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A ccessories for Professional D igital Tw o-W ay R adio System s


M O TO TR B O system s com bine the best in tw o-w ay
radio w ith digital technology to deliver im proved
capacity, higher productivity, low er costs, faster
response tim es and im proved reliability. That m eans
m ore capabilities and m ore value to you.
TD M A digital technology provides tw ice the calling
capacity, and half the repeater costs. Integrated voice
and data supports text m essaging, G PS location
services and m ore. A nd digital voice processing plus
enhanced call signaling assures faster and m ore
reliable calls. D ual analog and digital m ode repeater,
m obile and portable units, data applications,
accessories and services m ake it easy and affordable
to adapt M O TO TR B O to the unique needs of your
operation, and m igrate to a digital tw o-w ay radio
platform at your ow n pace.
Table of C ontents
M O TO TR B O R adios 1
Enhanced your M O TO TR B O System C apabilities 2 - 3
R em ote Speaker M icrophones 4 - 5
IM PR ES Lightw eight H eadset 6
Surveillance kit 7 - 8
C arrying A ccessories 11 - 12
IM PR ES Sm art Energy System 13 - 14
M obile M icrophoness and H eadsets 15
C ontrol Station A ccessories 16
M obile M ounting and A ntennas 17
R epeater A ccessories 18
MOTOTRBO professional digital two-way radio systems
provide expanded digital voice, data and control capabilities so
you can support more users in more ways.
R M N 5058
IM PR ES Lightw eight H eadset
M otorola O riginal

A ccessories let you

m ake the m ost of
your M O TO TR B O
system s capabilities.
You m ade a sound business decision w hen you chose
your M otorola M O TO TR B O professional digital tw o-
w ay radio. W hen you choose perform ance-m atched
M otorola O riginal accessories, youre m aking another
good call.
Thats because every M otorola O riginal accessory is
designed, built and rigorously tested to the sam e
quality standards as M otorola radios, so you can be
sure that each w ill be ready to do its job, tim e after
tim e helping to increase your productivity. A fter all, if
you take a chance on a m ism atched battery, a flim sy
headset, or an ill-fitting carry case, your radio m ay not
perform at the m om ent you have to use it.*
W ere pleased to bring you this collection of proven
M otorola O riginal accessories for your im portant
business com m unication needs. Youll find rem ote
speaker m icrophones for m ore convenient control.
D iscreet earpiece system s to help ensure privacy and
aid surveillance. C arry cases for ease w hen on the
m ove. A headset for hands-free operation. Prem ium
batteries to extend w ork tim e, and m ore. Theyre all
ready to help you w ork sm arter, harder and w ith greater
* To assure com pliance w ith R F energy exposure standards and
regulations, use only M otorola-approved batteries and accessories.
U se of non-M otorola-approved batteries and accessories m ay result
in R F energy exposure standards being exceeded.
M otorola digital technology enables breakthrough radio perform ance and
features. The new audio accessory connector is designed w ith this in m ind to
enhance the radio perform ance and capabilities, now and into the future.
IMPRES Smart Audio System
M otorola's state-of-the-art IM PR ES technology enables optim al audio
perform ance and increased custom ization, assuring the highest quality
com m unication. This is achieved through enabling com m unications betw een
the radio and the audio accessories.
Optimal Audio Performance
W hen an IM PR ES accessory is attached, accessory identification is sent to the
radio enabling the radio to optim ize its output for each type of audio accessory.
This results in m ore consistent output across all audio accessories.
A ccessory program m able buttons can be program m ed to any feature available
in the radio C PS, rather than being linked to the radios program m ing. This
allow s accessories w ith program m able buttons to have independently
program m ed features. The radio can be custom ized to fit specific user
applications and needs.
Enhanced Audio Gain Capabilities
IM PR ES audio accessories have significantly enhanced audio gain capabilities.
R egardless of w hether the user is speaking quietly or at norm al volum e, directly
or indirectly into the m icrophone, the IM PR ES audio can detect the condition
and w ill autom atically adjust the gain such that the person on the receiving end
hears a clear transm ission.
New Audio Accessory
Connector with advanced
interface lets the radio and
accessory communicate to
help optimize speaker and
microphone performance.
Enhanced Performance and
Capabilities in Accessories
The new connector design m eets IP57 subm ersibility
requirem ents. This allow s for use w ith accessories,
such as the subm ersible rem ote speaker
m icrophone, w hich provide reliable com m unications
even in w et conditions.
