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!"#$" &#'( )*++(,(

-.) //012 -3,+"45 )*$6*4"7"*3 1 rofessor llorence M. alsey
lall 2014 fpalsey[
CredlLs: 3 SemesLer Pours Cfflce: 18A
uays: Monday, Wednesday, lrlday Pours: 10:00 - 10:30

)*894( )#7#+*, &(4:9"67"*3

8equlred general educaLlon course ln college-level wrlLlng. locuses on composlng lnformaLlve
and persuaslve essays, wrlLlng responses Lo a varleLy of llLerary genres and/or non-flcLlon, and
produclng a documenL paper based on research, as well as observlng Lhe convenLlons of
sLandard edlLed Amerlcan Lngllsh. lulfllls 8,000 words of Lhe Cordon 8ule requlremenL.

noLe: MusL be compleLed wlLh a grade of C" or beLLer


lacemenL by SA1 verbal subLesL score, AC1 Lngllsh subLesL score, C1 Lngllsh subLesL score or
LnC 0021 wlLh a grade of S."

)*894( )*$6(7(3:"(4

1hls course ls deslgned Lo meeL compeLencles sLaLed for Lhe second requlred course ln college-
level wrlLlng. Cbservlng Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Amerlcan Lngllsh, sLudenLs wlll compose
exposlLory and persuaslve essays, wrlLe responses Lo a dlverslLy of llLerary genres, and produce
a documenLed research paper.

1he prlmary ob[ecLlve ls for sLudenLs Lo acqulre a baslc undersLandlng of characLerlsLlcs LhaL
shape quallLy wrlLlng or composlLlon, develop a sklll base ln composlLlon, and recognlze LhaL
readers respond Lo LexLs dlfferenLly or from varylng perspecLlves. ln addlLlon, sLudenLs are
expecLed Lo observe elLher Lhe MLA or AA wrlLlng guldellnes.

>(<8"9(' ?(@7A**B4

Cardner, !aneL, L., 8everly Lawn, !ack 8ldl, and eLer Schakel, eds. lltetotote. A lottoble
Aotboloqy. 3rd ed. 8osLon: 8edford/SL. MarLln's, 2013. rlnL.

Packer, ulana and nancy Sommers. 1be 8eJfotJ nooJbook. 9Lh ed. 8osLon: 8edford/SL.
MarLln's, 2013. rlnL.


All sLudenLs should have access Lo a dlcLlonary and Lhesaurus of sLandard Amerlcan Lngllsh. l
also sLrongly recommend obLalnlng an elecLronlc dlcLlonary as boLh a compuLer appllcaLlon and
smarL phone app.

D8,,(47(' D866+($(37 ?(@74

Modern Language AssoclaLlon. MlA nooJbook fot wtltets of keseotcb lopets. 7Lh ed. MLA,
Chlcago: 2009. rlnL.

Zlnsser, Wllllam. Oo wtltloq well. 7Lh ed. new ?ork: ParperColllns, 2006. rlnL.

Craff, Cerald and kaLhy 8lrkensLeln. 1bey 5oy, l 5oy. 1be Moves 1bot Mottet lo AcoJemlc
wtltloq. 2nd ed. new ?ork: norLon, 2009. rlnL.

?(#:5"3, E669*#:5

My Leachlng recognlzes Lhe poLenLlal, mulLlple learnlng sLyles and academlc needs LhaL each
sLudenL brlngs Lo Lhe classroom. 1hls approach ls humanlsLlc ln naLure and process orlenLed,
emphaslzlng Lhe lnsLrucLor's role as a faclllLaLor ln a supporLlve envlronmenL. 1eachlng
Lechnlques wlll engage sLudenLs wlLh mulLlple lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles lncludlng lecLures,
dlscusslon, demonsLraLlon, class acLlvlLles, exerclses, and case sLudles.

Successful sLudenLs wlll Lake responslblllLy for Lhelr learnlng and goal-dlrecLed behavlor. Such
sLudenL responslblllLles lnvolve puncLuallLy, sLeady aLLendance, class parLlclpaLlon, Llmely
compleLlon of readlng and wrlLlng asslgnmenLs as well as susLalned efforL.

