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Moment Method of Attunement - Part 1

Version 2.1
Current as of 18 January 2003.
Updated by: Andrew Rigg, eai! ai!to:a"rigg#iprius.$
%&is is 'art 1 of t&e (oent (et&od of Attuneent anua!. A fu!! !ist of t&e
(oents naed)$reated to date is a*ai!ab!e in t&e do$uent tit!ed +(oent (et&od
of Attuneent , 'art 2-.
%&is do$uent e.p!ains t&e use of t&e (oent (et&od/ of attuneent. %&e
(oent (et&od/ is a *ery f!e.ib!e syste t&at a!!ows attuneent to a!ost any
$on$ept, if it is in a$$ord wit& 0i*ine 1i!!.
2urt&er inforation $an be found on t&e 'ea$e on 3art& ya&oo eai! !ist wit& web
5rigina!!y de*e!oped by Re*. 0r. 6at&an Ray 7tep&enson.
%&e (oent $on$ept $oes fro 6at&an Ray 7tep&enson, Usui Rei8i (aster and
founder of 7idd&eart&a Rei8i. 6at&an intended to $reate an easi!y distributab!e
syste of Rei8i, 7idd&eart&a Rei8i, and $a!!ed on t&e &e!p of *arious As$ended
(asters, Ange!s, et$ to $reate an attuneent fa$i!ity in a tie)spa$e 8nown as t&e
7idd&eart&a (oent. 7ai 'a"unen t&en furt&er de*e!oped t&is (oent $on$ept and
started $reating any ore (oents, t&e first of w&i$& was, and sti!! is, C&rist
A (oent/ is a 9bubb!e: of energy beyond tie and spa$e. %&us, (oents/ &a*e
a!ways e.isted but $annot be a$$essed unti! naed. ;t is a8in to ot&er p&i!osop&ies in
t&at a 9t&ing: does not un!ess it &as a nae.
(oents/ $an on!y be $reated in a$$ordan$e wit& 0i*ine 1i!!, t&is being <o*e. ;f
t&e (oent/ in$reases t&e aount of <o*e wit&in t&e uni*erse in soe way t&en t&e
(oent/ wi!! be a!!owed. =ut if soeone were to attept to $reate a 1ar (oent,
t&en t&is wou!d fai! as it does not $op!y wit& t&e in&erent $ondition.
'age 1 of 10
%&ere are an infinite nuber of (oents/ t&at $ou!d be $reated)naed t&at $an or
do in$rease t&e aount of <o*e.
%o $reate a (oent/, as8 for guidan$e fro 7pirit e.p!aining your need. 7pirit wi!!
!et you 8now w&at is ost suitab!e.
(oents typi$a!!y &a*e:
C!earing Rays, !i8e Joy of 'ea$e C!earing Ray>
?ea!ing Rays, !i8e ?arony of 'ea$e ?ea!ing Ray>
@now!edge Rays, !i8e 'ea$e 2orgi*eness @now!edge Ray>
1isdo Rays, !i8e Joy 2orgi*eness 1isdo Ray>
;ntuition Rays, !i8e Uni*ersa! 'ea$e ;ntuition Ray> and
?ea!ing 3nergies, !i8e Cosi$ 'ea$e ?ea!ing 3nergies.
%&ere are a!so different 8inds of:
;!!uination> and
3nergy 7trea.
6ot a!! (oents/ $ontain t&e abo*e.
%&ere are ot&er types of energies t&at are soeties asso$iated wit& (oents/ Aeg.
7an (o*eent/ a*ai!ab!e under 7an (oent/B. %&ese are, &owe*er, asso$iated
wit& t&at parti$u!ar (oent/ and are not genera!!y a*ai!ab!e wit& ot&er (oents/.
A!! of t&ese are g!ad free gifts of 7pirit for t&e furt&ering of 'ea$e and 3n!ig&tenent
on 3art&. Use free!y for t&ese purposes indi*idua!!y or on !arger s$a!e, and p!ease
s&are your e.perien$es on using t&is (oent (et&od wit& a!! t&e 'ea$e on 3art& !ist
ebers so t&at we a!! $an !earn fro ea$& ot&er.
