
Furia Carriers. Keep a close eye on everyone's health. Even if the two spawns
start attacking Tyria, stay on Ar Ru. If you leave her alone she'll cast a
that will wipe out at least half of your health. If Tyria dies, just revive her
and she'll start singing again. Once you get to the proper level a single
supermove will wipe out Ar Ru, and the two spawns will probably have already
wiped out.
Beating Ar Ru triggers another cut scene after which you wind up back in Eternus
Shaft without Tyria in your party.
~Eternus Shaft~
Rest and save and head into the Old Eternus Gallery to rescue Tyria.
~Old Eternus Gallery~
Make your way back to VR21 using the direction listed before. After a scene
Tyria will be back in your party. Rest at the Save Circle you have to pass on
your way out for a scene with Finnel's 4th persona. Now return to Eternus
~Eternus Shaft~
You can now complete Finnel's Level Eight Cosmosphere.
===Finnel Level Eight=== [F-08]
Total DP: 21,110
Choices: 'I'll remove the defense system'
Hyuma: none
Note: You receive an Artwork and a trophy, Wailing, in the course of this level
Rest at the Inn to get the necessary conversations to head to the final level of
Finnel's Cosmosphere
===Finnel Level Nine Part 1=== [F-09A]
Total DP: 5680
Choices: none
Hyuma: Momoko
Note: You receive an Artwork and a trophy, Sing out the Genesis!
You'll be automatically booted from this world and you'll get a Level Nine
Complete screen. But re-enter the world because there's more to do.
===Finnel Level Nine Part 2=== [F-09B]
Total DP: 3400
Choices: none
Hyuma: Engage
Note: You get the trophy Finnel's True Master for completing 100%
Next time you rest you'll get a scene with Finnel where you receive Blue Beach
Sandals. Exit the Cosmosphere and head out to the Town Menu for a cut scene.
Head over to Archia when it's done.
~Archia City~
There'll be a scene with Akane when you first arrive, then head to the Archia
Think Tank
~Archia Think Tank~ [P04F-J]
Head towards the Tower of Origin. Remember, you want the ladder to Floor B if
you get confused. As soon as you exit from the basement you'll trigger a scene
and a battle.
===Boss Battle: Reyvaroid=== [B04F-D]
190,000 (Reyvaroid)
29,000 (Furia Model III)
28,000 (Furia Model II-Y)
Just do your normal thing of staying alive and hitting things to Purge.
There are several other spawns with relatively high health, so while a single
super move would probably kill the Reyvaroid, it might be better to do Flipside
so you can cover the entire field.
Continue left into the Tower of Origin.
~Tower of Origin~ [P04F-K]
Take a series of three elevators that follow a strictly linear path. Now use
next elevator you come to. You'll find a chest with ?Stick Medicine?. Descend
and continue left. Use the elevator at the end of the path. Head up then
and use the elevator. Head left and take the next elevator to a Save Circle.
Continue up to witness a cut scene.
Head up the stairs, at one landing you'll see an obvious chest to the right. It
contains Synchro Evo Sap. The next large landing has a chest with ?Stuffed
Animal? to the left. There is only one small flight of stairs remaining, then a
straight shot to an elevator. Take the elevator down and follow the path to a
new area. Continue left to reach a teleporter. Follow the path and you'll be
back outside. The path to the right leads to the World Map. Head up the
The path to the left leads to the XP Shell.
~XP Shell~ [P04F-L]
Slightly to the left is a Save Circle which you can abuse to drain the encounter
bar if you want. Head left and down then right for a chest with ?Maiden Tears?.
Now back track to the Save Circle. Head left again, only this time go up. The
path to the right leads to ?Vintage Board?. The path that continues up leads to
?Ultimate Drill?. Back again to the Save Circle. This time head right and up.
At the fork, the left path leads to ?Shiny Clothes? and the upwards path leads
?Mythic Armor?. Be careful when synthesizing, you should only have enough to
make either ?Maiden Tears? OR ?Shiny Clothes? the same with ?Stuffed Animal?
?Mythic Armor?. I recommend making ?Shiny Clothes? because that'll trigger a
conversation with Saki that will allow access to her next level. Head back to
the Save Circle and enter the door directly above it. You'll enter a cut scene
and a boss battle.
===Boss Battle: Richa=== [B04F-E]
300,000 (Richa)
15,000 (S-01)
Keep Richa occupied while you charge and Purge. Her ability is very hard
break in time if you're the only one attacking her, and it'll do about 4k of
damage to a single character so be prepared to heal a lot. Use whatever
combination of Flipside and super moves you desire to take her out.
There'll be a long scene and then you regain control in Archia City.
~Archia City~ [P04F-M]
Run around and talk to all the people in Filon Cross Bridge Town for a talk
with Tyria. You should have had the conversation to Dive into Saki's Level
Eight, so let's go do that.
===Saki Level Eight=== [S-08]
Total DP: 9,770
Choices: 'I'm ready'
Hyuma: Sioni, Ciela Cruto, Patio Cruto, Saki Portal
Note: Because you're on Finnel's path, you cannot get all the way through this
level but you can get four more Hyumas.
When you've done all that you want to, head to Gojo's Old Clinic from the Town
Menu. After that head to Filon Cross Bridge Town, then to Clustania.
Fortunately they don't make you walk all the way through the Clustania District
again. For a fun little extra head to Paper Scissors in Blue Canyon Hamlet for
fun little scene with Mute and Katene that triggers a talk topic with Tyria.
select District A from the World Map.
~District A~ [P04F-N]
Head left to enter the inside of the tower. Continue left until you reach the
Vacuum Tube. Use it then follow the path. Use the teleporter that Tyria
Head left to reach a chest containing ?Protein?. Then go up for a talk topic.
From the talk topic head right then up. There'll be an alcove with a chest on
the left containing ?Fishy Needle?. Further up there is a chest with Spunky
Monkey V. Now backtrack to the teleporter that brought you to this area. Head
roughly upwards then a little left for a talk topic and a chest containing ?Star
Can?. Continue upwards for a talk topic next to a teleporter. Use the
Follow the path. Take the first teleporter you come to for an area containing
two chests with ?Fashionista? and Angel Recoverael. Now head back and continue
right. Take the teleporter at the end of the path. Head up then right for a
chest containing ?Eye Wear?. Further up is another chest containing Synchro Evo
Sap. Now head back to the teleporter. This time head left. There'll be an
obvious chest a little up that contains ?Glass Jar?. Continue left to find and
use another teleporter.
You get a cute little scene with Finnel. Follow the path. You'll find a Party
Talk Topic in the middle of the path. You'll eventually come to a Save Circle
right by a Lift Boarding Stand. Don't forget to nab the Talk Topic right on the
edge there. Use the Lift and climb the ladder. Boss battle time.
===Boss Battle: Harvestasha=== [B04F-G]
320,000 (Harvestasha)
10,000 (K-21P)
15,000 (S-01)
The battle starts out with two K-21P's on the field, but beware that other
S-01's can be summoned as well. If Harvestasha starts to cast an ability do
best to stop her. But without someone else attacking her as well it's sort of
hard. Use Flipside or supermoves to do away with her.
Run down the platforms then around the corner. There'll be a Lift Boarding
Platform and a Party Talk Topic in the corner. Now descend the ladder and head
up passed the Lift Boarding Stand to reach the World Map. Head to Clustania.
~Clustania District~
Yes, they are making you walk all the way back to the Harvestasha Module. I
you remember the way because I'm not explaining it for the five bazillionth
Long scene, but it's not quite the end. Head to Archia and Nya Nya Ya. Just
when you think you're close to the end, they fool you.
~Archia City~
Enter the Inn for a scene with Richa and Gojo. There's also a hilarious scene
you can view if you go to Akane's Home in Clustania. Speaking of, time for some
optional battling.
~Clustania District~
You'll see Akane standing right by the entrance. If you talk to her you can
fight her.
===Akane Part 1=== [A-01]
350,000 (Akane)
290,000 (Kukuro)
One supermove against Akane will wipe out most of her HP, and one against
Kukouro will do the same, then use Flipsphere to catch them both and they'll be
gone. But be careful and keep an eye on your health. These two can take it
pretty fast.
?Medical God Tool?
Extra Special Image 1
Exit the area and re-enter. Then run from/fight five battles and talk to Akane
to fight her again.
===Akane Part 2=== [A-02]
400,000 (Akane)
350,000 (Kukuro)
The same as before, but this time it'll probably take one supermove to wipe
out Kukuro, and two to whittle down three-quarters of Akane's health. Try to
keep your health above half at all times because it'll disappear fast.
?Legendary Board?
Extra Special Image 2
Rinse and repeat. Run from five battles then talk to Akane.
===Akane Part Three=== [A-03]
999,999 (Akane)
999,999 (Kukuro)
Make sure that you have a lot of revives because Akane has an attack that
will do massive damage and kill you. Focus all three supermoves on her and you
should whittle her down to half health. Make sure your Reyvateil has a Flipside
pattern you're familiar with so you can hit the notes and do a lot of damage. I
had to Flipside four times to win the battle. Akane's charge attack will target
whoever is directly in front of her, so make sure she doesn't have a clear line
of sight to your Reyvateil. Kukuro's attack weakens the power of your Reyvateil
which is a pain in the butt. It takes all three vanguards to break the skills
you're probably just going to have to put up with them.
?Mythic Soldier Armor?
Extra Special Image 3
That's all you can do for now so head to Garvelt Bridge.
~Garvelt Bridge~ [P04F-O]
Head up the two ladders then go right, up the stairs. Don't use the elevator.
Instead head right, up a ladder to another elevator. Head up the five bazillion
stairs and through the camp. Follow the path up another five bazillion stairs.
You'll pass another Save Circle. Half-way up the long flight of stairs there'll
be a scene. Continue up and follow the path. When you get to the elevator that
leads to Kniehar Signal Station, take the ladder to the left instead. Continue
on the narrow path to the left until you run into a scene.
Head right, down a ladder. The chest on the left contains Rare Metal. When you
come to a fork head right, up two flights of stairs, to a chest with Platinum
Material. Back track to the fork and take the stairs down. Follow the path
you reach a scene.
===Boss Battle: MYU Mk.2=== [B04F-H]
This thing is annoying, but not so hard as Akane the third time. If you
beat her, this thing is a piece of cake. It has no insta-death moves and it's
skill is pretty easy to break will all three vanguards attacking it. Three
supermoves will take out a little over half its health. Use Flipside at about
150,000% to get the rest of it.
