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Herbal Remedies

If It Isn't Meant to 'Cure' Grief, What Good Is Therapy?

Read More: Pain, Therapy, Widowhood, Emotional Wellness, Herbal Remedies, Psychology, Widow,
Child Loss, Broken Heart, Compassion, Illness, Death, Grieving, Young Widow, Grief, Accidental
Death, Death & Dying, Dealing With Grief, Meditation, Emotional Intelligence, Grief Therapy,
Healthy Living News
A good therapist is a wonderful thing: They know that there is nothing about you that's wrong. They
know their role is to listen and validate, to come up alongside you and provide support.
Embracing the Darkness of Winter Solstice
Read More: Photography, Susun Weed, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Winter Solstice, Women's Health,
Goddess, Mythology, Herbal Remedies, Goddess-on-Earth, Winter, Carl Jung, Women's Healthcare,
Herbs, Women's Power, Divine Feminine, Archetypes, Portraits, Women News
Darkness comes early as Solstice draws near. Lights are lit in windows, on trees, inside houses and
along streets. We seek their comfort and warmth during these short days and long nights.
How to Use Herbal Supplements Safely
Herbal supplements have become increasingly popular in recent years as millions of Americans are
looking for natural and more affordable ways to improve their health. But, it's important to know
that many herbs can also cause side effects and can interact with prescription medications.
6 Easy-to-Grow Plants That Heal
Read More: Medicinal Plants, Maria Rodale, Healing Plants, Chinese Medicine, Natural Healing,
Herbal Remedies, Dr. Eliaz, Natural Health, Healing Garden, Maria's Farm Country Kitchen,
Medicinal Herbs, Plants That Heal, Healthy Living News
by guest blogger Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, integrative medicine pioneer The next time you go to a
pharmacy, take a look at the shelves behind the co...
Don't Mask Your Symptoms -- Listen to Them
Treat symptoms as your friends, not your enemies. Do not silence them or kill them. They are trying
to give you important messages. We should respect them and listen to them.
Top 5 Reasons Women Seek Holistic Remedies
Read More: Difficulty-Sleeping, Nutrition, Herbal Remedies, Natural Remedies, Weight Loss, Diet,
Hormones, Fatigue, Medicinal Herbs, Holistic Care, Holistic Medicine, Holistic Health, Natural
Health, Healthy Living News
Apparently, there are a lot of tired women wondering how to feel renewed and re-energized. Here is
nutritional therapist and herbalist China Rose Reid's list of the top five complaints that she hears
from women, along with some of her suggestions.
Don't Lose Your Mind: 7 Ways To Prevent Mental Decline
Read More: Heart Health, Herbal Remedies, Dementia Prevention, Mental Decline, Prevent
Dementia, Alzheimer's Prevention, Natural Health, Prevent Mental Decline, Alzheimer's, Stop
Mental Decline, Alternative Health, Prevent Alzheimer's, Slidepollajax, Healthy Living News
Avoiding mental decline can now be seen as a lifestyle choice and, given the research, should be
started well before one's fourth decade to ensure a pathway towards becoming a centenarian with
clear focus.
Herbal Remedies? Be Wary of Studies, Keep Your Caregivers in the Loop
Read More: Kava, Green Tea, Ginger, Cranberry, St. John's Wort, Garlic, Echinacea, Herbal
Remedies, Ephedra, Alternative Medicine, Dr. Glenn Braunstein, Red Rice Yeast, Cedars Sinai,
Ginko, Los Angeles News
Before you give up the pharmaceutical solution in favor of an herbal remedy, let me strongly urge
you to keep your doctor and other caregivers (don't forget your pharmacist!) in the treatment loop.
11 Integrative Medicine Breakthroughs Of 2011
It's been a year of big breakthroughs in integrative medicine, the approach that combines Western
or allopathic medicine with complementary practices....
A Menopause Carol
Read More: Holidays, Aging, Women's Health, Health, Perimenopause, Herbal Remedies,
Menopause, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Memory Loss, Menopause Symptoms, Bioidentical
Hormones, Fifty News, Hormones, Fifty News
If, as the saying goes, this is the most wonderful time of the year, why are you feeling like Scrooge?
Don't let your menopause chain you down!
