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August 11, 2014

Dear Springville Parents,

The office is now open and we are getting ready for our sixth year at Springville School. Following is information that
will be helpful to you.

School Communications

Communication will primarily occur through email. If you require a paper copy, please contact the office at 503-533-
1925. Once the school year starts, the parent newsletter called the Saga will be emailed each first and third Thursday
of the month.

First Days of School

The first day of school for 1
through 8
grades is Tuesday, September 2. The schedule is as follows:
Grades 1 - 8: Classes start at 8:30 a.m. and are dismissed at 3:05 p.m. (bell rings at 8:25)

The first day for kindergarten students is Monday, September 8. Kindergarten schedules vary:
Kindergarten: Morning kindergarten is 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (bell rings at 8:25)
Afternoon kindergarten is 12:35 p.m. to 3:05 p.m.
Full-day kindergarten is 8:30 a.m. to 3:05 p.m.

During the week of September 2
to 5
, kindergarten students will complete a state kindergarten assessment.
Kindergarten teachers will contact parents between August 25-29 to schedule this assessment.

A reminder about student supervision: There is no supervision at school prior to 8:10 a.m. To make sure your
children are in a safe situation, please do not have them arrive prior to that time. Students must be picked up by 3:15
p.m., unless they are participating in an after-school class or program. There is no supervision after 3:15.

For the first day: Students normally will arrive at school and choose an area in which to wait until the bell rings at
8:25 a.m. On the first day, students may go to their classes at 8:15. The bell will ring at 8:25 when all students must
head to their classrooms.

Class Assignments

You and your child will receive a letter in the mail from your child's new teacher. Letters will be mailed the week of
August 25. It is possible that your child's friend may receive a letter before yours arrives, due to huge amounts of
mailings from the district that week.

In addition, you will have an opportunity to bring your child and school supplies to the classroom on Thursday, August
28. See information in the next section.

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Because of our growing school population, last spring the Beaverton School District planned for two portable buildings,
each with two classrooms, to be located near the instructional wing of our school. Third grades will be clustered in
those classrooms. However, due to the multi-step process for permitting and moving portables, they will arrive on the
Springville campus in late October. In the meantime, we have created a plan for temporary locations of third grade
classrooms in the building -- library, music rooms, and extra computer lab. Programs that normally operate from those
spaces (music, for example) will work differently until teachers can move to the portable classrooms. If you are the
parent of a third grader, more information will be coming to you later, such as the location of your child's classroom
when school starts.

New Year Launch, PTO Family Picnic, and School Tours

Students in grades K-8 are invited to bring their school supplies and see the classroom on:
Thursday, August 28, 4:00-5:00 pm New Year Launch

Class lists will be posted in the cafeteria and school maps will be available. This is not a time to talk to your childs
teacher, however simply a time to drop off supplies and help students know where their new classrooms are located.
If you need to talk to the teacher prior to school starting, please email or call the school (503-533-1925). Classrooms
may not be fully set up at that point; teachers will have Friday to continue setting up for the new school year.

Following New Year Launch, you may go out onto the playground for the PTO Family Picnic. This is scheduled for
4:30-6:00 pm. Bring a picnic lunch and blanket; snacks and water will be provided by the PTO.

If you are a new family to Springville, two opportunities for tours are available:

Wednesday, August 27, 3:00-5:00 pm New Family Guided Tours, drop in, wait in the
entry, and a staff person will take you around the building
Thursday, August 28, 4:00-5:00 pm Self-Guided Tour as part of New Year Launch;
pick up maps at entrance

We will have close to 850 students in our school this year. When lots of parents bring their children on the first day, it
is crowded and chaotic. Except for our youngest students, we encourage you NOT to bring your child to the classroom
on the first day of school. We just cant handle the crowds and the halls become an unpleasant experience with too
many people. We are offering the classroom visits above as a way for students to know the location of their
classrooms. In addition, please be assured that staff will be available on the first day of school to assist your child with
the teacher's name and location of the classroom.

Lunch Accounts

Since it could be overwhelming for our cafeteria staff to make hundreds of lunch money deposits on the first day of
school, please consider one of these ways to place money in your child's account prior to the first day:

Make a deposit in the black box by the cafeteria entrance the week prior to school starting. You may deposit
cash or checks for your child's lunch account. Meal costs will become available at the web site listed below.

Payments may be made online or with a toll free number: or call 877-237-0946.
More information is available on the Nutrition Services website:

To apply for free or reduced-price school meals, go to the site below. Applications are also available at school.

Bus Information

If your child rides a bus, the bus route, stop location, and time will be sent to you the week before school starts. You
may also use the eLink on the Transportation website to get routing information for your child, if you live within the
Springville boundaries:
You log in using your childs ID and birthday. Instructions will be on the website.

Times given for bus stops can vary five to ten minutes either way, so please be patient and a little early at your stop. If
there are any changes in bus routes, we will send this information home with students.

Kindergarten Bus Information

Kindergarten students attending in the a.m. will be bused home, and p.m. students will be bused to school. If you live
in an area that is a bused area, your a.m. kindergartner will also be bused to school and your p.m. kindergartner will
also be bused home.

