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What Can I Learn from a Man who Trusted God

Job 13:15
Dr. Dave M. Hartson
Bala Chitto Baptist Church
November 24 2!!"
#bie $immons is one o% the most trust&orth' people (
)no&* ( &oul+ trust him &ith an'thin, ( have. (ma,ine
the +a' a%ter -han)s,ivin,* #bie is in a lon, line at the
ban) &aitin, to ma)e a +eposit an+ he notices behin+
him a stran,er &ith a +eposit slip an+ a lar,e amount
o% cash but that stran,er is obviousl' an.ious an+ in a
hurr' because he or she is constantl' loo)in, at their
#bie bein, the nice ,u' that he is turns an+ o%%ers to
help: /(% 'ou are 0ust ma)in, a +eposit ( &oul+ be
happ' to ta)e care o% it %or 'ou.1 2hat +o 'ou thin) is
the possibilit' that person turne+ over that +eposit slip
an+ that lar,e amount o% cash to #bie an+ le%t the
ban) not ,ivin, a secon+ thou,ht about their mone'3
4robabl' ver' slim5
6et is #bie an' less trust&orth' i% the stran,er re%use+
to turn over his or her mone' to #bie to +eposit3 No
that person has 0ust not learne+ to trust #bie.
( tell 'ou that stor' because ( believe that some o% us
in this room have not 'et learne+ to trust 7o+
completel'. 8n+ 'es that +oesn9t ma)e 7o+ an' less
trust&orth'. But there is a man in the Bible that (
believe &ho ha+ learne+ to trust 7o+ completel' an+
his name is Job. 8n+ &hat he sai+ to his %rien+s 0ust
resoun+e+ in m' ears all &ee).
Job 13:15 (NIV)
-hou,h he sla' me 'et &ill ( hope in him* ( &ill surel'
+e%en+ m' &a's to his %ace.
8n+ so this mornin, ( &ant us to see &hat can &e
learn %rom a man &ho truste+ 7o+ completel'.
1. I can learn from a man who trusted God
completely that it taes more faith to trust God
durin! the "ad times than it does durin! the !ood
Job 2:9-10 (NIV)
His &i%e sai+ to him ;8re 'ou still hol+in, on to 'our
inte,rit'3 Curse 7o+ an+ +ie5;
He replie+ ;6ou are tal)in, li)e a %oolish &oman.
$hall &e accept ,oo+ %rom 7o+ an+ not trouble3; (n
all this Job +i+ not sin in &hat he sai+.
8. Job9s stor' is <uite simple. He ha+ ever'thin, an+
he lost ever'thin,. #bviousl' his &i%e &as trustin,
7o+ alon, &ith her husban+ &hen times &ere ,oo+.
-he' &ere 0ust one bi, trustin, %amil' in 7o+. But
&hen times ,ot ba+* &hen times ,ot +i%%icult Job
continue+ trustin, 7o+ but his &i%e +i+n9t. $he +i+n9t
have the %aith to trust 7o+ +urin, the ba+ times. $he
tol+ her husban+ curse 7o+ an+ +ie.
B. 8s a pastor ( &oul+ al&a's &on+er &h' +urin, the
ba+ times in a person9s li%e 'ou +on9t see them in
church. (t &oul+ seem to me that i% 'ou are ,oin,
throu,h a tou,h time in 'our li%e then church is &here
'ou nee+ to be. But ( %or,ot one important thin,: it
ta)es a ,reater %aith to trust 7o+ in the ba+ times as
compare+ to the ,oo+ times. 8n+ not ever'bo+' has
that ,reater %aith. Job9s &i%e obviousl' +i+n9t.
C. -o+a' ( &on+er &hen the ba+ times come a,ainst
'ou +o 'ou have the %aith to trust 7o+ +urin, those
times3 Ho& has 'our trac) recor+ been in the past
&hen +i%%icult times came 'our &a'3 Di+ 'ou continue
trustin, 7o+3 (t ta)es a ,reater %aith to trust 7o+
+urin, the ba+ times as compare+ to the ,oo+ times.
#. I can learn from a man who trusted God
completely that sometimes my trust in God has to
"e in spite of well intentioned people.
Job 13:13-14 (NIV)
;=eep silent an+ let me spea)* then let come to me
&hat ma'.
2h' +o ( put m'sel% in 0eopar+' an+ ta)e m' li%e in
m' han+s3
8. Job ha+ three &ell intentione+ %rien+s &ho came to
encoura,e him. >or several +a's the' 0ust sat in
silence &ith him. But un%ortunatel' &hen the' opene+
their mouths instea+ o% &or+s o% encoura,ement the'
spo)e &or+s o% con+emnation.
B. (sn9t it so true that sometimes the bi,,est hin+rance
to our trustin, 7o+ in a situation comes %rom &ell
intentione+ Christians or %amil' members &ho sa' the
&ron, thin, an+ as result the' shot +o&n 'our trust in
7o+3 -he' &ill sa' somethin, li)e: /( have never seen
7o+ +o somethin, li)e that be%ore1 or /2hat ma)es
'ou thin) 7o+ &ill +o that %or 'ou31
C. (% &e learn an'thin, &e ma' learn that sometimes
the best thin, to help someone is to 0ust let them )no&
that &e are there %or them an+ are pra'in, %or them. (% (
happen to be trustin, 7o+ %or somethin, to+a' ( ma'
nee+ to learn that sometimes m' trustin, 7o+ must be
in spite o% m' %rien+s.
$. I can learn from a man who trusted God
completely that sometime in my life my trust may
"e put to the ma%imum test.
