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2 Your Health Magazine | September 2014 3
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Julie Moreno
Martha Gruender
Brian Cardinale
Kathleen Back Brady
Marina Brown
Tricia Dulaney
Leigh Farr
Avery Hurt
Kenya McCollum
Elise Oberliesen
Brian Goins
Heather Shije and Brian
Find a digital copy of the
magazine and all this months
articles, along with stories from
past issues, online at
Your Health Magazine is
published 12 times a year by the
Tallahassee Democrat at 277 N.
Magnolia Drive, Tallahassee, FL
32301. No part of this magazine
may be reproduced without the
consent of the publisher.
Your Health Magazine is not
responsible for unsolicited
manuscripts, photos or artwork.
Your Health
July 2013
y antidote for sweltering August heat is a dip into
the liquid refreshment of Wakulla Springs or Wa-
cissa River. When my teenage nephews visited
from California, we dodged raindrops daily to pad-
dle or plunge into the cooling waters.
In Tricia Dulaneys cover story on Georgia Ackerman, a kayaker and
environmentalist who works with Tall Timbers,
Ackerman mentions the tranquility she finds
lost out on the Gulf in a kayak. A fierce ad-
vocate for protecting the natural playground
she loves, Ackerman is participating in the Ap-
alachicola RiverTrek in October to raise money
for RiverKeeper.
As we head into September, the weather is
giving few hints of crispness, so Elise Oberliesen provides pointers for
staying cool during workouts. We also focus on learning to love the way
we are, as Marina Brown talks about scars and the healing powers they
represent. Kenya McCullum looks at how to gracefully handle negative
feelings. Leigh Farr investigates new developments in living with type 1
diabetes, and Avery Hurt reports on how yoga can relieve back pain.
The pace of activities quickens with school and football season, but
find time to get outside, dabble in the water or discover the joys of
simply messing about in boats, as the character Rat so aptly puts it in
Wind in the Willows.
Keep playing
as we ease into fall
We are beginning work on the
Your Health/Physican & Health
Care Directory. To get listed call
or email Kim Christ at 599-2279
Deadline is Sept. 26.
September 2014
Georgia Ackerman works
to keep natural playground
pristine 16
Tech updates for those living
with type 1 diabetes 24
Book shelf
Help yourself to a little
good advice 26
Best Body
Scars reveal skins
healing power 5
Mind Matters
Learn to handle negative
feelings 8
Try gentle yoga
when back is out of
whack 10
Pamper your face with
potions and lotions 12
Smart Fitness
Dont get all hot and bothered
by exercise 14
Recovery tips for after the big
race 28
Assemble your own
100-calorie snack 22
Editors Letter 3
Around Town, 30
4 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
lip through a maga-
zine filled with the
flawless skin of
models whose
satiny cheeks, silk-
smooth shoulders and porce-
lain legs seem to have sur-
vived normal life unscathed.
Then look at your own
dermis. Theres the chicken
pox scar from when you were
6. Along your shoulders are
some deep pits from a bout of
teenage acne. Then theres the
appendectomy scar, another
from an ill-advised ski trip, and
various stretch marks from
pregnancy and a period of
romance with ice cream sun-
Unlike photo-shopped
models, for most of us, life is
spelled out in these scars and
imperfections. In fact, the scar
is a miracle dedicated to main-
taining the integrity of the
human body and getting it
back to normal functioning as
soon as possible.
So what happens when the
bodys largest organ, the skin,
is breached? How are scars
By Marina Brown
Battle scars
When life leaves its marks, focus on bodys remarkable healing powers



with Aloe
Vera, cocoa
butter or
Vitamin E 5
formed and what happens
when they go rogue?
Normal Skin
Normal skin consists of three
layers, much of it made of a
protein called collagen. Colla-
gen acts as an elastic matrix,
like the framework of a large
building. Its beams and cross-
bars shoot off in random
directions which gives it the
ability to stretch.
Whether a surgeons knife
or an abrupt collision with the
sidewalk causes a break in
tissue, our always-on-call body
will immediately mount de-
fenses against infection and
make preparations for repair.
That repair job, when com-
pleted, will be called a scar
whether on an internal organ
or at the skins surface. So,
what is the life cycle of a scar?
The Inflammatory Phase of
healing redness, swelling,
and drainage is evidence
that special white blood cells
are on duty. On the skin, a
scab will form, an organic
bandage that protects the site.
The Proliferation Phase
begins only hours after the
initial injury. New cells begin
to grow to close over the
wound beneath the scab or fill
in a deeper wound from the
lowest point up. This lasts
from 3-14 days.
The Maturation Phase can
last for up to 2 months. During
this time the new collagen
fibers tighten together, allow-
ing the scar tissue to become
as strong as it will ever
bewhich is about 80 percent
as strong as normal skin.
All of this is just as it
should be, except that Mother
Nature is not interested in our
particular version of perfec-
tion. She wants us infection-
free and functioning. We want
to be beautiful and smooth.
When scarring
goes rogue
While the collagen of normal
skin forms a random matrix,
the collagen fibers that are
laid down in scar tissue tend
to align in one direction.
There will be no sweating
from the area and no hair
follicles. More importantly,
scars will be less elastic and
may even tighten over time.
And sometimes the collagen
just doesnt stop growing.
Hypertrophic, or excessive
scar tissue can develop at the
site of an injury. The scar may
be raised, red, and striated.
Over time, most hypertrophy
will subside and the scar will
flatten out. More problematic
are keloids, in which excessive
collagen production spills
outside the original injury site
to other tissue.
Often found on darker
6 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
skins and those with a genetic
predisposition, keloids can
become highly raised, appear-
ing as large ribbons or islands
of shiny skin. They may be
itchy or even painful. Body
piercings and cosmetic surger-
ies, particularly on the torso,
shoulders and arms, are com-
mon sites. Some cultures have
even made use of this tenden-
cy toward keloid production
by making ritual scarring part
of ceremonial tribal alle-
Get em off me!
