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Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes
, I Nyoman Budiantara
, Bambang Widjanarko
, and Suhartono
h! Student, !e"artment o# Statistics, Institut $eknologi Se"uluh No"ember Surabaya
%ecturer, !e"artment o# &athematics, Statistics Study rogram, 'ni(ersitas Bra)ijaya
*mail+ #ernandes,ub-ac-id
%ecturer, !e"artment o# Statistics, Institut $eknologi Se"uluh No"ember Surabaya
In the .uantitati(e research "articularly in the #ield o# health research, it o#ten uses
longitudinal data using re"eated measurements on some indi(iduals )ithin some "eriod o#
time- /ne method used #or longitudinal data )ith .uantitati(e res"onse is the 0eneral %inear
&i1ed &odel 20%&&3- Study using t)o res"onse (ariables can be sol(ed by using three
methods+ #irst by using both res"onse (ariables at once )ith Bi4res"onse 0%&&, both by
using both (ariables 'nires"on 0%&& "artial res"onse, and the third uses 5A4reduction
0%&& 26ac.min40adda , 2777, and 8ermanussen, 27793- $his research uses the "rimary
data and the simulation data- $hus, in this study )e )ill com"are )hich o# the three best
methods #or the analysis o# longitudinal data )ith bi4res"onse 0%&& using unires"onse,
bires"onse 0%&&, and 5A40%&&- From the results o# the research conducted, it can be
concluded as #ollo)s+ 2a3 In the lo) correlation condition 2correlations bet)een 7-77 to 7-:73,
unires"onse 0%&& is more #easible to be used- 2b3 'nder conditions moderate correlation
2correlation bet)een 7-:1 to 7-;73, and the 0%&& Bires"onse and 0%&& 5A reduction
are #easible to be used, and 2c3 'nder conditions o# high correlation 2correlation bet)een 7-;1
to 7-<73, 0%&& Bires"onse is the best choice in sha"ing the model 0%&& on longitudinal
Keywords: GLMM, Uniresponse, Biresponse, and Reduction PCA
!e(elo"ment o# longitudinal data analysis as one o# the grou"s in the statistical
sciences has been increasing in the use mainly in the #ield o# health research- $hrough the
incor"oration o# cross4sectional data and time series data, the use o# longitudinal data is more
in#ormati(e, (aried and su"erior in studying the dynamic changes =1>- According to ?erbeke
and &olenberghs =2>, the analysis o# t)o4stage 2t)o4stage analysis3 constitutes an alternati(e
a""roach to longitudinal data analysis- $his analysis is done by summari@ing (ector o#
re"eated measurements 2re"eated measurement3 #or each cross4sectional unit 2subject3 into
the (ector #orm estimators subject4s"eci#ic regression coe##icients in the #irst stage and
connect the "robe to the inde"endent (ariables are kno)n to use the techni.ues in the second
stage regression multi"eubah- &erging these t)o stages into a single statistical model is
called the 0eneral %inear &i1ed &odel 20%&&3-
In the #ield o# health research, it is o#ten #ound more than one res"onse (ariable on the
result o# interrelated obser(ation and a set o# inde"endent (ariables deri(ed #rom "atients
studied in some "eriod o# time )ith .uantitati(e res"onse- 6ac.min40adda, et al- 227773,
analy@ing longitudinal data in the #orm o# t)o res"onse (ariables using the 0eneral %inear
&i1ed &odel 20%&&3 simultaneously 2bires"onse3 and com"are them i# is done in "artial
2unires"onse3- 8ermanussen & =:> uses a reduction #rom bires"onse to unires"onse (ariables