Future Applications
The new audio accessory interface is the new
M otorola standard audio accessory interface for m id
to high-tier tw o-w ay radios. The connector design
incorporates the antenna signal w ithin the audio
connector, w hich w ill allow for easy use of
accessories that require an antenna signal, such as
public safety speaker m icrophones. A nd the built in
U SB capability w ill allow the use of U SB -capable
accessories. Future accessory developm ent w ill be
based upon this new connector interface, so users
w ill be able to take advantage of future releases of
audio accessories.
Audio Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
Remote Speaker Microphones/Public Safety Microphones:
These speaker m icrophones boast a revolutionary w indporting
feature that helps lessen background noise from high w inds and
other serve w eather conditions.
Windporting Remote Speaker Microphones
These rem ote speaker m icrophones boast a
revolutionary w indporting feature that helps lessen
background noise from high w inds and other severe
w eather conditions.
A udio can pass through the speaker grill even w hen
the m icrophone port is blocked by w ater. N ow public
safety professionals can be m ore confident than ever
of clear, understandable com m unication w hen
M other N ature is uncooperative.
C oiled cord w ith new audio accessory connector
allow s talking and listening w ithout rem oval from belt
or case. Includes Push-to-Talk sw itch, sw ivel clip and
quick disconnect latch.
PM M N 4024 R em ote Speaker M icrophone w ith
3.5m m A udio Jack
PM M N 4025 IM PR ES R em ote Speaker
M icrophone w ith 3.5m m A udio Jack
and Em ergency button
PM M N 4040 R em ote Speaker M icrophone
Subm ersible.
PM M N 4046# IM PR ES R em ote Speaker M icrophone
w ith em ergency button, tw o-position
volum e control and side option button.
Subm ersible (IP57)
Audio Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
# W ill be available by end 2007 4
Public Safety Microphone Antennas
PM A D 4086 PSM VH F A ntenna 150-174M H Z
PM A D 4087 PSM VH F A ntenna 136-153M H Z
PM A E4046 PSM U H F Stubby A ntenna 403-
433M H z
PM A E4047 PSM U H F Stubby A ntenna 430-
470M H z
RSM and PSM Accessories
A n earphone jack located on certain m icrophone
heads allow s the user to receive audio discreetly
w hen used w ith the follow ing earpieces.
A A R LN 4885 R eceive-O nly C overed Earbud
w ith C oiled C ord
R LN 4941 R eceive-O nly Earpiece w ith
Translucent Tube and R ubber
W A D N 4190 R eceive-O nly Flexible Earpiece
PM LN 4620 D -Shell R SM Earpiece
R LN 4941
R eceive-O nly Earpiece
W A D N 4190
R eceive-O nly Flexible Earpiece
A A R LN 4885
R eceive-O nly C overed Earbud
Noise Cancelling Remote Speaker Microphones
C oiled cord and includes Push-to-Talk sw itch, sw ivel
clip and quick disconnect latch.
PM M N 4050# IM PR ES N oise C ancelling R em ote
Speaker M icrophone w ith 3.5m m
A udio Jack (IP54)
Windporting Public Safety Microphones
These w indporting public safety m icrophones boast
revolutionary features that allow the public safety
professional to have clear and confident
com m unication in the presence of high w inds and
other severe w eather conditions.
The m icrophone w ith antenna enhances coverage
and allow s talking and listening w ithout rem oving the
portable radio from belt or case. Straight cord
assem bly in three different lengths. Includes Push-
to-Talk sw itch, em ergency button, three-position
volum e control, sw ivel clip and quick disconnect
PM M N 4041 IM PR ES PSM w ith 3.5m m A udio Jack,
30-inch C able (IP55)
PM M N 4042 IM PR ES PSM w ith 3.5m m A udio Jack,
24-inch C able (IP55)
PM M N 4043 IM PR ES PSM w ith 3.5m m A udio Jack,
18-inch C able (IP55)
PM M N 4047# IM PR ES PSM , Subm ersible (IP57), 30-
inch C able
PM M N 4048# IM PR ES PSM , Subm ersible (IP57), 24-
inch C able
PM M N 4049# IM PR ES PSM , Subm ersible (IP57), 18-
inch C able
Audio Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
PM M N 4025
IM PR ES R em ote Speaker
M icrophone w ith 3.5m m A udio Jack
# W ill be available by end 2007 5
IM PR ES Lightw eight H eadset
The IMPRES Lightweight Headset:
This audio accessory is designed for front line personnel and
coordinators w here projecting a professional im age is as
im portant as reliable, seam less com m unication.
