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Format fo Major Project Report

Batch V

Project Report
Each student is required to submit a comprehensive report about the major project. The
report should be in the format as described below. It is important that you adhere to these
The report should document an engineering approach to the solution of the practical,
problem-solving approach that you have addressed. The reader should become convinced
that you have solved the problem in a methodical and professional manner, making due
reference to appropriate techniques, technologies and professional standards.
ou should also include the details from your project notebook, in which you would have
been recording the progress of your project throughout the semester. These details may
refer to supervision meetings, technical problems encountered, changes of direction and
so on.
The report should contain enough detail to enable the e!aminers to assess your work, but
not so much detail as to make it lengthy and tedious to read. "ey points should be
highlighted in the body of the report, with details often relegated to appendices.
1. General Structure
Irrespective of which project you are undertaking, the aim of the project is for you
to demonstrate practical and documentary competence. The report must be
wordprocessed on !" pa#es and must be hard bond$ blac% b&nd&n# and te't
should be embossed &n #olden(. #ne copy of the report should be submitted to
the department.
$hilst it is e!pected that your report will vary according to your project the
general structure may be of some assistance. It is emphasi%ed however that the
structure given below is only a suggestion and you should feel free to depart from
it - if in doubt consult your respective I&' (ajor )roject. *pelling checkers and
grammar checkers should be used as appropriate. The sequence in which the
report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows+

,. 'over )age - Title )age
.. 'andidate /eclaration
0. Table of 'ontents
1. 2ist of 3igures
4. 2ist of Tables
5. 2ist of 6bbreviations
7. 6cknowledgment
8. 6bstract 9a single page summary of the report:
;. 'hapters +
1. Introduction
<ere you should provide a brief introduction to the problem central to
your project and an outline of the structure of the rest of the report. The
introduction should aim to catch the imagination of the reader and so
e!cessive detail should be avoided.
2. Related Work
#ther work that you have read or otherwise considered in the general
area of the project topic should be surveyed and critically e!amined in
this section.
3. Problem Description and Specification
<ere you should describe in detail the problem to be solved, including
a clear statement of the requirements of your work. )resent a general
discussion of your approach to solving the project problem.
4. System Design
In this section you should e!plain how you tackled problem arriving at
you and solution to the problem .The way how you went about
designing the various aspects of the system. ou should include here
reference to the design method used, any problems that arose and how
you got around such problems.
ou should describe detailed design decisions and any trade-offs that
were necessary, and include reference to the selection of algorithms,
)rocessing Environment+ <&$, *&$, data structures, implementation
language and the use of development tools, together with justifications
of decisions made.
. Result and Implementation
!. "onclusions and future scope
In this section you should summaries how successful you were in
achieving the original aims of the project, indicate problems which
arose in the course of the project which could not be solved in the
available time, and suggest any enhancements that could be made in the
future to improve the work.
#. References
This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the
8. Researc$ Paper
,=. 6ppendices+ Appendix 1 /etailed *pecification and /esign
/etails of the specification and
design. /3/, E> diagram, /ata /ictionary
Appendix 2 Detailed Test Strategy and Test Cases
Details of test strategy together with tabulated
test results and analysis.
Appendix 3 User Guide
There should be a detailed desription of how
the syste! should be used.

). T*P+,G +,STR-.T+/,S0

The #eneral te't shall be just&f&ed and t1ped &n the Font st1le 2T&mes ,ew
Roman3 and Font s&4e 1). !" s&4e paper5 on one s&de onl1 w&th l&ne spac&n# 1.6
l&nes5 w&th left mar#&n 1.785 r&#ht mar#&n 9.:85 top mar#&n 9.;8 and bottom
mar#&n as 9.<8.
The ma&n bod1 te't of the project report =d&ssertat&on ma1 be &n s&4e
1) po&nt and just&f&ed $not al&#ned left5 but al&#ned on both s&des(. The
te't &n Tables5 &f d&ff&cult to accommodate5 ma1 be put &n smaller font
$down upto <(.
The .>!PT?R,/. $e.#.5 .>!PT?R1( spec&f&cat&on l&ne ma1 be &n
s&4e)) po&nt and al&#ned r&#ht5 all cap&tals. The .>!PT?R T+T@?
$all cap&tals( ma1 be &n s&4e)9 po&nt and centered5 w&th one blan% l&ne
$11 po&nt( left before &t and two l&nes $11 po&nt5 each( left after th&s l&ne.
The ma&n sect&on head&n#s shall be un&forml1 &n s&4e1A po&nt w&thout
underl&n&n# and enumerated as5 for e'ample 1.15 w&th chapter number
followed w&th one dot and then the ser&al number of sect&on5 these be
al&#ned left w&th no further te't on th&s l&ne5 e'cept the sect&on
head&n#. /ne l&ne &s to be left blan% before and after the ma&n sect&on
head&n#. The secondar1 sect&on head&n#s shall be un&forml1 &n s&4e1"
po&nt w&thout underl&n&n# and numbered as5 for e'ample 1.1.15 w&th
no further te't on th&s l&ne. The tert&ar1 sect&on head&n#s shall be
un&forml1 &n s&4e1) po&nt w&thout underl&n&n# but bold and &n &tal&cs
w&th a colon term&nator $0(5 followed w&th one character space and te't
on the same l&ne.
The Tab pos&t&on ma1 be %ept as %.&' for all new para#raphs. ,o l&ne
ma1 be left blan% before or after a para#raph.
!ll pa#es5 f&#ures5 tables5 B eCuat&ons should be numbered
consecut&Del1. !ll f&#ures B tables should be referred to &n the te't &n
the order of the&r appearance. F&#ures B tables be placed as close as
poss&ble to the&r place of reference. ?Cuat&on nos. ma1 be put &n braces
&n the form $7.6(5 $6.)A(5 etc.5 &.e.5 chapter no. followed w&th a per&od B
then the no. of the eCuat&on. ?Cuat&on nos. should be al&#ned r&#ht5
althou#h the eCuat&ons ma1 e&ther be centered or al&#ned left but w&th
a tab. !ll tables ma1 be made w&th #r&d. !ll F&#ures B Tables ma1 be

