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U.S. Air Force Slang
Revision 2.1
Dated: 21 JUN 2007
Anti-Aircraft Weapons used to down aircraft.
Anti-Aircraft Artiller. Also !"riple-A! or !fla#$! %eav version of t%e AA &un' often
(ounted on an ar(ored ve%icle.
Air-to-Air )issile.
All After*urner' No +o(pass ,eadin&. )ovin& a lot wit% not%in& *ein& acco(plis%ed.
-"%e new .t is All After*urner wit% No +o(pass ,eadin&/.
After*urner capa*ilit$ Air*ase.
Air +o(*at )aneuverin&.
AF Form 1:
"oilet 0aper
A*ove 1round .evel. )easure of a plane2s altitude a*ove t%e terrain it is flin& over. 3n
ot%er words' a plane (a*e *e flin& at 1'400 ft. A5.' *ut *e onl 400 ft. off t%e &round.
Air-to-1round )issile.
Aircraft 1eneration 56uadron. "%e crew c%iefs and everone else involved in t%e da to
da *usiness of sortie &eneration. A7A: Ain8t 1eneratin& 5%it' Ain8t 1ot 5%it.
Air-3ntercept )issile.
Air(an in +%ar&e. An Air(an 9irst +lass :;-<=.
Air-.aunc%ed Anti-Radiation )issile. )issile wit% active infrared trans(itter in nose
t%at %o(es in on tar&ets e(ittin& %eat ener&.
Advanced )ediu(-Ran&e Air-to-Air )issile. )issile wit% active radar trans(itter in
nose t%at trac#s tar&et' allowin& !fire and for&et! tactics.
Altitude in t%ousands of feet. !An&els ten! indicates 10'000 feet of altitude.
An&le of Attac#. Aerodna(ic an&le for(ed *etween t%e c%ord of an airfoil and t%e
direction of t%e relative wind.
An&le off "ail. An&le *etween t%e fli&%t pat% of an attac#er and its tar&et.
"%e 9-111. Also #nown as t%e -9-1 a-le(on/. "%e 111 featured side * side seatin& so
t%e crew could pass a >oint *ac# and fort% w%ile %opin& t%e "9R wor#ed. ?es' t%e 111
%ad as%tras. 3n t%e -#inder' &entler/ Air 9orce t%e are per(itted to %old %ands.
Aircraft 5urviva*ilit ;6uip(ent. An aircraft2s defensive sste(s :RWR' >a((ers' c%aff'
and flares=.
A*ove 5ea .evel. Aircraft2s altitude a*ove sea level :in feet=.
A"" S'o(:
3nfra-Red ,o(in& (issile. :5ee: 9o@ 2=
Advanced 5%ort "a#e-Aff and Bertical .andin&. C-<2 fi&%ter develop(ent pro&ra(.
Air "rainin& +o((and' Aller&ic to +o(*at' A(erican "o +o(pan.
Advanced "actical 9i&%ter. 1roup of fi&%ter prototpes t%at e(plo state-of-t%e-art
desi&n' (aterials' avionics' and weaponr to en%ance co(*at perfor(ance. "er( co(es
fro( t%e ori&inal na(e for t%e 9-22 pro&ra(. :5ee: A "o 9i&%ter=.
A To* Fig'(er:
Didn8t we >ust cover t%isD 0a attention. :5ee:A"9=
Anti-"an# 1uided )issiles. )issiles used a&ainst ar(ored &round ve%icles$ &uided *
lasers' wires or infrared si&nals :suc% as ,ellfire and "AW-2=.
Air*orne Warnin& And +ontrol 5ste(. Aircraft fitted wit% lon&-ran&e radar t%at
provide tactical and tar&et infor(ation to air and &round control units. Usuall *i&' slow
and e@tre(el %i&% priorit' *ot% to defend and to attac#.
Do&fi&%t adversar positivel identified as a *ad &u. ,ostile aircraft. :see: 1o(er=
A hangar.
Unidentified aircraft.
5peed *ra#es.
Earrier +o(*at Air 0atrol. 9i&%ters for( a !*arrier! to prevent ene( aircraft fro(
enterin& a desi&nated airspace or approac%in& a friendl tar&et. 1enerall set up alon&
(ost pro*a*le corridor of approac%' often involves fi&%ter relas.
A ti&%t' %i&%-1 c%an&e of %eadin&. A reference to t%e rapid 1F0-de&ree Eat(o*ile
(aneuver in t%e old Batman television series.
