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1. The time required to drive from New York to New Mexico is a discrete random variable.
ANS: !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+. A random variable is a function or rule that assi,ns a number to each outcome of an ex-eriment.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.. The number of home insurance -olic( holders is an exam-le of a discrete random variable
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/. The mean of a discrete -robabilit( distribution for X is the sum of all -ossible values of X0 divided b(
the number of -ossible values of X.
ANS: !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1. The len,th of time for which an a-artment in a lar,e com-lex remains vacant is a discrete random
ANS: !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
2. The number of homeless -eo-le in 3oston is an exam-le of a discrete random variable.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
'. A continuous variable ma( take on an( value within its relevant ran,e even thou,h the measurement
device ma( not be -recise enou,h to record it.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
4. 5iven that X is a discrete random variable0 then the laws of ex-ected value and variance can be a--lied
to show that E6X 7 18 9 E6X8 7 10 and V6X 7 18 9 V6X8 7 +1.
ANS: !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
:. A table0 formula0 or ,ra-h that shows all -ossible values a random variable can assume0 to,ether with
their associated -robabilities0 is referred to as discrete -robabilit( distribution.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1;. acult( rank 6-rofessor0 associate -rofessor0 assistant -rofessor0 and lecturer8 is an exam-le of a
discrete random variable.
ANS: !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
11. or a random variable X0 if V6cX8 9 /V6X80 where V refers to the variance0 then c must be +.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1+. The amount of milk consumed b( a bab( in a da( is an exam-le of a discrete random variable.
ANS: !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1.. Another name for the mean of a -robabilit( distribution is its ex-ected value.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1/. or a random variable X0 E6X 7 +8 1 9 E6X8 .0 where E refers to the ex-ected value.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
11. or a random variable X0 V6X 7 .8 9 V6X 7 280 where V refers to the variance.
ANS: T !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
12. A table0 formula0 or ,ra-h that shows all -ossible values a random variable can assume0 to,ether with
their associated -robabilities0 is called a6n8:
a. discrete -robabilit( distribution.
b. discrete random variable.
c. ex-ected value of a discrete random variable.
d. None of these choices.
ANS: A !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1'. A function or rule that assi,ns a numerical value to each sim-le event of an ex-eriment is called:
a. a sam-le s-ace.
b. a -robabilit( distribution.
c. a random variable.
d. None of these choices.
ANS: $ !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
14. The wei,hted avera,e of the -ossible values that a random variable X can assume0 where the wei,hts
are the -robabilities of occurrence of those values0 is referred to as the:
a. variance.
b. standard deviation.
c. ex-ected value.
d. None of these choices.
ANS: $ !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1:. The number of accidents that occur annuall( on a bus( stretch of hi,hwa( is an exam-le of:
a. a discrete random variable.
b. a continuous random variable.
c. ex-ected value of a discrete random variable.
d. ex-ected value of a continuous random variable.
ANS: A !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+;. <hich of the followin, are required conditions for the distribution of a discrete random variable X that
can assume values xi=
a. ; p6xi8 1 for all xi
c. 3oth a and b are required conditions.
d. Neither a nor b are required conditions.
ANS: $ !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+1. <hich of the followin, is not a required condition for the distribution of a discrete random variable X
that can assume values xi=
a. ; p6xi8 1 for all xi
c. p6xi8 > 1 for all xi
d. All of these choices are true.
ANS: $ !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
++. A lab at the *e3ake( %nstitute orders 11; rats a week for each of the 1+ weeks in the (ear for
ex-eriments that the lab conducts. Su--ose the mean cost of rats used in lab ex-eriments turned out to
be ?+;.;; -er week. %nter-ret this value.
a. Most of the weeks resulted in rat costs of ?+;.;;
b. The median cost for the distribution of rat costs is ?+;.;;
c. The ex-ected or avera,e costs for all weekl( rat -urchases is ?+;.;;
d. The rat cost that occurs more often than an( other is ?+;.;;
ANS: $ !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+.. %n the notation below0 X is the random variable0 c is a constant0 and V refers to the variance. <hich of
the followin, laws of variance is not true=
a. V6c8 9 ;
b. V6X 7 c8 9 V6X8 7 c
c. V6cX8 9 c
d. None of these choices.
