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Hort Horizons

New varieties released

Walnut: CITH Walnut-6:
It is a high yielding variety which is single plant chance seedling selection. The variety is
having superior nut quality traits along with higher shelling percentage (51%). It is suitable for
growing under entire teperate region of !orth "estern #ialayan agro$eco syste. %hoot&
leaf and rachis are pubescent with broad ovate nut shape& light shell ' (ernel colour& plupy
(ernel& well filled& rough shell te)ture and interediate shell seal. !ut weight is *+.,,g. Tree
vigour is interediate& sei$erect& interediate branches& well apart& dense& stout& brown to grey
and healthy. -lants are protandrous& bears heavy cat(in and stiga is green in colour. .ariety is
having field tolerance to oisture stress and low teperature. #arvesting starts after 1/0$1/5
days fro the date of full bloo at -.T.1 stage. 2ruit yield is +0(g3tree at 15 years of age. The
plant coences bearing fro +
year onwards.
(Breeders: A.A.Sofi, N.
Ahmed, S.R.Singh, M.K.Verma, R.K.Verma, G.Pandey, O.C. Sharma, P. A. Shagoo, A H Pandit ,
Hidayatullah Mir, Megna Rashid, S. A. ar and Sha!ia shah)
Walnut: CITH Walnut-7:
It is a high yielding fro a is single plant chance seedling selection. The variety is having
superior nut quality traits along with higher shelling percentage (50%). It is suitable for growing
under entire teperate region of !orth "estern #ialayan agro$eco syste. %hoot& glabrous&
leaf and rachis are pubescent. !uts are large (24.71g) with elliptic nut shape& ediu shell '
light aber (ernel colour& plupy (ernel& well filled& rough shell te)ture and strong shell seal.
.igorous trees growth& sei$erect& interediate branches& well apart& dense& stout& brown to grey
and healthy. -lants are protandrous& bears heavy cat(in ' green in colour& stiga. .ariety is
having field tolerance to oisture stress and low teperature. #arvesting starts after 155$1/0
days fro the date of full bloo at -.T.1 stage. 2ruit yield is +0(g3tree at *0$*5 years of age. The
plant coences bearing fro +
year onwards.
(Breeders: A.A.Sof, N. Ahmed, S.R.Singh, M.K.Verma,R.K.Verma, K. K. Srivastava, J. I.
Mir, G. Mahindiran, R. Kumar, A. H. Pandit, G. I. Hassan, Megna Rashid , Abid Mir
Walnut: CITH Walnut-8:
4 high yielding variety& which is single plant chance seedling selection. The variety is
having superior nut quality traits along with higher shelling percentage (55.10%). It is suitable
for growing under entire teperate region of !orth "estern #ialayan agro$eco syste. Leaf
and rachis are pubescent with narrow elliptic leafet, yellow rachis colour and
long trapezoid nut shape. Light shell and (ernel colour& plupy (ernel& well filled& rough
shell te)ture and interediate shell seal. !ut weight is *0.+5g. Trees are sei vigorous& sei$
erect& interediate branches& well apart& dense& stout& brown to grey and healthy. -lants are
protandrous& interediate cat(in abundance& stiga is green in colour. .ariety is having field
tolerance to oisture stress and low teperature. #arvesting starts after 156$155 days fro the
date of full bloo at -.T.1 stage. 2ruit yield is 50(g3tree at *0 years of age. The plant
coences bearing fro +
year onwards.
(Breeders: A.A.Sofi, N. Ahmed, S.R.Singh, M.K.Verma,R. K. Verma, ". # .Mir, inesh $umar, P.
A. Shagoo, Ri!%an Rashid and Hilal Ahmad &hatt
Walnut: CITH Walnut-9
4 high yielding variety fro a single plant chance seedling selection. The variety is
having superior nut quality traits along with higher shelling percentage (50.,%). It is suitable for
growing under entire teperate region of !orth "estern #ialayan agro$eco syste. Leafets
are elliptic with glabrous shoot, round nut shape and rough shell
texture. Light shell and (ernel colour& well filled& plupy (ernel& rough shell te)ture and
interediate shell seal. !ut weight is *1.*+g. Trees are vigorous and spreading type dense
branches& well apart& dense& stout& brown to grey and healthy. -lant are protogynous& heavy
cat(in abundance& stiga is green in colour. .ariety is having field tolerance to oisture stress
and low teperature. #arvesting starts after 1/0$1/5 days fro the date of full bloo at -.T.1
stage. 2ruit yield is 50(g3tree at *0 years of age. The plant coences bearing fro +
(Breeders: N. Ahmed, S. R. Singh, A. A. Sofi, M. K.Verma,R. K.Verma, .& Singh, P. A. Shagoo,
M.A. Sei$h, Hidayatullah and Mir, Megna Rashid.
Walnut: CITH Walnut-10
4 high yielding variety which is single plant chance seedling selection. The variety is
having superior nut quality traits along with higher shelling percentage (55.50%). It is suitable
for growing under entire teperate region of !orth "estern #ialayan agro$eco syste.
Leafets are narrowing elliptic with dark green leaf and long trapezoid nut shape.
Light shell and (ernel colour& plupy (ernel& well filled& rough shell te)ture and interediate
shell seal. !ut weight is 1,.,5g. Trees are vigorous& sei$erect& interediate branches& well
apart& dense& stout& brown to grey and healthy. -lant are protandrous& interediate cat(in
abundance& stiga is green in colour. .ariety is having field tolerance to oisture stress and low
teperature. #arvesting starts after 15*$156 days fro the date of full bloo at -.T.1 stage. 2ruit
yield is +0(g3tree at *0 years of age. The plant coences bearing fro +
year onwards.
ers: N.Ahmed, S.R.Singh, A.A.Sofi, M.K.Verma,R.K.Verma, S.'al, P.A Shagoo, S.A.(ani , #mran
Khan,and (a)ida Shafi
Sweet Cerr!: CITHCerr!-01
The variety has been developed through clonal selection fro old variety 78ouble
(1igarreau !apoleon)9. It is a regular bearing: precocious variety is ;ield is higher in coparison
to 8ouble. %uitable for cultivation under <ashir valley and other #ialayan =egions.
>)cellent consuer acceptability due to its attractive bright shining red colour& taste and overall
appearance. Trees are sei$spreading& suitable high density planting. ?eaf ediu in si@e and
glossy& high annual shoot growth and tolerant to drought. .egetative buds are pointed and
cylindrical. 2lower bud broad at base pointed at ape)& spur bold and thic(& 5$/ flowers3 spur& and
prolific bearer. %pur and bloo density is ediu to high& =egular in bearing with average yield
of ,.+5 t3ha at A$6 years of age. 2ruits ediu to large in si@e ovoid or heart shaped li(e
78ouble9 with long pedicels and fir fleshed. 2ruit is red blushed on yellow bac(ground having
high T%% (15.5A
1ri)) with good acid3sugar blend. It ta(es 5*$55 days to ature after full bloo
and atures ten days earlier to traditional cv. 7Bishri9 in <ashir.
(Breeders: A. A. Sofi, N. Ahmed, K. K. Sri*asta*a, M. K. Verma, R. K. Verma,inesh Kumar, ".#.
Mir, G. Mahindiran, ". A. Rather and (a)ida Shafi)
Sweet "err!: CITH-Cerr!-0#
The variety has been developed through clonal selection fro old variety 7Bishri
( 1igarreau !oir Crossa)9. It is regular in bearing& precocious& and yields higher (+.65 (g3tree)
than 7Bishri9. This is early to id aturing variety having better quality and attractive red s(in
colour. .ariety is suitable for growing under high altitudes of teperate area of !orth "estern
#ialayan agro$eco syste. Trees are upright& suitable for high density planting& leaves are
glossy having drought escape echanis by leaf rolling. .egetative buds are bold& pointed
cylindrical& slightly held out. 2lower buds are bold& ape) thic( and blunt& borne on ore than one
year old shoot. %purs are bold and proinent having 5 $/ flowers3 spur. %pur and bloo density
is ediu and higher than 7Bishri9. =egular and prolific bearing and yields 10.*5t3ha after A$6
years of age. 2ruits are ediu to large& dar( red in colour with proinent white dots all over
fruits surface. #igh T%% (15.5+
1ri)) with good acid 3 sugar blend. It ta(es 51$5/ days after full
bloo to ature
(Breeders: K. K. Sri*asta*a, N. Ahmad, M. K. Verma, A. A. Sofi, R. K. Verma, . &. Singh, Shi*
'al, G. Mahindiran and S.K. &hat)
$%%le: CITH Lodh Apple 1
The variety has been developed through clonal selection fro the old =ed 8elicious
plantation and has been identified by the Dentral Institute of Teperate #orticulture (DIT#)&
%rinagar in *01*. It is very precociuos& regular bearing and id season blooing variety. Trees
are interediate in vigour and spreading. 2ruits are large to ediu in si@e (165$1,0 g )& oblong
conical in shape. Daly) end is proinent and bluntly lobed. Cround colour yellow and over
colour dar( shiny red with presence of ediu lenticels on the s(in. 2ruit stal( is short$ediu
in length. 2lesh is fir in te)ture (6.5 (g3c
) and crispy and Euicy
with T%% 1+./