After the battle you'll be back in Archia City. You'll get the recipe for
Glasteria Plate. Leave Nya Nya Ya then re-enter for a talk topic. Now head
to where you just fought that boss battle. The easiest way to do that is to
select the Lymph Vessel from the World Map then exit right to Kniehar Signal
Station, go to the main elevator and therefore to Garvelt Bridge. When you get
back to the boss area you'll find two chests, ?Ultimate Liquid? and ?Ultimate
~Archia City~ [P04F-P]
You can now synthesize all the recipes you have, though some running around for
ingredients may be required. Scroll over to Key Item while synthesizing to find
Glasteria Plate. Make it to trigger a scene. Head to Filon Cross Bridge Town,
in front of Archia Think Tank to find Cocona. After the scene select Tower of
Origin from the World Map. You'll be right near the entrance to the XP Shell.
Head up the stairs, and instead of going left into the XP Shell, go up the last
set of stairs and use the elevator.
After the scene you're back in the Archia Inn. Talk to the soldier for a Party
Talk Topic. A few last things. Head to Paper Scissors in Blue Canyon Hamlet,
then go to Yokkora Bistro in Eternus Shaft. Now head to the Tower of Origin and
the XP Shell.
~XP Shell~ [P04F-Q]
USE THE SAVE POINT then enter the Harvestasha Module. After the scene talk to
Harvestasha and select 'Yes.' After a scene there'll be a battle with some
antibodies. They're not hard, just treat it like a random battle.
Run forward then left. Take your next left for a chest with Angel Recoverael.
Now back track and take the right hand path. Take the next right then continue
to follow the path until you reach a scene. Now head back to where the treasure
was, but continue upwards. There'll be another battle with some antibodies.
door to the Dome will open. Go there.
Head left then right. Recognize this place? Yeah. Save and enter the
Harvestasha Module. Talk to everyone in the party, then talk to Tyria and
===Boss Battle: Zzx_Ru=== [B04F-I]
HP: 300,000
Hit it a lot. Purge and use supermoves. Eventually the thing will start
producing Eggs which show up right at the circle of your Reyvateil. Pay
attention and as soon as you hear the alarm Blow the thing away because it'll
an ability called 'Suicide Bomber' and do lots of damage. You don't want it
anywhere near your Reyvateil when it does that. Other than that just keep
pounding with supermoves until it dies.
===Boss Battle: Cela===
290,000 (Ciela Phase 1)
350,000 (Ciela Phase 2)
390,000 (Ciela Phase 3)
530,000 (Ciela Phase 4)
290,000 (HBL-S)
There are four phases to this battle. Each time the background and music
will change. Basically, keep the antibodies occupied and away from your
Reyvateil. Don't attack Ciela because it just regains all health at the start
the next phase anyway. Charge and Flipsphere to kill all the spawn and Ciela to
trigger the next phase. 200,000% does a lot of damage and should successfully
kill Ciela in one hit. Do this four times and the battle will be over.
Phase 2: The Arco-Clustanian Accord [P02Saki]
***Choosing Saki in this section gains you a Heart Point. It's complicated, but
the Heart Point system dictates what ending you'll get. Right now you're on
track for the following Endings:
Bad, Saki Normal, Saki True, 3rd Reyvateil Normal, 3rd Reyvateil True, 4th
~Garvelt Bridge~ [P02S-A]
Meet another of Saki's personae. After the cut scene backtrack a little to find
a Party Talk Topic on the ground. Run back down the stairs to the Save Circle.
Create a new save file if you want to also run through Finnel's Path instead of
waiting for New Game+. Run back up the stairs, through the camp and up another
set of stairs. Jump on top of the box and up to the platform for a chest with a
Burning Launcher. Jump down and run up the next set of five bazillion stairs.
the top will be a cut scene, then jump up the box for a chest with ? Purifier?.
You should be able to synthesize ?Purifier?. Go up the stairs next to the Save
Circle and run right to find a talk topic on the ground. Now head left up the
long flight of stairs. Follow the linear path to a new area. Head down the
stairs to your left and follow the relatively long path to a chest with ?Leaf
Box?. Run back to the start of this area and head up screen up the far set of
stairs. You'll eventually come to an area with a ladder going down and an
elevator. The ladder leads to a broken elevator, so take the first elevator
leads to Kniehar Signal Station.
~Kniehar Signal Station~ [P02S-B]
Use the Save Circle at the entrance then follow the path to the left to enter a
new area. Jump up the boxes and up the ladder to a chest with ?For Fiesta?.
Return to the entrance of the station with the Save Circle. You should be able
to synthesize ?For Fiesta?. Now run around to the right and into the next area.
You'll run into a cut scene and a simple battle. Once you regain control run
down the stairs and up the flight to the left. Go up three ladders. You'll see
a console on the right and a ladder straight ahead. Go up the ladder and to the
right for a chest with Platinum Material. Now activate the console. Go down
ladders and to the right. The chest that was previously behind a force field is
now available. It contains V-Style: Winter Issue. Head down another ladder and
a flight of stairs, the go up the flight of stairs on the right. This area is
symmetrical to the area on the left, so go up four ladders and left for a chest
with ?Rich Sack?. Go down a ladder and use the console. Down two more ladders
to a chest that was previously behind a force field. The chest contains Big
of Soma. Go down the last ladder and stairs, and up the middle flight to where
the force field was previously. You'll trigger a cut scene. For those that
played the first game, this'll be worth a giggle, seeing Jack and Krusche again.
Run all the way right and down the stairs for a fight and a battle.
===Robots=== [B02S-A]
HP: 5500 (K-01)
8800 (K-11G)
Get rid of the K-01 first. Purge a lot. If you've done all of Finnel's
Cosmosphere so far you can activate her Flipsphere if you Purge four times.
does a LOT of damage. If you can't do this yet, just charge up the song a lot
and release. 20,000% should be good.
Once you regain control go back up the elevator to where Luphan was to get a
topic. Now go back down the elevator, down two flights of stairs and into the
previous area. Use the Save Circle. You can synthesize everything but
?Humidifier? which you need Saki for. Filament apparently can't synthesize.
Leave the Signal Station to go back to Garvelt Bridge.
~Garvelt Bridge~ [P02S-C]
Go straight, then down the long series of stairs. When you see stairs on the
left, ignore them and keep going straight. The next area will trigger a cut
scene. Go down the nearby stairs, passed the Save Circle and down the five
bazillion stairs. Go left and once you reach the top of the next flight of
stairs there'll be another cut scene. When you regain control, head back to the
Kniehar Signal Station.
~Kniehar Signal Station~
Head left into a new area. Take the elevator on the right, then go up the
on the right. There'll be a scene once you reach the top of the stairs.
Finnel leaves your party. You are now in Lymph Vessel.
~Lymph Vessel~ [P02S-D]
The right-hand path leads to the World Map, so head up then left a chest with
Battle Tape. Go right, then stand on the little axillary platform to the right.
This is actually an elevator and will take you to the next level.
Interact with the blue thing twice and use the black thing as a path to an area
with two chests, ?Revival Flute? and Mandragora. Interact with the blue switch
twice more and follow the new path. Drop down the hole.
In the new area, interact with the blue switch to turn on an elevator. Now go
right and use the blue switch on the next disk. Head across to a chest with
?Blind Mask?. Go back and interact with the blue switch again to turn the path
to allow you to go to the next area. Follow the left path at the junction, then
go down at the next one.
Take the elevator up and follow the path. When you come to a junction continue
left. Go around the corner to the right and head inside. Follow the path left
and you'll find a talk topic at the bend. Continue on. There's that platform
you activated earlier. Head outside to a Save Circle.
Drop down off the top ledge and head to the left edge of the platform for a
with a Rainbow Coat. Head back to where you dropped down the first time and drop
down again, then go straight and drop down one more level. Head right to find a
chest with Platinum Material. Go all the way left, and up the single box.
Continue left, passed the elevator. Jump up the single box and go right for a
chest with ?Popular Hat?.
Backtrack to the elevators you bypassed before and take those. The obvious
on the right contains a ?Make Believe Set?. The elevators on the right takes you
back down to where you were before. Time for a lot of backtracking.
Or, if you don't feel like finding all the items in this area you can go up and
enter to doorway to the inside to trigger the next event.
Go back to the Save Circle, through the doorway and through the inside, back
outside. Go left then down. At the junction head right. You'll be back inside
where the first elevator came up. Interact with the blue switch once, go left
jump down the hole again. Use the blue switch twice and head outside.
Previously you went left and down to a set of elevators. Now you want to go
and left. The camera will rotate so now you're going up. Jump up the box. Go
up and jump up the single box. Jump up two more little platforms to a chest
a Spark Stick. Backtrack and jump down the single box, then head left to jump
the small pyramid of boxes. Jump up another single box, then head left. When
come to a junction go up instead of left. Follow the path and jump up two more
sets of single boxes. You'll see two single boxes. Jump up the one on the left
for a chest with ?Spray?. Jump up the right hand box and head inside for a cut
scene. When you regain control you're back in Archia.
~Archia City~ [P02S-E]
Head to the Inn and rest to trigger a scene. Because you chose Saki earlier you
get an extra scene at the Inn as well as an artwork and a trophy, Saki Romantic
Scene 1. Everyone leaves your party. Leave the Inn and head to Nya Nya Ya.
Tatsumi will rejoin the party. Go to Filon Cross Bridge Town. A long cut scene
will net you an artwork and a trophy, Hot Springs Encounter. Gojo and Saki will
rejoin your party. Rest for conversations with Saki and you'll be able to enter
the next level of her Cosmosphere
===Saki Level Five=== [S-05]
DP: 5860
No, I don't think so
Hyuma: Mimic Mike, Walkie
Head out to the Town Menu and you'll see a new option, the V-Board Racetrack.
Go there. There'll be a long cut scene. You'll get an artwork and a trophy,
Uninstalling with Soma. You regain control in Nya Nya Ya, after Sasha gives you
the Sora 101. Tatsumi has been replaced by Cocona, but stays at the same level.
Finnel rejoins your party. Talk to the soldier in the Inn to get a Party Talk
Topic. Head back to Lymph Vessel.
