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Disclaimer: Dont own Harry Potter or any of the Characters.

Chapter 6: Love
Hermiones POV
Months had passed since I told Ron about me and Draco, but I still hadnt told
Harry, and Ron had kept to his word and didnt tell him either. It was now Easter,
and I had egged Ron on to tell Luna that he liked her, or at least go to
Hogsmeade with her. ut o! course, he chickened out. "he D# was going great
but li!e wasnt per!ect. I grew more worried about Harry as the days passed. He
kept letting in $oldemort, and he wasnt trying at the least with %napes
&cclumency lessons. I still met up with Draco, but it was getting harder, because
o! the D# sessions 'which he didnt know about, and Ron insisted that I shouldnt
tell him( and Re)ision. *e had stopped getting homework, but instead recei)ed
lectures !rom most teachers about our &*Ls. I had drawn up a re)ision timetable
way back during +hristmas Holidays, and I was shocked to see that we had only
, months le!t. Ron and Harry, had -nally cracked open their books, and were
terri-ed to see how much they had to learn.
.#ll this/ *e ha)ent learnt all this01 %aid Ron, staring at the book, his mouth
wide open in shock.
.*ell Ronald, what do you e2pect when you decide to Re)ise , months be!ore
our E2ams/ , Ronald3 Honestly, I thought youd gi)e our &*Ls a bit more
thought. 4ou too Harry31 I added.
I didnt e)en know whether he was listening because he was staring intently at
5inny. Ron luckily hadnt noticed. He had taken 5innys news to her dating laise
badly. "hey had screamed at each other, in the middle o! the 5ry6ndor +ommon
Room, without a care o! e)eryones prying eyes.
.Ron3 It is 7&7E o! your business31 shouted 5inny, whipping her wand out.
.loody hell 5inny3 &! course its my business3 4oure my sister, and you need
my appro)al8. he said, but not managing to -nish the sentence.
.4our appro)al/ Merlin, dont make me laugh. I D&7" need your appro)al. I *ILL
date whoe)er I want and you keep your !at nose out o! my business31 she
laughed mirthlessly, and stormed upstairs, lea)ing Ron, redder than his hair, his
wand in Mid8air.
"hey hadnt spoken to each other !or weeks a!ter that. I knew both o! them had
such huge egos and it would damage their 9:ride to apologi;e. I persuaded Ron
into apologi;ing. 5inny was his only sister a!ter all.
I was going to meet Draco tonight a!ter cancelling yesterday because o! D#. #s I
stepped inside the Room o! Re<uirement, I !ound him already there, the sunset
lighting on his !ace, !rom the =ake windows o! the R&R. He looked beauti!ul. I
stared at him, in a trance. Oh he was so perfect. Those lips
.Earth to Hermione1 he called !rom the %o!a, his eyes light with amusement.
.&h Draco, sorry1 I replied, as I walked o)er.
.>nut !or your thoughts/1 he asked, as I sat down, and he slung his arm around
my shoulder, casually.
.?ust thinking about us, and how it seems so odd, that its us, you Draco Mal!oy,
and I, Hermione 5ranger are going out1 I replied.
He seemed to @ust think !or a moment, and I wondered whether he had heard me
at all, when suddenly, the appearance o! the room changed. *e were both on a
white bed, while the lights had dimmed, and there was so!t piano music playing
in the background. He lay down, and pulled me down with him, and the lights
went out, a!ter Draco murmured something. I could barely see him, but when the
!ake moonlight swum through the windows, his eyes looked more beauti!ul than
e)er. He gently pulled me to him and lowered his head, and I immediately raised
my head, wanting to kiss him. *hen our lips met, I !elt like I wasnt gi)ing
enough time to him, because his kiss was desperate, rough and it was more
passionate than e)er. He pulled me on top o! him, and his body !elt so warm, and
this kiss was @ust so good. His hand mo)ed up my leg, and I !elt ele)ated and
ecstatic. I could tell what he wanted to do, and I knew I was ready, and his kisses
which he now trailed down my neck, made me want him so badly. I slowly,
unbuttoned his shirt, @ust to make sure, he did want this. *hen he didnt protest,
I sped the pace up. He chuckled in the dark.
.Like me that much, eh 5ranger/1 he asked, teasingly. I lightly sho)ed him on
the shoulder as my response, causing him to chuckle again. He pulled down my
skirt, while I remo)ed his shirt, and mo)ed on to his belt. *e remo)ed all pieces
o! our clothing, till we were both !ully unclothed, and @ust stared at each other. I
blushed in the dark, and his eyes darkened out o! lust.
Dracos POV
%he was so beauti!ul. I caressed her body and ran my hands up and down her
smooth legs, stopping at her thigh. I could !eel her pulse, beating !ast. I slid ,
-ngers in her, and she gasped, using the bed headboard as support. I considered
pulling my -ngers out, when I heard her moan in pleasure, and slowly increased
the speed, until she was crying my name out. %he stroked my hard on, and I
groaned in)oluntarily.
?ust be!ore I was about to enter her, I asked her .#re you sure, Hermione/ I dont
want to hurt you1
.Im sure, Draco. #nd0I lo)e you .she replied. My eyes widened, and I told her I
lo)ed her, because in that moment, I realised I did. %he was the one !or me.
I slid into her, and she gasped again, and I knew it had to hurt the -rst time. #s
our clima2es approached, we both screamed each others names out, I in
between kissing her so!t breasts.
%he lay down ne2t to me, breathing hea)ily. I kissed her so!tly, and she kissed
me back gently. I lo)ed our -rst time.
.Draco, that was ama;ing. "hank you0but I cant do this0us1 she said, her
)oice small.
My heart !ro;e. What?! %he told me she lo)ed me not ,A minutes ago.
.Im @ust kidding Draco, I lo)e you and you know that1 she said giggling.
.4ou want to play with me 5ranger/ *ell this is what you get1 I said, in relie!,
tickling her on the side o! her stomach, where I knew she was e2tremely ticklish.
%he laughed so loudly, while breathing hea)ily, and telling me to stop. *hen I
-nally did, she kissed me, and we !eel asleep in each others arms.
A/: Hey !"ys# $ am so sorry for the late "p%ate# &o" have to for'ive
me# $ ha% literally no cl"e at all where to 'o with this story( )"t
hopef"lly in the ne*t chapter( the plot will %evelop more. +orry for the
chapter )ein' m"ch smaller than "s"al( )"t $ promise the ne*t chapter
will )e lon'er#
,han-s '"ys( .ose *

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