We know that any injury to
skin tissue can result in some
kind of scar. A scar from a
burn, a bite, from disease,
trauma, surgery, acne, or even
stretch marks will all leave a
record of your triumph over
that insult. But that doesnt
mean you want the whole
world to share in your victory
stripes. So, how to diminish
scarring and even remove the
First of all, dont
pick a scab. Its
there to let colla-
gens magic hap-
pen below the
surface. Removing
the scab will only
restart the cycle and
likely result in a big-
ger scar.
Keep the scar moistur-
ized. Aloe Vera, cocoa butter,
and Vitamin E are all filled
with softening oils that when
massaged in a circular fashion
begin to break down the tough
collagen fibers of a maturing
scar. Homeopathic adherents
use aloe, calendula, and prop-
olis from bees on scars from
Keloids and large or hyper-
trophic scars are a different
story. Cortisone injections,
laser resurfacing, as well as
dermabrasion and chemical
peels are helpful in reducing
the size and visibility of many
injury sites. As a last resort
surgery to remove the scar
bed and
begin again
may be necessary.
For the deep pits left from
acne, where instead of too
much collagen, there is too
little, injectable fillers offer a
novel and dramatic solution.
Ninety percent of fast-
growing 6th and 7th graders
have stretch marks. Others
who have added muscle bulk,
quickly gained weight, or been
pregnant also have skin stria
where the skins ability to
expand couldnt keep up with
the growth beneath the sur-
Red and sometimes angry
looking when new and white
or dark when the weight has
been lost, the use of vitamin A
creams tends to diminish the
length and width of the
stretch lines. Others suggest
that preparations with onion
extract blanches the strias
Still other practical folks
simply apply a self-tanning
lotion, slip into their bikinis
and enjoy the Florida air.
Its true that beauty is skin
deep. More beautiful is that
weve got skin that works so
hard to keep us healthy
gathering its battle scars along
the way.
Cortisone injections, laser
resurfacing, dermabrasion
and chemical peels can
be helpful. Injectable
fillers can offer
a dramatic solution 7
8 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
veryone feels nega-
tive emotions from
time to time
thats completely
normal. But its
what we do with those feelings
that can make a real differ-
ence in our lives. And when
we dont handle them well, or
ignore them completely, nega-
tive emotions can take control
of us and leave destruction in
their wake.
When emotions get in-
volved with something, people
can get very destructive and
the thing is, a lot of times its
out of context with who they
really are. Sometimes people
can really act out and do
something thats not in their
character, said psychiatrist
Dr. Scott Krakower of Zucker
Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks,
N.Y. They might get upset,
they might scream, they might
hit the walls, they might do an
act that they dont mean to do
when they have a lot of heat-
ed emotions.
In addition, negative emo-
tions can be so explosive that
they result in acute and chron-
ic consequences. In the short
term, they can cause you to
hurt yourself or someone else,
as well as destroy any proper-
ty that may be in your way.
And with this type of negativ-
ity flowing through your veins,
your stress levels will increase,
which can cause of host of
illnesses. When these un-
checked negative emotions
are chronic, they can com-
promise every area of your
life, from relationships to
career to general health
and well-being.
Some emotions
are more de-
structive than
others, but in
some of the
most destruc-
tive negative
emotions we
experience are
anger, resentment,
and jealousy. The
following tips can help you
manage these feelings so
they dont become a hurri-
cane that damages your life.
One way to deal with anger,
says Krakower, is to first
How to deal with negative
feelings in a healthy way
By Kenya McCullum
The notion that we would choose negative feelings
may sound ridiculous at first blush, but Dr. Bradley
Nelson, author of The Emotion Code, says its much
more common than you think depending on the
circumstances. Hes not claiming that negative emo-
tions are never justified and completely appropriate,
like if a loved one dies or if you catch your spouse
cheating. Situations like these are inevitably going to
bring up negative feelings, and it wouldnt be normal
if they didnt.
But in other cases, Nelson says, negative emotions
may be the go to response to frustration, but if its
not an emotionally charged situation, we are free to
make another choice and it can be to our detriment
if we dont.
Choosing your emotions is really important, he said.
If somebody cuts you off in traffic, you have a
choice. You can choose to get angry, but whats the
result of that? Your blood pressure goes up, your
immune system goes down, and your blood sugar
level goes up. There are measurable effects that are
going on in the body when you choose to feel nega-
tive emotions. 9
acknowledge it and, if pos-
sible, do something to prevent
it from escalatingwhether it
be taking a walk or talking to a
trusted friend or family mem-
ber. This will give you the
chance to calm down before
you do something that youll
regret later.
A separation from the actual
event is key, he said.
Like other negative
emotions, resentment
can gnaw away at
you and lead you to
behave in ways you
normally wouldnt.
In order to avoid
this, Krakower
says the best
thing to do is tackle the re-
sentment head on.
Thats the key with resent-
ment, he said. If you figure
out what youre so resentful
about, then you can trouble-
shoot and see how you can
make that area of your life
work in the future, which will
help you make it better.
Krakower says that one impor-
tant key to managing jealousy
is to look more inward than at
what is going on in other
peoples lives. Focus on doing
the things you enjoy and take
good care of yourself, which
will bolster your self-esteem
and decrease the temptation
to compare yourself to others.
In addition, talking to the
person who is the target of
your jealousy can also be a
powerful way to move past it.
You have to communicate
your feelings with the other
person so that person
understands whats
happening, he said.
Learning to share is
a very big thing. If
you learn to share,
then you wont be
that much of a
jealous person.
