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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Social psychology is the study of ______.
A. social thinking
B. social influence
C. social relations
D. All of these

2. Barbie is a "perfect 10." She has gorgeous flowing blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, olive tanned skin, and a
smile to die for. According to social psychological research, when Ken meets Barbie for the first time, what
other traits might he infer about Barbie's personality?
A. She is friendly, likeable, popular, and successful.
B. She is mean, grumpy, and lazy.
C. She is conceited, selfish, and self-centered.
D. She is unreliable and unpopular.

3. Which of the following statements about research on the "beautiful is good" stereotype is FALSE?
A. Infants as young as 3 to 6 months of age prefer attractive faces over unattractive faces.
B. Attractive people are assumed to have a variety of positive characteristics, including being better adjusted,
socially skilled, friendly, likeable, extraverted, and likely to achieve superior job performance.
C. There is little truth to the "beautiful is good stereotype." Attractive people do not really possess the positive
characteristics of the stereotype.
D. The "beautiful is good stereotype" can influence how we treat others, as in the concept of the self-fulfilling

4. Parents warn a new babysitter that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous. As a result of this
initial expectation, the babysitter starts calling Dennis "Dennis the Menace," and he behaves in ways that elicit
aggressive and mischievous behaviors from Dennis. This example best demonstrates the phenomenon called
A. the self-fulfilling prophecy
B. the self-serving bias
C. the fundamental attribution error
D. social conditioning

5. A study by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson (1968) found that children who were labeled as "late
bloomers" at the start of the school year showed larger IQ gains than other, non-labeled students, even though
these particular children were chosen randomly. The children's teachers were informed about these labels but
the students themselves were not. The results from this study demonstrate which of the following concepts?
A. Cognitive dissonance theory
B. The mere exposure effect
C. The self-fulfilling prophecy
D. The self-serving bias

6. Research suggests that which of the following faces would be rated as most attractive?
A. A face in which the distinctive features of the face have been digitally enhanced.
B. A face with an unusually small forehead and unusually large lips.
C. A face with unusually small ears and unusually large eyes.
D. A composite face of multiple faces that have been digitally blended to produce an "average" face.

7. According to research on the "average face is the attractive face," which of the following faces would be
likely to receive the highest attractiveness ratings?
A. Face A: morphed from 2 faces
B. Face B: morphed from 4 faces
C. Face C morphed from 8 faces
D. Face D morphed from 16 faces

8. Babyface Nelson, so named because of his youthful appearance, was one of the most ruthless and dangerous
gangsters in United States history. Based on person perception research findings, what kind of person do most
people expect when they encounter someone with a babyish face?
A. We expect baby-faced individuals to be nave, weak, honest, and less competent than individuals with more
mature faces.
B. We expect baby-faced individuals to be smarter and more trusting than individuals with more mature faces.
C. We expect baby-faced individuals to be more open to new ideas than individuals with more mature faces.
D. We expect baby-faced individuals to be more prone to acting out of control than individuals with more
mature faces.

9. According to attribution theory, attributions vary along which of the following dimensions?
A. Internal/external causes
B. Stable/unstable causes
C. Controllable/uncontrollable causes
D. All of these

10. Jack and John were recently dumped by their girlfriends. Jack believes that his girlfriend broke up with him
because she is a selfish and unhappy person, whereas John believes that his girlfriend broke up with him
because she had to attend to a family emergency and could not make commitment right now. Jack is making
a(n) ______ about his girlfriend's behavior, whereas John is making a(n) ______.
A. internal attribution / external attribution
B. external attribution / internal attribution
C. downward social comparison / upward social comparison
D. upward social comparison / downward social comparison

11. When many people first learn of the classic conformity and obedience studies, they often believe that the
participants in these studies are weak-minded people and they tend to underestimate the power of the social
situation. This is an example of ______.
A. self-perception theory
B. the fundamental attribution error
C. the false-consensus effect
D. a positive illusion

12. Whenever Claudia gets an A on her psychology exam, she believes it was due to the fact that she is an
intelligent, hard-working student. However, when she receives a C on an exam, she attributes her behavior to
the situation and thus blames the grade on her instructor's ineffective teaching style and poor choice of test
questions. Claudia's behavior is an example of ____.
A. learned helplessness
B. the self-serving bias
C. the false uniqueness effect
D. the false consensus effect

13. The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of inner
dispositions upon another's behavior is called ______.
A. the self-serving bias
B. the fundamental attribution error
C. the false consensus bias
D. cognitive dissonance

14. You are watching golf and see Tiger Woods scowl. You would be making the fundamental attribution error
if you assumed that _____.
A. he has an angry and volatile personality
B. he just missed a putt
C. he was thrown off by the flash of a camera
D. he was in a tough situation

15. Your new roommate leaves dirty laundry all over her room and you assume she must be a slob. You ignore
the fact that she is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. You are demonstrating the ______.
A. fundamental attribution error
B. universality mistake
C. self-serving bias
D. availability heuristic

16. You watch as another student stumbles and drops her books in the hall. According to the fundamental
attribution error, how would you explain the student's behavior?
A. She must have tripped over something.
B. She is a clumsy person.
C. She couldn't help it; there were too many books to carry.
D. She was trying to get out of someone else's way.

17. _____ is the tension that arises when people realize that their behavior is inconsistent with their attitudes.
A. Consensual validation
B. Cognitive dissonance
C. Risky shift
D. Deindividuation

18. Although Jeff frequently exceeds the speed limit by at least 10 mph, he justifies his behavior by erroneously
thinking that most other drivers do the same. This belief best illustrates _____.
A. the false consensus effect
B. the self-serving bias
C. deindividuation
D. social loafing

19. Lily does not approve of abortion. She is shocked when she finds out how many people in her state hold
pro-choice attitudes. This is an example of ______.
A. the false consensus effect
B. cognitive dissonance
C. the self-fulfilling prophecy
D. groupthink

20. Despite evidence to the contrary, Denise thinks she is smarter than most of the people in her class. Denise's
unfounded attitude about herself is an example of a(n) _____.
A. positive illusion
B. hallucination
C. reactive illusion
D. an ideal self

21. Individuals who have positive illusions about the self _____.
A. are judged less positively by others
B. are psychologically less healthy
C. tend to show high levels of psychological well-being
D. display self views that are rooted in reality

22. Cindy recently played in a softball game in which she misplayed a ground ball for an error. Later in the
same game, she made a great catch on a very difficult play. According to the self-serving bias, she would
attribute her error to _____ and her good catch to _____.
A. bad fielding skills / luck
B. bad fielding skills / good fielding skills
C. a bad bounce / luck
D. a bad bounce / good fielding skills

23. Based on Steele's (1997) research on stereotype threat, we should be especially concerned about instructions
for standardized tests if they _______.
A. ask for race/ethnic information BEFORE the test starts.
B. ask for names BEFORE the test starts.
C. are administered by men and women from different racial/ethnic backgrounds.
D. are culturally/racially sensitive.