Use of bands in a (oent (et&od attuneent gi*e a stronger $onne$tion to t&e
energy. =and 1 is typi$a!!y ade up of !e*e!s 1 to 3. %&ere is said to be an infinite
'age 2 of 10
nuber of bands. Using an adaptation fro $oputer terino!ogy, t&ere are now
@i!obands A@=aB, (egabands A(=aB, Cigabands AC=aB, and %eraband A%=aB.
2or e.ap!e, in attuning to 'ea$e Rei8i/, you $an as8 for an attuneent to 'ea$e
Rei8i/ 2.D Cigaband. %&is effe$ti*e!y ta8es t&e nuber of bands you are attuned too
to 2,D00,000,000 or t&ereabouts.
%o re$ei*e attuneents using t&e (oent (et&od of Attuneent, t&e abso!ute
iniu t&at is reEuired is 9intent to re$ei*e:. %&ere is no need to re$ite t&e foru!as
out !oud, go to parti$u!ar p!a$es, editate before &and, fast, et$.
Any or a!! of t&e abo*e $an $ertain!y be underta8en but be guided by your intuition. ;f
it fee!s rig&t to do it, t&en do it. ;f you fee! t&e urge to use in$ense, $and!es and do
sudging, t&en do it.
7pirit 8nows w&at is reEuired for you and wi!! set t&e $ir$ustan$es perfe$t!y for your
parti$u!ar !earning. ;f e.tra t&ings are reEuired, t&en 7pirit wi!! !et you 8now
soeway. 2or instan$e, say you wanted to attune to 'ea$e Rei8i/ but were at wor8
w&ere t&ings are &e$ti$. 7pirit ay guide you to &o!d off on t&e attuneent unti!
t&ings are ore sett!ed so t&at you are ore re$epti*e to t&e attuneent.
0i*ine FF (oent
=y adding 90i*ine: to t&e beginning of a (oent nae Aeg. 0i*ine Cra$e
(oent/B, you add energies fro t&e 0i*ine. %&is a!!ows for a stronger and ore
effe$ti*e attuneent to ta8e p!a$e.
'age 3 of 10
?ig&est FF (oents
=y adding 9?ig&est: to t&e beginning of a (oent A?ig&est 0i*ine Cra$e
(oent/B, you add energies fro t&e &ig&est di*ine sour$e t&at you are $apab!e of
a$$essing at t&at tie.
=ot& of t&ese et&ods a!!ow for a greater aount of energy to f!ow t&roug&. =ot&
$an a!so be used for t&e energies ot&er t&an t&e Rei8i energy. 2or instan$e, t&e
?ig&est 0i*ine Cra$e (oent/ $an &a*e ?ig&est 0i*ine Cra$e Rei8i/, ?ig&est
0i*ine Cra$e 3powerent/ and ?ig&est 0i*ine Cra$e 5pening/.
%o initiate attuneent, say:
[I am] now entering t&is [name] (oent. ;n t&is [name] (oent, ; now as8 t&e
[name] [Reiki/Empowerment/Initiation etc] [levels/bands] attuneent for [myself or
Attunees name] as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit A, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and
1i!!B. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
5n re$ei*ing t&e attuneent, say, eit&er:
[I am] now re$ei*ing t&is [name] [Reiki/Empowerment/Initiation etc] [levels/bands]
attuneent for [myself] as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit A, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine
<o*e and 1i!!B. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
[Attunees name is] now [or whenever s/he so chooses] re$ei*ing t&is [name]
[Reiki/Empowerment/Initiation etc] [levels/bands] attuneent for [herself or himself]
as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit A, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!B. %&an8
Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
%&e Attunee is t&e nae of t&e person you want to attune or t&e nae of t&e group, if
you want to attune a group of peop!e at t&e sae tie. %&is foru!a is used w&en
attuning peop!e distant!y and a!so fa$eHtoHfa$e.