Ultra-Light Headset
This headset provides clear and handsfree tw o-w ay
com m unication, w hile m aintaining the com fort
necessary for extended w ear in m oderate noise
environm ents.
PM LN 5102 U ltra-Light H eadset w ith B oom
M icrophone & In-line PTT/VO X
Sw itch
IMPRES Lightweight Headset
Lightw eight headsets provide high-clarity, hands free,
discreet tw o-w ay com m unication, w hile m aintaining
the com fort necessary for extended-w ear in
m oderate noise environm ents.
R M N 5058 IM PR ES Lightw eight H eadset
Single-M uff, A djustable, w ith B oom
M icrophone, In-Line PTT Sw itch
Audio Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
IMPRES Temple Transducer
The Tem ple Transducer allow s the user to receive audio w ithout covering the ear.
The receiver portion of this accessory rests on the tem ples and is capable of
converting the input audio from a tw o-w ay radio into sound vibration. The sound
vibration is transm itted through the surrounding hum an tissue and bone directly
into the inner ear w here it is received by the user. This allow s the user to hear
external sounds from both ears w hile receiving radio com m unications.
PM LN 5101 IM PR ES Tem ple Transducer
R M N 5058
IM PR ES Lightw eight headset
Audio Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
Earset and Earpieces
D-Style Earset
This U ltra lightw eight D -Style earpiece is com fortable and can be w orn on either
ear. The innovative and stylish design allow s for hands-free com m unication. It
offers an in-line Push-to-Talk button for ease of use.
PM LN 5096 D -Shell Earset w ith B oom M icrophone
Surveillance accessories allow the radio user to privately receive m essages w ith
the earpiece. They are ideal w hen environm ents require discreet com m unication.
1-Wire Surveillance Kits
R LN 5878 R eceive-O nly Earpiece. B lack.
R LN 5879 R eceive-O nly Earpiece. B eige.
2-Wire Surveillance Kits
R LN 5880 IM PR ES Surveillance Kit. B lack.
R LN 5881 IM PR ES Surveillance Kit. B eige.
R LN 5882 IM PR ES Surveillance Kit w ith Translucent Tube. B lack.
R LN 5883 IM PR ES Surveillance Kit w ith Translucent Tube. B eige.
Ideal when environments
require discreet
R M N 5058
IM PR ES Lightw eight
H eadset
Clear Comfortable Earpieces
The C lear C om fortable Earpiece form s to the inside
of the ear and is perfect for low noise environm ents.
Its m ade of easy-to-clean, chem ically-inert, hypo-
allergenic m aterial. C om patible w ith all M otorola
N oise and Surveillance Kits.
R LN 4760 Sm all C ustom Earpiece - R ight Ear
R LN 4761 M edium C ustom Earpiece - R ight Ear
R LN 4762 Large C ustom Earpiece - R ight Ear
R LN 4763 Sm all C ustom Earpiece - Left Ear
R LN 4764 M edium C ustom Earpiece - Left Ear
R LN 4765 Large C ustom Earpiece - Left Ear
3 Wire Surveillance Kits
PM LN 5097 IM PR ES 3 W ire Surveillance Kit. B lack
PM LN 5106 IM PR ES 3 W ire Surveillance Kit. B eige
PM LN 5111 IM PR ES 3 W ire Surveillance Kit w ith Translucent Tube. B lack
PM LN 5112 IM PR ES 3 W ire Surveillance Kit w ith Translucent Tube. B eige
Noise Kits
Extrem e N oise Kits provide extra com fort and/or noise protection for users
w earing surveillance accessories. Lightw eight, translucent tube attaches to
M otorola surveillance accessories to provide flexibility and com fort.
The translucent tube allow s users, especially those in m ultiple shift operations,
to rem ove or alternate acoustic tubes for personal hygiene. C lothing clip prevents
accessory from being pulled from the ear due to body m ovem ent or head
R LN 5887 Extrem e N oise Kit. Includes 2 foam earplugs. For high-noise
environm ents. N oise reduction = 24dB . C an be used w ith C lear
C om fortable Earpieces.
R LN 5886 Low N oise Kit - C lear A coustic Tube A ssem bly. Includes 1 clear
rubber eartip. For low -noise environm ents, does not provide
hearing protection. B lack.
Replacement accessories
5080384F72 R eplacem ent Foam Plugs.
For R LN 5887A . N oise reduction = 24dB . Pack of 50.
R LN 6282 R eplacem ent Standard C lear R ubber Eartips. Pack of 50.