24. "Am I as popular as Cathy?" This question is an example of gaining self-knowledge through the process of
A. peer-review
B. peripheral attribute
C. peer recognition
D. social comparison

25. When people try to confront Alfred about drinking too much alcohol, he replies, "Drinking may be harmful
to my health, but I'll die having a good time." This statement, which is an example of self-justification,
illustrates Alan's attempt to reduce _____.
A. the mere exposure effect
B. cognitive dissonance
C. the self-serving bias
D. the fundamental attribution error

26. Hugh bought a new calculator at Staples for $125. One week later, he saw an ad from Wal-Mart showing
the same calculator on sale for $65. Hugh said to himself, "I'm glad I got my calculator at Staples; the ones at
Wal-Mart are probably defective. I don't mind having paid more for mine." Hugh's statement reflects _____.
A. cognitive dissonance reduction
B. self-perception bias
C. informational influence
D. peripheral-route processing

27. Marty has always strongly believed that it is wrong to cheat. However, after he cheated on his chemistry
quiz, his attitude toward cheating significantly softened. Which theory best accounts for this attitude shift?
A. cognitive dissonance theory
B. self-perception theory
C. social identity theory
D. social exchange theory

28. Cognitive dissonance theory states that in order to reduce dissonance, individuals _____.
A. change attitudes in order to be more popular
B. change behavior in order to be more popular
C. do not perceive a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior
D. try to align their attitudes and behavior

29. _____________ theory contends that behaviors can cause attitudes.
A. Self-perception
B. Social identity
C. Self-serving
D. Social comparison

30. According to self-perception theory, if you're not sure how you feel about something, how can you find
A. Compare yourself to others
B. Look to your emotions
C. Ask a friend
D. Look at your behavior

31. Juanita returned home after being away for several years. When she saw her father, whom she thought she
disliked, she hugged him and cried. Based on her crying when she saw him, she determined that she must like
him more than she thought. This is most consistent with the _____ of attitudes.
A. evolutionary theory
B. social learning theory
C. self-perception theory
D. social identity theory

32. Which of the following statements about research on persuasion is TRUE?
A. Older people are more likely than younger people to change their attitude.
B. Television is a more powerful medium for persuasion than a printed newspaper.
C. People who have initially strong attitudes on an issue are more likely to be persuaded than those with initially
weak attitudes.
D. Emotional appeals are usually not very powerful means of persuasion.

33. When people pay close attention to the facts, the _____ is (are) the most persuasive, but when subjects are
not paying full attention, such as during a television commercial, the _____ may work better.
A. peripheral route / attractiveness of the source
B. emotional factors / attractiveness of the source
C. source's credibility / emotional factors
D. emotional factors / credibility of the source

34. Allison is at a workshop where a presenter is attempting to persuade people to make a rather risky but
potentially profitable financial investment. The arguments for investing appeal to logic and rationality. After
slowly and carefully considering the presenter's arguments, Alison finds this person's idea sounds compelling
and decides to invest. This example best demonstrates the _____.
A. peripheral route to persuasion
B. norm of reciprocity
C. central route to persuasion
D. foot-in-the-door technique

35. Central route persuasion _____.
A. involves the use of non-message factors, such as the source's credibility and attractiveness
B. involves engaging someone thoughtfully with a sound, logical argument
C. involves emotional appeals
D. All of these

36. According to _____, people who have first agreed to a small request tend to comply later with a larger
A. the foot-in-the-door technique
B. the door-in-the-face-technique
C. the bystander effect
D. the social facilitation effect

37. John is selling magazine subscriptions and chocolates. He asks you whether you are interested in buying
some chocolates for $1 and you say yes. When you go to get the money to pay for the chocolates and return to
the door, John asks you if you would also like to buy a $25 subscription to a variety of magazines. You feel
obligated and agree to buy a magazine subscription. This is an example of _____.
A. social loafing
B. the door-in-the-face technique
C. the foot-in-the-door technique
D. the bystander effect

38. The advertising committee for a politician is going door to door and asking people to put a big ugly election
sign on their lawn. If the people refuse, they ask them if they would consider putting a smaller sign on the lawn.
The staff is using _____.
A. the foot-in-the-door technique
B. the door-in-the-face technique
C. the elaboration likelihood model
D. a negative appeal

39. A person on campus walks up to you and asks if you would be willing to wear a ribbon to show support for
her cause. Though the ribbon is a bit unattractive, it is small so you agree to wear it. After agreeing to this
request, the solicitor then asks you if you would be willing to make a donation of $15. This example best
demonstrates the persuasion technique called _____.
A. the foot-in-the-door technique
B. the door-in-the-face technique
C. the norm of reciprocity
D. central route persuasion

40. What is the key social emotion involved with altruism?
A. Sympathy
B. Empathy
C. Generosity
D. Love

41. Alex regularly gives donations of blood to the Red Cross because he received a life-saving transfusion when
he was in a car accident two years ago. Robert's helping behavior is best explained by _____.
A. the concept of reciprocity
B. reciprocal determinism
C. social exchange theory
D. self-perception theory

42. The bystander effect is most likely to occur ______.
A. when someone is witnessing an emergency and there are several other bystanders present
B. when someone is witnessing an emergency and no one else is present
C. in emergencies involving racial minorities where there are a large number of bystanders present
D. in memory studies in which bystanders did not remember as much about an emergency as the individual who
was the victim

43. Diffusion of responsibility is most likely to influence _____.
A. the attributions we make about others
B. cognitive dissonance
C. helping behavior
D. prejudice

44. In 1964 Kitty Genovese was brutally stabbed to death in front of her apartment building. It took the assailant
approximately 30 minutes to kill Genovese. Police reports showed that although 38 neighbors witnessed the
event, no one helped or called the police. According to your knowledge of social psychology, this incident can
be best explained by _____.
A. the social facilitation effect
B. cognitive dissonance theory
C. the bystander effect
D. social identity theory

45. According to the _______ of helping, we are especially likely to help and to care for our close relatives over
A. social exchange theory
B. evolutionary perspective
C. cost/reward theory of helping
D. bystander effect

46. Aggression is associated with low levels of which neurotransmitter?
A. Dopamine
B. Serotonin
C. Norepinephrine

47. Aggressive behavior has been linked with low levels of _____.
A. dopamine
C. serotonin
D. acetycholine

48. Deficits in the functioning of the ______ are associated with aggression.
A. hippocampus
B. hypothalamus
C. parietal lobes
D. frontal lobes

49. The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is _____.
A. estrogen
B. testosterone
C. epineprhine
D. norepinephrine

50. Which of the following factors INCREASES the likelihood of an aggressive response?
A. Physical pain
B. Heat
C. Being personally attacked or insulted
D. All of these

51. Robert, a 9-year-old boy, loves watching wrestling on TV. Last night he imitated several of the aggressive
moves he saw on TV by acting them out with his little brother. Which of the following theories best explains
William's behavior?
A. Observational learning theory
B. Frustration aggression theory
C. Social identity theory
D. Cognitive dissonance theory

52. Based on the information presented in your textbook, what is the most likely outcome experienced by
children who frequently play violent video games?
A. They are more likely to engage in aggressive and delinquent behaviors.
B. They are no different from children and adolescents who don't play violent video games.
C. They are less likely to engage in aggressive and delinquent behaviors.
D. They are more likely to be empathetic to the feelings of others.

