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SECTION 03 23 00
SPEC WRITER NOTE: Delete between // ---- /
/ if not applicable to proect! "l#o
$elete an% ot&er ite' or para(rap& not
applicable in t&e #ection an$ ren)'ber t&e
T&i# #ection #pecifie# f)rni#&in(* in#tallin(* (ro)tin(* an$ #tre##in(
ten$on# in po#t-ten#ione$ b)il$in( fra'in( 'e'ber# a# #&own on t&e
Drawin(# an$ $e#cribe$ &erein!
"! +aterial# Te#tin( an$ in#pection $)rin( con#tr)ction: Section 01 ,- ./*
2! Concrete: Section 05 50 00* C"ST-IN-P1"CE CONCRETE!
"! Co$e# an$ Stan$ar$#: Co'pl% wit& re6)ire'ent# of Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al*
e7cept w&ere 'ore #trin(ent re6)ire'ent# are #pecifie$! +aintain two
copie# at ob #ite!
2! 2earin( Stre##e#: Co'pl% wit& re6)ire'ent# of Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al*
C&apter 5* Para(rap& 5!1!7* an$ "CI 518* C&apter 18!
C! So)rce 9)alit% Control:
1! Te#t# for :nbon$e$ Sin(le Stran$ Ten$on# or 2on$e$ Ten$on# ')#t
co'pl% wit& re6)ire'ent# of t&e Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al* C&apter 5*
Para(rap& 5!1!8!
.! Certifie$ $ata fro' prior te#t# 'a% be #)b'itte$!
"! S)b'it in accor$ance wit& Section 01 55 .5* S;OP DR"WIN0S* PROD:CT D"T"*
"ND S"+P1ES!
2! S&op Drawin(#:
1! S)b'it fabrication an$ place'ent $etail# for re<iew b% t&e Re#i$ent
En(ineer! S&ow co'plete $etail# of ten$on la%o)t* ten$on #i=e#* t%pe
of po#t-ten#ionin( enclo#)re* en$ anc&ora(e an$ co)pler $etail#* an$
#tre##in( e6)ip'ent! S)b'it t&e t%pe an$ c&e'ical anal%#i# of (rea#e*
an$ t%pe* 'aterial an$ t&ic>ne## of po#t-ten#ionin( repair tape! 0i<e
$etail# of ac>in( operation* incl)$in( all calc)lation#!
.! 1ocate an$ $i'en#ion penetration# in po#t-ten#ione$ #lab#!
05 .5 00 - 1
5! Detail &ori=ontal an$ <ertical c)r<at)re of ten$on# at bloc>o)t# an$
,! De#cribe ten#ionin( #e6)ence* t%pe of ac> an$ pre##)re-'onitorin(
$e<ice#* anc&ora(e #et* ten$on elon(ation an$ ten$on c)toff
proce$)re#* (ro)pin(* #pacin(* placin( #e6)ence* con$)it #i=e*
#)pport# an$ location#* an$ ten$on #)pport#!
C! Calc)lation#: S)b'it #eale$ $etaile$ calc)lation# prepare$ b% a
6)alifie$ profe##ional en(ineer re(i#tere$ in t&e #tate w&ere t&e
proect i# locate$ to #)b#tantiate #tre##in( proce$)re#! "ll lo##e#
#&all be acco)nte$ for in t&e calc)lation#! S)b'it t&e followin(:
1! Calc)lation#* prepare$ )n$er t&e #)per<i#ion of a 6)alifie$
re(i#tere$ profe##ional en(ineer* of lo##e# $)e to anc&ora(e #eatin(*
ela#tic #&ortenin(* creep* #&rin>a(e* rela7ation* friction an$
wobble* )#e$ to $eter'ine ten$on #i=e# an$ n)'ber!
.! Calc)lation# of te#t re#)lt# of a$e6)ac% of anc&ora(e!
5! Stati#tical an$ fiel$ proof of #tre##in( an$ fi7e$ en$ #eatin(
,! Calc)lation# for final re6)ire$ ac>in( elon(ation corre#pon$in( to
final ac>in( force of ten$on#!
