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MMC 6612 syllabus / McAdams 1

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MMC 6612 | lall 2014 | SecLlon 1l08 | 1078 Welmer Pall
Wednesdays 3-6 p.m. (perlods 8, 9 and 10)

!"#$%&'$(%) Mlndy McAdams, rofessor, ueparLmenL of !ournallsm
*+,-.) mmcadams[[
011-'2) 3049 Welmer Pall
011-'2 3(&%#) Mondays & 1uesdays 3-4 p.m. | And by appolnLmenL
011-'2 43("2) (332) 392-8436 (nC1L: Lmall ls beLLer. Much beLLer.)
5*67!8*) hLLp://

2,3.4" *"4-.'5/',)
1hls course examlnes Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween communlcaLlon Lechnologles and democracy, noL only
ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes buL elsewhere as well. new communlcaLlon Lechnologles, such as Lhe lnLerneL, wlll
noL auLomaLlcally lead Lo or lmprove democracy, buL Lhey do conLrlbuLe Lo changes ln Lhe socleLy as a
whole. We wlll examlne how changes relaLed Lo communlcaLlon medla mlghL enhance or curLall
democracy, and democraLlc parLlclpaLlon, wlLh a parLlcular emphasls on Lhe relaLlonshlps among Lhe
press, Lhe publlc, and Lhe governmenL ln a democracy. lease noLe LhaL Lhe press lncludes 1v, lnLerneL,
and oLher medla. nCCs (nonproflLs) also play a role ln Loday's democracles. !"#$% 1hls ls noL a course ln
pollLlcal communlcaLlon.
2,3.4" 678"-/'9"4
8y Lhe end of Lhe course, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy and dlscuss, from an lnformed and up-Lo-daLe
poslLlon, lmpllcaLlons and posslble consequences of varlous newer communlcaLlon Lools and sysLems,
such as soclal medla, blogglng, ?ou1ube, survelllance Lechnologles, changlng condlLlons of copyrlghLs,
Lhe moblle lnLerneL, and crowdsourclng.
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SLudenLs are expecLed Lo show respecL for one anoLher and for Lhe lnsLrucLor. ALLendance and arrlvlng
on Llme for class are necessary. &'#$($)) '(+ ',)$(-$) ./00 1$)20# /( ' 0".$1 3/('0 41'+$5 lf you have been
absenL, you are responslble for flndlng ouL abouL any mlssed maLerlal by golng Lo Lhe lnsLrucLor's offlce
hours. 1hese maLLers wlll noL be handled vla emall.
Moblle devlces musL be Lurned Cll durlng class. uo noL check LexL messages, soclal medla, emall, eLc.,
durlng class, as your lnsLrucLor conslders Lhls qulLe rude and Lherefore grounds for dlsclpllnary acLlon.
Clve your full and undlvlded aLLenLlon Lo anyone who ls speaklng ln class, lncludlng your fellow sLudenLs.
SLudenLs are noL permlLLed Lo use a compuLer durlng class unless lnsLrucLed Lo do so.
MMC 6612 syllabus / McAdams 2
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2,3.4" *"(&>')"4 ()& %(?"35 @,.?
LaLe asslgnmenLs are noL accepLed. 1hls means LhaL an asslgnmenL submlLLed laLe ls graded as a zero.
AsslgnmenLs are noL accepLed vla emall unless requesLed by Lhe lnsLrucLor. lf an lllness or a personal
emergency prevenLs you from compleLlng an asslgnmenL on Llme, advance noLlce and wrlLLen
documenLaLlon are requlred. no work for exLra credlL" ls accepLed.
:-(&"+'- *'4A,)"4/1
Academlc dlshonesLy of any klnd ls noL LoleraLed ln Lhls course. lL wlll be reporLed Lo Lhe uean of Lhls
college, and Lo Lhe Senlor AssoclaLe uean for CraduaLe SLudles-and /# ./00 1$)20# /( ' 3'/0/(4 41'+$ for
Lhls course.
Academlc dlshonesLy lncludes, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo:
! Copylng and pasLlng Lhe words or lmages of oLhers and presenLlng Lhem as your own.
! uslng any work done by anoLher person and submlLLlng lL for a class asslgnmenL.
! SubmlLLlng work you dld for anoLher class.
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SLudenLs requesLlng accommodaLlons musL flrsL reglsLer wlLh Lhe uean of SLudenLs Cfflce. 1he uean of
SLudenLs Cfflce wlll provlde documenLaLlon Lo Lhe sLudenL, who musL Lhen provlde Lhls documenLaLlon
Lo Lhe lnsLrucLor when requesLlng accommodaLlons.
;< *'4(7'>'/1 C"4,3.-" 2")/".
> hLLp://
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SLudenLs are requlred Lo read asslgned scholarly arLlcles and oLher LexLs perLlnenL Lo Lhe weekly
dlscusslon Loplc. !ournal arLlcles are llsLed ln Lhe onllne syllabus (on Lhe Course Schedule page) and are
avallable (free) Lhrough Lhe ul llbrary's Ares Course 8eserves:
> hLLps://