Job 13:15 (NIV)
-hou,h he sla' me 'et &ill ( hope in him* ( &ill surel'
+e%en+ m' &a's to his %ace.
8. Job reali?e+ that 7o+ coul+ put him to the
ma.imum test. (n Job9s case the ma.imum test &oul+
be a &illin,ness to ,ive up his li%e to sho& 7o+ that he
truste+ Him. But Job &asn9t the onl' one that 7o+ put
to the ma.imum test in the Bible. Di+n9t 7o+ as)
8braham to o%%er his son his onl' son as a sacri%ice to
him3 Di+n9t 7o+ have Daniel spen+ some time in the
lions +en because He truste+ 7o+3 Di+n9t three 'oun,
Hebre& chil+ren &al) in a %ier' %urnace because the'
truste+ 7o+3 (n each case their trust &as teste+ to the
B. (% ( am not trustin, 7o+ completel' ( ,ot to be
scare+ to +eath that there mi,ht be that test +o&n the
roa+ that ( am not rea+' %or.
8re 'ou rea+' that no matter &hat is ta)en %rom 'ou@
that 'ou are ,oin, to trust 7o+3
8re 'ou rea+' that no matter &hat pain that 'ou ma'
have to ,o throu,h@that 'ou are ,oin, to trust 7o+3
8re 'ou rea+' that no &hat the me+ical pro,nosis is @
that 'ou are ,oin, to trust 7o+3
C. -o+a' +o 'ou trust 7o+ completel'3 (% 'ou are not
then 'ou )no& in 'our heart o% hearts that there is
some test +o&n the roa+ that scares 'ou to +eath.
&. I can learn from a man who trusted God
completely that he does not ha'e to "e consumed
a"out what the de'il and his demons are doin!.
Job 13:15 (NIV)
-hou,h he sla' me 'et &ill ( hope in him* ( &ill surel'
+e%en+ m' &a's to his %ace.
8. 8s the stor' o% Job un%ol+s &e ,et to un+erstan+
that Job is un+er attac) b' $atan because 7o+ has
allo&e+ $atan permission to attac) him. But &hat is so
interestin, to me is that in the Boo) o% Job Job is not
consume+ about the +evil. He is not &orrie+ about
&here the +evil is or &hat is he +oin, or &hat the +evil
is ,oin, to +o ne.t.
B. Job )ne& that i% he trusts 7o+ completel' the +evil
can not +o an'thin, in his li%e that 7o+ +oes not allo&.
8n+ i% 7o+ allo&s it then ( can trust 7o+ to see me
throu,h it. -here is no &a' $atan can have victor'
over me i% ( am trustin, 7o+ completel'. Don9t &aste
'our spiritual ener,' tr'in, to %i,ht $atan* use 'our
spiritual ener,' to trust 7o+ completel'.
C. ( have a real problem &ith Christians &ho see
$atan behin+ ever' bush* &ho see $atan behin+ ever'
problem that the' e.perience in li%e* or &ho are
constantl' tal)in, about ho& $atan is attac)in, them.
D. (% ( am trustin, 7o+ completel' &hat $atan is +oin,
+oesn9t bother me because ( )no& $atan can not have
victor' over me.
(. I can learn from a man who trusted God
completely that it so naturally to tal a"out life
"eyond this life.
Job 13:15 (NIV)
-hou,h he sla' me 'et &ill ( hope in him* ( &ill surel'
+e%en+ m' &a's to his %ace.
8. $uppose that 7o+ &oul+ sla' Job then obviousl' he
&oul+ be +ea+. But loo) at &hat he sa's: /( &ill +e%en+
m' &a's to his %ace.1 Ho& can he +e%en+ his &a's to
7o+9s %ace i% he is +ea+3 -he obvious ans&er: there
must be li%e a%ter +eath* there must be that place
calle+ heaven.
B. (nterestin,l' accor+in, to Barna Aesearch 7roup
onl' 4"B o% 8mericans believe heaven is a place o%
eternal e.istence in 7o+9s presence. -hat means that
54B believe heaven is somethin, elseC 3!B believe
that it is a place o% soul rest* 14B believe it is 0ust
s'mbolic* 5B believe there is no such place an+ 5B
are not sure.
C. ( thin) that surve' tells me that not man' people
trust 7o+ completel' because it is 0ust naturall' i% 'ou
trust 7o+ completel' to believe in li%e a%ter +eath.
Hebrews 11:17-19 (NIV)
B' %aith 8braham &hen 7o+ teste+ him o%%ere+
(saac as a sacri%ice. He &ho ha+ receive+ the
promises &as about to sacri%ice his one an+ onl' son
even thou,h 7o+ ha+ sai+ to him ;(t is throu,h
(saac that 'our o%%sprin, &ill be rec)one+.;
8braham reasone+ that 7o+ coul+ raise the +ea+
an+ %i,urativel' spea)in, he +i+ receive (saac bac)
%rom +eath.
D. 8braham truste+ 7o+ completel' so it &as naturall'
that 7o+ coul+ raise his son %rom the +ea+. -o+a' i%
'ou are +oubtin, heaven is a real place* ( can tell 'ou
that it is a trust issue.
-o+a' some o% 'ou here are not trustin, 7o+
completel' in 'our li%e situation. 6ou are not trustin,
Him %or that soul mate that He &ill brin, in 'our li%e at
the ri,ht time. 6ou are not trustin, Him %or those
%inances &hich are in shambles. 6ou are not trustin,
Him to see 'ou throu,h this season o% +i%%iculties or
that season o% pain that 'ou are e.periencin,. He
+esires that 'ou trust Him completel'.
$o &e &ill open up the altar an+ allo& 'ou to tal) &ith
Him. 2ill 'ou come3

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