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Chapter 2

Uncertainty and Random Error

Learning Objectives
0 To appreciate different statistical descriptions of uncertainty.
0 To describe uncertainty in appropriate mathematical formats.
0 To calculate the effect of combining uncertainties.
2.1 Introduction
The concept of uncertainty, as being an estimation of possible error, has been
introduced in Section 1.4, with errors being categorized as either random (impre-
cision) or systematic (bias). In this present chapter we look only at the treatment
of random errors and their estimation through uncertainty.
Where possible, the effect of systematic errors should be randomized and then
quantified by making appropriate replicate measurements. For example, the bias
present in individual laboratories can be uncovered by collaborative (replicate)
trials (see Section 4.2.1) across several laboratories.
The reader is referred to the references at the end of the chapter to provide the
background to some of the topics introduced.
2.2 Probability Distribution of Errors
When the wavelength accuracy of a spectrophotometer is quoted as f 0.5 nm,
what is the probability that the error could be 0.6 nm?
Errors can be classified on the basis of their expected probability distribufion
around the true value. The two distributions that are used most commonly are
the normal distribution and the rectangular distribution (Figure 2.1).
Analytical Techniques in the Sciences
Edited by Graham Curre11
Copyright 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
16 Analytical Instrumentation
Probability of emr (b)
(A I . :
-17 0 +(r Error
Normal distribution
-a 0 +a Error
Rectangular distribution
Figure 2.1 Probability of error as a function of error magnitude: (a) normal distribution;
(b) rectangular distribution.
2.2.1 Normal Distribution
Random errors in experimental results are usually assumed to follow a normal
(or Gaussian) distribution. In this case, a large error is less likely to occur than a
small error (see Figure 2.1(a)). The probability of obtaining a particular value of
experimental error is given by the normal distribution, described by the following
Mean value = po (error = 0)
Standard deviation = u
Variance = u2
The mean value, po, is the true value of the result, and the spread of possible
results is given by the standard deviation, u, of the distribution. The standard
deviation is also the root-mean-square (rms) value for the distribution.
If the same measurement were to be repeated (replicated) many times under
the same conditions, statistics tells us that we could expect that the following
would (approximately) apply:
0 68% of the results would fall within f 1 standard deviations of the mean;
0 95% of the results would fall within f 2 standard deviations of the mean;
0 98.8% of the results would fall within f 2.5 standard deviations of the mean;
0 99.7% of the results would fall within f 3 standard deviations of the mean.
In practice, for an analytical measurement, the value of po is not normally known,
and can only be estimated from the experimental results themselves. The mean
of the replicate measurements, X , is an estimate for the value of po.
The true standard deviation, u, can be estimated by either of the following
0 consideration of the detailed process of measurement [l];
0 recording the standard deviation, s, of the experimental results.
The parameters estimated through the experimental results are as follows:
Mean value of observations = f
Standard deviation of observations = s
Variance of observations = s2
Uncertainty and Random Error 17
If sufficient repeated measurements can be made, then s becomes a very good
estimate for the value of CT.
The standard deviation in the observed mean value, XI, decreases (becomes
more accurate) with an increasing number, n, of replicate measurements, and is
given by the following equation:
U ( X ) = u/ J n (2.1)
The confidence interval, CI, estimates the magnitude of the possible error (10 -
F), in the observed mean, X, at a chosen level of confidence, via the following
where the value of k, depends on the level of confidence, p%. For example, for
a 95% probability that (10 - X) falls within the CI , the value, k g g = 1.96 (a 2).
If the estimated standard deviation, s, is used instead of 0, then the Students
r-value is used instead of k.
CI ( p%) = f kpa/ Jn (2.2)
SAQ 2.1
A manufacturer quotes the signal-to-noise (SIN) ratio as being either 1O: l (rms
value) or 2:l (peak-to-peak value). Explain why there is a ratio of 5 between
these two values for this parameter.
2.2.2 Rectangular Distribution
There are some situations where the probability of a particular error does not
follow a normal distribution [I]. It is possible that all values of error within a
specified range are equally likely to occur, and that values outside the specified
range do not occur. The probability distribution of this situation has a rectangular
shape (see Figure 2,1(b)). The spread of this type of error is defined by the limits
of the specified range, e.g. f a.
An example of where this rectangular distribution of error might arise is
i n a performance check for the wavelength accuracy of a spectrophotorneter.
Instruments with errors anywhere within an accepted tolerance range would be
accepted, but any that fall outside the tolerance would be rejected (i.e. a pass/fail
condition). This would give the rectangular probability distribution as described.
How can we compare a normal distribution with a rectangular distribution?