"%e ;lectronic Warfare Afficer :;WA=' t%e 13E. Refers to pilot8s opinion t%at a trained
*ear can replace t%e 13E. :5ee: 9U9=.
RA9 Eentwaters AE U7.
1.)ini(u( fuel for a co(forta*le and safe return to *ase. Aircraft can fl and fi&%t past
*in&o fuel in co(*at situations' *ut at considera*le peril.
2. +an also refer to an Gero condition. -"%e .t. is *in&o leaders%ip./
Bi(c'ing Be((*:
"%e fe(ale voice w%ic% is t%e voice warnin& sste( on t%e 9-1H.
Be'in# ('e , C-r$e:
Not #eepin& up wit% e@pectations. "ec%nicall' an airspeed less t%an t%at for t%e
(a@i(u( lift-to-dra& ratio' w%ic% is t%at portion of t%e power curve :a &rap%ical plot of
en&ine power vs. aircraft speed= at w%ic% t%e aircraft re6uires (ore power to &o slower in
stead level fli&%t. -Air(an Jones is wa *e%ind t%e power curve./
Una*le to see our win&(anIleader.
T'e Bl-e /oo:
"%e United 5tates Air 9orce Acade( at +olorado 5prin&s' +olorado. Also #nown as
-+olorado 7ool-Aid U/ and -"%e +olorado ,o(e for Waward Eos/
B0N: Eo(*ardierINavi&ator. U5 Nav ter( for co-pilot operator t%at %andles navi&ation
and tar&etin& operations on *o(*in& (issions.
Bo-g'( ('e Farm:
Died. Ari&inated fro( t%e practice of t%e &overn(ent-rei(*ursin& far(ers for crops
destroed due to aviation accidents on t%eir fields. "%e far(ers' #nowin& a &ood t%in&
w%en t%e see it' would inflate t%e value of lost crops to t%e point t%at' in effect' t%e
(is%ap pilot -*ou&%t t%e far(./ 5tudent pilots re&ularl practice e(er&enc landin&s to
far(er8s fields.
Bo1 O22ice:
9or(erl #nown as t%e +oc#pit. Rena(ed * 9e(ale 0ilots.
Ei& U&l 9at 9uc#er. E-42 Eo(*er.
An two seat aircraft w%ere t%e aft seat is not a crewed position ie: 9-1HD or 9-14D. "%e
9-14; is NA" a Eus *ecause ou8ve &ot a Eear *ac# t%ere.
B-" 3ri$er:
Anone wearin& +lass A Elue Unifor(.
Eeond Bisual Ran&e. :ie: A EBR Eitc% 5lap=.
Can Bir#:
Usuall t%e ,an&ar Jueen *ut it can *e an aircraft t%at %as *een desi&nated to %ave parts
canni*aliGed fro( it.
+o(*at Air 0atrol. +ruisin& at (ediu(-to-%i&% altitude over a certain area in searc% of
ene( planes.
Carrier Lan#ing":
Drin#in& &a(e w%erein s%it faced pilots' 13E8s and t%e occasional crew c%ief would
leap unto a &reased platfor(' a ta*le or even *etter t%e *ar and tr to catc% t%e -wire/.
"%e -wire/ is a rope or ot%er suita*le restraint :38ve seen ties used=. "%e o*>ect is to slide
under t%e wire and -%oo#/ it wit% uplifted calves. ,int: 3ce wor#s prett &ood to lu*e t%e
+lose Air 5upport. Droppin& *o(*s in support of &round troops -- also #nown as an air
stri#e' MU3CA,.
+onsolidated Ease 0ersonnel Affice. +o((issar' E.C. and 0ost Affice.
5trips of (etal fil( released to confuse and reflect si&nals fro( radar-&uided weapons.
C'ec% Si1:
Bisual o*servation of t%e rear 6uadrant' fro( w%ic% (ost air-to-air attac#s can *e
e@pected. Refers to t%e cloc# sste( of scannin& t%e envelope around t%e aircraft$ 12
o8cloc# is strai&%t a%ead' H o8cloc# is directl astern. Also a co((on salutation and
&reetin& a(on& tactical pilots. 7eep an ee on our *e%ind' *e careful.
Cre. 3og:
"%e crew c%ief' t%e person responsi*le for t%e da to da condition of t%e aircraft.