7. PR?P!R!T+/, F/RM!T0
7.1 .oDer Pa#e B T&tle Pa#e ? 6 specimen copy of the 'over page - Title page of
the project report are given in !ppend&' ).
7.) !bstract 6bstract should be one page synopsis, it should summari%e the aims,
conclusions and implications of the topic of your report, typed with 3ont *tyle
Times @ew >oman and 3ont *i%e ,1.
7.7 Table of .ontents The table of contents should list all material following it as
well as any material, which precedes it. The page numbers of which are in lower
case >oman letters. #ne and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the
matter under this head. 6 specimen copy of the Table of 'ontents of the project
report is given in !ppend&' 7.
7." .hapters The chapters may be broadly divided into parts as described earlier
under the Aeneral *tructure such as 9i: Introductory chapter, 9ii: >elated $ork,
9ii: BBB9vii: and *ummary or 'onclusions 9viii: >eferences
The main te!t will be divided into several chapters and each chapter may be
further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions.
Each chapter should be given an appropriate title.
Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the immediate vicinity
of the reference where they are cited.
7.6 @&st of References ?The listing of references should be typed . spaces below the
heading C>E3E>E@'E*D in alphabetical order in single spacing left ? justified.
*hould be numbered consecutively 9in square EF brackets, throughout the te!t and
should be collected together in the reference list at the end of your report. The
references should be numbered in the order they are used in the te!t. The name
of the author&authors should be immediately followed by the year and other
6 typical illustrative list given below relates to the citation e!ample quoted above.


E,F. 6riponnammal, *. and @atarajan, *. 9,;;1: GTransport )honomena of *m
*el ? H 6s!I, )ramana ? Journal of )hysics Kol.1., @o.,, pp.1.,-1.4.

E.F. Larnard, >.$. and "ellogg, '. 9,;8=: G6pplications of 'onvolution
#perators to )roblems in Mnivalent 3unction TheoryI, (ichigan (ach, J.,
Kol..7, pp.8,?;1.
7.A !ppend&ces ? 6ppendices are provided to give supplementary information,
which is included in the main te!t may serve as a distraction and cloud the central
6ppendices should be numbered using 6rabic numerals, e.g. 6ppendi! ,,
6ppendi! ., etc.
6ppendices, Tables and >eferences appearing in appendices should be
numbered and referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of
6ppendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall
be made in the contents page also.


.!,F+F!T?3S F?.@!R!T+/,
I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the (ajor
)roject entitled CProject T&tleG in partial fulfillment for the award of the
/egree of Lachelor of Technology in 'omputer *cience and Engineering &
Information Technology affiliated to Guru Gob&nd S&n#h +ndraprastha
-n&Ders&t15 ,ew Felh& and submitted to the /epartment of 'omputer
*cience and Engineering& Information Technology of (aharaja *urajmal
Institute of Technology, Janakpuri, is an authentic record of my own work
carried out during a period from Hanuar1 )917 to Ma1 )917. The matter
represented in this report has not been submitted by me for award of any
other degree of this or any other institute&university.
Fate0 ,ame
Roll no.
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to
the best of our knowledge.
Signature of Super"isor
Fate ,ame B Fes&#nat&on

!PP?,F+I )
96 typical *pecimen of 'over )age - Title )age:

T+T@? /F PR/H?.T
JFont S&4e ))KJB/@FKJ.entral&4edK

! Major Project Report
N3ont *i%e ,1OONL#2/ON'entrali%edO

Submitted by
N3ont *i%e ,1ONItalicOONL#2/ON'entrali%edO

,!M? /F T>? .!,F+F!T?
N3ont *i%e ,5OONL#2/ON'entrali%edO, >oll @o

in partial fulfillment for t$e a(ard of t$e degree

N3ont *i%e ,1ON,.4 line spacingONItalicOONL#2/ON'entrali%edO

,!M? /F T>? F?GR??
N3ont *i%e ,5OONL#2/ON'entrali%edO
BR!,.> /F ST-F*
N3ont *i%e ,1ONL#2/ON'entrali%edO

Space for lo#o
F?P!RTM?,T /F ./MP-T?R S.+?,.? !,F ?,G+,??R+,G =
+,F/RM!T+/, T?.>,/@/G*
M!>!R!H! S-R!HM!@ +,ST+T-? /F T?.>,/@/G*
H!,!LP-R+5 ,?M F?@>+.
N3ont *i%e ,1OONL#2/ON'entrali%edO
M/,T>5 *?!R
N3ont *i%e ,1OONL#2/ON'entrali%edO
!PP?,F+I 7
96 typical specimen of table of contents:
N3ont *tyle Times @ew >omanO

T!B@? /F ./,T?,TS

.>!PT?R ,/. T+T@? P!G? ,/.
!BSTR!.T &&
!.L,/M@?FGM?,T &&&

.>!PT?R 1. +,TR/F-.T+/,

,., AE@E>62 ,
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,....., Aeneral 8
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