ANS: 3 !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+/. <hich of the followin, is a discrete random variable=
a. The *ow @ones %ndustrial avera,e.
b. The volume of water in Michi,an Aakes.
c. The time it takes (ou to drive to school.
d. The number of em-lo(ees of a soft drink com-an(.
ANS: * !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+1. <hich of the followin, is a continuous random variable=
a. The number of em-lo(ees of an automobile com-an(.
b. The amount of milk -roduced b( a cow in one +/Bhour -eriod.
c. The number of ,allons of milk sold at AlbertsonCs ,rocer( store last week.
d. None of these choices.
ANS: 3 !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+2. %n the notation below0 X is the random variable0 E and V refer to the ex-ected value and variance0
res-ectivel(. <hich of the followin, is false=
a. E6.X8 9 .E6X8
b. V6+8 9 ;
c. E6X 7 18 9 E6X8 7 1
d. All of these choices are true.
ANS: * !TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+'. A motorc(cle insurance com-an( evaluates man( numerical variables about a -erson before decidin,
on an a--ro-riate rate for motorc(cle insurance. Dow lon, a -erson has been a licensed rider is an
exam-le of a6n8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE random variable.
ANS: continuous
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+4. An auto insurance com-an( evaluates man( numerical variables about a -erson before decidin, on an
a--ro-riate rate for automobile insurance. The number of claims a -erson has made in the last . (ears
is an exam-le of a6n8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE random variable.
ANS: discrete
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
+:. An auto insurance com-an( evaluates man( numerical variables about a -erson before decidin, on an
a--ro-riate rate for automobile insurance. A -ersonFs a,e is an exam-le of a6n8
ANS: continuous
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.;. A motorc(cle insurance com-an( evaluates man( numerical variables about a -erson before decidin,
on an a--ro-riate rate for motorc(cle insurance. The number of tickets a -erson has received in the last
. (ears is an exam-le of a6n8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE random variable.
ANS: discrete
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.1. A motorc(cle insurance com-an( evaluates man( numerical variables about a -erson before decidin,
on an a--ro-riate rate for motorc(cle insurance. The distance a -erson rides in a (ear is an exam-le of
a6n8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE random variable.
ANS: continuous
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.+. The dean of students conducted a surve( on cam-us. 5rade -oint avera,e 65!A8 is an exam-le of a6n8
ANS: continuous
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
... The amount of time that a microcom-uter is used -er week is an exam-le of a6n8
ANS: continuous
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
./. The number of da(s that a microcom-uter ,oes without a breakdown is an exam-le of a6n8
ANS: discrete
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.1. A6n8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE random variable is one whose values are uncountable.
ANS: continuous
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.2. A6n8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE random variable is one whose values are countable.
ANS: discrete
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.'. or each of the followin, random variables0 indicate whether the variable is discrete or continuous0
and s-ecif( the -ossible values that it can assume.
a. X 9 the number of traffic accidents in Albuquerque on a ,iven da(.
b. X 9 the amount of wei,ht lost in a month b( a randoml( selected dieter.
c. X 9 the avera,e number of children -er famil( in a random sam-le of 1'1 families.
d. X 9 the number of households out of 1; surve(ed that own a convection oven.
e. X 9 the time in minutes required to obtain service in a restaurant.
a. discrete) x 9 ;0 10 +0 .0 . . .
b. continuous) G x G
c. continuous) x ;
d. discrete) x 9 ;0 10 +0 . . . 0 1;
e. continuous) x > ;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
NA""3#5%N: Number of Motorc(cles
Numb! "# M"$"!c%c&'
The -robabilit( distribution of a discrete random variable X is shown below0 where X re-resents the
number of motorc(cles owned b( a famil(.
x ; 1 + .
p6x8 ;.+1 ;./; ;.+; ;.11
.4. HNumber of Motorc(cles NarrativeI ind the followin, -robabilities:
a. P6X > 18
b. P6X +8
c. P61 X +8
d. P6; G X G 18
e. P61 X G .8
a. ;..1
b. ;.41
c. ;.2;
d. ;.;;
e. ;.2;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
.:. HNumber of Motorc(cles NarrativeI ind the ex-ected value of X.
