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Vol.18, No.

8 August 1996

Continuing Education Article

Diagnosis, and
★ Accurate diagnosis, treatment,
and prognosis of patients with
Treatment of Canine
canine hip dysplasia depends on
comprehensive evaluation of
affected dogs.
Hip Dysplasia
KEY FACTS University of Missouri
James L. Cook, DVM
■ Dogs that are affected with James L. Tomlinson, DVM, MVSc
hip dysplasia are genetically Gheorghe M. Constantinescu, DVM, PhD, Drhc
predisposed to developing
a biomechanical imbalance
between muscle mass and
skeletal stresses on the hip joint.

■ The disparity between soft tissue

strength and biomechanical
C anine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a common developmental disease of the
coxofemoral joint of dogs.1–6 The disease affects 1.8% to 48.1% of dogs
of a given breed.4 Heritability indexes (which measure the percentage
of phenotypic variation attributable to genetics) also vary greatly among
breeds. Canine hip dysplasia is most frequently reported in large and giant ca-
forces during skeletal growth
causes a loss of congruity nine breeds but can affect any breed. The disease most commonly occurs bilat-
between the articular surfaces of erally; unilateral disease reportedly ranges from 3% to 30%, depending on the
the acetabulum and the femoral breed.4
head. Although many causes have been proposed, a definitive cause has not been
established. A genetic predisposition involving a polygenic mode of inheritance
■ A comprehensive evaluation has been reported.1–5 Affected dogs are predisposed to developing a biomechan-
includes signalment, history, ical imbalance between muscle mass and skeletal stresses on the hip joint.2,5
general physical examination, The imbalance leads to laxity, subluxation, and degenerative joint disease
orthopedic examination, (DJD). Nutrition and rapid growth rate are important factors that contribute
neurologic examination, and to the disparity between muscle mass and skeletal stresses.1–3 Other proposed
radiography. causal factors include hormonal influences; collagen, muscle fiber, ligament
and nerve abnormalities; and abnormal synoviocyte ratios.1–3,6 These factors are
■ The goals of treatment are to probable components of the polygenic basis of the disease.
alleviate pain, to arrest secondary The multifactorial nature of CHD can confuse client education and manage-
degenerative changes, and to ment of the disease. The basic concept involved is the biomechanical imbalance
maximize joint function. between the forces on the coxofemoral joint and the associated muscle mass; the
result is joint laxity in young, growing dogs. This laxity leads to incongruity; the
eventual result is DJD. This article considers the pathophysiology and treat-
ment options for patients with CHD and provides a framework for decision
making and prognosis for various categories of patients with the disease.
Small Animal The Compendium August 1996

The coxofemoral joint is normal
at birth and begins as a congruent
unit.2,5 Genetically susceptible dogs
become dysplastic when the primary
muscle mass that supports the joint
fails to mature at the same rate as the
skeletal structures.2,5,7,8 The resultant
disparity between soft tissue strength
and biomechanical forces during
skeletal growth is manifested as a loss
of congruity between the articular
surfaces of the acetabulum and the
femoral head.2,5 This incongruity re- Figure 1—Schematic illustration of normal, increased, and decreased angles (from
sults in the instability that leads to left to right) of inclination. An increased angle results in greater stress on the cox-
DJD. ofemoral joint.
The most important time in the
development of the canine coxo-
femoral joint is the first 60 days of
life, when the periarticular soft tis-
sues are immature.2 During this peri-
od, the muscles and nerves are func-
tionally limited. If the stresses on the
hip from weight bearing and activity
exceed the strength of the supporting
soft tissue, the articular surfaces are
forced apart. If the elastic limit of the
soft tissue is exceeded, the laxity re-
sults in irreversible incongruity.2 The
incongruity in the joint results in
abnormal joint motion (instability). Figure 2—Schematic illustration of normal (left) and increased (right) angles of an-
The abnormal motion produces re- teversion. Increased anteversion results in greater stress on the coxofemoral joint.
modeling of the joint and joint effu-
sion, both of which result in further
incongruity and laxity due to articu-
lar cartilage changes and loss of hy-
drostatic pressure.2,9–17
Overloading of the hip can begin as
soon as a puppy begins to push itself
to nurse and can continue into the lat-
er developmental stages, when addi-
tional stresses exacerbate the incon-
gruity and lead to further remodeling.2
The dysplastic changes evident in
CHD apparently correlate with the
severity and duration of the biome-
chanical overloading.2,7,8 If congruity is
maintained until the soft tissue is ma-
ture or is restored before irreversible
change, nerve function and muscle
mass are sufficient to maintain con-
Figure 3—Schematic illustration of femoral head subluxation (arrows) as the result
gruity of the joint.2 When the patient
of a shallow acetabulum.
is approximately 6 months of age (i.e.,


