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AFCONS Infrastructure Limited Report of Class Room at HO (Lecture- 2)

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Classroom at HO, Lecture series
Lecture Number - 2
Bridge Launching Girders
(Part-I, Agenda Issues related to planning and execution o LG!
Lecture Report

"ate ##
$ul%&#'((, )ime #*''pm to +*''pm
,enue Conerence hall at (
loor -e..anine, HO, -um/ai

Coordinator "esign "epartment and C))O

0e% spea1er 2hri 23 B3 $oshi (Consultant, ree-lancer!
Attendees All 4ngineers rom "esign and Planning department, 2B5-(, 2B5-# (total o 6' 7!

(Up) Showing Large Audience for the session
About two years back Afcons started an innovative activity called lassroom at sites!" #$e main aim
of t$is activity was to $ave knowledge s$aring between various team members available at t$e sites"
%oon various sites took a lead in conducting t$ese sessions& w$ic$ in turn $el'ed t$e fres$ engineers
to elevate in t$eir carreer" (nowing t$is& t$e organisation decided to start t$is activity even at )*&
formally& under title lass-+oom at )*!" ,ecause at )* suc$ activities are already taking 'lace& but
under different de'artments under different names" lass +oom at %ite -+A%. and lass +oom at
)*! -+A). are t$e activities w$ic$ will integrate all suc$ effort of im'arting / s$aring of knowledge"
Also t$ese activities will be $el'ful to ca'ture t$e knowledge and record / retrieve it for future use"

AFCONS Infrastructure Limited Report of Class Room at HO (Lecture- 2)

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0n most of t$e corridor 'ro1ects t$e faster erection of bridge su'er structure is ac$ieved only by t$e
use of 'ro'erly 'lanned and e2ecuted Launc$ing 3irder -L3." ,ut often t$e design of Launc$ing
3irder is given em'$asis t$at t$e issues related to Planning& 4inancing and 4abrication /
ommissioning / 52ecution of L3" 0n t$e 'resent first 'art of t$e lecture t$e key s'eaker introduced
t$e attendees to all t$e intricacies involved in issues ot$er t$an t$e design" 0n t$e second 'art w$ic$
is 'lanned to be conducted s$ortly& t$e issues 'ertaining to t$e design will be covered" 0n t$e
'resent re'ort t$e to'ics covered in first 'art of t$e lecture are briefly covered"

(Up) left Mr. Karnik Introduced to Mr. S. . !oshi " (right)" Mr. S. . !oshi engrossed in the presentation
Launc$ing girder is also called as Launc$ing truss or a bridge erection gantry" ,efore starting t$e
design of t$e L3 t$e 'lanning engineer must ensure t$at 6$at is a Pro1ect +e7uirement!" orrect
selection of ty'e of L3& -and not 1ust t$e design. is key to success of t$e 'ro1ect" #$e 'lanning
engineer s$all consider following factors in mind before a''roac$ing t$e designer for final design 8-
a. #otal duration of t$e 'ro1ect and estimated time cycle 'er s'an"
b. #y'e of L3 -under slung / over slung9 #russ / Plate 3irder9 for segmental bridge / continuous
girder& bo2 girder / 0-girder etc".
c. %'lit u' of all ma1or minor activities / task involved in o'eration of L3" 0dentification of t$ose
activities falling on / fouling wit$ t$e critical 'at$"
d. %uitability and #y'e of bridge su'er structure to suite L3"
e. :esired so'$istication in t$e launc$ing e7ui'ment -use of $ydraulics vs" a sim'le L3."
f. Availability of e2isting L3 vs Purc$ased or 4abrication L3"
g. +e7uirement of ot$er e7ui'ment -ranes& e2tra 'ylons& cross girders& 1acks etc". / ot$er
facilities -casting yard& barges& roads below& access from back / ground etc".
$. Lengt$ of t$e L3 1 ; s'an& 2 s'an& 2 ; s'an& < s'an"
i. %kill sets of t$e o'erating team"
After studying all t$e above 'arameters t$e 'lanner s$all 're'are a conce't drawing -s$owing
various ste's involved in erection of ty'ical s'an& if all s'ans are e7ual. and a''roac$& :esign&
52ecution and later 4inance team for t$e furt$er discussions"
AFCONS Infrastructure Limited Report of Class Room at HO (Lecture- 2)

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:uring t$e lecture t$e s'eaker covered case studies from various 'ast 'ro1ect done by Afcons and
ot$er com'anies and s$ared t$e good features and even t$e mistakes t$at may $a''en"
#$e issues like negotiation of curves& negotiation of a longitudinal gradient& 'rovision for cross slo'e&
side-s$ifting of lowered girders& construction of wet-1oint& staggering of t$e segments& use of
$ydraulics etc" may consume considerable time" *ften t$e designer is asked to 'rovide t$e L3 wit$
so'$isticated devices to reduce t$e time cycle" ,ut t$e cost encored in suc$ devises vs" t$e time
consumed in t$eir absence s$all be c$ecked by t$e Planner in advance& before making selection of
ty'e of L3 or even before finalising t$e design"

(up) I#portance of Seg#ent staggering during $urning the seg#ent
aution in use of devices like $ydraulic 1acks& $eavy winc$es for lifting t$e girder& )#-,ars -:ywidag
or =cAlloy.& counterweig$ts& multi'le su''orts& sus'ension carts -trolleys.& c$ariots etc was
discussed in details" #$e im'act of t$ese minor 'oints could be ma1or at t$e work front"