F(#93"3, G87:*$(4

!ConsLrucL well-formaLLed essays and research papers applylng MLA guldellnes.
!use grammaLlcally accuraLe and well-consLrucLed senLences wlLh sLrong, dlverse
vocabulary, and compelllng verbs.
!Apply pre-wrlLlng sLraLegles such as bralnsLormlng, clusLerlng, llsLlng, free wrlLlng,
quesLlonlng, cublng, ouLllnlng, and [ournallng.
!uevelop a focused research quesLlon.
!LsLabllsh a Lhesls senLence LhaL allows for speclflclLy, breadLh, and depLh.
!undersLand Lhe dlsLlncLlon and relaLlonshlp of Lhesls senLences and Loplc senLences.
!Crganlze an essay.
!ulsLlngulsh and demonsLraLe varlous Lechnlques of organlzlng ldeas (narraLlve,
lllusLraLlon, deflnlLlon, comparlson and conLrasL, eLc).
!ueflne how a research paper dlffers from oLher papers or composlLlons.
!Analyze an essay and research paper - ldenLlfy Lhesls senLences, Loplc senLences,
LranslLlon devlces, and Lechnlques of developmenL.
!uevelop sklll ln clLlng and conLexLuallzlng quoLaLlons LhaL supporL one's clalms.
!Comprehend plaglarlsm and surroundlng eLhlcal lssues.
!MonlLor one's wrlLlng skllls - become self-aware learners and wrlLers.
!8ecognlze LhaL readers respond Lo LexLs dlfferenLly or from varylng perspecLlves.
!WrlLe responses Lo a dlverslLy of llLerary genres.
!undersLand and apply varled lnLerpreLaLlve or crlLlcal approaches.

)*894( >(<8"9($(374

1. Class arLlclpaLlon. All sLudenLs are responslble for readlng all of Lhe asslgned maLerlal
before class and parLlclpaLlng ln dlscusslon. LapLops may be used ln class, buL Lhey musL
have all wlreless/lnLerneL funcLlons Lurned Cll. All oLher elecLronlc devlces, lncludlng
cell phones, musL be Lurned off and puL away durlng class Llme. arLlclpaLlon wlll counL
as 10 of your grade and ls based on your preparedness, your conLrlbuLlon Lo
dlscusslons, compleLlon of case exerclses among oLher performances.

2. ALLendance. All sLudenLs are responslble for aLLendlng each class. 1hls course wlll allow
for 3 absences durlng Lhe Lerm - no excuses necessary. AddlLlonal absences cosL 2
polnLs ln parLlclpaLlon. Lach class wlll presenL essenLlal concepLs and Lhelr dlscusslon
along wlLh pracLlcal acLlvlLles. Mlsslng classes wlll prevenL adequaLe progress ln Lhe
course. l reserve Lhe rlghL Lo LreaL repeaLed laLeness as an absence. Absences wlll be
reflecLed as parLlclpaLlon. We can probably accommodaLe confllcLs wlLh class Llme -
personal, work, eLc.-buL, please Lalk wlLh me ln advance and please come Lo class. (lf
you flnd LhaL you cannoL aLLend classes and/or malnLaln your academlc progress, please
Lalk Lo me, so we can declde on Lhe besL course of acLlon for your educaLlon.)

3. Class Lxerclses. uurlng each class, we wlll dlscuss and pracLlce Lhe crafL of wrlLlng, read a
LexL and dlscuss lL based on a speclflc llLerary devlce or crlLlcal perspecLlve such as
reader response, formallsm, or hlsLorlclsm. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo parLlclpaLe ln and
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhls conversaLlon.

4. lrequenL Lxerclses. Many small exerclses as well as readlng and wrlLlng acLlvlLles wlll be
conducLed ln class and ofLen flnlshed ouLslde of class. Such asslgnmenLs mlghL lnclude a
readlng, demonsLraLlon of a wrlLlng Lechnlque, or explanaLlon of a crlLlcal perspecLlve.
1hese exerclses wlll counL as 20 of your grade. Whlle Lhe exerclses wlll seem small,
forgolng Lhese exerclses could have a slgnlflcanL lmpacL on your grade. lL ls lmporLanL Lo
your learnlng and progress ln Lhe course Lo Lake parL and compleLe all exerclses.