Audio Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
R LN 5887
Extrem e N oise kit
R LN 5880
IM PR ES Surveillance Kit
R LN 5886
Low N oise Kit
From left to right, top to bottom :
R LN 4765
R LN 4762
R LN 4764
R LN 4761
R LN 4763
R LN 4760
M O TO TR B O radio and
accessory* m eet IP57
1m submersion for 30 mins
D egree of protection against the
ingress of solid foreign objects. 5
= D ust Protected
D egree of protection against the
ingress of w ater w ith harm ful
7 = Protection against the effects
of tem porary im m ersion in w ater
(1m subm ersion for 30 m inutes)
IP Code
The IP C ode is a designation that indicates the level
or am ount of protection.
The IP C ode designation consists of the letters IP
(International Protection) follow ed by tw o num erals
* PM M N 4040 R em ote Speaker M icrophone
Subm ersible
Carry Accessories:
The M otorola range of carry accessories is designed to carry the
radios securely, w hile allow ing the radios to be heard clearly.
Universal Chest Pack
M otorola O riginal U niversal C hest Pack protects the
radio and provides the freedom from holding it during
standby com m unication m ode. The M otorola
U niversal C hest Pack fits any radio.
H LN 6602 U niversal C hest Pack w ith R adio
H older, Pen H older and Velcro Secured
1505596Z02 R eplacem ent Strap for H LN 6602
Break-A-Way Chest Pack
A ll the features of the original U niversal C hest Pack
(H LN 6602) plus break-a-w ay tabs that allow the entire
pack to be pulled off w ith approxim ately 10 lbs. of
R LN 4570 B reak-a-W ay C hest Pack w ith R adio
H older, Pen H older and Velcro Secured
1505596Z02 R eplacem ent Strap for R LN 4570
The R adioPA k is lightw eight and com fortable. W orn
around the w aist, it keeps radios and phones at hand.
It features a separate 6 x 8 inch zippered pouch for
other on-the-job necessities. A djustable w oven nylon
belt fits both m en and w om en.
R LN 4815 R adioPA k R adio U tility C ase
R LN 4815
R adioPA k
H LN 6602
U niversal C hest Pack
Carrying Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
Motorola carry case protects the radio and provides
the freedom to communicate
Unlike rigid holders, the universal-
fit RadioPAk is lightweight and
comfortable. An ideal companion
for two-way radios, as well as

portables and cellular

C arry C ases
C arrying cases are available in sizes designed to fit your
radio and battery and perm it audio to be heard clearly.
B elt loop and nylon cases feature D rings that allow
the cases to be attached to a carrying strap. Sw ivel
m odel cases secure to a belt loop and allow the case to
sw ing freely from side to side. The sw ivel latch system
also allow s the radio and case to be rem oved from the
belt loop by sim ply inverting the case and lifting it up
and out of the belt loop.
MOTOTRBO with display
PM LN 5015 N ylon C ase w ith 3 Inch Fixed B elt Loop
PM LN 5016 Soft Leather C ase w ith 2.5" Sw ivel B elt
PM LN 5017 Soft Leather C ase w ith 3" Sw ivel B elt
PM LN 5018 Soft Leather C ase w ith 3" Fixed B elt
PM LN 5021 H ard Leather C ase w ith 3 Inch Fixed B elt
PM LN 5019 H ard Leather C ase w ith 2.5 Inch Sw ivel
B elt Loop
PM LN 5020 H ard Leather C ase w ith 3 Inch Sw ivel
B elt Loop
MOTOTRBO without display
PM LN 5024 N ylon C ase w ith 3 Inch Fixed B elt
PM LN 5025 Soft Leather C ase w ith 2.5" Sw ivel B elt
PM LN 5026 Soft Leather C ase w ith 3" Sw ivel B elt
PM LN 5027 Soft Leather C ase w ith 3" Fixed B elt
PM LN 5030 H ard Leather C ase w ith 3 Inch Fixed
B elt Loop
PM LN 5028 H ard Leather C ase w ith 2.5 Inch
Sw ivel B elt Loop
PM LN 5029 H ard Leather C ase w ith 3 Inch Sw ivel
B elt Loop
M otorola O riginal cases m akes sure the
audio of your M O TO TR B O radio
com es through loud and clear.
From left to right: PM LN 5015,
PM LN 5020, PM LN 5024, and
PM LN 5029.
Carrying Solutions for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
Motorola carry case protects the radio
and provides the freedom to
Adjustable, Black Nylon
Carrying Strap attaches to
D-ring on cases.