(up) I#portance of Seg#ent staggering during $urning the seg#ent
Also use of s'$erical nuts& knuckle bearings at front su''ort during marc$ing o'eration of L3 etc"
was e2'lained in detail" #$e issues related to construction stage analysis and $ow t$e load due to
L3 covers t$e t$e design t$an t$e traffic live load was discussed" >se of sim'le e2cel s'read s$eets
to calculate t$e stability of L3 during forward and backward loads was e2'lained" A'art of t$e film
AFCONS Infrastructure Limited Report of Class Room at HO (Lecture- 2)

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from actual e2ecution in one of t$e 'ast 'ro1ects was dis'layed during t$e lecture9 also one
animation s$owing side s$ifting of t$e L3 wit$ 1acks was dis'layed and discussed"

(up) A t%pical Sche#e &rawing for L' operations

:uring t$e session )on" =:& %$ri" (" %ubramanian& visited t$e venue and interacted wit$ t$e training
faculty for a few minutes" )e once again em'$asised on more and more knowledge transfer t$roug$
t$e +A% and +A)"
#$e overall im'act of t$e session was very good" ,ut t$ose w$o did not $ad a 'rior e2'erience in
using t$e L3 found it very e2$austive knowledge" *nly after 'racticing t$e 'oints discussed one can
master t$em"
#$e ne2t session of design as'ects of t$e L3 will be conducted s$ortly"
Learning :esources
#$e com'lete lecture in PP# format& Lecture notes and t$e @ideo recorded format is available at )*&
wit$ :esign de'artment& Library and ##*"
AFCONS Infrastructure Limited Report of Class Room at HO (Lecture- 2)

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(up) A t%pical Si#ple ()cel Spread sheet to check the Sta*ilit% of L'

(U+) Left $%pical !ack arrange#ent for forward pushing of L'"
Right $%pical ()cel spred sheet to check the sta*ilit% of L' while #o,ing on gradient
B ?CC #*N

4+0#0 *N
1 8 1CC C"C1 C"C1 ?CC ?"CC ?"CC C"CC E"CC
C"C< ?CC ?"CC 12"CC C"CC 16"CC
C"CA ?CC ?"CC 2C"CC C"CC 2?"CC
C"CF ?CC ?"CC 2E"CC C"CC <2"CC
2 8 1CC C"C2 C"C1 ?CC E"CC ?"CC ?"CC 12"CC
< 8 1CC C"C< C"C1 ?CC 11"GG ?"CC F"GG 1A"GG
C"C< ?CC 11"GG 1C"CC 1"GG 21"GG
C"CA ?CC 11"GG 2C"CC C"CC <1"GG
2)AG4 (#
8ront cantile<er 6= m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 1E m
4ront %u''ort FA m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 22E"2F # 22E"2F #
+eaction on +%B 61"E6 # 61"E6 #
2)AG4 (>
8ront cantile<er +> m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 1< m
4ront %u''ort FC m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 2A<"F2 # 2A<"F2 #
+eaction on +%B <6"?1 # <6"?1 #
2)AG4 (?
8ront cantile<er +? m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 12 m
4ront %u''ort 6G m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 2F?"A< # 2F?"A< #
+eaction on +%B 2<"1C # 2<"1C #
>se tie down for balance stability safety
Also refer staad analysis H%#:6 full cantileverH
2)AG4 (6
8ront cantile<er +636 m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 1C"A m
4ront %u''ort 6F"A m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 266"?A # 266"?A #
+eaction on +%B 2<"6G # 2<"6G #
(3?= ?=@3@=
(3=# #=+3#6
(3?# >+63@@
#3@A (?'3#>
2)AG4 @
8ront cantile<er ?> m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort << m
4ront %u''ort GC m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 1F2"A< # 1F2"A< #
+eaction on +%B 11F"6C # 11F"6C #
2)AG4 =
8ront cantile<er ?= m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 2E m
4ront %u''ort EA m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 1GF"GE # 1GF"GE #
+eaction on +%B G2"1A # G2"1A #
2)AG4 A
8ront cantile<er 6(36 m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 2?"A m
4ront %u''ort E1"A m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 21A"EC # 21A"EC #
+eaction on +%B F?"<? # F?"<? #
2)AG4 ('
8ront cantile<er 6> m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 2< m
4ront %u''ort EC m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 22<"?< # 22<"?< #
+eaction on +%B 66"FC # 66"FC #
2)AG4 ((
8ront cantile<er 6= m
Lengt$ of L3 1<< m
+eference is taken from rear end of L3 as C m
+ear %u''ort 1E m
4ront %u''ort FA m
4*% *#=B
+eaction on +=% 2?E"EE # 2?E"EE #
+eaction on +%B ?1"2A # ?1"2A #
#3#' (6#3=(
?3'@ +#3=?
>36> @?3>#
A3#@ #63@A
63@+ ??3@A
AFCONS Infrastructure Limited Report of Class Room at HO (Lecture- 2)

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(up) A t%pical arrange#ent for #o,ing L' on the -ur,ed align#ent

A/out 0e%-spea1er
%$ri" %"," Dos$i& 'ost graduate in =arine 5ngineering from N0#-%uratkal& $as more t$an 2A years of
0ndustrial 52'erience -in Planning - :esigning and commissioning of various Permanent and 5nabling
6orks." 0n 'ast& $e $as worked wit$ Afcons for about 1G years and t$en wit$ ) for about E years"
)e started $is career wit$ Afcons on #$ane reek +ailway ,ridge 'ro1ect -#+,. at site" )e $as
worked wit$ senior %tructural 5ngineers like -Late. =r" )ans (elm in 'ast" )e was instrumental for
many landmark designs during $is career" 4or some time& $e also was $eading t$e :esign and
Planning :e't at Afcons -and t$en at )." Presently $e is working as a onsultant / %'ecialist in t$e
:eport prepared /%
5r" @ivek Ab$yankar
%r" =anger -:esign.

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