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First Grade
Management Plan


Table of Contents
Classroom Organization:
Physical page 3
Layout model page 3
Teachers record-keeping . page 4
New Students . page 4
Displaying Student Work .. page 4
Classroom Order. page 4
Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics
Establishing rules and expectations page 5
Consequences page 6
Student Conflicts. page 7
Lack of Motivation .. page 8
Cheating, Missing Assignments and Incomplete Work page 8
Parent / Teacher Interaction . page 8
Tardiness . page 9
Personal Professional Behavior page 9
Classroom Routines and Procedures
Daily Schedule page 9
Student helper. page 10
Sharing in the Classroom . page10
Use of Free Time / Done with Work page 11
Parent Helpers and Volunteers page 11
Handing in Papers / Homework / Mailboxes.. page 11
Restroom Procedures .. page 12
Lining Up / Dismissal. page 12
Differentiation. page 13
Resources . page 14

Classroom Organization

Welcome to Mrs. Scotts first grade classroom. The first thing you will notice when
entering my room is that that the student tables are arranged in groups. I wanted to have
them sitting in groups rather than at desks, because this makes it easier for the students to
work in groups and with partners. You will see that there is a classroom rug at the front of
the room where the students can all come together and receive group instruction. There is
a reading corner located up in the front of the room. I arranged the bookshelves to create a
more isolated environment. Beanbag chairs are available for the students to sit in in the
reading area. By doing this, students have a place in the room that they can go read other
than their tables during free reading time, or when they have completed their work.
The science/ math area is in the back corner of the room. This is close to the sink
and counter space, which gives the students more room to work and complete their
projects. Trashcans are numerous in our room and located in various places, up near the
front, by the door, near the science and math area, and near the teachers desk. With this
number of trashcans student will not have to get up and go across the room if they need to
throw something away, there is one readily available near them.
Student mailboxes are placed near the door. This location was chosen so that that
students who may have papers to take home will see this on their way out the door and will
be reminded to grab them. The students cubbies or lockers are located along the far wall
so that the students still have access to their stuff if they need it, yet it is out of the way and
not a distraction to them throughout the day.
Finally you will notice that the teachers area with desk, projector, filing cabinets,
and phone are up in the front corner. With this area being up and off to the side it is out of
the way and not an obstruction to students who may need to see the board and it is also in
a location where the teacher can easily see what is going on in the classroom if they are
sitting away from the class. Everything is in one easy access location to be found easily by
the teacher and anyone who may need something from this area.

A clean classroom is a happy classroom!


Operational: Classroom Organization
Teacher Record-keeping procedure:
There are various programs available now that allow teachers to electronically keep
track of students scores and grades. This will be implemented in my classroom. While
technology can pose problems, scores will first be recorded in a hard copy scorebook and
will weekly be updated electronically.

New Students:
New students can be very exciting for a class,
they are welcoming a new member into our family.
This can be a stressful and even scary event for the
new student. It is my goal to make my classroom as
welcoming and inviting as possible. If given enough
time my class will be prepared ahead of time to
welcome this student with open arms. They will each
introduce themselves to the new student, as a class
we will give them a tour of the classroom, along with
going over the classroom rules and expectations. It is
my goal to have a buddy for the new student that
shows them around the rest of the school and helps to
make them feel comfortable in our classroom.

Displaying Students Work:
A Kids At Work bulletin board will be located at the back of our classroom. This is
an area where students who have done an outstanding job on assignments and class work
can display their accomplishments. I want all of my students to feel that they are special
and their work and effort is being acknowledged. I will keep a spreadsheet that will help
me to keep track of whose work has been displayed and whose has not, so that each and
every student is given and opportunity to shine.

Classroom Order:
Organization is key. When everything has a place and is in its place students (and
the teacher) are able to stay focused and complete their daily tasks. Students will be
If you are a dreamer come in!
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
a hoper, a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer.
If youre a pretender come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!
~Shel Silverstein
expected to take of their own area. They are responsible for keeping it organized and tidy.
They will be expected to check the floor and area around them for trash and to make sure
that it makes it to the trash. When leaving their table spot students will be asked to push in
their chairs and their individual table area should be picked up. As one of the classroom
jobs we will have a different person each day that is the inspector, this student will
occasionally inspect the room throughout the day for trash that needs to be thrown away,
materials that need to be put back in their place, and chairs that need to be put away.
Not only in classroom organization and tidiness important in my room but so is
personal cleanliness. With our classroom having its own sink I will make sure that there is
soap available and students will be able to wash their hands whenever they feel they need
to. It will be required for students to wash their hands before they line up for lunch and to
grab a squirt of hand sanitizer on their way back in from recess. At the end of the day one
student selected from each table group will need to grab a disinfectant wipe and wipe
down the table. Ever so often I will pick a student who has done a superb job at staying
organized and keeping everything clean and they will be awarded a badge from the Queen
of Clean. This badge will be placed on their desk with a special treat on Friday before the
students arrive.

Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics

Establishing Initial Group Rules and Expectations
Classroom / School Rule infractions
When there are clear and precise rules ahead of the students they know what is
expected of them and there is little room for error. My classroom will be known as a safe
place where my students best interests are in mind. If a problem keeps occurring, such a
bullying, this will be addressed with my class. Character Counts will be addressed with my
class. I want all of my students to be T.R.R.F.C.C (Trustworthy, Respectful, Responsible,
Caring, and full of Citizenship). I also want to make sure that my students and I are on the
same page as well as their parents. When parents are filled in on what is going on in their
childs class as well as knowing what is expected of their students, this builds trust between
the parents and myself, creating a sense of community.
The rules in my classroom will be:
1. Be Respectful: of yourself, of others, and of material
2. Be Responsible: take care of yourself and the rest will fall in line
3. Be Prepared: the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Students have bad days just like everyone else does. As their teacher I am prepared
to deal with these students and help them to continue to succeed in my classroom. Right
away on the first day of school my students will be given the rules and expectations of my
room along with the consequences of breaking these. The consequences students will face
1. A verbal warning will be given to the student.
2. Students will be removed from the situation, loss of a personal/classroom
privilege, and a note will be sent home to the parents.
3. Personal privileges will be put on hold along with a conference during recess to
discuss the behavior, and parents will be contacted again.
4. Removed from the classroom, conference with the office and parents.

I will use a chart for each student to help me keep track of the exact behavior of the
student. Students will have a stack of cubes containing red, yellow, orange, and green. If a
warning is given to the student a cube will be taken away. At the end of the day this will
also be recorded on their chart. Positive Consequence will also be recorded as a way for
myself to keep track of the behavior patterns of my students.

Student Name: Example Positive Consequence Negative Consequence
Positive note sent home.

Verbal warning.
Student Conflicts:
It is a fact of life that not everyone is going to get along all of the time, especially in
an elementary classroom. In our classroom we have two systems in place to help resolve
1.) Kelsos Corner: students who have a conflict will go to the corner to discuss
the conflict and work out the problem with a Kelsos Solution which they
will then report back to me.

2.) Warm Fuzzies: This helps students to focus on the more positive behaviors
and interactions within our classroom. A student who is caught doing the
right thing can be nominated by their classmates for a fuzzy, these
nominations will then be kept in a nomination jar until Friday. On Friday I
will draw out five names from the jar and those students may add a fuzzy to
our jar. A class reward will then we given when the reaches the top with

Solutions to pick from at
Kelsos Corner.

Lack of Motivation
It is my role as a teacher to keep learning fun and exciting for my students. There
will be times, however, where I cannot reach all of my students. If I keep a positive attitude
and show my interest in a subject or topic this will rub off on my students and they too will
begin to become excited about these things in their classroom. If the whole class in losing
interest and motivation we will take an intermission and give students a chance to get up
and stretch, move around, and get focused again and ready to learn.

Cheating, Missing Assignments, and Incomplete Work
Cheating will not be tolerated within my classroom. Students are responsible for
their own work, which will promote their own learning. If a student is caught cheating I will
have a one-on-one conference with this student to discuss why they cheated on the
assignment and what alternatives they could have done. If the behavior continues parents
will be notified of the issue.
If a student is missing an assignment or their
work is handed in incomplete a reminder will be given
to them to complete the work and get it turned in. If a
second reminder is need about a missing assignment I
will have a meeting with the student to see what the
reason is for the work either not being handed in on
time or handed in but incomplete. The student will

A Beautiful Day In Mrs. Scotts Neighborhood!
then have to spend a portion of their recess in the classroom completing the assignment.

Parent and Teacher Interaction
I want the parents of my students to know that we are on the same side. I will have a
monthly newsletter that goes out via email and a hard copy sent home with the students.
This newsletter will summarize what was done the previous month as well as outline the
next months agenda and important upcoming dates. If a particular student has been doing
an outstanding job I want to let their parents know of their accomplishment. On the other
hand if a student is having constant problems, whether it be behavioral or academic,
parents will also be notified.

There are circumstances that my cause a student to be late to class. This is not
always the students fault and that is understandable. If the student is late because of their
behavior in the hallway and they are not coming straight to class I will have a conference
with the student and create a plan that will help them get to class sooner. If the problem
continues to occur parents will be contacted and we will adjust the plan that was created. If
the student is continuously tardy because their parents are not getting them to school on
time parents will be contacted to have a conference and devise a plan to help get the
student to school on time.

Personal Professional Behavior
I intend to collaborate with my colleagues. It is important for us to bounce ideas off
of each other as well as discuss what is working well and what needs to be adjusted within
a particular lesson or my classroom in general. All communication will be done
professionally and kept at a professional level. My goal is to build my students up, not tear
them down. Even when I am not in my classroom this will remain my goal. My students will
not be the topic of lounge gossip. If a disagreement with a colleague arises it will remain
professional and will be handled on personal time.
I plan to be as cooperative as possible when it comes to working with my principal.
He or she has the best interest of the entire school in mind. I am very open to trying others
ideas or seeing their point of view. I am accommodating when things need to be changed. If
I disagree with something it is most likely because it is an issues or circumstance I hold
dear to my heart. If this is the case with a situation, I will remain professional and set up a
time to discuss and hopefully compromise with the principal.