M iscellaneous
C arry A ccessories
Belt loops & belts
PM LN 5022 2.5 Inch Leather Sw ivel B elt Loop
PM LN 5023 3 Inch Leather Sw ivel B elt Loop
4200865599 1.75 Inch W ide Leather B elt.
Belt clips
PM LN 4652 Spring A ction 2.5 Inch B elt C lip
PM LN 4651 Spring A ction 2 Inch B elt C lip
Carrying strap
N TN 5243 A djustable, B lack N ylon C arrying
Strap attaches to D -ring on cases.
Waterproof bag
H LN 9985 W aterproof B ag w ith Large Strap
IMPRES Smart Energy System:
The IM PR ES Sm art Energy System autom atically reconditions
IM PR ES batteries based on actual usage keeping them in
peak condition.
IM PR ES Sm art
Energy System
W PLN 4232 IM PR ES Single-U nit C harger, U S Plug
W PLN 4233 IM PR ES Single-U nit C harger, U K Plug
W PLN 4234 IM PR ES Single-U nit C harger, Euro
W PLN 4235 IM PR ES Single-U nit C harger,
A ustralia/N Z Plug
W PLN 4212 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger, U S Plug
W PLN 4213 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger, Euro Plug
W PLN 4214 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger, U K Plug
W PLN 4215 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger,
A ustralia/N Z Plug
W PLN 4217 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger, Korean
N LN 7967 W all M ount for M ulti-U nit C hargers
W PLN 4232
IM PR ES Single-U nit
C harger, radio sold separately
Charger Display Modules for
IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger
IMPRES for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
Note: Display Modules compatible with Multi-Unit
Charger version 1.2 or earlier require a software flash
update. Version number is located on label on the
bottom of the IMPRES Multi-Unit charger. If no
version is shown, it is earlier than version 1.2. Version
1.2 will appear as V1.20, 1.3 will appear as V1.30, etc.
IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger with Display Modules
C harger D isplay M odules provide pow erful, real tim eanalyzing inform ation
for IM PR ES batteries, including current charge status, battery m A h, and
voltage. R eadout also displays battery kit num ber, serial num ber and chem istry.
W PLN 4219 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger w / D isplay, U S Plug
W PLN 4220 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger w / D isplay, Euro Plug
W PLN 4221 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger w / D isplay, U K Plug
W PLN 4222 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger w / D isplay, A ustralia Plug
W PLN 4224 IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger w / D isplay, Korean Plug
N LN 7967 W all M ount for M ulti-U nit C hargers
IMPRES Individual Charger Display Module
This m odule is com patible w ith the standard IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C hargers. U p
to 6 m odules can be used per charger, one for each charging pocket. Includes
detailed installation instructions.
R LN 5382 C harger D isplay M odule for IM PR ES M ulti-U nit C harger Version
1.3 or Later
IMPRES Chargers
Through the use of advanced charging algorithm s and autom atic reconditioning
features, the IM PR ES Sm art Energy System ensures m axim um talk-tim e and
optim ized battery cycle life. This sm art energy system autom atically reconditions
IM PR ES batteries based on actual usage, keeping them in peak condition. Talk-
tim e and cycle life are optim ized and the need for m anual m aintenance program s
is elim inated. Its advanced conditioning features allow batteries to be safely left
on the charger for extended periods of tim e w ithout incurring dam aging heat
build-up w hich can decrease battery cycle life. In addition, batteries left in the
charger are kept fully charged so they are alw ays ready w hen needed. This rapid-
rate, tri-chem istry charging system w ill also charge com patible non-IM PR ES
Motorola Original Battery
The M otorola O riginal B attery is ruggedly designed for lasting durability and is
system tested w ith M otorola tw o-w ay radios to ensure optim um perform ance.
IMPRES Batteries
IM PR ES batteries, w hen used w ith an IM PR ES charger, provide autom atic,
adaptive reconditioning, end-of-life display and other advanced features. D ata is
stored in the battery and com m unicated to the charger via a unique IM PR ES
com m unication protocol w hich is designed to m axim ize talk-tim e, autom ate
battery m aintenance and optim ize battery cycle life. B atteries can be charged
and reconditioned w ithout being rem oved from the radio.
PM N N 4066 IM PR ES Li-ion 1500 m A h, 7.2V Subm ersible B attery
IP57 R ating
PM N N 4077 IM PR ES Li-ion 2200 m A h, 7.2V Subm ersible B attery
IP57 R ating
PM N N 4069 IM PR ES Li-ion 1400 m A h, 7.2V Subm ersible B attery
IP57 R ating. Intrinsically Safe (FM )
A ntennas
Combination GPS / Radio Antennas
O ptim um length antenna designed for higher gain to m axim ize range. This
rugged, stylish, capless design provides m axim um flexibility as w ell as built-in
capability to operate at G PS frequencies.