~Lymph Vessel~ [P02S-F]
There'll be a cut scene. You're headed to where you triggered the Tyria cut
scene. Use the elevator then use the blue switch once and go left and drop down
the hole. Go right and use the second blue switch twice to go outside.
Head left, then left again at the next junction. Jump up the single block, then
up the pyramid to the left. Up the next single block then take the upper fork.
Follow the path then jump up two more single blocks. Follow the path right and
jump up the single block to head inside. You'll find a chest with a Soul
Charger. Now use the nearby elevator. There'll be another chest with
Backtrack until you come to the pyramid of boxes. Now jump down another level
and head right and down. At the junction go down and take the elevator. Follow
the path left and continue going left at the next junction. Turn the corner to
the right and head inside. Follow the path back outside to a Save Circle.
Resting and have the conversation with Finnel will unlock her Level Five
Cosmosphere. Jump down three levels and run left to follow the path. Jump up
the box and continue left. Use the elevator to the right then head up the path
and go inside.
Follow the path left and use the elevator. Head right and use the blue switch
raise a platform. Now use the upper elevator, and the elevator on the left
that. Follow the path right and up another elevator. There'll be a Save Circle
along the path left. Alas, there is no Dive shop here. Anyway, SAVE and follow
the path to an elevator to the Slave District
***You'll be presented with choice #2 after a cut scene. You can choose either
and you'll still be on track for the following endings:
Bad, Saki Normal, Saki True, 3rd Reyvateil Normal, 3rd Reyvateil True, 4th
~Slave District~ [P02S-G]
You'll regain control with no one in your party but Aoto. The door is locked,
interact with the capsule in the room. The first time it gives you
Interact with it again for a cut scene. Once you regain control enter the upper
left door for a chest with a Gold Material. Exit then enter the open door on
right for a chest with another Gold Material. Use the grate to enter the
Follow the path then go left at the first juncture and up at the second. Go up
the ladder to emerge in a room with a chest that contains ?Mode Clothes?. Exit
through the door and head down to trigger a scene. Head back up the stairs and
to the open door right across from them for a chest with Stress Doll. Down the
stairs you go. Go down screen and enter the bottom-most door for a chest with
Anti-Grav Gloves. The door above that, directly across from the stairs has a
Shockback Band in it. The room above that has a Soul Charger. Bypass the
and go into the topmost room for an Inverse Chip.
Down the stairs, then go down screen. When you come to a junction go left.
You'll come to another hallway full of doors. Enter the manhole across the way
for a chest with ?Sowing Machine?. Heading up, the open doors on the right have
the following from bottom to top: a shop, and two Platinum Materials. The only
open door on the bottom right leads to Saki and an artwork and trophy, Reunion
with Pupils. Now enter the grate in this room.
Go up to a ladder with a chest containing ?Roller Skates? and a talk topic. Re-
enter the underground and go down, right, down to another ladder. The open
from bottom to top contain the following: Heart Apron, nothing, and Gojo.
Backtrack to where Mute was and enter the room right across from the manhole for
a chest with Soul Charger. Now head underground. Go up and left for a V-Style:
Extra Issue. Right leads to a Spark Stick. Now go take the path up.
There'll be two ladders, one left and one up. Take the upper one to a chest
?Freaky V-Board?. Now take the left ladder. You'll see a Save Circle up
The open door by that has a shop. It sells Nyo? Guts which you need for a
so be sure to get some. The door on the bottom left leads to Cocona and Finnel.
After the scene go down the stairs on the left, then up.
===Boss Battle: Mute=== [B02S-B]
HP: 1000 (Light RT)
15000 (Mute)
Strategy: The Light RT's are ridiculously easy. Be very careful of Mute's
Magical Stick attack and be sure to use healing items whenever you need them.
Her super kick attack will also paralyze you, so run around and attack her from
the back whenever you can.
After another cut scene Phase 3 will start netting you another trophy, Phase 2
Phase 3: The Rinkernator [P03Bad]
*To get this ending you need to have lost the MYU battle*
===Boss Battle: MYU=== [B03B-A]
HP: 600,000
Run around for seven minutes and don't die or else you'll get a Game Over.
You can stand in a corner and heal the other vanguards because there's no way
they can deal 600,000 damage in seven minutes.
Once you beat this boss there'll be another scene after which you should use the
teleporter and save. If you want to re-do the MYU battle then create a new save
file. Now head left back towards Clustania. Before you get very far you'll
trigger a scene with Richa. Once you regain control go to the far right to
the elevator that'll take you down. Now go left and head back inside. Take the
elevator down and head left again to Clustania District.
~Clustania District~ [P03B-A]
When you enter this area you'll trigger a scene. Go right, to Finnel's pod to
find a talk topic. Use the glowing panel in the middle to descend a level, then
head out to the left. Go straight down until you reach an elevator. Use it,
then head right and use another elevator. Head down to reach and use another
elevator. Now go left at the fork and continue left until you see an elevator
above you. Use it then go down, to the right, and up to reach the Harvestasha
Module. I recommend draining the encounter bar before you trigger the next
because afterwards Finnel and Cocona leave your party. You might as well get
experience while everyone is in the party to profit from it.
Follow the path back towards the entrance and you'll trigger a cut scene. Go up
and take the elevator for another scene. Head right then down to an elevator.
Use it then go down to wind up back in the underground path. Head right, down
and left. Your goal is to use the elevator to return to the Slave District.
~Slave District~ [P03B-C]
You'll be greeted with a cut scene. When you regain control head right, into
sewer. Go down to another ladder. Now go left, down some stairs, up, down more
stairs to the left, and down again. Head left at the next junction for a scene.
Cocona rejoins your party, but Finnel doesn't. Head up and left. There is an
area that was previously behind a forcefield that you can now access. And
*Note: Depending on how many heart points you have that'll dictate where you go
next. If you have three Finnel points you go to Archia city and Archia Think
~Archia City~ [P03B-D1]
Head to the Inn. There's a talk topic on the right. Now select Archia Think
Tank from the Town Menu.
~Archia Think Tank~ [P03B-E1]
Head up and through the big door on the right. Now go through the first small
door for Inverse Chip and Soul Charger. The second small door contains Stress
Doll. Now back track and go through the big door on the left. Go through the
second small door and into the basement. Head right then up to another area.
Follow the single path down to another area. Head left at the fork and take the
ladder to Floor A. Go left and when you try to go through the small door a cut
scene will occur. Finnel will leave your party.
Go back to the basement and follow the path back to the ladder for Floor C.
right, through the big door, and down to exit the Think Tank. SELL ALL YOUR
WORLDLY POSSESSIONS and select Parie Central Station from the Town Menu.
~Moocheriel~ [P03B-F]
After a long cut scene Gojo will rejoin your party, although a glitch will say
that Cocona has joined. Head left. The highly obvious chest contains Spunky
Monkey V. Continue left. There'll be a chest with ?BBQ?. Follow the path down
to a chest with Yuteria Material.
Return to the beginning and head up to a chest with ?Big Bottled Drink?. Follow
the path to the right. Go up at the fork for a chest with Platinum Material.
back to the fork and go down. There'll be a chest behind some trees with
?Dreakmy Crayon?. Continue to the right and go up. At the next fork go up
slightly for a chest with Synchro Evo Sap. Now go down for a chest with Angel
Recoverael. Now go back to the left, then take the downward fork. There'll be
chest with ?Wonder Tool?. Continue to follow the path. When you reach a fork go
down. There'll be a chest with ?Cutting Edge Kit? on the right. Continue to
follow the path to the left. The chest on the left has Spunky Monkey V. The
chest up has ?Premium Board?. Continue left to see a scene.
Run left to the Save Circle. SAVE HERE. Run up for another scene. Talk to Ar
to trigger a battle.
===Boss Battle: Ar Ru=== [B03Bad]
26,000 (Furia Model I)
85,000 (Ar Ru)
Take out the minion first. This battle isn't actually that hard. You can
defeat Ar Ru with one supermove.