The Compendium August 1996 Small Animal

when 90% of the ossification process is complete), nized.2,10 Dogs 4 to 12 months of age often present
changes in joint shape can only be accomplished by the with a sudden onset of clinical signs.10 These dogs ex-
production or resorption of bone.2 hibit a sudden decrease in activity in conjunction with
pain and/or lameness in the pelvic limbs.10 The cause of
BIOMECHANICS the pain and lameness has been attributed to joint effu-
Normal weight bearing through the coxofemoral sion, tearing or stretching of the round ligament, syn-
joint is transmitted through the shaft of the femur, the ovitis, acetabular microfractures, and loss of articular
femoral neck and head, the acetabulum, the ilium, and cartilage.10,18–49 Most of these patients have a positive
the sacrum. The load placed on the coxofemoral joint Ortolani sign in the affected joints and atrophy of the
is determined by body weight, conformation, and ac- associated pelvic muscle mass.7,10
tivity.6 When a dog is standing, 30% to 40% of the In older dogs, clinical signs result from degenerative
body weight is distributed to the pelvic limbs.6,9 During changes in the joint.10 Signs are usually insidious but
activity, however, the coxofemoral joint load may ap- may present suddenly as the result of acute trauma to
proach three times body weight.6 the abnormal tissue.10 Older dogs with CHD are often
The amount of force placed on the joint is influ- bilaterally lame, especially after exercise; joint crepitus,
enced by the femoral neck–shaft angle of inclination, restricted range of motion (especially extension), and
the length of the femoral neck, the position of the muscle atrophy of the hindlimbs may be present.10 A
greater trochanter, and the distance of the femoral head positive Ortolani sign is rare.7,10 In both groups of dogs,
from the body’s center of gravity.6 Increased stress on clinical signs may include varying degrees of lameness,
the joint occurs with an increased angle of inclination so-called bunny hopping, difficult rising, and abnormal
(Figure 1), an increased angle of anteversion (Figure 2), stance or gait.
a relatively short femoral neck, and distal or medial dis-
placement of the greater trochanter.6 Increased stress on Palpation Techniques
the joint potentiates laxity, incongruity, and DJD. In Bardens’ method11 of coxofemoral joint palpation in
addition, if the craniodorsal aspect of the acetabulum puppies at 6 to 8 weeks of age is reportedly accurate in
does not meet the force vector of the femoral head per- predicting CHD in commonly affected breeds.12 The
pendicularly (because of slanting or
incomplete coverage), subluxation
results6 (Figure 3).

Dogs that have clinical signs at-
tributable to CHD are commonly
presented to veterinary practitioners
for evaluation. Dysplastic dogs with-
out clinically evident abnormalities
may be evaluated during routine
physical examinations. A compre-
hensive evaluation is essential for
accurate diagnosis, treatment, and
prognosis. Other causes of hindlimb
lameness (e.g., cruciate ligament rup-
ture, patellar luxation, osteochondro-
sis, and trauma) must be ruled out.
Evaluation should include signal-
ment, history, complete general
physical examination, complete or-
thopedic examination, neurologic
examination, and radiography.1,3,7

Signalment and History

Figure 4—Schematic illustration of hand placement for eliciting of the Bardens’
Two distinct groups of dogs with
CHD have been clinically recog-