:Also see: Aerospace 0ar#in& Attendant' Eoo&er ,oo#er=
;lectronic specialists. -+all t%e +one%eads' t%e radar is "its Up a&ain./
:5ee: 1rinners=
Comic Boo%:
A "ec%nical Arder detailin& t%e servicin& and repair procedures for aircraft.
Comman#er4" 3oor5ell:
The stores release button. That's because you've got something to explain when you press
that button...
+ounter(easures. Used * air*orne ve%icles in defense a&ainst air-to-air or 5A)
weapons :c%aff' flares' and >a((ers=.
1eneric replace(ent of t%e word -%ead/. -3 *usted ( craniu( on t%at weapons station./
Replace(ent re6uired for 0+ purposes involvin& t%e dero&ator use of t%e word -,ead/.
:see: WA9=.
+o(ponent Repair 56uadron. "%e electronic repair fol#s. Also #nown as:
+an8t Repair 5%it.
Aircraft confi&ured for landin& wit% &ear and flaps down.
1eneric na(e for s(*ols on t%e ,UD and ot%er (sterious li&%ts associated wit% t%e
avionic pac#a&e.
9ro( t%e 1KH0s son& * 0etula +lar#' (eanin& an ene( tar&et area w%ere lots of anti-
aircraft opposition can *e e@pected. Durin& t%e Bietna( War' flin& (issions into t%e
,anoi-,aip%on& co(ple@ in Nort% Bietna(' w%ic% was defended * (ultiple 5A) and
conventional AAA sites' was referred to as -1oin& Downtown./ An %aGardous (ission'
-We8re &oin& downtown to Ea&%dad./
3o-5le Ugl*
9ond nic#na(e for t%e enor(ousl capa*le *ut less t%an *eautiful 9-L Phantom. 5ee also
9orce t%at counteracts an o*>ect in (otion t%rou&% t%e air' suc% as air resistance.
1.An un(anned aircraft.
2. An sin&le seat aircraft flown * a fe(ale. :5ee: Eo@ Affice=
;lectronic +ounter(easures. +ounter(easures t%at use t%e electro(a&netic spectru( to
confuse or defeat ene( radar and sensor sste(s.
;dwards A9E +alif.
;n%anced 9i&%ter )aneuvera*ilit. Aircraft desi&ned wit% t%e ai( of increasin& turn and
AoA perfor(ance durin& co(*at.
&lec(ric 6e(
"%e 9-1H 9i&%tin& 9alcon' so nic#na(ed *ecause of its fl-*-wire controls :see Biper=.
;l(ondorf A9E A7. "%e Alas#an Air +o((and is different. ;ielson A9E postponed
an e@ercise *ecause in interfered wit% )oose season. 9lin& is cut *ac# w%en t%e
5al(on are runnin&.
;6uip(ent )aintenance 56uadron. Addl enou&%' (ostl t%e (unitions fol#s.
A7A: ;(er&enc )annin& 56uadron' ;ven )o( 5(o#es' ;ver )unition is 5afe.
Face S'o(:
Radar &uided (issile s%ot. :5ee: 9o@ 1=
Fang" O-(:
An aircraft in t%e attac#. -,e rolled in 9an&s Aut./
9l E Wire. +o(puter-aided fli&%t control -- fli&%t co(puter corrects pilot control input
accordin& to t%e fli&%t condition data :altitude' airspeed= it receives' and uses t%is to
ad>ust fli&%t surfaces.
0oliticall correct replace(ent for t%e word -9uc#er/ :see EU99' 9U9=.
1. +artrid&e-s%aped source of %eat ener& used to divert infrared-%o(in& (issiles.
2.An increase of AoA durin& landin&.
Fla. AFB:
5%aw A9E' 5+.
Flig'( S-i( n"er(:
A pilot. Also -5tic# Actuator/' -Dra& in a Ea&/and -5tic#-"%rottle 3nterconnect/'
-A+;5 33 +ounterwei&%t/ and -Zipper Suited Sun Gods.
9orward-.oo#in& 3nfrared. 5ensor t%at !reads! t%e %eat si&natures of near* o*>ects.