D! +ill Te#t Report#:
1! ?)rni#& certifie$ +ill Te#t Report# for eac& coil or pac> of #tran$*
containin( a# a 'ini')' t&e followin( te#t infor'ation:
a! ;eat n)'ber an$ i$entification!
b! Stan$ar$ c&e'ical anal%#i# for &eat of #teel!
c! :lti'ate ten#ile #tren(t&!
$! 3iel$ #tren(t& at 1 percent e7ten#ion )n$er loa$!
e! Elon(ation at fail)re!
f! +o$)l)# of ela#ticit%!
(! Dia'eter an$ net area of #tran$!
&! T%pe of 'aterial @#tre##-relie<e$ or low rela7ationA!
.! 2a#e rela7ation lo##e# for low rela7ation t%pe 'aterial on rela7ation
te#t# of repre#entati<e #a'ple# for a perio$ of 1000 &o)r#* w&en
te#te$ at .1

$e(ree# C @70 $e(ree# ?A an$ #tre##e$ initiall% to not
le## t&an 70 percent of 'ini')' ()arantee$ brea>in( #tren(t& of
5! Te#t# in accor$ance wit& "ST+ ",1B* an$ "ST+ E5.8!
05 .5 00 - .
E! Calibration Te#t#: Stre##in( ra'# an$ (a)(e# #&all in$i<i$)all% be
i$entifie$ an$ calibrate$ a(ain#t >nown #tan$ar$# at inter<al# not
e7cee$in( #i7 'ont&#! S)b'it calibration certificate# for eac& ac> )#e$
to Re#i$ent En(ineer!
?! Recor$#: Ceep po#t-ten#ionin( recor$# an$ #)b'it to t&e Re#i$ent
En(ineer an$ "rc&itect/En(ineer of Recor$! Recor$ on eac& report ite'#
li#te$ in P"RT 5DEEEC:TION!
"! P)blication# li#te$ below for' a part of t&i# #pecification to e7tent
reference$! P)blication# are reference$ in te7t b% ba#ic $e#i(nation
2! "'erican Concrete In#tit)te @"CIA:
518/518R-08!!!!!!!!!!!!!2)il$in( Co$e Re6)ire'ent# for Str)ct)ral
Concrete an$ Co''entar%!
C! "'erican Societ% for Te#tin( an$ +aterial# @"ST+A:
",1B/",1B+-10!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Specification for Steel Stran$*
:ncoate$ Se<en-Wire for Pre#tre##e$ Concrete
2117-0/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Practice for Operatin( Salt Spra% @?o(A
D/.-0-@R.010A!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Te#t +et&o$ for ?la#& an$ ?ire Point#
b% Cle<elan$ Open C)p
D/--0-@R.010A!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Te#t +et&o$ for Water in Petrole)'
Pro$)ct# an$ 2it)'ino)# +aterial# b%
D-1.-10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Te#t +et&o$# for C&lori$e Ion In Water
D-BB-0.@R.00/A!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Te#t +et&o$ for Droppin( Point of
1)bricatin( 0rea#e
D..B--0B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Te#t +et&o$ for Droppin( Point of
1)bricatin( 0rea#e O<er Wi$e Te'perat)re Ran(e
D58B7-0/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Te#t +et&o$# for Nitrite-Nitrate in
E5.8-0/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stan$ar$ Te#t +et&o$# for Stre##-Rela7ation
Te#t# for +aterial# an$ Str)ct)re#
D! Po#t-Ten#ionin( In#tit)te* 1717 W! Nort&ern "<en)e* S)ite 11,* P&oeni7*
"F 8-0.1G B0./870-7-,0:
Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al* ?ift& E$ition
05 .5 00 - 5
"! Po#t-Ten#ionin( Steel:
1! Confor' to "ST+ ",1B* 0ra$e @.70CA 1ow Rela7ation #tran$* wit&
anc&ora(e# $e<elopin( at lea#t /- percent of t&e 'ini')' #pecifie$
)lti'ate #tren(t& of t&e pre#tre##in( #teel!