Small Animal The Compendium August 1996

tion or general anesthesia may be re-

quired to facilitate palpation, we do
not routinely recommend sedation
or anesthesia of puppies in order to
perform this procedure.
The Ortolani sign was first report-
ed in human infants in 193713 and is
used in veterinary medicine to diag-
nose coxofemoral laxity. Although
the technique can be performed on
an awake patient or after sedation,
accurate interpretation of joint laxity
can be diminished. For the best re-
sults, the animal should be anes-
thetized deeply enough to cause loss
of the palpebral reflex. 7 The tech-
nique can be performed with the pa-
Figure 5— Schematic illustration of proper positioning for palpation of the tient in lateral or dorsal recumbency.
Ortolani sign. With the dog in dorsal recumben-
cy, the veterinarian stands behind the
animal and grasps each stifle firmly
(with the femurs perpendicular to
the surface of the examination table).
Pressure is applied down the shaft of
the femur toward the acetabulum.
Each femur is individually abducted
to its limit. In patients with CHD,
downward pressure on the femur
causes dorsal subluxation of the
femoral head. When the limb is ab-
ducted, an audible or palpable click
is elicited as the subluxated femoral
head is reduced.7
With the patient in right lateral
recumbency, the examiner stands
caudal to the dog and grasps the left
stifle with the left hand. The open
palm of the right hand is placed
against the dorsum of the pelvis,
with the thumb resting on the
Figure 6— Schematic illustration of the angles of reduction and subluxation greater trochanter. The left femur is
(arrows) of a dysplastic coxofemoral joint. positioned so that it is perpendicular
to the long axis of the pelvis and par-
puppy is placed in lateral recumbency. Using one hand, allel to the table surface. Pressure is applied to the shaft
the thumb is placed on the ischiatic tuberosity, the of the femur proximally toward the acetabulum while
middle finger on the dorsal iliac spine, and the index the pelvis is supported with the right hand. The left
finger on the greater trochanter. The opposite hand is femur is then abducted (Figure 5). As in the previous
used to attempt to pull the femoral head out of the ac- technique, hips that are subluxated elicit a click during
etabulum by lifting the femur laterally (Figure 4). The abduction.7
amount of laxity is estimated by the amount of move- A palpable or audible click during this technique is
ment of the index finger away from the acetabulum. A known as a positive Ortolani sign.7 False-negative re-
more objective measurement can be made using this sults may result from positioning or technique errors,
technique and a simple lever device.12 Although seda- inadequate depth of anesthesia, excessive patient size


The Compendium August 1996 Small Animal

(prohibiting effective palpation), gross Based on these criteria, the coxofemoral

destruction of the dorsal acetabular rim, Grading Criteria joints are given one of seven grades15 (see
a thickened fibrotic joint capsule, prolif- for Radiography the box). In German shepherds, evaluation
eration of osteophytes, limited range of of Canine of CHD by the OFA radiographic method
motion, or fixed luxation of the femoral Coxofemoral Joints reportedly has a reliability for correct diag-
head.7 nosis of 69.9% at 12 months, 82.7% at 18
Using the Ortolani technique, the point ■ Excellent—nearly months, and 95.4% at 24 months.15 After
of femoral head subluxation can be distin- perfect conformation
radiographic evaluation by three board-
guished as proximal pressure is applied to certified OFA radiologists, a dog can be
the femur. The angle of the femur from ■ Good—normal registered with the OFA if it is at least 2
the sagittal plane at the point of initial conformation for age years of age and the radiographs are appro-