2ruits are born ostly on thic( and strong spurs
and also on shoots. %pur density is ediu. Baturity is early to
id season (11A days fro full bloo to harvest). #igh yielding
(*6$+* t3ha at age of 10$1* years). Tolarent to aEor pests and
diseases. Cood shelf life. The variety is very uch suitable for
cultivation in id to high hills of !orth "estern #ialayan agro$
cliatic @ones where low fruit set has been recorded on
traditional high chilling apple cultivars due to cliate change.

Breeders: &is%a)it as, Na!eer Ahmed, ". K. Ran)an, &. '. Attri, A. A. Sofi, R. K. Verma, M. K.
Verma and P. C. +ri,athi
&arli": CITH &arli" '()-1
The variety has been identified by .ariety =elease Doittee of Dentral Institute of
Teperate #orticulture& %rinagar on the basis of high yield and superior quality in station
evaluation trials and ultilocation trial. .ariety is long day early aturing type and suitable for
growing under entire teperate region of !orth "estern #ialayan agro$eco syste. Its bulbs
and cloves are very large and bulbs are round with light purplish pigentation on outer s(in. It
has light oderate pungency with better quality and wider acceptability. It ta(es *00$**0 days to
ature after planting and yield up to *00q3ha ..ariety can tolerate severe frost and snow.
-Breeders. ". K. Ran)an, Na!eer Ahmed, Pragya, &is%a)it as, S. R. Singh and & ' Attri/

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