We will see below in Section 2.4 that combining the effects of different errors
as they propagate through the measurement process requires the combination of
the standard deviations of separate errors. Hence, we need, for the rectangular
distribution, an equivalent standard deviation, UR, that can be used in these
calculations. The appropriate relationship derives from the limit values, f a, and
is given by the following equation:
18 Analytical Instrumentation
DQ 2.1
The volume error in a 10 ml pipette is certified as being less than
0.02 ml. Is this uncertainty best described by (a) a normal distribution
or (b) a rectangular distribution?
The cert@cation states that the volume will not be outside the spec$ed
limits. As we know nothing about the probability distribution within those
limits, it is appropriate to use the rectangular distribution.
2.3 Expression of Uncertainty
Why are the ways of stating uncertainty so vaned?
The method of quantifying the uncertainty of a particular error will depend on
the probability distribution that the error is expected to follow, i.e.
0 For the rectangular distribution, the uncertainty will be given by the limits of
0 For the normal distribution, the uncertainty can be expressed as a standard
The standard uncertainty, u( x) , in a variable x, is defined as one standard devi-
ation in the value of x.
When several uncertainty factors are combined together, the result is a
combined standard uncertainty, uc (x).
It is often important to give the uncertainty in the value of a variable as a
fraction of the value itself. This fractional uncertainty is frequently expressed as
a percentage, as follows:
that distribution, e.g. wavelength accuracy < f 0.5 nm.
deviation (sd), e.g. noise < 0.02 (sd).
100 x Standard Deviation
Coefficient of Variation(CV(%)) = = 100 x s / x ,
The coefficient of variance is also equal to the Relative Standard Deviation, RSD(%).
The final result of an analysis should include an estimate of the likely uncer-
tainty range. However, the analyst is still faced with the problem illustrated by
the following discussion question.
DQ 2.2
When quoting an experimental result, should the analyst give the range
of uncertainty (or confidence) which covers:
(a) 68% of possible errors (one standard deviation);
(b) 95% of possible errors, (two standard deviations);
(c) 99.7% of possible errors, (three standard deviations)?
Uncertainty and Random Error
The answer depends on the mutual understanding between the analyst
and the client, and the criteria used should be clearly stated. In this
case, ( c) is being over-cautious and would suggest an unnecessarily large
error, while ( a) gives a high probability (32%) that the true result lies
outside the quoted error. The usual range covers 95% of probable results,
i.e. only a 1 in 20 chance of being wrong.
The range for the final result should be quoted as an expanded uncertainty, U,
defined as a multiple of the combined uncertainty, as follows:
where k is the coverage factor.
The use of the expanded uncertainty is designed to cover a greater propor-
tion of the possible variation in results. If k is set to 2, then for a true
normal distribution, it would cover approximately 95% of the possible varia-
tion in results (see DQ 2.2). In other words, with a coverage factor of 2, there
is only a 5% (or 1 in 20) chance that the true value falls outside the quoted
However, where only a few replicate measurements have been made, it would
be appropriate to use a higher coverage factor.
SAQ 2.2
The wavelength accuracy for a spectrophotometer is quoted as f 0.5 nm. Express
this as a standard uncertainty.
2.4 Propagation of Errors - Combined Uncertainty
Do random errors just add up, cancel each other out, or behave in another way?
When two or more factors (a, b, c, etc.) give a combined result, t , the uncertainty
in the final result, u(t ), can be estimated from the individual standard uncertainties
( u( a) , u(b), u(c), etc.). The method of combining the uncertainties depends on
the form of the relationship.
In the derivations given below, we shall assume that there is no interaction
between the separate error factors, i.e. each factor contributes independently to
the total error.
Applications of the relationships developed in the following sections can be
found in the analysis of photometric uncertainty (see Section 5.7).
20 Analytical Instrumentation
2.4.1 Addition and Subtraction
For additive relationships of the following form:
t = kaa + kbb + kcc
where ka, kb, and kc are numerical coefficients, it is necessary to use the absolute
uncertainties. The combined standard uncertainty, u(t), is obtained by taking
the squares of the standard deviations of the individual factors (including their
coefficients) as follows:
u(t) = JI[kau(a)12 + [ kdb) l 2 + [k&)I2) (2.7)
Note that the signs of the k coefficients become irrelevant when each k is
DQ 23
In a (poor) gravimetric method, it is necessary to record a small differ-
ence between two large mass values. If the uncertainty in each measure-
ment is 0.007 g, estimate the uncertainty in taking the difference between
measurements at 2.496 and 2.41 1 g.
The calculation is t = 2.4% - 2.411 (= 0.085). This is an expression of
the type given in equation (2.6). with = +I and = -1. By using
equation (2.7), we get a final uncertainty as follows:
u(t) = J[(0.007)2 + (-0.007)21 = 0.01
Note that the final result, t = 0.085 (sd of 0.01), has a large fractional
e mr of almost 12%, which is due to the poor practice of calculating a
small difference between numbers of similar magnitude.