E6X8 9 1.+1 cars
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/;. HNumber of Motorc(cles NarrativeI ind the standard deviation of X.
9 ;.::.' cars
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/1. HNumber of Motorc(cles NarrativeI A--l( the laws of ex-ected value to find the followin,:
a. E6X
b. E6+X
7 18
c. E6X +8
a. +.11
b. 1;.1
c. 1.11
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/+. HNumber of Motorc(cles NarrativeI A--l( the laws of ex-ected value and variance to find the
a. V(.X)
b. V6.X +8
c. V(.)
d. V(.X) +
a. 4.4:
b. 4.4:
c. ;
d. 4.4:
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
NA""3#5%N: Number of Dorses
Numb! "# H"!''
The random variable X re-resents the number of horses -er famil( in a rural area in %owa0 with the
-robabilit( distribution: p6x8 9 ;.;1x0 x 9 +0 .0 /0 10 or 2.
/.. HNumber of Dorses NarrativeI #x-ress the -robabilit( distribution in tabular form.
x + . / 1 2
p6x8 ;.1; ;.11 ;.+; ;.+1 ;..;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
//. HNumber of Dorses NarrativeI ind the ex-ected number of horses -er famil(.
E6X8 9 /.1
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/1. HNumber of Dorses NarrativeI ind the variance and standard deviation of X.

9 1.'10 and 9 1..+.
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/2. HNumber of Dorses NarrativeI ind the followin, -robabilities:
a. P6X /8
b. P6X > /8
c. P6. X 18
d. P6+ G X G /8
e. P6X 9 /.18
a. ;.'1
b. ;.11
c. ;.2;
d. ;.11
e. ;.;;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/'. *etermine which of the followin, are not valid -robabilit( distributions0 and ex-lain wh( not.
a. x ; 1 + .
p6x8 ;.11 ;.+1 ;..1 ;./1
b. x + . / 1
p6x8 ;.1; ;./; ;.1; ;.+1
c. x + 1 ; 1 +
p6x8 ;.1; ;.+; ;./; ;.+; ;.1;
a. This is not a valid -robabilit( distribution because the -robabilities donFt sum to one.
b. This is not a valid -robabilit( distribution because it contains a ne,ative -robabilit(.
c. This is a valid -robabilit( distribution.
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
NA""3#5%N: 3lackJack
The -robabilit( distribution of a random variable X is shown below0 where X re-resents the amount of
mone( 6in ?10;;;s8 ,ained or lost in a -articular ,ame of 3lackJack.
x / ; / 4
p6x8 ;.11 ;.+1 ;.+; ;./;
/4. H3lackJack NarrativeI ind the followin, -robabilities:
a. P6X ;8
b. P6X > .8
c. P6; X /8
d. P6X 9 18
a. ;./;
b. ;.2;
c. ;./1
d. ;.;;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
/:. H3lackJack NarrativeI ind the followin, values0 and indicate their units.
a. E6X8
b. V6X8
c. Standard deviation of X
a. ?../;
b. 1:.2/ 6dollars squared8
c. ?/./.