femoral head subluxation is the angle of and breed priately identified.15
subluxation. 10 The angle of the femur ■ Fair—less than ideal, Another radiographic evaluation tech-
from the sagittal plane at the point of re- but within normal nique for CHD is the University of Penn-
duction of the femoral head in the acetab- radiographic limits
sylvania Hip Improvement Program
ulum is the angle of reduction10 (Figure (PennHIP). The PennHIP technique is a
6). These angles are useful if triple pelvic ■ Near normal— stress-radiographic method intended to
osteotomy is considered as a treatment borderline; minor hip provide a quantitative means of determin-
option.7,10,14 abnormalities often ing laxity before the dog is 24 months of
cannot be clearly age.17 By correlating joint laxity with sub-
Radiography assessed because sequent incidence and severity of CHD,
The most commonly used radiographic of poor positioning
this method can provide optimum predic-
grading system for CHD was established tive value.17–19
by the Orthopedic Foundation for An- during radiographic The stress-radiographic method requires
imals (OFA). One function of the OFA procedures deep sedation or general anesthesia.17 The
is to provide a service for the diagnosis ■ Mild dysplasia— patient is positioned in dorsal recumbency,
and registry of hip status for all canine minimal deviation with the coxofemoral joints in a neutral
breeds.15 Sedation or anesthesia is recom- from normal with flexion–extension angle to allow maxi-
mended. With the patient in dorsal slight flattening of the
mum lateral displacement of the femoral
recumbency, the femurs are extended par- head.17 The neutral positioning avoids spi-
allel to each other and to the film cas- femoral head and ral tensioning of the fibrous elements of
sette. The patellae are centered over the minor subluxation the joint capsule and hydrostatic influ-
trochlear grooves of the femurs.16 A single ■ Moderate dysplasia— ences that decrease hip laxity.17
ventrodorsal radiograph of the pelvis and obvious deviation A compression view and a distraction
femurs is obtained for evaluation.16 Proper from normal with view are obtained via the PennHIP com-
positioning and technique are essential to evidence of shallow
pression–distraction device. The distance
correct interpretation of the radiographic between the center of the acetabulum and
severity of the disease.3,10,16 acetabulum, flattened the center of the femoral head is measured
The coxofemoral joints are evaluated femoral head, poor on both views via templates or gauges.
radiographically for the following fac- joint congruity, and This distance is divided by the radius of
tors10,16: (in some cases) the femoral head; a numerical value be-
subluxation with tween 0 and 1 (the distraction index) is
■ Congruity of the femoral head and the marked changes of the
determined.17 This index quantitates the
acetabular margin relative displacement of the femoral head
■ Amount of coverage of the femoral femoral head and neck center from the acetabular center.17 In ad-
head by the acetabular rim, as defined ■ Severe dysplasia— dition, the compression view delineates
by the intersection of the femoral head complete dislocation the articular surfaces and provides in-
physeal scar with the dorsal acetabular of the hip and severe formation concerning acetabular depth,
rim (At least 50% of the femoral head flattening of the thickness of articular cartilage, and the
should be covered by the acetabulum.) acetabulum and
center of rotation of the joint.17
■ Remodeling and flattening of the The distraction index quantitates pas-
femoral head (The femoral head femoral head sive joint laxity. Dogs with an index less
should approximate a hemicircle.) than 0.3 rarely develop radiographic evi-