Jealousy be-
comes a contest
and a lot of
times the
contest is
about you
versus them,
and if you
are the type of
person that
learns to share
over time, then if
someone else has
something, you wont
care so much about it any-
veryone knows that
yoga is good for stretch-
ing and relaxing and
even spiritual prac-
tice, but research is
now showing that it can also
be good for pain espe-
cially those nagging pains
that traditional medicine
cant seem to deal
By Avery Hurt
Gentle poses
proving therapeutic
for back pain
10 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
Chronic low-back pain is
often the bane of doctors, who
have few effective treatments
for a condition that torments
tens of millions of Amer-
icans. And those who suffer
from back pain are eager for
relief that doesnt involve
potentially dangerous
drugs. In recent years scien-
tific studies have shown that
yoga is a safe and effective
treatment for back pain. If you
suffer from back pain, youll
want to take note, but do not
sign up for the first yoga class
you come across.
The researchers in the
most well-designed study so
far, a randomized clinical trial,
the gold standard for this kind
of research, published in The
Annals of Internal Medicine,
were very particular about
which form of yoga they
chose for their experiment.
As you might suspect if
youve ever seen a yoga
practitioner folding herself
into the eight-angle pose or
arching her back in the
camel, some poses and some
types of yoga can be too vig-
orous for those with bad
backs. There are many styles
of yoga, however. The re-
searchers in the Annals study
chose a type of yoga called
Viniyoga focuses on warm-
ing up muscles before begin-
ning the stretches to reduce
the chances of injury, and
instructors work one-on-one
with students, which helps
make sure youre doing the
poses correctly and safely.
Adapting the program to suit
the need of the individual
student is a key part of the
viniyoga method, so you know
that you will be getting what
you need and not risking
further injury. Viniyoga is not
the only type of yoga that has
been shown to be useful for
aches and pains, but it is one
of the most adaptable of the
many schools of yoga.
The right teacher
Beyond choosing the right
type of yoga, you need to find
the right type of teacher.
Charlene Cappellini, certified
viniyoga teacher at Namast
Yoga in Tallahassee, recom-
mends locating a certified
yoga therapist if you are seek-
ing yoga for relief of back
pain. A yoga thera-
pist is specially
trained to use
yoga for
(such as
or sciati-
ca) and can
adapt the
program to the
medical needs of
the patient. A good
yoga therapist will have
knowledge of anatomy and
some understanding of com-
mon ailments. Yoga therapists
usually work one-on-one or
with small groups of students.
When asked why yoga
stretches are more effective at
treating back pain than an
arsenal of modern pharma-
ceuticals, Cappellini points out
that there is far more to yoga
than just stretching. Med-
itation and breathing tech-
niques are a key component of
yoga she says. Its important
to understand how breath
works with movement. Yoga
practice also helps you be-
come more aware of your
body and how you are mov-
ing, and it helps build a strong-
er and more stable body.
Stress is known to make pain
worse, and yoga reduces
Modern medicine is not
able to do much about chronic
back pain. It seems that the
ancient practice of yoga has
had a remedy all along.
Here is a guide to a few of the more popular styles of yoga:
Ashtanga: A style of yoga that is designed to increase
body heat and produce body-purifying sweating.
Sivananda: Puts an emphasis on relaxation and breath-
ing techniques.
Jivamukti: Focuses on using yoga as a means of devel-
oping compassion and loving-kindness and dissolving the
sense of separateness from others.
Ananda: This type of yoga puts a great deal of
emphasis on the spiritual side of the prac-
tice; practitioners try to awaken the
energies of the chakras.
Hatha: One of the most com-
mon types of yoga in the U. S.,
hatha yoga focuses on simple,
discrete poses, stretching, and
breathing techniques.
Bikram: This type of yoga
is practiced in a hot, humid
room, and like Ashtanga,
aims to purify the body
through sweating out toxins.
Svaroopa: A therapeutic
style of yoga that focuses on
releasing tension in the spine as
well as personal transformation. 11
Karen Isabel Baldwin of
Better Living Day Spa says
that the majority of facials
performed at spas fall under
the classification of a Euro-
pean facial. A European
facial includes cleansing,
exfoliation, masque, mas-
sage, and moisturizing of
the face. It leaves your skin
feeling clean and healthy.
During a Relaxation Fa-
cial, your skin will be pam-
pered as pollutants and
dead skin cells are polished
away. A masque appropri-
ate for your skin type is
applied to minimize imper-
fections and maximize your
skins health. This facial will
leave your skin clean and
Deep Cleansing Facial has
all the benefits of the Relax-
ation Facial, but includes
extractions of blackheads.
Steam is used to open pores
and loosen impurities.
Extractions can be uncom-
fortable, but many people
consider this an essential
part of a facial.
Peels such as Yam and
Pumpkin Enzyme Peels fight
signs of premature aging as
well as large pores. They
plump and hydrate your
skin, while smoothing out
fine lines and minimizing
large pores.
AHA Fruit Pulp and Papri-
ka Facial (aka date night
facial) utilizes a fruit acid
peel along with paprika to
smooth out fine lines and
increase circulation. This
increase in circulation brings
fresh blood flow to your
face, summoning your
bodys natural healing
agents to supply fresh
oxygen and
re you spending lots of
time and money maintain-
ing perfect manicures and
pedicures but neglecting
your calling card: your
face? Its time to face forward with a thera-
peutic facial. Facials should be part of your
routine to keep your skin healthy and
Facial skin is complex and differs from
person to person, says Julia Kitzis, Hawaii
Licensed Esthetician. Ag
type, skin condition and lif
how often a facial should be perf
If a client has a solid at-home skin
regimen and has no major skin issues
once-a-month facial can maintain ex
lent skin quality. Pr
acne, large pores
quires twice-a-month tr
itor progress and continue with quality
products to achiev
One of the challeng
Rejuvenate your skin; soothe y
By Kathleen Back Brady
12 Your Health Magazine | September 2014 13
icensed Esthetician. Age, ethnicity, skin
, skin condition and lifestyle all affect
en a facial should be performed.
a client has a solid at-home skin
egimen and has no major skin issues, a
nce-a-month facial can maintain excel-
ent skin quality. Problematic skin (such as
e pores, sun damage, etc.) re-
es twice-a-month treatments to mon-
ess and continue with quality
o achieve good results, says
the challenges that many esthet-
icians face, says Kitzis, is politely explaining
to clients that their home facial care may
not be sufficient and may actually be
doing more harm than good. She likens it to
teaching clients a calculus lesson without
them understanding basic algebra.