Classroom Routines and Procedures
Daily Schedule:
Our daily schedule will be posted on the front board next to our calendar. This
schedule will be done in chronological order and will show the students everything that we
aim to accomplish that day. This area will also include our lunch count on a magnetic board.
When the students come in, in the morning after putting away their backpack and other
items in their locker/ cubbies, they will move the magnet that has their name on it to either
hot or cold depending on what they are doing that day. As a class we will then go over our
daily schedule and take lunch count. The students will then be introduced to the number
and the word of the day, which they will need to be looking for during the day.

Student Helpers
Each morning when we do our daily calendar, which consists of looking at the date,
updating how many days we have been in school, and taking a look at the weather outside,
we will go over my student helpers for the day. The helpers will be moved in a rotation, so
one day the student will have one job and then move to the next job. The students will be
involved for about a week and then have a few days off without having a job. The helpers
that I have in my room are:
o Line leader: leads our line through the building.
o Door holder: always second in line, she/he will
hold the door open for the rest of our class.
o Caboose: the end of our line, makes sure
everyone is in line, turns off the lights and
shuts the door.
o Chair monitor: makes sure all chairs are
pushed in and put away properly throughout
the day.
o Messenger: will run any messages to the office
or other teachers.
o Room Inspector: makes sure our room looks
great and trash and pencils stay off of the floor.


Sharing in the classroom
Character Counts is very important in our classroom as well as coming together as a
family. Students must strive to show each of the pillars everyday in our class. Students will
have multiple times throughout the day where they are working with their table group
member and partners during different subjects. Students will be expected to each take
responsibility and act fairly while cooperating with their classmates. Students will be
reminded of the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. If sharing
continues to be a problem with my students they will work alone on assignments until they
are capable of sharing with their classmates.

Use of Free Time/ Done With Work:
Our classroom has its very own library. Our library is the home to all types of books
for all interests and all levels. Students are free to go to the library when there is free time
or if they have completed an assignment. They may also go back to the Kids at Work area
and free draw or free write. Students will know that if they are going to take advantage of
this time they have to be respectful of their classmates who are still working.

Parent Helpers / Volunteers
Parent helpers and volunteers are appreciated! When adults volunteer in our
classroom I have a variety of things they do with my students. It may be working with a
small group on creating a craft, reading to a student, having a student read to them, playing
a game with a small group or with a student one-on-one. It is not the parents or the
volunteers job to be administering test or collecting sores in any way. Having parents and
volunteers helping our class is a blessing. Being able to work with these volunteers and
visitors to our classroom is a privilege that my students will earn.

Handing In Papers / Homework / Student Mailboxes
The back of the classroom is where the students mailboxes are located. On the top
of these mailboxes there is an assignments basket. Students will turn in all of their papers
and assignments to this basket whether it is homework or an assignment done in class.
Students have a tendency to misplace items when they are handed back. To help stop this
cycle all papers will be passed back to the students mailboxes where they then pick up
their work in one place at one time.


Restroom Procedures
Students have the option of stopping quickly at the restroom while we are on our
way to another room. If the students are taking too long to join the rest of the class and it is
becoming a constant problem then this privilege will be taken away. While in our
classroom students may raise their hand with two fingers up to indicate they need to use
the restroom. When they have been dismissed they will grab a restroom tag and place it on
their desk. Upon returning to the classroom the student will return the tag back to its place
by the door.

Lining Up / Dismissal
The first step in getting ready to line up is getting the students attention and getting
them quiet. A few of the strategies I use are Tootsie Roll, lollipop, weve been talking now
lets stop, 3-2-1 clap. No matter what attention getter I use my students know the
response. Once I have received everyones attention the line leader and the door holder will
be dismissed to line up, followed by the caboose. I will then be looking for students who are
prepared and ready to go and dismiss them to line up. This may be individual students,
rows from the floor, or table groups. Once everyone is in line I will say Are you ready to
SHINE?, which stands for Standing up straight, Hands at your sides, In your own space, No
noise, and Eyes ahead. Once everyone is ready we will move.


My lessons often begin with activating prior knowledge and/or a pre-assessment,
especially if it is a new unit or concept. Based on the information that I collect from this
segment I will group my students accordingly to; not ready, ready, and more than ready
(advanced). Based on which group the student falls into I will adjust my instruction for
them by either stepping in more and giving more explicit instruction or taking a step back
and giving the students more freedom. Having options for the students to pick form also
helps differentiate my lesson. I also believe that it is important to incorporate the Multiple
Intelligences (visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal,
linguistic, logical-mathematical, and naturalist) into my classroom and instruction. These
eight intelligences will help me to relate my lessons to my students and their strengths they




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