3. WrlLlng AsslgnmenLs: Lach sLudenL ls responslble for compleLlng four wrlLlng
asslgnmenLs (2-3 paragraphs each). Lach asslgnmenL requlres a Lhesls sLaLemenL,
relaLed Loplc senLences, unlLy, and demonsLraLed undersLandlng of organlzaLlon
prlnclples. 1hese asslgnmenLs wlll counL as 30 of your grade.

6. Weekly Culzzes: 1here wlll be, aL leasL, a shorL qulz on prlnclples of composlLlon, wrlLlng
skllls, and readlng or llLerary lnLerpreLaLlon every oLher week. 1he qulzzes are deslgned
Lo faclllLaLe your learnlng by focuslng on core skllls requlred for wrlLLen composlLlon and
llLerary response.

7. 8esearch aper: Lach sLudenL ls responslble for a formal research paper, compleLed
accordlng Lo MLA (or AA) formaL. SLudenLs may declde on Loplcs LhaL lnLeresL Lhem,
however, all sLudenLs should consulL Lhe professor and obLaln approval before beglnnlng
research. 1he research paper wlll counL as 20 of your grade. l wlll furnlsh a clear
deflnlLlon and rubrlc of how research papers wlll be assessed.

8. Mlssed AsslgnmenLs. l am dlslncllned Lo accepL laLe asslgnmenLs and exerclses. 1here ls
slmply no Llme for caLch-up work. lease Lalk wlLh me or wrlLe Lo me, lf an emergency or
lllness requlres an exLenslon.

9. Submlsslon of AsslgnmenLs

a. SubmlL all wrlLLen work onllne Lhrough Lhe Mlaml uade College emall accounL. l wlll
noL accepL work submlLLed Lhrough Cmall, hoLmall, ?ahoo, ACL or any oLher
proprleLary accounL.
b. SubmlL your work Lo: fpalsey[
c. Always use MLA (or AA) formaL when submlLLlng any asslgnmenL or exerclse.
'H Always compleLe your wrlLLen work uslng a word processlng program and aLLach Lhe
flle Lo your emall. &* 3*7 48A$"7 #3C (@(9:"4( *9 #44",3$(37 "3 75( A*'C *I #3
($#"+ $(44#,(H
e. SubmlL CnL? one asslgnmenL or exerclse per emall - please do noL aLLach mulLlple
exerclses or asslgnmenLs.
f. ldenLlfy Lhe exerclse or asslgnmenL ln Lhe Su8!LC1 llne of Lhe emall message.
g. AfLer you submlL an asslgnmenL, l wlll reply wlLhln Lwo days. lf l have noL replled, lL
ls hlghly probable LhaL l never recelved your work. J7 "4 C*89 9(46*34"A"+"7C 7* 9(4(3'
75( #44",3$(37. ;+(#4( 9(7#"3 #++ #44",3$(374 C*8 5#K( 4(37 $( "3 C*89 L4(37M
I*+'(9H (We wlll dlscuss Lhls ln class.)
h. All asslgnmenLs musL be submlLLed by Lhe due daLe. Any exLenslons musL be

10. LxLra CredlL. Crades wlll be based excluslvely on Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe course.

11. SLudenL 8ehavlor. l expecL responslble, courLeous adulL behavlor from all
sLudenLs. 1hls lncludes courLeous and professlonal emall eLlqueLLe (neLlqueLLe).

