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Volunteer Handbook

Updated August 2014

(Email Copy)

Fiisco Bible Chuich
8uuu Sanctuaiy Bi.
Fiisco TX 7SuSS

Jeremy Mikeska
Minister of Families & Connections

Stephanie Ott
Childrens Ministry Director

From the Desk of Jeremy Mikeska
uear lrlend,
lL ls a blesslng Lo have you as parL of Lhe Chlldren's
MlnlsLry 1eam. We are Lhankful LhaL Lhe Lord has
led you Lo serve Plm by Laklng care of Pls preclous
llLLle ones. !esus lnsLrucLed Lhe dlsclples Lo leL Lhe
chlldren come Lo Me," and lL ls our deslre wlLhln Lhe
Chlldren's MlnlsLry of lrlsco 8lble LhaL we do [usL
LhaL. We wanL Lo usher Lhe klds lnLo Lhe knowledge
of Cod Lhrough Pls Word. We wanL Lo come
alongslde parenLs ln helplng ralse klds who become
lnLenLlonal, MaLure, ServanLs of !esus ChrlsL. We
wanL Lhe chlldren under our care Lo fall aL Lhe feeL
of our Lord and learn Lo LrusL Plm wlLh everyLhlng
Lhey have. We wanL Lhem Lo be parL of Lhe
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We do Lhls by falLhfully Leachlng Cod's Poly Word
and llvlng as examples of Cod's awesome grace!

As Lhe Chlldren's 1eam:
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?ou are Laklng on a greaL responslblllLy ln [olnlng Lhe
Chlldren's MlnlsLry 1eam, buL one LhaL Lhe Lord
blesses as we falLhfully LrusL Plm Lo use us. We also
geL Lo have a blasL as we geL Lo play a loL wlLh Lhe
mosL preclous people on Lhe planeL, - LlLLle
Chlldren. l pray you have a blasL servlng Lhe Lord
wlLh us ln Chlldren's MlnlsLry and may Pe use you
greaLly Lo Lraln up Lhe nexL generaLlon of !esus'

Crace and eace Lo you,


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Service Qualifications!!!!...!!!!3
Code of Ethics!!!!!!!!!!!!4
Job Descriptions!!!!!!!!!!!5
Staffing Guidelines!!!!!!!!!!5
Visitors!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!. 6
General Guidelines!!!!!!!!!.. 6
Emergency Guidelines!!!!!!!! 7
Playground Guidelines!!!!!!!! 7
Station Management
Station Environment!!!!!!!!! 7
Time Management!!!!!!!!!.. 8
Station Rules!!!!!!!!!!!! 8
Discipline!!!!!.!!!!!.!!! 8
Personal Preparation!!!!!!!!.. 9
Lesson Preparation!!!!!!!!!. 9
Material Presentation!!!!!!!!.. 9
Video Guidelines!!!!!!.!!!... 10
Parents in the Classroom!!!!!!. 10
Leading a Child to Christ!!!!!!..... 11-12
20 Tips to Working with Children!!!.!13-14

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Because we believe in the high calling to the ministry
of teaching children and desire to use our God-given
gifts and abilities to the glory of God, we expect all
Childrens Workers to:

! Live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and in
accordance with the Word of God.
! Have a deep desire to communicate Christs love
to children, to lead them to a meaningful
commitment to Christ, and to encourage growth
in their Christian walk as appropriate for their
! Be faithful in attendance to your ministry.
! Attend worship services regularly.
! Be in agreement with the Frisco Bible Church
Statement of Faith and willingly submit to the
guidance of Frisco Bible Church Elders.
! Complete an Adult Service Application for
Childrens and Youth Ministry and undergo a
Background Check.
! Adhere to the Childrens/ Students Ministry Code
of Ethics and Rules
! Pray for your ministry.

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1. Smoking or use of tobacco products in the presence of
children is prohibited.

