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STA630- Research Methods

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

ho! a"on# the $ollo%in#! %rote the &ook 'Research Methods $or (usiness')
* +ik"und! ,
* Sekaran! -,
* .essler! /,
* Neu"an! ,0,
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hat does an e"2iricist &elie3e)
* All the kno%led#e that %e ha3e o$ li$e a$ter death can &e used in research,
* 4no%led#e in the $or" o$ 5$acts5 should &e #ained throu#h sensor6 e72erience,
* Research conducted %ithin the (ritish 8"2ire %as &iased and unrelia&le,
* Research should not al%a6s necessaril6 rel6 on the scienti$ic "ethods,
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Action research usuall6 takes 2lace in a sin#le school &ecause9
* :t is desi#ned to ans%er ;uestions a&out i"2ro3in# 2ractice in a
2articular settin#,
* :t is di$$icult to secure 2er"ission to stud6 students in "ulti2le schools,
* Teachers do not ha3e the necessar6 skills to conduct research across
"ulti2le settin#s,
* .ata collection "ethods used in action research are desi#ned $or
sin#le settin#s,
Question No: < ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is characteristic o$ action research)
* =aria&les are ti#htl6 controlled,
* Results are #enerali>a&le,
* Results de"onstrate cause-and-e$$ect relationshi2s,
* .ata are usuall6 ;ualitati3e,
Question No: ? ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# state"ents is TR-8 $or ;ualitati3e research ;uestion)
* :t asks a ;uestion a&out so"e 2rocess! or 2heno"enon to &e e72lored,
* :t is #enerall6 an o2en-ended ;uestion,
* :t asks a ;uestion %hich "a6 &e o2en ended,
* :t asks a closed ended ;uestion,
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is N@T an e7a"2le o$ ;uantitati3e 3aria&le)
* A#e
* /rade 2oint a3era#e
* /ender
* Moti3ation
Question No: A ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
:n research! so"ethin# that does not B3ar6C is kno%n as:
* =aria&le
* Method
* 0onstant
* 0ontrol #rou2
Question No: D ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The cause 3aria&le or the one that identi$ies $orces or conditions
that act on so"ethin# else is kno%n as:
* Moderatin# 3aria&le
* :nde2endent 3aria&le
* 0ate#orical 3aria&le
* .e2endent 3aria&le
Question No: E ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# state"ents &est de$ines h62othesis)
* A ;uantitati3e stud6,
* A tentati3e 2rediction o$ the results o$ the research,
* A ;ualitati3e research desi#n,
* The o2erational de$inition o$ the stud6,
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is the characteristicFs o$ G62otheses in
;ualitati3e research studies)
* G62otheses are 3er6 s2eci$ic and stated 2rior to &e#innin# the stud6,
* G62otheses are ne3er used,
* G62otheses are o$ten #enerated as the data are collected!
inter2reted! and anal6>ed,
* G62otheses are al%a6s stated a$ter the research stud6 has &een co"2leted,
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
G62othesis test "a6 also &e called as:
* :n$or"al test
* Moderatin# test
* Si#ni$icance test
* t-test
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# re$ers to 'A re3ie% that onl6 de"onstrates
$a"iliarit6 %ith an area is rarel6 2u&lished &ut it o$ten is 2art o$
an educational 2ro#ra" is %hich t62e o$ re3ie%')
* :nte#rati3e re3ie%
* Theoretical re3ie%
* Sel$-stud6 re3ie%
* Gistorical re3ie%
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich one o$ the $ollo%in# tasks is N@T acco"2lished &6 theoretical $ra"e%ork)
* 8la&orate the relationshi2 a"on# the 3aria&les
* 872lain the lo#ic underl6in# the relationshi2 &et%een the 3aria&les,
* .escri&e the nature! and direction o$ the relationshi2s a"on# the 3aria&les,
* Relates the 2re3ious studies,
Question No: 1< ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# strate#ies is use$ul %hen de$inin# a 2articular
research ;uestion)
* To clearl6 articulate the research ;uestion! to 2ro3ide o2erational!