Some clients believe that their lower-end
products are sufficient to use at home to
maintain good skin care. Thats wrong
thinking, says Kitzis. Many of these prod-
ucts have inadequate percentages of ingre-
dients necessary to achieve good skin.
Estheticians spend several hundred hours
learning about the intricacies
of the skin but Kitzis stresses,
We are not miracle workers!
One or two hours of intensive
facial treatments cannot com-
pletely remove decades of
abuse from sun damage or
harsh or ineffective treatments
at home.
Since healthy skin has cell
turnover averaging every 28
days, exfoliation is important
to keep a healthy glow, espe-
cially as you age. But if youre
exfoliating every day, youre
actually damaging the skin and
lowering elasticity. Too little
exfoliation will allow cells to
build up and the skin to look
dry and wrinkly.
The skin has a delicate
oil/water balance and many
people have dehydrated skin.
An esthetician looks with
proper magnification and
adjusts her treatment strate-
gies for your facial. A facial can
be simultaneously diagnostic
of skin problems as well as
therapeutic for the underlying
A licensed esthetician can
give spot-on guidance as to
whether your sunblock re-
gimen is effective as well as
your at-home protocol. Esthet-
icians also routinely refer
many of their clients to derma-
tologists if they see skin issues
that they are unable to treat or
if they suspect underlying
medical problems.
Licensed skin care special-
ists, says Debbie Elert, skin
specialist with Better Living
Day Spa in Tallahassee, have
effective treatments for acne,
rosacea, hyperpigmentation,
fine lines and wrinkles. We
create healthy skin and happy
faces, she says.
Face massages, steam
treatments, vitamin masks,
gentle yet effective acids and
soothing ointments ... all the
ingredients for a perfect facial.
Taking an hour once or twice a
month to reflect and unwind
while your face is getting pam-
pered is heavenly!
our skin; soothe your soul
ext time you glide some Lady Speed Stick under
your arms, keep this in mind. The body recruits
over 2 million sweat glands for a very important
job to prevent overheating. And with Floridas
punishing heat, humidity and electrifying rays
from the sun, it tests your body whether you exercise in-
doors or out. So weve talked to the experts who can help
you stay cool through long trail runs and power kick classes
at the gym.
Summers not over yet. And the dangers of overheating,
especially when exercising outdoors can cause heat stroke
a condition where the body temperature reaches 104 F or
more and can be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, fatigue,
headache and dizziness.
NBCs Biggest Loser trainer Brett Hoebel said the
quickest way to cool off during workouts is to douse your
head with ice water. While it feels oh so
refreshing, he adds that it doesnt do
much to hydrate your body. So keep the
water bottle handy for hydration.
Feeling scorched from the inside?
Hoebel said drinking cold water helps
By Elise Oberliesen
14 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
put the fire out. But remem-
ber, hydration and heat per-
ception are not the same
Hoebel said the body can-
not hydrate the water you
drink until it warms up the
water. So if hydration is the
goal, keep water temperature
in mind.
Lukewarm water will
absorb into your body and
hydrate you more quickly, but
it wont cool you down as
much as cold water will,
Hoebel said.
Exercise scientists give you
more reasons to stay cool. By
keeping your cool before and
during workouts, chances are
you will feel better. But re-
searchers also think it may
help you perform better, ac-
cording to a 2014 study pub-
lished in the British Journal of
Sports Medicine that reviewed
28 studies.
According to researchers,
male study participants used
ice vests, cold water and ice
baths before and during
exercise in outdoor heat.
By cooling the athletes
before and during exer-
cise, results suggest
they performed
better because
these cooling
strategies effec-
tively lowered
their core body
theorized that
when the body is kept cool
during exercise, it frees up
more energy to perform stren-
uous tasks and therefore per-
form more efficiently, accord-
ing to a recent Reuters Health
story reporting on these re-
search findings.
Workout wear
Something else to consider.
Choose your workout ward-
robe and fabrics wisely. Mois-
ture wicking fabrics keep you
cool by transporting sweat
away from the skin and onto
the outer fabric layer. Less
moisture keeps you instantly
Since workout clothes are
mostly synthetic materials, like
nylon, spandex, and poly
cotton blends, we all know
what happens when the sports
bra sits clumped in a ball for
days. Unflattering fumes in-
vade your olfactory space.
One tip ditch the work-
out bag.
The trick is to use mesh
bags, says Hoebel. That
way your tanks, shorts
and capris air out and
breathe before hitting
the washer.
Watch for
Bretts new
workout video
series due out
this Septem-
When shopping for your workout wardrobe, most people want
to find their favorite colors and flattering styles, but also remem-
ber to read the label. Opt for garments labeled with anti-micro-
bial properties. That will help keep the funk at bay. Also know
that when washing your gear, fabric softeners may zap the
garments moisture wicking magic so avoid them during
Always read clothing labels. Here are some general guidelines
about how to de-funk-ify sports garments
Air dry garments before washing them
Store them in mesh bag instead of a closed up gym bag this
promotes air flow
Wash items in cold water and air dry if possible
Avoid fabric softener
When funk persists, run an extra rinse cycle in the washer and
use about a quarter cup of baking soda dissolved in about a cup
of water
Still cant remove the funky odors? When all attempts fail, you
might try a product like Funk-Out which uses silver ion technol-
ogy to fight off odor producing bacteria while restoring gear
back more whiff-friendly status. 4 oz bottle runs $6.95.
Towel off pools of
sweat during work-
outs. When sweat hits
your skin, it acts like an
insulator, says Hoebel.
So, mop it up.
Plus, its worse in hu-
mid climates like Talla-
hassee where sweat
evaporates more slow-
ly, compared to places
like Phoenix.