Items [Item]
Shop List [Shop]
Blue Canyon Hamlet
Demon Arms- Hamlet Outskirts
Eternus Shaft
Mole of Treeshade- Waterforest Square
Migrating Birds- Reverse Lamp Bazaar
Sadistic Underground- Reverse Lamp Bazaar
Yokkora- Waterforest Square
Ciela Gate
Ladin't House- Clockwork Street
Migrating Birds- Clockwork Street
Medicine Emperor- Clockwork Street
Archia City
Migrating Birds- Capo Waste Oil Hot Spring
Interfilon- Filon Cross Bridge Town
Love & Trust Wood Shop- Filon Cross Bridge Town
Slave District
Yesterday's Joe
Virtuous Mart
Clustania City
Cyberion- Promenade
Menius Gear- Paseo Street
Migrating Birds- Paseo Street
Usable Items [Use]
*He-Eel alpha*
Bomb, Chilly Bomb, Meta Bomb
Wolf, Flame Hound, Greater Wolf, Snow Stalker, Mini Wolf
Falcon Hawk
Advanced RT (blue), Advanced RT(red), Advanced RT (green), Advanced RT (white)
Great Fang Soldier
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 48 Leaf
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 48L
Archia City- Interfilon- 48L
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 48L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 48L
*B-Good beta*
Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Old Eternus Gallery x2
Meta Bomb, Mock Bomb
Light RT (pink), Light RT (white), Light RT (olive)
Archian Soldier
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 189L
Archia City- Interfilon- 189L
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 189L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 189L
*Spunky V*
Found: Blue Canyon Hamlet x5
*They-Eel A*
Mock Bomb, Bomb Leader
Wolf Leader
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 151L
*All B-Good*
Bomb Leader
Slave District- Virtuous Mart-352L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 352L
*Spunky Monkey V*
Moocheriel x2
Tower Block A
Furia Model III
Doll Model HBL, Doll Model HBL-S
*Rescue Injection*
Blue Heaven Trail
Chilly Bomb
Flame Hound
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 315 Leaf
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 315L
Archia City- Interfilon- 315L
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 315L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 315L
*Soul Charger*
Garvelt Bridge
Lymph Vessel
Slave District x2
Clustania District
Archia Think Tank
Type 1
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 1024L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 1024L
*Rousing Whistle*
Type 3: Void, Type 2: Annihilation
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 1920L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 1920L
*Angel Recoverael*
Tower Block A
XP Shell
*Bittle Capsule*
Blue Heaven Trail
Bomb, Chilly Bomb
Wolf, Flame Hound
Treant, Mandrake
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 181 Leaf
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 181L
Archia City- Interfilon- 181L
*Medical Disperser*
Stalker, Shinobi, Lich
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 662L
*Flame Pod*
Type 1
Type 1: Sand
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 112 Leaf
*Burning Launcher*
Archia Think Tank
Garvelt Bridge
Clustania District
Type 1: Sand, Type 3, Type 3: Crimson, Type 2: Extinction
Archia City- Interfilon- 533L
*Homing Pod*
Type 1: Failure, Type 3
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 401L
*Mega Heat Scorcher*
Type 3: Crimson, Type 3: Void, Type 2: Extinction, Type 2: Annihilation
Furia Carrier
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 722L
*Ice Shard*
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 143L
*Ice Pop Can*
Clustania District
*Snow Fan*
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 322L
*Frost Generator*
Stalker, Shinobi, Reaper, Lich
Furia Carrier
*Electric Pipe*
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 160L
*Spark Stick*
Archia Think Tank
Lymph Vessel
Slave District
Archia City- Interfilon- 466L
*Spark Ball*
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 315L
*Electric Shock Box*
Furia Carrier
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 666L
*Air Cutter*
Type 1: Failure
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 138L
*Twister Machine*
K-01, S-01
Archia City- Interfilon- 361L
*Cyclone Dice*
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 299L
*Stormbringer Button*
S-01, S-11A, S-21B, H-11R
Furia Carrier
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 700L
*Power Powder*
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 256L
Archia City- Interfilon- 256L
*Colossal Powder*
*Tough Skin Oil*
Furia Model I, Furia Model I-B
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 256L
*Rock-Hard Oil*
Furia Model II, Furia Model II-Y, Furia Model III
*Speed Needle*
Moebius Factory
Archia City- Interfilon- 265L
*Screw Needle*
Moebius Factory
Doll Model B, Doll Model B-G
Archia City- Interfilon- 558L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 558L
*Criticoil +*
Doll Model HB, Doll Model HBL, Doll Model HBL-S
S-11A, S-21B, H-11R
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 919L
*Petrifying Drink*
*Yokkora Set*
Eternus Shaft- Yokkora- 58L
*Thin Flavor Udon*
Archia City- Interfilon- 47L
*Thick Flavor Udon*
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 49L
*Mood Fragrance*
*Solo Orchestra*
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 528L
*Air Spray*
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 884L
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 188L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 188L
Greater Wolf
Thunderbird, Roc
Eternus Shaft- Yokkora- 25L
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 25L
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 25L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 25L
*Charbroiled BBQ*
Snow Stalker, Mini Wolf
Falcon Hawk, Roc
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 53L
*BBQ Soda*
*Inferno Steak*
Wolf Leader
*Drappy Soda*
Archia City- Nya Nya Ya- 173L
Eternus Shaft- Yokkora- 35L
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 37L
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 33L
*Replica Horn*
Found: Old Eternus Gallery
Archia City- Nya Nya Ya- 5125L
*Dokkoi Set*
Archia City- Nya Nya Ya- 190L
*Pale Apple*
Archia City- Nya Nya Ya- 144L
*Kitty Candy*
Archia City- Nya Nya Ya- 10L
*Ar Tornado*
Doll Carrier Type H
Equipment [Equip]
*Pile Striker*
Found: Beginning of Game
Great Fang Soldier
Blue Canyon Hamlet- Demon Arms- 70L
*Crab Claw Sword*
Found: Blue Heaven Trail
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 700L
*Rock Grinder*
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 3402L
*Power Claw*
Clustania City- Cyberion- 7122L
*Medicine Bag*
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 245L
*Survival Kit*
Archian Soldier
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 735L
*Emergency Chest*
Clustania City- Cyberion- 3150L
Found: Beginning of Game
Archian Soldier
Blue Canyon Hamlet- Demon Arms- 70L
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 70L
*Tsurugi 07*
Found: Blue Heaven Trail
Great Fang Soldier
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 735L
*Linear J Plate*
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 1050L
*Sora 101*
Given in Story
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 3395L
*Wing Rider*
Clustania City- Cyberion- 6125L
*Pile Breaker*
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 196L
*Pile Driver*
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 3185L
*Steel Grinder*
Clustania City- Cyberion- 14000L
*Pile Crusher*
*Buster Drill*
*Moocheriel Disaster*
*Auto-Doc Trunk*
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 294L
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 294L
*High Voltage Gloves*
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 476L
*Doctor's Bag*
Clustania City- Cyberion- 3283L
*Mobile Hospital ER*
*Divine EMT Tool*
*Hard Board*
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 245L
*Razor Foot*
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 476L
*Flying Tablet*
*Ether Runner*
Clustania City- Cyberion- 735L
*Tsunami Dance Queen*
*Hayabusa 00*
*Infinity Bravery*
*Normal Attire*
Beginning of Game
Advanced RT (blue)
Blue Canyon Hamlet- 90L
*Doctor's Gown*
Beginning of Game
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 175L
*Protection Suit*
Old Eternus Gallery
Doll Carrier Type H
Advanced RT (green), Advanced RT (white)
Light RT (olive)
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 270L
*Shield Wear*
Advanced RT (blue)
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 370L
Clustania City- Cyberion- 370L
*Big Ribbon*
Found: Blue Heaven Trail
Light RT (pink)
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 520L
*Comfy Dress*
Light RT (white)
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 714L
*Refracting Cape*
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 1280L
*Rainbow Coat*
Lymph Vessel
Clustania Distric
Light RT (pink)
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 4012L
Clustania City- Cyberion- 4012L
*Work Suit*
Found: Beginning of Game
Advanced RT (red)
Blue Canyon Hamlet- Demon Arms- 231L
*Hard Tanned Jacket*
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 480L
*Protective Clothes*
Advanced RT (green), Advanced RT (white)
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 910L
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 910L
*Heavy Armor*
Blue Canyon Hamlet- Demon Arms- 1554L
*Fortress Mail*
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 3114L
*Guardian Suit*
Found: Ciela Gate Resevoir
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 5928L
*Chemical Wear*
Advanced RT (red)
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 224L
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 224L
*Tight Tough Shirt*
Light RT (white)
Clustania City- Cyberion- 666L
*Fancy Coveralls*
*Safety Uniform*
*Heavy Bio*
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 3725L
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 3725L
*Infinity Cos Armor*
*Shiny Spangle Mail*
*Platinum Suit*
Light RT (olive)
*Ultra Resist Stole*
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 5740L
*Lethal Frills*
Light RT (green)
Clustania City- Cyberion- 13860L
*Reflection Dress*
*Divine Regalia*
Tyria joins the party
*Grathnode Craft*
*Kiai Belt*
Blue Heaven Trail
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 3493L
*Quick Loader*
Found: Old Eternus Gallery
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 3507L
*Battle Tape*
Lymph Vessel
Clustania District
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 3654L
*Weakness Detector*
Blue Heaven Trail
Light RT (olive)
Eternus Shaft- Sadistic Underground- 3787L
*Emergency Patch*
Found: Old Eternus Gallery
Advanced RT (red)
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 1294L
*Anti-Grav Gloves*
Slave District
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 2525L
*Duel Bobble*
Found: Old Eternus Gallery
Advanced RT (blue)
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 1532L
*Heart Apron*
Archia Think Tank
Slave District
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 2682L
*Cannibal Earrings*
Advanced RT (green), Advanced RT (white)
Clustania City- Cyberion- 1512L
*Snake Eyes Plate*
Found: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Archian Soldier