53. Approximately what percentage of participants in Solomon Asch's study conformed to the group's pressure
to select the incorrect line?
A. All of the participants
B. None of the participants
C. About 35 percent of the participants
D. About 90 percent of the participants

54. Joyce has the potential to be an honor student but frustrates her teachers because of her actions. Rather than
work to succeed, she tends to "dummy down" to act more like the students that she hangs out with. She has at
times answered questions incorrectly in class on purpose to be more like her friends. Joyce's behavior is an
example of _____.
A. informational social influence
B. ethnocentrism
C. groupthink
D. normative social influence

55. _____ is based on a person's desire to be accepted by the group.
A. Informational social influence
B. Normative social influence
C. Social loafing
D. Social facilitation

56. Rosalie was invited to a black-tie dinner at the Ritz Carlton. She's never been served a 10-course meal
before so she's unfamiliar with the social etiquette regarding silverware selection. Since Rosalie is in a foreign
environment, she gets through the night by watching others who appear to know what they are doing. For each
course, she follows their selection of silverware. Rosalie is displaying ______.
A. normative social influence
B. informational social influence
C. group polarization
D. the bystander effect

57. Approximately _____ of the participants in Milgram's obedience experiment administered the maximum
450-volt shock to the victim.
A. one-fourth
B. one-third
C. two-thirds
D. three-fourths

58. Prior to conducting his experiment, Stanley Milgram asked a group of psychiatrists to predict how many
individuals would obey his commands to shock another person. The psychiatrists predicted that ______ of the
participants would deliver the full 450 volts of shock to the victim. Results of Milgram's experiment showed
that, in fact, _____ participants delivered the full 450 volts.
A. none / nearly 10 percent
B. 1 in 10 (10 percent) / nearly 25 percent
C. 1 in 100 (1 percent) / nearly 33 percent
D. 1 in 1000 (0.10 percent) / nearly 65 percent

59. Results of Milgram's experiment showed that participants were more likely to fail to comply with the
authority figure's requests when _____.
A. participants could see everyone else being obedient to authority
B. the authority figure was perceived to be legitimate
C. the authority figure was far away as opposed to nearby
D. the victim was made to seem more human

60. The reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a
group is known as _____.
A. social contagion
B. the self-serving bias
C. the false consensus effect
D. deindividuation

61. The effects of others on our behavior can take the form of _____, imitative behavior involving the spread of
behavior, emotions, and ideas.
A. egoism
B. altruism
C. social contagion
D. social loafing

62. You are studying in a quiet but crowded library when you suddenly start coughing. You soon notice others
doing the same thing. This is an example of _____.
A. social loafing
B. group polarization
C. social facilitation
D. social contagion

63. ______ refers to the loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension. It occurs in group situations that
foster responsiveness to group norms, good or bad.
A. Social loafing
B. Groupthink
C. Deindividuation
D. Group polarization

64. According to the social facilitation effect, the presence of others _____.
A. enhances performance on all types of tasks
B. diminishes performance on easy or well-learned tasks
C. diminishes performance on difficult or new tasks
D. has little to no effect on performance

65. Ralph just started taking guitar lessons last week. Jimi has been playing guitar for almost 20 years.
According to the concept of social faciliation, performing in front of an audience of strangers and friends
tonight will likely ______ Ralph's performance and ______ Jimi's performance.
A. decrease / decrease
B. increase / increase
C. decrease / increase
D. increase / decrease

66. Psychologists believe that the social facilitation effect occurs because _____.
A. the presence of others arouses us
B. we are more relaxed in group situations than when we are alone
C. we feel more deindividuated when we are alone than when we are in a group
D. of a genetic predisposition toward heightened performance in group settings

67. Social loafing refers to the _____.
A. tendency for people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone.
B. tendency for people to exert more effort when working in groups than when working alone.
C. tendency to spend more time being nonproductive when in the company of one's peers
D. social norm that obligates the general public to help those who may not be completely able to help
themselves (e.g., children and the elderly).

68. Dr. McCall found that class projects were of poorer quality when students worked in groups compared to
when each student did an individual project. This difference can be explained by the phenomenon of _____.
A. cognitive dissonance
B. social loafing
C. the sleeper effect
D. polarization

69. The tendency for a group decision to be riskier than the average decision made by the individual group
members is known as ______.
A. the social facilitation effect
B. social loafing
C. risky shift
D. group polarization

70. Katie, who is moderately liberal, attends a very liberal college. After four years at this college, Katie is
likely to become _____ as a result of _____.
A. more politically conservative / the fundamental attribution error
B. more politically conservative / self-perception theory
C. more liberal / group polarization
D. more liberal / social loafing

71. The assumption that ethnic outgroups are not only different, but that other groups are inferior to your group,
is called _____.
A. social identity
B. ethnocentrism
C. deindividuation
D. groupthink

72. ______ is an unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a
group. ______ is an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the
person belongs to that group.
A. Ethnocentrism / Stereotype threat
B. Prejudice / Discrimination
C. Discrimination / Ethnocentrism
D. Stereotype threat / Prejudice

73. In a recent study (M. Bertrand & S. Mullainathan, 2003), researchers sent 5,000 fictitious resumes to
companies advertising in Chicago and Boston. Applicants with "black-sounding" names were 50 percent LESS
likely to be called for an interview than those with "white-sounding" names. This unfair treatment based on the
group to which someone belongs (or seems to belong) is called _____.
A. prejudice
B. discrimination
C. the mere exposure effect
D. the false-consensus effect

74. ______ is reflected in a person's conscious and openly shared attitude, which might be measured using a
questionnaire. _____ refers to attitudes that exist on a deeper, hidden level, thus they must be measured with a
method that does not require awareness.
A. Implicit racism / Explicit racism
B. Explicit racism / Implicit racism
C. Sexual harassment / Ethnocentrism
D. Ethnocentrism / Sexual harassment

75. Sherif's Robbers Cave study showed that perceptions of the outgroup are affected by _____.
A. a person's level of intelligence
B. observational learning
C. competitive and cooperative activities
D. cognitive dissonance

76. In order to improve interactions among students from different ethnic backgrounds, a teacher would be best
advised to use _____.
A. a reward structure based on race
B. competition among students
C. group polarization
D. the jigsaw classroom

77. The mere exposure effect provides one possible explanation for why _____ increases attraction.
A. proximity
B. similarity
C. physical attractiveness
D. reciprocity

78. Tom has left home and is attending college in a city far away from home where he doesn't know anybody.
According to the principle of proximity, Tom will be most likely to make friends with _____.
A. Bill, his roommate
B. John, who lives across campus
C. Michael, who lives in the same dorm but two floors below Tom
D. Stuart, who lives 10 miles away in an off-campus apartment

79. According to the evolutionary theory of attraction, men tend to seek mates who are ____ and women tend to
seek mates who are ______.
A. young and beautiful / financially stable
B. financially stable / young and beautiful
C. similar to themselves / different from themselves
D. different from themselves / similar to themselves

80. Social psychologists believe that _______ is particularly strong during the early stages of a relationship, and
that ________ increases as the relationship grows and matures.
A. affectionate love / romantic love
B. romantic love / affectionate love
C. consensual validation / romantic love
D. consensual validation / affectionate love

81. ______ involves strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and is often predominant in the early part
of a love relationship.
A. Romantic love
B. Affectionate love
C. The mere exposure effect
D. Companionate love

82. According to Ellen Berscheid's research, ______ is the most important ingredient of romantic love.
A. caring
B. affection
C. sexual attraction
D. companionship

83. When individuals desire to have another person near and have a deep, caring affection for the person, they
are displaying _____.
A. romantic love
B. affectionate love
C. the mere exposure effect
D. passionate love

84. Research on gender and love shows that men ______.
A. conceptualize love in terms of friendship, whereas women conceptualize love in terms of passion
B. fall in love more quickly and easily than women
C. are less likely than women to break up premarital relationships
D. All of these

85. According to ________________, your feelings about a relationship are a function of how fair you feel the
relationship is or how much you feel you get out as much as you put in.
A. social identity theory
B. social exchange theory
C. the investment model
D. the evolutionary approach

86. According to ______, social relationships involve an exchange of goods, the objective of which is to
minimize costs and maximize benefits.
A. psychological exchange theory
B. social exchange theory
C. the concept of social contagion
D. the elaboration likelihood model

87. According to social exchange theory, the most important predictor of relationship success is _____.
A. equity
B. physical attractiveness
C. the availability of other alternative partners
D. passionate love

88. Which theory of attraction suggests that long-term relationships are likely to continue when both partners
are committed and invested in the relationship and when there are few attractive tempting alternatives around?
A. The investment model
B. Evolutionary theory
C. The mere exposure effect
D. Social exchange theory

89. Equity is a strong predictor of relationship satisfaction _____.
A. among men, but not among women
B. among women, but not among men
C. during both the early and later stages of a relationship
D. during the early but not later stages of a relationship

90. Dave is a handsome and famous celebrity. He has been in a dating relationship with Gabriela, a beautiful
and popular actress, for the past two months but he doesn't feel that strongly committed to their relationship.
Recently, Dave has been working on a new movie and several women have expressed their interest in getting to
know him better. Dave is now contemplating whether he should stay with Gabriela or explore other tempting
alternative relationships. According to the investment model, what will Dave probably do next?
A. He will probably ask Gabriela to marry him.
B. He will probably ask Gabriela to move in with him.
C. He will probably stay with Gabriela for at least another year so that he can cultivate their relationship.
D. He will probably break up with Gabriela and give in to the temptation of dating other women.