Brett Hoebel
16 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
Nature is her
Quiet activist
finds tranquility
kayaking or
getting lost
in the woods 17
Georgia Ackerman
after a tooling
around at Piney Z
Lake. Shell be
paddling the
Apalachicola River
for RiverTrek in
e is her
18 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
dislike exercise, Geor-
gia Ackerman said. I
like to go outside and
play. Her fondness for
playing outdoors has led
her up mountains and down rivers, and
has created a formidable environmental
defender. Natural advocates evolve
with experience, she said.
By Tricia Dulaney
An FSU grad, Georgia Ackerman moved with her husband
to Arizona before realizing I love humidity. They moved
back to Tallahassee and she bought Wilderness Way and
ran it for eight years.
She doesnt preach.
Doesnt lecture. Instead, she
believes. And while that belief
has put her on the front lines
of conservation and preserva-
tion of North Floridas natural
wonders maybe more than
shes comfortable with, the
benefits are undeniable.
Ackerman attended high
school in Orlando and gradu-
ated from FSU in 1991 before
she and her husband left for
Phoenix, Ariz. Phoenix has a
couple of really brutal months,
but you always have the early
mornings, the late evenings to
play outside. Even in August
we took day trips to the moun-
tains for camping or mountain
biking. Desert camping was
In 2001, Ackerman recalls,
I had this weird epiphany. I
was driving my son to school
and saw a smog advisory
warning people to stay in-
doors. I looked at that sign
and thought, What is this
insanity? The governments
telling me theres enough
pollution in the air that I
shouldnt even breathe it?
She and husband, Rick Zelz-
nak, decided they wanted to
raise their two children in
Tallahassee. I like to be lost in
the woods. I love to be lost out
on the Gulf in a kayak, just a
small speck of humanity in all
the vastness of nature. I need
that fix of tranquility a couple
of times a week. And she
wanted that for her kids.
But, Georgia, warned one
born-and-bred Arizona friend,
they have humidity there!
I confess, I love humidity,
Ackerman laughs. She in-
dulged that love by buying
Wilderness Way kayak shop
on a whim, which she ran
successfully for 8 years, sup-
plying and guiding kayakers
on trips down the regions
many waterways. The great-
est joy of being a river guide
was watching folks eyes light
up over a bird, gator, snake,
manatee, she says. People
become fiercely protective of
the river as they spend time
on it. Its natural. If something
benefits us, if we need it, we
want to take care of it.
That natural protectiveness
led Ackerman and a number
of others to stand against
corporate giant Nestle when it
attempted to commercially
harvest the waters of the
Wacissa, a river fed by numer-
ous natural springs. Alarmed
by the environmental impact
pumping and bottling would
cause and the progress the
corporation had already qui-
etly made private land had
already been leased and per-
mits for test wells issued
Friends of the Wacissa, with
Ackerman as president and
spokesperson, began a deter-
mined campaign.
It was the definition of a
real, effective coalition, Ack-
erman said. We all felt pro-
tective of the river, but a lot of
people couldnt afford to
speak out publicly. I ended up
in the forefront as spokesper-
son because I was fortunate
enough to be an independent
businesswoman. I could speak
freely. Their efforts were
successful. After Nestle
backed down in 2011, Jef-
ferson County passed an ordi-
nance protecting the river
from future bottling threats.
Ackerman continues her
advocacy of the region with
her position on the board of
Apalachicola Riverkeeper,
which seeks to preserve and
protect the river and the bay.
Were always doing things
to raise awareness, like the 4th
Saturday Paddle. This year I
get to paddle RiverTrek
(www.apalachicolariverkeep- Ill be calling
people soon saying, Sponsor
The annual 106-mile fund-
raising trip, set for Oct. 7-11
this year, involves a dozen
paddlers, five days, a lot of
gorgeous scenery, wildlife, and
sandbar camping, but hopeful-
ly no lightning. Ive taught my
kids Dont be afraid, be
aware, Georgia said. But I
do have a healthy regard for
lightning. You can always just
step over a snake.
In addition, Georgia ac-
cepted the position of Project
Manager of the Greater Red
Hills Awareness Initiative at
Tall Timbers Research Station
and Land Conservancy
( in No-
vember. The region, stretching
from Thomasville, Ga., to
Tallahassee, was designated
one of Americas Last Great
Places by the Nature Conser-
vancy. Tall Timbers seeks to
simultaneously conserve and
celebrate our amazing land-
scape. Theres so much to see
and do and learn about the
Red Hills.
She adds, We need to take
care of our region like we take
care of our bodies. Preventa-
tive care lets us enjoy it long-
Georgia Ackerman, paddling at Piney Z Lake on Aug. 5, is on the board of Apalachicola
Riverkeeper, which seeks to preserve and protect the river and the bay.
The 4
Saturday Paddle is a monthly paddling trip on some part of the Apalachico-
la, open to many levels of experience BYO kayak or use one of Riverkeepers on a
first-come basis, free to members or $30, which includes a years membership. You can
reserve a spot online or by calling 653-8936. For more information, visit
The annual 106-mile RiverTrek is a fundraiser set for Oct. 7-11. Learn more at 19
20 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
Georgia Ackerman maneuvers a paddleboard during
a paddling trip down the
Wacissa River in Jefferson County on June 14.
People become fiercely
protective of the river as
they spend time on it.
Its natural.
If something benefits us,
if we need it, we want to
take care of it.
By Terricha
The Clarion-Ledger (Jaskson, Miss.)
etween the tailgate
parties and trips
for ice cream,
squeeze in some
time for 100-calo-
rie snacks.
Snacks easy on the waist-
line can be cool and refreshing
treats packed with nutrients
and protein to keep you full.
As a sports dietitian, I
encourage regular snacks to
help curb hunger and avoid
overeating at meal time, said
Runners Fuel founder Rebec-
ca Turner. The popular and
highly processed 100-calorie
snack packs make experts like
me cringe because they only
offer empty calories with no
health benefits.
