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1. Define system software.
2. Give some applications of operating system.
3. Define compiler and interpreter
4. Define loader
5. What is the need of MA register!
". Draw ## instr$ction format.
%. Give any two differences &etween &ase relative addressing and program co$nter
relative addressing $sed in #'()*+.
,. Define indirect addressing
-. Define immediate addressing
1.. /ist o$t any two ('#( and '#( machine.
11. 0ollowing is a memory config$ration1
Address 2al$e egister
1 5 5
5 %
" 5
What is the res$lt of the following statement!
ADD "3immediate4 to 3indirect4
12. 0ollowing is a memory config$ration1
Address 2al$e egister
4 - "
5 %
" 2
What is the res$lt of the following statement! #56 43direct4 to 3direct4
13. What is the name of * and / register in #'( machine and also specify its $se
14. What are the instr$ction formats $sed in #'()*+ architect$re! Give any one format.
15. (onsider the instr$ctions in #'() *+ programming
1. 1... /+7G89 +#W 4
2. ::::: 7+W W;D 3
What is the val$e assign to the sym&ol 7+W
1". What is the difference &etween the instr$ctions /DA < 3 and /DA 89++!
1%. Differentiate trailing n$meric and leading separate n$meric.
1,. What are the addressing modes $sed in 2A* architect$re!
1-. 9ow do yo$ calc$late the act$al address in the case of register indirect with
immediate inde= mode!
2.. Write the se>$ence of instr$ctions to perform the operation 6+8A ? A/@9A A 1
$sing #'( instr$ctions
21. Write the se>$ence of instr$ctions to perform the operation 6+8A ? A/@9AA5 $sing
#'()*+ instr$ctions.
22. What is the $se of 8D instr$ction in #'( architect$re!
1. +=plain in detailB the architect$re of #'()*+ machine.
2. Write short notes on
a. i4Data formats and 'nstr$ction formats3,4
&. ii4 '; programming3,4
3. i4Write a program for #ample inde=ing and looping operation in #'( and #'()*+
machine. 31.4
ii4Write a se>$ence of instr$ctions for #'( to clear a 2. &yte string to all &lanCs.3"4
4. #$ppose alpha is an array of 1.. words. Write a se>$ence of instr$ctions for #'(D*+ to set
all 1.. elements to .
5. i4 Write a se>$ence of instr$ctions for #'( to set A/@9A e>$al to the prod$ct of 6+8A
and GAMMA3"4
ii4 With instr$ction formats e=plain the instr$ction set of #'()*+31.4
". +=plain vario$s addressing modes s$pported &y #'( and #'()*+ with e=amples31"4
1. Define the &asic f$nctions of assem&ler.
2. What is meant &y assem&ler directives. Give e=ample.
3. What is a forward reference!
4. What are the three different records $sed in o&Eect program!
5. What is the need of #FM8A63sym&ol ta&le4 in assem&ler!
". What is the need of ;@8A63operation code ta&le4 in assem&ler!
%. What is the sym&ol defining statement generally $sed in assem&lers!
,. Define relocata&le program.
-. Differentiate a&sol$te e=pression and relative e=pression.
1.. Write the steps re>$ired to translate the so$rce program to o&Eect program
11. What is the $se of the varia&le /;((83location co$nter4 in assem&ler!
12. Define load and go assem&ler.
13. What are the two different types of E$mp statements $sed in MA#M assem&ler!
14. What are the $se of &ase register ta&le in A'* assem&ler!
15. Differentiate the assem&ler directives +#W and +#6.
1". Define modification record and give its format
1%. Write down the pass n$m&ers3@A## 1) @A## 24 of the following activities that occ$r
in a two pass assem&ler1
a. ;&Eect code generation
&. /iterals added to literal ta&le
c. /isting printed
d. Address location of local sym&ols
1,. What is meant &y machine independent assem&ler feat$res!
1-. 9ow the register to register instr$ctions are translated in assem&ler!
2.. What is meant &y e=ternal references!
21. Define control section.
22. What is the difference &etween the assem&ler directive +*8+0 and +*8D+0.
23. Give the general format of define record.
24. Give the $se of assem&ler directive (#+(8 and 5#+
25. What is the $se of the assem&ler directive #8A8.
1. +=plain the design of one pass assem&ler with re>$ired data
str$ct$res and algorithm.
2. i4 What are the data str$ct$res $sed in Assem&ler! Disc$ss how these
str$ct$res are organiGed!3"4
ii4 +=plain the concept of program relocation31.4
3. Disc$ss in detail design of pass1 of two pass assem&ler.
4. 3i4 +=plain in detail the feat$res of MA#M assem&ler for penti$m system 3,4
3ii4 What type of statements cannot &e handled &y a two pass assem&ler and how are
they handled &y a m$ltipass assem&ler3,4
5. +=plain pass2 of two pass assem&ler with algorithm and e=ample
". +=plain vario$s machine independent feat$res of assem&ler
1. What are the &asic f$nctions of loader!
2. Define a&sol$te loader
3. What is meant &y &ootstrap loader!
4. What are relative 3relocative4 loaders!
5. What is the $se of modification record!
". What are the 2 different techni>$es $sed for relocation!