.! Pro<i$e low rela7ation #tran$ wit& a 'ill applie$ contin)o)#
per'anent p&%#ical 'ar>in( to per'it fiel$ i$entification!
5! Pac>a(e 'aterial at t&e #o)rce in a 'anner t&at pre<ent# p&%#ical
$a'a(e to #tran$ $)rin( tran#portation an$ protect# 'aterial fro'
$eleterio)# corro#ion $)rin( tran#it an$ #tora(e!
2! Po#t-ten#ionin( 'aterial# co'pl% wit& Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al 0)i$e
C! "nc&ora(e# an$ Co)plin(#:
1! De#i(n ten$on anc&ora(e# an$ co)plin( to $e<elop #tatic an$ $%na'ic
#tren(t& re6)ire'ent# of Section 5!1!B@aA an$ Section 5!1!8 @1A an$
@.A of Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al 0)i$e Specification# for Po#t-
Ten#ionin( +aterial#! Ca#tin(# #&all be nonporo)# an$ free of #an$*
blow&ole#* <oi$#* an$ ot&er $efect#!
.! "<era(e co'pre##i<e concrete bearin( #tre## of anc&ora(e# #&all not
e7cee$ li'it# #et fort& in Section 5!1!7 of Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al
0)i$e Specification# for Po#t-Ten#ionin( +aterial#!
5! ?or we$(e t%pe anc&ora(e#* $e#i(n we$(e (ripper# to precl)$e
pre'at)re fail)re of pre#tre##in( #teel $)e to notc& or pinc&in(
effect# )n$er #tatic an$/or $%na'ic te#t loa$ con$ition# #tip)late$
)n$er Para(rap& 1 for bot& #tre## relie<e$ an$ low rela7ation
pre#tre##in( #teel 'aterial#!
,! :#e co)plin(# onl% at location# #pecificall% in$icate$ on contract
$oc)'ent# or a# appro<e$!
-! Coat co)plin(# wit& t&e #a'e corro#ion pre<enti<e coatin( )#e$ on
#tran$ an$ enclo#e in #lee<e#!
B! "nc&ora(e# #&all incl)$e $e#i(n feat)re# per'ittin( a waterti(&t
connection of #&eat&in( to anc&ora(e* an$ waterti(&t clo#in( of we$(e
ca<it%* for #tre##in( an$ non#tre##in( @fi7e$A anc&ora(e#! De#i(n
inter'e$iate #tre##in( anc&ora(e# to per'it co'plete waterti(&t
encap#)lation of pre#tre##in( ten$on#!
05 .5 00 - ,
7! "nc&ora(e# for )nbon$e$ #lab ten$on# #&all recei<e an epo7% corro#ion
protecti<e coatin(! Correct fiel$ $a'a(e to coatin( b% fiel$ to)c&-)p
of coatin( #)rface!
D! Corro#ion Pre<enti<e Coatin( of :nbon$e$ Ten$on#:
1! Corro#ion pre<enti<e coatin( 'aterial #&all &a<e followin(
a! Pro<i$e corro#ion protection to pre#tre##in( #teel!
b! Pro<i$e l)brication between #tran$ an$ #&eat&in(!
c! Re#i#t flow fro' #&eat&in( wit&in anticipate$ te'perat)re ran(e of
$! Pro<i$e a contin)o)# nonbrittle fil' at lowe#t anticipate$
te'perat)re of e7po#)re!
e! 2e c&e'icall% #table an$ nonreacti<e wit& t&e pre#tre##in( #teel*
#&eat&in( 'aterial* an$ concrete!
.! ?il' #&all be an or(anic coatin( wit& appropriate polar* 'oi#t)re
$i#placin(* an$ corro#ion pre<enti<e a$$iti<e#!