;+#,"#9"4$2 E:#'($": N*3(47C2 #3' O#:B86 P"+(4
Academlc honor and honesLy are lmperaLlve. Mlaml uade College malnLalns a flrm pollcy Loward
plaglarlsm. lease compleLe your own asslgnmenLs and follow pollcy regardlng academlc honor.
We wlll Lhoroughly revlew whaL consLlLuLes plaglarlsm and how Lo prevenL any
mlsundersLandlngs. Any plaglarlzed exerclse or asslgnmenL wlll noL be accepLed. Such uneLhlcal
behavlor wlll be regarded very serlously wlLh welghLy consequences. SomeLlme durlng Lhls Lerm,
l may requlre you Lo sLarL submlLLlng asslgnmenLs Lhrough 1urnlLln.
lease remember LhaL Lhls ls a course ln Lngllsh composlLlon. As such, all asslgnmenLs musL
be orlglnally wrlLLen ln Lngllsh. Any asslgnmenLs compleLed as a LranslaLlon wlll noL be accepLed.
8emember, Lhls ls an Lngllsh class (noL a LranslaLlon class), so any asslgnmenL LhaL you wrlLe, buL
anoLher person LranslaLes, consLlLuLes plaglarlsm.
lL ls posslble LhaL your compuLer wlLh saved asslgnmenLs can be damaged or losL durlng Lhe
Lerm. lL ls your responslblllLy Lo backup your flles, so LhaL lf your compuLer ls losL or damaged,
you can sLlll access your flles. Cne slmple means of backlng up flles ls Lo emall your asslgnmenLs
Lo yourself. ?ou may also sLore Lhem ln Lhe cloud. LlLher of Lhese meLhods wlll enable you Lo
access your asslgnmenLs from any compuLer or elecLronlc devlce vla your emall accounL.

Q5#7 "4 6+#,"#9"4$R
cotoell uolvetsltys 1ototlol. hLLps://
loJlooo uolvetsltys Ovetvlew oo lloqlotlsm. hLLps://
uolvetslty of 1exos ot Aosteo. laglarlsm Cvervlew:
AcoJlo uolvetsltys 1ototlol oo cltloq 5ootces. ?ou CuoLe lL, ?ou noLe lL."

&","7#+ -7"<8(77(
lease shuL down your cellphone and oLher devlces before you enLer Lhe classroom. lf your
phone rlngs once, we wlll all have a laugh, buL lf your phone rlngs agaln durlng Lhe Lerm we wlll
need Lo have a chaL. Whlle your phone connecLs you wlLh Lhe exLernal world, lL ls lmporLanL Lo
Lhlnk of Lhe classroom as a parL aparL and focus on acLlvlLles and lecLures ln class. ?ou may use a
lapLop or oLher elecLronlc devlce for Laklng noLes. Powever, durlng class do noL vlslL your
lacebook page, play games, or engage ln any onllne acLlvlLles LhaL dlmlnlsh your parLlclpaLlon ln

)+#44 O+*,= J34:9"67"*342 (@69(44"3, *894(+K(4 hLLp://

10 arLlclpaLlon
20 Class Lxerclses
20 Class Culzzes (Lwo qulzzes wlll be ln-class wrlLlng acLlvlLles)
30 AsslgnmenLs
20 uocumenLed 8esearch aper

G3+"3( Q9"7"3, >(4*89:(4

urdue Cnllne WrlLlng Lab: hLLp://
unlverslLy of Wyomlng 8esearch 1uLorlal -- hLLp://
1exas 8esearch (lnformaLlon LlLeracy) 1uLorlal:

unlverslLy of Wlsconsln 8esearch and WrlLlng 1lps

unlverslLy of Callfornla, 8erkeley: 1uLorlal on Sclence lnformaLlon's Llfe Cycle

PunLer College MLA 1uLorlal (wlLh exerclses):

ulana Packer: lormaLLlng and uocumenLlng MaLerlals (wlLh sample paper)

AA SLyle: hLLp://

1he llve aragraph Lssay: hLLp://

)+#44 D:5('8+(= ?5"4 "4 # 7(37#7"K( 4:5('8+(H >(#'"3,4 T"++ A( :5#3,(' T5(3 #669*69"#7( I*9
:+#44 69*,9(44 #3' #4 478'(37 3(('4 '(7(9$"3(H

Mon, Aug 23

8evlew and dlscuss Lhe course syllabus

Wed, Aug 27

ln-class wrlLlng
WhaL ls wrlLlng? WhaL ls LexL? WhaL ls rheLorlc?
8evlew of 1101 conLenL and prlnclples - Lhe exposlLory essay and
organlzaLlonal sLrucLures.
n? 1lmes arLlcle: When Can l ShooL A SLudenL?"
WrlLe a leLLer Lo Lhe auLhor of Lhls arLlcle.

lrl, Aug 29

8evlew wrlLlng lssues ln class wrlLlng samples.
>(<8"9(' 5*$(T*9B= >(#' E:5(A(U4 L)"K"+ ;(#:(M #3' #34T(9 75(
<8(47"*34 +"47(' *3 75( A+*, 83'(9 Q((B /H

lost Joy to Jtop wltb tefooJ, ot teqlstet, oJJ, ot cbooqe sectloos.