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 1345L
Clustania City- Cyberion- 1345L
Archia Think Tank
Clustania District
Archia City- Love & Trust Wood Shop- 1511L
*Stress Doll*
Slave District
Clustania District
Archia Think Tank
Light RT (white)
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 3332L
Clustania City- Cyberion- 3332L
*Optic Shield*
Found: Old Eternus Gallery
Light RT (pink), Great Fang Soldier
Ciela Gate- Ladin't House- 1532L
*Shockback Band*
Slave District
Clustania District
Clustania City- Cyberion- 6293L
*Ego Bag*
Slave District- Yesterday's Joe- 6384L
*Puchi Devil Hat*
*Adamant Mirror Ring*
Clustania City- Cyberion- 4186L
*Dandy Safety Mask*
*Rainbow Crayon*
*Shooting Star Jar*
*Singing Radio
*Crescent Glasses*
*Holding Gergo*
*Blue Beach Sandals*
Complete 100% of Finnel's CS
Key Items [Key]
*Crimson Ramen*
Eternus Shaft- Migrating Birds- 2100L
*Dog Roll*
Eternus Shaft- Migrating Birds- 2640L
*Fried Bread*
Eternus Shaft- Migrating Birds- 2997L
*Babango Stew*
Eternus Shaft- Migrating Birds- 2625L
*Ketchup Burger Steak*
Eternus Shaft- Migrating Birds- 2480L
*Doublehump Melon*
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 2880L
*Fresh Veggies*
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 2340L
*Kururuku Punch*
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 2250L
*Fuki Miso*
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 2525L
*Acorns & Mushrooms*
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 2520L
*Dried Giant Squid*
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 2300L
*Morose Rice Cracker*
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 3129L
*Liddell Monkey Treats*
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 2100L
*Antibody Biscuit*
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 2392L
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 2625L
*Gergo Energy Bar*
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 2776L
*Chocolate Plate*
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 1800L
*Skyscraper Ice Cream*
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 2520L
*Cosmo Jerky*
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 2644L
*Furufuru Frappe*
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 2180L
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 2400L
Ingredients [Igrd]
*Iron Ore*
Found: Blue Canyon Hamlet x10
S-01, S-11A, H-01, H-11R
Archia City- Interfilon- 46L
Falcon Hawk, Thunderbird, Roc
Archia City- Interfilon- 78L
*Nyo? Guts*
Furia Model I, Furia Model I-B, Furia Model II, Furia Model II-Y, Furia Model
Doll Model B, Doll Model B-G, Doll Model HB, Doll Model HBL, Doll Model HBL-S
Slave District- Virtuous Mart- 54L
Blue Canyon Hamlet x10
Lymph Vessel
Clustania District
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 64L
*Rare Metal*
Stairway to Fallen Heaven x2
Old Eternus Gallery
Garvelt Bridge
Dropped: Greater Wolf, Snow Stalker
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 133L
*Justine Ruin*
Moebius Factory
Archia City- Interfilon- 52L
*Proliferation Diode*
Old Eternus Gallery
Type 1
Skull, Stalker, Reaper
Ciela Gate- Medicine Emperor- 231L
*Inverse Chip*
Slave District
Archia Think Tank
K-01, S-01, S-11A, S-21B, H-11R
Doll Carrier Type H
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 662L
Found: Archia Think Tank
Skull, Stalker, Shinobi, Reaper, Lich
Doll Carrier Type H
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 256L
*Raw Meat*
Clustania District
Thunderbird, Roc
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 50L
*Hot Video*
Found: Old Eternus Gallery
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 70L
*Cool Video*
Found: Blue Canyon Hamlet
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 140L
*Rad Video*
Found: Ciela Gate Resevoir
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 280L
*Insane Video*
Found: Moebius Factory
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 560L
*Human Anatomy*
Found: Old Eternus Gallery
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 70L
*Beast Anatomy*
Found: Ciela Gate Reservoir
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 140L
*Anatomy of the Heart*
Found: Moebius Factory
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 280L
*Big Book of Soma*
Kniehar Signal Station
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 560L
*V-Style: Spring Issue*
Found: Fallen Heaven's Peak
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 70L
*V-Style: Summer Issue*
Ciela Gate Resevoir
Ciela Gate- Migrating Birds- 140L
*V-Style: Fall Issue*
Moebius Factory
Archia City- Migrating Birds- 280L
*V-Style: Winter Issue*
Kniehar Signal Station
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 560L
*Supermove Notebook*
Garvelt Bridge
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 1500L
*Chart of God*
During story in Archia City
*V-Style: Extra Issue*
Slave District
Clustania City- Migrating Birds- 1500L
*Bronze Material*
Blue Heaven Trail x3
Wolf, Flame Hound, Greater Wolf, Mini Wolf
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 136 Leaf
*G1 Compound Fluid*
Bomb, Chilly Bomb, Meta Bomb
Eternus Shaft- Mole of Treeshade- 140 Leaf
*Iron Material*
Found: Moebius Factory
Snow Stalker, Wolf Leader
Type 1: Failure
*G2 Compound Fluid*
Found: Given by Gojo for first synthesis
Meta Bomb, Mock Bomb, Bomb Leader
Archia City- Interfilon- 183L
*Silver Material*
Mini Wolf
Type 1: Failure
Archia City- Interfilon- 202L
*R1 Solvent*
Moebius Factory
Treant, Mandrake
Archia City- Interfilon- 223L
*Gold Material*
Archia Think Tank x2
Slave District x2
Clustania District
Type 1: Sand, Type 3, Type 3: Crimson, Type 3: Void, Type 2: Extinction
Type 2: Annihilation
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 300L
*R2 Solvent*
Garvelt Bridge
Clustania District
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 317L
*Platinum Material*
Archia Think Tank
Kniehar Signal Station
Lymph Vessel
Slave District x2
Clustania District
Garvelt Bridge
Wolf Leader
Type 1: Sand, Type 3, Type 3: Crimson, Type 3: Void, Type 2: Extinction
Type 2: Annihilation
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 1992L
*Molecular Glue*
Furia Model I, Furia Model I-B, Furia Model II, , Furia Model II-Y, Furia Model
Doll Model B, Doll Model B-G, Doll Model HB, Doll Model HBL, Doll Model HBL-S
Clustania City- Menius Gear- 1500L
*Yuteria Material*
Clustania District
*Synchro Evo Sap*
Clustania District
Tower Block A
Tower of Origin
Item Synthesis [Synth]
*Spunky V*
Source: Gojo
He-Eel alpha
B-Good beta
G2 Compound Fluid
*Snow Fan*
Recipe: ?Fan?
Source: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Ice Shard
Proliferation Diode
G1 Compound Fluid
*Cyclone Dice*
Recipe: ?Dice?
Source: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Air Cutter
Rare Metal
G1 Compound Fluid
*Shiny Spangle Mail*
Recipe: ?Shiny Heavy Armor?
Source: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Heavy Armor
Bronze Material
*Homing Pod*
Recipe: ?Whistle Missile?
Source: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Flame Pod
Rare Metal
G1 Compound Fluid
*Hard Board*
Recipe: ?Semi-Pro V-Board?
Source: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Bronze Material
*Ultra Resist Stole*
Recipe: ?Fancy Scarf?
Source: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
Kiai Belt
Bronze Material
*Auto-Doc Trunk*
Recipe: ?Medical Bag?
Source: Old Eternus Gallery
Medicine Bag
Bronze Material
*Safety Uniform*
Recipe: ?Worker Armor?
Source: Old Eternus Gallery
Work Suit
Bronze Material
*Pile Breaker*
Recipe: ?Industrial Tool?
Source: Blue Heaven Trail
Pile Striker
Bronze Material
*Spark Ball*
Recipe: ?Electric Ball?
Source: Blue Heaven Trail
Electric Pipe
Proliferation Diode
G1 Compound Fluid
*Flying Tablet*
Recipe: ?Tablet?
Source: Ciela Gate Resevoir
Iron Material
*Chemical Wear*
Recipe: ?Hip Clothes?
Source: Ciela Gate Resevoir
Doctor's Gown
Iron Material
*High Voltage Gloves*
Recipe: ?High-Tech Medkit?
Source: Moebius Factory
Survival Kit
Silver Material
*Razor Foot*
Recipe: ?Pro V-Board?
Source: Moebius Factory
Tsurugi 07
Iron Material
R1 Solvent
*Burning Launcher*
Recipe: ?Dragon Mouth?
Source: Moebius Factory
Flame Pod
Iron Ore
G2 Compound Fluid
*Pile Driver*
Recipe: ?Hyper Work Tool?
Source: Moebius Factory
Crab Claw Sword
Silver Material
*Spark Stick*
Recipe: ?Magic Stick?
Source: Moebius Factory
Electric Pipe
Iron Ore
G2 Compound Fluid
*Twister Machine*
Recipe: ?Rotary Fan?
Source: Moebius Factory
Air Cutter
Iron Ore
G2 Compound Fluid
*Ice Pop Can*
Recipe: ?Frozen Can?
Source: Moebius Factory
Ice Shard
Iron Ore
G2 Compound Fluid
*Heavy Bio*
Recipe: ?Industrial Armor?
Source: Moebius Factory
Hard Tanned Jacket
Iron Material
Quick Loader
*Rock-Hard Oil*
Recipe: ?Fishy Oil?
Source: Moebius Factory
Tough Skin Oil
Raw Meat
R1 Solvent
*Frost Generator*
Recipe: ?Humidifier?
Source: Archia Think Tank
Ice Pop Can
Inverse Chip
R2 Solvent
*Adamant Mirror Ring*
Recipe: ?Prism Accessory?
Source: Archia Think Tank
Optic Shield
Silver Material
*All B-Good*
Recipe: ?Drink In A Bucket?
Source: Archia Think Tank
They-Eeel A
R1 Solvent
*Stormbringer Button*
Recipe: ?Something Button?
Source: Archia Think Tank
Twister Machine
R2 Solvent
*Lethal Frills*
Recipe: ?Magic Frill?
Source: Archia Think Tank
Refracting Cape
Silver Material
*Steel Grinder*
Recipe: ?Drill Blade?
Source: Garvelt Bridge
Rock Grinder
Gold Material
R1 Solvent
*Mega Heat Scorcher*
Recipe: ? Purifier?
Source: Garvelt Bridge
Burning Launcher
Proliferation Diode
R2 Solvent
*Electric Shock Box*
Recipe: ?Leaf Box?
Source: Garvelt Bridge
Spark Stick
Inverse Chip
R2 Solvent
*Solo Orchestra*
Recipe: ?For Fiesta?
Source: Kniehar Signal Station
Replica Horn
Proliferation Diode
Justine Ruin
*Ego Bag*
Recipe: ?Rich Sack?
Source: Kniehar Signal Station
Emergency Patch
Iron Material
*Rousing Whistle*
Recipe: ?Revival Flute?
Source: Lymph Vessel
Rescue Injection
R2 Solvent
*Dandy Safety Mask*
Recipe: ?Blind Mask?
Source: Lymph Vessel
Weakness Detector
Silver Material
R2 Solvent
*Air Spray*
Recipe: ?Spray?
Source: Lymph Vessel
Flame Pod
Ice Shard
G1 Compound Fluid
*Puchi Devil Hat*
Recipe: ?Popular Hat?
Source: Lymph Vessel
Cannibal Earrings
Nyo? Guts
Iron Material
*Doctor's Bag*
Recipe: ?Make Believe Set?
Source: Lymph Vessel
Medicine Bag
Gold Material
Recipe: ?Injector?
Source: Lymph Vessel
Rescue Injection
Bitter Capsule
G1 Compound Fluid
*Tight Tough Shirt*
Recipe: ?Mode Clothes?
Source: Slave District
Normal Attire
Silver Material
*Medical Disperser*
Recipe: ?Sowing Machine?
Source: Slave District
Bitter Capsule
Inverse Chip
R1 Solvent
Recipe: ?Roller Skates?
Source: Slave District
Speed Needle
Justine Ruin
Inverse Chip
*Ether Runner*
Recipe: ?Freaky V-Board?
Source: Slave District
Linear J Plate
Gold Material
*BBQ Soda*
Recipe: ?Sparking Water?
Source: Clustania District
Drappy Soda
G2 Compound Fluid
*Colossal Powder*
Recipe: ?Fishy Powder?
Source: Clustania District
Power Powder
Nyo? Guts
R1 Solvent
*Platinum Suit*
Recipe: ?Precious Metal Suit?
Source: Clustania District
Fortress Mail
Platinum Material
Sake Eyes Plate
*Mood Fragrance*
Recipe: ?Pistol?
Source: Clustania District
Flame Pod
*Spunky Monkey V*
Recipe: ?Big Bottled Drink?
Source: Moocheriel
Spunky V
R2 Solvent
*Rainbow Crayon*
Recipe: ?Dreamy Crayon?
Source: Moocheriel
Duel Bobble
Gold Material
Synchro Evo Sap
*Pile Crusher*
Recipe: ?Wonder Tool?