A**reviation for -fuc#in& (a&ic/: ver %i&%-tec%$ used to descri*e %ow so(et%in& ou
don8t understand actuall wor#s. "%e A5J-F 1 )a&netic Ano(al 5ste( wor#s *
-9)./ A repair t%at was not done' or was ver co(plicated./ We fi@ed it wit% 9)'
9uc#in& New 1u
9orei&n A*>ect Da(a&e. A constant concern on airfields and carrier dec#s w%ere >et
en&ines operate. Jet inta#es can in&est loose o*>ects' and even t%e s(allest ite( M a roc#'
a *olt M can seriousl da(a&e >et tur*ine *lades. 5ince it was co((onl used as a noun'
-3 found so(e 9AD on t%e ra(p./ t%e ter( 9orei&n A*>ect De*ris is co((onl used.
Fo-r Fan Tra"' Can:
Fo1 1:
Radar &uided (issile s%ot. :5ee: 9ace 5%ot=
Fo1 2:
3nfra-Red ,o(in& )issile s%ot. :5ee: Ass 5%ot=
Fo1 7:
Un&uided (issile s%ot :5ee: )ad Do&=
Fo1 8:
A (id-air collision.
Fo1 9:
3(pactin& t%e 1round. :"%e &round %as a 07 factor of 1.0=
9uc#er Up 9ront. 0ilot in two seat aircraft suc% as an 9-L 0%anto(. :5ee 13E=
F-r 5all:
A confused aerial en&a&e(ent wit% (an co(*atants. 5everal aircraft in ti&%t A+). +an
also *e used to descri*e Win& *riefin& or ar&u(ent. :Ane notc% a*ove 1oat 9uc#=
1u in Eac#. 5lan& ter( for ;WA' W5A' R3A' and EIN. "%e &u *e%ind t%e 9U9.
:5ee Eear=
Going (o G-n":
5witc%in& to cannon. Assu(in& leaders%ip. "a#in& control of an situation.
Goa( F-c%:
An disor&aniGed function or activit. -Are ou t%e ,)93+ of t%is 1oat 9uc#D/
5lan& for a do&fi&%t adversar' t%e usa&e ste((in& fro( t%e old 1o(er 0le television
Grea"* Si#e:
"%e *otto( of t%e aircraft. -"r to land wit% t%e s%in side up and t%e &reas side
T'e Grea( +'i(e Ho:e:
"%e A3)-7 (issile. Reflectin& t%e confidence pilots %ad in t%is weapon durin& Bietna(.
5tatistics relate t%at t%ere were one :es'one= successful intercept for ever 111 launc%es.
Green A::le:
"%e control #no* for t%e coc#pit8s e(er&enc o@&en suppl.
Anone :(ostl specialists= w%o stand around wit% a 5%it ;atin& 1rin w%ile ot%ers wor#.
"%e ,ead )ot%erfuc#er in +%ar&e.
Hangar ;-een:
1.An aircraft t%at suffers c%ronic -downs/$ %an&ar 6ueens are often pirated for spares for
t%e s6uadron8s ot%er aircraft :t%e -6ueen8s/ e>ection seats are especiall well prefli&%ted=.
2. An attractive WA9 w%o is #nown to sa -?es/ a lot. :5ee:WA9=
Anone of Ara* decent' or even of a *rownis% s#in tone' *e t%e Af&%anis' 3ra6is or even
Ha::* )alle*:
.ac#land Air 9orce Ease.
,i&%-speed' Anti-Radiation )issile. )issile w%ose see#er %ead %o(es in on radar-
e(ittin& sources.
Hea# on a S.i$el:
7eepin& an ee peeled for an A+) adversar$ also called -doin& t%e .inda Elair'/ for t%e
<H0-de&ree %ead rotation in t%e (ovie The Exorcist.
Sidewinder (issile :A3)-K=' w%ic% %o(es in on %eat sources
Hell AFB:
,ill A9E' U".
"%e opposite of (issiles. :5ee- )issiles=
,eads-Up Displa. 1lass (ounted at t%e front of t%e coc#pit. "%e pilot loo#s forward
t%rou&% t%e &lass' and i(portant co(*at and fli&%t infor(ation is reflected onto t%e ,UD
and superi(posed over %is view of t%e outside world.
"%e 9-100' not 1er(ans w%o are referred to as -,er(s/.
,i&%-Belocit )issile.

3dentification 9riend or 9oe. A coded (essa&e sent to a tar&et2s 399 transponder.
3nstru(ent .andin& 5ste(. A radio device at airfields t%at assists pilots in low-visi*ilit
3nfrared. Ran&e of t%e electro(a&netic spectru( w%ere a si&nal2s intensit is directl
related to its %eat si&nature.
