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Calcium Research

Cancer is caused by a lack of free oxygen in the body therefore whatever

causes this to occur is the cause of all cancers!
Bob Barefoot Coral Calcium information and research fnds that some cancers
have been linked to Calcium defciency. In 1!" #tto $arburg won the %obel
&ri'e in (edicine for his discovery that cancer was anaerobic) cancer occurs
in the absence of free oxygen. *s innocuous as this discovery might seem+ it
is actually a startling and signifcant fnding worthy of a %obel &ri'e. $hat it
basically means is that cancer is caused by a lack of free oxygen in the body
and therefore+ whatever causes this to occur is the cause of all cancers.
In chemistry+ alkali solutions ,-. over /.01 tend to absorb oxygen+ while acids
,-. under /.01 tend to ex-el oxygen. 2or exam-le+ a mild alkali can absorb
over 100 times as much oxygen as a mild acid. 3herefore+ when the body
becomes acidic by dro--ing below -. /.0 ,note) all body 4uids+ exce-t for
stomach and urine+ are su--osed to be mildly alkaline at -. /.51+ oxygen is
driven out of the body thereby+ according to %obel &ri'e winner #tto $arburg+
inducing cancer. 6tomach 4uids must remain acidic to digest food and urine
must remain acidic to remove wastes from the body. Blood is the exce-tion.
Blood must always remain at an alkaline -. /.5 so that it can retain its
oxygen. $hen ade7uate mineral consum-tion is in the diet+ the blood is
su--lied the crucial minerals re7uired to maintain an alkaline -. of /.5.
.owever when insu8cient mineral consum-tion is in the diet+ the body is
forced to rob &eter ,other body 4uids1 to -ay &aul ,the blood1. In doing so+ it
removes crucial minerals+ such as calcium+ from the saliva+ s-inal 4uids+
kidneys+ liver+ etc.+ in order to maintain the blood at -. /.5. 3his causes the
de9minerali'ed 4uids and organs to become acidic and therefore anaerobic+
thus inducing not only cancer+ but a host of other degenerative diseases+
such as heart disease+ diabetes+ arthritis+ lu-us+ etc..
:veryone knows that the human body is made u- of /;< water by weight+
and that water is hydrogen and oxygen gases. $hen nitrogen gas and carbon
in the form of carbon dioxide and methane gases are added+ the total gas in
the body by weight becomes over =<. *lmost half of the remaining =< that
makes u- the human body and controls all biological functions is the mineral
%o other mineral is ca-able of -erforming as many biological functions as is
calcium. Calcium is involved in almost every biological function. 3his ama'ing
mineral -rovides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for all muscle
movement. It is the calcium ion that is res-onsible for feeding every cell. It
does this by latching on to seven nutrient molecules and one water molecule
and -ulls them through the nutrient channel. It then detaches its load and
returns to re-eat the -rocess. *nother im-ortant biological >ob for calcium is
?%* re-lication+ which is crucial for maintaining youth and a healthy body.
?%* re-lication is the basis for all body re-air and can only occur on a
substrate of calcium. 3hus+ low calcium means low body re-air and
-remature aging. *s im-ortant as all these and hundreds of other biological
functions of calcium are to human health+ none is more im-ortant than the
>ob of -. control. Calcium to acid+ is like water to a fre. Calcium 7uickly
destroys oxygen robbing acid in the body 4uids. 3hus+ the more calcium+ the
more oxygen+ and therefore+ the less cancer and other degenerative disease.
3his information then begs the 7uestion+ @.ow much calcium is necessaryAB
3he answer can readily be determined by examining the diet of millions of
-eo-le around the world who consume over 100 times our Recommended
?aily *llowance+ R?*+ and who suCer the side eCects of living 50 years
longer than we do+ of aging at half the rate that we do+ and of being devoid of
cancer+ heart disease+ mental disorders+ diabetes+ arthritis and all other
degenerative diseases. *lmost all of these -eo-le+ the *rmenians+
*'erbai>ans and Deorgians in Russian+ the 3ibetans+ the .un'as of %orthern
&akistan+ the Eilcabamba Indians in :cuador+ the Bamas in China and the
3iticacas in &eru live at high altitudes above ;000 feet. 3heir only source of
water is melting glaciers+ and the glacial water is so turbid and white with
ground u- rock that all of these cultures call the water @milk of the
mountainsB. :ach 7uart of this water contains over 1/+000 milligrams of
calcium along with other minerals and F0 trace metals. 3hese cultures drink
several 7uarts each day and the water fertili'ed cro-s are also loaded with
calcium and other nutrients. 3he only long living and disease free culture that
does not live above an altitude of ;000 feet+ is the #kinawans.