'In Good Times And Bad, They Come To The Botanica'
Read More: Latinos, Religion, Caribbean, Botanicas, Herbal Remedies, Immigration, Occult,
Santeria, Alternative Medicine, Video, Latino Voices News
NEW YORK -- Deirdre Bentancourt, currently unemployed, escorted her daughter through the aisles
of a Bronx botanica that bills itself as the largest o...
7 Chinese Herbal Remedies Already In Your Kitchen (PHOTOS)
Read More: Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Green-Tea-Benefits, Holistic Medicine,
Benefits of Ginger, Herbal Remedy Tips, Herbal Remedies, Benefits of Green Tea, Benefits of Garlic,
Health Benefits of Walnuts, Chinese Herbal Remedies, Herbal Treatments, Slidepollajax, Home
Many people have asked me if I eat differently since writing "Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen:
Recipes from the East for Health, Healing, and Long Life...
Veterinary Medicine And Mother Nature
Scientists are pretty smart, but give them a bucket of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, iron,
nitrogen and see how many tomatoes they can make from scratch. Nature is smarter.
8 Reasons To Give THIS Herb To Your Pet (PHOTOS)
Read More: Cats, Veterinary-Medicine, Pets, Herbal Remedies, Integrative Medicine, Herbs, Cancer,
Dogs, Animals, Slidepollajax, Healthy Living News
Herbs have many uses in people and in animals. Pet guardians can benefit by knowing about basic
herbs and holistic and integrative veterinarians routi...
Tame Your Allergy and Breathe Easy, Naturally
Read More: Allergy, Hay Fever, Sinusitis, Sinus Problems, Allergy Elimination, Acupuncture, Allergy
Relief, Allergens, Natural Remedies, Allergic Rhinitis, Allergy Tamer, Allergies, Health, Herbal
Remedies, Healthy Living News
Itchy, watery eyes, running nose, an aching head, and sinus congestion. Sound familiar? You may be
among the 37 million people in the United States who suffer from allergic rhinitis or sinusitis.
Sacred Seeds -- The Secret To The World's Health Future
What if we get to the place where we as a society recognize the historic, proven, and lasting value of
plants for their medicinal purposes? Wonderful, right?
2010 Year of the Tiger: How to Stay Healthy and Well
Read More: Chinese New Year, Liver Detox, Chinese Astrology, Five Elements, Health, Herbal
Remedies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Herbs, Year of the Tiger, Immune System, Detox,
Healthy Living News
In Chinese astrology, the Tiger is a dynamic and powerful sign. Its nature is unpredictable,
courageous, and powerful. Therefore, the Year of the Tiger is usually associated with change.
Med, Nursing Schools Teaching Alternative Remedies
Read More: Homeopathic Remedies, Yoga, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Acupuncture, Dr. Andrew Weil, Herbal
Remedies, Natural Remedies, Meditation, Herbs, Health Care, Alternative Medicine, Healthy Living
EDITOR'S NOTE: Ten years and $2.5 billion in research have found no cures from alternative
medicine. Yet these mostly unproven treatments are now main...
Africa's Herbal Answer To Viagra
Read More: African Medicine, San Antonio Principe, Herbal Medicine, Pausinystalia Yohimba,
African Natural Remedies, Herbal Remedies, Africa, Viagra, Natural Remedies, Natural Medicine,
Natural Food, Gulf of Guinea, Creole, World News
SAN ANTONIO, Principe ?" Viagra is not needed on this island. For erectile dysfunction, herbal
healers prescribe a bit of bark to heat until soft, c...
Authorities Pose No Obstacle to Shady AIDS Charity
The case is a window into the fractured and often ineffective oversight of nonprofits.
Pua Aloalo: Secret Of Hawaiian Health
The beautiful Hawaiian Haibiscus flower,Pua Aloalo has long been revered by the Hawaiian
When a Superbug Strikes Close to Home, How Can You Deal With it?
Imagine a Hurricane Katrina-sized catastrophe occurring in 50 major U.S. cities at the same time,
and you have some idea of the worst-case scenario for a crippling global pandemic.
Green Tea Combats Genital Warts: Study
A botanical ointment containing sinecatechins, a green tea extract, is an effective and well tolerated
treatment for external genital and anal warts, ...

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