;lectronic counter(easure t%at e(its (icrowaves to distortIconfuse ene( radarscopes.
"o (aneuver violentl to avoid a t%reat. -3 >in#ed to ditc% t%at 5A)/. -3 >in#ed to avoid
t%e 9irst 5%irt/.
Radio call si&nalin& t%at our 6uarr is in si&%t and ou are ta#in& control of t%e
intercept. -Dar#star' Jud' Jud. 38( &oin& in for 1uns./
=ic% ('e Tire" an# Lig'( ('e Fire":
9or(erl' to *pass or severel s%orten t%e re6uired routine of p%sicall inspectin& t%e
aircraft prior to fli&%t. +urrentl (eanin&' -.et8s &et t%is aircraft prefli&%ted and outta
%ere prontoN/ :5ee Rapid +it 9reestle=.
=noc% ( O22:
+ease (aneuverin& :as in E9) or A+)=.
)easure of speed e6ual to one nautical (ile per %our.
RA9 .a#en%eat%
La.n 3ar(:
A nickname or the !"#$ !ighting !alcon.
Refers to ai(in& >ust a%ead of an ene(2s fli&%t pat% or a (ana&e(ent tec%ni6ue seen on
.aser-1uided Eo(*.
Lig'(" O-(:
Radar off.
T'e Li%:
3ncirli# AE' "ur#e
Local (alen(:
Dero&ator ter( used to descri*e an fe(ale livin& near an Air 9orce Ease w%o does
not%in& *ut %ave se@ and use air(en for (one. 5aid fe(ales %ave usuall *een (arried
and divorced at least t%ree ti(es *efore t%e turn 24. Hemorr'oi#:
Upper ,eford AE' ;n&land
.ieutenant 0rotection Association
Mac': 5peed of sound at sea level :7H0 ftIs= t%at is (easured in (ultiples :)ac% 1' )ac%
2' etc=.
Mac'> Mac': 1oin& reall fast or at a classified airspeed. -"%e Elac#*ird &oes )ac%
Ma# 3og:
An un&uided (issile.
)acDill A9E 9.
+lose Air 0atrol. 0atrol of an area in searc% of ene( aircraft' no specified o*>ective to
A*>ects t%at fall fro( t%e rail and t%en do ant%in& t%e want. "%e opposite of -,ittles/.
Mi1e# Com:an*:
A &roup of pilots w%ic% includes t%ose so unfortunate as to not *e fi&%ter pilots.
Mo5ile Benc' S(oc%:
"%e aircraft par#ed ne@t to our w%ere screws and ot%er s(all part can *e -ac6uired/ t%us
preventin& t%e lon& wal# to t%e Eenc% 5toc# in t%e %an&ar.
Mo-n(ain Hole:
)ountain ,o(e A9E.
)eals Read to ;at. Also )eals Re>ected * ;verone.
An Air to 1round )ission. A#a' CAS. -We were doin& )UD+A0 for so(e )arines./
M-# Hen:
9-14;I9 5tri#e ;a&le. 5o(eti(es e(ploed on a )UD+A0.
M-# Mi""ion:
An air to &round stri#e or *o(*in& (ission.
M-#-mo$er> Gro-n#-:o-n#er
.ow-level attac# aircraft suc% as t%e A-10. :Also see )ud ,en' )ud )ission=.
;lectronic >a((in& intended to deceive radar.
M* F-n Me(er i" ,egge#:
5arcastic co((ent for' -3 a( not en>oin& t%is an (ore./
No Ho:e ,o:e:
0ope A9E. :also 9aette-na(=
No 6o*:
9ailure to (a#e visual si&%tin&$ or ina*ilit to esta*lis% radio co((unications.
Na-(ical mile:
Aeronautical (easure(ent of distance e6ual to H'07H ft.
#% A noner can be a person that works in inance& behind a desk in the warmth o a oice.
Their biggest threat is a chance that the stappler may brake and a staple come screaming out
into their eye.
'%(Anyone who does not work on the light line is a noner(
)ronounced *non"er%
N*lon Le(#o.n:
;>ection and su*se6uent parac%ute ride.
One in ('e Hangar:
3f ou %ave a c%ild and our wife is pre&nant' ou' -,ave one on t%e ra(p and one in t%e
O::or(-ni(* (o e1cel
A disa&reea*le >o* wit%out t%e ti(e or resources to properl co(plete.