5! +ini')' wei(&t of coatin( 'aterial on pre#tre##in( #tran$ #&all be
not le## t&an 1!1 >( @.!- po)n$#A of coatin( 'aterial per 50 ' @100
feetA of 15 '' @0!- inc&A $ia'eter #tran$* an$ 1!5 >( @5!0 po)n$#A of
coatin( 'aterial per 50 ' @100 ft!A of 1- '' @0!B inc&A $ia'eter
#tran$! "'o)nt of coatin( 'aterial )#e$ #&all be #)fficient to en#)re
e##entiall% co'plete fillin( of ann)lar #pace between #tran$ an$
#&eat&in(! E7ten$ coatin( o<er entire ten$on len(t&!
,! Pro<i$e te#t re#)lt# in accor$ance wit& Table I for corro#ion
pre<entati<e coatin( 'aterial!
05 .5 00 - -
Te#t Te#t +et&o$ "cceptance Criteria
Droppin( Point*
$e(ree# ?
"ST+ D-BB or
"ST+ D..B-
+ini')' 500
Oil #eparation at 1B0
$e(ree# ?G percent b%
?I+S 7/12
+et&o$ 5.1!.
+a7i')' 0!-
Water* percent
"ST+ D/- 0!1
?la#& point* $e(ree#
?* @$e(ree# Cel#i)#A
@Refer# to oil
"ST+ D/. +ini')' 500
Corro#ion te#t* -
percent #alt fo( at
100 $e(ree# ? @57!8
$e(ree# Cel#i)#A -
'il#* 'ini')' &o)r#
@9 Panel T%pe SA
"ST+ 2117 R)#t 0ra$e 7 or
better after 1000
&o)r# of e7po#)re*
te#t accor$in( to
"ST+ DB10 @Note 1A
Water #ol)ble ion#
@Note .A
C&lori$e#* pp'
Nitrate#* pp' 'a7i')'
S)lfi$e#* pp' 'a7i')'
"ST+ D-1.
"ST+ D58B7
"P;" ,.70
@1-t& E$itionA
Soa> Te#t
- percent #alt fo( at
100 $e(ree# ? @58!8
$e(ree# Cel#i)#A -
'il# coatin(* 9
panel#* T%pe S!
I''er#e pane# -0
percent in a -
percent #alt #ol)tion
an$ e7po#e to #alt
"ST+ 2117
No e')l#ification of
t&e coatin( after
7.00 &o)r# of
N!"#$ "! T%&'# I:
N!"# 1: E7ten#ion of e7po#)re ti'e to 1000 &o)r# for (rea#e# )#e$ in
corro#i<e en<iron'ent# re6)ire# )#e of 'ore or better corro#ion
in&ibitin( a$$iti<e#!
05 .5 00 - B
N!"# 2: Proce$)re: T&e in#i$e @botto' an$ #i$e#A of a 11 P%re7
bea>er @appro7i'ate o)t#i$e $ia'eter 10- ''* &ei(&t 1,- ''A i#
t&oro)(&l% coate$ wit& 100 H 10 (ra'# of corro#ion pre<enti<e coatin(
'aterial! T&e coate$ bea>er i# fille$ wit& appro7i'atel% /00 cc of
$i#tille$ water an$ &eate$ in an o<en at a controlle$ te'perat)re of
H 58 $e(ree#

C @H 100 $e(ree# ?A for , &o)r#! T&e water e7traction i#
te#te$ b% t&e note$ te#t proce$)re# a# pp' in t&e e7tract water!
E! S&eat&in( for :nbon$e$ Sin(le Stran$ Ten$on#:
1! Ten$on #&eat&in( for )nbon$e$ #in(le #tran$ ten$on# #&all be 'a$e of
a! 'aterial wit& followin( propertie#:
a! S)fficient #tren(t& to wit&#tan$ irreparable $a'a(e $)rin(
fabrication* tran#port* in#tallation* concrete place'ent an$
b! Waterti(&tne## o<er entire #&eat&in( len(t&!
c! C&e'ical #tabilit%* wit&o)t e'brittle'ent or #oftenin( o<er
anticipate$ e7po#)re te'perat)re ran(e an$ #er<ice life of
$! Nonreacti<e wit& concrete* #teel an$ ten$on corro#ion pre<enti<e
SPEC WRITER NOTE: :#e 0!B '' @0!0.- inc&A
for noncorro#i<e en<iron'ent# an$ 1 ''
@0!0,0 inc&A for corro#i<e en<iron'ent#!