MMC 6612 syllabus / McAdams 3
2,3.4" C"D3'."+")/4
lease make sure Lo check Lhe course webslLe aL leasL once a week. lf you rely only on a prlnLed copy,
you may mlss a change ln Lhe schedule.
> WL8Sl1L: hLLp://
@""?>1 7>,E 5,4/4
Lach blog posL ls descrlbed ln Lhe asslgnmenL for Lhe week. 1he blog posLs are nC1 slmple reacLlons Lo
Lhe readlngs. Lach posL should be 300 Lo 300 words long. uemonsLraLe your undersLandlng of Lhe
maLerlal. Show LhaL you have boLh read and undersLood any asslgned readlng or vlewlng. 8eporL as
lnsLrucLed on any acLlvlLles asslgned. 8equlred: A LoLal of 10 blog posLs. See Lhe webslLe for deLalls.
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8log posLs seem polnLless lf no one ls readlng Lhem, and blog commenLs show a blogger LhaL someone ls
paylng aLLenLlon. 1hus each week you are asked Lo commenL on Lhree of Lhe posLs by your fellow
sLudenLs. 1PLSL CCMMLn1S CCun1 for 36 percenL of your grade for Lhe course. See Lhe webslLe for
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1he Loplc presenLaLlons are based on Lhe week's readlng asslgnmenL. lor Lhe class meeLlng ln whlch a
sLudenL ls asslgned Lhe Loplc presenLaLlon, LhaL sLudenL ls responslble for elaboraLlng on and explalnlng
Lhe readlng, wlLh prompLs from Lhe professor. Lach Loplc presenLaLlon musL lnclude aL leasL Lhree
webslLes and/or blogs relevanL Lo Lhe asslgned readlng. Lach sLudenL wlll be a Loplc presenLer once
durlng Lhe semesLer. See Lhe webslLe for deLalls.
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lor one week, you wlll log all your medla acLlvlLy each day. Cnce your week beglns, you wlll make one
blog posL each day (Lhls ls ln addlLlon Lo any oLher blog posLs requlred) for seven days. ldeally you'll posL
aL Lhe end of your day, buL you mlghL choose Lo posL flrsL Lhlng ln Lhe mornlng (abouL Lhe prevlous day).
See Lhe webslLe for deLalls.
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olnLs wlll be subLracLed lf you mlss more Lhan one (1) class meeLlng, are chronlcally laLe, leave class
early, or show lnaLLenLlon. arLlclpaLlon ls expecLed, polnLs wlll be subLracLed lf you do noL conLrlbuLe.
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Classes begln Aug. 23
urop/Add Aug. 23-29
Classes end uec. 10
llnal exams uec. 13-19
SepL. 1 Labor uay
CcL. 17-18 Pomecomlng
nov. 11 veLerans uay
nov. 26-29 1hanksglvlng

MMC 6612 syllabus / McAdams 4
M.(&"4 ()& M.(&')E =,>'-'"4
Weekly blog posLs 20 polnLs
Weekly blog commenLs 36 polnLs
1oplc presenLaLlon 20 polnLs
Medla use dlary 14 polnLs
Class aLLendance and parLlclpaLlon 10 polnLs
1C1AL 100 polnLs