2. Using, possessing, or being under the influence of illegal
drugs will not be tolerated.

3. Losing integrity of character or sobriety by being under the
influence of alcohol will not be tolerated.

4. Ministry Volunteers shall not engage in inappropriate
behavior with children/student/adults including but not limited to:

a. Physical - strike, spank, shake, or slap

b. Verbal/Mental - humiliate, degrade, or threaten

c. Sexual - including inappropriate touching and exposure.

5. Ministry Volunteers must treat children, youth and adults of all
races, religions, and cultures with respect and consideration.

6. Ministry Volunteers shall not use nor tolerate profanity in the
presence of children or student.

7. Ministry Volunteers must be free of physical and
psychological conditions that might adversely affect the health
of children and student, including but not limited to fever or
contagious diseases.

8. Ministry Volunteers will portray a positive role model for
children/student by maintaining an attitude of respect, loyalty,
patience, courtesy, and maturity.

9. Ministry Volunteers will do everything in their power to avoid
being put in a situation where they are alone with a child/student
other than their own.

10. Ministry Volunteers will be expected to respond with
Christian love and understanding in all situations.

11. I understand that as a Ministry Volunteer for Frisco Bible
Church I will be subject to a background check, including
criminal history.

12. I understand that any violation of this code may be grounds
for dismissal as a Ministry Volunteer.

13. I have read and I am in agreement with the Frisco Bible
Church Doctrine Statement.

14. As a ministry Volunteer, I submit to the leadership of the
Elders of Frisco Bible Church.

___________________________________ _____________
Volunteers Signature Date

___________________________________ _____________
Directors Signature Date

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Lead Teacher As a lead teacher you are responsible for
preparing the weekly lessons. You set the tone of the Station, so
be well prepared. Understand your lessons; study the Bible
passages that the lessons are based on. The curriculums we
currently use have wonderful preparation guidelines for each
lesson. Love the children and their families. The impact you have
will be great!

Assistant Teacher As an assistant teacher, you support the
lead teacher. Prepare for the lessons by studying the Bible
passages beforehand. Help with lesson preparation. While the
lesson is being taught, help the children stay focused. Be prepared
to teach the lesson if the Lead Teacher is absent. Love the
children and their families. The impact you have will be great!

Caregiver As a caregiver, you sooth, rock, feed, change diapers,
play, love and pray over our littlest ones in the name of Jesus
Christ. It is a great ministry to parents to pick up their wee ones
satisfied and with a dry diaper! Singing and praying over the
children in your care is a great joy. You will be thoroughly blessed!

Floater As a floater, you do various tasks assigned by Jeremy
Mikeska or Stephanie Ott. It may include things like craft projects,
organizing, and cleaning. You may be asked to substitute teach if
there is a last minute need. You will also be trained on check-in
procedures. You bless the whole Childrens Ministry in so many

Check-in Assistant As a check-in assistant, you are a familys
first contact with Childrens Ministry every Sunday. You are
responsible for checking children in, and explaining the different
procedures to parents. When we have visitors, you show them the
ropes; walk visitors to Stations and make them feel welcome.

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For the safety of all of our children and for the best teaching
atmosphere, the following have been established as our
minimums for staffing guidelines.
Every group of children should have at least two
teachers present at all times.
General Child/Worker ratio should be:
o Birth to 9 months 1 teacher per 2 children
o 10 months to 2 years 1 teacher per 4 children
o 3 years old to Kindergarten 1 teacher per 5
o Grade school 1 teacher per 8 children


It is the responsibility of the absent Childrens Ministry Team
member to secure a substitute.

Notification of Planned Absences:
Secure a substitute. You may ask a LifeGroup member,
parent or someone from the sub list.
Please notify Stephanie Ott immediately by email, text or
the Help Me Help You document in the attendance
book of who will be substituting for you.