using rinci"al 5om"onent Analysis 25A3 as a res"onse to the 0eneral %inear &i1ed &odel
$he "ur"oses o# the research to be obtained are as #ollo)s+ 0eneral %inear &odel
0etting &i1ed &odel 20%&&3 among the best in the res"onse unires"onse, multi(ariate and
(ariable reduction using 5A
Bene#its o# the research are as #ollo)s+ 213 As an alternati(e to sol(ing "roblems in
longitudinal data analysis )ith multi"le res"onse, 223 Selection o# the best models in the
0eneral %inear &i1ed &odel 20%&&3 is e1"ected to be used as an alternati(e #or
researchers in the #ield o# longitudinal data analysis-
2.1.General Linear Mie! M"!el #GLMM$
?erbeke and &olenberghs =2>, longitudinal data on "ractice uses the linear regression
#unction on each subject 2subject4s"eci#ic3- Analysis o# t)o4stage combination into a single
statistical model called the 0eneral %inear &i1ed &odel 20%&&3- !iggle, et- al- =A>, the
0eneral %inear &i1ed &odel 20%&&3 )as obtained #rom t)o4stage analysis, so the analysis
a""roach uses linear regression #unction on each subject 2subject4s"eci#ic3- &odel 0eneral
%inear &i1ed &odel 20%&&3 is obtained+
% & & 213
)here B matri1 2ni1"3 inde"endent (ariables are kno)n- $he model assumes that (ector o#
re"eated measurement 2re"eated measurements3 #ollo)s linear regression model )ith
"o"ulation4s"eci#ic "arameter, 2ie, the same #or all subjects3 and subject4s"eci#ic "arameter,
assumed to be random so called random e##ects 2&olenbergh and ?erbeke =2>3-
0%&& )ith $)o ?ariables Res"onse
$hiebaut, et al- =C>, de#ines the 0eneral %inear &i1ed &odel on t)o res"onse
(ariables )ith 0aussian mi1ture models o# the com"onents are random, the 1st order o# the
auto4regressi(e, AR 213 and residual com"onents-
Su""ose B , is the res"onse (ector #or subject i, )ith as the (ector measurement, then
k 2k B 1-23 )ith B B - I# t)o longitudinal data are #ree, it can be used the #ollo)ing
t)o models+
% & & & 223
% & & & 2:3
' N #(, $ and ' N #(, $
' N#(, $ and ' N#(, $
' N#(, $ and ' N#(, $
% matri1 2nDi 1 " E k3 inde"endent (ariables that are kno)n
% 4dimensional (ector contains #i1ed e##ects 2fixed effect3
% matri1 o# kno)n inde"endent (ariables, modeling the res"onse (ariable that is
arranged based on the time #or the i4th subject-
% (ector o# random e##ect 2random effect3 . dimension, )ith
F 3
% 2n
4 2t3, stochastic "rocess that allo)s the relationshi" bet)een measurements
2order41 (ector reali@ation o# the auto4regressi(e3 AR 213-
% dimensional identity matri1 -
According to Weiss =;>, the general model o# the 0eneral %inear &i1ed &odel 20%&&3 on
t)o res"onse (ariables, as #ollo)s+
% & & 2A3
' N#(, $, ' N#(, $, !an ' N#(, G$
G % co(ariance matri1 on the t)o res"onse (ariables-
% , % , % , % , and
% i) 2 )hich is the reali@ation o# the t)o4(ector res"onse (ariable-
% i) residual (ector com"onents are assumed #ree-

B % i) co(ariance matri1 o# the residual com"onent-
#*$ % i) co(ariance #unction o# t)o (ariables41 res"onse to the order o# the auto4
regressi(e deri(ed #rom %
(alue B , so that (alue B r 1 , and B r 1 , is (alue e1"
.Symbol re#ers to notation o# Gronecker-
2.2. Sele+*i"n ", *-e Be)* M"!el
I# se(eral (ariable models are #ound a""ro"iately in the results o# diagnostic studies, it
can be used then the best models that )ill be used on the data- Selection o# the best model can