Small Animal The Compendium August 1996

dence of DJD.18 Hips with a distraction index greater The DAR radiographic view accurately confirms pal-
than 0.3 are considered to be susceptible to DJD.18 In pation findings of damage to the weight-bearing por-
some breeds, an increase in the distraction index has tion of the acetabulum.20 The view is used to identify
been correlated with an increased incidence of DJD as- dorsal acetabular rim osteophytes, acetabular filling,
sociated with CHD.18,19 Not all dogs with passive laxity and the lateral extent of the acetabulum and resultant
(an index greater than 0.3) eventually develop DJD, dorsal coverage of the femoral head.20,21 The DAR ra-
however, and results should be interpreted with cau- diographic view has been recommended as part of the
tion. evaluation process for patients with CHD and as an aid
The PennHIP method shows promise for detecting in determining disease, treatment options, and progno-
susceptibility to CHD in dogs as early as 16 weeks of sis.20,21
age.17 The method is designed to minimize radiograph-
ic artifacts caused by positioning and to allow dog- TREATMENT
to-dog comparison of hip joint laxity. 17 To use the By the time of diagnosis, the pathologic changes of
PennHIP system in practice, a veterinarian must be CHD are often irreversible. No treatment is effective in
certified at a 1-day training session and must have a restoring a dysplastic joint to a completely normal cox-
compression–distraction device, a 300-mA radiograph- ofemoral joint. The aims of treatment are alleviating
ic unit, and an automatic film processor. pain, arresting secondary degenerative changes, and
The dorsal acetabular rim (DAR) radiographic view producing maximum joint function. Decision making
was developed to image the rim using standard radio- in treating a patient with CHD should be based on the
graphic equipment and technique.20 The DAR tech- age and health of the dog, the clinical severity of the
nique was designed to address the failure of standard disease, the radiographic appearance of the joint, the
ventrodorsal and lateral radiographic techniques to iso- intended function of the dog, and the financial con-
late the weight-bearing portion of the acetabulum.20 straints of the owner.
The value of DAR radiographs is in evaluating the rim
for damage and secondary osteoarthritic changes, corre- Medical Therapy
lating palpable joint laxity with observable radiographic Medical therapy for patients with CHD involves
findings, and displaying acetabular filling. This tech- controlled exercise, weight control, antiinflammatory
nique has been proposed to provide an objective, repro- agents, and analgesics. Medical therapy is oriented to-
ducible method for determining whether a coxofemoral ward alleviating pain and slowing the deterioration of
joint is normal, dysplastic, or injured by trauma.20 the coxofemoral joint. Medical therapy does not correct
The DAR view is obtained with an anesthetized pa- the problems associated with CHD or arrest the pro-
tient in sternal recumbency. The pelvic limbs are pulled gression of disease. Such therapy thus should be re-
cranially so that the femurs are parallel with the long served for patients with mild or intermittent clinical
axis of the torso.20 A restraining device is placed around signs. Medical therapy may be effective as palliative
the thighs and back to align the femurs close to the treatment for young dogs before total hip replacement
body.20 The tibias are angled 120˚ to the femurs, and and for geriatric patients with minimal activity levels.
the hips are internally rotated 45˚ to prevent the greater Monetary considerations may prompt the client to
trochanter from interfering with visualization of the choose medical therapy alone.
dorsal acetabular rim.20 Activity should be reduced to a level that the patient
A 2-inch spacer is placed between the calcaneal tuber can tolerate without signs of pain or exercise intoler-
and the examination table to increase the tension in the ance.22 Exercise should initially be restricted to short
hamstring muscles in order to pull the ischiatic leash walks, then gradually increased to the maximum
tuberosity cranially with respect to the tuber sacrale.20 level of function that does not cause pain or lameness.22
This causes the pelvis to be aligned vertically so that the Non–weight-bearing activities (e.g., swimming) are an
radiographic beam passes through the shaft of the ili- excellent means of exercise and avoid concussive trau-
um.20 After the DAR view is obtained, lines can be ma to the joints. Strict cage rest has been recommended
drawn tangential to the point of lateral contact between as preventive therapy for dogs predisposed to or affect-
the femoral head and the dorsal acetabular rim on both ed by CHD.5 Severe exercise restriction can result in in-
hips. In dogs with normal hips, the angle at the point creased exercise intolerance, loss of muscle mass and
of intersection of the lines is 165˚ to 180˚.20 In dogs tone, decreased range of motion, exacerbation of carti-
with hip dysplasia, the angle is reportedly less than lage destruction, and social maladjustment.5,22
165˚20; however, there is no reported correlation be- The patient’s weight must be maintained in the opti-
tween this angle and the development of DJD. mum range for the age and breed. Weight loss is vital in