Source: Moocheriel
Power Claw
Platinum Material
*Mobile Hospital ER*
Recipe: ?Cutting Edge Kit?
Source: Moocheriel
Emergency Chest
Platinum Material
*Tsunami Dance Queen*
Recipe: ?Premium Board?
Source: Moocheriel
Wing Rider
Platinum Material
*Inferno Steak*
Recipe: ?BBQ?
Source: Moocheriel
Charbroiled BBQ
Mega Heat Scorcher
*Fancy Coveralls*
Recipe: ?Fashionista?
Source: Tower Block A
Comfy Dress
Gold Material
*Crescent Glasses*
Recipe: ?Eye Wear?
Source: Tower Block A
Battle Tape
Platinum Material
Molecular Glue
*Shooting Star Jar*
Recipe: ?Glass Jar?
Source: Tower Block A
Stress Doll
Gold Material
Synchro Evo Sap
*Infinity Cos Armor*
Recipe: ?Famous Protector?
Source: Tower of Origin
Protective Clothes
Gold Material
Anti-Grav Gloves
*Singing Radio*
Recipe: ?Radio?
Source: Tower of Origin
Heart Apron
Yuteria Materiel
Synchro Evo Sap
*Criticoil +*
Recipe: ?Stick Medicine?
Source: Tower of Origin
Rescue Injection
Molecular Glue
*Holding Gergo*
Recipe: ?Stuffed Animal?
Source: Tower of Origin
Yuteria Material
Molecular Glue
*Angel Recoverael*
Recipe: ?Maiden Tears?
Source: XP Shell
Soul Charger
Synchro Evo Sap
*Hayabusa 00*
Recipe: ?Vintage Board?
Source: XP Shell
Sora 101
Platinum Material
Molecular Glue
*Buster Drill*
Recipe: ?Ultimate Drill?
Source: XP Shell
Steel Grinder
Platinum Material
Molecular Glue
*Reflection Dress*
Recipe: ?Shiny Clothes?
Source: XP Shell
Rainbow Coat
Lethal Frills
Synchro Evo Sap
*Grathnode Craft*
Recipe: ?Mythic Armor?
Source: XP Shell
Guardian Suit
Yuteria Material
Shockback Band
*Petrifying Drink*
Recipe: ?Protein?
Source: Tower Block A
Drappy Soda
Tough Skin Oil
Molecular Glue
*Screw Needle*
Recipe: ?Fishy Needle?
Source: Tower Block A
Speed Needle
Justine Ruin
Molecular Glue
*Mermaid Song Can*
Recipe: ?Star Can?
Source: Tower Block A
Synchro Evo Sap
*Divine EMT Tool*
Recipe: ?Medical God Tool?
Source: Akane Battle 1
Mobile Hospital ER
Yuteria Material
*Infinity Bravery*
Recipe: ?Legendary Board?
Source: Akane Battle 2
Ether Runner
Yuteria Material
*Moocheriel Disaster*
Recipe: ?Mythic Weapon?
Source: Akane Battle 3
Pile Crusher
Yuteria Material
*Yuteria Material*
Recipe: ?Ultimate Material?
Source: Garvelt Bridge
Platinum Material
Rare Metal
*Synchro Evo Sap*
Recipe: ?Ultimate Liquid?
Source: Garvelt Bridge
Molecular Glue
Nyo? Guts
Raw Meat
*Glasteria Plate*
Recipe: none
Source: Course of story
Glass Coating
Platinum Material
Molecular Glue
Supermoves [Super]
Recipe: ?Engineer Art 1?
Source: Old Eternus Gallery
Hot Video
Pile Striker
*Cancel Bites*
Recipe: ?Engineer Art 2?
Source: Blue Canyon Hamlet
Cool Video
Crab Claw Sword
*Land Pillar*
Recipe: ?Engineer Art 3?
Rad Video
Rock Grinder
*Rumble Wave*
Recipe: ?Engineer Art 4?
Insane Video
Pile Driver
*Construct Zero*
Recipe: ?Engineer EX?
Supermove Notebook
Pile Driver
Rock Grinder
Recipe: ?V-Board Trick 1?
Source: Stairway to Fallen Heaven
V-Style: Spring Issue
Recipe: ?V-Board Trick 2?
V-Style: Summer Issue
Tsurugi 07
Recipe: ?V-Board Trick 3?
V-Style: Fall Issue
Hard Board
Recipe: ?V-Board Trick 4?
V-Style: Winter Issue
Linear J Plate
*Photon Ride*
Recipe: ?V-Board Trick SP?
V-Style: Extra Issue
Hard Board
Linear J Plate
*Gojo Shock Therapy*
Recipe: ?Medical Move #1?
Source: Old Eternus Gallery
Human Anatomy
Medicine Bag
*Gojo Amputation*
Recipe: ?Medical Move #2?
Beast Anatomy
Survival Kit
*Gojo Agony Infusion*
Recipe: ?Medical Move #3?
Anatomy of the Heart
Auto-Doc Trunk
*Gojo Sugerevenge*
Recipe: ?Medical Move #4?
Big Book of Soma
High Voltage Gloves
*Gojo Forbidden Fix*
Recipe: ?Ultimate Med Tech?
Chart of God
Survival Kit
High Voltage Gloves
Party Talk Topics [Party]
The way this is organized is the number of the conversation as given by the
how to get it, and the phase in which you can get it. The second line is the
characters to which the conversation applies.
#1- Dive into Finnel the first time (Phase 1)
Tatsumi and Finnel
#2- Talk to the far soldier at the entrance to Archia Think Tank before
rescuing Saki (Phase 2)
Aoto, Tatsumi, Gojo, Finnel
#3- Find Finnel after returning to Eternus Shaft (Phase 1)
Aoto, Gojo, Finnel
#4- Talk to the man on the right in the Eternus Shaft Inn (Phase 1)
Gojo and Finnel
#5- Talk to the soldier in the Archia City Inn after Saki leaves (Phase 2)
Aoto, Tatsumi, Gojo
#6- Talk to the soldier in the Archia City Inn after the V-Board race (Phase 2)
Aoto, Cocona
#7- Find in the Training Monk's House (Phase 1)
Aoto, Tatsumi, Saki
#8- Talk to the Great Fang Soldier on Clockwork Street after Moebius Factory
(Phase 1)
Aoto, Tatsumi, Finnel
#9- Talk to the Weapons Shop in Eternus Shaft (Phase 1)
Aoto, Tatsumi, Gojo, Saki, Finnel
#10- Aoto's House after Moebius Factory (Phase 1)
Saki, Finnel
#11- Aoto's House after Moocheriel
Aoto, Saki, Finnel, Tyria
#12- Talk to Sasha after Finnel and Gojo rejoin the party in Archia (Phase 2)
Aoto, Tatsumi, Gojo
#13- Found in Blue Heaven Trail
Aoto, Saki, Finnel, Tyria
#14- Found in Gojo's Old Clinic
Gojo, Tyria
#15- Found in Akane's Bedroom
Cocona, Saki, Finnel, Tyria
#16- Talk to the man next to Interfilon after rescuing Saki (Phase 2)
Gojo, Saki
#17- Talk to the Reyvateil just south of the Dive shop (Phase 3)
Gojo, Saki
#18- Talk to the man in Chamber 5 in the Slave District
Aoto, Cocona
#19- Found in Yokkora Bistro
Gojo, Finnel, Tyria
#20- Found in Tower Block A (Phase 4)
Aoto, Cocona, Gojo, Saki, Finnel, Tyria
#21- Found in Garvelt Bridge (Phase 2)
Aoto, Gojo
#22- Found in Clustania Promenade (Phase 3)
Saki, Finnel
#23- Found in Tower Block A (Phase 4)
Aoto, Cocona, Saki, Tyria
#24- Found in Archia Think Tank (Phase 4)
Saki, Finnel, Tyria
#25- Talk to the Soldier in the Archia Inn (Phase 4)
Cocona, Tyria
#26- Talk to all three kids at Ogai Memorial Pre-School (Phase 4)
Saki, Tyria
#27- Found behind VR21 in Old Eternus Gallery (Phase 4)
Gojo, Tyria
#28- Found by weapons dealer in Blue Canyon Hamlet
Aoto, Saki, Finnel, Tyria
#29- Found in Archia Think Tank
Cocona, Gojo, Tyria
#30- Talk to the Archia Weapon's Dealer
Gojo, Saki, Tyria
#31- Talk to the old man in the Eternus Inn
Cocona, Tyria
Reyvateils [Reyv]
Saki's Talk Topics [S-Talk]
~Level 1~
1. Saki joins the party for the first time
2. Finnel joins the party for the first time
3. Purge for the first time
4. Dive into Saki for the first time
5. Complete the first Item Synthesis
6. Get damaged in battle
7. Found in Gojo's Clinic
8. Found in Waterforest Square
9. Have Thin Flavor Udon in Inventory
~Level 2~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level One
2. View the scene in Gojo's Clinic after Fallen Heaven's Peak
3. Retrieve Saki from the Moebius Factory
4. Complete the DFP event
5. Have Saki participate in several battles
6. Found in Fallen Heaven's Peak
7. Return to Blue Moon Hamlet after being betrayed
8. Retrieve Saki from the Moebius Factory
9. Have a Rescue Injection in Inventory
~Level 3~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level Two
2. Retrieve Saki from the Moebius Factory
3. Get all the talk topics up to post-Mobius Factory
4. Retrieve Saki from the Moebius Factory
5. After having a bunch of talks with Finnel
6. Successfully merge Saki and Sarapatra
7. Found on floor of Ciela Inn after DFP
8. Found on Clockwork Street after DFP
9. Have Ego Bag in Inventory
~Level 4~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level Three
2. After you arrive in Archia City
3. Rescue Saki from the Archia Think Tank
4. See the events at the Rinkernator
5. Purge Sarapatra twice in one battle.
6. Found in Nya Nya Ya
7. Found in Lymph Vessel
8. Encounter Tatsumi in the Hot Springs
9. Have ??? in Inventory
~Level 5~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level Four
2. Encounter Tatsumi in the Hot Springs
3. Saki rejoins your party after Garvelt Bridge
4. After the V-Board race
5. Purge Filament twice in one battle
6. Found in Slave District
7. Found in Clustania Inn
8. Have Solo Orchestra in Inventory
9. Have a Steel Grinder in Inventory
~Level 6~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level Five
2. Return to Lymph Vessel as Nyamo
3. Meet the real Mute
4. Meet the pre-schoolers in the Slave District
5. See the events at the Rinkernater
6. ???