91. According to attribution theory, what three dimensions do individuals evaluate when they are trying to
explain the underlying causes of behavior?

92. Define Festinger's concept of cognitive dissonance. How can dissonance be reduced?

93. Discuss the distinction between altruism and egoism.

94. A politician claims that media violence the sole cause of aggressive behavior among children and teens. He
builds his campaign around setting more stringent media regulations and censorship guidelines. Is there
substantial evidence for a causal link between violent media exposure and aggression? Is there evidence of a
correlation between violent media exposure and aggression? What other factors are involved in the origin of
aggressive behavior?

95. Discuss the distinction between normative social influence and informational social influence. Under what
conditions are we most susceptible to normative social influence? Under what conditions are we most
susceptible to informational social influence?

96. Define the concept of deindividuation. What effects can deindividuation have on our behavior? How do
psychologists explain the effects of deindividuation?

97. Discuss the distinction between explicit racism and implicit racism. How would a psychologist measure
explicit racism and implicit racism?

98. According to social psychology, why do people develop stereotypes and prejudice?

99. Pretend that you just landed a new job as a psychological consultant for an internet dating service. Your new
boss has asked you to give a presentation on the social psychological principles of attraction. Discuss the factors
that influence interpersonal attraction.

100. Discuss the concepts of romantic love and affectionate love. How do these types of love vary over the
course of a relationship?

ch11 Key

1. Social psychology is the study of ______.
A. social thinking
B. social influence
C. social relations
D. All of these
page 377

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #1
Learning goals: social cognition

2. Barbie is a "perfect 10." She has gorgeous flowing blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, olive tanned skin, and a
smile to die for. According to social psychological research, when Ken meets Barbie for the first time, what
other traits might he infer about Barbie's personality?
A. She is friendly, likeable, popular, and successful.
B. She is mean, grumpy, and lazy.
C. She is conceited, selfish, and self-centered.
D. She is unreliable and unpopular.
page 377

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #2
Learning goals: social cognition

3. Which of the following statements about research on the "beautiful is good" stereotype is FALSE?
A. Infants as young as 3 to 6 months of age prefer attractive faces over unattractive faces.
B. Attractive people are assumed to have a variety of positive characteristics, including being better adjusted,
socially skilled, friendly, likeable, extraverted, and likely to achieve superior job performance.
C. There is little truth to the "beautiful is good stereotype." Attractive people do not really possess the positive
characteristics of the stereotype.
D. The "beautiful is good stereotype" can influence how we treat others, as in the concept of the self-fulfilling
pages 377-378

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #3
Learning goals: social cognition

4. Parents warn a new babysitter that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous. As a result of this
initial expectation, the babysitter starts calling Dennis "Dennis the Menace," and he behaves in ways that elicit
aggressive and mischievous behaviors from Dennis. This example best demonstrates the phenomenon called
A. the self-fulfilling prophecy
B. the self-serving bias
C. the fundamental attribution error
D. social conditioning
page 378

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #4
Learning goals: social cognition

5. A study by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson (1968) found that children who were labeled as "late
bloomers" at the start of the school year showed larger IQ gains than other, non-labeled students, even though
these particular children were chosen randomly. The children's teachers were informed about these labels but
the students themselves were not. The results from this study demonstrate which of the following concepts?
A. Cognitive dissonance theory
B. The mere exposure effect
C. The self-fulfilling prophecy
D. The self-serving bias
page 378

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #5
Learning goals: social cognition

6. Research suggests that which of the following faces would be rated as most attractive?
A. A face in which the distinctive features of the face have been digitally enhanced.
B. A face with an unusually small forehead and unusually large lips.
C. A face with unusually small ears and unusually large eyes.
D. A composite face of multiple faces that have been digitally blended to produce an "average" face.
page 378

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #6
Learning goals: social cognition

7. According to research on the "average face is the attractive face," which of the following faces would be
likely to receive the highest attractiveness ratings?
A. Face A: morphed from 2 faces
B. Face B: morphed from 4 faces
C. Face C morphed from 8 faces
D. Face D morphed from 16 faces
page 378

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #7
Learning goals: social cognition

8. Babyface Nelson, so named because of his youthful appearance, was one of the most ruthless and dangerous
gangsters in United States history. Based on person perception research findings, what kind of person do most
people expect when they encounter someone with a babyish face?
A. We expect baby-faced individuals to be nave, weak, honest, and less competent than individuals with more
mature faces.
B. We expect baby-faced individuals to be smarter and more trusting than individuals with more mature faces.
C. We expect baby-faced individuals to be more open to new ideas than individuals with more mature faces.
D. We expect baby-faced individuals to be more prone to acting out of control than individuals with more
mature faces.
pages 377-378

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #8
Learning goals: social cognition

9. According to attribution theory, attributions vary along which of the following dimensions?
A. Internal/external causes
B. Stable/unstable causes
C. Controllable/uncontrollable causes
D. All of these
pages 379-380

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #9
Learning goals: social cognition

10. Jack and John were recently dumped by their girlfriends. Jack believes that his girlfriend broke up with him
because she is a selfish and unhappy person, whereas John believes that his girlfriend broke up with him
because she had to attend to a family emergency and could not make commitment right now. Jack is making
a(n) ______ about his girlfriend's behavior, whereas John is making a(n) ______.
A. internal attribution / external attribution
B. external attribution / internal attribution
C. downward social comparison / upward social comparison
D. upward social comparison / downward social comparison
page 379

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #10
Learning goals: social cognition

11. When many people first learn of the classic conformity and obedience studies, they often believe that the
participants in these studies are weak-minded people and they tend to underestimate the power of the social
situation. This is an example of ______.
A. self-perception theory
B. the fundamental attribution error
C. the false-consensus effect
D. a positive illusion
page 379

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #11
Learning goals: social cognition

12. Whenever Claudia gets an A on her psychology exam, she believes it was due to the fact that she is an
intelligent, hard-working student. However, when she receives a C on an exam, she attributes her behavior to
the situation and thus blames the grade on her instructor's ineffective teaching style and poor choice of test
questions. Claudia's behavior is an example of ____.
A. learned helplessness
B. the self-serving bias
C. the false uniqueness effect
D. the false consensus effect
pages 380-381

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #12
Learning goals: social cognition

13. The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of inner
dispositions upon another's behavior is called ______.
A. the self-serving bias
B. the fundamental attribution error
C. the false consensus bias
D. cognitive dissonance
page 379

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #13
Learning goals: social cognition

14. You are watching golf and see Tiger Woods scowl. You would be making the fundamental attribution error
if you assumed that _____.
A. he has an angry and volatile personality
B. he just missed a putt
C. he was thrown off by the flash of a camera
D. he was in a tough situation
page 379

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #14
Learning goals: social cognition