Mon, SepL 1

MLA formaL - ldenLlfy resources on syllabus.
WhaL are Lone, mood, and persona? WhaL ls Lhe purpose of each?
Pow does one creaLe mood, volce, and persona? ulscuss Achebe's sLory.
Pow does Lhe auLhor creaLe Lone?

8evlew of 1101, conLlnued. Cenres of wrlLlng. WhaL ls crlLlcal Lheory or
crlLlclsm? 8evlew deflnlLlons ln llLeraLure book. 8ead n? 1lmes arLlcles on

lobot uoy nollJoy - No closs

Wed, SepL 3

8evlew MLA formaLLlng and sLyllng.
Marglns, spaclng, fonL, runnlng header, and header
8ead: ulscuss Achebe's Clvll eace."


lrlday, SepL 3

Culz 1
ulscuss MLA spaclng and defaulL seLLlngs on Word for Cs.
WhaL ls a senLence? WhaL ls a paragraph? WhaL ls Lhe general lengLh?
re-wrlLlng sLraLegles: llsLlng, clusLerlng, free wrlLlng
8eadlngs of a LexL, how we lnLerpreL, and whaL we wrlLe: CrlLlcal 1heory
Crganlze annoLaLlons and responses
1he Lhesls senLence
N*$(T*9B= O#4(' *3 75( 9(#'"3,2 T9"7( # 75(4"4 4(37(3:( #3' 759((

Mon, SepL 8

lnLerpreLlng a LexL.
lllusLraLlon Lssay

Wed, SepL 10

WrlLlng ls a crafL - llke all crafLs Lhere are Lools and Lechnlques.
8ead Crlspln Mlller's essay (PandouL): 1v CulLure. ldenLlfy Lhesls, Loplc
senLences, and argumenL. ulscuss Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhesls
senLences and Loplc senLences. Pow does Mlller organlze Lhe essay?

lrlday, SepL 12

ulscuss poem We 8eal Cool"
WhaL ls Lhe Lhesls?
8eader responses
MLA SLyllng - examlne sample paper
SenLence ConsLrucLlon, Crammar, uncLuaLlon, vocabulary
N*$(T*9B= Q9"7( # 75(4"4 4(37(3:(2 #3' "'(37"IC 759(( 7*6":4 I*9 75(

Mon, SepL 13

Composlng reader response essay. uslng quoLaLlons from Lhe LexL Lo
supporL your Lhesls.

Wed, SepL 17

MLA SLyllng - [ournal clLaLlon (one auLhor)
SenLence ConsLrucLlon, Crammar, uncLuaLlon, vocabulary
1echnlques for sLarLlng an essay.
8eadlng poeLry and formaL Lo quoLe ln LexL.


lrl, SepL 19

oeLry - baslc unlLs and clLaLlon forms.
N*$(T*9B= >(#' GUN#9#U4 L?5( &#C 75( F#'C &"('HM Q9"7( 75(4"4
4(37(3:(2 759(( 7*6":4H ?5(32 T9"7( #3 (44#C 75#7 "3:+8'(4 <8*7#7"*34 I9*$
75( 6*($H

Mon, SepL 22

8ead lnsky's essay ln ursulL of lorm."
MLA SLyllng - clLaLlon for Lhls essay.
MLA SLyllng - clLlng poeLry book and clLlng one poem from a book.
N*$(T*9B= >(46*3' 7* ;"34BCU4 (44#C V 48$$#9"W( "7 #3' 47#7( C*89
75(4"4= '* C*8 #,9(( *9 3*7R Q5CR

Wed, SepL 24

1echnlques of essay organlzaLlon: 8evlew narraLlon, ueflnlLlon, Comparlson
and ConLrasL, eLc.
8evlew sample essays of each genre.
ClLe Lhe essays - MLA formaL

lrlday, SepL 26

Culz 2

Mon, SepL 29

lnLroduce: lllusLraLlon essay
8ead example
Class dlscusslon of how Lo lllusLraLe a polnL - Lhe many ways.
MLA SLyllng - Lssay and essay wlLhln a book of essays or anLhology.
SenLence ConsLrucLlon, Crammar, uncLuaLlon, vocabulary

