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Mahti's LIFE School

Creative Conscious Mathematics

Conceptual Engineering
Altruistic Self-Mastery
Philosophie Du Cajun
True education evokes rilliance from !ithin an individual" #t is a $ife process of
continuously ecoming etter to serve others and e%pand possiilities for humanity" $ife
e%perience is our School and optimi&ing our interpersonal interactions to ecome healthier'
happier and more creative is our daily (ork" The est !ay to do this is to have face-time !ith
loved ones" Sharing space and interacting !ith genuine attention and care optimi&es our
epigenetics' our psychoneuroimmunology' our neurochemistry' our neuroplasticity !hile
enhancing our vagal tone' neurogenesis' cardiogenesis and more" )es genuine attention and
care strengthens our hearts and gro!s igger rains" This Edcuational #nstitution completely
supports The Declaration of Natural Rights of Knowledge"
This is
$eading Edge Cajun Education
Educative Self-Actualization
So (hy $earn*"""
Creative Conscious Mathematics
A Mathematically valid frame!ork is a necessity for guiding one+s o!n $ogic
#nto greater efficacy" Efficient thought uilds etter $ogic" ,eing ale to actuali&e the Truths of
Mathematics re-uires that one actually understand' even if in the most simplest !ay' the
profound mechanics of Mathematical Evolution" .ot all my thoughts are in English' ut
kno!ing English allo!s an a!e inspiring e%pansion of the tangile e%perience of my
thoughts" Math is a truly uni-ue and /niversal $anguage" As one learns to speak and more
importantly think in Math' a ni!ue Logic is "orn that is ni#ersall$ Relata"le %nd
S&ecific to 'our %ddition to Mathe(atics)
(hy $earn*"""
Conceptual Engineering
A Scientifically valid understanding of the relationship et!een one+s personal
$ogic and Correlations in the most a!e inspiring current research and reasoning in Physics'
,iology' Psychology' Sociology' Anthropology""" allo!s one a personali&ed !ay of designing
and implementing a continuous stream of tangile !ays to measure' reflect upon' and
enhance your o!n hypotheses on $ife and $iving' all !hile eing ale to clearly communicate
your results and e%press your goals for the future in a !ay that is in 0armony and Enhances
the ,est of !hat $ife has to offer" (hen one is !ell enough educated in Current 1esearch and
the 1easoning and Mechanics ehind !hat is eing discovered aout the $eading Edge of
E%istence' a &latfor( is created allowing us to e*&erience+ "uild u&on+ and (easure our
relationshi& to the Leading Edge of ,u(an -otential)
(hy $earn*"""
Altruistic Self-Mastery
There is a special closed-loop relationship et!een one+s 2ull Mind
3Conscious4Su-Conscious5 and ho! one naturally ehaves in the !orld" (hen one develops
a (orking /nderstanding of Anthropology+s' Sociology+s' and Psychology+s findings on the
many !ays in !hich 0umans have effectively managed and maintained this relationship
et!een Mind and ehavior' a distillation of (easures concerning .&ti(al ,u(an
Functioning "eco(es /lear and -resent)
(hy $earn*"""
Philosophie du Cajun
This is Mostly and at its ,est an 6ral Tradition re-uiring one to ha#e a strong
focus on ni#ersal /o((on Sense and -ositi#e Inter&ersonal Relationshi&s)

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