de$initions and ensurin# its testa&ilit6,
* To clearl6 articulate the research ;uestion! outlinin# the
conditions in %hich the 2heno"ena o$ interest are to &e in3esti#ated,
* To 2ro3ide o2erational de$initions o$ the ideas or conce2ts in3ol3ed
in the research,
* 8nsurin# that their research ;uestion is e"2iricall6 testa&le,
Question No: 1? ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hat should the &usiness researcher &e a%are o$ %hen si#nin# a
con$identialit6 a#ree"ent)
* An6 clause %hich li"its the len#th o$ a ;uestionnaire,
* An6 clause %hich allo%s the co"2an6 to co""ent on $indin#s that %ill
&e 2u&lished,
* An6 clause %hich increases the le3el o$ access $or the researcher,
* An6 clause %hich #uarantees the anon6"it6 o$ research 2artici2ants,
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
:n a stud6 o$ conce2t learnin# in $irst-#raders! all o$ the $ollo%in#
should ha22en! e7ce2t9
* To hel2 "ake the e72erience enHo6a&le! children should &e #i3en
su&stantial incenti3es to 2artici2ate,
* The children should &e asked i$ the6 %ant to 2artici2ate,
* Teachers o$ the children in their classes should #i3e in$or"ed consent,
* Parents "ust #i3e consent,
Question No: 1A ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is least likel6 to occur as an ethical 2ro&le"
%ith electronic research)
* Pri3ac6 could &e in3aded,
* Peo2le are not likel6 to &e a&le to sto2 once the6 ha3e &e#un 2artici2atin#,
* .e&rie$in# could &e a3oided,
* :n$or"ed consent cannot &e co"2letel6 "onitored,
Question No: 1D ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Quantitati3e research has &een criticised &ecause:
* The reliance on instru"ents and 2rocedures "akes it hi#h in
ecolo#ical 3alidit6,
* The "easure"ent 2rocess su##ests a s2urious and arti$icial sense o$ accurac6,
* :t underesti"ates the si"ilarities &et%een o&Hects in the natural
and social %orlds,
* :t has no 3alidit6,
Question No: 1E ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is a characteristic o$ a standardi>ed test)
* The ad"inistration o$ the test is controlled care$ull6 to ensure
that all e7a"inees e72erience the sa"e conditions,
* The test is de3elo2ed &6 e72erts to ensure it is technicall6 sound,
* The scores are inter2reted in standard %a6s,
* All o$ the #i3en o2tions
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Mr, Iati$ is "easurin# students5 attitudes on a contro3ersial to2ic,
hich o$ the $ollo%in# %ould 6ou reco""end he use to control $or the
2otential 2ro&le" o$ students $eelin# the need to res2ond %ith
sociall6 acce2ta&le res2onses)
* 8nsure construct 3alidit6
* Allo% anon6"ous res2onses
* 8nsure relia&ilit6
* 8nsure con$identialit6
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# scales can "easure the Te"2erature)
* No"inal scale
* @rdinal scale
* :nter3al scale
* All o$ the #i3en o2tions
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Jollo%in# are the 2ro2erties o$ no"inal scale! e7ce2t9
* Ieast 2o%er$ul
* Su##est no order
* Pro3ide cate#orical in$or"ation
* Pro3ide "a#nitude o$ o&Hect
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is N@T the i"2lication o$ @rdinal scale)
* 0haracteristics o$ no"inal scale
* Rank the o&Hect
* .oes not 2ro3ide "a#nitude o$ o&Hect
* Pro3ide rate
Question No: 1< ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# state"ents is correct a&out 3alidit6 and relia&ilit6)
* hen internal 3alidit6 is hi#h! e7ternal 3alidit6 is lo%
* hen internal 3alidit6 is hi#h! there is no chan#e in e7ternal 3alidit6
* hen internal 3alidit6 is hi#h! e7ternal 3alidit6 is also hi#h
* All o$ the #i3en o2tions
Question No: 1? ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hen 6ou are con$ident that the e72eri"ental "ani2ulation 2roduced the
chan#es 6ou "easured in the de2endent 3aria&le! 6our stud6 2ro&a&l6
has #ood KKKKKKKK 3alidit6,
* :nternal
* 87ternal
* 0ausal
* 0onstruct
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Mr, Ali has conducted an e7tensi3e re3ie% o$ the literature and has
deducti3el6 reasoned a h62othesis a&out his 2ro&le" on the &asis o$
this re3ie%, hich t62e o$ a research 2lan is Mr, Ali likel6
* 8thical
* (oth ;uantitati3e and ;ualitati3e
* Quantitati3e
Question No: 1A ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is a le#iti"ate 2ur2ose o$ a research 2lan)
* :t $orces 6ou to think throu#h e3er6 as2ect o$ a stud6,
* :t 2ro3ides detailed 2rocedures to #uide the conduct o$ the stud6,
* :t 2ro3ides clear road"a2 o$ the stud6,
* ritin# a 2lan $acilitates the e3aluation o$ it,
Question No: 1D ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
:n the state"ent 5S"oke &adl6 destro6s health o$ 2eo2le5 %hat is the
unit o$ anal6sis)
* Trans2ortation
* :ndi3iduals
* Pollutants
* .ru#s
Question No: 1E ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hile stud6in# su2er3isor-su&ordinate relationshi2 in an or#ani>ation!