.! +ini')' t&ic>ne## of #&eat&in( i# // 0!B '' @0!0.- inc&A // // 1 ''
@0!0,0 inc&A // for 'e$i)' or &i(& $en#it% pol%et&%lene or
5! +ini')' in#i$e $ia'eter of #&eat&in( at lea#t 0!5 '' @0!010 inc&A
(reater t&an 'a7i')' $ia'eter of #tran$!
,! Connect #&eat&in( to #tre##in( en$* inter'e$iate an$ fi7e$ en$
anc&ora(e# in a waterti(&t fa#&ion* t&)# pro<i$in( a co'plete
encap#)lation of pre#tre##in( #teel!
"! "cc)ratel% po#ition* #)pport* an$ #ec)re bon$e$ reinforce'ent an$
ten$on# a(ain#t $i#place'ent b% for'wor>* con#tr)ction* or concrete
place'ent operation#! 1ocate an$ #)pport bon$e$ reinforce'ent an$
ten$on# b% 'etal c&air#* r)nner#* bol#ter#* #pacer# an$ &an(er#* a#
05 .5 00 - 7
2! ?ir'l% #)pport pre#tre##in( ten$on# at inter<al# not e7cee$in( 1.00 ''
@, feetA to pre<ent $i#place'ent $)rin( concrete place'ent! Placin(
tolerance# #&all be in accor$ance wit& t&e applicable Con#tr)ction
C! Do not e7po#e ten$on# to e7ce##i<e te'perat)re#* wel$in( #par># or
electric (ro)n$ c)rrent#!
D! In#tall #tre##in( anc&ora(e# perpen$ic)lar to ten$on a7i#! C)r<at)re in
ten$on profile #&all preferabl% not be clo#er t&an /00 '' @5 feetA fro'
#tre##in( anc&ora(e!
E! "ttac& #tre##in( anc&ora(e to b)l>&ea$ for'# b% eit&er bolt#* nail#* or
t&rea$e$ poc>et for'er fittin(! Connection# #&all be #)fficientl% ri(i$
to a<oi$ acci$ental loo#enin( $)e to con#tr)ction traffic or $)rin(
concrete place'ent! +ini')' concrete co<er for anc&ora(e #&all not be
le## t&an 'ini')' co<er to reinforce'ent at ot&er location# in
?! Poc>et for'er# )#e$ to pro<i$e a <oi$ for' at #tre##in( an$ inter'e$iate
#tre##in( anc&ora(e# #&all po#iti<el% precl)$e intr)#ion of concrete or
ce'ent pa#te into t&e we$(e ca<it% $)rin( concrete place'ent! Dept& of
t&e poc>et for'er fro' e$(e of concrete to face of anc&ora(e #&all not
be le## t&an -0 '' @. inc&e#A!
0! Inter'e$iate "nc&ora(e#:
1! Inter'e$iate anc&ora(e# 'a% be in#talle$ eit&er e'be$$e$ in concrete
or bearin( a(ain#t &ar$ene$ concrete at con#tr)ction oint! In t&e
latter ca#e* anc&ora(e #&all &a<e a flat-bearin( #i$e an$ concrete
bearin( area #&all be #'oot& an$ wit&o)t ri$(e#!
.! W&en placin( inter'e$iate anc&ora(e# a(ain#t alrea$% &ar$ene$
concrete* #pecial attention ')#t be pai$ to t&e b)l>&ea$ for' bein(
perpen$ic)lar to t&e ten$on $)rin( ten$on place'ent!
5! +ini')' co<er re6)ire'ent# of Section 5!1!E appl% to inter'e$iate
;! ?i7e$ "nc&ora(e#:
1! In#tall fi7e$ en$ anc&ora(e# on ten$on at #)pplierI# plant prior to
#&ip'ent to ob #ite!