Notification of Unplanned Absences:
1. If this situation is unknown until Sunday morning

a. Notify Stephanie Ott immediately through a phone
call or text (610-573-0673) Do not use email.
b. Notify your teaching team and ask them to ask a
parent to stay and help.


What a wonderful blessing God grants us: Visitors!
If our visitor has children, it is very likely you will be the first
person they come in contact with. Remember, visitors are often
early to familiarize themselves with the church, so be ready with
smiles. We ask that you personally greet them and make them
feel welcomed.
If they have not checked-in their children, direct them to check-
in where they can be introduced to the process. There are
visitor postcards in each attendance book, please write a
note to all your visitors that will be mailed on Monday. Make
the most of this opportunity; show Gods grace and love to each
and every visitor!
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Affirm good behavior.
Arrive 15 minutes before the event begins and be
ready to receive children 10 minutes before Station
begins. That gives you 5 minutes to check in at kiosk,
gather supplies you will need like a pitcher of water,
snacks, toys, crayons, markers and paper.
Thoroughly check all areas for cleanliness and safety
before children arrive. If you see anything that could be
dangerous inform Stephanie Ott immediately.
Release the children only to authorized individuals
with a security badge that matches the childs
Children should never be unsupervised not even for a
Count the children every time you go to a new location (i.e.
playground, restroom) and right before you leave that
Be aware of the children in your care who have
allergies and make sure precautions are taken to
protect them.
Only Childrens Ministry Volunteers are allowed to carry or
pick up children.
Always wear gloves when changing diapers.
Always wash hands after changing a diaper, blowing
noses, taking a child to the restroom or preparing snack.
Ask the children to be respectful to each other and of the
Station. They are not allowed to sit on tables, throw toys or
be disrespectful in any other way.
Clean up after your Station. Disinfect toys with Clorox
wipes or Lysol located in Station cabinets. Vacuum the
floor if you had a messy time.
Your responsibility is caring for the children with you.
You should not be on your phone or texting unless it
is directly pertaining to your job.
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If an Accident occurs:
! Calm the child first. Assess the nature of the injury.
! There is a first aid kit in each Station cabinet and in
the copy room. Ice packs are located in the freezer of
the kitchen.
! If the child will not calm down, first seek out Stephanie
Ott. Let them make the call as to whether or not to
pull parents from the church service. We are here to
take care of these children and we have full
confidence in your ability to do that.
! Always inform parents of an accident that occurred
while their child was in your care.
! Fill out an incident report blank forms are in the
attendance notebook.

If there is a Fire:
! Gather all children and attendance book. Place
children 24 months or younger in emergency rolling
! Exit the building according to the Emergency Exit map
in your Station in an orderly fashion. Go to the grass
on either side of the building, out of the fire lane.
! Do not let any parents take children from you until you
have heard explicitly from Jeremy Mikeska or
Stephanie Ott that it is ok to release children to
parents. If a parent comes to get their child before you
have been informed that they can be released, ask
the parents to exit the building with you and stay with
you until further directions.
! Once you are in the grass, count your children and
compare to attendance roll. If there are any
discrepancies, contact Stephanie Ott or Jeremy
Mikeska immediately.

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No child should be left inside unattended at anytime.
When on the playground, teachers should spread out
to maximize playground supervision.

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The feeling of a Station has an undeniable impact on children
and their families. We want to create an environment which is
welcoming and Christ focused. That begins with you, the
teacher. It is a joy and privilege to serve God and your
disposition should reflect that in everything you do. There are
many tools at your disposal to help create a welcoming room:
bulletin boards, cd players/music and prayer. Prayer is a critical
factor that can be easily overlooked. Pray that the Holy Spirit is
at work in you and the children under your care. Pray for each
child and their family. Be prayer warriors!

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Structure is critical to every childs perception of the world. A
schedule is the easiest way to create that structure. It also
allows you to make the most of the precious little time you have
with these children each week.