PM A D 4067 C om bination G PS / VH F 136-147 M H z A ntenna, 16 cm
PM A D 4068 C om bination G PS / VH F 147-160 M H z A ntenna, 16 cm
PM A D 4069 C om bination G PS / VH F 160-174 M H z A ntenna, 16 cm
PM A E4018 C om bination G PS / U H F 403-433 M H z Folded M onopole
A ntenna, 14 cm
PM A E4024 C om bination G PS / U H F 430-470 M H z Folded M onopole
A ntenna, 14 cm
M aintain the longevity of
your charge w ith
IM PR ES batteries.
Batteries may be left in IMPRES
chargers for extended periods without
demaging heat build-up, while being
kept fully charged so they are always
ready when needed.
IMPRES for MOTOTRBO Portables Radios
IM PR ES batteries and portable antennas
Stubby Antennas
Stubby antennas are ideal w hen the radio is w orn on
the belt because they are short and non-obtrusive.
These rugged, helical antennas feature a capless
sheath that allow s for m axim um flexibility. B uilt in
G PS capability.
PM A D 4078 C om bination G PS / VH F 163-174M hz
Stubby A ntenna, 11 cm
PM A D 4083 C om bination G PS / VH F 153-163M hz
Stubby A ntenna, 11 cm
PM A D 4084 C om bination G PS / VH F 144-153M hz
Stubby A ntenna, 11 cm
PM A D 4085 C om bination G PS / VH F 136-144M hz
Stubby A ntenna, 11 cm
PM A E4021 C om bination G PS / U H F 403-433 M H z
Stubby A ntenna, 9 cm
PM A E4023 C om bination G PS / U H F 430-470 M H z
Stubby A ntenna, 9 cm
Wideband Antennas
Single antenna capable of covering the w hole
frequency band.
PM A D 4088 VH F 136-174 M H z W ideband A ntenna,
21 cm
PM A E4022 U H F, Flexible W hip, 403-470 M H z,
16 cm
Audio Accessories for MOTOTRBO Mobile Radios
M icrophones and H andsets
Standard Compact Microphone
Standard C om pact M icrophone provides basic Push-To-Talk functionality and
ships w ith all M O TO TR B O m obile radios.
R M N 5052 Standard C om pact M icrophone
IMPRES Keypad Microphone
IM PR ES Keypad M icrophone includes a full keypad that enables you to dial phone
num bers from the m icrophone. A lso has three custom izable buttons that can be
program m ed w ith any of the control head features, allow ing the user to navigate
radio m enus from the m icrophone.
R M N 5065 IM PR ES Keypad M icrophone
IMPRES Heavy-Duty Microphone
H eavy-D uty M icrophone for users w ho w ant m ore durability. A lso ideal for those
w ho need a larger m icrophone that is easier to handle w hen w earing gloves.
R M N 5053 IM PR ES H eavy-D uty M icrophone
H LN 9073 M icrophone H ang-U p C lip
H LN 9414 U niversal M icrophone H ang-U p C lip
IMPRES Telephone Style Handset
The Telephone Style H andset provides a convenient m eans of private
com m unication through a push-to-talk (PTT) button, volum e control and tw o
program m able side buttons for additional functionality. The handset includes a
hang-up cup and m ounting hardw are for use w ith the m obile radio.
H M N 4098 IM PR ES Telephone Style H andset
H ands Free A ccessories
IMPRES Visor Microphone
A dd even m ore convenience and safety w ith the IM PR ES Visor M icrophone and
its com patible hands-free transm ission options. Sm all m icrophone m ounts to
vehicles visor for convenient hands free radio operation. U se w ith choice of
external Push-to-Talk sw itch.
R M N 5054 IM PR ES Visor M icrophone
External PTT Accessories
R LN 5926 Push button w ith Push-to-Talk
can be held in the hand, or m ounted to the vehicle w ith touch
R LN 5929 Foot Sw itch w ith Push-to-Talk
M ounts to floor of vehicle
Vehicle mount with Visor Microphone
for convenient and safe
communications on the go.
R M N 5054
IM PR ES Visor M icrophone
R M N 5053
IM PR ES H eavy-D uty M icrophone
R M N 5065
IM PR ES Keypad M icrophone
R M N 5052
Standard C om pact M icrophone
MOTOTRBO Control Station:
Turn a M O TO TR B O m obile into a desktop base station.