.! ?or we$(e t%pe anc&ora(e#* #eat fi7e$ en$ we$(e#* wit& a loa$ of not
'ore t&an 80 percent of 'ini')' )lti'ate ten#ile #tren(t& of ten$on!
Seatin( loa$ #&all be #)fficient to en#)re a$e6)ate capacit% of non-
#tre##in( anc&ora(e#!
05 .5 00 - 8
5! Place fi7e$ en$ anc&ora(e# in t&e for'wor> at location# #&own on
placin( $rawin(#* an$ #ec)rel% fa#tene$ to reinforcin( #teel! +ini')'
co<er re6)ire'ent# of Section 5!1!E appl% to fi7e$ en$ anc&ora(e#!
,! ?i7e$ en$ anc&ora(e# #&all be clo#e$ or cappe$ at we$(e ca<it% #i$e
wit& a waterti(&t co<er! Co<er #&all preferabl% be #&op in#talle$*
after fillin( <oi$ aro)n$ we$(e (rip# wit& a corro#ion pre<enti<e
coatin( 'aterial* co'parable to t&at )#e$ a# a corro#ion pre<enti<e
coatin( o<er len(t& of t&e ten$on @See Table IA!
I! S&eat&in( In#pection:
1! "fter in#tallin( t&e ten$on# in for'# an$ prior to concrete ca#tin(*
in#pect #&eat&in( for po##ible $a'a(e!
.! Repair $a'a(e$ area# b% re#torin( corro#ion pre<entati<e coatin( in
$a'a(e$ area* an$ repairin( #&eat&in(! Repair# of #&eat&in( #&all be
waterti(&t* an$ ')#t be appro<e$ b% Re#i$ent En(ineer!
5! To repair #&eat&in(* )#e a$&e#i<e 'oi#t)re proof tape* #pirall%
wrappe$ aro)n$ ten$on to pro<i$e at lea#t two la%er# of tape!
J! 0ro)tin( of bon$e$ ten$on# #&all co'pl% wit& t&e Po#t-Ten#ionin( +an)al
Reco''en$e$ Practice for 0ro)tin( of Po#t-Ten#ione$ Pre#tre##e$
"! :nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$* $o not #tart #tre##in( )ntil concrete &a#
attaine$ a co'pre##i<e #tren(t& of no le## t&an 7- percent of it# .8 $a%
#tren(t& a# confir'e$ b% fiel$ c)re$ te#t c%lin$er#!
2! "fter te#t# in$icate t&at concrete &a# reac&e$ #)fficient #tren(t&*
#tre## ten$on# b% 'ean# of &%$ra)lic ac># e6)ippe$ wit& calibrate$
pre##)re (a)(e# wit& an acc)rac% of 1 percent of #cale ran(e to per'it
t&e #tre## in ten$on# to be co'p)te$ at an% ti'e! E6)ip &%$ra)lic
#tre##in( ra'# )#e$ to #tre## )nbon$e$ #in(le #tran$ ten$on# wit&
#tre##in( (ripper# t&at will not notc& #tran$ 'ore #e<erel% t&an nor'al
anc&orin( we$(e#! Notif% Re#i$ent En(ineer ,8 &o)r# before an% #tre##in(
operation t&at ta>e# place!
1! Con$)ct #tre##in( operation a# reco''en$e$ b% 'an)fact)rer of
#tre##in( ten$on# an$ in confor'ance wit& appro<e$ #&op $rawin(#!
.! Ceep recor$# of elon(ation an$ of ten#ion applie$ to eac& ten$on an$
#)b'it fo)r copie# to Re#i$ent En(ineer pro'ptl% )pon t&e co'pletion
of po#t-ten#ionin( of eac& 'e'ber! +a>e elon(ation 'ea#)re'ent# at
eac& #tre##in( location to <erif% t&at effecti<e force &a# been
05 .5 00 - /
properl% ac&ie<e$! +ea#)re$ elon(ation# #&all a(ree wit& calc)late$
elon(ation# wit&in H - percent! Re#ol<e $i#crepancie# e7cee$in( H -
percent wit& Re#i$ent En(ineer! "t ti'e of #tre##in( fir#t 'e'ber of
eac& t%pe* c&ec> #tre##e# in in$i<i$)al ten$on# to e#tabli#& a po#t-
ten#ionin( proce$)re pro$)cin( )nifor' re#)lt#!