%&e [whenever s/he so chooses] is a!so inforation to t&e attuner)attunee. %&at is,
s)&e $an as any ties as s)&e wants, w&ene*er et$. re$ei*e t&is attuneent. A!so, if
s)&e so $&ooses not to re$ei*e it. %&is is to furt&er t&e operation of t&e free wi!! of t&e
'age I of 10
3.ap!e 1 A7e!fHattuneent , Rei8i wit& !e*e!sB:
+; a now entering t&e 'ea$e (oent. ;n t&is 'ea$e (oent, ; now as8 t&e
'ea$e Rei8i <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3 attuneents for yse!f as a g!ad,
free gift of 7pirit A, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!B. %&an8 Gou,
%&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
[Pause for a while to honour the pirit!driven process" and wait humbly for
Reiki ener#y transmission to start"this typically starts instantly"]
+; A now re$ei*ing t&ese 'ea$e Rei8i <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3
attuneents for yse!f as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit A, as a g!ad, free gift of
0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!B. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.-
3.ap!e 2 A7e!fHattuneent , Rei8i wit& bandsB:
+; a now entering t&e 'ea$e (oent. ;n t&is 'ea$e (oent, ; now as8 t&e
'ea$e Rei8i 2.D Cigaband attuneents for yse!f as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit,
as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8
[Pause for a while to honour the pirit!driven process" and wait humbly for
Reiki ener#y transmission to start"this typically starts instantly"]
+; A now re$ei*ing t&ese 'ea$e Rei8i 2.D Cigaband attuneents for yse!f
as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!.
%&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.-
3.ap!e 3 A7e!fHattuneent , not Rei8iB:
+; a now entering t&e 'ea$e (oent. ;n t&is 'ea$e (oent, ; now as8 t&e
'ea$e ;nitiation/ for yse!f as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit, as a g!ad, free gift of
0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
[Pause for a while to honour the pirit!driven process" and wait humbly for
the initiation to start"this typically starts instantly"]
+; A now re$ei*ing t&e 'ea$e ;nitiation/ for yse!f as a g!ad, free gift of
7pirit, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou,
%&an8 Gou.-
3.ap!e I AAttuning ot&ersB:
+; a now entering t&e 'ea$e (oent. ;n t&is 'ea$e (oent, ; now as8
'ea$e Rei8i <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3 attuneents for y ot&er as a g!ad,
free gift of 7pirit A, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!B. %&an8 Gou,
%&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
'age D of 10
[Pause to honour the pirit!driven process" and wait humbly for Reiki
ener#y transmission to start"this typically starts instantly"]
+(y ot&er is now, or w&ene*er s&e so $&ooses, re$ei*ing t&ese 'ea$e Rei8i
<e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3 attuneents for &erse!f as a g!ad, free gift of
7pirit A, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!B. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou,
%&an8 Gou.
[$hen attunin# others% face!to!face or distantly% please% remember to inform
the attunee% that you have #iven her/him attunement&s'"]
+; &a*e gi*en you 'ea$e Rei8i/ <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3 attuneents.
Gou ay re$ei*e t&e now or !ater, w&ene*er you !i8e, as any ties as you
!i8e, "ust intend to re$ei*e t&e and t&en re$ei*e, !et e 8now &ow t&is is)was
wit& youJ-
3.ap!e D AAttuning ob"e$ts or spa$es , et&od 1B:
+; a now entering t&e 'ea$e (oent. ;n t&is 'ea$e (oent, ; now as8
'ea$e Rei8i <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3 attuneents for y &ouse as a g!ad,
free gift of 7pirit, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!. %&an8 Gou,
%&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
[Pause to honour the pirit!driven process" and wait humbly for Reiki
ener#y transmission to start"this typically starts instantly"]
+(y &ouse is now re$ei*ing t&ese 'ea$e Rei8i <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3
attuneents as a g!ad, free gift of 7pirit, as a g!ad, free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and
1i!!. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.-
3.ap!e K AAttuning ob"e$ts , et&od 2B
L;n t&is 'ea$e (oent/, ; a now as8ing 'ea$e Rei8i <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and
<e*e! 3 attuneent for t&ese spe$ta$!es of ine as a g!ad free gift of 7pirit, as
a g!ad free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
[Pause to honour the pirit!driven process" and wait humbly for Reiki
ener#y transmission to start"this typically starts instantly"]
L(y spe$ta$!es are now re$ei*ing 'ea$e Rei8i/ <e*e! 1, <e*e! 2 and <e*e! 3
attuneent as a g!ad free gift of 7pirit, as a g!ad free gift of 0i*ine <o*e and
1i!!. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.L
'age K of 10
3.ap!e M AAttuning to an ob"e$tB. Use t&is w&en attepting to attune to an ob"e$t.
?o!y (oent/ is used ere!y as an e.ap!e.
