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ZERO ARTICLE is used with:

nouns in singular form and uncountable
names of the majority of countries and
cities: Japan, Tokyo,
states, regions:
Tuscany, Texas,
islands: Sicily,
names of most streets/roads etc.:
Fifth Avenue, Trafalgar Square,
(Exception: The High Street, The Strand),
names of important buildings and
Westminster Aey, !uckingham "alace,
names of companies:
Sony, !ritish Air#ays,
mountains: E$erest, %iliman&aro,
laes: 'ake (onstance,
meals: reak)ast, dinner,
school, &ail, hospital, !hen !e are
thining of the general idea of these
e"pressions lie: go to ed, e at #ork, go
home, go to sea,
!hen !e are thining of things in general:
*+m a)raid o) dogs, -o you collect stamps.
most: most ooks, most people,
!hen a place is named after a person:
Harrods, /c-onald+s,
!hen !e are thining of one particular
thing: -id she get the &o she applied )or.
!hen it is clear in situation !hich thing or
person !e mean: the light, the )loor #in a
particular room $,
!hen there is only one thing of something:
the sun, the longest ri$er in the #orld, the
capital o) 0reece,
before %same& in the same,
!ith !ords lie: the cinema, the theatre,
the radio, the *nternet,
!hen !e mean one particular type of
something : The gira))e is the tallest o) all
animals, * can play the guitar, The dollar
is the currency,
to tal about groups of people #!ith an
adjective$: the young, the unemployed, the
!ith some nationality adjectives:
the !ritish, the Welsh,
!ith the names of oceans, seas, rivers and
canals: the Atlantic 1cean, the 2ile,
!ith some countries: the 3nited States, the
2etherlands, the "hilippines,
!ith surnames if !e mean a couple or a
family: the Taylors,
!ith groups of islands: the (anaries, the
!ritish *slands,
!ith mountain ranges: the 4ocky
mountains, the Alps,
!ith places !ith names: hotels,
restaurants, museums, theatres, cinemas:
the Station Hotel, the 1deon (inema, the
Tate 0allery,
!ith names of ne!spapers: the 5inancial
!ith organi'ations: the European 3nion,
!ith titles: the director o) studies,
!hen !e mention a noun !hich is singular
and countable for the firs time:
1nce upon a time, there #as a man6
jobs: She is a nurse,
in measuring : a #eek, an hour,
!hen describing: a long nose, a pretty )ace,
Exercise 3: Read each sentence carefu! and ch""se c"rrect artice#
a$ (enerally ) don&t lie ** 7 the fish but a7the fish you served at a/ the party last night !as
b$ )f you !ant to get to the788 +,, the7 a fastest !ay is to tae a7 888 plane.
c$ -ho is your favourite character in a / the T. series the/ )n **/ the initial season it !as 0vangeline
1illy as ,ate Austin.
d$ 2hristina Aguilera, an/ the American pop singer, is e"pecting **/a baby.
e$ 3ave you heard that 4ac has been in a/ *** Tenerife in the/ *** 2anary )slands/ 1ucy him.
Exercise $#
Fi In the %a&s with an a&&r"&riate
artice# 'ut a/an/the/ (
a$ ) had 55555 sand!ich and 5555 apple
for 555 lunch. 55555 sand!ich !asn&t
very good, but 55555 apple !as nice.
b$ 555 and 555 man !ere sitting ne"t to
me. 5555 !oman !as crying and 5555
man !as taling to her.
c$ Tom sat do!n on 555 chair. 555 chair
!asn&t very comfortable.
d$ 2an you turn on 555 light, please/ ) am
reading 555 boo and ) can hardly see6
e$ 7y sister is 5555 doctor. She !ors in
5555 very modern 555 hospital.
f$ -hat is 555 tallest building in 5555
g$ ) often go to 5555 cinema but ) haven&t
been to 555 theatre for ages.
h$ )&m afraid there isn&t 5555 music hall in
our to!n.
i$ 5555 sun is 5555 star.
j$ 4ac had an accident last !ee. /he !as
taen to 5555 hospital. 3e& still in 5555
$ All 5555 cars in this par belong to
people !ho !or here.
l$ 2an you pass 5555 sugar, please/
m$ 8o you lie 555 strong blac coffee/
8id you lie 5555 coffee !e had after our
n$ (enerally ) don&t lie !oring !ith
5555 people but ) lie 5555 people ) !or
o$ 5555 homeless need more help from
5555 government.
Exercise )#
Read the st"r! and fi In the %a&s with:
a/an/the "r *
Angelina Jolie and !rad "itt are going to
produce 9999 drama series together, 9999
pair are going to make 9999 drama aout
9999 group o) 9999 aid #orkers #orking in
#ar :ones, "itt and Jolie #ill act as 9999
executi$e producers on 9999 serial along
#ith 9999 Scott !urns,
Since ;<<=, >; year8old Jolie has een 9999
good#ill amassador o) 9999 32, tra$eling
to 9999 disaster8a))licted areas,
Aridged )rom !!( 2e#s
9999 0reece, #hich is situated in 9999
south eastern Europe, is $ery popular #ith
9999 tourists, *ts capital city, 9999Athens, is
one o) 999 oldest cities in 9999 #orld, *t
#as 9999 place #here 9999 )irst 1lympic
0ames took place, Today, 9999 Athens is
ecoming 9999 leading usiness centre o)
9999 European 3nion, *t+s $ery
cosmopolitan city #ith 9999 population o)
aout >,? million people,
Trener J@:yk Angielski,A /i:gaAa
Exercise $: Exercise ):
a$ a/ an/ **/ the/ the Text $ a Text ) **
b$ a/ a/ the/the the the
c$ a/ the the ***
d$ the/ a a ***
e$ a/ a/ ** ** the
f$ the/ the ** the
g$ the/ the the the
h$ a ** the
i$ the/ a a ***
j$ **/ ** ** a
$the the
l$ the a
m$ **/ **/ the the
n$ **/ the
o$ the / the
Exercise 3:
a$ ***/ the/ the
b$ the / the / ***
c$ the / the
d$ an / a
e$ ***/ the

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