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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Haga clic sobre la descripcin del texto, luego digite su propio texto.
Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido
Mabys, Castillo
Nombre de la institucin educat
Escuela Grecia
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Villa Grecia
tros datos de la institucin educativa !el "#$%&"'"
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
Lets do it together!
Resumen de la unidad
This planning its bases on increasing useful vocabulary using different activities in that
way, children would acquire, understand, recognize, and use english as a second
language succesfully.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s
This Project is focusing on first grade in priary school.
!ubject" #nglish correlated subjects" $eography, %rt.
Ao y nivel
Level" p.. first grade $
Tiempo necesario aproimado
Two wee&s, eight periods of clases and each period lasts fourty inutes.
!undamentos de la unidad
( "&&$ Corporacin )ntel. !odos los derec*os reservados. +,gina ' de #
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
'()'#PT*%L L%)$*%$# !+,LL! %TT,T*-,)%L
means of transportation
By air: airplane, jet,
By land: car, motorbike,
bike, bus, taxi.
By wter: boat, ship,
Classifying means
f transportation:
By air
By land
By water
!h" #uestions
&ndefinite articles:
', an
(his is a bicycle.
(hat is a plan
)sing his*her
&magination and
Creati%ity to perform
+pecific tasks.
'sking and answering
#uestions ,olitely.
"#$etivos del aprendi%a$e
&dentifies means of transportation.
,resents information about transportation and communication.
Indicadores de logro:
-ecognizes means of transportation from his*her community.
&dentifies similarities and differences among means of transportation.
-elates orally the means of transportation taking in consideration.
$iscusses about means of transportation.
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial How humans go from one place to another place?
Preguntas de unidad
How we classified the means of transportation?
Which are the advantages and disadvantages
of means of transportation?
Why are the means of transportation so important for
human being?
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Preguntas de contenido
What are the means of transportation?
What means of transportation are the most common
in our community?
What is land transportation?
What is air transportation ?
What is water transportation?
( "&&$ Corporacin )ntel. !odos los derec*os reservados. +,gina - de #
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Plan de evaluacin
Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe%ar el
tra#a$o del proyecto
Durante el
desarrollo del
&na ve% completado el proyecto
Brainstorming about
means of
.estimate scale/
0emorizes a 0eans
of transportation1 song.
of transportation
song.docx .estimate
,resents a
3ideo about
means of
. checklist/
!orksheets about
means of
,resents a
$ialogue about
means of
. estimate scale/
0akes an 'rt craft .model/ about
means of
transportation.$:2$ocuments20eans of
(ransportation dialogue.docx . and
Oral description about their models.
Resumen de evaluaciones
EV./U.C)0N +1CE2 3 +1+02)!
Brain storming &ntroduces the new topic and lets them to
answer some #uestions about it.
rubrics 0eassures their knowlege1s getting during
some classroom acti%ities such as: art craft
creation, and oral description of their model.
estimate scale evaluates some classroom activities such
as: brainstorming, dialogue, and song.
0eassures their work group capacity.
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Coe%aluation and heteroe%aluation 4%aluates classroom acti%ities in two ways:
teacher5student and student5student.
Detalles de la unidad
'a#ilidades previas
tudents must have had a previous !nowldge about some nouns, prepositions, and places
because they have to classified means of tranportation according to water, air or earth. "hey
also has a #ittle bit of ability solving some cognitive games such as: pu$les, crosswords, and
%ctivity &:
shares opinions, ideas, about means of transportation. brainstorming (estimate
scale)':()sers(*abys(+es!top(,stimate scale.doc-
%ctivity .:
Watches a short video about the topic.
%ctivity 3:
#istens and memori$es a song. $:2$ocuments20eans of transportation song.docx
':()sers(*abys(+es!top(,stimate escale.doc-
%ctivity 4:
*a!es wor!sheets about means of transportation.
':()sers(*abys(+es!top(,stimate scale.doc-
%ctivity 5:
6ractices and presents a dialogue about means of transportation.
':()sers(*abys(+es!top(estimate scale.doc-
%ctivity 7:
*a!es an artcraft about means of tranportation (model).
%ctivity ::
6resents and describes the model in front of the classroom.
Adaptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con
6oints out the mean of transportation that teacher said.
'ut, paste and label means of transportation pictures in
their english noteboo!.
*atches means of transportation.
ings a song about means of transportation.
( "&&$ Corporacin )ntel. !odos los derec*os reservados. +,gina 5 de #
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
(o )ispano*
$raws and paints means of transportation.
,oints out means of transportation.
0akes an artcraft about a mean of transportation.
0akes worksheets about means of transportation.
6elps classmattes during model confeccion.
+ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa , 'ard-are 6e7uipo necesario8
C,mara digital
1eproductor de 9V9
Conexin a )nternet
9isco l,ser
2istema de proyeccin
C,mara de v:deo
E7uipo de v:deo con;erencia
Tecnologa , .o/t-are 6necesario8
<ase de datos=Ho>a de c,lculo
9iagramador de publicaciones
+rograma de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en C9%1M
Editor de im,genes
<uscador ?eb
9esarrollo de p,ginas @eb
+rocesador de texto
+ateriales impresos
"ime to learn boo!
8ecycable materials.
Recursos de Internet
transport.htl video
https" song
http"..esl& wor&sheets
"tros Recursos
/os programas de )ntelA Educacin son ;inanciados por la Bundacin )ntel y la Corporacin )ntel.
9erec*os reservados ("&&$, Corporacin )ntel. !odos los derec*os reservados. )ntel, el logo de )ntel, la iniciativa de )ntel Educacin y el
+rograma )ntel Educar son marcas registradas de )ntel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pa:ses. Ctros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
( "&&$ Corporacin )ntel. !odos los derec*os reservados. +,gina # de #

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