be done by calculating the (alue o# AI5 2AkaikeHs In#ormation 5riterion3, )ith the #ormula+
AI5 B nln2 I 2m 2C3
n B number o# obser(ation
B residual range estimator-
m B number o# sus"ected "arameter in the model
Best model is the model that has the smallest AI5 (alue 2$hiebaut, et al- =C>3-
$he data obtained are the #irst "rimary data o# "atients )ith $y"e 2 !iabetes &ellitus
listed in hos"itali@ed "atients in RSSA &alang- In the health sector, le(els o# Fasting lasma
0lucose 2F03 and hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 is kno)n to correlate )ith each other-
!iabetes &ellitus $y"e 2 mainly occurs in adults but sometimes in adolescence and most
"eo"le )ith $y"e 2 !iabetes &ellitus obese- $his study conducted t)o drug thera"ies, using
oral anti4diabetic thera"y 2/A!3 and insulin thera"y- $hera"y )as "er#ormed )ith !iabetes
&ellitus $y"e 2 aims to reduce le(els o# Fasting lasma 0lucose 2F03 bet)een <74
1:7mgJdl and hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 o# less than 9K- 8bA1c le(els indicate the amount
o# sugar that is bound by the "rotein in red blood cells- Because red blood cells li(e u" to :
months, the 8bA1c test sho)s blood sugar a(erage o(er the last : months-
$he second data are simulated data 2generation3 )ith a (ariety o# conditions the
correlation bet)een the t)o res"onse (ariables, namely 213 a lo) correlation 2absolute (alue
o# r 2correlation coe##icient bet)een the t)o res"onse (ariables3 in the range o# 7-747-:73, 223
moderate correlation 2absolute (alue o# r in the range 7-:147-;73, and 2:3 a high correlation 2r
absolute (alues in the range 7-;147-<73-
1- *1"loration data #rom both res"onse (ariables simultaneously and "artially+
a- *1"loration o# indi(idual "ro#iles-
b- *1"loration marginal models+ the a(erage structure 2#i1ed e##ects3, the (ariety and
structure o# the correlation structure o# t)o res"onse (ariables-
2- $entati(e model o# #orming )ith the initial determination o# #i1ed e##ects number and
random e##ects 2*$
and *A
33 as )ell as the correlation o# t)o res"onse
(ariables 22 $-
:- *1amination o# signi#icance o# #i1ed e##ects "arameter in early model using Maximum
Lieli!ood method 2&%3- I# gained (alue 42loglieli!ood 242ln%
3 )hich is con(ergen
, then go to ne1t "hase, but i# this condition is not
#ul#illed then back to early stages o# model building 2hase 23-
A- *1amination o# the signi#icance o# #i1ed e##ects "arameter in early model using the F test,
2other than the time #i1ed e##ects3 )hich is not signi#icant then go back to hase 2 and
resha"ing early models )ithout including #i1ed e##ects into the model in addition to the
time is not signi#icant-
C- Formation o# marginal models+
a- Structure o# (ariance 2random e##ect3+
b- A(erage structure 2#i1ed e##ects3+
c- correlation structure
;- *stimation o# marginal models+
a- *stimate o# the range o# a""ro"riate com"onents using R*&% estimators-
b-arameter estimation using the corres"onding #i1ed e##ects estimator &a1imum
%ikelihood 2&%3-
L- Formation o# the #inal model-
9- 5alculating the (alue o# AI5-
<- Inter"retation o# the model-
Formation o# longitudinal models )ith t)o res"onse (ariables using the 0eneral %inear
&i1ed &odel 20%&&3 using SAS <-1-: so#t)are assistance-
/.1. Da*a e0l"ra*i"n