15. Your new roommate leaves dirty laundry all over her room and you assume she must be a slob. You ignore
the fact that she is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. You are demonstrating the ______.
A. fundamental attribution error
B. universality mistake
C. self-serving bias
D. availability heuristic
page 379

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #15
Learning goals: social cognition

16. You watch as another student stumbles and drops her books in the hall. According to the fundamental
attribution error, how would you explain the student's behavior?
A. She must have tripped over something.
B. She is a clumsy person.
C. She couldn't help it; there were too many books to carry.
D. She was trying to get out of someone else's way.
page 379

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #16
Learning goals: social cognition

17. _____ is the tension that arises when people realize that their behavior is inconsistent with their attitudes.
A. Consensual validation
B. Cognitive dissonance
C. Risky shift
D. Deindividuation
page 382

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #17
Learning goals: social cognition

18. Although Jeff frequently exceeds the speed limit by at least 10 mph, he justifies his behavior by erroneously
thinking that most other drivers do the same. This belief best illustrates _____.
A. the false consensus effect
B. the self-serving bias
C. deindividuation
D. social loafing
page 380

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #18
Learning goals: social cognition

19. Lily does not approve of abortion. She is shocked when she finds out how many people in her state hold
pro-choice attitudes. This is an example of ______.
A. the false consensus effect
B. cognitive dissonance
C. the self-fulfilling prophecy
D. groupthink
page 380

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #19
Learning goals: social cognition

20. Despite evidence to the contrary, Denise thinks she is smarter than most of the people in her class. Denise's
unfounded attitude about herself is an example of a(n) _____.
A. positive illusion
B. hallucination
C. reactive illusion
D. an ideal self
page 380

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #20
Learning goals: social cognition

21. Individuals who have positive illusions about the self _____.
A. are judged less positively by others
B. are psychologically less healthy
C. tend to show high levels of psychological well-being
D. display self views that are rooted in reality
page 380

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #21
Learning goals: social cognition

22. Cindy recently played in a softball game in which she misplayed a ground ball for an error. Later in the
same game, she made a great catch on a very difficult play. According to the self-serving bias, she would
attribute her error to _____ and her good catch to _____.
A. bad fielding skills / luck
B. bad fielding skills / good fielding skills
C. a bad bounce / luck
D. a bad bounce / good fielding skills
pages 380-381

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #22
Learning goals: social cognition

23. Based on Steele's (1997) research on stereotype threat, we should be especially concerned about instructions
for standardized tests if they _______.
A. ask for race/ethnic information BEFORE the test starts.
B. ask for names BEFORE the test starts.
C. are administered by men and women from different racial/ethnic backgrounds.
D. are culturally/racially sensitive.
page 381

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #23
Learning goals: social cognition

24. "Am I as popular as Cathy?" This question is an example of gaining self-knowledge through the process of
A. peer-review
B. peripheral attribute
C. peer recognition
D. social comparison
page 381

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #24
Learning goals: social cognition

25. When people try to confront Alfred about drinking too much alcohol, he replies, "Drinking may be harmful
to my health, but I'll die having a good time." This statement, which is an example of self-justification,
illustrates Alan's attempt to reduce _____.
A. the mere exposure effect
B. cognitive dissonance
C. the self-serving bias
D. the fundamental attribution error
pages 381-382

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #25
Learning goals: social cognition

26. Hugh bought a new calculator at Staples for $125. One week later, he saw an ad from Wal-Mart showing
the same calculator on sale for $65. Hugh said to himself, "I'm glad I got my calculator at Staples; the ones at
Wal-Mart are probably defective. I don't mind having paid more for mine." Hugh's statement reflects _____.
A. cognitive dissonance reduction
B. self-perception bias
C. informational influence
D. peripheral-route processing
page 382

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #26
Learning goals: social cognition

27. Marty has always strongly believed that it is wrong to cheat. However, after he cheated on his chemistry
quiz, his attitude toward cheating significantly softened. Which theory best accounts for this attitude shift?
A. cognitive dissonance theory
B. self-perception theory
C. social identity theory
D. social exchange theory
page 382

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #27
Learning goals: social cognition

28. Cognitive dissonance theory states that in order to reduce dissonance, individuals _____.
A. change attitudes in order to be more popular
B. change behavior in order to be more popular
C. do not perceive a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior
D. try to align their attitudes and behavior
page 382

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #28
Learning goals: social cognition

29. _____________ theory contends that behaviors can cause attitudes.
A. Self-perception
B. Social identity
C. Self-serving
D. Social comparison
page 383

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #29
Learning goals: social cognition

30. According to self-perception theory, if you're not sure how you feel about something, how can you find
A. Compare yourself to others
B. Look to your emotions
C. Ask a friend
D. Look at your behavior
page 383

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #30
Learning goals: social cognition

31. Juanita returned home after being away for several years. When she saw her father, whom she thought she
disliked, she hugged him and cried. Based on her crying when she saw him, she determined that she must like
him more than she thought. This is most consistent with the _____ of attitudes.
A. evolutionary theory
B. social learning theory
C. self-perception theory
D. social identity theory
page 383

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #31
Learning goals: social cognition

32. Which of the following statements about research on persuasion is TRUE?
A. Older people are more likely than younger people to change their attitude.
B. Television is a more powerful medium for persuasion than a printed newspaper.
C. People who have initially strong attitudes on an issue are more likely to be persuaded than those with initially
weak attitudes.
D. Emotional appeals are usually not very powerful means of persuasion.
pages 383-384

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #32
Learning goals: social cognition

33. When people pay close attention to the facts, the _____ is (are) the most persuasive, but when subjects are
not paying full attention, such as during a television commercial, the _____ may work better.
A. peripheral route / attractiveness of the source
B. emotional factors / attractiveness of the source
C. source's credibility / emotional factors
D. emotional factors / credibility of the source
pages 383-384

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #33
Learning goals: social cognition

34. Allison is at a workshop where a presenter is attempting to persuade people to make a rather risky but
potentially profitable financial investment. The arguments for investing appeal to logic and rationality. After
slowly and carefully considering the presenter's arguments, Alison finds this person's idea sounds compelling
and decides to invest. This example best demonstrates the _____.
A. peripheral route to persuasion
B. norm of reciprocity
C. central route to persuasion
D. foot-in-the-door technique
page 384

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #34
Learning goals: social cognition

35. Central route persuasion _____.
A. involves the use of non-message factors, such as the source's credibility and attractiveness
B. involves engaging someone thoughtfully with a sound, logical argument
C. involves emotional appeals
D. All of these
page 384

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #35
Learning goals: social cognition

36. According to _____, people who have first agreed to a small request tend to comply later with a larger
A. the foot-in-the-door technique
B. the door-in-the-face-technique
C. the bystander effect
D. the social facilitation effect
page 385

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #36
Learning goals: social cognition

37. John is selling magazine subscriptions and chocolates. He asks you whether you are interested in buying
some chocolates for $1 and you say yes. When you go to get the money to pay for the chocolates and return to
the door, John asks you if you would also like to buy a $25 subscription to a variety of magazines. You feel
obligated and agree to buy a magazine subscription. This is an example of _____.
A. social loafing
B. the door-in-the-face technique
C. the foot-in-the-door technique
D. the bystander effect
page 385

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #37
Learning goals: social cognition

38. The advertising committee for a politician is going door to door and asking people to put a big ugly election
sign on their lawn. If the people refuse, they ask them if they would consider putting a smaller sign on the lawn.
The staff is using _____.
A. the foot-in-the-door technique
B. the door-in-the-face technique
C. the elaboration likelihood model
D. a negative appeal
page 385

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #38
Learning goals: social cognition

