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9:00-9:50 A.M.

Week: 1~2 Book: English Time 5

Teacher: T. Carl Student: Kim Gyu Jin Focus: Gen. App.
Day 1 Introduction / Pre-Assessment
Get to know each other and talk about interet
Dicu the acti!itie that both the tudent and the teacher will
ha!e in cla
Talk about the book that hall be ued
"a!e the tudent write a 1#$%2$$ word decripti!e eay detailin&
hi hobbie and interet
Day 2 escri!ti"e #ssa$ %Teacher Feed&ack' / o (ou )emem&er*
%!t. "i-"ii'
Dicu the decripti!e eay that the tudent had written and
the area that he need to impro!e 'e.&.( in &rammar( !ocabulary(
or&ani)ation and idea( amon& other*
+re!iew the comic trip and ha!e the tudent identi,y the
acti!itie that the children are doin& in the comic
-ame the !erb that bet decribe each bo. o, the comic trip
+ractice pronouncin& ome e.preion uch a /0um12( /34.
,ourteen.2( and /Try ome12( amon& other
5ead the whole comic trip with correct pronunciation and
intonation 'with teacher inter!ention*
Gi!e ,eedback and recommendation
Day 6 +,assroom %!t. "iii'
-ame di7erent claroom lan&ua&e word by ha!in& the tudent
look around inide the cla
5e!iew the prepoition o, place by ha!in& the tudent locate
thee ob8ect
3denti,y the ,unction o, thee ob8ect in cla by ha!in& the
tudent report at leat 1$ claroom ob8ect
5ead the comic trip with proper pronunciation and intonation
9nderline the keyword that relate to the peci:c claroom
lan&ua&e 'i.e.( CD player ; /turn on2 and /&o to track ten2*
Anwer a :!e%item <ui)
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day = /nit 0: In 1,d Sunn$"i,,e: +on"ersation Time %!. 0'
+re!iew the comic trip and decribe what can be een in it 'e.&.(
people( thin&( etc.*
+ractice pronouncin& ome word that may be di>cult to
enunciate i, there are
5ead the dialo&ue
-ame di7erent e.preion like &reetin& and &oodbye that were
Dicu the importance o, uin& uch e.preion
Anwer ome ?"%<uetion about the dialo&ue
5elate to the dialo&ue by retellin& a imilar e.perience
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day @ -ocatin. P,aces in a Ma! %Pre!ositions o3 P,ace' 4!.56
Aocate the place ,rom a map and ha!in& the tudent locate them
by uin& ome prepoition o, place he know
Aiten to the teacher and ha!e the tudent ,ollow direction
andBor decription uin& the ame map
?rite entence uin& ome prepoition he know but thi time
ha!e him locate ome place here in the academy uch a the
teacher4 claroom( bedroom( kitchen( etc.
Day C Pre!ositions o3 P,ace and Their Functions %!!. 7-8'
Dy lookin& at a photo&raphBillutration ha!e the tudent match
ome tatement to the correct number that how the correct
"i&hli&ht the di7erent prepoition ued in the acti!ity and match
the di7erent ,unction to the prepoition
5epond to <uetion with hort anwer( /20e( there wa.2 and
/-o( there wan4t.2
A a eatwork( ha!e the tudent anwer A under +ractice Time on
pa&e = 'how an e.ample o there will be no con,uion*
Check the tudent anwer
3, appropriate( ha!e him chant /0e( There ?a1 -o( There
?an4t12 on pa&e C6
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day E )eadin. Time: Ice +ream in America
Ak the tudent about hi ,a!orite deert
Fhow ome photo&raph o, di7erent deert in America and
Korea and talk about them
+reent the new word by anwerin& a croword pu))le
5ead the te.t ilently and then aloud a,ter pronouncin& ome
word that may be di>cult ,or the tudent
Anwer ome ?"%<uetion related to the te.t read and anwer
0our Time on pa&e @( e.ercie A and C
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day G Writin.: M$ Fa"orite 9orean and American Food
Create a mind map detailin& the ,a!orite Korean and American
,ood that the tudent like
Contruct entence out o, the detail ,rom the mind mapH &i!e
the tudent enou&h time to write them
Aearn ome or&ani)ation by orderin& the entence into &roup
?rite the whole compoition in another heet o, paper employin&
the mechanic o, writin& uch a pellin&( ,ormat( punctuation(
and capitali)ation( amon& other
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
00:00-00:50 A.M.
Week: 1~2 Book: English KnowHow Opener
Teacher: T. Carl Student: Jo Fu Iin Focus: Gen. App.
Day 1 Introduction / Pre-Assessment
Get to know each other and talk about interet
Dicu the acti!itie that both the tudent and the teacher will
ha!e in cla
Talk about the book that hall be ued
"a!e the tudent write a 1#$%2$$ word decripti!e eay detailin&
hi hobbie and interet
Day 2 escri!ti"e #ssa$ %Teacher Feed&ack' / :reetin.s and
:ood&$es in #n.,ish
Dicu the decripti!e eay that the tudent had written and
the area that he need to impro!e 'e.&.( in &rammar( !ocabulary(
or&ani)ation and idea( amon& other*
5ead a dialo&ue and identi,y the di7erent &reetin& or &oodbye
Tranlate ome Korean &reetin& into Jn&lih
+reent a lit o, ome &reetin& and &oodbye in Jn&lih and
practice pronouncin& them
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day 6 The +ountries Which I Want to ;isit in the Future / #n.,ish
Around (ou %!. 0'
Jnumerate the countrie which the tudent wihe to !iit in the
,uture and ha!e her e.plain why he want to &o there and what
place he want to &o to :rt 'uch a park( landmark( etc.*