L;n t&is ?o!y (oent/, ; a now as8ing for attuneent to t&e ?o!y
Cons$iousness of t&is Nob"e$tO. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou.
and affirmin#(
L; a now re$ei*ing t&e attuneent to t&is ?o!y Cons$iousness of t&is
Nob"e$tO. %&an8 Gou, %&an8 Gou, %&an8 GouL.
%&ere are a few $ons$iousnesses w&i$& $an be e.p!ored:
C&rist Cons$iousness>
(udita Cons$iousness>
(etta Cons$iousness>
Upe88&a Cons$iousness>
@aruna Cons$iousness>
Co!den 0o!p&in Cons$iousness>
and any ot&ers.
%o editate wit&in a (oent/, sip!y enter t&e (oent/ as per nora! and t&en
being editating.
2or instan$e, to editate in t&e 'ea$e (oent/, p!ease say +; a now entering t&is
'ea$e (oent/- and t&en begin your editation.
%&e fo!!owing are a few e.ap!es as to &ow (oents/ ay be used.
3.ap!e 1
5.ygen (oent/ and Air 'urifying (oent/ are entered wit& t&e intent t&at bot&
t&e 5.ygen Rei8i/ and Air 'urifying Rei8i/ fi!! a p!a$e w&et&er t&at be a roo,
&ouse or s&opping $entre. %&e Usui Rei8i C&o @u Rei sybo! is a!so used to
epower t&e pro$ess. %&e p!a$e is said to be fi!!ed wit& beautifu!!y $!ear air w&en
3.ap!e 2
5ne eber of t&e 'ea$e 5n 3art& !ist was see8ing &e!p to $!ear a spa$e of negati*e
energies. Anot&er person offered &e!p by $reating a (oent/ t&at $ontained a!! of
t&e energies t&at &e was sending. %&is (oent/ &e naed after &ise!f.
'age M of 10
3.ap!e 3 , Rei8i =ubb!es
A (oent/ $an be $reated in w&i$& you $reate s!ots) bubb!es for persons wit& t&eir
nae. 1&ene*er t&at person t&in8s about t&e 8eyword or sybo!, t&ey re$ei*e rei8i
fro t&e bubb!e. %&is is used to &e!p t&e person in ties of need w&en t&ey &a*e need
of &e!p or energy.
3.ap!e I H 'ersona! (oents
%&is is des$ribed in 'art 2 of t&e (oent (et&od anua!. Create a (oent/ in t&e
nae of a spe$ifi$ person in t&e forat of [persons name] (oent/ and $reate a
8eyword for t&e (oent/. %&is enab!es a person to a$$ess &is)&er persona! (oent
to re$ei*e Rei8i and w&ate*er e!se &as been in$!uded in t&e (oent/. (a8e sure
t&e 8eyword is soet&ing t&at is easy to reeber and not to $oon. %&is $an
*iewed !i8e a &ea!ing a$$ount.
3.ap!e D , Rei8i on 'aper
1rite or type as any ties as you !i8e a p&rase sii!ar to +; a now re$ei*ing 'ea$e
Rei8i/ as a g!ad free gift of 7pirit. %&an8 you, t&an8 you, t&an8 you-. '!a$e t&e
paper soew&ere on t&e body and t&is part begins to re$ei*e Rei8i or ot&er &ea!ing
energy t&roug& t&e paper. 7u$& +Rei8i 'apers- ay be p!a$ed o*er or under ob"e$ts,
pro"e$ts, food or w&ate*er to $&arge t&e wit& energy.
3.ap!e K , Attuning 'arti$u!ar Areas of t&e =ody
0ifferent areas of t&e body ay be attuned to a Rei8i or ot&er energy. 'eop!e &a*e
attuned t&eir feet $&a8ras, 8nee $&a8ras, e!bow $&a8ras and ot&er areas of t&eir body.
%&ere is no reason w&y a person $ou!d not spe$ifi$a!!y attune e*ery part of t&eir being
to a different Rei8i.