7. ???
8. Found in the Slave District
9. Found in Tower Block A
~Level 7~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level Six
2. See the events at Akane's House
3. Dive into Tyria
4. Talk to Tyria several times in a row
5. ???
6. Found on the bookshelf of Akane's House
7. Found in Moocheriel
8. Found in Ogai Memorial Pre-School
9. Have Tranquility in Inventory
~Level 8~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level Seven
2. Battle the Reyvaroid
3. Reboot Harvestasha
4. Have a certain number of conversations with Tyria
5. ???
6. Have a certain number of conversations with Saki
7. ???
8. ???
9. Synthesize Lethal Frills and Reflection Dress
Finnel's Talk Topics [F-Talk]
~Level 1~
1. Dive into Finnel for the first time
2. Finnel joins the party for the first time
3. Beat Mute in the Staircase to Fallen Heaven
4. Finnel gets damaged in a battle
5. Clear the battle guage
6. On the floor of the Bistro
7. Buy the Yokkora Set from the Bistro
8. Have the Pile Striker in Inventory
9. Have the Rock Grinder in Inventory
~Level 2~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 1
2. Find Finnel after returning to Eternus Shaft
3. Dive into Saki for the first time
4. Escape from the Old Eternus Galler
5. Have a certain number of conversations with Saki
6. Battle with Finnel in the party
7. Get party talk topic #4
8. Find in the Training Monk's House after the Old Eternus Gallery
9. Have Raw Meat in Inventory
~Level 3~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 2 the first time
2. Complete Cosmosphere Level 2 for real
3. Be able to play as Yurisica
4. Beat the Great Fang to enter the secure Old Eternus Gallery
5. Enter Clockwork Street for the first time
6. Have several consecutive Talk Topics with Finnel
7. On Clockwork Street
8. Find in Aoto's house after Old Eternus Gallery
9. Have the Big Ribbon in Inventory
~Level 4~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 3 for the first time
2. Complete Cosmosphere Level 3 for real
3. Purge Yurisica twice in one battle
4. Triggered in Gervelt Bridge after the scene between Filament and Finnel
(Finnel Path only)
5. Found near Sasha in Archia
6. Found near Dive Shop in Archia
7. Found on Garvelt Bridge
8. Have Thick Flavor Udon in Inventory
9. Have Doctor's Bag in Inventory
~Level 5~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 4 for real
2. Return to Lymph Vessel with Saki as Nyamo
3. Escape Purification and battle Mute
4. Meet the Reyvateils in Clustania District
5. After the V-Board race (Finnel Path only)
6. Found in Kniehar Signal Station
7. Found in Clustania weapon shop
8. Found on Paseo Street
9. Have BBQ Soda in Inventory
~Level 6~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 5 for real
2. See the events at the Rinkernater
3. Look at the stars with Finnel
4. Use Soma several times in battle
5. Have several conversations in a row with Tyria
6. See the events at Moocheriel
7. Found in Finnel's Pod in Clustania District
8. Have Funboon in Inventory
9. Have the Dokkoi Set in Inventory
~Level 7~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 6
2. See the events at Moocheriel
3. See the events in the Tower of Origin
4. Dive into Tyria
5. Have a certain number of conversations with Saki
6. Have a certain number of conversations with Finnel
7. See the events at VR21
8. ???
9. Have Tsunami Dance Queen in Inventory
~Level 8~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 7
2. Fight Ar Ru for the third time
3. See the events at VR21
4. Have a lot of conversations with Tyria
5. See the optional scene with Akane
6. Found in Akane's bedroom
7. Found in Eulark Inn (Finnel path only)
8. Have Mermain Song Can in Inventory
9. Synthesize Reflection Dress
~Level 9~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 8
2. Complete Cosmosphere Level 9
3. Witness the scene with Richa after defeating her
4. Have Heart Apron in Inventory (Finnel path only)
5. See the events of Cosmosphere Level 8
6. See the events of Cosmosphere Level 9 Part 2
7. Have a certain number of battles with Suzunomia
8. Found outside Aoto's house (Finnel path only)
9. Have Shooting Star Jar in Inventory, complete CS Level 9
Tyria's Talk Topics [T-Talk]
~Level 1~
1. Tyria joins your party
2. Run into Richa in the Tower of Origin
3. See the events at VR21 after fusing with Ar Ru
4. Talk with one of the other girls multiple times
5. Found at Blue Canyon Bus Station
6. Have both Thick and Think Flavored Udon in Inventory
7. Have BBQ in Inventory
8. Have the various Funbun knock-offs in Inventory
9. Have Heart Apron in Inventory
~Level 2~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 1
2. See the events in the Tower of Origin
3. See the events at VR21
4. Tyria rejoins your party after fusing with Ar Ru
5. Use Tyria in several battles
6. Rest in Clustania Inn after reactivating Harvestasha
7. See the events at VR21
8. Have Kitty Candy in Inventory
9. ???
~Level 3~
1. See Katene and Mute make up
2. Defeat Harvestasha in Phase 4
3. Defeat Richa
4. Complete Cosmosphere Level 1
5. Reboot Harvestasha
6. Use Ar Ru in several battles
7. Found near Blue Canyon Inn
8. Outside the Yokkora Bistro
9. Found in Tower Block A
~Level 4~
1. Reboot Harvestasha
2. Talk to Sasha about satellites in Phase 4
3. Complete Cosmosphere Level 2
4. Rest at Eulark Inn after the Tower of Origin
5. Complete Cosmosphere Level 2
6. Tyria gets hit in battle
7. Found in Tower Block A
8. Found in Clustania General Store
9. Found in Blue Heaven Trail
~Level 5~
1. Talk to Tyria a lot
2. Use Blow in battle
3. Found in Clustania Dive Shop
4. Found in Clockwork Street
5. Found in Slave District
6. Found in Training Monk's House
7. Found in Ogai Memorial Pre-School
8. Have Pale Apple in Inventory
9. Have Synchro Evo Sap in Inventory
~Level 6~
1. ???
2. ???
3. Found in Archia Think Tank
4. Found in Stairway to Fallen Heaven
5. Found in Old Eternus Gallery
6. Found near Akane's Dive Machine
7. Found in Tower Block A
8. Found at the DFP Device in Moebius Factory
9. Have Moocheriel Disaster in Inventory
~Level 7~
1. Complete Cosmosphere Level 2
2. Complete Cosmosphere Level 2
3. See the scene with Cocona and Sasha about Gergo
4. Discover Harvestasha's personality change
5. See the scene with Cocona and Sasha
6. Help Jack find Krusche
7. Help Jack find Krusche
8. Tyria rejoins your party after fusing with Ar Ru
9. Use Tyria's Flipsphere in battle
~Level 8~
1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. Have several Party Talk Topics involving Tyria
6. Talk to people in Filon Cross Bridge after defeating Richa
7. ???
8. ???
9. Have Flying Tablet in Inventory
~Level 9~
1. Inside the Yokkora Bistro
2. Found on Paseo Street
3. Found in Nya Nya Ya
4. Have Inferno Steak in Inventory
5. ???
6. Have Stress Doll in Inventory
7. ???
8. ???