In the "rimary data o# "atients )ith !iabetes &ellitus $y"e 2, there are t)o res"onses
the research+ Fasting "lasma glucose le(els 2F03 and hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3
*1"loration o# Indi(idual ro#ile illustrates ho) changes in le(els o# res"onse Fasting
lasma 0lucose 2F03 against time on each subject )as obser(ed, )hile the conclusion o#
the di(ersity changes in res"onse to the subject and inter4subject is other in#ormation that can
be obtained #rom this e1"loration- Indi(idual "ro#iles are #ormed is "resented in Figure 1-
Figure 1- Indi(idual ro#ile Res"onse F0
From Figure 1, it sho)s the changes in le(els o# Fasting lasma 0lucose 2F03 di##erent
in "atients obser(ed in measurements- Indi(idual "ro#iles are #ormed also sho)s the in#luence
o# the change o# time 2months3 to changes in le(els o# Fasting lasma 0lucose 2F03 is
di##erent #or each "atient- Bet)een obser(ations on each "atient did not sho) high (ariability,
it is seen #rom the gra"h that is #ormed #or each "atient has a "attern o# relati(ely constant
o(er time-
&arginal !istribution e1"loration is carried through the e1"loration o# the a(erage
structure, the structure and the (ariety o# correlation structures- 5onclusions on the e##ects o#
tentati(e models )ill remain on the e1"loration results obtained #rom the a(erage structure,
)hile the structure o# the range "ro(ide initial conclusions about )hether or not to include
random e##ects in addition to the #i1ed e##ects model o# tentati(e-
1i23re 2 S*r3+*3re ", A4era2e Re)0"n)e 1PG
Result o# a(erage structure o# data e1"loration in Figure 2 sho)s the gra"h changes in
time 2months3 to changes in le(els o# Fasting lasma 0lucose 2F03 sho)ed a linear "attern-
$hus the #i1ed e##ects linear time structure )ill be considered in the #ormation o# tentati(e
models at a later stage-
In contrast to the res"onse le(els Fasting lasma 0lucose 2F03, in res"onse
8emoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 seen #rom the results o# e1"loration o# indi(idual "ro#iles in
Figure : sho)s the irregularity o# the line #ormed as a result o# the use o# the unit o# time- A
change in hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 e(ery time obser(ations lead to the conclusion o# the
in#luence o# the change o# time 2months3 to changes in hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 in
Figure :- Indi(idual ro#ile Res"onse 8bA1c
*1"loration results a(erage structure in Figure : sho)s a gra"h #ormed decreased linearly,
indicating there are signi#icant changes in time 2months3 on le(els o# hemoglobin 28bA1c3-
Figure A Structure o# a(erage 8bA1c Res"onse
/.2. E)*a5li)-6en* ", M"!el Unire)0"n)e 1a)*in2 Pla)6a Gl3+")e Le4el) 7 1PG
Results o# unires"onse model building res"onse Fasting lasma 0lucose %e(els J F0
are "resented in $able 1, the results sho)ed "artial #i1ed e##ects testing using t4test statistic
#or #i1ed e##ects in the treatment o# oral anti4diabetic 2/A!3 and insulin-
Ta5le 1 Para6e*er E)*i6a*i"n ", 1ie! E,,e+*) M"!el Re)0"n)e 1PG
Para6e*er re)0"n)e Std.Erro
*calculatin P-value
Interse" 1:9-7: 2;-L27< C-1L M7-7771N
4:-;L<7 7-A7C; 4<-7L M7-7771N
1-1L;1 7-C1:1 2-2< 7-72A<N
S"eci#ication+ N sign stating signi#icant at CK le(el-
$he test results in $able 1 sho)s that signi#icant time and negati(e slo"e- $his