%. elocation &it method
,. Define &it masC
-. What is the need of +#8A6!
1.. What is the $se of the varia&le @;GADD!
11. Write the two passes of a linCing loader.
12. Define a$tomatic li&rary search.
13. /ist the loader options '7(/5D+ HD+/+8+.
14. Give the f$nctions of the linCing loader.
15. Give the difference &etween linCing loader and linCage editors.
1". Define dynamic linCing.
1%. write the advantage of dynamic linCing
1,. What is meant &y static e=ec$ta&le and dynamic e=ec$ta&le!
1-. What is shared and private data!
2.. Write the a&sol$te loader algorithm.
1. Write the algorithm for pass1 of a linCing loader and specify the data str$ct$re
$sed &y this loader
2. Disc$ss in detail design of pass2 of linCing loader
3. +=plain vario$s loader design options in detail
4. +=plain the different machine independent feat$res of loader
5. 3i4 Write short notes on a&sol$te loader 3"4
3ii4 +=plain design of a relocating loader with an e=ample 31.4
". 3i4Disc$ss in detail &ootstrap loader. ,4
3ii4Write notes on M#ID;# /inCer 3,4
1. Define macro processor.
2. What do macro e=pansion statements mean!
3. What are the directives $sed in macro definition!
4. What are the data str$ct$res $sed in macro processor!
5. Define conditional macro e=pansion.
". What is the $se of macro time varia&le!
%. What are the statements $sed for conditional macro e=pansion!
,. What is meant &y positional parameters!
-. (onsider the macro definition
<Define D'#@/AF3+*@4 @rintf3J+*@ ? KdDnLB+*@4
+=pand the macro instr$ction D'#@/AF 3A7#4
1.. What are Cnown as nested macro call!
11. 9ow the macro is processed $sing two passes!
12. Give the advantage of line &y line processors.
13. What is meant &y line &y line processor
14. Give the advantages of general:p$rpose macroprocessors.
15. What is meant &y general:p$rpose macro processors!
1". What are the important factors considered while designing a general p$rpose
1%. What is the sym&ol $sed to generate $ni>$e la&els!
1,. 9ow the nested macro calls are e=ec$ted!
1-. Mention the tasCs involved in macro e=pansion.
2.. 9ow to design the pass str$ct$re of a macro assem&ler!
1. +=plain in detail a&o$t Macro processor algorithm and data str$ct$res.
2. +=plain the following machine independent macro feat$res.
a. (oncatenation of macro parameters 3,4
&. Meyword macro parameters 3,4
3. +=plain in detail a&o$t MA#M macro processor.
4. +=plain A7#' ( macro processor.
5. +=plain conditional macro e=pansion with different types of macro
conditional statements
". i4Why sho$ld a macroprocessor generate $ni>$e la&els and e=plain how $ni>$e
la&els are generated3,4
ii4Disc$ss in &rief a&o$t the data str$ct$res $sed &y a macro processor3,4
1. Define interactive editor!
2. What are the tasCs performed in the editing process!
3. What are the three categories of editorNs devices!
4. What is the f$nction performed in editing phase!
5. Define /ocator device
". What is the f$nction performed in voice inp$t device!
%. What are called toCens!
,. 7ame some of typical toCens.
-. What is meant &y le=eme!
1.. Mention the main disadvantage of interpreter.
11. What is meant &y code optimiGation!
12. What is error handler!
13. 7ame some of te=t editors.
14. What for de&$g monitors are $sed!
15. Mention the feat$res of word processors.
1". What are the phases in performing editing process!
1%. Define traveling phase.
1,. 0iltering phase.
1-. +diting phase.
2.. Define $ser interface
21. Define inp$t device
22. Define o$tp$t devices
23. What are the methods in 'nteraction lang$age of a te=t editor!
24. Define interactive de&$gging systems
25. Define editor str$ct$re.
2". Give the components of editor str$ct$re
2%. What are the &asic types of comp$ting environments $sed in editors f$nctions!
1. +=plain the +ditor str$ct$re with a neat diagram.
2. Write short notes on
a. 'nteractive de&$gging systems 3,4
&. 8e=t editors. 3,4
3. Write short notes on
a. 5ser 'nterface (riteria 3,4
&. 0eat$res that a &asic te=t editor sho$ld posses 3,4
4. +=plain de&$gging f$nctions and its capa&ilities.
5. i49ow are $ser interfaces $sef$l! +=plain3,4
ii4Disc$ss the nat$re of $ser interface for an interactive de&$gger3,4
". Disc$ss in detail a&o$t 'nteractive de&$gging systems

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