Below are preferred Station schedules:

2s, 3s & Pre-K Stations (65 minutes):
10 min. Opening activity coloring sheet, Toys
5 min. Clean up time
15 min. Playground Time (includes travel time)
15 min. Bible Time
15 min. Prayer and Snack time
5 min. Free play time as children are getting picked up

Kinder- 4
grade Stations (65 minutes):
10 min. Opening activity - word search, coloring
5 min. Prayer Requests and Prayer
20 min. Bible Lesson
15 min. Lesson activity or craft (Playground time if needed)
10 min. Application discussion
5 min. Free play time as children are getting picked up

Have a couple of games or activities tucked away for those
times when the children finish earlier than anticipated. It is better
to have too much planned and not work through it all than not
having anything to do. The children can only learn as much as
you have to teach them.

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Station rules create another system of structure for children.
Their world is very concrete and citing explicit rules clearly
defines expectations for the children. Review your Station rules
at the beginning of each quarter when you get your new
curriculum. Make your rules simple and clear and establish
consequences for breaking the rules. Lastly, be consistent.
Consistency creates dependability for the children. Remember,
we are modeling Christ in our lives and we are examples for the
children. Some examples of Station rules are:
! Follow directions the first time
! Respect others and their property


To follow the Lord is to be disciplined. Discipline is not an ugly
word that means punishment. Discipline is a process of training
that prunes away sinful behavior so that righteous behavior may
grow and flourish. The Lord disciplines out of love as should we.
Discipline is a time of instruction. Teach children that when a
rule is broken it is called sin. Help children to understand why a
behavior is inappropriate or sinful. Set consequences for
breaking a rule such as time out or loss of a privilege. Get down
on their level; you are partnering with the child to train them in
the ways of the Lord.

If you are having a continual problem in Station, get help from
Stephanie Ott (call or text; 610-573-0673). And dont forget to
pray. Pray for yourself and the children in your Station. Pray that
God helps you to set a righteous example for the children and
that the children are receptive to discipline despite its
unpleasantness in the moment.
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The best way to become an effective Sunday School Teacher is
to understand the material you are teaching. We use
curriculums, but these are only teaching aids. Our true
curriculum is Gods Word, the Bible. This is the first place you
should begin your study. Pray that God will grant you
understanding of the message He wants to teach you and the
children. Analyze the relevant verses of the lesson. What is the
meaning of these verses? How can you apply this theme to your
life and the lives of the children? Does your life reflect the
message? We are examples to those we teach. We must
uphold the Word of God.

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Now that you have read and evaluated Gods word, you are
prepared to look at the curriculum guides. Remember to be
discerning, let the Holy Spirit guide your teachings. Generally,
the curriculum is divided up into three sections: teacher
devotional, activities/crafts/games and Bible story. Based on
your personal preparation and the teacher guide, determine
what your feel God is moving you to teach. Utilize the curriculum
as a guide to engage the children. If you do not like the activities
or crafts or feel it will not work for your children, feel free to be
creative and find other means of connection. If you feel stumped
or need help, ask another Sunday School teacher or Stephanie
Ott. Also determine what supplies you need to accomplish your
goal. If you have a special need, let Stephanie Ott know so she
can help acquire the needed supplies.

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Presenting the Bible lesson will largely depend upon you and
the children in your Station. All children, even the older ones,
love a teacher who is excited about the lesson. Show the
children your zeal for the Lord; that is one of the most critical
aspects of teaching. No matter the presentation style, a teacher
who is excited about their lesson will touch their students. Here
are some ideas that may help you when presenting Biblical

Top 12 Teaching Techniques
1. Tell a story
2. Sing a song related to the theme
3. Use humor
4. Develop an interest center
5. Have a visual aid (felt board, picture)
6. Use drama or skits
7. Work on an art project together
8. Give a quiz as a review
9. Have a creative writing assignment
10. Use puppets
11. Make a craft
12. Put a puzzle together or play with blocks

*****Provided by the 1998 Evangelical Training Association*****

Remember that above all, you should be praying
continually that the Holy Spirit is at work in you and the
children of your Station. Only the Lord can open the eyes of
our heart; we teach diligently to help provide an
environment for God to work.