You can make your own
100-calorie snack packs for
home and on the go, especial-
ly for an afternoon boost. For
example, slice an apple and
sprinkle it with cinnamon then
bake for 20 minutes until ten-
der. Or, get less than 100 calo-
ries from 1 cup of bell pepper
and 2 tablespoons of hum-
mus. Even a medium ear of
corn comes out to 99 calories
(or 3 cups of air-popped pop-
Also have a small handful
of almonds (good for the
heart), a medium-sized whole
fruit or six ounces of Greek
yogurt. For athletes, Turner
suggests fiber and antioxidant
vegetable dips like the spicy
sweet potato dip made with
hot pepper jack cheese.
The sweet potato provides
vitamin A to support your
eyesight, and the cheese offers
both protein to repair muscles
and calcium for stronger
bones, Turner said.
Make homemade sorbet or
ice pops using real fruit juice.
Stack pieces of fruit or vegeta-
bles for low-calorie kebabs.
One cup of frozen grapes and
one whole kiwi have less than
100 calories between them.
Even a watermelon slice is
under 100 calories.
A half cup of raw kale
without stems baked with 1
teaspoon olive oil until crisp
turns into a 100-calorie snack
of kale chips. Slice up one
light bulb-sized sweet potato,
toss with 1 teaspoon olive oil
and bake for another 100-
calorie snack.
As for seafood, have a
shrimp cocktail. Combine
eight large shrimp and two
tablespoons of cocktail sauce
for 100 calories.
On the other hand, if
someone is craving Oreos or
Nutter Butter cookies, then
eating the 100-calorie snack-
size package is a great alterna-
tive to buying and eating the
whole box/bag of that treat,
said registered dietitian Kathy
Warwick of Professional Nu-
trition Consultants, LLC.
Sometimes satisfying the
craving with a small portion
keeps one from eating every-
thing in the kitchen.
Makes 3 servings
1 medium sweet potato
1 canned chipotle
pepper in adobo sauce
2 tablespoons fresh
squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoon salsa
1/4 cup (2 ounces)
shredded pepper jack
or reduced fat pepper
jack cheese
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Bake sweet potato at
350 degrees for 45
minutes or until tender.
Let cool slightly and
3. Place baked sweet
potato in small food
processor or blender;
add remaining ingredi-
ents. Pulse until well
combined. Serve warm
with fresh veggies,
crackers or tortilla
Skip those processed
packages, make your own 23
24 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
f youve been diag-
nosed with type 1
diabetes, you may
wonder how you are
going to manage all
the steps necessary for
maintaining optimal
health. Fortunately, with so
many effective tools and strat-
egies now available, type 1
diabetes is now more manage-
able than ever before.
The tools for managing
the disease have advanced
significantly in the past 10
years due to new rapid-acting
insulin, better monitoring of
blood glucose levels and im-
proved insulin delivery. These
factors have substantially
improved outcomes, says
Jane Chiang, MD, Senior Vice
President of Medical and
Community Affairs at the
American Diabetes Associa-
tion (ADA).
Type 1 diabetes results
from autoimmune destruction
of the beta cells (the cells that
produce insulin in your body),
preventing glucose from enter-
ing your cells and giving your
body the energy it needs to
function. The good news is,
with proper glycemic control,
medication, exercise, nutrition
and support, you can keep
diabetes management in
check and enjoy an active,
healthy lifestyle.
Checks and balances
These days, there are many
options for getting the insulin
your body needs, including
injections, an insulin pen or an
insulin pump. A pump is a
small device worn on the
outside of the body that is
programmed to dispense
insulin automatically.
The insulin pumps have
really evolved. They are more
technologically advanced:
better accuracy and easier to
use, said Dr. Chiang. In
addition, we have newer ana-
logs of insulin so that really
helps the pumps mimic a
pancreas that isnt affected by
An important lifestyle mea-
sure you can take to ensure
your diabetes management
strategy is working is to work
closely with your health care
provider to find the best ways
to monitor your blood glucose.
By taking advantage of the
newer monitoring devices,
your diabetes management
can fit your lifestyle rather
than having to work your life
around diabetes. One such
high-tech monitoring device is
called continuous glucose
monitoring (CGM), which
automatically checks blood
glucose levels every few min-
utes. Although CGM is not
FDA-approved for standard
blood glucose monitoring, it
can provide additional reas-
Even though you still have
to do blood glucose checks, it
helps to have CGM as a
guide, says Dr. Chiang.
Dr. Chiang suggests
using a daily log and
bringing it to your
health care provider to
help them determine how
your body responds to your
diabetes care plan, including
food, activity and stress. For
an online tool you can use to
keep track of your blood glu-
cose levels, visit the American
Diabetes Association at and search
for Diabetes 24/7.
Finding Support
Having to manage your diabe-
tes around the clock may
cause you to feel frustrated,
depressed or anxious at times.
Try to give yourself credit for
all the things you are doing to
maintain optimal health. Con-
sider reaching out to a support
group for moral support and
helpful information.
Keeping it
in checkBy Leigh Farr
A community-based or online support group appears t
with diabetes. In addition t
trol because of the accoun
out there with this disease
Dr. Jane Chiang, Senior Vice Presiden

You can live an active, healthy

lifestyle with type 1 diabetes 25
The diabetes diet is no
longer the bland, limited
nutrition plan that it once
was. These days, people
with type 1 diabetes con-
sume vibrant, flavor-
packed meals.
One thing we emphasize
to everyone, not just
people with diabetes, is
that good nutrition like
eating whole grains, fruits
and vegetables and good
sources of fat like mono-
unsaturated fats, is impor-
tant, says Dr. Chiang. Be
sure to avoid processed
foods and sugar-sweet-
ened beverages. Thats
particularly important for
people with type 1 diabe-
tes because those products
tend to drive their blood
glucoses up.
Being physically active is
also an important lifestyle
measure for people living
with type 1 diabetes be-
cause it improves overall
health and helps stabilize
your blood glucose levels.
Before you begin an exer-
cise program, ask your
health care team about
which activities are best
for you.