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
NA""3#5%N: 5(m Kisits
+%m V,',$'
Aet X re-resent the number of times a student visits a ,(m in a one month -eriod. Assume that the
-robabilit( distribution of X is as follows:
x ; 1 + .
p6x8 ;.;1 ;.+1 ;.1; ;.+;
1;. H5(m Kisits NarrativeI ind the mean and the standard deviation of this distribution.
x 91.410 and x 9 ;.':+
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
11. H5(m Kisits NarrativeI ind the mean and the standard deviation of Y 9 +X 1.
y 9 +.';0 and y 9 1.14/
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1+. H5(m Kisits NarrativeI <hat is the -robabilit( that the student visits the ,(m at least once in a month=
P618 7 P6+8 7 P6.8 9 ;.:1
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1.. H5(m Kisits NarrativeI <hat is the -robabilit( that the student visits the ,(m at most twice in a
P6;8 7 P618 7 P6+8 9 ;.4;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1/. The monthl( sales at a 5as Station have a mean of ?1;0;;; and a standard deviation of ?20;;;. !rofits
are calculated b( multi-l(in, sales b( /;L and subtractin, fixed costs of ?1+0;;;. ind the mean and
standard deviation of monthl( -rofits.
Aet P 9 -rofit0 and X 9 sales. Then P 9 ;./;X 1+0;;;.
E6P8 9 E6;./;X 1+0;;;8 9 ;./; E6X8 1+0;;; 9 ;./;6?1;0;;;8 ?1+0;;; 9 ?40;;;
V6P8 9 V6;./;X 1+0;;;8 9 6;./;8
V6X8 9 6;./;8
9 10'2;0;;;.
Thus0 the mean and standard deviation of monthl( -rofits are ?40;;; and ?+0/;;0 res-ectivel(.
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
NA""3#5%N: Sho--in, &utlet
S-"..,/0 Ou$&$
A sho--in, outlet estimates the -robabilit( distribution of the number of stores sho--ers actuall( enter
as shown in the table below.
x ; 1 + . /
p6x8 ;.;1 ;..1 ;.+1 ;.+; ;.11
11. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI ind the ex-ected value of the number of stores entered.
E6X8 9 +.;1
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
12. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI ind the variance and standard deviation of the number of stores entered.
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1'. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI Su--ose Y 9 +X 7 1 for each value of X. <hat is the -robabilit(
distribution of Y=
y 1 . 1 ' :
P6y8 ;.;1 ;..1 ;.+1 ;.+; ;.11
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
14. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI $alculate the ex-ected value of Y directl( from the -robabilit(
distribution of Y.
E6Y8 9 1.1;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
1:. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI Mse the laws of ex-ected value to calculate the mean of Y from the
-robabilit( distribution of X.
E6Y8 9 E6+X 7 18 9 +E6X8 7 1 9 +6+.;18 7 1 9 1.1;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
2;. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI $alculate the variance and standard deviation of Y directl( from the
-robabilit( distribution of Y.
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
21. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI Mse the laws of variance to calculate the variance and standard deviation
of Y from the -robabilit( distribution of X.
V6Y8 9 V6+X 7 18 9 /V6X8 9 /61../'18 9 1..:) SD6Y8 9 V6X8 9 1..: 9 +..+
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
2+. HSho--in, &utlet NarrativeI <hat did (ou notice about the mean0 variance0 and standard deviation of
Y 9 +X 7 1 in terms of the mean0 variance0 and standard deviation of X=
E6Y8 9 +E6X8 7 10 V6Y8 9 /V6X80 and SD(Y) 9 +SD(X).
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
NA""3#5%N: "etries
The followin, table contains the -robabilit( distribution for X 9 the number of retries necessar( to
successfull( transmit a 1;+/N data -acka,e throu,h a double satellite media.
x ; 1 + .
p6x8 ;..1 ;..1 ;.+1 ;.;1
2.. H"etries NarrativeI <hat is the -robabilit( of no retries=
p6;8 9 ;..1
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
2/. H"etries NarrativeI <hat is the -robabilit( of a least one retr(=
p618 7 p6+8 7 p6.8 9 ;.21
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
21. H"etries NarrativeI <hat is the mean or ex-ected value for the number of retries=
E6X8 9 1.;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
22. H"etries NarrativeI <hat is the variance for the number of retries=
V6X8 9 ;.4;
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions
2'. H"etries NarrativeI <hat is the standard deviation of the number of retries=
9 ;.4:/
!TS: 1 "#: S#$T%&N '.1
NAT: Anal(tic) !robabilit( *istributions

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