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Videos can be used as a teaching aid to enhance a lesson, they
should never replace a Biblical lesson. When using a video
please follow these guidelines:
The video should be Christ-honoring.
It must be directly related to the lesson.
Prior to showing a video, you must inform Stephanie Ott
at least one week prior to the video being shown in
Any video with a rating of PG or PG-13 must have
approval of Stephanie Ott and written parental approval
two weeks priors to showing video.

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To view how a Station works or to acclimate a child to the
Station, we invite parents to stay for 2 sessions. After staying for
2 full sessions, we ask that parents step out of the Station so
that the child can make any further needed adjustments without
a parent.

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For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the
power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.
Romans 1:16

In Sunday School, we share the life-changing gospel of Jesus
Christ with children each week. Every volunteer should be ready
to clearly present the gospel and counsel those wanting to learn
more. Children are unusually soft-hearted toward things of the
Lord, and some will be interested in becoming a follower of
Christ. Be ready because eternal matters matter most!

! Pray. Salvation is Gods work, not ours. We cannot
bring about salvation for anyone. We need to ask God
to prepare the children and open their hearts to Him.
! Be Prepared. Learn more about presenting the
gospel and counseling a child about salvation.

! The gospel will be presented during the lesson time.
Opportunities may arise, however to share with a child
one-on-one or with a small group of children. If so keep
the following in mind:
! Becoming a child of God involves repenting of ones sins
and having faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. Repentance involves understanding what sin is
(disobeying Gods commands) and desiring to turn from
that sin.
! Use your Bible. Children need to see and hear Gods
word. Have your Bible marked ahead of time with
appropriate Scriptures.
! Avoid abstract terms like asking Jesus into your heart.
Instead use terminology like becoming a child of God.
Most children still think in concrete terms and need
examples that are easy to understand.
! If a child expresses interest to know more after the
gospel presentation, ask them some open-ended
questions like
o What do you want to talk to me about?
o Do you know what sin is?
o Can you think of a specific sin you have done?
o Are you bothered by your sin?
These questions are important. A child who cannot verbalize a
sin or does not seem to be repentant about being a sinner may
not fully understand his need for a Savior. In this situation, you
might list child-oriented examples of sin and ask the child to
discover any time they catch themselves sinning over the next
few days. Pray with them but do not force them to make a
o Why did Jesus come to earth?
o Why did Jesus need to die?
o Why did Jesus rise again?
o Why do you want Jesus to be your Savior?
! Why should god let you into His family? (Make sure that
the child understands that it is not their works that gain
them salvation but Gods grace through faith in Jesus
death and resurrection that grants salvation.)
! Pray for discernment while listening to the childs
! When a child seems to have a basic understanding of
salvation (belief in Jesus death and resurrection,
admission of and repentance from sin, desire to follow
the Lord), encourage them to talk to their parents about
what it means to become a child of God (if their parents
are followers of Christ). Encourage a child from a non-
Christian home to verbalize is understanding to the Lord
through prayer. There is no one prayer that should be
prayed. Encourage them to ask the Lord for forgiveness
and help them know that they are a child a God.
! Let them see excitement in your words and expression
when they tell you they want to become a child of God.
! Read Luke 15:10 to the child
! Some children may not want to make a decision, but may
want to learn more, to be assured of their salvation or to
confess their sins.
o Seeking Assurance: Read Romans 10:9-10 and
John10:28-29. Encourage them to ask the Lord to
help them know that they are His children.
o Confessing Sin: Read 1 John 1:9. Encourage him
to ask the Lord to help them know they are
forgiven when they repent.