indicates that changes o(er time, the "atient had a change in F0 res"onse that tends to #all-
$ests on concomitant (ariables that age has a signi#icant e##ect on the res"onse, it sho)s that
"atients )ith older age had higher F0 res"onse than "atients )ith a younger age- Final
model is gi(en as #ollo)s+ B 21:9-7: I 3 I 24:-;L<7 I 3Waktu
I 1-1L;1
$he model describes the o(erall a(erage rate le(els Fasting lasma 0lucose 2F03 in
:C "atients be#ore the measurement )as 1:9-7: mg J dl and the reduction or additional le(els
o# Fasting lasma 0lucose 2F03 )as in#luenced by the e##ects o# changes in "atient time
2months3- $he addition o# 1 year o# age )ith $y"e 2 !iabetes &ellitus "atients, based on A-2
models can raise le(els o# #asting "lasma glucose as 1-1L;1 mg J dl-
/... E)*a5li)-6en* ", *-e Unire)0"n)e M"!el #8a!ar He6"2l"5in7H5A1+$
Results o# unires"onse model building res"onse hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 is
"resented in A""endi1 :- Final model are "resented in $able 2, the results sho)ed "artial
testing #i1ed e##ects using t4test statistics #or #i1ed e##ects on insulin and /A! thera"y-
Ta5le 2. Para6e*er E)*i6a*i"n ", 1ie! E,,e+*) M"!el Re)0"n)e H5A1+
Para6e*er Pen!32a Std.Erro
*calculation P-value
Interse" ;-<9A1 7-;CC2 17-;; M-7771N
47-2772 7-721AL 4<-:: M-7771N
47-;9;L 7-29L2 42-:< 7-71<CN
7-7A211 7-71:L7 :-7L 7-77:7N
S"eci#ication+ N sign stating signi#icant at CK le(el-
Final model is gi(en as #ollo)s+
B 2;-<9A1I I 247-2772I 3 $ime
4 7-;9;L Se1
$he model describes the o(erall a(erage le(el o# hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 in
"atients :C "atients be#ore the measurement is ;-<9A1K and the reduction or the addition o#
hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 )as in#luenced by the e##ects o# changes in "atient time
2months3- $he addition o# 1 year o# age )ith $y"e 2 !iabetes &ellitus "atients, based on the
abo(e model can im"ro(e hemoglobin le(els o# 7-7A211K- $ests on concomitant (ariables
namely gender, the in#luence o# gender on the res"onse o# hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 is
signi#icant and negati(e- Se1 doll )ith a "euabh 7 is #emale and 1 is male, indicating that
#emale "atients had a better res"onse than the male "atients-
/./. E)*a5li)-6en* ", M"!el ", Bire)0"n)e Re!3+*i"n 9i*- PCA re)3l*)
Results o# unires"onse modeling o# the results o# res"onse reduction )ith 5A is
"resented in A""endi1 :- Final models are "resented in $able :, the results sho)ed "artial
testing #i1ed e##ects using t4test statistics #or #i1ed e##ects on insulin and /A! thera"y-
Ta5le . Para6e*er E)*i6a*i"n ", 1ie! E,,e+*) M"!el Re!3+*i"n 9i*- PCA re)3l*)
Para6e*er Pen!32a Std.Erro
Interse" 1-:<:< 7-AL<A 2-<1 7-77A:N
47-71:1 7-72AC 47-C: 7-C<A2
47-72<9 7-77<L 4:-7; 7-772LN
7-AL2; 7-27A: 2-:1 7-7227N
S"eci#ication+ N sign stating signi#icant at CK le(el-
Final model is gi(en by the #ollo)ing e.uation+
B 21-:<:<I I 247-71:1I 3$ime
4 7-72<9Se1
I 7-AL2;Age
I e
$he model describes the o(erall a(erage rate o# reduction in 5A "atients results in
:C "atients be#ore the measurement is 1-:<:<K and the reduction or reduction )ith the
addition o# the results o# 5A "atients is in#luenced e##ect change in time 2months3- $he
addition o# 1 year o# age )ith $y"e 2 !iabetes &ellitus "atients, based on the abo(e model
