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1. What is view ? Types of View ?

A view is a logical view on one or more tables, that is, a view is not actually physically stored, instead being
derived from one or more other tables.
PROJE!"O# $"E%
Pro&ection views are used to suppress or mas' certain fields in a table (pro&ection), thus minimi*ing the number of
interfaces. !his means that only the data that is actually re+uired is e,changed when the database is accessed.
-A!A.A/E $"E%
-atabase views are implement an inner &oin, that is, only records of the primary table (selected via the &oin
operation) for which the corresponding records of the secondary tables also e,ist are fetched.
0E1P $"E%
%hen the 23 button is pressed for a screen field, a chec' is first made on whether a matchcode is defined for this
field. "f this is not the case, the help view is displayed in which the chec' table of the field is the primary table.
!hus, for each table no more than one help view can be created, that is, a table can only be primary table in at
most one help view.
4A"#!E#A#E $"E%
4aintenance views enable a business5oriented approach to loo'ing at data, while at the same time, ma'ing it
possible to maintain the data involved. -ata from several tables can be summari*ed in a maintenance view and
maintained collectively via this view.
6. You frst define the relevant tables and fields for the search in a matchcode ob&ect. A matchcode ob&ect
describes the set of all possible search paths for a search string.
7ou then create one or more matchcode "-s for a matchcode ob&ect. A matchcode "- describes a special search
path for a search string. !he matchcode "- defines the fields or field combinations to be used in the search.
4atchcode "-s
A matchcode ob&ect can have several matchcode "-s.
PARA4E!ER/ 8p9 ... 4A!0O-E O.JE! 8search:help9
An elementary search help defines the standard flow of an input help.
A collective search help combines several elementary search helps. !he user can thus choose one of several alternative
search paths with collective search help.
;. Diference btwn. cluster table and pooled table ?
3. What is forigen key crdinality ?
<. What is lock ob#ect ? types of lock ob#ect ?
$%&D'W$(T%'%)"*+,(V% W$(T%-works like a write lock e.cept that the enhanced
write lock also protects fro/ further accesses fro/ the sa/e transaction0
=. What is bufer? diferent type of bufers ?
full buffering> Entire table
generic buffering> all the records whose left5&ustified part of the 'ey is the same are loaded into the buffer when a
table record is accessed
single5record buffering > ? only the record that was accessed is loaded into the buffer
@. What are do/ains and data ele/ent?
A. What is foreign key relationship?
B. What are
1C. What are the events of (nteractive report ?
At selection5screen output
At seelction5screen on field
At selection5screen on bloc'
At selection5screen

At line5selection
At user5command
At pfnn
!op5of5page during line selection


At first
At last
At new
At end of
On change of

.efore the standard selection screen is displayed

A! /E1E!"O#5/REE#
After user input on a selection screen has been processed, but while the selection screen is still active

After the standard selection screen has been processed, before data is read from the logical database

EE! node
After the logical database has read a data record from the node node

EE! node 1A!E
After all of the nodes of the logical database have been processed that are hierarchically subordinate to the node
node in the structure of the logical database

After all data has been read by the logical database

1ist processor events>
"n list processing when a new page starts

"n list processing when a page ends

A! 1"#E5/E1E!"O#
%hen the user triggers the predefined function code P"F

A! P2nn
%hen the user triggers the predefined function code P2nn

A! G/ER5O44A#-
%hen the user triggers a function code defined in the program
3. What is 4ide ?
Hide Command
te/porarily stores variables
4ide &rea related by line nu/ber
recalled at &T *(5%6,%*%"T(75 event
. What is value table and check table ?
"48 T&9*% ! :8 relationship
V&*+% table ! Do/ain level
2. What is ,1;3 ?
;. 4ow to use bar code in s/artfor/s ?
Defne barcode -syste/ barcode0
+se it in ,1&$T,TY*%,
=. What is the diference between /acro and subroutine?
>. What are two /ethods of /odifying ,&? standard tables?
9atch #ob!
Tcode !
<ive e.ecuting conditionsA progra/ na/e with variants A
B79C7?%5 A B79C,+91(T A B79C"*7,%
(, ,+??*(%D ???
7ou can use the database utility to edit all the database ob&ects that are generated from ob&ects of the A.AP
-ictionary. "t is mainly used when a table is changed in the A.AP -ictionary.At that time,we must ensure that
the database structure of the table is ad&usted to the change in the A.AP -ictionary during activation.
smartforms: page break
window types
How will you print on both sided of a Smartform
What is the difference in a Table and a Template in Smartform
Page Protection
! SS"#$%T&'$"!'(#)E"$*!E
Watermark 'r a +ackground &mage for Smartforms , Page background pi-
barcode , character format in smartstyle
tcode S%%1
*dobe form : SP
e.ents in reports:
at selection screen/output
''PS *)0:
('#+)E %)&%1 E0E$T &$ *)0 T'')+*2
fm 3types4
#pdate function module
! in $EW T*S1 555
)'6' #P)'*( T%'(E
2%5 T%'(E WHE2E (EST&$*T&'$ &S !*&$T*&$E(
bdc modes: *7$7E7P
14*bstract method can be implemented5 How can it be implemented5 3Subclass method4
'b8ect cannot be created of a abstract class9 'nly subclasses of such class can be instantiated9
:4inal class/method , inal class , no inheritance; final method , redinition is not possible
<4constructor can ha.e importing and e-porting parameters5 $o
44#se of S#PE2 keyword
To enhance the superclass method with additional functionality
=4 %)*SS"%'$ST2#%T'2 can ha.e interfacing parameter3import/e-port4
>4%)*SS"%'$ST2#%T'2 is processed at the begining of processing block3start,of"selection4
?4 try catch block
@4 c-"root e-eption parent
A4 interfaces: &1 final method m: 9
1B4polymorphism ,,,C method redinition
114 E0E$TS , E0E$T: ; !ETH'(S: ; 2E6&STE2 E0E$T ; T2&66E2 E0E$T
1:4 me,Clw"a D class attribute
)w"a D method .ariable
+'! T%'(E 555 &f i maintain the components of P' 7 will it be synchronised 555

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