39. A person on campus walks up to you and asks if you would be willing to wear a ribbon to show support for
her cause. Though the ribbon is a bit unattractive, it is small so you agree to wear it. After agreeing to this
request, the solicitor then asks you if you would be willing to make a donation of $15. This example best
demonstrates the persuasion technique called _____.
A. the foot-in-the-door technique
B. the door-in-the-face technique
C. the norm of reciprocity
D. central route persuasion
page 385

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #39
Learning goals: social cognition

40. What is the key social emotion involved with altruism?
A. Sympathy
B. Empathy
C. Generosity
D. Love
page 386

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #40
Learning goals: social behavior

41. Alex regularly gives donations of blood to the Red Cross because he received a life-saving transfusion when
he was in a car accident two years ago. Robert's helping behavior is best explained by _____.
A. the concept of reciprocity
B. reciprocal determinism
C. social exchange theory
D. self-perception theory
page 386

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #41
Learning goals: social behavior

42. The bystander effect is most likely to occur ______.
A. when someone is witnessing an emergency and there are several other bystanders present
B. when someone is witnessing an emergency and no one else is present
C. in emergencies involving racial minorities where there are a large number of bystanders present
D. in memory studies in which bystanders did not remember as much about an emergency as the individual who
was the victim
page 387

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #42
Learning goals: social behavior

43. Diffusion of responsibility is most likely to influence _____.
A. the attributions we make about others
B. cognitive dissonance
C. helping behavior
D. prejudice
page 387

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #43
Learning goals: social behavior

44. In 1964 Kitty Genovese was brutally stabbed to death in front of her apartment building. It took the assailant
approximately 30 minutes to kill Genovese. Police reports showed that although 38 neighbors witnessed the
event, no one helped or called the police. According to your knowledge of social psychology, this incident can
be best explained by _____.
A. the social facilitation effect
B. cognitive dissonance theory
C. the bystander effect
D. social identity theory
page 387

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #44
Learning goals: social behavior

45. According to the _______ of helping, we are especially likely to help and to care for our close relatives over
A. social exchange theory
B. evolutionary perspective
C. cost/reward theory of helping
D. bystander effect
page 387

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #45
Learning goals: social behavior

46. Aggression is associated with low levels of which neurotransmitter?
A. Dopamine
B. Serotonin
C. Norepinephrine
page 388

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #46
Learning goals: social behavior

47. Aggressive behavior has been linked with low levels of _____.
A. dopamine
C. serotonin
D. acetycholine
page 388

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #47
Learning goals: social behavior

48. Deficits in the functioning of the ______ are associated with aggression.
A. hippocampus
B. hypothalamus
C. parietal lobes
D. frontal lobes
page 388

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #48
Learning goals: social behavior

49. The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is _____.
A. estrogen
B. testosterone
C. epineprhine
D. norepinephrine
page 389

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #49
Learning goals: social behavior

50. Which of the following factors INCREASES the likelihood of an aggressive response?
A. Physical pain
B. Heat
C. Being personally attacked or insulted
D. All of these
page 390

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #50
Learning goals: social behavior

51. Robert, a 9-year-old boy, loves watching wrestling on TV. Last night he imitated several of the aggressive
moves he saw on TV by acting them out with his little brother. Which of the following theories best explains
William's behavior?
A. Observational learning theory
B. Frustration aggression theory
C. Social identity theory
D. Cognitive dissonance theory
page 390

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #51
Learning goals: social behavior

52. Based on the information presented in your textbook, what is the most likely outcome experienced by
children who frequently play violent video games?
A. They are more likely to engage in aggressive and delinquent behaviors.
B. They are no different from children and adolescents who don't play violent video games.
C. They are less likely to engage in aggressive and delinquent behaviors.
D. They are more likely to be empathetic to the feelings of others.
page 392

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #52
Learning goals: social influence

53. Approximately what percentage of participants in Solomon Asch's study conformed to the group's pressure
to select the incorrect line?
A. All of the participants
B. None of the participants
C. About 35 percent of the participants
D. About 90 percent of the participants
pages 393-394

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #53
Learning goals: social influence

54. Joyce has the potential to be an honor student but frustrates her teachers because of her actions. Rather than
work to succeed, she tends to "dummy down" to act more like the students that she hangs out with. She has at
times answered questions incorrectly in class on purpose to be more like her friends. Joyce's behavior is an
example of _____.
A. informational social influence
B. ethnocentrism
C. groupthink
D. normative social influence
page 394

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #54
Learning goals: social influence

55. _____ is based on a person's desire to be accepted by the group.
A. Informational social influence
B. Normative social influence
C. Social loafing
D. Social facilitation
page 394

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #55
Learning goals: social behavior

56. Rosalie was invited to a black-tie dinner at the Ritz Carlton. She's never been served a 10-course meal
before so she's unfamiliar with the social etiquette regarding silverware selection. Since Rosalie is in a foreign
environment, she gets through the night by watching others who appear to know what they are doing. For each
course, she follows their selection of silverware. Rosalie is displaying ______.
A. normative social influence
B. informational social influence
C. group polarization
D. the bystander effect
page 394

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #56
Learning goals: social behavior

57. Approximately _____ of the participants in Milgram's obedience experiment administered the maximum
450-volt shock to the victim.
A. one-fourth
B. one-third
C. two-thirds
D. three-fourths
page 396

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #57
Learning goals: social behavior

58. Prior to conducting his experiment, Stanley Milgram asked a group of psychiatrists to predict how many
individuals would obey his commands to shock another person. The psychiatrists predicted that ______ of the
participants would deliver the full 450 volts of shock to the victim. Results of Milgram's experiment showed
that, in fact, _____ participants delivered the full 450 volts.
A. none / nearly 10 percent
B. 1 in 10 (10 percent) / nearly 25 percent
C. 1 in 100 (1 percent) / nearly 33 percent
D. 1 in 1000 (0.10 percent) / nearly 65 percent
page 396

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #58
Learning goals: social behavior

59. Results of Milgram's experiment showed that participants were more likely to fail to comply with the
authority figure's requests when _____.
A. participants could see everyone else being obedient to authority
B. the authority figure was perceived to be legitimate
C. the authority figure was far away as opposed to nearby
D. the victim was made to seem more human
page 396

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #59
Learning goals: social behavior

60. The reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a
group is known as _____.
A. social contagion
B. the self-serving bias
C. the false consensus effect
D. deindividuation
page 397

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #60
Learning goals: social cognition

61. The effects of others on our behavior can take the form of _____, imitative behavior involving the spread of
behavior, emotions, and ideas.
A. egoism
B. altruism
C. social contagion
D. social loafing
page 397

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #61
Learning goals: social behavior

62. You are studying in a quiet but crowded library when you suddenly start coughing. You soon notice others
doing the same thing. This is an example of _____.
A. social loafing
B. group polarization
C. social facilitation
D. social contagion
page 397

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #62
Learning goals: social behavior

63. ______ refers to the loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension. It occurs in group situations that
foster responsiveness to group norms, good or bad.
A. Social loafing
B. Groupthink
C. Deindividuation
D. Group polarization
page 397

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #63
Learning goals: social behavior

64. According to the social facilitation effect, the presence of others _____.
A. enhances performance on all types of tasks
B. diminishes performance on easy or well-learned tasks
C. diminishes performance on difficult or new tasks
D. has little to no effect on performance
page 398

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #64
Learning goals: social behavior

65. Ralph just started taking guitar lessons last week. Jimi has been playing guitar for almost 20 years.
According to the concept of social faciliation, performing in front of an audience of strangers and friends
tonight will likely ______ Ralph's performance and ______ Jimi's performance.
A. decrease / decrease
B. increase / increase
C. decrease / increase
D. increase / decrease
page 398

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #65
Learning goals: social behavior