%hat is the unit o$ anal6sis)
* :ndi3idual
* .6ad
* 8"2lo6er-e"2lo6ee
* @r#ani>ation
Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# t62es o$ sur3e6 research is o$ten used $or
2ro#ra" e3aluation or accreditation 2ur2oses)
* .e3elo2"ental sur3e6s
* Jollo%u2 studies
* Pu&lic o2inion 2olls
* No sur3e6 research is a22ro2riate
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# is N@T an e7a"2le o$ a 2ro&le" %ith usin#
sur3e6 research to in3esti#ate &eha3iour)
* Res2ondents tend to ans%er &6 #i3in# the "ost sociall6 desira&le ans%er,
* Res2ondents "a6 inad3ertentl6 o"it ke6 ter"s in the ;uestion,
* Res2ondents "a6 not #i3e an honest re2l6 to %hat the6 see as a
threatenin# ;uestion,
* Res2ondents "a6 &e un%illin# to re3eal in$or"ation as the6 &elie3e
the6 are likel6 to &e identi$ied,
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hat should the researcher do i$ the6 ha3e achie3ed a lo% res2onse rate)
* 0o26 res2onses and 2aste the" a#ain,
* A&andon the research 2roHect entirel6,
* Reco#ni>e and acce2t the 2ossi&le li"itations o$ a lo% res2onse rate,
* Jill in so"e "ore ;uestionnaires the"sel3es,
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# state"ents is correct a&out ;uestionnaire)
* A ;uestionnaire should run to at least t%ent6 2a#es,
* The ;uestions should ha3e no s2aces &et%een the" so that the %hole
;uestionnaire looks s"all,
* @nl6 ;uestionnaires that are A3 si>e achie3e hi#h res2onse rates,
* 0lear 2resentation is "ore i"2ortant than o3erall si>e,
Question No: 3< ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
0ritical decision area in ;uestionnaire construction is %hich o$ the $ollo%in#)
* Question content
* Question %ordin#
* Res2onse strate#6
* All o$ the #i3en o2tions
Question No: 3? ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The "ost critical area o$ an article to read is9
* :ntroduction
* A&stract
* Results section
* Ii"itations
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# isFare ad3anta#e(s) o$ the sel$-co"2leted ;uestionnaire)
* :na&ilit6 to con$ir" %ho co"2leted the ;uestionnaire
* :ts unsuita&ilit6 $or so"e kinds o$ res2ondents
* :na&ilit6 to ask "an6 ;uestions that are not directl6 rele3ant to
the res2ondent
* 8as6 to Husti$6 the ans%er
Question No: 3A ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Ti"e consu"ed in "all interce2t inter3ie% is re2resentin# %hich o$ the
$ollo%in# t62e)
* Gi#h
* Moderate
* Io%
* Nill
Question No: 3D ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# si"ilarit6 is $ound in Qualitati3e research and
Sur3e6 research)
* 87a"ine to2ics 2ri"aril6 $ro" the 2artici2ants5 2ers2ecti3es,
* The6 are #uided &6 2redeter"ined 3aria&les to stud6,
* The6 are descri2ti3e research "ethods,
* Ga3e lar#e sa"2le si>es,
Question No: 3E ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# re2resent a #ood ;ualitati3e 2ro&le" state"ent)
* .e$ines the inde2endent and de2endent 3aria&les,
* con3e6s a sense o$ e"er#in# desi#n,
* S2eci$ies a research h62othesis to &e tested,
* S2eci$ies the relationshi2 &et%een 3aria&les that the researcher
e72ects to $ind,
Question No: <0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
hich o$ the $ollo%in# "akes research ;uestions 3er6 crucial)
* /uide 6our decisions a&out %hat data to collect and $ro" %here,
* Gel2 6ou decide %hich research area interests 6ou,
* 8nsure that 6our $indin#s ha3e e7ternal 3alidit6,
* Pre3ent 6ou $ro" thinkin# a&out research strate#ies,
Question No: <1 ( Marks: 10 )
Go% %ould 6ou e72lain 'Research Pro2osal' and its di$$erent sections)

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