Perfect for fleet operators in transportation, construction and
public safety.
Desktop Accessories for MOTOTRBO Control Station
MOTOTRBO Control Station
These control station accessories allow you to convert XiR M 8260, XiR M 8268,
XiR M 8270 and XiR M 8228 m obile tw o-w ay radios into convenient base stations.
This m akes an ideal com m unication solution for transportation, m anufacturing,
construction and public safety users.
Control station accessories
R M N 5050 D esktop M icrophone. B lack.
M akes transm ission easier for base station users because the
m obile m icrophone does not alw ays have to be picked up.
Large Push-to-Talk button.
G LN 7318 D esktop Tray W ithout Speaker.
Ideal for securing m obile in place in a desktop environm ent.
R SN 4005 D esktop Tray w ith Speaker.
Ideal for securing m obile in place in a desktop environm ent.
Includes speaker for increased volum e w hen receiving calls in
high-noise areas.
Power accessories
H PN 4008 Pow er Supply, 1-25W , for low pow er radios. Pow er cord included.
H PN 4007 Pow er Supply, 25-60W , for low pow er radios. Pow er cord
G PN 6145 Sw itchm ode Pow er Supply, 1-25W H as provision for back-up
battery hook-up.
G KN 6266 Pow er Supply C able.
Pow er cable for sw itchable pow er supply G PN 6145.
Control Station accessories make an ideal
communication solution for transportation,
manufacturing, construction and public safety users.
External loudspeakers
R SN 4002 13W External Speaker
R SN 4003 7.5W External Speaker
R SN 4004 5W External Speaker
R LN 6257# 6W Public A ddress Speaker w ith
C able. (W eather R esistant)
# W ill be available by end 2007 16
Mounting Brackets
M obile radios are m ost often installed on the dash of a
vehicle, and can run off its pow er source. H ere are som e
of the accessories available for m ounting your m obile
radio into your vehicle.
R LN 6076 Low Profile Trunnion Kit
Keeps radio tucked up under the dash or
positioned for floor m ount.
R LN 6078 H igh Profile Trunnion Kit
Keeps radio tucked up under the dash,
w ith extra clearance so radio can be tilted
for a better view . It can also be positioned
for floor m ounting.
R LN 6079 Key Lock Trunnion Kit
Key lock helps provide extra protection
from theft. Lock/unlock radio from position
in the m ounting bracket.
Direct In Dashboard Mounting Kit
This kit is ideal if you prefer to m ount the radio directly
into the dashboard for better appearance or to keep it
from being an obstruction in the vehicle.
R LN 5933 In D ash M ounting Kit - D IN
Cables to Battery
C ables used to connect the battery to the radio chassis.
H KN 4137 Pow er C able to B attery 10 Foot, 15 am p
H KN 4192 Pow er C able to B attery 20 Foot, 20 am p
R KN 4136 Ignition Sense C able
Combination GPS/Radio Antennas
The follow ing antennas com bine radio and G PS capability.
This com bination antenna design provides G PS tracking
coverage and voice/data w ireless coverage capabilities for
fleet m onitoring or fleet tracking applications.
VHF Antennas
R A D 4219 C om bo G PS / VH F 136-144 M H z,
1/4 W ave B N C
R A D 4220 C om bo G PS / VH F 146-150.8 M H z,
1/4 W ave B N C
R A D 4221 C om bo G PS / VH F 150.8-162 M H z,
1/4 W ave B N C
R A D 4222 C om bo G PS / VH F 162-174 M H z,
1/4 W ave B N C
UHF Antennas
PM A E4035 C om bo G PS / U H F 403-430 M H z,
1/4 W ave B N C
PM A E4036 C om bo G PS / U H F 406-420 M H z,
3.5dB G ain B N C
PM A E4037 C om bo G PS / U H F 450-470 M H z,
1/4 W ave B N C
PM A E4038 C om bo G PS / U H F 450-470 M H z,
5dB G ain B N C
GPS Active Antennas
The follow ing antennas are intended for users w ho have existing m obile
antennas and need to add G PS capability.
PM A N 4000 Fixed M ount G PS A ctive A ntenna
D iscreet stand-alone G PS antenna has a sem i-perm anent
m ount easily assem bled w ith m inim al tools to vehicle roof
or trunk.