5! Co'plete #tre##in( recor$# $)rin( t&e ten#ionin( operation* wit&
followin( $ata recor$e$ a# a 'ini')':
a! Ten$on 'ar> or i$entification!
b! Re6)ire$ elon(ation!
c! 0a)(e pre##)re to ac&ie<e re6)ire$ elon(ation!
$! "ct)al elon(ation ac&ie<e$!
e! "ct)al (a)(e pre##)re!
f! Date of #tre##in( operation!
(! Si(nat)re of #tre##in( operator or in#pector!
&! Serial or i$entification n)'ber of ac>in( e6)ip'ent! Stre##in(
recor$# #&all t&en be t)rne$ o<er to t&e 0o<ern'ent an$
profe##ional en(ineer of recor$ for <erification an$ appro<al!
,! Obtain written per'i##ion of Re#i$ent En(ineer before c)ttin( ten$on#
or cappin( po#t-ten#ione$ anc&ora(e#!
C! "nc&or pre#tre##in( ten$on# at an initial or KTran#fer Stre##K t&at will
re#)lt in retention of wor>in( force# or #tre##e# of not le## t&an t&o#e
#&own on t&e $rawin(# a# t&e final pre#tre## force after all lo##e#! In
no ca#e #&all ten$on# be anc&ore$ at #tre##e# abo<e 80 percent of
#pecifie$ ten#ile #tren(t& of ten$on!
D! Do not $o an% wel$in( aro)n$ ten$on#!
E! Ta>e rea#onable care to pre<ent $a'a(e to ten$on#! In e<ent t&at a
#in(le wire in ')ltiple wire #tran$# i# bro>en* replace'ent will not be
re6)ire$ pro<i$in( total lo## ca)#e$ b% bro>en #tran$ i# le## t&an .
percent of total pre#tre## in t&e 'e'ber! Contractor #&all replace
ten$on at no a$$itional co#t to t&e 0o<ern'ent in e<ent pre#tre## lo##
t&ro)(& brea>a(e i# (reater t&an . percent!
"! Tri''in( of e7ce## ten$on len(t&: "# #oon a# po##ible after ten$on
ten#ionin( an$ #ati#factor% c&ec> of elon(ation b% Re#i$ent En(ineer*
c)t e7ce## ten$on len(t&! Ten$on len(t& protr)$in( be%on$ we$(e# after
c)ttin( #&all be between .0 '' @0!7-A an$ 50 '' @1!.- inc&e#A!
05 .5 00 - 10
2! Ten$on# 'a% be c)t b% 'ean# of o7%acet%lene c)ttin(* abra#i<e w&eel or
&%$ra)lic #&ear#! In ca#e of o7%acet%lene c)ttin( of ten$on#* ta>e care
to a<oi$ $irectin( fla'e towar$ we$(e#!
C! ?ill #tre##in( poc>et# wit& non-#&rin> 'ortar a# #oon a# practical after
ten$on #tre##in( an$ c)ttin(! :n$er no circ)'#tance# #&all (ro)t or
'ortar )#e$ for poc>et fillin( contain c&lori$e# or ot&er c&e'ical#
>nown to be $eleterio)# to pre#tre##in( #teel!
D! Coat e7po#e$ #tran$ an$ we$(e area# wit& ten$on coatin( 'aterial
co'parable to t&at )#e$ o<er len(t& of t&e ten$on an$ a waterti(&t cap
#&all be applie$ o<er t&e coate$ area! Prior to in#tallin( poc>et
'ortar* coat or #pra% in#i$e concrete #)rface# of poc>et wit& a re#in
bon$in( a(ent!
- - - E N D - - -
05 .5 00 - 11

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