Wed, CcL 1

8ead laulkner's 8arn 8urnlng"

lrl, CcL 3

WhaL ls laulkner saylng?
LlemenLs of shorL sLorles.
ulscuss shorL sLory's baslc elemenLs wlLh regard Lo laulkner's sLory.
N*$(T*9B= P*9$8+#7( 75(4"4 4(37(3:( #3' 759(( 7*6":4 I*9 47*9CH


Mon, CcL 6

ulscuss sLory and Lhesls senLences wlLh Loplcs.
N*$(T*9B= )5**4( *3( (+($(37 *I P#8+B3(9U4 47*9C #3' T9"7( #3 (44#CH
P"K( 6#9#,9#654 "3:+8'"3, 3#99#7"K(2 '(4:9"67"K(2 "++8479#7"K(2 #3'
:*$6#9"4*3 7(:53"<8(4H D866*97 C*89 75(4"4 T"75 <8*7(4 I9*$ 75( 47*9CH

Wed, CcL 8

Class Llme for wrlLlng and quesLlons.
SenLence ConsLrucLlon, Crammar, uncLuaLlon, vocabulary

lrl, CcL 10

8rlef lnLroducLlon Lo forms of flcLlon - romanLlc, drama, Lragedy, comedy,
mysLery, fanLasy, crlme. WhaL form ls laulkner's sLory?
SenLence ConsLrucLlon, Crammar, uncLuaLlon, vocabulary
N*$(T*9B= Q9"7( # :+#44"I":#7"*3 (44#C #3' '"4:844 759(( ,(39(4 *I I":7"*3H
?5( (44#C 45*8+' A( I"K( 6#9#,9#654H

Mon, CcL 13

ShorL sLory: 18A

Wed, CcL 13

ulscuss Lhe readlng and lLs genre.
ulscuss shorL sLory's baslc elemenLs wlLh regard Lo laulkner's sLory.
N*$(T*9B= P*9$8+#7( 75(4"4 4(37(3:( #3' 759(( 7*6":4 I*9 47*9CH

lrl, CcL 17

ulscuss sLory and Lhesls senLences wlLh Loplcs.
N*$(T*9B= )5**4( *3( (+($(37 *I P#8+B3(9U4 47*9C #3' T9"7( #3 (44#CH
P"K( 6#9#,9#654 "3:+8'"3, 3#99#7"K(2 '(4:9"67"K(2 "++8479#7"K(2 #3'
:*$6#9"4*3 7(:53"<8(4H D866*97 C*89 75(4"4 T"75 <8*7(4 I9*$ 75( 47*9CH

Mon, CcL 20

lormallsm ulscuss lormallsm ln relaLlon Lo llLeraLure.
8eadlng 18A.
MLA SLyllng - ldenLlfy and correcL mlsLakes ln handouL
SenLence ConsLrucLlon, Crammar, uncLuaLlon, vocabulary
N*$(T*9B= &(I"3( I*9$#+"4$H .#$( 759(( 6"(:(4 *I +"7(9#789( 75#7
(@($6+"IC I*9$#+"4$H


Web, CcL 22

SenLence ConsLrucLlon, Crammar, uncLuaLlon, vocabulary
CrlLlcal 1heory: 8eader 8esponse. 8ead lrosL's poem 1he 8oad noL 1aken"
WhaL are dlfferenL readlngs of a LexL? WhaL does Lhls mean?
N*$(T*9B= Q5#7 "4 # 75(4"4 I*9 P9*47U4 6*($R J'(37"IC 759(( +"3(4 75#7
4866*97 C*89 75(4"4H

lrl, CcL 24

WrlLlng abouL a poem - read an essay on a poem.
ulscuss Lhe essay's Lhesls, Loplc senLences, and how Lhe wrlLer quoLes Lhe
poem ln Lhe essay.