(illions of #kinawans live in the southern coral islands of Ga-an with the
average life ex-ectancy of 10= years+ while mainland Ga-an is >ust // years.
3he #kinawans live on islands made of coral reefs which are mainly calcium.
3he #kinawans discovered over =00 years ago+ that feeding coral sand+
-roduced from the weathering of the reefs+ to the chickens and cows resulted
in twice as many eggs and twice as much milk. 3hey also found that when
the coral sand is used as a fertili'er+ cro-s increase by as much as three fold.
$hen fnally+ =00 years ago+ they began to consume the coral sand
themselves+ all of the under9utili'ed doctors were forced to leave the islands.
3his was known in Ga-anese history as the Ga-anese :xodus.
3he early :uro-ean ex-lorers discovered their secret and hauled shi-loads of
the calcium rich coral sands back to :uro-e. In (adrid+ 6-ain+ the historic
monument of the worldHs frst drugstore contains rows of shelves labeled
@coral calcium from #kinawa Ga-anB. 3oday millions of -eo-le all over the
world consume coral calcium+ and as a result+ there are millions of medical
3he -henomenon of -reventing and reversing degenerative disease through
the consum-tion of large amounts of mineral and vitamins did not go un9
noticed by men of medicine. .undreds of years ago :uro-ean doctors were
-rescribing coral calcium and other nutrients to their -atients.
In the 1=0s+ ?r. Carl Reich+ (.?. discovered that his -atients were able to
cure themselves of almost all degenerative diseases by consuming several
times the R?* of calcium+ magnesium+ vitamin9? and other nutrients. ?r.
Reich was the frst %orth *merican doctor to -rescribe mega doses of
minerals and vitamins to his -atients and is considered by many to be the
father of -reventive medicine. By the 1;0s+ ?r. Reich had cured thousands+
but lost his license for ex-laining that the consum-tion of mineral nutrients+
such as calcium+ could -revent cancer and a host of other diseases. 3his
conce-t was considered too sim-le to acce-t by the medical wisdom of the
day. .owever+ by the late 10s+ other medical men of wisdom were also
discovering that calcium su--lements could indeed reverse cancer.
In the #ctober 1!+ 1; issue of the %ew Iork 3imes+ an article a--eared
entitled @Calcium 3akes Its &lace *s a 6u-erstar of %utrientsB. 3he article
re-orted that a study -ublished in the Gournal of the *merican (edical
*ssociation declared that @increasing calcium induced normal develo-ment of
the e-ithelia cells and might also -revent cancer in such organs as the
breast+ -rostate and -ancreasB. It also re-orted that the *merican Gournal of
Clinical %utrition -ublished that virtually no ma>or organ system esca-es
calciumHs in4uence and that a research team from the Jniversity of 6outhern
California found that adding calcium to the diet lowered the blood -ressure in
110 black teenagers.
3he Ganuary 15+ 1 issue of the &hoenix Re-ublic wrote in an article
entitled @Calcium Reduces 3umorsB that the %ew :ngland Gournal of (edicine
re-orted that adding calcium to the diet can kee- you from getting tumors in
your large intestine. 3hen the 2ebruary+ 1 issue of the Readers ?igest
wrote in an article entitled @3he K6u-erstarH %utrientB that the Gournal of the
*merican (edical *ssociation -ublished that @when the -artici-antsH
consum-tion reached 1=00 milligrams of calcium a day+ cell growth in the
colon im-roved toward normal ,this means that the cancer was reversed1B.