92-100 polnLs A 72-77 polnLs C
90-91 polnLs A- 70-71 polnLs C-
88-89 polnLs 8+ 68-69 polnLs u+
82-87 polnLs 8 62-67 polnLs u
80-81 polnLs 8- 60-61 polnLs u-
78-79 polnLs C+ 39 polnLs or fewer L
;< =,>'-'"4 (7,3/ 0/3&")/ M.(&"4
> hLLps://
2,3.4" N9(>3(/',)4
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo provlde feedback on Lhe quallLy of lnsLrucLlon ln Lhls course based on 10
crlLerla. 1hese evaluaLlons are conducLed onllne: hLLps://
LvaluaLlons are Lyplcally open durlng Lhe flnal weeks of Lhe semesLer. SLudenLs wlll be glven speclflc
daLes when Lhey are open. Summary resulLs of Lhese assessmenLs are avallable Lo sLudenLs:
2,3.4" 0-A"&3>" ()& C"D3'."& C"(&')E4
lease noLe LhaL many lmporLanL deLalls are on Lhe webslLe (hLLp:// and do
noL appear hereln. Llnks Lo vldeos, eLc., are on Lhe Course Schedule page of Lhe webslLe.
@""? J O :3EP HQ
lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe course.
@""? H O 0"5/P R
8log posL 1 due. 8LAu LksLrm (2008) Anu 8arger & 8arney (2004). Medla, power, democracy, and Lhe
lnLerneL. 1he obllgaLlons of clLlzens.
@""? R O 0"5/P JI
8log posL 2 due. 8LAu valenzuela, Arrlagada & Scherman (2012) Anu ?oumans & ?ork (2012). ollLlcal
and revoluLlonary acLlvlsm, proLesL movemenLs.
MMC 6612 syllabus / McAdams 3
@""? K O 0"5/P JQ
8log posL 3 due. 8LAu luchs (2012) Anu 1addlcken (2014). WA1CP 1Lu 1alks: kovacs (2012). rlvacy ln
a dlglLal world. rlvacy as a human rlghL.
@""? S O 0"5/P HK
Class wlll noL meeL (rofessor McAdams wlll be aLLendlng a conference). no blog posL.
@""? T O 6-/P J
8log posL 4 due. 8LAu Marwlck & boyd (2011) Anu Moon & Padley (2014). 1wlLLer as a source of
lnformaLlon, credlblllLy, celebrlLy.
@""? Q O 6-/P U
8log posL 3 due. 8LAu 8erger & Mllkman (2012) Anu ereLLl (2013). WA1CP Lhe vldeo kony 2012 (30
mln.). vlral onllne medla.
@""? U O 6-/P JS
8log posL 6 due. 8LAu Leung & Lee (2014) Anu 8enneLL (2012). arLlclpaLlon.
@""? V O 6-/P HH
8log posL 7 due. 8LAu Shlrky (2011) Anu Comor & 8ean (2012). lreedom of speech, press, and
assembly, publlc dlplomacy and u.S. forelgn pollcy.
@""? JI O 6-/P HV
8log posL 8 due. WA1CP Lhe vldeo 678% 9 6$:/; <'(/3$)#" (1 hr. 28 mln.) Anu also WA1CP 1Lu 1alks:
lerguson (9 mln. 43 sec.). 8emlx culLure, copyrlghL, and lnLellecLual properLy concerns.
@""? JJ O !,9P S
8log posL 9 due. 8LAu Sderberg (2013) and !ohn (2014). ulglLal ouLlaws.
@""? JH O !,9P JH
8log posL 10 due. 8LAu 8lchards (2013) Anu WesL (2013). CovernmenL survelllance of clLlzens, Lhe
Ldward Snowden affalr.
@""? JR O !,9P JV
8log posL 11 due. 8LAu 8rabham (2012) Anu Andersen (2009). Crowdsourclng: WhaL lL ls and can do.
@""? JK O !,9P HT
1hursday ls 1hanksglvlng. Class wlll noL meeL on Wednesday. no blog posL.
@""? JS O *"-P R
8log posL 12 due. 8LAu Lln eL al. (2013) Anu Wasserman (2011). lmpllcaLlons of Lhe moblle lnLerneL.
@""? JT O *"-P JI
Summary and concluslons.

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