Buses for kindergarten students will start September 8. Your students bus routes will be mailed to you.
Transportation policy: Parents or a designee must be at the stop to meet a.m. kindergarten students when
they go home. The driver will not release a student to a parent who waits up the street, across the street, at the front
door, etc. If a parent is not at the stop, the child will be brought back to the school.

Parent Pick-Up After School

If your child is in kindergarten, 1
, or 1
multi-age, there will be designated places inside the lobby to meet your
child. If your child is in 2
, the designated place will be right outside the lobby doors. Signs will indicate the grade
level and your childs teachers name.
If your child is in 3
to 8
grade, let him or her know you will be meeting outside after school. There is not adequate
space for parents of older students to meet them inside the lobby. Thanks for your help with this.

School Supply Lists

You can find grade level school supply lists on the Springville website:
Look under School in the top menu bar.

School Supply Orders

If you ordered school supplies through the PTO, your child will receive the kit in their classroom on August 28 during
New Year Launch or on the first day of school.


If your child takes medication at school, be sure to bring it on the first day in a container with a pharmacy label about
dosage. You will also need to complete a medication form. Students cannot bring any medications to school,
including over-the-counter medicines and supplements.

First Day Packet

On Tuesday, September 2, your child will bring home a packet of important information for the year. Please read, sign,
and return all appropriate forms as soon as possible. The Springville Parent-Student Handbook, which includes items
to review with your child, will be posted on our website in the main menu. If you need a paper copy of this handbook,
please request one from the office.

School Information Sources

Besides the Springville Student-Parent Handbook listed above, other sources of information about our school are

Website: (school supply lists, calendar, educational program, before and
after school care, and more)
Parent newsletter, called the Saga: This is published the first and third Thursdays of the month, and it will be
posted on our website. You will receive an email reminder when a newsletter is published. If you need a
paper copy, please inform the office.
Calendar: Find this on our website in the main menu. Upcoming events will also be listed in each parent

Parent Orientation Nights

Parent Orientation Nights are scheduled for two different evenings due to the size of our school. Please put these
dates on your calendar. You will be able to attend a session with your childs teacher or grade level team. The
teachers will share information about grade level curriculum, homework expectations, Expeditionary Learning, and
classroom routines. (This event is for parents only. Very limited child care will be available. Please call the office if you
need this in order to attend.)

Thurs., Sept. 4, 6:00-7:00 pm K and 4
Thurs., Sept. 19, 6:00-7:00 pm 3

7:00-8:00 pm 2
multi 7:00-8:00 pm 1
, 5
, 6-8

Staff at Springville

Our certified staff by grade level, program or specialty:

Kindergarten: Amanda Grock (am and pm), Lori Hesson (full day), Katie Eide (am)
First grade: Pam Abbott, Teresa Lewers, Sarah Bruskotter
First/second multi-age: Laura Manning, Jennifer Tonges, Alissa Nergaard
Second grade: Jennifer Falkowski, Linda Culver, Jessica Ekegren
Third grade: Sandy Hoppenrath, Randy Guiley, Lisa Hazel, Terresa Cawthra-Cornelius
Fourth grade: Rhonda Carpenter, Nicole Heniff, Lisa Crnich, Cheryl McLaughlin
Fifth grade: Kim Bakanec, Frank Falkowski, Cynthia Pawlowski, Amy Groom
Sixth grade: Penny Patrick, Dan Shedden
Seventh/eighth grades: Brian Torres, Nancy Hall, Sarah Manuel, Jason Deaner
Specialists: Kellie Rice and Andy Stoughton (PE), Bruce Brownell and Andrea Herinckx (music)
Special education teachers: Dawn Hehman, Doreen Butler, Crystal Risch, TBA
Meredith Bedrick (speech/language pathologist), Josh Boran (part time school psychologist), Christine Hunt
(part time reading intervention teacher), Amanda Sherman and Renee Babb (English as a Second Language
teachers), TBA (full time counselor)

Traffic Pattern Safety Requests

Drop off and pick up your child at the main entrance (second parking lot entrance). Have your child exit on the
curb side. The first parking lot entrance is for buses and staff only.

After school, if you park in a space, you will need to walk to the sidewalk to pick up your child. Children are
not allowed to walk into the parking lot without an adult.

In the parent lot, the entire curb area has "no parking" signs. Although parking spaces are painted there, the
whole curb side is meant to be a drive-through. Avoid parking in these spaces except for evening events.
When you pick up after school, keep moving your car forward as students are picked up by parents.

Please do not leave your vehicle if you are along the curb.

Volunteering at Springville

If you are a new Beaverton School District parent and you want to volunteer, consider completing a background check
before school starts. At the beginning of the school year, the background check volume can take several weeks and
delay your approval. Go to the District website (, check under Parents and Students, and
then click on Get Involved/Volunteer to complete the background check process.

We look forward to meeting you and working with you during the 2014-2015 school year in our Expedition to
Greatness at Springville! We thank you for being our partners in the process of educating your child.


Cheryl Ames, Principal; Jennifer Vanderschuere, Assistant Principal; and
the Springville Staff

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