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Ari meaning Enemies, the 6th house denotes the strength, status and
level of Enemies one will have in his/her life, so it is always better to
have a debilitated, malefic in this house, and the force needed to
overcome or conquer this enemy is seen from the strength of the
Seventh house, so it is desirable to have a strong Benefic or Auspicious
Malefic like Mars (Lord Shri Rama) or Sun, which would help to
destroy the enemies once for ever, it is very funny thing that even
children with a bad combination experience this effect, so it is very
important to weaken you 6th house, but with caution so that is should
not effect you health wise, because 6th house is also the house of

Other combination for enemies is the 7th house from Al ( Arudha
Lagna), if this house is loaded the native will face open enemies, who
will go all the way out to express themselves and in that case if the
8th house has Auspicious Mars or a Strong Benefic, the enemy can be

The Ari Bhava or 6th hosue relates to Enemies, service, servants,
relatives, mental tension, injuries, health, diseases, agriculture,
accidents, mental affliction, mothers younger brother, hips.
Effects of Ari Bhava- 6th House
1. O Brahmin, following are the effects, produced by Ari Bhava (6th
House), relating to diseases, ulcers etc. Listen to this attentively.
2. Ulcers/Bruises.
Should Aris Lord be in Ari itself, or in Lagna (Ascendent), or
Randhra (8th House), there will be ulcers, or bruises on the body. The
Rasi, becoming Ari Bhava, will lead to the knowledge of the concerned
3-5. Relatives Affected.
The Karaka of a relative, or the Lord of such a Bhava, joining Aris
Lord, or being in Ari, or Randhra Bhava, indicates ulcers/bruises to
such a relative, like father. Surya with such lordship and in such a
Bhava denotes such affectation of head, Chandra of the face, Mangal
(Mars)of the neck, Budh (Mercury)of the navel, Guru of the nose,
Sukra (Venus) of the eyes, Sani (Saturn) of the feet and the Rahu and
Ketu of the abdomen.
6. Facial Diseases.
Should Lagnas Lord be in a Rasi of Mangal (Mars), or of Budh and
has a Drishti on Budh, there will be diseases of the face.
7-8. Leprosy.
Mangal, or Budh, having ownership of the ascending Rasi and joining
Chandra, Rahu and Sani, will cause leprosy. If Chandra is in Lagna,
which is not however Cancer, and be with Rahu, there will occur
white leprosy. Sani in place of Rahu will cause black leprosy, while
Mangal similarly will afflict one with blood-leprosy.
9-12. Diseases in General.
When Lagna is occupied by the Lords of Ari and Randhra Bhava
along with Surya, the native will be afflicted by fever and tumors.
Mangal, replacing Surya, will cause swelling and hardening of the
blood vessels and wounds and hits by weapons. Budh so featuring will
bring in billious diseases, while Guru in similar case will destroy any
disease. Similarly ukr will cause diseases through females, ani
windy diseases, Rahu danger through low-caste-men and Ketu navel
diseases. Chandra in Yuti (Conjoined) with the Lords of Ari and
Randhra Bhava will inflict dangers through water and phlegmatic
disorders. Similar estimates be made from the respective significators
and Bhavas for relatives, like father.
The native will be afflicted by illness throughout life, if ani is with
Rahu, while Ari Lord and 6
Bhava are yuti with malefics. One will
suffer from (severe) fever at the age of 6 and at the age of 12, if
Mangal is in Ari, while Ari Lord is in Randhra. If the Chandra is in
Dhanu/Meen, while Guru is in Ari from Lagn, one will suffer from
leprosy at the age of 19 and 22. If Rahu is in Ari, Lagna Lord is in
Randhra and Mandi is in an angle, consumption will trouble the
native at the age of 26. Disorders of the Spleen will be experienced at
the age of 29 and 30, if the Lords of 6
and 12
are in exchange of their
Rasis. Sani and Chandra together in Ari will inflict blood-leprosy at
the age of 45. If Sani (Saturn) is with an inimical planet, while Lagna
Lord is in Lagna itself, windy disorders (like rheumatism) will trouble
the native at the age of 59.
Should Chandra be yuti with Ari Lord, while the 8
Lord is in Ari and
the 12
Lord is in Lagna, the native will be troubled by animals at the
age of eight. O Brahmin, if Rahu is in Ari, while ani is in Randhra
from the said Rahu, the child will have danger through fire at the age
of 1 and 2, while in Sahaj year birds will bring some evils.
Danger through water will have to be feared during Putra and
Dharma years, if Srya is in Ari, or Randhra, while Chandra is in
Vyaya from the said Surya. Sani in Randhra, as Mangal is in Yuvati,
all cause small-pox in Karma year and in 30
year of age. If 8
joins Rahu in an angle/trine from Randhra Bhava and be in Randhra
in Navamsa, the subject will be troubled by swelling of blood vessels,
urinary disorders etc. during the 18
year and the 22
Loss of wealth will come to pass during the 31
year, if Labha and
Lords exchange their Rasis.
27. INIMICAL SONS. Ones own sons will be his enemies, if Putra Lord
is in Ari, while Ari Lord is with Guru. Simultaneously Vyaya Lord
should be in Lagna.
28. FEAR FROM DOGS. There will be fear from dogs during the
and 19
year, if the Lagna Lord and the 6
Lord are in exchange
Kalyana Verma Saravali:


If the 6
House is aspected by Saturn and occupied by Mars, the
native will have fear from enemies.

Occupation or aspect of benefics will keep one free from such fear. The
number of enemies (causing trouble) will correspond to the number of
planets posited in the 6

Effects of Grah/Planets in 6th House:

If the Sun is in 6
, the native will be very libidinous, will have
powerful digestive fire (capable of digesting fast), be strong, affluent,
famous for virtues and be either a king, or an Army chief.

If the Moon be in 6
, the native will suffer stomach diseases. If it be
the weak Moon, he will be short-lived.

If Mars occupies the 6
, the native will be highly libidinous, will have
powerful digestive fire, be beautiful, tall, strong and great among his

If Mercury occupies the 6
, the native will always be successful in
litigations and disputes, will contract diseases, be indolent, not given
to anger, be harsh in speech and much insulted.

If Jupiter is in the 6
, the native will lack digestive fire and masculine
virile, be humiliated, weak, indolent, will become famous on account
of females, will destroy his enemies and be widely famous.

If Venus occupies the 6
, the native will greatly dislike his wife, will
have many foes, be devoid of wealth, be very much startled and be

If Saturn occupies the 6
, the native will be very licentious, be
beautiful, courageous, will eat abundantly, be crooked and will
conquer many of his enemies.

If Rahu occupies the 6th : When a Malefic occupies the Dusthana ( 6,
8, 12th) the natural effects of those houses are neutralized and in fact
the native derives good effects from that house in a way by not
having the bad effects.

The influence of Police, underclass, outcast, foreigners, manipulators,
thieves, liars, physicians, drug dealers, prostitutes, loan sharks and
many other type of conflict agents are amplified in the natives life,
the effect will be good or bad depends on the Rahu's lord being good or
bad. The native must learn to manipulate the manipulators, and in
case of severe sickness might find cure in a distant foreign land.

If Ketu occupies the 6th: The Ketu in 6th house subdues the general
understanding of the native in case of human behavior, particularly
the negative part or the immoral part, there by the native is a sitting
duck for the human predators like, criminals, police, domestic
animals, servants, quack doctors, loan sharks, any other form of
exploitation, because the defensive shield of these natives is very thin
or not present.

In case of sickness or any ailments the native has a gift of knowledge
of medicine so they mostly cure themselves, they lead and win almost
all the discussions and arguments, no matter how heated and hot they
may be.

The native might be very dear to relatives, and is usually very large
hearted, and very skilled, reputed and might enjoy good fame and
honor, the main problem is from humans who can be very unfaithful,
destroyer of enemies, but prone to accidents involving small animals.

The native with Rahu or Ketu in 6th House needs to take lots of
precautions because they are prone to being taken for a ride by the
very people they trust, I will suggest do not leave a single stone
unturned and make sure, every loose end is well tied up and not
dangling, it is not very bad, again it depends which house is the 5th or
the 6th house.

Scorpio as the 6th house with Ketu in it, it is the own house of Ketu
but, Rahu will be placed in 12th in Taurus and it is again the
Permanent house of Rahu, where Rahu gets all the freedom to
exercise his talents, and in this situation, Ketu looses its freedom and
is kind of follower of Rahu, at least for 42 years, when Rahu matures,
but during these 42 years, the life will be like a continous Formula one

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