66. Psychologists believe that the social facilitation effect occurs because _____.
A. the presence of others arouses us
B. we are more relaxed in group situations than when we are alone
C. we feel more deindividuated when we are alone than when we are in a group
D. of a genetic predisposition toward heightened performance in group settings
page 398

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #66
Learning goals: social influence

67. Social loafing refers to the _____.
A. tendency for people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone.
B. tendency for people to exert more effort when working in groups than when working alone.
C. tendency to spend more time being nonproductive when in the company of one's peers
D. social norm that obligates the general public to help those who may not be completely able to help
themselves (e.g., children and the elderly).
page 398

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #67
Learning goals: social behavior

68. Dr. McCall found that class projects were of poorer quality when students worked in groups compared to
when each student did an individual project. This difference can be explained by the phenomenon of _____.
A. cognitive dissonance
B. social loafing
C. the sleeper effect
D. polarization
page 398

Blooms Taxonomy: applied
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #68
Learning goals: social influence

69. The tendency for a group decision to be riskier than the average decision made by the individual group
members is known as ______.
A. the social facilitation effect
B. social loafing
C. risky shift
D. group polarization
pages 398-399

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #69
Learning goals: social behavior

70. Katie, who is moderately liberal, attends a very liberal college. After four years at this college, Katie is
likely to become _____ as a result of _____.
A. more politically conservative / the fundamental attribution error
B. more politically conservative / self-perception theory
C. more liberal / group polarization
D. more liberal / social loafing
pages 398-399

Blooms Taxonomy: applied
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #70
Learning goals: social influence

71. The assumption that ethnic outgroups are not only different, but that other groups are inferior to your group,
is called _____.
A. social identity
B. ethnocentrism
C. deindividuation
D. groupthink
pages 401-402

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #71
Learning goals: intergroup relations

72. ______ is an unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a
group. ______ is an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the
person belongs to that group.
A. Ethnocentrism / Stereotype threat
B. Prejudice / Discrimination
C. Discrimination / Ethnocentrism
D. Stereotype threat / Prejudice
pages 402-404

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #72
Learning goals: intergroup relations

73. In a recent study (M. Bertrand & S. Mullainathan, 2003), researchers sent 5,000 fictitious resumes to
companies advertising in Chicago and Boston. Applicants with "black-sounding" names were 50 percent LESS
likely to be called for an interview than those with "white-sounding" names. This unfair treatment based on the
group to which someone belongs (or seems to belong) is called _____.
A. prejudice
B. discrimination
C. the mere exposure effect
D. the false-consensus effect
pages 403-404

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #73
Learning goals: intergroup relations

74. ______ is reflected in a person's conscious and openly shared attitude, which might be measured using a
questionnaire. _____ refers to attitudes that exist on a deeper, hidden level, thus they must be measured with a
method that does not require awareness.
A. Implicit racism / Explicit racism
B. Explicit racism / Implicit racism
C. Sexual harassment / Ethnocentrism
D. Ethnocentrism / Sexual harassment
page 403

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #74
Learning goals: intergroup relations

75. Sherif's Robbers Cave study showed that perceptions of the outgroup are affected by _____.
A. a person's level of intelligence
B. observational learning
C. competitive and cooperative activities
D. cognitive dissonance
page 404

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #75
Learning goals: intergroup relations

76. In order to improve interactions among students from different ethnic backgrounds, a teacher would be best
advised to use _____.
A. a reward structure based on race
B. competition among students
C. group polarization
D. the jigsaw classroom
page 404

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #76
Learning goals: intergroup relations

77. The mere exposure effect provides one possible explanation for why _____ increases attraction.
A. proximity
B. similarity
C. physical attractiveness
D. reciprocity
page 405

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #77
Learning goals: close relationships

78. Tom has left home and is attending college in a city far away from home where he doesn't know anybody.
According to the principle of proximity, Tom will be most likely to make friends with _____.
A. Bill, his roommate
B. John, who lives across campus
C. Michael, who lives in the same dorm but two floors below Tom
D. Stuart, who lives 10 miles away in an off-campus apartment
page 405

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #78
Learning goals: close relationships

79. According to the evolutionary theory of attraction, men tend to seek mates who are ____ and women tend to
seek mates who are ______.
A. young and beautiful / financially stable
B. financially stable / young and beautiful
C. similar to themselves / different from themselves
D. different from themselves / similar to themselves
page 406

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #79
Learning goals: close relationships

80. Social psychologists believe that _______ is particularly strong during the early stages of a relationship, and
that ________ increases as the relationship grows and matures.
A. affectionate love / romantic love
B. romantic love / affectionate love
C. consensual validation / romantic love
D. consensual validation / affectionate love
page 407

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #80
Learning goals: close relationships

81. ______ involves strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and is often predominant in the early part
of a love relationship.
A. Romantic love
B. Affectionate love
C. The mere exposure effect
D. Companionate love
page 407

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #81
Learning goals: close relationships

82. According to Ellen Berscheid's research, ______ is the most important ingredient of romantic love.
A. caring
B. affection
C. sexual attraction
D. companionship
page 407

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #82
Learning goals: close relationships

83. When individuals desire to have another person near and have a deep, caring affection for the person, they
are displaying _____.
A. romantic love
B. affectionate love
C. the mere exposure effect
D. passionate love
page 407

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #83
Learning goals: close relationships

84. Research on gender and love shows that men ______.
A. conceptualize love in terms of friendship, whereas women conceptualize love in terms of passion
B. fall in love more quickly and easily than women
C. are less likely than women to break up premarital relationships
D. All of these
page 407

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #84
Learning goals: close relationships

85. According to ________________, your feelings about a relationship are a function of how fair you feel the
relationship is or how much you feel you get out as much as you put in.
A. social identity theory
B. social exchange theory
C. the investment model
D. the evolutionary approach
pages 407-408

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #85
Learning goals: close relationships

86. According to ______, social relationships involve an exchange of goods, the objective of which is to
minimize costs and maximize benefits.
A. psychological exchange theory
B. social exchange theory
C. the concept of social contagion
D. the elaboration likelihood model
pages 407-408

Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #86
Learning goals: close relationships

87. According to social exchange theory, the most important predictor of relationship success is _____.
A. equity
B. physical attractiveness
C. the availability of other alternative partners
D. passionate love
pages 407-408

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #87
Learning goals: close relationships

88. Which theory of attraction suggests that long-term relationships are likely to continue when both partners
are committed and invested in the relationship and when there are few attractive tempting alternatives around?
A. The investment model
B. Evolutionary theory
C. The mere exposure effect
D. Social exchange theory
page 408

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #88
Learning goals: close relationships

89. Equity is a strong predictor of relationship satisfaction _____.
A. among men, but not among women
B. among women, but not among men
C. during both the early and later stages of a relationship
D. during the early but not later stages of a relationship
page 407

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #89
Learning goals: close relationships

90. Dave is a handsome and famous celebrity. He has been in a dating relationship with Gabriela, a beautiful
and popular actress, for the past two months but he doesn't feel that strongly committed to their relationship.
Recently, Dave has been working on a new movie and several women have expressed their interest in getting to
know him better. Dave is now contemplating whether he should stay with Gabriela or explore other tempting
alternative relationships. According to the investment model, what will Dave probably do next?
A. He will probably ask Gabriela to marry him.
B. He will probably ask Gabriela to move in with him.
C. He will probably stay with Gabriela for at least another year so that he can cultivate their relationship.
D. He will probably break up with Gabriela and give in to the temptation of dating other women.
page 408

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: easy
King - Chapter 11 #90
Learning goals: close relationships