! Review what it means to be a child of God.
o How long does God keep His children? Read
Hebrews 13:5b and John 10:28-29
o Can anything separate God from his children?
Read Romans 8:38-39
o What happens when Gods children sin? Read 1
John 1:9
o What do children of God believe? Read Romans
! Explain that Jesus loves His brothers and sisters and
wants to spend time with them. Discuss practical
ways to grow as a child of God.
o Read your Bible and obey what you read about.
o Pray every day! Prayer is talking to God and
o Go to a church that believes and teaches the Bible
as the Word of God.
o Tell others about Jesus. Tell your friends, family
and neighbors how they can become children of
! Let Stephanie Ott know about the childs decision.
! Follow up with the child the next week with a
postcard. Let them know you are praying for them and
their walk with God.

*****Provided by the Answers in Genesis Helper Handbook*****

20 Tips to Working with Children

Then little children were brought to Him that He might put
His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked
them. But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me,
and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of
heaven. Matthew 19:13-14

1. Show love. All children, regardless of age or appearance,
need to be loved. Greet them warmly each day, and
always be ready with smiles, giggles, and encouraging
2. Learn names. It makes a child feel important and loved to
be called by their name. Make sure visible nametags are
always on each child.
3. Keep it moving. Children have short attention spans.
4. Use active learning. The more children can actively be
involved in the learning process, the more they will retain.
5. Be all there! Try to leave behind whatever is currently
going on in your life, and focus your attention on the
children under your care. Listen to them and care for
6. Eliminate down time. Find activities to do when you have
a few free moments so all time is being used in a fun and
productive way. Play eye spy, practice memory verses,
share trivia tidbits and jokes, play impromptu review
games or ask fun conversation starters.
7. Think safety.
8. Be thematic. Children love crazy hats, fun cheers, songs
and anything that goes with the theme. Get them
enthused and excited to participating in Station.
9. Walk worthy. Be an example in both word and deed.
Children need to see authentic Christianity, so make sure
you are walking the walk and not just talking the talk.
10. Notice the good. Children want attention and will
sometimes act up in an effort to receive attention, even if
it is negative attention. Be proactive by noticing and
praising the things they do right. Be an encourager.
11. Be aware of age level characteristics. With younger
children, activities need to be hands on, concrete, short
and simple. Older children love to talk to and are
processing and questioning information. Be ready to give
an answer for the hope that is in you.
12. Challenge them. Children generally rise to the level
expected of them, so challenge them to learn the
memory verses and song lyrics. At the same time,
encourage in them a true love for the Lord and His Word.
13. Pray. Before, during and after Station, be a faithful prayer
warrior for the children in your care.
14. Be organized. Read through all of the training
information, ask questions and faithfully prepare any
materials for which you are responsible.
15. Be a team player. Children do not need to hear negative
words from their leaders. If you are frustrated or upset,
take it to the Lord, but do not complain or get angry in
front of the children.
16. Remember to take bathroom breaks. The younger the
children, the more important this is.
17. Maintain order. Children like order! Think through
potential trouble spots in your day and decide on a firm,
loving discipline strategy. Ask for help from experienced
18. Build team spirit. Work as a team rather than letting
cliques develop. Everyone should be an important
member of the group.
19. Use guided conversation. Be alert and ready to turn
conversations to spiritual matters. Build on what the
children are learning throughout Station time.
20. Be prepared to lead a child to Christ.

*****Provided by the Answers in Genesis Helper Handbook*****

I piay that uou is tiansfoiming you thiough youi
seivice to Bim. That Be is stiengthening youi
family anu ieliance on Bim. I piay that the Loiu
will guiue you anu giant you wisuom in youi life. I
piay that Be will bless you as iichly as you aie
blessing the chiluien in youi caie. I also piay
piotection foi you anu youi family.

In the name of }esus Chiist,


But }esus saiu,
"Let the chiluien alone, anu uo not hinuei them
fiom coming to Ne; Foi the kinguom of heaven
belongs to such as these."

Natthew 19:14

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