3he ?igest also re-orted that the (etabolic Bone Center at 6t. LukeHs .os-ital
believes that @a chronic defciency of calcium is largely res-onsible for
-remenstrual syndrome ,&(61B and that @a lot of women are avoiding the sun
and their vitamin9? levels may be very lowB. In the same article+ the ?igest
re-orted that @in 1/ the large federally fnanced trial found that a diet
containing 1"00 milligrams of calcium signifcantly lowered blood -ressure in
adultsB. 3hen the (ay !+ 1 edition of J6 $orld %ews Re-ort wrote in an
article entitled @CalciumHs &owerful (ysterious $aysB that @Researchers are
increasingly fnding that the humble mineral calcium -lays a ma>or role in
warding oC ma>or illnesses from high blood -ressure to colon cancerB and
that @Iou name the disease+ and calcium is beginning to have a -lace thereB
,?avid (cCarron+ a ne-hrologist at #regon .ealth 6ciences Jniversity1.
Jnfortunately+ most doctors have not heard the news that their own >ournals
and ma>or news-a-ers and maga'ines are re-orting that natural
su--lements+ es-ecially calcium+ . . .
6cientifc evidence that calcium is the key to good and long health is
overwhelming. #ne does not have to be a rocket scientist to read sim-le
articles in re-utable news-a-ers+ maga'ines and the doctorHs own >ournals
that are all saying that disease can be cured by diet. *lso one can sim-ly look
at the millions of -eo-le around the world that never get sick and say+ @$e
also want to drink some milk of the mountainsB. Jnfortunately+ all of the milk
of the mountains is consumed as fast as it is -roduced. .owever+ the
Ga-anese could cure the world with their @milk of the oceansB known as coral
calcium+ the calcium factor of good health.
3he most fre7uent 7uestion asked the author is+ @$hat do you doAB 3he
res-onse always begins with+ @I have not taken a -ill in over !0 years.
&sychologically+ taking -ills is synonymous with taking drugs. *lso+ many
-eo-le have di8culty swallowing -ills. 2or most+ many of the -ills remain
intact as they -ass through the intestine undigested. 3he obvious solution is
to do what the author does. 2irst+ the author -uts all of the non9li7uid nutrient
-ills and ca-sules into a blender to make a -ulveri'ed blend. .e then uses a
4our sifter to remove the broken u- oversi'ed ca-sule containers. 3he author
takes "5 -ills and ca-sules each day+ and he has found that when -ulveri'ed+
the blend flls a hea-ing teas-oon. 3hus the author -ulveri'es a three9month
-ortion and -uts it into a large bottle labeled @.un'a &owderB and then takes
a hea-ing s-oonful each day. 6econdly+ the nutrient blend should be taken at
meal times. 2or the elderly+ this is the only time that they have su8cient acid
in their stomachs to digest food. 3hirdly+ one glass of milk or one glass of
a--le >uice should be taken with each meal so that the lactates or malates
will kee- the digested nutrients ioni'ed even as they -ass through the alkali
duodenum+ thereby allowing for greater absor-tion. *lso+ the consum-tion of
fruits and vegetables with meals -rovides anions.
3he second most fre7uent 7uestion asked is+ @$hich are the "5 -ills that you
takeAB 3he answer is ! coral calcium ,1.= grams1+ " vitamin9? ,=000 IJ each1+
F multivitamins ,one9a9day1+ F multi9minerals ,containing F0 trace minerals1+
! calcium ,citrate1+ 1 magnesium citrate+ " vitamin9C ,F0 mg each1+ 1
vitamin9: ,=00mg1+ and 10 milligrams cesium chloride. 3he result is .un'a
&owder. 3he author takes a hea-ing teas-oon each day+ usually mixed in a
fruit slush or a banana shake.
Robert Barefoot is the author of the books+ @3he Calcium 2actorB and @?eath
By ?ietB. 3hese books are in their fourth edition+ have been translated into
several languages and are used by many in the nutrition industry as @the
bibles of nutritionB. Barefoot is about to release his latest book+ @LetHs Cure
.umanityB+ which basically tells his story. $e believe in Bob Barefoot Coral
Calcium research and knowledge+ and these books intergrate scientifc
knowledge -rovided by some of the worldHs most renowned scientists+ and
brings it together into one cohesive scientifc argument that demonstrates
that nutritional defciency is the cause of disease and that+ by correcting the
defciency+ disease can also be cured+ not only -revented.

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