Small Animal The Compendium August 1996

obese patients. Diet control can be accomplished via Triple Pelvic Osteotomy
foods specifically formulated for this purpose (reducing If the biomechanical imbalance in a dysplastic hip is
diets or low-calorie diets) or via reduced portions of a corrected early in the progression of CHD, the coxo-
maintenance-type dog food.22 Protocols for weight con- femoral joint can return to normal function.3,29,30 Triple
trol have been outlined.22,50 Conservative therapy, con- pelvic osteotomy (TPO) is a surgical procedure designed
sisting of exercise restriction and weight control, is ef- for this purpose. Ideally, correction takes place before
fective in controlling pain and lameness in a significant complete skeletal maturity and before secondary degen-
number of dogs with CHD.51 erative changes occur.56 The goals of TPO are correction
Antiinflammatory analgesics should be considered of femoral head subluxation and restoration of the coxo-
for adjunctive therapy in medically managed patients. femoral weight-bearing surface area.31–35 In our opinion,
Many protocols have been suggested.2,3,10,22–26,52,53 Oral the ideal candidate for this procedure is a young dog
aspirin (10 to 25 mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours), 3,10,22 (<10 months of age) with clinical signs of CHD, radio-
phenylbutazone (1 to 5 mg/kg divided every 8 graphic subluxation, and no secondary degenerative
hours),3,10,22 meclofenamic acid (1.1 mg/kg every 24 changes. Selection criteria for performing the procedure
hours),3,22 and carprofen (2 mg/kg every 12 hours)52,53 vary among surgeons, and successful outcomes have been
are reportedly effective. Aspirin is effective in most cas- achieved in patients older than 10 months.
es and is easily accessible and inexpensive. Buffered or Several variations have been described for performing
enteric-coated products are recommended to minimize pelvic osteotomy with axial acetabular rotation.27,31–35,37
the gastric irritation and ulceration that can be a com- The technique most often used by veterinary orthope-
mon side effect of these medications.22 dists requires three incisions to create a pubic osteoto-
Recent reports suggest that polysulfated glycosamino- my or subtotal pubic ostectomy, an ischial osteotomy,
glycan (4.4 mg/kg every 3 to 5 days for eight intramus- and an ilial osteotomy.10,27,31,37 The pubis is approached
cular injections) has beneficial antiinflammatory ef- ventrally, the ischium caudally, and the ilial body later-
fects, but no statistically significant results have been ally.10,27,36 The ilial osteotomy is stabilized via internal
reported in severe cases of CHD.23–26 Corticosteroids fixation. Plates that are available for fixation include a
can be used, but care is necessary to avoid immuno- canine pelvic osteotomy plate, an AO/ASIF (Associa-
suppression, adrenal suppression, and exacerbation of tion for the Study of Internal Fixation) triple osteoto-
cartilage damage. Hyaluronate and glucosamine– my plate, and a standard AO/ASIF dynamic compres-
chondroitin salts have been promoted for medical man- sion plate twisted to the desired angle.
agement of DJD.54,55 To date, no controlled studies The canine pelvic osteotomy plate is available for the
have reported use of these products to treat CHD. left or right hemipelvis, with one of three angles of ro-
tation: 20˚, 30˚, or 40˚.10,27 We prefer the 20˚ or 30˚
Pectineal Myectomy plates for providing accurate acetabular rotation and
Pectineal myectomy is a controversial treatment for stable fixation while avoiding overrotation and severe
patients with CHD. The procedure, which does not pelvic-canal narrowing.37,56 The AO/ASIF 2.7- or 3.5-
correct the disease or arrest its progression,10,27,28 was mm triple osteotomy plate is available at a preset angle
originally proposed to relieve muscle spasm and the as- of 45˚. The ischial osteotomy can be stabilized with
sociated pain.28 The technique is reportedly effective in one hemicerclage orthopedic wire. No fixation is neces-
relieving pain in some cases.2,3,10,27,28 The pain relief has sary for the pubic ostectomy.
been attributed to release of muscle tension, reduced The degree of axial acetabular rotation is determined
stress on the joint capsule, and increased abduction re- by measuring the angles of subluxation and reduction,
sulting in articular alterations. Myectomy is preferred radiographic evaluation (DAR view), and intraopera-
to myotomy in preventing postoperative fibrosis and tive observation and palpation for Ortolani sign and
contracture.3,10 The procedure is usually performed bi- range of motion.10,27,37,56 The optimum angle of acetab-
laterally. Postoperative care should include moderate ular rotation is approximately 5˚ to 10˚ smaller than
exercise 2 to 3 days after surgery.10 the angle of reduction.10 The angle of subluxation pro-
Complications associated with pectineal myectomy vides the value for the minimal amount of acetabular
include postoperative hematoma formation and the rotation.10 The actual angle used for acetabular rotation
possibility of fibrous bands forming at the excision should be the minimum angle necessary to maintain
site.3,10,27,28 Furthermore, pectineal myectomy may be coxofemoral stability.35,37 Overrotation can lead to im-
ineffective in controlling the pain associated with pingement of the dorsal acetabular rim on the femoral
CHD.3,10,27,28 The technique is no longer widely advo- neck and abnormal coxofemoral articulation.10,27,31,35
cated for treating patients with CHD. Underrotation results in continued subluxation.