9. Have Steel Grinder in Inventory
Saki's Diving [S-Dive]
~Level 1~
Organito Hut- 10DP
World Tree Alfage- 30DP
Cost: 50DP
Hyuma: Modeco
Stonehenge- 50DP
Cost: 80DP
Organito Hut- 80DP
Cost: 110DP
World Tree Alfage- 90DP
Hyuma: Buckle
Stonehenge- 100DP
~Level 2~
Candy Village- 100DP
Organito Hut- 110DP
Candy Village- 150DP
Cost: 250DP
World Tree Alfage- 160DP
Choice: Either
Hyuma: Animesia
Organito Hut- 180DP
Cost: 250DP
Hyuma: Archelesser
Stonehenge- 200DP
~Level 3~
Organito Hut- 200DP
Border Bridge- 150DP
Candy Village- 220DP
Hyuma: Gaylord
Border Bridge- 230DP
Cost: 300DP
Adult Castle- 150DP
Adult Castle- 250DP
Candy Village- 280DP
Border Bridge- 300DP
Choice: Help
Organito Hut- 300DP
Choice: I want to stop this sexy show
Hyuma: Sheda
Candy Village- 320DP
Cost: 50DP
Adult Castle- 340DP
Cost: 0
Hyuma: Garter
World Tree Alfage- 350DP
Stonehenge- 350DP
~Level 4~
Organito Hut- 350DP
Love Nest- 360DP
Choice: Any
City of Melodies- 370DP
Theater- 370DP
Organito Hut- 380DP
Love Nest- 400DP
Choice: Choose Saki
Cost: 8000DP
Note: Trophy
City of Melodies- 420DP
Cost: 5000DP
Love Nest- 430DP
Border Bridge- 3000DP
Organito Hut- 200DP
World Tree Alfage- 450DP
Cost: 500DP
Hyuma: Theateria
Theater- 460DP
Note: Trophy
Stonehenge- 470DP
~Level 5~
GPA Moe Hill- 200DP
GPA Moe Hill- 480DP
Greater Robot- 350DP
Sane Academy- 500DP
Hyuma: Mimic Mike
GPA Moe Hill- 510DP
Bay Bridge- 540DP
Choice: No, I don't think so
Hyuma: Walkie
World Tree Alfage- 550DP
Cost: 600DP, 400DP
Greater Robot- 560DP
World Tree Alfage- 570DP
Cost: 20DP
Stonehenge- 580DP
~Level 6~
Arch- 600DP
House of Divinity- 610DP
Hyuma: Maidria
Note: 60% of Cosmosphere completed, trophy gained
Underwater Village- 620DP
Cathedral of Prayers- 630DP
Cost: 700DP
House of Divinity- 650DP
Note: Artwork and trophy
Cathedral of Prayers- 660DP
Cost: 1000DP
Arch- 680DP
Stonehenge- 700DP
~Level 7~
Ghost Ship- 700DP
Closed Book- 340DP
World Tree Alfage- 710DP
Ulurua's Egg- 1500DP
Hyuma: Ulurua
Ulurua's Egg- 300DP
Closed Book- 300DP
Ghost Ship- 750DP
Closed Book- 780DP
Cost: 800DP, 1800DP
World Tree Alfage- 50DP
Stonehenge- 800DP
~Level 8~
Mermaid Village- 800DP
Mirage Castle- 1100DP
Hyuma: Sioni
Ulurua's Egg- 810DP
Arcane Archive- 820DP
Cost: 2400DP
Hyuma: Ciela Cruto, Patio Cruto
Ulurua's Egg- 840DP
Choice: I'm ready
Cost: 3000DP
Hyuma: Saki Portal
Finnel's Diving [F-Dive]
~Level One~
Agony- 50 DP
Choice: Walk over the thumbtacks
Purgatory- 40 DP
Shackles- 50 DP
Choice: I'll free you, if you follow my orders
Cost: 50DP
Hyuma: Ternita
Purgatory- 80 DP
Agony- 80 DP
Cost: 80 DP
Stonehenge- 100DP
~Level Two~
Purgatory- 30 DP
Shackles- 50DP
Cost: 100DP
Hyuma: Unita
Stonehenge- 100DP
~Level Three~
Purgatory- 50DP
Stonehenge- 100DP
~Level Four~
Overlord's Castle- 100DP
~Level Five~
Toilet- 150 DP
Cost: 150DP
Toilet- 200DP
~Level Two~
Shackles- 200DP
Cost: 200DP
Mountain Square- 5DP
Cost: 150DP
Purgatory- 190DP
Cost: 250DP
Stonehenge- 150DP
Western Army Fort- 200DP
Frontier- 220DP
Choice: Let Finnel fight
Hyuma: Ho-ryo-ryo
Mountain Square- 220DP
Choice: Let Ho-ryo-ryo fight
Hyuma: Meryl
Eastern Army Fort- 290DP
Choice: Watch and guard Finnel
Cost: 200DP
Stonehenge- 300DP
~Level 3~
Start Square- 300DP
Hyuma: Destiny
Decisive Point- 310DP
Choice: any
Happening Square- 600DP
Cost: 500DP
Note: trophy
Bankruptcy Square- 340DP
Matrimony Square- 360DP
Choice: Stand your ground
Happy Goal Square- 370DP
Happening Square- 370DP
Happy Goal Square- 380DP
Bankruptcy Square- 390DP
Roulette- 400DP
Cost: 400DP
Hyuma: Lorelei
Stonehenge: 400DP
~Level 4~
Purgatory- 410DP
Cost: 20DP, 40DP
Choice: Yes
Hyuma: Slymer
Grass Field- 300DP
Cost: 6000DP
Hyuma: Hagure
Initiation Village- 420DP
Choice: No
Cost: 200DP
Hyuma: Thunderles
Killing Fields- 430DP
Cost: 230DP, 360DP
Light Tower- 450DP
Cost: 380DP, 500DP
Hyuma: Castellia
Overlord's Castle- 480DP
Cost: 340DP, 520DP
Hyuma: Manasphere
Stonehenge- 500DP
~Level 5~
Hyuma: Emerge
Toilet- 500DP
Toilet- 200DP
Bed- 50DP
Bed- 540DP
Stonehenge- 540DP
Cost: 520DP
Hyuma: Home Aloner
Toilet- 550DP
Water Cock- 560DP
Toilet- 570DP
Cost: 600DP
Bed- 580DP
Note: Trophy
Stonehenge- 580DP
Hyuma: Executie
Toilet- 590DP
Stonehenge- 600DP
~Level 6~
Purgatory- 600DP
Note: Trophy
Supervisor- 620DP
Shackles- 640DP
Cost: 800DP
Hyuma: HWXv2 Beta
Purgatory- 660DP
Cost: 1000DP
Supervisor- 690DP
Stonehenge- 700DP
~Level 7~
Stonehenge- 350DP
Stonehenge- 400DP
Defendant's Seat- 720DP
Cost: 1100DP
Hyuma: Enter Key
1st Door- 730DP
Hyuma: Alt Key
2nd Door- 740DP
Hyuma: Shift Key
3rd Door- 750DP
Cost: 1600DP
Note: Artwork and Trophy, Soma VS Soma
4th Door- 760DP
Supervisor- 800DP
Choice: Defeat the Supervisor
Cost: 1900DP
Hyuma: Return Key
4th Door- 800DP
~Level 8~
Atonement Town- 800DP
Cost: 2100DP
House of Peace- 820DP
Supervisor- 840DP
Cost: 2600DP
Acid Waterfall- 850DP
Holt of Life- 850DP
Acid Waterfall- 860DP
Torch Tower- 500DP
Atonement Town- 500DP
Choice: I'll remove the defense system
Cost: 3600DP
House of Peace- 890DP
Cost: 5000DP
Note: Artwork and trophy, Wailing
Stonehenge- 900DP
~Level 9 Part 1~
House of Peace- 900DP
Holt of Life- 910DP
House of Peace- 920DP
Atonement Town- 500DP
Acid Waterfall- 500DP
Torch Tower- 950DP
Hyuma: Momoko
Supervisor- 1000DP
Note: Artwork and trophy, Sing out the Genesis!
~Level 9 Part 2~
House of Peace- 700DP
Golden Waterfall- 700DP
Sir Aoto- 700DP
Pantheon- 1300DP
Hyuma: Engage
Note: trophy, Finnel's True Master
Tyria's Diving [T-Dive]
~Level One~
Downtown Origincity- 100DP
Hyuma: Pocco
My Home- 150DP
Hyuma: Pudding
Tyria's Home- 200DP
Clover Academy- 600DP
Portal Shrine- 300DP
Choice: Any
Hyuma: Nam
Downtown Origincity- 360DP
Clover Academy- 400DP
Kurogane Lab- 650DP
Hyuma: Tuna
Green Hill Park- 440DP
Choice: Any
Clover Academy- 460DP
Downtown Origincity- 500DP
Choice: Moving person in an animal costume
Hyuma: Moff Moff
Kurogane Lab- 500DP
Hyuma: Auspia
Tyria's Home- 550DP
Choice: Any
Tyria's Home- 560DP
Kurogane Lab- 600DP
~Level Two~
Choice: Visit Tyria
Clover Academy- ???
Choice: Of course! We're friends
Portal Shrine- 300DP
Choice: Any
Downtown Origincity- ???
Choice: Stop somewhere
Clover Academy- 400DP
Kurogane Lab- 650DP
My Home- 450DP
Choice: Why don't we go out somewhere
Hyuma: Medi
Downtown Origincity- 550DP
Choice: Can you swim, Let's go somewhere
Note: Artwork and trophy, Rendezvous
Hyuma: Poemy
Downtown Origincity- 600DP
Hyuma: Sooweets
Clover Academy- 650DP
Hyuma: Mimi
Kurogane Lab- 700DP
Tyria's Home- 300DP
Choice: Talk a little bit longer
Hyuma: Spring Breeze, Summer Gale, Excellent
Trophies [Troph]
Finale of Ar Ciel
All tropies unlocked
Synthesis Newbie
Performed 10 new item synthesis sessions
The Mixer
Perform 30 new item synthesis sessions
The Alchemist
Perform 60 new item synthesis sessions
Phase 1 Beater
Beat Phase 1
Phase 2 Beater
Beat Phase 2
Saki Normal Ending
See Saki's Normal Ending
Finnel Normal Ending
See Finnel's Normal Ending
Saki True Ending
See Saki's True Ending
Finnel True Ending
See Finnel's True Ending
Bad Ending
See the Bad Ending
Saki's Friend
Complete 30% of Saki's Cosmosphere (Level 3
Saki's Boyfriend?
Complete 60% of Saki's Cosmosphere (Level 6)
Saki's Groom
Complete 100% of Saki's Cosmosphere (Level 9)
Finnel's Buddy
Complete 30% of Finnel's Cosmosphere (Level 3)
Finnel's Hubby?
Complete 60% of Finnel's Cosmosphere (Level 6)
Finnel's True Master
Complete 100% of Finnel's Cosmosphere (Level 9)
Tyria's Fellow
Complete 30% of Tyria's Cosmosphere (Level 2)
The Aggressive Guy
Gain a victory in 100 battles
The Bellicose Man
Gain a victory in 200 battles
The Fighting Machine
Gain a victory in 300 battles
The Peon
Fled 100 times
The Ravager
Deplete the Encounter Bar 25 times
Save Obsession Syndrome
Save 100 times
Our Valued Customer
Play for 100 hours
The Master of Unlocking
Open all treasure chests
Free of the Rat Race
Money hits the maximum value (99,999)
Mrs. Reyvinson
DP hits the maximum value (999,999)
Return to Innocence
Take off three pieces of clothes at once (available after Level 6 CS)
Purge Carnival
Unleash all three Supermoves in one battle
Saki Romantic Scene 1
Obtained at Archia City after Lymph Vessel (Phase 2, Saki Path only)
Good Mood With Finnel 1
Obtained at Garvelt Bridge after Kniehar Signal Station (Phase 2, Finnel
Path only)
Good Mood With Finnel 2
Obtained at Archia Think Tank (Phase 3)
Uninstalling with Soma
Uninstall the crystal in Soma
Sarapatra's Wedding
Obtained during the Wedding in Blue Canyon Hamlet (Phase 1)
Hot Springs Encounter
Encounter Tatsumi in the Hot Springs (Phase 2)
Saki Will Do It!
Obtained in Saki's Level 4 Cosmosphere
Obtained in Saki's Level 4 Cosmosphere
Lost Heart
Obtained in Saki's Level 6 Cosmosphere
Yurisica's Approach
Obtained in Finnel's Level 2 Cosmosphere the second time
Chain and Finnel
Obtained in Finnel's Level 5 Cosmosphere the second time
Soma VS Soma
Obtained in Finnel's Level 7 Cosmosphere
Obtained in Finnel's Level 8 Cosmosphere
Sing Out the Genesis!
Obtained in Finnel's Level 9 Cosmosphere
Obtained in Tyria's Level 2 Cosmosphere
Endings [End]
~Bad Ending~
Lose the MYU battle
Stop Saki's Song
~Finnel Normal Ending~
Finnel has 3 Heart Points
Win the MYU battle
Do not stop Saki's Song
~Finnel True Ending~
Finnel has 3 Heart Points
Win the MY battle
Stop Saki's Song

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