We recommend that
people with type 1 diabe-
tes exercise 30 minutes
five times per week and
that they do some moder-
ate cardiovascular work-
out, says Dr. Chiang. She
recommends that you test
your blood sugar 20 to 30
minutes before exercising.
If your blood glucose is
low, eat some carbo-
hydrates, then check it
again in 15 minutes. Once
your blood glucose is on
target, its safe to exercise,
says Dr. Chiang. Bring
carbohydrate or glucose
tablets with you in case
your blood sugar drops
during your workout. The
same is true prior to driv-
ty-based or online support group appears to benefit both children or adults
tion to the social support, they tend to have better glycemic con-
ountability. Theres also that sense that youre not the only one
th this disease.
sident of Medical and Community Affairs at the American Diabetes Association
The help on
your shelf
Get started with a few classic
and key self-help books
heres no shortage of self-
help books on the market
that promise to assist
readers with every area of
their lives. But how can
you sort through the rows upon
rows of tomes on the shelves to
find the best ones on the market?
The following list, though not all
inclusive, is a great place to start.
By Kenya McCullum
26 Your Health Magazine | September 2014 27
How to Win Friends and Influence
People by Dale Carnegie: This
book dates back to 1936, and as one of
the first books in the genre to become a
bestseller, it has earned a spot in the
self-help cannon. And its no wonder
why Carnegies advice has staying pow-
er: Everyone wants to be liked, and
How to Win Friends and Influence
People gives advice on how to get
people to like you in every area of your
life, and how to make the people in your
life feel appreciated.
The Power of Now by Eckhart
Tolle: If you want to live a happy life,
according to Tolle, you need to step out
of your head and live in the moment. In
The Power of Now, Tolle writes that if
we relinquish our attachment to certain
thoughts, and stop overanalyzing our
lives, we have the potential to gain en-
lightenment, happiness and inner peace.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People by Stephen R. Covey: In
this book, leadership expert Covey gives
a road map for success, which not only
includes practical steps for becoming
more successful, but also tips on how to
change your mindset so you can pro-
gress through those steps.
The Power of Positive Thinking
by Norman Vincent Peale: Its hard
sometimes to have a positive mindset,
and Peales book gives guidance on how
to conquer this enormous task, while
creating more happiness and less worry
in our lives. In addition, he explains that
because of the mind-body connection,
practicing more positive thinking can
actually increase your energy levels and
improve your overall physical health.
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel
Goleman: Although were taught from
an early age that our IQ is an important
way of measuring our potential, Gole-
man believes that without emotional
intelligence, or EQ, all of the promise
that comes with a high IQ may mean
very little in terms of actual results. In
this book, Goleman outlines the impor-
tance of managing our emotions and
illustrates how these vital skills can help
us have success in our work, as well as
interpersonal relationships.
How to Stop Worrying and Start
Living by Dale Carnegie: If you
have problems with anxiety, How to
Stop Worrying and Start Living is the
self-help book for you. And Carnegie
would know: He explains that he also
suffered from anxiety, describing himself
as one of the unhappiest lads in New
York, until he learned methods for
breaking free of the worry habit and
finding more peace, happiness, and
Love Yourself Like Your Life De-
pends On It by Kamal Ravikant:
Although the idea of self-love may
sound self-indulgent, Ravikant explains
why its so important for us to love our-
selves and how self-love is actually the
foundation for a fulfilling life. And when
we dont love ourselves, the book warns,
we run the risk of allowing our negative
thoughts to run rampant, which can lead
to self-sabotage and general unhappi-
The Road Less Traveled by M.
Scott Peck: Life is difficult, Peck
writes in the first line of The Road Less
Traveled, but he outlines ways to get
through it. And as the title suggests, the
path will not be an easy one. However,
by taking Pecks advice, readers can
learn how to have more fulfilling rela-
tionships that are based on seeing the
humanity in other people. Some of the
topics that Peck tackles include how to
nurture healthy romantic relationships
and become a more sensitive parent.
Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to
Stop Procrastinating and Get More
Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy:
Procrastination may not be one of the
seven deadly sins, but it can wreak hav-
oc in our lives just the same if we allow
task after task to pile up without making
any progress. In this book, Tracy gives
advice on how to get out of a cycle of
procrastination by prioritizing what
needs to be done, breaking down large
tasks into smaller pieces so theyre more
manageable, and determining the root
cause of your procrastination.
A list of
28 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
ouve trained for weeks,
maybe even months, to
complete that 5K or
marathon. So whats the next
step after crossing the finish
What you do after the race
is just as important as the
training ahead of time. Race
recovery depends on a number
of factors, including age, level
of fitness and how well an
athlete has prepared for an
event, experts say. Proper
nutrition and stretching follow-
ing the activity can help keep
you on the right track. Athletes
should be well-nourished going
into competition, said Jen
DeWall, registered dietitian/
nutritionist and owner of West
Des Moines-based Nutrition in
Motion. The first 30 minutes
following a race are the most
important in regaining nutri-
ents lost during an event, she
Thats when the enzymes
in your muscles are working
the best, the blood flow is the
highest and you want to get in
that recovery fuel, she said.
Carbohydrates and protein,
such as low-fat chocolate milk,
nutrition bars, fruit or a recov-
ery shake/smoothie can help
athletes refuel. Drinking
enough fluids before and dur-
ing the competition is also
essential to prevent dehydra-
When that happens, your
risk of injury goes up, your
core temperature increases, so
your cardiac output increases
and you have a whole host of
things that can happen, she
For one, cognitive abilities
decrease. Thats a big deal in
sports when split-second deci-
sions can be the difference
between a win and a loss. Our
bodies also fatigue easier and
By Estela Villanueva-
Special to the Des Moines Register
face inhibited aerobic endur-
ance, DeWall added.
If theyve stayed hydrated
during the race, runners should
sip sports drinks soon after
finishing to replenish electro-
lytes, which help retain fluid.