can im"ro(e the outcome o# Res"onse Reduction )ith 5A at 7-AL2;K- $ests on concomitant
(ariables namely gender, the in#luence o# gender on the res"onse o# the result is a signi#icant
reduction )ith 5A and negati(e- Se1 doll )ith a "euabh 7 is #emale and 1 is male,
indicating that #emale "atients had a better res"onse than the male "atients-
/.:. Bire)0"n)e M"!el
Results o# the bires"onse model building res"onse Fasting lasma 0lucose le(els
2F03 and hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 is "resented in A""endi1 :- Final model are "resented
in $able A, the results sho) the e##ect o# "ermanent "artial testing using t4test statistics #or
#i1ed e##ects on insulin and /A! thera"y-
Ta5le / Para6e*er E)*i6a*i"n ", 1ie! E,,e+*) M"!el Bire)0"n)e
Para6e*er Pen!32a Std.Erro
Interse" 1-;1<1 7-971; 41-2L 7-7212N
47-1<:7 7-7A1<< 4A-;7 M-7771N
7-7:<:: 7-71C97 2-A< 7-71C2N
S"eci#ication+ N sign stating signi#icant at CK le(el-
Reduction o# Fasting lasma 0lucose le(els 2F03 and hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 in
:C "atients a##ected e##ect change in time 2months3- $he addition o# 1 year o# age )ith $y"e 2
!iabetes &ellitus "atients, based on the abo(e model can raise le(els o# #asting "lasma
glucose 2F03 and hemoglobin le(els 28bA1c3 o# 7-7:<::-
/n t)o res"onse (ariables 2bires"onse3 by inserting t)o random slo"e e##ect can be
gi(en to the #ollo)ing e.uation+
2F03 B 47-:9<1 I 2417-;<<23 I 29-7A22 I 27-77:1;C3 I
28bA1c3 B 47-712A I 247-;27A3 I 1A-<:CC I 27-71LLA3 I
/.;. C"60ari)"n ", T9" M"!el) Unire)0"n)e an! Bire)0"n)e M"!el) In O4erall
Results o# "arameter estimation and standard error o# t)o unires"onse and bires"onse
models to the data o# "atients )ith !iabetes &ellitus $y"e 2 is "resented in $able C
Ta5le :. C"60ari)"n Para6e*er Re)0"n)e an! Standard Error
2/ne Res"on3
2/ne Res"on3
Reduction )ith 5A Bires"onse
2$)o Res"on3
ed S-*-
ed S-*- estimated S-*-
ed S-*-
y 41-7A7 41-7A7 7-72< 7-:;9
1-:<A 7-AL<
47-77A 7-A17
Agei 1-1L; 7-C1: 7-7A2 7-71A 7-7:7 7-717 7-7:< 7-77<
$imei 4:-;L< 7-A7; 47-277 7-721 7-71: 7-72C 47-1<A 7-721
AI5 L;<-: A7;-2 :1;-A
Based on $able C it can be said that the model o# t)o res"onse (ariables 2bires"onse3
has a (alue o# "arameter estimators and standard error (alues are likely to be small- $he best
model selection can be indicated by the (alue o# AI5 2Akaike In#ormation 5riterion3 in
$able C-
From $able C it can be seen that #or the o(erall com"arison o# the model, 0%&& )ith
bires"onse model is the most a""ro"riate #or use in longitudinal data o# :C "atients )ith $y"e
2 !iabetes &ellitus )ith t)o res"onse (ariables are correlated-
/.<. C"60ari)"n GLMM M"!el in Si63la*i"n Da*a
$he second data is simulated data 2generation3 )ith a (ariety o# conditions the
correlation bet)een the t)o res"onse (ariables 2simulation 13 lo) correlation 2absolute (alue
o# r 2correlation coe##icient bet)een the t)o res"onse (ariables3 in the range o# 7-747-:73,
2simulation 23 moderate correlation 2(alues absolute r in the range 7-:147-;73, and
2simulation :3 a high correlation 2r absolute (alues in the range 7-;147-<73- $)o res"onse
(ariables used are the same as the #irst data that F0 le(els and 8bA1c le(els- $able ; o# AI5
(alues #or all three models are unires"onse, reduction )ith 5A, and bires"onse simulated