Mon, CcL 27

8esearch paper Loplcs - begln Lhlnklng abouL Lhem. lnLroduce assessmenL
grld. All papers wlll be assessed based on Lhls grld.
laglarlsm dlscusslon and documenLaLlon pracLlce (Acadla unlverslLy slLe:
?ou CuoLe lL, ?ou noLe lL")
Class Llme for research papers

Wed, CcL 29


lrl, CcL 31

Culz 3

Mon, nov 3

MLA SLyllng - emphaslze LhaL daLabases do noL all use correcL MLA sLyllng.
All research papers musL use MLA sLyllng. 1hls lncludes ln-LexL clLaLlons,
works clLed, and correcL sLyllng and use of quoLaLlons.

Wed, nov 3

ArgumenLaLlve/ersuaslve Lssay
8ead a persuaslve essay.
ldenLlfy Lhesls, Loplcs, supporLlng deLalls.

1hurs, nov 6

lost Joy to wltbJtow ftom closses wltb w qtoJes.

lrl, nov 7

WhaL ls a loglcal fallacy?
ulscuss Lhe maln fallacles.
N*$(T*9B= )*3'8:7 9(4(#9:5 I*9 I"3#+ 6#6(9H F"A9#9CH

Mon, nov 10

8eadlng 18A.
ulscuss how Lone, volce, persona play lnLo Lhe persuaslve essay.
ueflne unlLy and ldenLlfy elemenLs.

Wed, nov 12

ersuaslve essay - ouLllne formaL on Lhe board.

lrl, nov 14

ulscuss ldeas LhaL would be good for a persuaslve essay.
Why. ulscuss relaLed Lhesls senLences and Loplcs.
N*$(T*9B= )5**4( # 7*6": #3' T9"7( # X 6#9#,9#65 6(948#4"K( (44#CH

Mon, nov 17

8eadlng: ShorL SLory 18A

Wed, nov 19

ulscuss shorL sLory - genre, elemenLs, Lheme
N*$(T*9B= I*9$8+#7( # 75(4"4 I*9 75( 47*9CH J'(37"IC 759(( 7*6":4
Y(+($(374Z 7* 4866*97 75( 75(4"4H

lrl, nov 21

ulscuss all essay genres. WhaL genre wlll you use Lo dlscuss Lhe shorL sLory?
Pomework: WrlLe an essay on Lhe Lheme of Lhe sLory and how Lhe elemenLs
of Lhe sLory supporL Lhls Lheme.

Mon, nov 23

8esearch paper dlscusslon - quesLlons. Llbrary, lf needed.


Wed, nov 23

Culz 4
Work on research papers over hollday.

lrl, nov 27

1booksqlvloq nollJoy

Mon, uec 1

lnLroduce blographlcal crlLlclsm.
8eadlngs: 18A

Wed, uec 3

ulscuss blographles of some wrlLers and how Lhelr work reflecLs Lhelr llfe.

lrl, uec 3

8eadlngs and dlscusslons on crlLlcal Lheory (formallsm, reader response,
blography), genres, and elemenLs of shorL sLorles and poeLry.
Pomework: ulscuss a speclfled LexL.

Mon, uec 8

8esearch papers due on Wed, uec. 10.
8evlew and emphasls on composlLlon lssues and lmporLance of well formed
senLences, verbs, grammar, vocabulary, cluLLer," paragraphs, MLA. 8e-
emphaslze Lhe assessmenL grld.
8evlew exerclses.

Wed, uec 10

Llbrary and flnal quesLlons relaLlng Lo Lhe research paper.

lrl, uec 12

8esearch paper due.
8evlew for flnal exam.

Wed, uec 17

llnal Lxam

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Course CompeLencles

CompeLency 1:
1he sLudenL wlll produce wrlLlng by
a. consLrucLlng grammaLlcally correcL senLences.
b. uslng sLandard Amerlcan Lngllsh.
c. uslng approprlaLe puncLuaLlon and mechanlcs.
d. uslng words approprlaLely ln conLexL.
e. spelllng and uslng commonly confused words correcLly.

CompeLency 2:
1he sLudenL wlll acqulre and pracLlce approprlaLe LesL Laklng skllls by
a. undersLandlng Lhe quesLlon formaLs.
b. managlng Llme.
c. ellmlnaLlng dlsLracLers.
d. pracLlclng wlLh compuLerlzed LesLs.

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