,ACAF Form 1:
O20 *ill for drin#in&Ipartin& and !lon& ti(e!
0recision 1uided )unitions. !5(art Eo(*! :a &uided *o(*= as opposed to a du(*
,= 2ac(or:
0ro*a*ilit of 7ill factor. :5ee 9o@ 4=
0ilot2s Ni&%t Bision 5ensor. Device t%at aids ni&%t vision * translatin& %eat e(issions
into pictures. Allows pilots to cras% at ni&%t.
,oin(* &n#
"%e nose of t%e aircraft. :5ee s%in side and &reas side.P
Punch Out+
To e,ect rom an aircrat. To leave& -This party is dead. .et/s punch out.
!AM: Radar A*sor*ent )aterial. )aterial containin& t%ousands of a*sor*ent poc#ets
t%at convert radar *ea(s into %eat or s(all electro(a&netic fields' reducin& overall radar
!a:i# Ci(* Free"(*le:
.aunc%in& an aircraft as 6uic#l as possi*le' disre&ardin& nor(al procedure. Ari&inall
fro( t%e Alert .aunc%es of E-428s at &ll".or(' Air Force Ba"e :for(all Rapid +it
A9E' 5D=. -38( late +%ief. 5ure t%in& +aptain' one Rapid +it 9reestle co(in& up/.
Radar +ross-5ection.
!e# Flag:
A lar&e (oc# air war' %eld 6uarterl * t%e Air 9orce at Nellis A9E' Nevada. )an non-
Air 9orce assets M NavI)arines' Ar(' forei&n M are invited to participate.
1."%e 9-L 0%anto( 33 in all its 1lor.
2. An unattractive WA9.
Radar 3ntercept Afficer. U5 Nav ter( for *ac#-seat weapons and tar&etin& sste(s
!ig'( ,i(i2-l:
Wri&%t 0atterson A9E
Retired An Active Dut' refers to so(eone w%o is approac%in& retire(ent so t%e don2t
care a*out &ettin& an real wor# acco(plis%ed.
Ran&e W%ile 5earc%. Radar (ade t%at uses continuous wave e(issions to provide
contact ran&e and *earin& at e@tre(el lon& ran&e.
Radar Warnin& Receiver. Aircraft device t%at warns t%e pilot if %e is *ein& trac#ed * an
ene( (issile &uidance sste( or air intercept radar.
T'e San# Bo1:
5urface-to-Air )issile.
5earc% and Rescue
Shaw AFB (See: Show AFB)
See More Johnson:
Seymore Johnson AFB NC. ( Really Suck More Johnsonu! you know
k"n#er $ %en!lerwa"! a m"nu!e$ also See My Johnson.)
A"r s&ee#.
S'in* Si#e:
"%e top of an aircraft. -"r to land wit% t%e s%in side up and t%e &reas side down/.
Sierra Ho(el:
0%onetic a**reviation for -s%it %ot'/ %i&% praise$ t%e pilot8s favorite and all-purpose
e@pression of approval. 5u*stitute -Well Done/ in (i@ed co(pan. :5ee )i@ed
S'o. AFB:
5%aw A9E' 5+. As in -All 5%ow' No 1o/. Also 5%are ,us*ands And Wives A9E.
:5ee 9law A9E=.
A3)-120 air to air (issile.
5%ort .ittle U&l 9uc#er. "%e A-7D.
,i&% dra& )#-F2.
5urface-to-5urface )issile.
5pan&da%le( AE' 1er(an :also 5pan&uentin=
S:ee# o2 Hea(:
Ber' ver fast. -We e&ressed t%e tar&et at t%e 5peed of ,eat/.
S(a(ic 3i":la*:
Aircraft on displa as at an air s%ow. 3nactive or wort%less' -Air(an Jones is on 5tatic
S(all: !.oss of lift! condition t%at occurs w%en t%e an&le of attac# is too steep for t%e
airfoil to provide an lift. Durin& a stall' t%e nor(all strea(lined flow of air over t%e
*lade is disrupted.
S(a(ion +agon:
"wo seat aircraft suc% as an 9-1HD or a 9-14D. :5ee: Eus=
STO)L: 5%ort "a#e Aff and Bertical .andin&. 1roup of aircraft t%at redirects t%rust
usin& vanes$ noGGles or lift fans for aw andIor pitc% (aneuvera*ilit.