Small Animal The Compendium August 1996

Postoperative management involves exercise restric- medullary canal is then drilled, reamed, and shaped.
tion until radiographically evident healing of the ilial The femoral endoprosthesis is positioned and secured.
osteotomy, followed by a gradual return to normal If a modular prosthetic system is used, an appropriately
function.10,14,31 A sling can be used to provide internal sized femoral head is seated on the neck of the femoral
rotation and abduction and to prevent weight bearing prosthesis. The size of each component is determined
for 2 to 3 days after surgery if necessary.14 Triple pelvic by comparing templates to preoperative radiographs.
osteotomy can be performed in the contralateral hip at The prosthetic joint is reduced; closure, including the
least 2 to 6 weeks after the first surgery if surgical selec- joint capsule, is performed routinely.
tion criteria are still fulfilled.3,10 Simultaneous bilateral Postoperative management is vital to successful treat-
TPO has been recommended, especially if delaying ment. For the first week after surgery, activity is restricted
surgery would allow degenerative changes.57 to leash walking with support of the hindlimbs.59 Activi-
Complications associated with TPO include narrow- ty restriction should continue for the first month, with a
ing of the pelvic canal, constipation, urethral injury, gradual return to normal function 10 to 12 weeks fol-
overrotation of the acetabulum (resulting in limited lowing surgery.38,59 Clinical and radiographic evaluation
femoral extension and abduction), implant failure, is recommended at 6 and 12 weeks after surgery.59
infection, sciatic nerve palsy, persistent incongruity, Total hip replacement is reported to have a 91% to
and failure to retard the progression of degenerative 95.2% success rate.38 Complication rates vary widely
changes.10,14,27,31 Proper preoperative selection and good and decrease (6.3% or less) with increased surgical ex-
surgical technique should alleviate pain, arrest sec- perience.60 Complications include dislocation (1% to
ondary degenerative changes, and allow normal joint 8.7%),61,62 osteomyelitis (1.1% to 7.7%),39,60,61 aseptic
function.3,10,14,29–31,35 Long-term success, as determined component loosening (3.1%), 61,62 femoral fractures
by normal weight bearing and limb function, reported- (3.2%),61 and sciatic neuropraxia (2.2% to 3.1%).61,62
ly ranges from 72% to 92%.14,29–31 Infection is the most severe complication.
No cases of osteomyelitis associated with THR have
Total Hip Replacement been successfully treated without implant removal.59,61
In our opinion, total hip replacement (THR) is the In all reported cases, sciatic neuropraxia has resolved in
best treatment option for dogs that are clinically affect- 3 to 15 weeks.61 In successful procedures, patients can
ed with DJD resulting from CHD. Total hip replace- be expected to demonstrate full range of motion, in-
ment is a salvage procedure that can produce a func- creases in pelvic muscle mass, and pain relief.3,10,38,39,59 In
tionally normal joint, eliminate secondary degenerative light of the excellent results and minimal complications
changes, and alleviate joint pain.3,10,38 Various tech- associated with THR, expense and availability are usu-
niques have been described.38,39,58 Cemented and ce- ally the major determinants in clients’ decisions.
mentless prostheses are available. Currently, cemented
prostheses are most commonly used. Total hip replace- Femoral Head and Neck Excision Arthroplasty
ment is an option in most cases of CHD. The candi- Femoral head and neck excision (FHNE) arthroplasty
date should be skeletally mature (closed trochanteric is a salvage procedure. Joint function and pain are elimi-
physis) and have pain and/or lameness attributable to nated, and only a fibrous pseudojoint exists.40–42,46–48 The
coxofemoral disease.3,10,38,59 Dogs must weigh at least 35 pseudojoint is less stable than normal, and the range of
to 50 pounds to accept the prosthesis. With currently motion is reduced.3,40–42,46–48 Femoral head and neck ex-
available implants, there is no maximum size limit. cision arthroplasty can be performed at nearly any stage
Contraindications include infection, neurologic dis- in the progression of CHD. Most surgeons wait until
ease that affects the hindlimbs, and concurrent ortho- secondary degenerative changes and the associated pain
pedic problems.10,38,59 Systemic disease is a potential are prevalent. Severe muscle atrophy may result in a less
contraindication.59 The procedure can be done bilater- favorable outcome.63 For optimum results, the surgical
ally, with at least 2 to 3 months between surgeries.38,59 candidate should weigh less than 18 to 20 kg.46,47 Be-
Unilateral THR, however, reportedly results in accept- cause most dogs treated for CHD weigh more than 20
able function in 80% of dogs with bilateral disease.61 kg, the procedure has produced less favorable outcomes
The surgical procedure involves a craniolateral ap- than those of other CHD treatments.42,46–48,63
proach to the hip, with partial tenotomy of the deep The traditional technique for FHNE has been de-
gluteal and vastus lateralis muscles. After arthrotomy, scribed.40–42 Modifications of the procedure using inter-
the femoral head and neck are excised. The acetabulum posed muscle flaps have also been reported.43,44 No ad-
is reamed to the medial cortex. The acetabular com- vantage in using the modified techniques has been
ponent is then placed appropriately. The femoral demonstrated.3,27,45,46 A craniolateral approach to the


The Compendium August 1996 Small Animal

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