PM A N 4002 M agnetic M ount G PS A ctive A ntenna
D iscreet stand-alone G PS antenna can be m ounted either
m agnetically, via screw or via tape on the roof or trunk of a
VHF/UHF Antennas
The follow ing antennas are intended for custom ers w ho do not plan to
use the G PS capability of the radio. The signals for these antennas are
radiated vertically, m aking them ideal for urban environm ents w here
buildings m ight obstruct the signal.
H A D 4006_R VH F - 1/4 W ave R oof M ount, 136-144 M H z,
H A D 4007_R VH F - 1/4 W ave R oof M ount, 144-152 M H z,
H A D 4008_R VH F - 1/4 W ave R oof M ount, 150.8-162 M H z,
H A D 4009_R VH F - 1/4 W ave R oof M ount, 162-174 M H z,
R A E4151 U H F - 1/4 W ave R oof M ount, 403-430M hz, B N C
R A E4152 U H F - 1/4 W ave R oof M ount, 450-470M hz, B N C
0902105F01 B N C C onnector
H A E4002 U H F - 1/ 4 W ave R oof M ount 403-430 M H z
H A E4003 U H F - 1/ 4 W ave R oof M ount 450-470 M H z
VHF/UHF Roof Mount Gain Antennas
These antennas are designed to direct the signal m ore tow ards the
horizon, m aking them ideal for applications in m ore geographically flat
regions w here signal coverage is sparse and m ust cover a larger area.
H A D 4014_R VH F - 3dB G ain R oof M ount, 136-172 M H z
R A E4158 U H F - 3.5 dB G ain R oof M ount, 406-420M hz, B N C
H A E4010 U H F - 3.5dB G ain R oof M ount 406-420 M H z
H A E4011 U H F - 3.5dB G ain R oof M ount 450-470 M H z
R D E4556 U H F - 3.8 dB G ain, 450-470 M H z,
R A E4154 U H F - 5 dB G ain R oof M ount, 450-470M hz, B N C
0902105F01 B N C C onnector
Other Accessories
M obile M ounting A nd
A ntennas
Combination GPS/Radio Antennas:
This com bination antenna design provides G PS tracking coverage
and voice/data w ireless coverage capabilities for fleet m onitoring
or fleet tracking applications.
R epeater A ccessories
H FD 8188 VH F D uplexer, 144-155 M H z (m inim um
freq.separation is 4.5 M H z)
H FD 8189 VH F D uplexer, 155-162 M H z (m inim um
freq.separation is 4.5 M H z)
H FD 8190 VH F D uplexer, 162-174 M H z (m inim um
freq.separation is 4.5 M H z)
H FE8400 U H F D uplexer, 406-450 M H z (m inim um
freq.separation is 5 M H z)
TD E7780 U H F D uplexer, 450-470 M H z - Standard
frequency separation is 5M H z
R D D 4527 3dB D ipole A ntenna, 150-158M H z
R D E4556 3.8dB D ipole A ntenna, 450-470M H z
PM LE4476 W all M ount Kit for XiR R 8200
PM LN 5072 H ardw are Kit for R ear A ccessory
C onnector
H FD 8462 VH F 160-174 M H z Preselector
H FE8459 U H F 440-474 M H z Preselector
R R X4032 Tow er M ounting H ardw are
R R X4038 Surge Suppressor
R KN 4152 B attery B ack-up C able
PM A E4031
G PS/U H F - 1/4 W ave R oof M ount
PM A N 4000
Fixed M ount G PS A ctive A ntenna
Accessories for MOTOTRBO Repeaters
GPS tracking coverage with Voice/Data
ideal for fleet tracking applications.
M otorola Electronics Pte Ltd
M otorola Innovation C entre - Level 7
12 A ng M o Kio Street 64 A ng M o Kio Industrial Park 3
Singapore 569088
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M O TO R O LA , M O TO , M O TO R O LA SO LU TIO N S and the Stylized M Logo are tradem arks or
registered tradem arks of M otorola Tradem ark H oldings, LLC and are used under license.
A ll other tradem arks are the property of their respective ow ners.
2011 M otorola Solutions, Inc. A ll rights reserved.
A F4-06-014 R ev.1
Call us today to
enhance your MOTOTRBO
System capabilities with
Motorola Original
M otorola M O TO TR B O Professional D igital Tw o-
W ay R adio System s can be easily custom ized to your
com m unication requirem ents. A ll M otorola O riginal

accessories are built to the highest standards of

quality, and are specially engineered to perfectly
com plem ent your radio's perform ance.
So m ake certain you're optim izing your next-
generation system w ith the accessories that
com plem ent it best. C all now for m ore inform ation.

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