Potassium can be replaced
through raisins and bananas
and sodium through baked
chips or pretzels.
Limited activity, paired with
rest, is also recommended
following competition.
Shane McClinton, physical
therapist at Des Moines Uni-
versity Physical Therapy Clinic
and associate professor of
physical therapy at the school,
explained that the stimulus of a
major athletic event causes
tissue to regenerate at the
same time it is degenerating.
The regeneration doesnt start
to take over the degeneration
until about 36 hours, McClin-
ton said.
That first 24 to 48 hours,
its important you dont impose
another really stressful event,
he said.
While the amount of activ-
ity depends on each athlete,
light running is OK the first few
days following a race. Other
activities that work those same
muscles to a lesser degree can
also help. Cycling and walking
are good alternatives.
McClinton noted that blood
can pool if athletes dont move
or walk and may develop
contractures in the muscles.
That can turn into trigger
points, a source of muscular
pain, and limit the blood flow
to the tissues that need it most.
Thats why its important
that you move, but also impor-
tant to do some stretching right
away, in that first 24 to 48
hours, he said.
Des Moines University
students provide physical
therapy following several local
races and members of the
schools Osteopathic Finish
Line offer manual manipulative
medicine. The goal is to restore
the balance to the body with
respect to the musculoskeletal
When the body is posi-
tioned and moving efficiently,
its going to perform better and
recover better, McClinton
TWO HOURS BEFORE EVENT: Two slices of whole-grain toast with
almond butter, 1 cup fresh fruit, yogurt, 16 ounces water, coffee
(low-glycemic carbs).
10 TO 20 MINUTES PRIOR TO RACE: 8-10 ounces of water. (One sip
equals one ounce.) May need extra carbs through gel or sports
DURING THE EVENT: 6 to 9 ounces of water every 20 minutes. May
need extra carbs through gel or sports drinks, depending on length
of race.
POST-RACE: Sips of fluid as tolerated. Within 30 minutes, consume high-glycemic carbohydrates
granola with added protein, an orange, smoothie, recovery shake, CLIF bar, turkey sandwich or ba-
nana with peanut butter. Continue hydrating 24 ounces of fluid per pound lost.
TWO HOURS LATER: Hamburger on a bun, baked chips, fresh fruit or cottage cheese and crackers.
30 Your Health Magazine | September 2014
Downtown GetDown and
Seminole Block Party
Sept. 5, 6-9 p.m.
Friday evenings before Saturday home
games, Florida State University and Florida
A&M University football fans participate in
a Tallahassee tradition the Downtown
Get Down on Adams Street and the Friday
Night Block Party in Kleman Plaza. The
celebration includes food and drinks, live
entertainment, arts and crafts and activities
for the kids. For more information, call
414-0858 or go to
My Fest
Sept. 6, noon-5 p.m.
A free music, art, entertainment and youth
empowerment festival at Cascades Park
being planned by MY LIFE Tallahassee to
raise awareness about mental health, sub-
stance use, foster care and other issues
facing youth and young adults. For more
information, call 891-3866 or go to
Opening reception for the
33rd Annual Capital City
Quilt Show
Sept. 11, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The Museum of Florida History and Quilters
Unlimited of Tallahassee will hold opening
reception for the 33rd Annual Capital City
Quilt Show. Hors doeuvres are provided by
the Quilters Guild. Parking and admission
are free. For more information, call 245-
Walk Run Roll
Sept. 13, 7:30 a.m.-noon
Ability1st holds 5K race and a one-mile
walk/roll through Myers Park, 912 Myers
Park Drive, to raise awareness and funds
for projects enabling those with disabilities
to lead an independent life. Registration is
$15. For more information, call 575-9621 or
go to
Color Run
Sept. 13, 9-11a.m.
The Color Run is a five-kilometer, un-timed
race in which thousands of participants are
doused from head to toe in different colors
of powdered die at each kilometer. Starts
at the Civic Center, 505 W Pensacola St.
Event has one rule wear white. Regis-
tration is $25. After the race color runners
take part in the Finish Festival a party
equipped with music, dancing and massive
color throws. Find out more at thecolor-
The Artist Series presents
Jasper String Quartet
Sept. 14, 4-6 p.m.
Winner of the 2012 Cleveland Quartet
Award, the Jasper String Quartet (J Freivo-
gel and Sae Chonabayashi, violins; Sam
Quintal, viola; Rachel Henderson Freivogel,
cello) will perform at Opperman Music Hall.
Single ticket $23, Students $5, 12 and under
free. Season Passports include 6 tickets that
can be used in any combination for all 5
concerts $99 Senior Passports (62+) $89. For
more information, call 224-9934 or go to
Florida Trail Association
Power Hike
Sept. 17, 5:30 p.m.
Walk to eliminate stress, burn fat and get
some exercise. Power walking pace (ap-
prox. 3.5 mph) with light hiking gear (dress
in layers, wear a hat and light trekking or
trail running shoes). Bring water, bug spray,
energy bar. RSVP on Meetup at http://
Hiking/ or call leader to get any last minute
changes or cancellations. Meet at 5:30 p.m.
at the Thornton Trailhead (Near I-10) on
Miccosukee Road. Check out Leon County
Trail Map at: http://imsinter.leoncoun- Leader:
Dawn Griffin (850) 509-6103 Grif-
Jazz on Gaines Street
Sept. 28, 4-8 p.m.
Free concert at Boulevard Park, Gaines
Street & MLK Boulevard, will feature music
by The Tribute Band featuring LaCloteal,
guitarist Darryl Steele, saxophonist Robert
Chucky Crawford and Mercy Jaye. Ven-
dors will offer food, arts and crafts and
games. Attendees encouraged to bring
chairs. For more information, call 443-9794
or go to!/

Tyler Niemiller maneuvers his wheelchair over a mobility obstacle at a Walk Run Roll at
Myers Park. Sponsored by Ability1st, this years event will be Sept. 13. 31
32 Your Health Magazine | September 2014

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