S.a: ,ain(:
;up%e(is( for a (id-air collision
Tango Uni2orm:
0olite p%onetics for -tits up/' *ro#en' not functionin&.
"%e "%under*irds' t%e U5A9 Air De(onstration "ea(. Also #nown as t%e -"-7ids/ and
-"%under +%ic#ens/.
An Refuel "an#er suc% as a 7+-1<4 or 7+-10. W% -"e@aco/ and not so(et%in& li#e
-;@@on/DDD "e@as A and ) produces (ore Air 9orce Afficers t%an t%e Acade(.
"errain 9ollowin& Radar. )ost nota*l in t%e 9-111. "9R allowed t%e aircraft to fl
itself at e@tre(el low altitude. W%en it was still new t%e "9R would tr to fl over %ills
at AAA8s t%at stalled t%e win&. An one (e(ora*le fli&%t' as t%e crossed t%e s%oreline
of Nort% +arolina t%e "9R started trac#in& t%e sea*ed and plun&ed t%e >et ri&%t into t%e
ocean. "%e crew never felt a t%in&.
T'ro((le Bac%:
"o slow down' ta#e it eas. -?ou *etter t%rottle *ac# *efore ou &et a DU3/.
"%e 9-104 "%underc%ief. Detractors sa t%e na(e ste(s fro( t%e sound t%e 104 (a#es
w%en it %its t%e &round.
,oriGontal' directional force t%at overco(es dra& and powers t%e aircraft in t%e desired
Ti(" U::
3nopera*le or *ro#en. -"%e radar is -"its Up/.
To-c' an# Go?":
Repeatedl fallin& asleep in a (eetin& or a class w%ile trin& desperatel to sta awa#e.
After noddin& off' t%e person2s %ead will dip forward al(ost to %is c%est' w%ereupon %e
will snap *ac# into a ver *rief state of se(i-consciousness and repeat t%e process.
Na(ed after practice landin&s w%ere t%e aircraft descends' *riefl touc%es down w%ile
still rollin& forward' and 6uic#l *eco(es air*orne a&ain.
"rac# W%ile 5can. Radar (ode t%at uses pulse-Doppler radar to tar&et a contact'
providin& detailed trac#in& infor(ation at s%ort ran&e.
U: an# Loc%e#:
As in -Erain Disen&a&ed./ Derives fro( t%at *ad t%in& t%at %appens w%en ou tr to
(a#e a &ear-up approac%. -"%e Eoss is Up and .oc#ed a*out t%is/'
U::er Hemorr'oi#:
RA9 Upper ,eford. U7
,a%n AE' 1er(an.
"%e 9-1H 9i&%tin& 9alcon. Na(ed after t%e fi&%ters in Eattlestar 1allactica.
:5ee: .awn Dart=
)TOL: Bertical "a#e Aff and .andin&
)S: Bertical speed indicator.
Wo(en of t%e Air 9orce. A fe(ale. "er( replaced * &eneric -Air(an/ *ecause of t%e
widespread use of -We All 9uc#/.
Universal nic#na(e for t%e A-10 Thunderbolt II close air support aircraft.
+'i"%e* C'arlie:
0%onetics for -W%o cares./
+'i"%e* 3el(a
0%onetics for -Wea# Dic#'/ a pilot w%o can8t cut it. 5uc% a scurrilous ter( t%at it8s
al(ost never used.
+'*no( Mino(:
)inot A9E' ND. :As in -W% not )inotD 9reeGin8 t%e Reason./=
5econd pilot in a two-plane for(ation. Responsi*le for ensurin& t%at %is leader8s si@
o8cloc# re(ains clear. ?our Eudd. -?ou8re ( win&(an toni&%t' ri&%tD/
+SO: Weapons 5ste(s Afficer. U5 Nav ter( for *ac#-seat weapons and tar&etin&
sste(s operators. :5ee Eear' 13E=
T'i" ":ace in(en(ionall* le2( 5lan% .
T'i" ":ace in(en(ionall* le2( 5lan%.
"ec%nicall a %alf-%our after (idni&%t' *ut co((onl used to descri*e an event t%at is
sc%eduled to ta#e place after (idni&%t and *efore sunrise.
+o(piled' written and edited *: Walt +%a(*erlain
"%e .uc# 0upp ,o(e 0a&e
All Ri&%ts Reserved

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