3.ap!e M , Creating a 'ersona! (oent/
+; a now entering t&e @ey (oent/. ;n t&is @ey (oent/ ; now as8 to $reate
t&e PnaeQs 'ersona! ?ea!ing (oent/. ; now as8 t&is (oent/ to send &ea!ing
to PnaeQ at PtieQ &is) &er !o$a! tie. 1&ate*er &e) s&e needs, &ow u$& &e) s&e
needs and in w&at for &e) s&e needs. As a g!ad free gift of 7pirit, as a g!ad free gift
of 0i*ine <o*e and 1i!!.-
5ften ; end t&e $reation of t&is (oent/ wit& prote$tion and re$&arging:
+; now as8 ar$&ange! (i$&ae! to prote$t t&is oent and 8eep it pure. A!so ; $onne$t
t&is oent to t&e stars for $ontinua! re$&arging. %&an8 you, t&an8 you, t&an8 you.-
%a8ing $are of a (oent/
(oents/ are said to !i8e, or rat&er !o*e, peop!e entering t&e to re$ei*e t&eir gifts.
As su$&, (oents/ fee! at &oe wit& good $opany and so t&ey in turn energise us.
7ending energy to a oent
'age 8 of 10
(oents/ $an re$ei*e energy as t&ey are !i8e ban8s w&ere you $an deposit energy
into it, transfer t&e energy into anot&er (oent/ and a!so wit&draw energy fro t&e
(oent/. (oents/ $an a!so be $onne$ted to an energy sour$e !i8e a star to
furt&er epower t&e.
;ntrusion of (oent/
(oent/ do reEuire prote$ting to a $ertain degree as t&ey begin !i8e $&i!dren. %&e
ore t&ey are entered used, t&e stronger, ore effe$ti*e, t&ey be$oe.
(oents/, &owe*er, ay reEuire soe spe$ia! prote$tion fro negati*ity. %o
a$$op!is& t&is, as8 an Ange! to ensure t&at t&e (oent/ stays pure.
Visua!isation of a (oent/
Visua!ising a (oent/ depends on any fa$tors su$& as:
t&e strengt& of t&e (oent/,
t&e indi*idua!:s spiritua! aturity,
degree of openness of t&e indi*idua!:s t&ird eye, and
t&e indi*idua!:s $!air*oyant abi!ity.
=!o$8ing a$$ess to a (oent/
(oents/ genera!!y $annot &a*e a$$ess to t&e b!o$8ed, not e*en t&e restri$ted
(oent/. %&e restri$tion is t&ere out of respe$t for t&e $reator)de*e!oper of t&e
(oent/. ?owe*er, a$$ess to a (oent/ $an be b!o$8ed by an indi*idua!s
unwi!!ingness or &is)&er &ig&er se!f. ;f t&is o$$urs, ore wor8 needs to be done on
t&at indi*idua! in order to open &is)&er a$$ess.
A$ti*ation: a pro$ess t&at a!!ows t&e indi*idua! to a$$ess t&e reEuired energies.
A!ignent: a pro$ess t&at brings a person:s energies into !ine wit& t&e energy t&at
is being $&anne!!ed. 2or instan$e, if a person was reEuired to wear
red, t&en t&e person wou!d put on red $!ot&ing.
Anointent: a $onse$ration into a spiritua! energy.
Atoneent: a pro$ess t&at frees t&e person to a!!ow a$$ess to t&e parti$u!ar energy
ore easi!y. 2or instan$e, in order to a$$ess 'ea$e Rei8i/ to its fu!!
potentia!, a person ust re!ease a!! re*engeH or warH!i8e t&oug&ts.
%&e 'ea$e Atoneent/ &e!ps t&is pro$ess.
=and: see 7e$tion 3.3.
3powerent: gi*es a$$ess to t&e spiritua! energy.
;nitiation: a pro$ess t&at adits t&e person into t&e spiritua! energy. An
initiation a!so brings wit& it responsibi!ity be$ause you are now
'age R of 10
a$ti*e!y ser*ing ?ig&er Cause.
5pening: a8in to t&e opening of a f!ower. %&is pro$ess gi*es a$$ess to a
spiritua! energy in order to not o*erw&e! t&e person.
Ray: beas of spiritua! energy wit& spe$ifi$ Eua!ities. %&ey are !i8e rays
of *isib!e !ig&t wit& a parti$u!ar Eua!ity wit& *isib!e !ig&t &a*ing t&e
Eua!ity of $o!our. 2or Rays in (oents/, t&ese a!so &a*e a
parti$u!ar Eua!ity asso$iated wit& t&e but are usua!!y tied to t&e
spe$ifi$ Eua!ity of t&e (oent/. 2or e.ap!e, t&e 'ea$e Ray/ in
t&e 'ea$e (oent/ &as t&e parti$u!ar Eua!ity of pea$e.
'age 10 of 10

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