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Administrator User Guide

Livelink Collaborative Document Review and

Approval 2.1.7

29 March 2005

Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
Page i

Managing Agreement Texts ................................................................................................................... 1


Managing Approval Policies................................................................................................................... 1


Add Approvers ................................................................................................................................ 4


Add Auditors ................................................................................................................................... 4


Add Managers ................................................................................................................................ 4


Releasing and Reserving Approval Policies................................................................................... 4


Manage Public Review Groups.............................................................................................................. 5

Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
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1 Managing Agreement Texts
The CDRA Administrator has the ability to create Agreement Texts. An agreement text can be
optionally included as part of an Approval Process. By default, during an Approval Process, an
Approver normally just chooses to approve or disapprove. When an Agreement text is part of the
Approval Process, the Approver is also asked to agree to the Agreement Text. The Agreement
Text is usually a formal statement that reflects standards or regulations that a company may be
adhering to.
To create a new Agreement Text, click the Manage Agreement Text button that is available on
the CDRA workspace page. You will be taken to the following page.

Clicking the Create Agreement Text button will take you to a web form where you can enter the
Name of the Agreement Text, and the formal statement that constitutes the actual Agreement text.
After providing values for these fields, click the Submit button to save the new Agreement Text.
From the main Manage Agreement Texts page, you can delete or edit any of the existing
Agreement Texts. To do so, simply click the Edit or Delete link for the Agreement Text you
want to edit or delete.
2 Managing Approval Policies
The CDRA Administrator has the ability to create Approval Policies. Approval Policies are
analogous to Workflow templates. When setting up a new Approval Process, a user can choose
to select a pre-made Approval Policy (that was created by a CDRA Administrator), instead of
manually creating the Approval Process.
To create a new Approval Policy, click the Manage Approval Policies button that is available on
the CDRA workspace page. You will be taken to the following page:
Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
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To create a new Approval Policy, click the Create Approval Policy button. The following screen
will appear:

The fields should be completed as follows:
Approval Policy Name: Enter a name for the Approval Policy (this is mandatory).
Description: Enter a description for the Approval Policy. Since the description may be
read by users that select policy you are creating, it is best to make the description as
informative a possible.
Process Type: Select either Parallel or Serial:
o In a Parallel process all of the approvers receive and either approve or reject the
document at the same time.
o In a Serial process you can determine the order in which the approvers receive
the document.
Approval Criteria: Choose between Majority or Unanimous.
Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
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o If Majority is selected, the document will be accepted if a majority of the
assigned users approve it.
o If Unanimous is selected, the document will be accepted only if all of the
assigned users approve it.
Automatically complete the approval process and user task when a decision can
be determined? Choose Yes or No.
o If Yes is chosen the approval process will be considered complete as soon as the
Approval Criteria has been met. For example, if Majority has been selected and
a majority of the assigned users have approved the document, the process will
be complete and the task will be removed from the For My Approval tab of all
assignees who have not yet started their review. Conversely, if Unanimous is
selected the process will be complete as soon as one assignee rejects the
o If No is chosen, the process will continue until all assignees have completed their
review, regardless of whether the criteria has already been met.
Clicking Next will take you to the following page:

To add Approvers, Auditors and Managers to the Approval Policy, follow the instructions in the
following sections. When you are finished, click the Done Editing button to save the Approval
Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
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2.1 Add Approvers
Add Approvers as you would add reviewers in the Review Process (described in Section 3.2.1 of
the User Guide). Note that neither Private Review Groups nor Public Review Groups can be used
as approvers in the approval process. Only Livelink users can be assigned as Approvers.
Once complete, you will be returned to the Edit Approval Process page, which will now display as
At this point you have the option of selecting an Agreement Text to which your approver will have
to agree upon completing their Approval. The Agreement Texts dropdown menu will consist of all
the agreements established by your Livelink Administrator. Selecting an Agreement Text and
clicking the Show Text link will display the text and (for users with sufficient permissions) allow
you to edit the Agreement Text.
If you selected a Serial type of Approval, enter numbers into the Sequence Order fields in the
order which you wish these reviewers to perform their tasks. By default each sequence order
field will contain a 1, but you can enter a numerical value anywhere from 1-99.
The number entered determines when a user is able to start a review (i.e., users with a high
number will not receive notification of their review task until all those with lower numbers have
completed their reviews). More than one users and/or groups can have the same number in the
Sequence Order field. If so, those users and groups with the same number will receive their
Approval tasks at the same time.
If you selected a Parallel type of Approval, these fields will not appear.
2.2 Add Auditors
An Auditor has the ability to view the audit log of an approval process as well as the document
submitted for approval, but does not have permission to edit the approval process.
To assign an Auditor, click the Assign Auditors link. Search for and assign Auditors as outlined
in Section 3.2.3 of the User Guide.
2.3 Add Managers
A Manager has the same capabilities and rights as the initiator of the Approval (except that
Managers can be added or removed by the initiator or other managers whereas the initiator can
never be removed from the process).
To assign a Manager, click the Assign Managers link. Search for and assign Approval Managers
as outlined in Section 3.2.2 of the User Guide.
2.4 Releasing and Reserving Approval Policies
Once an Approval Policy has been created, you must explicitly release it if you want it to be
used by normal CDRA users when they are creating approval processes. A list of your approval
Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
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process will be displayed on the main Manage Approval Policies page. To release an Approval
Policy, simply click the Release link.
Note: It is unwise to release an Approval Policy that has no approvers assigned to it. If an end
user creates an Approval based on such an Approval Policy, the newly created Approval will
immediately be considered to be Completed since all approvers have finished working (i.e.
because there are zero approvers).

If you need to edit an Approval Policy that has been released to the users, you must first reserve
it. To do so, simply click the Reserve link for the Approval Policy you want to reserve.
You can also edit and delete Approval Policies by clicking the Edit and Delete links.
3 Manage Public Review Groups
The CDRA Administrator is able to establish Public Review Groups that will be available to users
system-wide. Note: These are different than Personal Review Groups, described in the Livelink
Collaborative Document Review and Approval User Guide.
To establish Public Review Groups, click Manage Public Review Groups. You will be taken to
the following page:

If no Review Groups have yet been established, the page will appear as follows:

Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
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To create a new Review Group, click the Add a New Review Group link in the top right-hand
corner. You will be taken to the following page:

Designate a name for the Review Group:

Click Edit to use standard Livelink User and Groups functionality to add users to the Review
Existing Review Groups can be edited or deleted using corresponding Edit and Delete links on
the main Manage Public Review Groups page:

The Edit Review Groups page appears as follows.
Livelink Collaborative Document Review and Approval 2.1.7 Administrator User Guide
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To add users to the group, use the search widget in the right hand frame to find users, check the
Add checkbox next to the users you wish to add, and then click Submit to add the users. To
remove a user from a group, click on the users name in the left hand frame; the right hand frame
will refresh and display a Remove button. Click that button to remove the user.

Click Done to establish the Review Group, which will be available to users on a system-wide

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