-ame which country the photo&raph ,rom pa&e 1 are taken and
let the tudent tell ome in,ormation he know ,rom them like
culture( lan&ua&e( ,amou landmark etc.
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day = in Action: Introductions %!. 5'
5elate to a photo&raph o, people who eem to ha!e a
"a!e the tudent liten to di7erent dialo&ue and identi,y which
picture ,rom the book it i related to
Aiten ,or &reetin& and &oodbye and complete a checklit o, the
e.preion heard
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day @ +ountries and 2ationa,ities / Word Stress %!. 7'
-ame ome countrie and nationalitie that the tudent know
and tell what he know about them 'uch a( culture( lan&ua&e(
landmark( etc.*
+ractice pronunciation by readin& the name o, the countrie and
the nationalitie ,rom the table
DrieKy dicu what word tre i and identi,y tre in ome
ample word
Conduct an e.ercie ,or matery
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day C Pronouns and 2ouns: +ontractions
5e!iew the ue o, the pronoun
Analy)e how contraction ,unction by lookin& at how they are
ued in ome entence and dicu the rule
+ractice writin& the contraction o, ome entence and &i!e
ome tip at the ame time
Iake a dialo&ue uin& contraction in ome o, the lineH ue
&reetin& and &oodbye
+ractice pronouncin& the dialo&ue with correct word tre
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day E 2ames Around the Wor,d
5ead an article about name ued in di7erent countrie
Jnumerate common name in Korea and report what each name
mean in Jn&lih
?rite a hort decripti!e eay about the meanin& o, the
tudent4 nameH include how the tudent i called in chool( at
home and other nickname that he ha
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day G )eadin. into Writin.: To! Ten +u,tura, i<erence o3 9orea
3rom 1ther +ountries
Ditin&uih American and Korean culture by readin& ome cultural
beha!ior o, people and placin& them under the country where it
i practiced
Dicu thee cultural beha!ior in cla and ha!e the tudent
a&ree or dia&ree with them
?rite a compoition about which cultural beha!ior how a uni<ue
decription o, Korean culture
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
0:00-0:50 P.M.
Week: 1~2 Book: Writing to Learn the Sentence
Teacher: T. Carl Student: Choi Iin "a Focus: ?ritin&
Day 1 Introduction / Pre-Assessment
Get to know each other and talk about interet
Dicu the acti!itie that both the tudent and the teacher will
ha!e in cla
Talk about the book that hall be ued
"a!e the tudent write a 1#$%2$$ word decripti!e eay detailin&
hi hobbie and interet
Day 2 escri!ti"e #ssa$ %Teacher Feed&ack' / )e"ie= o3 the Parts
o3 S!eech
Dicu the decripti!e eay that the tudent had written and
the area that he need to impro!e 'e.&.( in &rammar( !ocabulary(
or&ani)ation and idea( amon& other*
5e!iew the di7erent part o, peechH tranlate ome o, them into
Korean i, needed
3denti,y the part o, peech ,rom a &i!en te.t
Day 6 Pre=ritin. Acti"it$: We&&in. / Mind Ma!!in.
Fhow a ample mind map and ha!e the tudent decribe it
Create a mind map detailin& the thin& or people een inide the
chool and ha!e them or&ani)e thi in,ormation into &roup or
J.plain the output in cla
Day = Pre=ritin. Acti"it$: 1r.ani>in. Words into :rou!s
Fhow di7erent word and ha!e the tudent analy)e and or&ani)e
them into &roup
Lrom the mind map created on Day 6( contruct ome entence
with teacher in!ention
Dicu the entence the tudent madeH &i!e ,eedback and
Day @ Pre-Writin.: Te,,in. Stories %!.5'
"a!e the tudent look at the picture on pa&e 2 and read each o,
the entence
Contruct ome entence uin& the ame tructure ued on
pa&e 2 but chan&in& ome o, the detail to make the entence
hi own
"a!e him read what he ha written and correct hi mitake i,
there are any
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day C Introducin. (ourse,3 %!. 8' / Writin. What Peo!,e Sa$
Ait ome in,ormation that a peron tell when he introduce
5ead ome ?"%<uetion 'what( who( where( when( why*
?rite ome entence ,ollowin& a imilar tructure to the ample
+ick any o, the <uetion or make ome o, hi own and do an
inter!iew to ome teacher and tudent and take note o, what
the aid
?rite entence ,rom the inter!iew
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day E The S?;?1 and S?;?1?A Pattern
3denti,y the ub8ect and the !erb ,rom a te.t by underlinin& the
ub8ect once and the !erb twice
-ame at leat ten word and contruct entence ,rom them by
anwerin& the <uetion( /?hat do youMN2 and /?ho do youMN2
Add detail to thee entence by anwerin& the <uetion(
/?here do youMN2 and /?hen do youMN2 'ad!erb o, place and
+ractice writin& entence by contructin& ome more ,ollowin&
the pattern
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation
Day G The S?-;?+ Pattern
3denti,y the noun( ad8ecti!e and ad!erb a,ter the !erb in each
o, the entence in the te.t
Dicu how complement ,unction in entence
Dicu the ,unction o, linkin& !erb and lit many e.ample
Decribe people 'who they are( what <ualitie they ha!e and
where they are* and contruct entence ,ollowin& the pattern
Gi!e your ,eedback and recommendation

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