data at 17 1 to :- From $able ; sho)s that the correlation bet)een the res"onse conditions on
simulated data 1 on condition that the lo) correlations ranged #rom 7-7 to 7+:7, )hich is the
best model that "roduces the smallest AI5 (alue is unires"onse 0%&& models, namely the
#ormation o# "artial models o# both res"onse obser(ations-
Ta5le ;. Val3e AIC "n T-ree Si63la*i"n Da*a
Si63la*i"n 1 #r (.((=(..($ Si63la*i"n 2 #r (..1=(.;($ Si63la*i"n . #r (.;1=(.>($
"n PCA
"n PCA
"n PCA
1 <LL-< 11:L-2 27A7-1 <C2-9 <::-2 9<9-A 9<:-: 9A:-7 L;7-L
2 <C:-< 11:C-7 272C-: <;1-; <22-; <1C-; <1:-1 971-A L;7-7
: <;A-< 11AC-; 1<91-2 <;:-1 <;;-A <A<-9 <77-L 9C:-7 979-7
A <;L-: 11A7-7 27:L-9 <A1-A 9<L-9 <A;-; <11-9 1712-A 9<C-2
C <C2-: 11::-9 1<9L-1 <A9-C <A2-7 9<L-9 <7;-7 927-9 9C:-L
; <C;-9 1122-2 271<-1 <C:-A <;:-7 <27-L 99L-C 91<-7 L:9-A
L <C;-9 11:1-2 1<9L-9 <:9-: <72-9 <:2-9 <12-C 9;;-2 9:C-7
9 <;2-C 11:;-; 2771-2 <:7-< 9<<-; <19-9 9<A-: 9:A-A 9:2-C
< <CA-2 11::-A 1<<C-; <C9-9 <97-A <CC-< <12-L 91<-7 9C<-C
17 <;1-C 11:;-9 1<<1-2 <C;-: <:1-; <;L-1 9<;-C 177;-A LA<-A
&ean <;7-9 11:C-2 277;-; <C7-C <::-< <:7-A <72-9 9;L-; 97<-2
In the second simulation data, namely the condition o# moderate correlation ranged
bet)een 7+:1 to 7-;7, it is seen that the 0%&& models and 0%&& Bires"onse 5A
reduction o(erall had a better AI5 (alue com"ared 'nires"onse 0%&& models- 5an be said
on the condition o# moderate correlation, 0%&& models and 0%&& Bires"onse 5A
reduction as good, because it has a (alue o# AI5 )hich tend to be almost the same-
In the simulated data :, )ith high correlations ranged bet)een 7-;1 to 7-<7, gi(ing
almost the same results )ith simulated data 2, but it )as clear that the model 0%&&
Bires"onse ha(e AI5 (alues are much smaller than the 0%&& reduction o# 5A- It can be
concluded, on the condition o# lo) correlation, unires"onse 0%&& is more #easible to use-
At moderate correlation condition, 0%&& Bires"onse and 0%&& same 5A reduction un#it
#or use, and the high correlation condition, 0%&& Bires"onse is the best choice in sha"ing
the 0%&& models in longitudinal data-
From the results o# research conducted, it can be concluded as #ollo)s+ on simulated
data 2a3 In the lo) correlation condition 2correlations bet)een 12+77 to 12+:73, unires"onse
0%&& is more #easible to use- 2b3 'nder conditions moderate correlation 2correlation
bet)een 7+:1 to 7-;73, and the 0%&& Bires"onse same 0%&& 5A reduction un#it #or use,
and 2c3 'nder conditions o# high correlation 2correlation bet)een 7-;1 to 7-<73, 0%&&
Bires"onse is the best choice in sha"ing the model 0%&& on longitudinal data-
From the results o# this study, it is suggested some o# the #ollo)ing+
1- 0%&& 'nires"onse, Bires"onse, and reduction o# 5A can be used as a settlement o# the
"roblem in the analysis o# longitudinal data )ith multi"le res"onses, the correlation
bet)een the res"onse to (arious conditions-
2- /n #urther research it is recommended to use a multi(ariate res"onses are res"onses that
use more than t)o- Because some research in the areas o# health, not least the use o# more
than t)o res"onses-
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2- ?erbekke-0-, dan &olenberghs-0- 2777- Linear Mie! M"!el ,"r L"n2i*3!inal Da*a-
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