SAQ 23
The standard deviation in the measurement of an absorbance of value 0.8 in a
UV-visible HPLC detector is 0.008, the precision of the autosampler is 0.7%
(relative standard deviation) (RSD), and the precision of pump flow rate is 0.5%
I (RSD). Estimate the standard uncertainty in the measurement of the peak area.
2.4.2 Multiplication and Diviswn
For relationships of the following form:
t = k(a x b)/c
Uncertainty and Random Error 21
where k is a numerical coefficient, it is necessary to use the fractional uncertain-
ties. The combined fractional standard uncertainty, u( t ) / t , is obtained by taking
the squares of the fractional standard deviations of the individual factors, as
follows: r
Note that the value of k is irrelevant because of the use of fractional uncertain-
ties. It is possible to use percentage uncertainty (CV(%)) values here, providing
that these are used consistently throughout the equation.
2.4.3 Powers
For relationships of the following form:
t = ka (2.10)
the fractional standard uncertainty, u( t ) / t , is given by the following equation:
Note that this expression can not be derived by using the multiplicative relation-
ship with repeated a terms (i.e. a x a) , because these repeated terms would not
be independent.
DQ 2.4
The total radiation power output from a heated filament is given as
E = cAT4 (see Section 16.2). If the temperature of the filament increases
from 3000 to 3050 K, estimate the percentage increase in radiation
Although this is not directly an uncertainty problem, the mathematics
used is the same. The percentage change in temperature is 100 x
(3050 - 3000)/3000 = 1.67%. By using equation (2.11), with n = 4, we
find that the percentage increase in output = 4 x 1.67 = 6.7%. A small
change in the temperature of the source creates a much larger change
in the radiation output. This has important consequences for the drift of
spec trophotometer light sources (see Section 5.7.2).
2.4.4 Functions
For relationships of a general form where t is a function of a, as follows:
t = f ( a) (2.12)
22 Analytical Instrumentation
u(t) = u(a) x dt / da (2.13)
Note that equation (2.13) can be rewritten in the following way:
Uncertainty in t =(Uncertainty in a) x (Slope of the variation of t with a)
We will see a good example of this later in Chapter 3 (DQ 3.9), which estimates
the uncertainty in the absorbance, u(A), of an analyte due to a possible uncertainty
in the wavelength, u(A), of the measurement, when measured on the sloping side
of an absorption peak.
DQ 2.5
A calibration curve of absorbance, A, against concentration, c, is given
in Figure 2.2. If the standard uncertainty in a measured value of A is
0.05, estimate the standard uncertainty in the equivalent values of the
concentration c for measurements of (i) A = 0.5, and (ii) A = 1.0.
e 0.6
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Concentration (arbitrary units)
Figure 2.2 Calibration curve of absorbance, A, as a function of concentration,
c (DQ 2.5).
We use here the relationship, u(c) = u(A) x d d d A = u( A) / ( dA/ dc) .
In this equation, ( dA/ dc) is the slope of the curve, which can be esti-
mated by drawing tangents to the latter at the relevant values of A (see
Figure 2.2), giving slopes for ( i ) of 1.5 and for (ii) of 0.8; these then give
values for u(c) of 0.033 and 0.063, respectively. This question assumes
that there is no error in the calibration curve. In practice, however, such
errors must be included in the estimation [2].
Uncertainty and Random Error 23
SAQ 2.4
The uncertainty due to sampling in a particular analysis is 4%, and the instrumental
uncertainty is 2%. What overall improvement in the accuracy of the analysis could
be obtained if the experimental uncertainty could be reduced to 1 %?
SAQ 2.5
The photometric uncertainty of a single-beam spectrophotometer is quoted
as f 0.5%T, where T is the transmission. Express this uncertainty in terms of a
single maximum value of absorbance uncertainty within each of the two ranges
(i) 0 to 0.5A, and (ii) 0.5A to 1 .OA.
Note that A = - log(T) (see also Section 5.7).
Note. Further questions that relate to the topics covered in this chapter can be
found in SAQ 11.3, and DQs 3.9 and 15.6.
The position of this chapter, i.e. near to the front of the book, has stressed the
fact that an appreciation of the uncertainty in any analytical measurement should
not be an afterthought. The analyst should be quite clear, while performing the
analysis, where possible errors might arise and how large these might be.
This chapter has outlined the quantitarive description of uncertainty, its effect
on a final result, and the way in which uncertainties from different sources may
be combined.
I , EURACHEM, Quantijjing Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, ISBN 0-948926-08-2, Ch. 5,
2. Miller, J. C. and Miller, J. N., Statistics forAnalytica1 Chemistry, 3rd Edn, Ellis Honvood, Chich-
1995. [Copies available from VAM Helpdesk, LGC (Teddington) Ltd, Teddington, UK.]
ester, UK, 1993, pp. 110-112.

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