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Sample Questions for Exam 3

Sample Questions for Exam 4 Preparation

Chapter 12
1) What are some examples of a common system of information exchange between individuals?
Language, Signs, Symbols, Behavior/Body Language
2) True or False One of the functions of communication is to coordinate the efforts of people
True three main functions: transmission of information, coordination of effort, sharing of
3) In the communication process, what is another name for converting the senders thoughts into
Encoding the message
Communication process: Sender encodes message through medium, which receiver decodes to receive
message, and responds with feedback.
4) There can be several barriers to a communication process. If a manager willfully chooses not to
disclose the poor performance of his team to her supervisor, which type of barrier to
communication can be said to affect the managers decision?
Barriers: Filtering, selective perception, workplace gossip, semantics/jargon, information overload,
emotional disconnects, gender differences, biased language
5) True or False Paraphrasing and restating/repeating the senders message always creates
confusion and interrupts a smooth information exchange
Five points of active listening: listen for message content, listen for feelings, respond to feelings, note
all cues, restate/paraphrase.
6) What is a unique characteristic of written communication that is absent in verbal
Asynchronous (occurs at different time periods/over a time), tangible/verifiable record, can be stored
indefinitely, constructed over period of time, well-thought out/clear/logical.
7) Which types of information channels are medium in information richness?
Medium - Telephone, e-mail, handheld device, blogs, written letters.
High Face-to-face, videoconference, telephone
Low Formal written communication, spreadsheets

Chapter 13
1) Which phase of Bruce Tuckmans group development model (Forming-Storming-Norming-
Performing-Adjourning) is characterized by strong commitment, feeling of enthusiasm and
establishment of ground rules, procedures and protocols?
Forming introduce selves, feel each other out.
Storming brainstorming, proving self.
Norming ground rules, enthusiasm, most critical!
Performing down to business, working, get things done.
Adjourning end of group, mixed feelings.
2) How is the punctuated-equilibrium model of group development different from Bruce
Tuckmans model?
PE is theory that change within groups occurs in rapid, radical spurts rather than gradually over time.
3) Groups in which members are strongly attached to each other, act as one unit and share a strong
degree of camaraderie can be said to be highly ________ groups.
4) Name the 5 things that improve cohesion within a group
Similarity when we already know about people it saves time/resources
Stability length of group existence
Sample Questions for Exam 3
Size depends on the task usually less than 10 is most effective
Support can be from each other, leader, etc.
Satisfaction how satisfied are members with each other?
5) What is the difference between teams and groups?
Group is a collection of individuals, but differs in scope and composition.
Team is a particular type of group a cohesive coalition of people working together to achieve mutual
goals. Small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose,
performance goals and approach for which they are mutually responsible.
6) Teams in which all group members work on a single task collectively and then move on to the
next one can be said to have which type of task interdependence?
Pooled members work independently and combine work at end
Sequential one persons output becomes anothers input
7) True or False A self-directed team makes all decisions internally, including the decision about
its leader
True. Self-directed teams are self-managed which are fully self-sufficient and without external
Self-managed teams manage themselves, but still have an external leader.

Chapter 14
1) Performance is a combination of three things. Which are they?
Motivation, ability and environment.
2) Following Maslows hierarchy of needs model, how can managers satisfy the esteem needs of
their subordinates?
Through recognition, rewards and promotion opportunities
3) What are Hygiene factors?
Company policy, supervision/relationships, working conditions, salary, security
Motivators: achievement, recognition, interesting work, increased responsibility, advanced growth
4) What is the underlying principle for McClellands Acquired Needs Theory?
Individuals have three types of needs achievement, power and affiliation
5) People who have a high need for __________ may consider communication, training, meetings,
etc. as a waste of time and may not work well in teams due to their overemphasis on doing things
6) How do the process-based theories of motivation differ from need-based theories?
Process-based theories say that motivation stems from peoples perception of their surroundings, while
need-based theories say motivation stems from peoples needs.
7) Under the reinforcement theory of motivation, which type of reinforcement occurs when a
negative behavior of employee is followed by removal of positive consequences by the manager?
Positive behaviors: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement
Negative behaviors: punishment, extinction

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