91. According to attribution theory, what three dimensions do individuals evaluate when they are trying to
explain the underlying causes of behavior?
Attributions vary along three dimensions. The first dimensions assesses whether the cause is internal or
external. Internal attributions include all causes internal to the person, such as his or her traits or abilities.
External attributions include all causes external to the person, such as social pressure, aspects of the social
situation, money, the weather, or luck. For example, did Beth get an A on the test because she is smart or
because the test was easy? The second dimension assesses the stability of the cause. Is the cause relatively
enduring and permanent, or is it temporary? Did Aaron blow up at his girlfriend because he is a hostile guy or
because he was in a bad mood that day? The third dimension involves assessing whether the cause is
controllable or uncontrollable. We perceive that we can control some causes (for instance, by preparing
delicious food for a picnic) but not others (if it rains that day).
Feedback: pages 379-380

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #91
Learning goals: social cognition

92. Define Festinger's concept of cognitive dissonance. How can dissonance be reduced?
Cognitive dissonance refers to the psychological discomfort (or dissonance) that is caused by two inconsistent
thoughts or a belief that is inconsistent with behavior. According to the theory, we feel uneasy when we cannot
justify the difference between what we believe and what we do. In order to resolve the dissonance, the
inconsistency has to be resolved. This can be done by changing either one's attitudes or behavior.
Feedback: page 382

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #92
Learning goals: social cognition

93. Discuss the distinction between altruism and egoism.
Both egoism and altruism can involve acts of prosocial behavior. The distinction between these two concepts
lies in the individual's motivation for helping. Egoism involves giving to another person to ensure reciprocity; to
gain self-esteem; to present oneself as powerful, competent, or caring; or to avoid social and self-censure for
failing to live up to society's expectations. In contrast, true altruism means giving to another person with the
ultimate goal of benefiting that person. Thus, altruism is motivated by an unselfish interest in helping another
Feedback: page 386-387

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #93
Learning goals: social cognition

94. A politician claims that media violence the sole cause of aggressive behavior among children and teens. He
builds his campaign around setting more stringent media regulations and censorship guidelines. Is there
substantial evidence for a causal link between violent media exposure and aggression? Is there evidence of a
correlation between violent media exposure and aggression? What other factors are involved in the origin of
aggressive behavior?
Although some critics have argued against the conclusion that TV violence causes aggression, many scholars
insist that TV violence can prompt aggressive or antisocial behavior in children. Of course, television violence
is not the only cause of aggression in children or adults. There is no one cause of any social behavior.
Aggression, like all other social behaviors, has multiple determinants. The link between TV violence and
aggression in children is influenced by children's aggressive tendencies, by their attitudes toward violence, and
by the monitoring of children's exposure to it. Perhaps the strongest predictor of aggression is witnessing
aggression in one's own family.
Feedback: page 391

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #94
Learning goals: social behavior

95. Discuss the distinction between normative social influence and informational social influence. Under what
conditions are we most susceptible to normative social influence? Under what conditions are we most
susceptible to informational social influence?
Informational social influence refers to the influence other people have on us because we want to be right. The
social group can provide us with information that we did not know, or may help us see things in ways that had
not occurred to us. As a result, we may conform because we have come to agree with the group. The tendency
to conform based on informational social influence depends especially on two factors: how confident we are in
our own independent judgment and how well informed we perceive the group to be. Normative social influence
is the influence others have on us because we want them to like us. We are particularly susceptible to normative
social influence when a particular group is important to us.
Feedback: page 394

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #95
Learning goals: social behavior

96. Define the concept of deindividuation. What effects can deindividuation have on our behavior? How do
psychologists explain the effects of deindividuation?
Deindividuation occurs when being part of a group reduces personal identity and erodes the sense of personal
responsibility. An example of the effects of deindividuation is the wild street celebrations that erupt after a
team's victory in the World Series or Super Bowl.
One explanation for the effects of deindividuation is that groups give us anonymity. When we are part of a
group, we may act in an uninhibited way because we believe that no one will be able to identify us.
Feedback: page 397

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #96
Learning goals: social behavior

97. Discuss the distinction between explicit racism and implicit racism. How would a psychologist measure
explicit racism and implicit racism?
Explicit racism is a person's conscious and openly shared attitude, which might be measured using a
questionnaire. Implicit racism refers to attitudes that exist on a deeper, hidden level. Implicit attitudes must be
measured with a method that does not require awareness. For example, implicit racism is sometimes measured
using the Implicit Associations Test, a computerized survey that assesses the ease with which a person can
associate a black or white person with good things (for example, flowers) or bad things (for example, misery).
Feedback: page 403

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #97
Learning goals: intergroup relations

98. According to social psychology, why do people develop stereotypes and prejudice?
Social psychologists have explored a number of possible reasons. Competition between groups, especially when
resources are scarce, can contribute to prejudice. For example, immigrants often compete with established low-
income members of a society for jobsa situation that can lead to persistent conflict between the two groups.
Cultural learning is also clearly involved. Children can adopt the prejudicial attitudes of their families and
friends before they even meet a person from an out-group. In addition, when people feel bad about themselves,
they might bolster their self-esteem by demeaning out-group members. A final factor that might underlie
prejudice comes from the limits on our information-processing abilities. As already noted, human beings are
limited in their capacity for effortful thought, but they face a complex social environment. To simplify the
challenge of understanding others' behavior, people use categories or stereotypes. Stereotypes can be a powerful
force in developing and maintaining prejudicial attitudes.
Feedback: page 403

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #98
Learning goals: intergroup relations

99. Pretend that you just landed a new job as a psychological consultant for an internet dating service. Your new
boss has asked you to give a presentation on the social psychological principles of attraction. Discuss the factors
that influence interpersonal attraction.
Proximity, or physical closeness, is a strong predictor of attraction. You are more likely to become attracted to
an individual you pass in the hall every day than someone you rarely see. One potential mechanism for the role
of proximity in attraction is the mere exposure effect. Rather surprisingly, we are not only more likely to be
attracted to people whom we have seen before, but also more likely to like someone if we are led to believe we
will be meeting that person again. In addition, if we find out that someone whom we do not know yet already
likes us, that is a sure sign that we will find ourselves attracted to that personin other words, we like those
who like us. We like to associate with people who are similar to us. Our friends and lovers are much more like
us than unlike us. We have similar attitudes, behavior patterns, taste in clothes, intelligence, personality, other
friends, values, lifestyle, physical attractiveness, and so on.
Feedback: pages 405-406

Blooms Taxonomy: application
Difficulty Level: moderate
King - Chapter 11 #99
Learning goals: close relationships

100. Discuss the concepts of romantic love and affectionate love. How do these types of love vary over the
course of a relationship?
Romantic love, also called passionate love, is love with strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and it
often predominates in the early part of a love relationship. Ellen Berscheid says that it is romantic love we mean
when we say that we are "in love" with someone. It is romantic love that she believes we need to understand if
we are to learn what love is all about. Berscheid judges sexual desire to be the most important ingredient of
romantic love. Love is more than just passion, however. Affectionate love, also called companionate love, is the
type of love that occurs when individuals desire to have the other person near and have a deep, caring affection
for the person. There is a growing belief that the early stages of love have more romantic ingredients and that as
love matures, passion tends to give way to affection.
Feedback: page 407

Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension
Difficulty Level: hard
King - Chapter 11 #100
Learning goals: close relationships

ch11 Summary
Category # of Questions
Blooms Taxonomy: application 33
Blooms Taxonomy: applied 2
Blooms Taxonomy: comprehension 34
Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge 31
Difficulty Level: easy 25
Difficulty Level: hard 15
Difficulty Level: moderate 60
King - Chapter 11 100
Learning goals: close relationships 16
Learning goals: intergroup relations 8
Learning goals: social behavior 27
Learning goals: social cognition 43
Learning goals: social influence 6

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